-- A small prelude

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

-- Note that parts of Agda's standard library make use of the K rule.

module Prelude where

-- Universes

-- Basic type universes and universe levels.

open import Agda.Primitive public
  renaming (Set to Type)
  using (Prop; Level; _⊔_; lzero; lsuc)

    a b c  p                       : Level
    @0 A A₁ A₂ B B₁ B₂ C D Whatever : Type a
    @0 P Q R                        : A  Type p

-- Lifting.

record   (A : Type a) : Type (a  ) where
  constructor lift
  field lower : A

open  public

-- Strings

open import Agda.Builtin.String public using (String)

-- The unit type

-- A variant of the unit type with η-equality.

open import Agda.Builtin.Unit public using (; tt)

-- A variant without η-equality.

data Unit : Type where
  unit : Unit

-- Block s is used to block unfolding (for performance reasons). The
-- string can be used to indicate what it is that is blocked.

Block : String  Type
Block _ = Unit

pattern  = unit

-- A function that can be used to locally block something.

block : (Unit  A)  A
block f = f 

-- A function that can be used to unblock something.

unblock : (b : Unit) (@0 P : Unit  Type p)  P   P b
unblock  _ p = p

-- The empty type

-- A family of empty types.

data  {} : Type  where

-- An eliminator for the empty types.

⊥-elim₀ : @0  { = }  Whatever
⊥-elim₀ ()

-- A variant of the eliminator that takes a non-erased argument.

⊥-elim :  { = }  Whatever
⊥-elim x = ⊥-elim₀ x

-- A version of the empty type that is not universe-polymorphic.

⊥₀ : Type
⊥₀ = 

-- Negation.

infix 3 ¬_

¬_ : Type   Type 
¬ P = P  ⊥₀

-- Natural numbers

open import Agda.Builtin.Nat public
  using (zero; suc; _+_; _*_)
  renaming (Nat to ; _-_ to _∸_)

-- Dependent eliminator.

ℕ-rec : P 0  (∀ n  P n  P (suc n))   n  P n
ℕ-rec z s zero    = z
ℕ-rec z s (suc n) = s n (ℕ-rec z s n)

-- A non-recursive variant of ℕ-rec.

ℕ-case : P 0  (∀ n  P (suc n))   n  P n
ℕ-case z s = ℕ-rec z  n _  s n)

-- Exponentiation.

infixr 8 _^_

_^_ :     
m ^ zero  = 1
m ^ suc n = m * m ^ n

-- Factorial.

infix 9 _!

_! :   
zero  ! = 1
suc n ! = suc n * n !

-- Translation from natural numbers to levels.

# :   Level
# zero    = lzero
# (suc n) = lsuc (# n)

-- Combinators defined using only abstraction and application

infixr 9 _∘_
infixl 1 _on_
infixr 0 _$_

-- The identity function.

id : A  A
id x = x

-- Composition.

_∘_ :
  {@0 B : A  Type b} {@0 C : {x : A}  B x  Type c} 
  (∀ {x} (y : B x)  C y)  (g : (x : A)  B x) 
  ((x : A)  C (g x))
f  g = λ x  f (g x)

-- "Equational" reasoning combinators.

infix  -1 finally-→
infixr -2 step-→

-- For an explanation of why step-→ is defined in this way, see
-- Equality.step-≡.

step-→ : (@0 A : Type a)  (B  C)  (A  B)  A  C
step-→ _ f g = f  g

syntax step-→ A B→C A→B = A →⟨ A→B  B→C

finally-→ : (@0 A : Type a) (@0 B : Type b)  (A  B)  A  B
finally-→ _ _ A→B = A→B

syntax finally-→ A B A→B = A →⟨ A→B ⟩□ B 

-- Application.

_$_ :
  {@0 B : A  Type b} 
  ((x : A)  B x)  ((x : A)  B x)
f $ x = f x

-- Constant functions.

const : A  (B  A)
const x = λ _  x

{-# DISPLAY const x y = x #-}

-- Flips the first two arguments.

flip :
  {@0 C : A  B  Type c} 
  ((x : A) (y : B)  C x y)  ((y : B) (x : A)  C x y)
flip f = λ x y  f y x

-- Applies the unary function to each argument and combines the
-- results using the binary function.

_on_ :
  {@0 C : B  B  Type c} 
  ((x y : B)  C x y) 
  (f : A  B) 
  ((x y : A)  C (f x) (f y))
_*_ on f = λ x y  f x * f y

-- A term's type.

Type-of : {A : Type a}  A  Type a
Type-of {A} _ = A

-- Type signatures.

infix 0 type-signature

type-signature : (@0 A : Type a)  A  A
type-signature _ a = a

syntax type-signature A a = a  A

-- The it function can be used to instantiate an argument by using
-- instance search.

it :  _ : A   A
it  (x)  = x

-- Case expressions (to be used with pattern-matching lambdas).

infix 0 case_return_of_ case_of_

case_return_of_ :
  (x : A) (@0 B : A  Type b)  ((x : A)  B x)  B x
case x return B of f = f x

case_of_ : A  (A  B)  B
case x of f = case x return _ of f

-- Σ-types

infixr 4 _,′_
infixr 2 _×_

open import Agda.Builtin.Sigma public
  using (Σ; _,_)
  hiding (module Σ)
  renaming (fst to proj₁; snd to proj₂)

module Σ where

  open Agda.Builtin.Sigma.Σ public
    using ()
    renaming (fst to proj₁; snd to proj₂)

  -- Variants of the projections with erased type arguments.

  proj₁₀ :
    {@0 B : A  Type b} 
    Σ A B  A
  proj₁₀ (x , y) = x

  proj₂₀ :
    {@0 B : A  Type b}
    (p : Σ A B)  B (proj₁ p)
  proj₂₀ (x , y) = y

open Σ public using (proj₁₀; proj₂₀)

-- A variant where the first argument is implicit.

 : {A : Type a}  (A  Type b)  Type (a  b)
 = Σ _

-- Binary products.

_×_ : (A : Type a) (B : Type b)  Type (a  b)
A × B = Σ A (const B)

-- A variant of _,_ that is specialised to _×_. Use of this variant
-- can make type-inference easier.

_,′_ : A  B  A × B
x ,′ y = x , y

-- A map function.

Σ-map :
  (f : A  B)  (∀ {x}  P x  Q (f x)) 
  Σ A P  Σ B Q
Σ-map f g = λ p  (f (proj₁₀ p) , g (proj₂₀ p))

-- Zip.

Σ-zip :
  (f : A  B  C)  (∀ {x y}  P x  Q y  R (f x y)) 
  Σ A P  Σ B Q  Σ C R
Σ-zip f g = λ p q  (f (proj₁₀ p) (proj₁₀ q) , g (proj₂₀ p) (proj₂₀ q))

-- Curry and uncurry.

curry :
  {@0 B : A  Type b} {@0 C : Σ A B  Type c} 
  ((p : Σ A B)  C p) 
  ((x : A) (y : B x)  C (x , y))
curry f x y = f (x , y)

uncurry :
  {@0 B : A  Type b} {@0 C : Σ A B  Type c} 
  ((x : A) (y : B x)  C (x , y)) 
  ((p : Σ A B)  C p)
uncurry f (x , y) = f x y

-- Swaps the two components of the pair.

swap : A × B  B × A
swap (x , y) = y , x

-- W-types

data W (A : Type a) (B : A  Type b) : Type (a  b) where
  sup : (x : A) (f : B x  W A B)  W A B

-- Projections.

headᵂ :
  {@0 B : A  Type b} 
  W A B  A
headᵂ (sup x f) = x

tailᵂ :
  {@0 B : A  Type b} 
  (x : W A B)  B (headᵂ x)  W A B
tailᵂ (sup x f) = f

-- A map function.

W-map :
  (f : A  B) 
  (∀ {x}  Q (f x)  P x) 
  W A P  W B Q
W-map f g (sup x h) = sup (f x)  y  W-map f g (h (g y)))

-- If B is always inhabited, then W A B is empty.


  inhabited⇒W-empty :
    {@0 B : A  Type b} 
    (∀ x  B x)  ¬ W A B
  inhabited⇒W-empty b (sup x f) = inhabited⇒W-empty b (f (b x))

-- Binary sums

infixr 1 _⊎_

data _⊎_ (A : Type a) (B : Type b) : Type (a  b) where
  inj₁ : (x : A)  A  B
  inj₂ : (y : B)  A  B

-- Eliminator for binary sums.

[_,_] :
  {@0 C : A  B  Type c} 
  ((x : A)  C (inj₁ x))  ((x : B)  C (inj₂ x)) 
  ((x : A  B)  C x)
[ f , g ] (inj₁ x) = f x
[ f , g ] (inj₂ y) = g y

-- A generalisation of if-then-else.

infix 5 if_then_else_

if_then_else_ : A  B  C  C  C
if x then t else f = [ const t , const f ] x

-- A generalisation of not.

not : A  B  B  A
not (inj₁ x) = inj₂ x
not (inj₂ x) = inj₁ x

-- A map function.

⊎-map : (A₁  A₂)  (B₁  B₂)  A₁  B₁  A₂  B₂
⊎-map f g = [  x  inj₁ (f x)) ,  x  inj₂ (g x)) ]

-- The function from-⊎ is a safe analogue of fromJust. For an example
-- of how from-⊎ can be used, see
-- Quotient.equivalence-but-not-strong-equivalence.

From-⊎ : {A B : Type }  A  B  Type 
From-⊎ {A} (inj₁ _) = A
From-⊎ {B} (inj₂ _) = B

from-⊎ : (x : A  B)  From-⊎ x
from-⊎ (inj₁ x) = x
from-⊎ (inj₂ y) = y

-- A special case of binary sums: decided predicates.

Dec : Type p  Type p
Dec P = P  ¬ P

pattern yes p = inj₁ p
pattern no  p = inj₂ p

-- Decidable relations.

Decidable : {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
            (A  B  Type )  Type (a  b  )
Decidable _∼_ =  x y  Dec (x  y)

-- Exclusive or.

infixr 1 _Xor_

_Xor_ : Type a  Type b  Type (a  b)
A Xor B = (A × ¬ B)  (¬ A × B)

-- Maybe.

Maybe : Type a  Type a
Maybe A =   A

pattern nothing = inj₁ tt
pattern just x  = inj₂ x

-- The truth predicate T is only inhabited when its argument is
-- inj₁ something.

T : A  B  Type
T b = if b then  else 

-- Booleans

-- Booleans.

Bool : Type
Bool =   

pattern true  = inj₁ tt
pattern false = inj₂ tt

-- And.

infixr 6 _∧_

_∧_ : Bool  Bool  Bool
b₁  b₂ = if b₁ then b₂ else false

-- Or.

infixr 5 _∨_

_∨_ : Bool  Bool  Bool
b₁  b₂ = if b₁ then true else b₂

-- Lists

open import Agda.Builtin.List public using (List; []; _∷_)

-- Finite sets

Fin :   Type
Fin zero    = 
Fin (suc n) =   Fin n

pattern fzero  = inj₁ tt
pattern fsuc i = inj₂ i

-- Some relation combinators

-- Combines two relations into a relation on functions.

_→-rel_ : {A : Type a} {C : Type c} 
          (A  C  Type )  (B  D  Type ) 
          (A  B)  (C  D)  Type (a  c  )
(P →-rel Q) f g =  x y  P x y  Q (f x) (g y)

-- Combines two relations into a relation on products.

_×-rel_ : (A  C  Type )  (B  D  Type )  A × B  C × D  Type 
(P ×-rel Q) (x , u) (y , v) = P x y × Q u v

-- Combines two relations into a relation on sums.

_⊎-rel_ : (A  C  Type )  (B  D  Type )  A  B  C  D  Type 
(P ⊎-rel Q) (inj₁ x) (inj₁ y) = P x y
(P ⊎-rel Q) (inj₁ x) (inj₂ v) = 
(P ⊎-rel Q) (inj₂ u) (inj₁ y) = 
(P ⊎-rel Q) (inj₂ u) (inj₂ v) = Q u v