-- Idempotent monadic modalities

-- Unless otherwise noted this code is based on "Modalities in
-- Homotopy Type Theory" by Rijke, Shulman and Spitters, and/or (some
-- version of) the corresponding Coq code. (Details may differ, and
-- perhaps there are some "obvious" results that do not have direct
-- counterparts in the work of Rijke, Shulman and Spitters, even
-- though there is no note about this.)

-- The definitions in this module are reexported from Modality.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Modality.Basics
  {c⁺} (eq-J :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c⁺) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq-J

open import Erased.Basics as E using (Erased)
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Accessibility eq-J as A using (Acc; Well-founded; _<W_)
open import Bijection eq-J as Bijection using (_↔_; Has-quasi-inverse)
open import Embedding eq-J as Emb using (Embedding; Is-embedding)
open import Equality.Decision-procedures eq-J
open import Equivalence eq-J as Eq using (_≃_; Is-equivalence)
open import Equivalence.Erased.Basics eq-J as EEq
  using (_≃ᴱ_; Is-equivalenceᴱ)
open import Equivalence.Erased.Contractible-preimages.Basics eq-J
  using (Contractibleᴱ; _⁻¹ᴱ_)
import Equivalence.Half-adjoint eq-J as HA
open import Equivalence.List eq-J
open import Equivalence.Path-split eq-J as PS
  using (_-Null_; Is-∞-extendable-along-[_])
open import Erased.Box-cong-axiomatisation eq-J
  using ([]-cong-axiomatisation)
open import Extensionality eq-J
open import For-iterated-equality eq-J
open import Function-universe eq-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level eq-J as H-level
open import H-level.Closure eq-J
open import Monad eq-J
open import Preimage eq-J as Preimage using (_⁻¹_)
open import Surjection eq-J using (_↠_; Split-surjective)
open import Univalence-axiom eq-J
open import Vec.Dependent eq-J as Vec using (Vec)

    a c d                                    : Level
    A B B₁ B₂ C                              : Type a
    eq f g i k m m₁ m₂ n p s x y z z₁ z₂ _<_ : A
    P Q                                      : A  Type p

-- Modalities

 module Dummy where

  -- The following is a definition of "modality" based on that in (one
  -- version of) the Coq code accompanying "Modalities in Homotopy
  -- Type Theory".
  -- One difference is that in the Coq code the proof showing that the
  -- modality predicate is propositional is allowed to make use of
  -- function extensionality for arbitrary universe levels.

  record Modality-record a : Type (lsuc a) where
      -- The modal operator.
       : Type a  Type a

      -- The modal unit.
      η : A   A

      -- A type A is modal if Modal A is inhabited.
      Modal : Type a  Type a

      -- Modal A is propositional (assuming function extensionality).
      Modal-propositional :
        Extensionality a a 
        Is-proposition (Modal A)

      -- ◯ A is modal.
      Modal-◯ : Modal ( A)

      -- Modal respects equivalences.
      Modal-respects-≃ : A  B  Modal A  Modal B

      -- Pointwise modal families of type ◯ A → Type a are
      -- ∞-extendable along η.
      extendable-along-η :
        {P :  A  Type a} 
        (∀ x  Modal (P x)) 
        Is-∞-extendable-along-[ η ] P

open Dummy using (module Modality-record)
open Dummy public
  hiding (module Modality-record)
  renaming (Modality-record to Modality)

-- Uniquely eliminating modalities

-- The following is a definition of "uniquely eliminating modality"
-- based on that in "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory".

record Uniquely-eliminating-modality a : Type (lsuc a) where
                        : Type a  Type a
    η                    : A   A
    uniquely-eliminating :
      Is-equivalence  (f : (x :  A)   (P x))  f  η)

  -- Some definitions and lemmas

  -- A type is modal if η is an equivalence for this type.

  Modal : Type a  Type a
  Modal A = Is-equivalence (η {A = A})

  -- If A is modal, then A is equivalent to ◯ A.

  Modal→≃◯ : Modal A  A   A
  Modal→≃◯ m = Eq.⟨ _ , m 

  -- The type (x : ◯ A) → ◯ (P x) is equivalent to
  -- (x : A) → ◯ (P (η x)).

  Π◯◯≃Π◯η : ((x :  A)   (P x))  ((x : A)   (P (η x)))
  Π◯◯≃Π◯η = Eq.⟨ _ , uniquely-eliminating 

  -- A type is stable if ◯ A implies A.

  Stable : Type a  Type a
  Stable A =  A  A

  -- If A is stable, and the stability proof is a left inverse of η,
  -- then A is modal.

  Stable→left-inverse→Modal :
    (s : Stable A)  s  η  id  Modal A
  Stable→left-inverse→Modal {A} s s-η =
    _≃_.is-equivalence $
    Eq.↔→≃ η s
       x  cong (_$ x) η-s)
       x  cong (_$ x) s-η)
    contr : Contractible ((λ (f :  A   A)  f  η) ⁻¹ η)
    contr = Preimage.bijection⁻¹-contractible (_≃_.bijection Π◯◯≃Π◯η) _

    η-s : η  s  id
    η-s =
      η  s               ≡⟨ cong proj₁ $ sym $ contr .proj₂ (η  s , (

        η  s  η              ≡⟨ cong (η ∘_) s-η 
        η  id                 ≡⟨⟩
        η                      )) 

      _≃_.from Π◯◯≃Π◯η η  ≡⟨ cong proj₁ $ contr .proj₂ (id , refl η) ⟩∎

  -- The type ◯ A is modal.

  Modal-◯ : Modal ( A)
  Modal-◯ {A} = Stable→left-inverse→Modal η⁻¹ η⁻¹-η
    η⁻¹ :  ( A)   A
    η⁻¹ = _≃_.from Π◯◯≃Π◯η id

    η⁻¹-η : η⁻¹  η  id
    η⁻¹-η =
      _≃_.from Π◯◯≃Π◯η id  η       ≡⟨⟩
      (_∘ η) (_≃_.from Π◯◯≃Π◯η id)  ≡⟨ _≃_.right-inverse-of Π◯◯≃Π◯η _ ⟩∎

  -- If P : ◯ A → Type a is pointwise modal, then it is ∞-extendable
  -- along η (assuming function extensionality).

  extendable-along-η :
    {P :  A  Type a} 
    Extensionality a a 
    (∀ x  Modal (P x)) 
    Is-∞-extendable-along-[ η ] P
  extendable-along-η {A} {P} ext m =                  $⟨ equiv 
    Is-equivalence  (f : (x :  A)  P x)  f  η)  ↝⟨ inverse $ PS.Is-∞-extendable-along≃Is-equivalence ext ⟩□
    Is-∞-extendable-along-[ η ] P                     
    equiv : Is-equivalence  (f : (x :  A)  P x)  f  η)
    equiv =
      _≃_.is-equivalence $
        (((x :  A)  P x)        ↝⟨ ∀-cong ext (Modal→≃◯  m) 
         ((x :  A)   (P x))    ↝⟨ Π◯◯≃Π◯η 
         ((x : A)   (P (η x)))  ↝⟨ ∀-cong ext (inverse  Modal→≃◯  m  η) ⟩□
         ((x : A)  P (η x))      )
        (_∘ η)
         f  apply-ext ext λ x 
           _≃_.from (Modal→≃◯ (m (η x))) (η (f (η x)))  ≡⟨ _≃_.left-inverse-of (Modal→≃◯ (m (η x))) _ ⟩∎
           f (η x)                                      )

  -- Eliminators

  -- A dependent eliminator for ◯.

  ◯-elim :
    {P :  A  Type a} 
    (∀ x  Modal (P x)) 
    ((x : A)  P (η x)) 
    ((x :  A)  P x)
  ◯-elim {A} {P} m =
    ((x : A)  P (η x))      →⟨ η ∘_ 
    ((x : A)   (P (η x)))  ↔⟨ inverse Π◯◯≃Π◯η 
    ((x :  A)   (P x))    →⟨ _≃_.from (Modal→≃◯ (m _)) ∘_ ⟩□
    ((x :  A)  P x)        

  -- A "computation rule" for ◯-elim.

  ◯-elim-η :
    {P :  A  Type a} {f : (x : A)  P (η x)}
    (m :  x  Modal (P x)) 
    ◯-elim m f (η x)  f x
  ◯-elim-η {x} {P} {f} m =
    _≃_.from (Modal→≃◯ (m _))
      (_≃_.from (Π◯◯≃Π◯η {P = P}) (η  f) (η x))         ≡⟨⟩

    _≃_.from (Modal→≃◯ (m _))
      (((_∘ η) (_≃_.from (Π◯◯≃Π◯η {P = P}) (η  f))) x)  ≡⟨ cong (_≃_.from (Modal→≃◯ (m _))) $ cong (_$ x) $
                                                            _≃_.right-inverse-of Π◯◯≃Π◯η _ 

    _≃_.from (Modal→≃◯ (m _)) (η (f x))                  ≡⟨ _≃_.left-inverse-of (Modal→≃◯ (m _)) _ ⟩∎

    f x                                                  

  -- A non-dependent eliminator for ◯.

  ◯-rec : Modal B  (A  B)  ( A  B)
  ◯-rec m = ◯-elim  _  m)

  -- A "computation rule" for ◯-rec.

  ◯-rec-η :  m  ◯-rec m f (η x)  f x
  ◯-rec-η m = ◯-elim-η  _  m)

  -- More lemmas

  -- A map function for ◯.

  ◯-map : (A  B)   A   B
  ◯-map f = ◯-rec Modal-◯ (η  f)

  -- A "computation rule" for ◯-map.

  ◯-map-η : ◯-map f (η x)  η (f x)
  ◯-map-η = ◯-rec-η Modal-◯

  -- Modal respects equivalences (assuming function extensionality).

  Modal-respects-≃ :
    Extensionality a a 
    A  B  Modal A  Modal B
  Modal-respects-≃ {A} {B} ext A≃B m =
      ( B  →⟨ ◯-map (_≃_.from A≃B) 
        A  →⟨ _≃_.from $ Modal→≃◯ m 
       A    →⟨ _≃_.to A≃B ⟩□
       B    )
      (apply-ext ext λ x 

       _≃_.to A≃B (_≃_.from (Modal→≃◯ m) (◯-map (_≃_.from A≃B) (η x)))  ≡⟨ cong (_≃_.to A≃B  _≃_.from (Modal→≃◯ m)) ◯-map-η 
       _≃_.to A≃B (_≃_.from (Modal→≃◯ m) (η (_≃_.from A≃B x)))          ≡⟨ cong (_≃_.to A≃B) $ _≃_.left-inverse-of (Modal→≃◯ m) _ 
       _≃_.to A≃B (_≃_.from A≃B x)                                      ≡⟨ _≃_.right-inverse-of A≃B _ ⟩∎
       x                                                                )

  -- A uniquely eliminating modality is a modality (assuming function
  -- extensionality).
  -- See also Modality.uniquely-eliminating below.

  modality :
    Extensionality a a 
    Modality a
  modality ext = λ where

    .Modality-record.η  η

    .Modality-record.Modal  Modal


    .Modality-record.Modal-◯  Modal-◯

    .Modality-record.Modal-respects-≃  Modal-respects-≃ ext

    .Modality-record.extendable-along-η  extendable-along-η ext

-- Σ-closed reflective subuniverses

-- The Coq code accompanying "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" uses
-- a somewhat different definition of reflective subuniverses than the
-- paper:
-- * The definition has been adapted to Coq's notion of universe
--   polymorphism.
-- * The proof showing that the modality predicate is propositional is
--   allowed to make use of function extensionality for arbitrary
--   universe levels.
-- * One extra property is assumed: if A and B are equivalent and A is
--   modal, then B is modal.
-- * The property stating that λ (f : ◯ A → B) → f ∘ η is an
--   equivalence for all types A and modal types B is replaced by a
--   property that is intended to avoid uses of extensionality. This
--   property is stated using Is-∞-extendable-along-[_].
-- (This refers to one version of the code, which seems to have
-- changed since I first looked at it.)
-- Here is a definition of Σ-closed reflective subuniverses that is
-- based on the definition of reflective subuniverses in (one version
-- of) the Coq code of Rijke et al. Note that Modal-propositional is
-- only given access to function extensionality for a given universe
-- level.

record Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse a : Type (lsuc a) where
         : Type a  Type a
    η     : A   A
    Modal : Type a  Type a

    Modal-propositional :
      Extensionality a a 
      Is-proposition (Modal A)

    Modal-◯ : Modal ( A)

    Modal-respects-≃ : A  B  Modal A  Modal B

    extendable-along-η :
      Modal B  Is-∞-extendable-along-[ η ]  (_ :  A)  B)

    Σ-closed : Modal A  (∀ x  Modal (P x))  Modal (Σ A P)

  -- Eliminators

  -- A non-dependent eliminator for ◯.

  ◯-rec : Modal B  (A  B)  ( A  B)
  ◯-rec m f = extendable-along-η m 1 .proj₁ f .proj₁

  -- A "computation rule" for ◯-rec.

  ◯-rec-η : ◯-rec m f (η x)  f x
  ◯-rec-η = extendable-along-η _ 1 .proj₁ _ .proj₂ _

  -- If f and g have type ◯ A → B, where B is modal, and f ∘ η and
  -- g ∘ η are pointwise equal, then f and g are pointwise equal.

  ∘η≡∘η→≡ :
    {f g :  A  B} 
    Modal B 
    (∀ x  f (η x)  g (η x)) 
     x  f x  g x
  ∘η≡∘η→≡ m p =
    extendable-along-η m 2 .proj₂ _ _ .proj₁ p .proj₁

  -- A "computation rule" for ∘η≡∘η→≡.

  ∘η≡∘η→≡-η : ∘η≡∘η→≡ m p (η x)  p x
  ∘η≡∘η→≡-η =
    extendable-along-η _ 2 .proj₂ _ _ .proj₁ _ .proj₂ _

  -- A dependent eliminator for ◯.

  ◯-elim :
    {P :  A  Type a} 
    (∀ x  Modal (P x)) 
    ((x : A)  P (η x)) 
    ((x :  A)  P x)
  ◯-elim {A} {P} m f x =
    subst P (lemma x) (f′ x .proj₂)
    f′ :  A  Σ ( A) P
    f′ = ◯-rec (Σ-closed Modal-◯ m)  x  η x , f x)

    lemma :  x  f′ x .proj₁  x
    lemma = ∘η≡∘η→≡ Modal-◯ λ x 
      ◯-rec (Σ-closed Modal-◯ m)  x  η x , f x) (η x) .proj₁  ≡⟨ cong proj₁ ◯-rec-η ⟩∎
      η x                                                        

  -- A "computation rule" for ◯-elim.

  ◯-elim-η :
    {P :  A  Type a}
    {m :  x  Modal (P x)}
    {f : (x : A)  P (η x)} 
    ◯-elim m f (η x)  f x
  ◯-elim-η {x} {P} {m} {f} =
    subst P (∘η≡∘η→≡ Modal-◯  _  cong proj₁ ◯-rec-η) (η x))
      (◯-rec (Σ-closed Modal-◯ m)  x  η x , f x) (η x) .proj₂)  ≡⟨ cong (flip (subst P) _) ∘η≡∘η→≡-η 

    subst P (cong proj₁ ◯-rec-η)
      (◯-rec (Σ-closed Modal-◯ m)  x  η x , f x) (η x) .proj₂)  ≡⟨ sym $ subst-∘ _ _ _ 

    subst (P  proj₁) ◯-rec-η
      (◯-rec (Σ-closed Modal-◯ m)  x  η x , f x) (η x) .proj₂)  ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                                         {y} eq  subst (P  proj₁) eq (y .proj₂)  f x)
                                                                        (subst-refl _ _)
                                                                        _ ⟩∎
    f x                                                            

  -- Some basic definitions and lemmas

  -- If η is an equivalence for A, then A is modal.

  Is-equivalence-η→Modal :
    Is-equivalence (η {A = A})  Modal A
  Is-equivalence-η→Modal {A} =
    Is-equivalence (η {A = A})  →⟨ Eq.⟨ _ ,_⟩ 
    A   A                     →⟨ Modal-respects-≃  inverse 
    (Modal ( A)  Modal A)     →⟨ _$ Modal-◯ ⟩□
    Modal A                     

  -- A type is stable if ◯ A implies A.

  Stable : Type a  Type a
  Stable A =  A  A

  -- If A is stable, and the stability proof is a left inverse of η,
  -- then A is modal.

  Stable→left-inverse→Modal :
    (s : Stable A)  (∀ x  s (η x)  x)  Modal A
  Stable→left-inverse→Modal s eq =
    Is-equivalence-η→Modal $
    _≃_.is-equivalence $
      (∘η≡∘η→≡ Modal-◯ (cong η  eq))

  -- A type is separated if equality is modal for this type.
  -- This definition is taken from "Localization in homotopy type
  -- theory" by Christensen, Opie, Rijke and Scoccola.

  Separated : Type a  Type a
  Separated = For-iterated-equality 1 Modal

  -- If a type is modal, then it is separated.

  Modal→Separated : Modal A  Separated A
  Modal→Separated m x y =
      ( (x  y)  →⟨ ∘η≡∘η→≡
                       {f = λ (_ :  (x  y))  x}
                       {g = λ (_ :  (x  y))  y}
                       id ⟩□
       x  y      )
       _  ∘η≡∘η→≡-η)

  -- One can strengthen extendable-along-η.

  stronger-extendable-along-η :
    {P :  A  Type a} 
    (∀ x  Modal (P x)) 
    Is-∞-extendable-along-[ η ] P
  stronger-extendable-along-η m zero    = _
  stronger-extendable-along-η m (suc n) =
       f  ◯-elim m f , λ _  ◯-elim-η)
    , λ _ _ 
           x  Modal→Separated (m x) _ _) n

  -- A Σ-closed reflective subuniverse is a modality.
  -- See also Modality.Σ-closed below.

  modality : Modality a
  modality = λ where
    .Modality-record.η                    η
    .Modality-record.Modal                Modal
    .Modality-record.Modal-propositional  Modal-propositional
    .Modality-record.Modal-◯              Modal-◯
    .Modality-record.Modal-respects-≃     Modal-respects-≃
    .Modality-record.extendable-along-η   stronger-extendable-along-η

-- Connectedness

-- ◯ -Connected A means that A is ◯-connected.

_-Connected_ : (Type a  Type a)  Type a  Type a
 -Connected A = Contractible ( A)

-- ◯ -Connected-→ f means that f is ◯-connected.

_-Connected-→_ :
  {A B : Type a} 
  (Type a  Type a)  (A  B)  Type a
 -Connected-→ f =  y   -Connected (f ⁻¹ y)

-- ◯ -Connected A is propositional (assuming function extensionality).

Connected-propositional :
  Extensionality a a 
  ( : Type a  Type a) 
  Is-proposition ( -Connected A)
Connected-propositional ext _ = H-level-propositional ext 0

-- ◯ -Connected-→ f is propositional (assuming function
-- extensionality).

Connected-→-propositional :
  Extensionality a a 
  ( : Type a  Type a) 
  Is-proposition ( -Connected-→ f)
Connected-→-propositional ext  =
  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
  Connected-propositional ext 

-- I did not take the remaining definitions in this section from
-- "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq code.

-- _-Connectedᴱ_ is a variant of _-Connected_ that uses Contractibleᴱ
-- instead of Contractible.
-- See also Modality.Connectedᴱ-propositional.

_-Connectedᴱ_ : (Type a  Type a)  Type a  Type a
 -Connectedᴱ A = Contractibleᴱ ( A)

-- _-Connected-→ᴱ_ is a variant of _-Connected→_ that uses
-- _-Connectedᴱ_ instead of _-Connected_ and _⁻¹ᴱ_ instead of _⁻¹_.
-- See also Modality.Connected-→ᴱ-propositional.

_-Connected-→ᴱ_ :
  {A B : Type a} 
  (Type a  Type a)  (A  B)  Type a
 -Connected-→ᴱ f =  y   -Connectedᴱ (f ⁻¹ᴱ y)

-- Some definitions

-- A definition of what it means for a modality to be left exact,
-- based on Theorem 3.1 (i) in "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory".

Left-exact : (Type a  Type a)  Type (lsuc a)
Left-exact {a}  =
  {A : Type a} {x y : A} 
   -Connected A   -Connected (x  y)

-- Left-exact ◯ is propositional (assuming function extensionality).

Left-exact-propositional :
  { : Type a  Type a} 
  Extensionality (lsuc a) a 
  Is-proposition (Left-exact )
Left-exact-propositional {} ext =
  implicit-Π-closure ext  1 λ _ 
  implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
  implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
  Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
  Connected-propositional ext′ 
  ext′ = lower-extensionality _ lzero ext

-- A definition of what it means for a modality to be accessible.
-- This definition is based on (one version of) the Coq code
-- accompanying "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory". Originally I had
-- allowed I and P to target a different, possibly larger universe,
-- because I had missed that the two universe levels occurring in the
-- Coq code were not unconstrained. However, it was pointed out to me
-- by Felix Cherubini and Christian Sattler (and perhaps someone else)
-- that my definition was not correct.

Accessible : Modality a  Type (lsuc a)
Accessible {a} M =
   λ (I : Type a) 
   λ (P : I  Type a) 
    (A : Type a) 
    Modal A 
    Is-∞-extendable-along-[  (_ : P i)  lift tt) ]
       (_ :  a )  A)
  open Modality-record M

-- A definition of what it means for a modality to be topological.
-- This definition is based on (one version of) the Coq code
-- accompanying "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory".

Topological : Modality a  Type (lsuc a)
Topological M =
   λ ((_ , P , _) : Accessible M) 
     i  Is-proposition (P i)

-- A definition of what it means for a modality to be cotopological.

Cotopological : (Type a  Type a)  Type (lsuc a)
Cotopological {a}  =
  Left-exact  ×
  ({A : Type a}  Is-proposition A   -Connected A  Contractible A)

-- Cotopological ◯ is propositional (assuming function extensionality).

Cotopological-propositional :
  { : Type a  Type a} 
  Extensionality (lsuc a) a 
  Is-proposition (Cotopological )
Cotopological-propositional {} ext =
  ×-closure 1 (Left-exact-propositional ext) $
  implicit-Π-closure ext  1 λ _ 
  Π-closure          ext′ 1 λ _ 
  Π-closure          ext′ 1 λ _ 
  H-level-propositional ext′ 0
  ext′ = lower-extensionality _ lzero ext

-- I did not take the remaining definitions in this section from
-- "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq code
-- (but "Modal ⊥" is used in the Coq code).

-- A modality is called empty-modal if the empty type is modal.

Empty-modal : Modality a  Type a
Empty-modal M = Modal 
  open Modality-record M

-- Empty-modal M is propositional (assuming function extensionality).

Empty-modal-propositional :
  {M : Modality a} 
  Extensionality a a 
  Is-proposition (Empty-modal M)
Empty-modal-propositional {M} ext =
  Modal-propositional ext
  open Modality-record M

-- A modality is called "very modal" if ◯ (Modal A) always holds.
-- I did not take this definition from "Modalities in Homotopy Type
-- Theory" or the corresponding Coq code.
-- See also Modality.Very-modal-propositional.

Very-modal : Modality a  Type (lsuc a)
Very-modal {a} M = {A : Type a}   (Modal A)
  open Modality-record M

-- A modality of type Modality a is W-modal if W A P is modal whenever
-- A is modal (for any A : Type a and P : A → Type a).

W-modal : Modality a  Type (lsuc a)
W-modal {a} M =
  {A : Type a} {P : A  Type a} 
  Modal A  Modal (W A P)
  open Modality-record M

-- W-modal M is propositional (assuming function extensionality).

W-modal-propositional :
  {M : Modality a} 
  Extensionality (lsuc a) (lsuc a) 
  Is-proposition (W-modal M)
W-modal-propositional {M} ext =
  implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
  implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality lzero _ ext) 1 λ _ 
  Π-closure (lower-extensionality _ _ ext) 1 λ _ 
  Modal-propositional (lower-extensionality _ _ ext)
  open Modality-record M

-- Some results that hold for every modality

module Modality (M : Modality a) where

  open Modality-record M public

  -- Eliminators

  -- The eliminators are opaque in order to make types printed by Agda
  -- potentially easier to read.


    -- An eliminator for ◯.

    ◯-elim :
      {P :  A  Type a} 
      (∀ x  Modal (P x)) 
      ((x : A)  P (η x)) 
      ((x :  A)  P x)
    ◯-elim m f = extendable-along-η m 1 .proj₁ f .proj₁

    -- A "computation rule" for ◯-elim.

    ◯-elim-η : ◯-elim m f (η x)  f x
    ◯-elim-η {m} {f} {x} =
      extendable-along-η m 1 .proj₁ f .proj₂ x

    -- A non-dependent eliminator for ◯.

    ◯-rec : Modal B  (A  B)  ( A  B)
    ◯-rec m = ◯-elim  _  m)

    -- A "computation rule" for ◯-rec.

    ◯-rec-η : ◯-rec m f (η x)  f x
    ◯-rec-η = ◯-elim-η

    -- If f and g have type (x : ◯ A) → P x, where P x is modal for
    -- all x, and f ∘ η and g ∘ η are pointwise equal, then f and g
    -- are pointwise equal.

    ∘η≡∘η→≡ :
      {f g : (x :  A)  P x} 
      (∀ x  Modal (P x)) 
      (∀ x  f (η x)  g (η x)) 
       x  f x  g x
    ∘η≡∘η→≡ m p =
      extendable-along-η m 2 .proj₂ _ _ .proj₁ p .proj₁

    -- A "computation rule" for ∘η≡∘η→≡.

    ∘η≡∘η→≡-η : ∘η≡∘η→≡ m p (η x)  p x
    ∘η≡∘η→≡-η {m} {p} =
      extendable-along-η m 2 .proj₂ _ _ .proj₁ p .proj₂ _

  -- Some basic definitions and lemmas

  -- If η is an equivalence for A, then A is modal.

  Is-equivalence-η→Modal :
    Is-equivalence (η {A = A})  Modal A
  Is-equivalence-η→Modal {A} =
    Is-equivalence (η {A = A})  →⟨ Eq.⟨ _ ,_⟩ 
    A   A                     →⟨ Modal-respects-≃  inverse 
    (Modal ( A)  Modal A)     →⟨ _$ Modal-◯ ⟩□
    Modal A                     

  -- A type is stable if ◯ A implies A.

  Stable : Type a  Type a
  Stable A =  A  A

  -- If A is stable, and the stability proof is a left inverse of η,
  -- then A is modal.

  Stable→left-inverse→Modal :
    (s : Stable A)  (∀ x  s (η x)  x)  Modal A
  Stable→left-inverse→Modal s eq =
    Is-equivalence-η→Modal $
    _≃_.is-equivalence $
      (∘η≡∘η→≡  _  Modal-◯) (cong η  eq))

  -- Stable propositions are modal.

  Stable→Is-proposition→Modal :
    Stable A  Is-proposition A  Modal A
  Stable→Is-proposition→Modal s prop =
    Stable→left-inverse→Modal s  _  prop _ _)

  -- A type is separated if equality is modal for this type.
  -- This definition is taken from "Localization in homotopy type
  -- theory" by Christensen, Opie, Rijke and Scoccola.

  Separated : Type a  Type a
  Separated = For-iterated-equality 1 Modal

  -- If a type is modal, then it is separated.

  Modal→Separated : Modal A  Separated A
  Modal→Separated m x y =
      ( (x  y)  →⟨ ∘η≡∘η→≡
                       {f = λ (_ :  (x  y))  x}
                       {g = λ (_ :  (x  y))  y}
                        _  m)
                       id ⟩□
       x  y      )
       _  ∘η≡∘η→≡-η)

  -- The type ◯ A is separated.

  Separated-◯ : Separated ( A)
  Separated-◯ = Modal→Separated Modal-◯

  -- If ◯ (x ≡ y) holds, then η x is equal to η y.

  η-cong :  (x  y)  η x  η y
  η-cong = ◯-rec (Separated-◯ _ _) (cong η)

  -- A "computation rule" for η-cong.

  η-cong-η : η-cong (η p)  cong η p
  η-cong-η = ◯-rec-η

  -- A is modal if and only if η is an equivalence for A.

  Modal≃Is-equivalence-η :
    Modal A ↝[ a  a ] Is-equivalence (η {A = A})
  Modal≃Is-equivalence-η =
         { to = λ m 
             _≃_.is-equivalence $
               (◯-rec m id)
                   _  Separated-◯ _ _)
                   _  cong η ◯-rec-η))
                _  ◯-rec-η)
         ; from = Is-equivalence-η→Modal

  -- If A is modal, then A is equivalent to ◯ A.

  Modal→≃◯ : Modal A  A   A
  Modal→≃◯ m = Eq.⟨ _ , Modal≃Is-equivalence-η _ m 

  -- If A is modal, then η is an embedding for A.

  Modal→Is-embedding-η :
    Modal A  Is-embedding (η  (A   A))
  Modal→Is-embedding-η m =
      (Modal≃Is-equivalence-η _ m)

  -- For modal types the function η has an inverse.

  η⁻¹ : Modal A   A  A
  η⁻¹ m = _≃_.from (Modal→≃◯ m)

  η-η⁻¹ : η (η⁻¹ m x)  x
  η-η⁻¹ = _≃_.right-inverse-of (Modal→≃◯ _) _

  η⁻¹-η : η⁻¹ m (η x)  x
  η⁻¹-η = _≃_.left-inverse-of (Modal→≃◯ _) _

  -- When proving that A is modal one can assume that ◯ A is
  -- inhabited.

  [◯→Modal]→Modal : ( A  Modal A)  Modal A
  [◯→Modal]→Modal m =
    Is-equivalence-η→Modal $
    HA.[inhabited→Is-equivalence]→Is-equivalence $
    Modal≃Is-equivalence-η _  m

  -- The function subst can sometimes be "pushed" through η.

  subst-η : subst (  P) eq (η p)  η (subst P eq p)
  subst-η {P} {eq} {p} =
       eq   p  subst (  P) eq (η p)  η (subst P eq p))
         subst (  P) (refl _) (η p)  ≡⟨ subst-refl _ _ 
         η p                           ≡⟨ cong η $ sym $ subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎
         η (subst P (refl _) p)        )
      eq p

  -- Some closure properties related to Modal

  -- The unit type (lifted) is modal.

  Modal-⊤ : Modal ( a )
  Modal-⊤ = Stable→left-inverse→Modal _ refl

  -- Modal is closed under "Π A" (assuming function
  -- extensionality).

  Modal-Π :
    {A : Type a} {P : A  Type a} 
    Extensionality a a 
    (∀ x  Modal (P x))  Modal ((x : A)  P x)
  Modal-Π ext m =
       f x  ◯-rec (m x) (_$ x) f)
       f  apply-ext ext λ x 
         ◯-rec (m x) (_$ x) (η f)  ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η ⟩∎
         f x                       )

  -- Modal is closed under Σ.

  Modal-Σ : Modal A  (∀ x  Modal (P x))  Modal (Σ A P)
  Modal-Σ {P} mA mP =
           ◯-rec mA proj₁ p
         , ◯-elim
             (mP  ◯-rec mA proj₁)
             (subst P (sym ◯-rec-η)  proj₂)
       (x , y) 
           (subst P ◯-rec-η
                 (mP  ◯-rec mA proj₁)
                 (subst P (sym ◯-rec-η)  proj₂)
                 (η (x , y)))                          ≡⟨ cong (subst P ◯-rec-η) ◯-elim-η 

            subst P ◯-rec-η (subst P (sym ◯-rec-η) y)  ≡⟨ subst-subst-sym _ _ _ ⟩∎

            y                                          ))

  -- A generalisation of Modal-Σ.

  Modal-Σ≃Π-Modal :
    Modal A 
    Modal (Σ A P) ↝[ a  a ] (∀ x  Modal (P x))
  Modal-Σ≃Π-Modal {A} {P} m =
         { from = Modal-Σ m
         ; to   = flip λ x 
             Modal (Σ A P)                          ↝⟨ flip Modal-Σ  _  Modal→Separated m _ _) 
             Modal ( λ ((y , _) : Σ A P)  y  x)  ↝⟨ Modal-respects-≃ $ from-bijection $ inverse Σ-assoc 
             Modal ( λ (y : A)  P y × y  x)      ↝⟨ Modal-respects-≃ $ from-bijection $ inverse $ ∃-intro _ _ ⟩□
             Modal (P x)                            
         Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
         Modal-propositional ext)

  -- If A is modal, then Contractible A is modal (assuming function
  -- extensionality).

  Modal-Contractible :
    Extensionality a a 
    Modal A  Modal (Contractible A)
  Modal-Contractible ext m =
    Modal-Σ m λ _ 
    Modal-Π ext λ _ 
    Modal→Separated m _ _

  -- If f has type A → B, where A is modal and B is separated, then
  -- f ⁻¹ y is modal.

  Modal-⁻¹ :
    {f : A  B} 
    Modal A 
    Separated B 
    Modal (f ⁻¹ y)
  Modal-⁻¹ m s = Modal-Σ m λ _  s _ _

  -- If f has type A → B, where A and B are separated, then
  -- HA.Proofs f g is modal (assuming function extensionality).

  Modal-Half-adjoint-proofs :
    {f : A  B} 
    Extensionality a a 
    Separated A 
    Separated B 
    Modal (HA.Proofs f g)
  Modal-Half-adjoint-proofs ext sA sB =
    Modal-Σ (Modal-Π ext λ _  sB _ _) λ _ 
    Modal-Σ (Modal-Π ext λ _  sA _ _) λ _ 
    Modal-Π ext λ _  Modal→Separated (sB _ _) _ _

  -- If f has type A → B, where A is modal and B is separated, then
  -- Is-equivalence f is modal (assuming function extensionality).

  Modal-Is-equivalence :
    {f : A  B} 
    Extensionality a a 
    Modal A 
    Separated B 
    Modal (Is-equivalence f)
  Modal-Is-equivalence ext m s =
    Modal-Σ (Modal-Π ext λ _  m) λ _ 
    Modal-Half-adjoint-proofs ext (Modal→Separated m) s

  -- If A and B are modal, then A ≃ B is modal (assuming function
  -- extensionality).

  Modal-≃ :
    Extensionality a a 
    Modal A  Modal B  Modal (A  B)
  Modal-≃ ext mA mB =
    Modal-respects-≃ (inverse $ Eq.↔⇒≃ Eq.≃-as-Σ) $
    Modal-Σ (Modal-Π ext λ _  mB) λ _ 
    Modal-Is-equivalence ext mA (Modal→Separated mB)

  -- I did not take the remaining results in this section from
  -- "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq
  -- code (but that does not mean that one cannot find something
  -- similar in those places).

  -- If A is "modal n levels up", then H-level′ n A is modal (assuming
  -- function extensionality).

  Modal-H-level′ :
    Extensionality a a 
    For-iterated-equality n Modal A 
    Modal (H-level′ n A)
  Modal-H-level′ {A} ext n =
    For-iterated-equality n Modal A                   ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n (Modal-Contractible ext) 
    For-iterated-equality n (Modal  Contractible) A  ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-commutes-← _ Modal n (Modal-Π ext) ⟩□
    Modal (H-level′ n A)                              

  -- If A is "modal n levels up", then H-level n A is modal (assuming
  -- function extensionality).

  Modal-H-level :
    Extensionality a a 
    For-iterated-equality n Modal A 
    Modal (H-level n A)
  Modal-H-level {A} ext n =
    For-iterated-equality n Modal A  ↝⟨ Modal-H-level′ ext n 
    Modal (H-level′ n A)             ↝⟨ Modal-respects-≃ (inverse $ H-level↔H-level′ ext) ⟩□
    Modal (H-level n A)              

  -- Some generalisations of Modal→Separated.

  Modalⁿ→Modal¹⁺ⁿ :
    For-iterated-equality n       Modal A 
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Modal A
  Modalⁿ→Modal¹⁺ⁿ {A} n =
    For-iterated-equality n Modal A        →⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n Modal→Separated 
    For-iterated-equality n Separated A    →⟨ For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality n 1 _ ⟩□
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Modal A  

  Modal→Modalⁿ :
    Modal A 
    For-iterated-equality n Modal A
  Modal→Modalⁿ     zero    = id
  Modal→Modalⁿ {A} (suc n) =
    Modal A                                →⟨ Modal→Modalⁿ n 
    For-iterated-equality n Modal A        →⟨ Modalⁿ→Modal¹⁺ⁿ n ⟩□
    For-iterated-equality (suc n) Modal A  

  -- The function ◯-map

  -- The function ◯-map is opaque in order to make types printed by
  -- Agda potentially easier to read.


    -- A map function for ◯.

    ◯-map : (A  B)   A   B
    ◯-map f = ◯-rec Modal-◯ (η  f)

    -- A "computation rule" for ◯-map.

    ◯-map-η : ◯-map f (η x)  η (f x)
    ◯-map-η = ◯-rec-η

  -- ◯-map id is pointwise equal to id.

  ◯-map-id : {x :  A}  ◯-map id x  id x
  ◯-map-id =
      {P = λ x  ◯-map id x  x}
       _  Separated-◯ _ _)
         ◯-map id (η x)  ≡⟨ ◯-map-η ⟩∎
         η x             )

  -- ◯-map commutes with composition (pointwise).

  ◯-map-∘ :
    {f : B  C} {g : A  B} 
    ◯-map (f  g) x  (◯-map f  ◯-map g) x
  ◯-map-∘ {f} {g} =
      {P = λ x  ◯-map (f  g) x  ◯-map f (◯-map g x)}
       _  Separated-◯ _ _)
         ◯-map (f  g) (η x)      ≡⟨ ◯-map-η 
         η (f (g x))              ≡⟨ sym ◯-map-η 
         ◯-map f (η (g x))        ≡⟨ cong (◯-map f) $ sym ◯-map-η ⟩∎
         ◯-map f (◯-map g (η x))  )

  -- ◯-map (const x) is pointwise equal to const (η x).

  ◯-map-const : ◯-map (const x) y  const (η x) y
  ◯-map-const {x} {y} =
      {P = λ y  ◯-map (const x) y  η x}
       _  Separated-◯ _ _)
         ◯-map (const x) (η y)  ≡⟨ ◯-map-η 
         η x                    )

  -- ◯-map respects pointwise equality.

  ◯-map-cong : (∀ x  f x  g x)  ◯-map f x  ◯-map g x
  ◯-map-cong {f} {g} {x} p =
      {f = ◯-map f}
      {g = ◯-map g}
       _  Modal-◯)
         ◯-map f (η x)  ≡⟨ ◯-map-η 
         η (f x)        ≡⟨ cong η (p x) 
         η (g x)        ≡⟨ sym ◯-map-η ⟩∎
         ◯-map g (η x)  )

  -- I did not take the remaining lemmas in this section from
  -- "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq
  -- code.

  -- A fusion lemma for ◯-elim and ◯-map.

  ◯-elim-◯-map :
    {g : A  B} 
    ◯-elim {P = P} m f (◯-map g x) 
      {P = P  ◯-map g}
      (m  ◯-map g)
      (subst P (sym ◯-map-η)  f  g)
  ◯-elim-◯-map {P} {m} {f} {x} {g} =
      {P = λ x 
             ◯-elim {P = P} m f (◯-map g x) 
               {P = P  ◯-map g}
               (m  ◯-map g)
               (subst P (sym ◯-map-η)  f  g)
       x  Modal→Separated (m (◯-map g x)) _ _)
         ◯-elim m f (◯-map g (η x))                                  ≡⟨ elim¹
                                                                           {y} eq  ◯-elim m f y  subst P eq (f (g x)))
           ◯-elim m f (η (g x))                                            ≡⟨ ◯-elim-η 
           f (g x)                                                         ≡⟨ sym $ subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎
           subst P (refl (η (g x))) (f (g x))                              )
         subst P (sym ◯-map-η) (f (g x))                             ≡⟨ sym ◯-elim-η ⟩∎
         ◯-elim (m  ◯-map g) (subst P (sym ◯-map-η)  f  g) (η x)  )

  -- A fusion lemma for ◯-rec and ◯-map.

  ◯-rec-◯-map : ◯-rec m f (◯-map g x)  ◯-rec m (f  g) x
  ◯-rec-◯-map {m} {f} {g} {x} =
      {P = λ x  ◯-rec m f (◯-map g x)  ◯-rec m (f  g) x}
       _  Modal→Separated m _ _)
         ◯-rec m f (◯-map g (η x))  ≡⟨ cong (◯-rec m f) ◯-map-η 
         ◯-rec m f (η (g x))        ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η 
         f (g x)                    ≡⟨ sym ◯-rec-η ⟩∎
         ◯-rec m (f  g) (η x)      )

  -- Some preservation lemmas

  -- I did not take the results in this section from "Modalities in
  -- Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq code (but perhaps
  -- something resembling at least some of these results can be found
  -- there).

  -- ◯ preserves logical equivalences.

  ◯-cong-⇔ : A  B   A   B
  ◯-cong-⇔ A⇔B = record
    { to   = ◯-map (_⇔_.to   A⇔B)
    ; from = ◯-map (_⇔_.from A⇔B)

  -- ◯ preserves split surjections.

  ◯-cong-↠ : A  B   A   B
  ◯-cong-↠ A↠B = record
    { logical-equivalence = ◯-cong-⇔ (_↠_.logical-equivalence A↠B)
    ; right-inverse-of    = ◯-elim
         _  Separated-◯ _ _)
           ◯-map (_↠_.to A↠B) (◯-map (_↠_.from A↠B) (η y))  ≡⟨ cong (◯-map (_↠_.to A↠B)) ◯-map-η 
           ◯-map (_↠_.to A↠B) (η (_↠_.from A↠B y))          ≡⟨ ◯-map-η 
           η (_↠_.to A↠B (_↠_.from A↠B y))                  ≡⟨ cong η $ _↠_.right-inverse-of A↠B _ ⟩∎
           η y                                              )

  -- ◯ preserves bijections.

  ◯-cong-↔ : A  B   A   B
  ◯-cong-↔ A↔B = record
    { surjection      = ◯-cong-↠ (_↔_.surjection A↔B)
    ; left-inverse-of = ◯-elim
         _  Separated-◯ _ _)
           ◯-map (_↔_.from A↔B) (◯-map (_↔_.to A↔B) (η x))  ≡⟨ cong (◯-map (_↔_.from A↔B)) ◯-map-η 
           ◯-map (_↔_.from A↔B) (η (_↔_.to A↔B x))          ≡⟨ ◯-map-η 
           η (_↔_.from A↔B (_↔_.to A↔B x))                  ≡⟨ cong η $ _↔_.left-inverse-of A↔B _ ⟩∎
           η x                                              )

  -- ◯ preserves equivalences.

  ◯-cong-≃ : A  B   A   B
  ◯-cong-≃ = from-isomorphism  ◯-cong-↔  from-isomorphism

  -- ◯ preserves equivalences with erased proofs.

  ◯-cong-≃ᴱ : A ≃ᴱ B   A ≃ᴱ  B
  ◯-cong-≃ᴱ A≃ᴱB =
    EEq.[≃]→≃ᴱ (EEq.[proofs] (◯-cong-≃ (EEq.≃ᴱ→≃ A≃ᴱB)))


    -- If A ↝[ c ∣ d ] B holds, then ◯ A ↝[ k ] ◯ B holds for all k for
    -- which Extensionality? k c d holds.

    ◯-cong-↝ :
      Extensionality? k c d 
      A ↝[ c  d ] B 
       A ↝[ k ]  B
    ◯-cong-↝ {k = implication} _   hyp = ◯-map (hyp _)
    ◯-cong-↝                   ext hyp = ◯-cong-↝-sym ext hyp

    -- A variant of ◯-cong-↝.

    ◯-cong-↝-sym :
      Extensionality? k c d 
      (∀ {k}  Extensionality?  k ⌋-sym c d  A ↝[  k ⌋-sym ] B) 
       A ↝[ k ]  B
    ◯-cong-↝-sym ext hyp = generalise-ext?′
      (◯-cong-⇔ (hyp _))
       ext  _≃_.bijection $ ◯-cong-≃ (hyp ext))
       ext  ◯-cong-≃ᴱ (hyp E.[ ext ]))


    -- A variant of ◯-cong-↝-sym.

    ◯-cong-↝ᴱ :
      @0 Extensionality? k c d 
      A ↝[ c  d ]ᴱ B 
       A ↝[ k ]  B
    ◯-cong-↝ᴱ {k = implication} _   hyp = ◯-map (hyp _)
    ◯-cong-↝ᴱ                   ext hyp = ◯-cong-↝-symᴱ ext hyp

    -- A variant of ◯-cong-↝-sym.

    ◯-cong-↝-symᴱ :
      @0 Extensionality? k c d 
      (∀ {k}  @0 Extensionality?  k ⌋-sym c d  A ↝[  k ⌋-sym ] B) 
       A ↝[ k ]  B
    ◯-cong-↝-symᴱ ext hyp = generalise-erased-ext?
      (◯-cong-⇔ (hyp _))
       ext  _≃_.bijection $ ◯-cong-≃ (hyp ext))

  -- Some equivalences and related results

  -- If A and B are equivalent, then Modal A and Modal B are
  -- equivalent (assuming function extensionality).

  Modal-cong :
    Extensionality? k a a 
    A  B  Modal A ↝[ k ] Modal B
  Modal-cong {A} {B} ext A≃B =
         { to   = Modal-respects-≃ A≃B
         ; from = Modal-respects-≃ (inverse A≃B)

  -- The type (x : ◯ A) → ◯ (P x) is inhabited if and only if
  -- (x : A) → ◯ (P (η x)) is.

  Π◯◯≃Π◯η :
    ((x :  A)   (P x)) ↝[ a  a ] ((x : A)   (P (η x)))
  Π◯◯≃Π◯η =
      (record { to = _∘ η; from = ◯-elim  _  Modal-◯) })
            f  apply-ext ext λ x 
              ◯-elim  _  Modal-◯) f (η x)  ≡⟨ ◯-elim-η ⟩∎
              f x                             )
         ,  f  apply-ext ext (◯-elim  _  Separated-◯ _ _) λ x 
              ◯-elim  _  Modal-◯) (f  η) (η x)  ≡⟨ ◯-elim-η ⟩∎
              f (η x)                               )))

  -- ◯ (↑ a ⊤) is equivalent to ⊤.

  ◯-⊤ :  ( a )  
  ◯-⊤ =
     ( a )  ↝⟨ inverse Eq.⟨ _ , Modal≃Is-equivalence-η _ Modal-⊤  
     a       ↔⟨ Bijection.↑↔ ⟩□


    -- ◯ commutes with _×_.

    ◯× :  (A × B)  ( A ×  B)
    ◯× {A} {B} = Eq.↔→≃
      (◯-rec m′ (Σ-map η η))
      (uncurry λ x  ◯-rec Modal-◯ λ y  ◯-map (_, y) x)
       (x , y) 
         ◯-rec m′ (Σ-map η η) (◯-rec Modal-◯  y  ◯-map (_, y) x) y)  ≡⟨ ◯-elim
                                                                             {P = λ y 
                                                                                    ◯-rec m′ (Σ-map η η)
                                                                                      (◯-rec Modal-◯  y  ◯-map (_, y) x) y) 
                                                                                    (x , y)}
                                                                              _  Modal→Separated m′ _ _)
           ◯-rec m′ (Σ-map η η)
             (◯-rec Modal-◯  y  ◯-map (_, y) x) (η y))                       ≡⟨ cong (◯-rec _ _)

           ◯-rec m′ (Σ-map η η) (◯-map (_, y) x)                                ≡⟨ ◯-elim
                                                                                      _  Modal→Separated m′ _ _)
             ◯-rec m′ (Σ-map η η) (◯-map (_, y) (η x))                                  ≡⟨ cong (◯-rec _ _)

             ◯-rec m′ (Σ-map η η) (η (x , y))                                           ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η ⟩∎

             (η x , η y)                                                                )
                                                                                     x ⟩∎
           (x , η y)                                                            )
                                                                             _ ⟩∎
         (x , y)                                                        )
          _  Separated-◯ _ _)
          (x , y) 
            uncurry  x  ◯-rec Modal-◯ λ y  ◯-map (_, y) x)
              (◯-rec m′ (Σ-map η η) (η (x , y)))                ≡⟨ cong (uncurry λ x  ◯-rec Modal-◯ λ y  ◯-map (_, y) x)
            uncurry  x  ◯-rec Modal-◯ λ y  ◯-map (_, y) x)
              (η x , η y)                                       ≡⟨⟩

            ◯-rec Modal-◯  y  ◯-map (_, y) (η x)) (η y)      ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η 

            ◯-map (_, y) (η x)                                  ≡⟨ ◯-map-η ⟩∎

            η (x , y)                                           ))
      m′ : Modal ( A ×  B)
      m′ = Modal-Σ Modal-◯ λ _  Modal-◯

    -- Four "computation rules" for ◯×.

    ◯×-η : _≃_.to ◯× (η (x , y))  (η x , η y)
    ◯×-η = ◯-rec-η

    ◯×⁻¹-ηʳ : {y : B}  _≃_.from ◯× (x , η y)  ◯-map (_, y) x
    ◯×⁻¹-ηʳ {x} {y} =
      ◯-rec Modal-◯  y  ◯-map (_, y) x) (η y)  ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η ⟩∎
      ◯-map (_, y) x                              

    ◯×⁻¹-η : {y : B}  _≃_.from ◯× (η x , η y)  η (x , y)
    ◯×⁻¹-η {x} {y} =
      _≃_.from ◯× (η x , η y)  ≡⟨ ◯×⁻¹-ηʳ 
      ◯-map (_, y) (η x)       ≡⟨ ◯-map-η ⟩∎
      η (x , y)                

    ◯×⁻¹-ηˡ : {y :  B}  _≃_.from ◯× (η x , y)  ◯-map (x ,_) y
    ◯×⁻¹-ηˡ {x} {y} =
        {P = λ y  _≃_.from ◯× (η x , y)  ◯-map (x ,_) y}
         _  Separated-◯ _ _)
           _≃_.from ◯× (η x , η y)  ≡⟨ ◯×⁻¹-η 
           η (x , y)                ≡⟨ sym ◯-map-η ⟩∎
           ◯-map (x ,_) (η y)       )

  -- I did not take the remaining results and definitions in this
  -- section from "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" or the
  -- corresponding Coq code (but that does not mean that one cannot
  -- find something similar in those places).

  -- ◯ commutes with Vec n (in a certain sense).

  ◯-Vec :  (Vec n P)  Vec n (  P)
  ◯-Vec {n = zero} =
     ( a )  ↝⟨ ◯-⊤ 
              ↔⟨ inverse Bijection.↑↔ ⟩□
  ◯-Vec {n = suc n} {P} =
     (P fzero × Vec n (P  fsuc))      ↝⟨ ◯× 
     (P fzero) ×  (Vec n (P  fsuc))  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ◯-Vec) ⟩□
     (P fzero) × Vec n (  P  fsuc)  

  -- A "computation rule" for ◯-Vec.

  ◯-Vec-η :
    {xs : Vec n P} 
    _≃_.to ◯-Vec (η xs)  Vec.map η xs
  ◯-Vec-η {n = zero}                = refl _
  ◯-Vec-η {n = suc _} {xs = x , xs} =
    Σ-map id (_≃_.to ◯-Vec) (_≃_.to ◯× (η (x , xs)))  ≡⟨ cong (Σ-map id (_≃_.to ◯-Vec)) ◯×-η 
    Σ-map id (_≃_.to ◯-Vec) (η x , η xs)              ≡⟨ cong (_ ,_) ◯-Vec-η ⟩∎
    η x , Vec.map η xs                                

  -- A lemma relating Vec.index and ◯-Vec.

  index-◯-Vec :
    {xs : Vec n (  P)} 
    ◯-map  xs  Vec.index xs i) (_≃_.from ◯-Vec xs) 
    Vec.index xs i
  index-◯-Vec {n = suc _} {i = fzero} {xs = x , xs} =
      {P = λ x  ◯-map proj₁ (_≃_.from ◯× (x , _≃_.from ◯-Vec xs))  x}
       _  Separated-◯ _ _)
         ◯-map proj₁ (_≃_.from ◯× (η x , _≃_.from ◯-Vec xs))  ≡⟨ cong (◯-map _) ◯×⁻¹-ηˡ 
         ◯-map proj₁ (◯-map (x ,_) (_≃_.from ◯-Vec xs))       ≡⟨ sym ◯-map-∘ 
         ◯-map (const x) (_≃_.from ◯-Vec xs)                  ≡⟨ ◯-map-const ⟩∎
         η x                                                  )
  index-◯-Vec {n = suc _} {i = fsuc i} {xs = x , xs} =
    ◯-map  (_ , xs)  Vec.index xs i)
      (_≃_.from ◯× (x , _≃_.from ◯-Vec xs))                ≡⟨ ◯-map-∘ 

    ◯-map  xs  Vec.index xs i)
      (◯-map proj₂ (_≃_.from ◯× (x , _≃_.from ◯-Vec xs)))  ≡⟨ cong (◯-map _) $
                                                                {P = λ xs  ◯-map proj₂ (_≃_.from ◯× (x , xs))  xs}
                                                                 _  Separated-◯ _ _)
      ◯-map proj₂ (_≃_.from ◯× (x , η xs))                         ≡⟨ cong (◯-map _) ◯×⁻¹-ηʳ 
      ◯-map proj₂ (◯-map (_, xs) x)                                ≡⟨ sym ◯-map-∘ 
      ◯-map (const xs) x                                           ≡⟨ ◯-map-const ⟩∎
      η xs                                                         )

    ◯-map  xs  Vec.index xs i) (_≃_.from ◯-Vec xs)      ≡⟨ index-◯-Vec ⟩∎

    Vec.index xs i                                         

  -- A lemma relating ◯-Vec and Vec.tabulate.

  ◯-Vec-tabulate-η :
    {f : (i : Fin n)  P i} 
    _≃_.from ◯-Vec (Vec.tabulate (η  f)) 
    η (Vec.tabulate f)
  ◯-Vec-tabulate-η {n = zero}      = refl _
  ◯-Vec-tabulate-η {n = suc n} {f} =
    _≃_.from ◯×
      (η (f fzero) , _≃_.from ◯-Vec (Vec.tabulate (η  f  fsuc)))  ≡⟨ cong (_≃_.from ◯×  (_ ,_)) ◯-Vec-tabulate-η 

    _≃_.from ◯× (η (f fzero) , η (Vec.tabulate (f  fsuc)))         ≡⟨ ◯×⁻¹-η ⟩∎

    η (f fzero , Vec.tabulate (f  fsuc))                           

  -- If A is modal, then ◯ (Σ A P) is equivalent to Σ A (◯ ∘ P).

  Modal→◯Σ≃Σ◯ :
    Modal A 
     (Σ A P)  Σ A (  P)
  Modal→◯Σ≃Σ◯ {A} {P} m = Eq.↔→≃
    (◯-rec m′ (Σ-map id η))
     (x , y)  ◯-map (x ,_) y)
    (uncurry λ x 
       ◯-elim  _  Modal→Separated m′ _ _) λ y 
         ◯-rec m′ (Σ-map id η) (◯-map (x ,_) (η y))  ≡⟨ cong (◯-rec m′ (Σ-map id η)) ◯-map-η 
         ◯-rec m′ (Σ-map id η) (η (x , y))           ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η ⟩∎
         (x , η y)                                   )
        _  Separated-◯ _ _)
        (x , y) 
          (let x′ , y′ = ◯-rec m′ (Σ-map id η) (η (x , y)) in
           ◯-map (x′ ,_) y′)                                   ≡⟨ cong  (p : Σ A (  P))  let x′ , y′ = p in ◯-map (x′ ,_) y′)

          ◯-map (x ,_) (η y)                                   ≡⟨ ◯-map-η ⟩∎

          η (x , y)                                            ))
    m′ = Modal-Σ m λ _  Modal-◯

  -- Choice

  -- I did not take the definitions in this section from "Modalities
  -- in Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq code (but that
  -- does not mean that one cannot find something similar in those
  -- places).

  -- The inverse of a choice principle (that may or may not hold).

  ◯Π→Π◯ :
    {A : Type a} {P : A  Type a} 
     ((x : A)  P x)  ((x : A)   (P x))
  ◯Π→Π◯ = flip (◯-map  flip _$_)

  -- A "computation rule" for ◯Π→Π◯.

  ◯Π→Π◯-η :
    Extensionality a a 
    ◯Π→Π◯ (η f)  η  f
  ◯Π→Π◯-η ext = apply-ext ext λ _  ◯-map-η

  -- ◯Π→Π◯ commutes with ◯-map in a certain way.

  ◯Π→Π◯-◯-map :
    {f :  {x}  P x  Q x} {g :  ((x : A)  P x)} 
    ◯Π→Π◯ (◯-map (f ∘_) g) x  ◯-map f (◯Π→Π◯ g x)
  ◯Π→Π◯-◯-map {x} {f} {g} =
      {P = λ g  ◯Π→Π◯ (◯-map (f ∘_) g) x  ◯-map f (◯Π→Π◯ g x)}
       _  Separated-◯ _ _)
         ◯Π→Π◯ (◯-map (f ∘_) (η g)) x  ≡⟨ cong (flip ◯Π→Π◯ _) ◯-map-η 
         ◯Π→Π◯ (η (f  g)) x           ≡⟨ ◯-map-η 
         η (f (g x))                   ≡⟨ sym ◯-map-η 
         ◯-map f (η (g x))             ≡⟨ cong (◯-map _) $ sym ◯-map-η ⟩∎
         ◯-map f (◯Π→Π◯ (η g) x)       )

  -- A definition of what it means for the modality to "have choice
  -- for A".
  -- The definition is a little convoluted. In the presence of
  -- function extensionality it can be simplified, see
  -- Has-choice-for≃Is-equivalence-◯Π→Π◯. With the present formulation
  -- one can prove certain things without assuming function
  -- extensionality:
  -- * One can prove that modalities with choice satisfy certain
  --   properties (see Modality.Has-choice).
  -- * One can prove that very modal modalities have choice (see
  --   Modality.Very-modal.has-choice).

  Has-choice-for : Type a  Type (lsuc a)
  Has-choice-for A =
    {P : A  Type a} 
     λ (Π◯→◯Π : (∀ x   (P x))   (∀ x  P x)) 
     λ (◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π :  f x  ◯Π→Π◯ (Π◯→◯Π f) x  f x) 
    Extensionality a a 
     λ (equiv : Is-equivalence (◯Π→Π◯ {P = P})) 
    let eq = Eq.⟨ _ , equiv  in
     λ (Π◯→◯Π≡ : Π◯→◯Π  _≃_.from eq) 
     f x 
    ◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π f x 
    (◯Π→Π◯ (Π◯→◯Π f) x            ≡⟨ cong  g  ◯Π→Π◯ (g f) x) Π◯→◯Π≡ 
     _≃_.to eq (_≃_.from eq f) x  ≡⟨ ext⁻¹ (_≃_.right-inverse-of eq f) x ⟩∎
     f x                          )

  -- In the presence of function extensionality Has-choice-for A is
  -- equivalent to {P : A → Type a} → Is-equivalence (◯Π→Π◯ {P = P}).

  Has-choice-for≃Is-equivalence-◯Π→Π◯ :
    Extensionality (lsuc a) (lsuc a) 
    Has-choice-for A 
    ({P : A  Type a}  Is-equivalence (◯Π→Π◯ {P = P}))
  Has-choice-for≃Is-equivalence-◯Π→Π◯ ext =
    implicit-∀-cong ext λ {P} 

    ( λ (Π◯→◯Π : (∀ x   (P x))   (∀ x  P x)) 
      λ (◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π :  f x  ◯Π→Π◯ (Π◯→◯Π f) x  f x) 
     Extensionality a a 
      λ (equiv : Is-equivalence (◯Π→Π◯ {P = P})) 
     let eq = Eq.⟨ _ , equiv  in
      λ (Π◯→◯Π≡ : Π◯→◯Π  _≃_.from eq) 
      f x 
     ◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π f x 
     trans (cong  g  ◯Π→Π◯ (g f) x) Π◯→◯Π≡)
       (ext⁻¹ (_≃_.right-inverse-of eq f) x))                     ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                      drop-⊤-left-Π (lower-extensionality lzero _ ext) $
                                                                      _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                        (Extensionality-propositional ext)
    ( λ (Π◯→◯Π : (∀ x   (P x))   (∀ x  P x)) 
      λ (◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π :  f x  ◯Π→Π◯ (Π◯→◯Π f) x  f x) 
      λ (equiv : Is-equivalence (◯Π→Π◯ {P = P})) 
     let eq = Eq.⟨ _ , equiv  in
      λ (Π◯→◯Π≡ : Π◯→◯Π  _≃_.from eq) 
      f x 
     ◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π f x 
     trans (cong  g  ◯Π→Π◯ (g f) x) Π◯→◯Π≡)
       (ext⁻¹ (_≃_.right-inverse-of eq f) x))                     ↔⟨ Σ-assoc F.∘
                                                                     (∃-cong λ _  Σ-assoc) F.∘
                                                                     ∃-comm F.∘
                                                                     (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                      inverse Σ-assoc F.∘
                                                                      ∃-comm F.∘
                                                                      (∃-cong λ _  Σ-assoc)) 
    ( λ ((equiv , Π◯→◯Π , Π◯→◯Π≡) :
           λ (equiv : Is-equivalence (◯Π→Π◯ {P = P})) 
           λ (Π◯→◯Π : (∀ x   (P x))   (∀ x  P x)) 
          Π◯→◯Π  _≃_.from Eq.⟨ _ , equiv ) 
      λ (◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π :  f x  ◯Π→Π◯ (Π◯→◯Π f) x  f x) 
      f x 
     ◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π f x 
     trans (cong  g  ◯Π→Π◯ (g f) x) Π◯→◯Π≡)
       (ext⁻¹ (_≃_.right-inverse-of Eq.⟨ _ , equiv  f) x))       ↝⟨ (Σ-cong-contra
                                                                        (inverse $
                                                                         drop-⊤-right λ _ 
                                                                         _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                         singleton-contractible _) λ _ 
    ( λ (equiv : Is-equivalence (◯Π→Π◯ {P = P})) 
     let eq = Eq.⟨ _ , equiv  in
      λ (◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π :  f x  ◯Π→Π◯ (_≃_.from eq f) x  f x) 
      f x 
     ◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π f x 
     trans (cong  g  ◯Π→Π◯ (g f) x) (refl (_≃_.from eq)))
       (ext⁻¹ (_≃_.right-inverse-of eq f) x))                     ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                      ∀-cong ext′ λ _  ∀-cong ext′ λ _ 
                                                                      ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_ ≡_) $
                                                                      trans (cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                             cong-refl _) $
                                                                      trans-reflˡ _) 
    ( λ (equiv : Is-equivalence (◯Π→Π◯ {P = P})) 
     let eq = Eq.⟨ _ , equiv  in
      λ (◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π :  f x  ◯Π→Π◯ (_≃_.from eq f) x  f x) 
      f x 
     ◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π f x  ext⁻¹ (_≃_.right-inverse-of eq f) x)       ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                      Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext′ F.∘
                                                                      (∀-cong ext′ λ _  Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext′)) 
    ( λ (equiv : Is-equivalence (◯Π→Π◯ {P = P})) 
     let eq = Eq.⟨ _ , equiv  in
      λ (◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π :  f x  ◯Π→Π◯ (_≃_.from eq f) x  f x) 
     ◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π  ext⁻¹  _≃_.right-inverse-of eq)               ↔⟨ (drop-⊤-right λ _ 
                                                                      _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                      singleton-contractible _) ⟩□
    Is-equivalence (◯Π→Π◯ {P = P})                                
    ext′ : Extensionality a a
    ext′ = lower-extensionality _ _ ext

  -- A definition of what it means for the modality to "have choice",
  -- or to be a "modality with choice".

  Has-choice : Type (lsuc a)
  Has-choice = {A : Type a}  Has-choice-for A

  -- Has-choice-for P is a proposition (assuming function
  -- extensionality).

  Has-choice-for-propositional :
    Extensionality (lsuc a) (lsuc a) 
    Is-proposition (Has-choice-for A)
  Has-choice-for-propositional {A} ext =
                                                              $⟨ (implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality lzero _ ext) 1 λ _ 
                                                                  Is-equivalence-propositional (lower-extensionality _ _ ext)) 
    Is-proposition ({P : A  Type a}  Is-equivalence ◯Π→Π◯)  →⟨ H-level-cong _ 1 (inverse $ Has-choice-for≃Is-equivalence-◯Π→Π◯ ext) ⟩□
    Is-proposition (Has-choice-for A)                         

  -- Has-choice is a proposition (assuming function extensionality).

  Has-choice-propositional :
    Extensionality (lsuc a) (lsuc a) 
    Is-proposition Has-choice
  Has-choice-propositional ext =
    implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
    Has-choice-for-propositional ext

  -- Has-choice-for preserves equivalences (assuming function
  -- extensionality).

  Has-choice-for-cong-≃ :
    Extensionality (lsuc a) (lsuc a) 
    A  B  Has-choice-for A  Has-choice-for B
  Has-choice-for-cong-≃ {A} {B} ext A≃B =
    Has-choice-for A                                       ↝⟨ Has-choice-for≃Is-equivalence-◯Π→Π◯ ext 

    ({P : A  Type a}  Is-equivalence (◯Π→Π◯ {P = P}))    ↝⟨ (implicit-Π-cong ext⁺₀ (Π-cong-contra ext₀⁺ (inverse A≃B)  _  Eq.id)) λ P 

        (◯Π→Π◯  ( ((x : A)  P x)  (x : A)   (P x)))        ↝⟨ Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalence-∘ˡ
                                                                      (_≃_.is-equivalence $
                                                                       Π-cong-contra ext₀₀ (inverse A≃B)  _  F.id))
                                                                      ext₀₀ F.∘
                                                                      (_≃_.is-equivalence $
                                                                       ◯-cong-≃ $ Π-cong ext₀₀ (inverse A≃B)  _  F.id))
        (Π-cong-contra-→ (_≃_.from A≃B)  _  id) 
         ◯Π→Π◯ {P = P} 
         ◯-map (Π-cong _ (inverse A≃B)  _  id)) 
         ( ((x : B)  P (_≃_.from A≃B x)) 
          (x : B)   (P (_≃_.from A≃B x))))                     ↝⟨ Is-equivalence-cong ext₀₀ $
                                                                       _  Modal→Separated (Modal-Π ext₀₀ λ _  Modal-◯) _ _)
                                                                      (lemma P) ⟩□
         ( ((x : B)  P (_≃_.from A≃B x)) 
          (x : B)   (P (_≃_.from A≃B x))))                     ) 

    ({P : B  Type a}  Is-equivalence (◯Π→Π◯ {P = P}))    ↝⟨ inverse $ Has-choice-for≃Is-equivalence-◯Π→Π◯ ext ⟩□

    Has-choice-for B                                       
    ext⁺₀ = lower-extensionality lzero _ ext
    ext₀⁺ = lower-extensionality _ lzero ext
    ext₀₀ = lower-extensionality _ _ ext

    lemma = λ P f  apply-ext ext₀₀ λ x 
      ◯-map (_$ _≃_.from A≃B x) $
         f x 
           subst P (_≃_.left-inverse-of A≃B x)
             (f (_≃_.to A≃B x))) $
      η f                                                ≡⟨ sym ◯-map-∘ 

           subst P
             (_≃_.left-inverse-of A≃B (_≃_.from A≃B x))
             (f (_≃_.to A≃B (_≃_.from A≃B x)))) $
      η f                                                ≡⟨ (cong (flip ◯-map _) $ apply-ext ext₀₀ λ f 

        subst P
          (_≃_.left-inverse-of A≃B (_≃_.from A≃B x))
          (f (_≃_.to A≃B (_≃_.from A≃B x)))                    ≡⟨ cong (flip (subst P) _) $ sym $
                                                                  _≃_.right-left-lemma A≃B _ 
        subst P
          (cong (_≃_.from A≃B) $
           _≃_.right-inverse-of A≃B x)
          (f (_≃_.to A≃B (_≃_.from A≃B x)))                    ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                                     {y} eq 
                                                                       subst P (cong (_≃_.from A≃B) eq) (f y)  f x)
                                                                    (trans (cong (flip (subst P) _) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                     subst-refl _ _)
                                                                    _ ⟩∎

        f x                                                    ) ⟩∎

      ◯-map (_$ x) (η f)                                 

  -- The modality has choice for Fin n (lifted).

  Has-choice-for-Fin : Has-choice-for ( a (Fin n))
  Has-choice-for-Fin =
    , ◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π
    ,  ext 
             (Eq.↔→≃ _ _
                (apply-ext ext  ◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π)
                 _  Π◯→◯Π-◯Π→Π◯ (lower-extensionality _ lzero ext)))
         , refl _
         ,  f i 
              ◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π f i                                  ≡⟨ cong (_$ i) $ sym $ ext⁻¹-ext ext 

              ext⁻¹ (apply-ext ext $ ◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π f) i          ≡⟨ trans (sym $ trans-reflˡ _) $
                                                                  cong (flip trans _) $ sym $ cong-refl _ ⟩∎
              trans (cong  g  ◯Π→Π◯ (g f) i) (refl Π◯→◯Π))
                (ext⁻¹ (apply-ext ext $ ◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π f) i)      ))
    Π◯→◯Π : ((x :  a (Fin n))   (P x))   ((x :  a (Fin n))  P x)
    Π◯→◯Π {n} {P} =
      ((x :  a (Fin n))   (P x))   →⟨ _∘ lift 
      ((x : Fin n)   (P (lift x)))  →⟨ Vec.tabulate 
      Vec n (  P  lift)            ↔⟨ inverse ◯-Vec 
       (Vec n (P  lift))            →⟨ ◯-map Vec.index 
       ((x : Fin n)  P (lift x))    →⟨ ◯-map (_∘ lower) ⟩□
       ((x :  a (Fin n))  P x)     


      ◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π :
         (f : (x :  a (Fin n))   (P x)) i 
        ◯Π→Π◯ (Π◯→◯Π f) i  f i
      ◯Π→Π◯-Π◯→◯Π {n} {P} f (lift i) =
        ◯-map (_$ lift i) $
        ◯-map (_∘ lower) $
        ◯-map Vec.index $
        _≃_.from ◯-Vec $
        Vec.tabulate (f  lift)                ≡⟨ sym (trans ◯-map-∘ ◯-map-∘) 

        ◯-map  xs  Vec.index xs i) $
        _≃_.from ◯-Vec $
        Vec.tabulate (f  lift)                ≡⟨ index-◯-Vec 

        Vec.index (Vec.tabulate (f  lift)) i  ≡⟨ Vec.index-tabulate n _ ⟩∎

        f (lift i)                             

      Π◯→◯Π-◯Π→Π◯ :
        {f :  ((x :  a (Fin n))  P x)} 
        Extensionality lzero a 
        Π◯→◯Π (◯Π→Π◯ f)  f
      Π◯→◯Π-◯Π→Π◯ {n} {P} {f} ext =
          {P = λ f  Π◯→◯Π (◯Π→Π◯ f)  f}
           _  Separated-◯ _ _)
             ◯-map (_∘ lower) $
             ◯-map Vec.index $
             _≃_.from ◯-Vec $
             Vec.tabulate  i  ◯-map (_$ lift i) (η f))     ≡⟨ sym ◯-map-∘ 

             ◯-map  xs  Vec.index xs  lower) $
             _≃_.from ◯-Vec $
             Vec.tabulate  i  ◯-map (_$ lift i) (η f))     ≡⟨ (cong (◯-map _) $ cong (_≃_.from ◯-Vec) $ cong Vec.tabulate $ apply-ext ext λ _ 
             ◯-map  xs  Vec.index xs  lower) $
             _≃_.from ◯-Vec $
             Vec.tabulate (η  f  lift)                      ≡⟨ cong (◯-map _)
             ◯-map  xs  Vec.index xs  lower) $
             η (Vec.tabulate (f  lift))                      ≡⟨ ◯-map-η 

             η (Vec.index (Vec.tabulate (f  lift))  lower)  ≡⟨ (cong (η  (_∘ lower)) $
                                                                  apply-ext ext $
                                                                  Vec.index-tabulate n) ⟩∎
             η f                                              )

  -- Some conversions

  -- Modalities are Σ-closed reflective subuniverses.

  Σ-closed : Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse a
  Σ-closed = λ where
      .M.η                     η
      .M.Modal                 Modal
      .M.Modal-propositional   Modal-propositional
      .M.Modal-◯               Modal-◯
      .M.Modal-respects-≃      Modal-respects-≃
      .M.extendable-along-η m  extendable-along-η  _  m)
      .M.Σ-closed              Modal-Σ
    module M = Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse

  -- Modalities are uniquely eliminating modalities (assuming function
  -- extensionality).

  uniquely-eliminating :
    Extensionality a a 
    Uniquely-eliminating-modality a
  uniquely-eliminating ext = λ where
      .M.η                     η
      .M.uniquely-eliminating  _≃_.is-equivalence (Π◯◯≃Π◯η ext)
    module M = Uniquely-eliminating-modality

  -- Stability

  -- I did not take the definitions or results in this section from
  -- "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq
  -- code (but perhaps something resembling at least some of these
  -- results can be found there).

  -- A generalised form of stability.

  Stable-[_] : Kind  Type a  Type a
  Stable-[ k ] A =  A ↝[ k ] A

  -- Modal types are k-stable for all k.

  Modal→Stable : Modal A  Stable-[ k ] A
  Modal→Stable {A} {k} =
    Modal A         →⟨ Modal→≃◯ 
    (A   A)       →⟨ inverse 
    ( A  A)       →⟨ from-equivalence ⟩□
    Stable-[ k ] A  

  -- A "computation rule" for Modal→Stable.

  Modal→Stable-η : Modal→Stable m (η x)  x
  Modal→Stable-η = η⁻¹-η

  -- A simplification lemma for Modal→Stable and
  -- Stable→left-inverse→Modal.

  Modal→Stable-Stable→left-inverse→Modal :
    Modal→Stable (Stable→left-inverse→Modal s p) x  s x
  Modal→Stable-Stable→left-inverse→Modal {s} {p} {x} =
      {P = λ x  Modal→Stable m′ x  s x}
       x  Modal→Separated m′ _ _)
         Modal→Stable m′ (η x)  ≡⟨ Modal→Stable-η 
         x                      ≡⟨ sym $ p x ⟩∎
         s (η x)                )
    m′ = Stable→left-inverse→Modal s p

  -- A simplification lemma for Modal→Stable and ◯-map.

  Modal→Stable-◯-map :
    Modal→Stable m₁ (◯-map f x)  f (Modal→Stable m₂ x)
  Modal→Stable-◯-map {m₁} {f} {x} {m₂} =
      {P = λ x 
             Modal→Stable m₁ (◯-map f x) 
             f (Modal→Stable m₂ x)}
       _  Modal→Separated m₁ _ _)
         Modal→Stable m₁ (◯-map f (η x))  ≡⟨ cong (Modal→Stable m₁) ◯-map-η 
         Modal→Stable m₁ (η (f x))        ≡⟨ Modal→Stable-η 
         f x                              ≡⟨ cong f $ sym Modal→Stable-η ⟩∎
         f (Modal→Stable m₂ (η x))        )

  -- Stable types are logical-equivalence-stable.

  Stable→Stable-⇔ : Stable A  Stable-[ logical-equivalence ] A
  Stable→Stable-⇔ s = record { to = s; from = η }

  -- Stability is closed under Π-types.

  Stable-Π :
    {A : Type a} {P : A  Type a} 
    (∀ x  Stable (P x)) 
    Stable ((x : A)  P x)
  Stable-Π {A} {P} hyp =
     ((x : A)  P x)    →⟨ ◯Π→Π◯ 
    ((x : A)   (P x))  →⟨ ∀-cong _ hyp ⟩□
    ((x : A)  P x)      

  -- A lemma relating Stable-Π and Modal-Π.

  Stable-Π-Modal-Π :
    {m :  x  Modal (P x)}
    (ext : Extensionality a a) 
    Stable-Π  x  Modal→Stable (m x)) 
    Modal→Stable (Modal-Π ext m)
  Stable-Π-Modal-Π {m} ext =
    apply-ext ext λ f 
       x  ◯-rec (m x) id (◯-map (_$ x) f))  ≡⟨ (apply-ext ext λ _  ◯-rec-◯-map) 
       x  ◯-rec (m x) (_$ x) f)             ≡⟨ sym Modal→Stable-Stable→left-inverse→Modal ⟩∎
      Modal→Stable (Modal-Π ext m) f           

  -- Stability is closed under implicit Π-types.

  Stable-implicit-Π :
    {A : Type a} {P : A  Type a} 
    (∀ x  Stable (P x)) 
    Stable ({x : A}  P x)
  Stable-implicit-Π {A} {P} hyp =
     ({x : A}  P x)  →⟨ ◯-map  f _  f) 
     ((x : A)  P x)  →⟨ Stable-Π hyp 
    ((x : A)  P x)    →⟨  f  f _) ⟩□
    ({x : A}  P x)    


    -- If A is modal, and P x is k-stable for all x, then Σ A P is
    -- k-stable.

    Stable-Σ :
      {P : A  Type a} 
      Modal A 
      (∀ x  Stable-[ k ] (P x)) 
      Stable-[ k ] (Σ A P)
    Stable-Σ {A} {P} m s =
       (Σ A P)    ↔⟨ Modal→◯Σ≃Σ◯ m 
      Σ A (  P)  ↝⟨ ∃-cong s ⟩□
      Σ A P        

    -- A lemma relating Stable-Σ and Modal-Σ.

    Stable-Σ-Modal-Σ :
      (m₂ :  x  Modal (P x)) 
      Stable-Σ m₁  x  Modal→Stable (m₂ x)) x 
      Modal→Stable (Modal-Σ m₁ m₂) x
    Stable-Σ-Modal-Σ {m₁} {x} m₂ =
        {P = λ x 
               Stable-Σ m₁  x  Modal→Stable (m₂ x)) x 
               Modal→Stable (Modal-Σ m₁ m₂) x}
         _  Modal→Separated (Modal-Σ m₁ m₂) _ _)
         (x , y) 
           Σ-map id (Modal→Stable (m₂ _))
             (◯-rec _ (Σ-map id η) (η (x , y)))      ≡⟨ cong (Σ-map id (Modal→Stable (m₂ _))) ◯-rec-η 

           (x , Modal→Stable (m₂ _) (η y))           ≡⟨ cong (_ ,_) Modal→Stable-η 

           (x , y)                                   ≡⟨ sym Modal→Stable-η ⟩∎

           Modal→Stable (Modal-Σ m₁ m₂) (η (x , y))  )

  -- If A and B are k-stable, then A × B is k-stable.

  Stable-× : Stable-[ k ] A  Stable-[ k ] B  Stable-[ k ] (A × B)
  Stable-× {A} {B} sA sB =
     (A × B)  ↔⟨ ◯× 
     A ×  B  ↝⟨ sA ×-cong sB ⟩□
    A × B      

  -- If A and B are stable, then A ⇔ B is stable.

  Stable-⇔ : Stable A  Stable B  Stable (A  B)
  Stable-⇔ {A} {B} sA sB =
     (A  B)              ↔⟨ ◯-cong-↔ ⇔↔→×→ 
     ((A  B) × (B  A))  ↝⟨ Stable-× (Stable-Π λ _  sB) (Stable-Π λ _  sA) 
    (A  B) × (B  A)      ↔⟨ inverse ⇔↔→×→ ⟩□
    A  B                  

  -- Stable respects logical equivalences.

  Stable-respects-⇔ :
    A  B  Stable A  Stable B
  Stable-respects-⇔ {A} {B} A⇔B s =
     B  →⟨ ◯-map $ _⇔_.from A⇔B 
     A  →⟨ s 
    A    →⟨ _⇔_.to A⇔B ⟩□

  -- Stable-[ k ] respects equivalences.

  Stable-respects-≃ :
    A  B  Stable-[ k ] A  Stable-[ k ] B
  Stable-respects-≃ {A} {B} A≃B s =
     B  ↔⟨ ◯-cong-≃ $ inverse A≃B 
     A  ↝⟨ s 
    A    ↔⟨ A≃B ⟩□

  -- A variant of Stable-respects-≃.

  Stable-respects-↝ :
    Extensionality? k c d 
    A ↝[ c  d ] B 
    Stable-[ k ] A  Stable-[ k ] B
  Stable-respects-↝ {A} {B} ext A↝B s =
     B  ↝⟨ ◯-cong-↝ ext $ inverse-ext? A↝B 
     A  ↝⟨ s 
    A    ↝⟨ A↝B ext ⟩□

  -- If f has type A → B, where A is modal and B is separated, then
  -- Is-equivalence f is stable.

  Modal→Stable-Is-equivalence :
    {f : A  B} 
    Modal A  Separated B 
    Stable (Is-equivalence f)
  Modal→Stable-Is-equivalence {f} m s =
                                          $⟨ s′ 
    Stable (∀ y  Contractible (f ⁻¹ y))  →⟨ Stable-respects-⇔ $ inverse $
                                             Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalence-CP _ ⟩□
    Stable (Is-equivalence f)             
    s′ =
      Stable-Π λ y 
      let m′ : Modal (f ⁻¹ y)
          m′ = Modal-Σ m  _  s _ _) in
      Stable-Σ m′ λ _ 
      Stable-Π λ _ 
      Modal→Stable (Modal→Separated m′ _ _)

  -- If A is "modal n levels up", then H-level′ n A is stable.

  Stable-H-level′ :
    For-iterated-equality n Modal A 
    Stable (H-level′ n A)
  Stable-H-level′ {A} zero =
    Modal A                  →⟨  m 
                                   Stable-Σ m λ _ 
                                   Stable-Π λ _ 
                                   Modal→Stable $ Modal→Separated m _ _) ⟩□
    Stable (Contractible A)  
  Stable-H-level′ {A} (suc n) =
    For-iterated-equality (suc n) Modal A    →⟨  m 
                                                   Stable-Π λ _ 
                                                   Stable-Π λ _ 
                                                   Stable-H-level′ n $
                                                   m _ _) ⟩□
    Stable ((x y : A)  H-level′ n (x  y))  

  -- If A is "modal n levels up", then H-level n A is stable.

  Stable-H-level :
    For-iterated-equality n Modal A 
    Stable (H-level n A)
  Stable-H-level {A} n m =
     (H-level n A)   →⟨ ◯-map $ H-level↔H-level′ _ 
     (H-level′ n A)  →⟨ Stable-H-level′ n m 
    H-level′ n A      →⟨ _⇔_.from $ H-level↔H-level′ _ ⟩□
    H-level n A       

  -- Some definitions related to Erased

  -- I did not take the definitions in this section from "Modalities
  -- in Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq code.

  -- ◯ (Erased A) implies Erased (◯ A).

  ◯-Erased→Erased-◯ :
    {@0 A : Type a} 
    @0  (Erased A)  Erased ( A)
  ◯-Erased→Erased-◯ x = E.[ ◯-map E.erased x ]

  -- A definition of what it means for the modality to "commute with
  -- Erased".

  Commutes-with-Erased : Type (lsuc a)
  Commutes-with-Erased =
    {A : Type a} 
    Is-equivalence  (x :  (Erased A))  ◯-Erased→Erased-◯ x)

  -- Commutes-with-Erased is a proposition (assuming function
  -- extensionality).

  Commutes-with-Erased-propositional :
    Extensionality (lsuc a) a 
    Is-proposition Commutes-with-Erased
  Commutes-with-Erased-propositional ext =
    implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
      (lower-extensionality _ lzero ext)

  -- If A is stable, then Erased A is stable.

  Stable-Erased : {@0 A : Type a}  @0 Stable A  Stable (Erased A)
  Stable-Erased {A} s =
     (Erased A)  →⟨  x  ◯-Erased→Erased-◯ x) 
    Erased ( A)  →⟨ E.map s ⟩□
    Erased A      

  -- If A is modal, then Contractibleᴱ A is stable.

  Stable-Contractibleᴱ :
    Modal A 
    Stable (Contractibleᴱ A)
  Stable-Contractibleᴱ m =
    Stable-Σ m λ _ 
    Stable-Erased (
    Stable-Π λ _ 
    Modal→Stable (Modal→Separated m _ _))

  -- If f has type A → B, A is modal, and equality is stable for B,
  -- then f ⁻¹ᴱ y is stable.

  Stable-⁻¹ᴱ :
    {A B : Type a} {f : A  B} {y : B} 
    Modal A 
    @0 For-iterated-equality 1 Stable B 
    Stable (f ⁻¹ᴱ y)
  Stable-⁻¹ᴱ m s =
    Stable-Σ m λ _ 
    Stable-Erased (s _ _)

  -- Some variants of the eliminators

  -- I did not take the definitions in this section from "Modalities
  -- in Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq code (but
  -- perhaps something similar can be found there).


    -- A variant of ◯-elim that uses Stable instead of Modal.

    ◯-elim′ :
      (∀ x  Stable (P x)) 
      ((x : A)  P (η x)) 
      ((x :  A)  P x)
    ◯-elim′ {A} {P} s =
      ((x : A)  P (η x))      →⟨ η ∘_ 
      ((x : A)   (P (η x)))  →⟨ _⇔_.from $ Π◯◯≃Π◯η _ 
      ((x :  A)   (P x))    →⟨  f x  s x (f x)) ⟩□
      ((x :  A)  P x)        

    -- Three "computation rules" for ◯-elim′.

    ◯-elim′-η :
      {s :  x  Stable (P x)} 
      ◯-elim′ s f (η x)  s (η x) (η (f x))
    ◯-elim′-η {P} {f} {x} {s} =
      ◯-elim′ s f (η x)                                         ≡⟨⟩
      s (η x) (◯-elim  x  Modal-◯ {A = P x}) (η  f) (η x))  ≡⟨ cong (s (η x)) ◯-elim-η ⟩∎
      s (η x) (η (f x))                                         

    ◯-elim′-η′ :
      s (η x) (η (f x))  f x 
      ◯-elim′ s f (η x)  f x
    ◯-elim′-η′ {s} {x} {f} hyp =
      ◯-elim′ s f (η x)  ≡⟨ ◯-elim′-η {s = s} 
      s (η x) (η (f x))  ≡⟨ hyp ⟩∎
      f x                

    ◯-elim′-Modal→Stable-η :
      ◯-elim′ (Modal→Stable  m) f (η x)  f x
    ◯-elim′-Modal→Stable-η {m} {f} {x} =
      ◯-elim′-η′ {s = Modal→Stable  m}
        (Modal→Stable (m (η x)) (η (f x))  ≡⟨ Modal→Stable-η ⟩∎
         f x                               )

    -- A variant of ◯-rec that uses Stable instead of Modal.

    ◯-rec′ : Stable B  (A  B)  ( A  B)
    ◯-rec′ s = ◯-elim′  _  s)

    -- Three "computation rules" for ◯-rec′.

    ◯-rec′-η : ◯-rec′ s f (η x)  s (η (f x))
    ◯-rec′-η {s} = ◯-elim′-η {s = λ _  s}

    ◯-rec′-η′ :
      s (η (f x))  f x 
      ◯-rec′ s f (η x)  f x
    ◯-rec′-η′ {s} = ◯-elim′-η′ {s = λ _  s}

    ◯-rec′-Modal→Stable-η :
      ◯-rec′ (Modal→Stable m) f (η x)  f x
    ◯-rec′-Modal→Stable-η {m} =
      ◯-elim′-Modal→Stable-η {m = λ _  m}

  -- If s : Stable B and a certain "computation rule" holds for ◯-rec′
  -- and s, then B is modal.

  ◯-rec′-η→Modal :
    (s : Stable B) 
    (∀ {A} {f : A  B} {x : A}  ◯-rec′ s f (η x)  f x) 
    Modal B
  ◯-rec′-η→Modal s ◯-rec′-η′ =
         s (η x)            ≡⟨ sym ◯-rec′-η 
         ◯-rec′ s id (η x)  ≡⟨ ◯-rec′-η′ ⟩∎
         x                  )


    -- A binary variant of ◯-elim.

    ◯-elim₂ :
      {P :  A   B  Type a} 
      (∀ x y  Modal (P x y)) 
      ((x : A) (y : B)  P (η x) (η y)) 
      ((x :  A) (y :  B)  P x y)
    ◯-elim₂ {P} m f x y =                          $⟨ ◯-elim
                                                        {P = uncurry P  _≃_.to ◯×}
                                                        (uncurry m  _≃_.to ◯×)
                                                         (x , y)  subst (uncurry P) (sym ◯×-η) (f x y))
                                                        (_≃_.from ◯× (x , y)) 
      uncurry P (_≃_.to ◯× (_≃_.from ◯× (x , y)))  →⟨ subst (uncurry P) (_≃_.right-inverse-of ◯× _) ⟩□
      P x y                                        

    -- A "computation rule" for ◯-elim₂.

    ◯-elim₂-η :
      Extensionality a a 
      ◯-elim₂ m f (η x) (η y)  f x y
    ◯-elim₂-η {m} {f} {x} {y} ext =
      let P = _ in

      subst (uncurry P) (_≃_.right-inverse-of ◯× (η x , η y))
           (uncurry m  _≃_.to ◯×)
            (x , y)  subst (uncurry P) (sym ◯×-η) (f x y))
           (_≃_.from ◯× (η x , η y)))                              ≡⟨ (cong (subst _ _) $
                                                                       cong (flip (◯-elim (uncurry m  _≃_.to ◯×)) _) $
                                                                       apply-ext ext λ p 
                                                                       cong (flip (subst _) _) $ cong sym $ cong (_$ p) $ sym $
                                                                       _≃_.left-inverse-of (Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext) _) 
      subst (uncurry P) (_≃_.right-inverse-of ◯× (η x , η y))
           (uncurry m  _≃_.to ◯×)
           (subst (uncurry P) (sym (ext⁻¹ ◯×-η′ _))  uncurry f)
           (_≃_.from ◯× (η x , η y)))                              ≡⟨ elim¹
                                                                         {g} (eq : _≃_.to ◯×  η  g) 
                                                                           (f :  p  uncurry P (g p)) 
                                                                           subst (uncurry P) (_≃_.right-inverse-of ◯× (g (x , y)))
                                                                                (uncurry m  _≃_.to ◯×)
                                                                                (subst (uncurry P) (sym (ext⁻¹ {f = _≃_.to ◯×  η} eq _))  f)
                                                                                (_≃_.from ◯× (g (x , y)))) 
                                                                           f (x , y))
        subst (uncurry P)
          (_≃_.right-inverse-of ◯× (_≃_.to ◯× (η (x , y))))
             (uncurry m  _≃_.to ◯×)
             (subst (uncurry P)
                (sym (ext⁻¹ {f = _≃_.to ◯×  η} (refl _) _)) 
             (_≃_.from ◯× (_≃_.to ◯× (η (x , y)))))                        ≡⟨ (cong (subst _ _) $ cong (flip (◯-elim _) _) $
                                                                               apply-ext ext λ _ 
                                                                               trans (cong (flip (subst _) _) $
                                                                                      trans (cong sym $ ext⁻¹-refl _)
                                                                                      sym-refl) $
                                                                               subst-refl _ _) 
        subst (uncurry P)
          (_≃_.right-inverse-of ◯× (_≃_.to ◯× (η (x , y))))
             (uncurry m  _≃_.to ◯×)
             (_≃_.from ◯× (_≃_.to ◯× (η (x , y)))))                        ≡⟨ cong (flip (subst _) _) $ sym $
                                                                              _≃_.left-right-lemma ◯× _ 
        subst (uncurry P)
          (cong (_≃_.to ◯×) (_≃_.left-inverse-of ◯× (η (x , y))))
             (uncurry m  _≃_.to ◯×)
             (_≃_.from ◯× (_≃_.to ◯× (η (x , y)))))                        ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                                                 {p} (eq : p  η (x , y)) 
                                                                                   subst (uncurry P)
                                                                                     (cong (_≃_.to ◯×) eq)
                                                                                     (◯-elim (uncurry m  _≃_.to ◯×) f p) 
                                                                                   f (x , y))
          subst (uncurry P)
            (cong (_≃_.to ◯×) (refl _))
            (◯-elim (uncurry m  _≃_.to ◯×) f (η (x , y)))                       ≡⟨ trans (cong (flip (subst _) _) $
                                                                                           cong-refl _) $
                                                                                    subst-refl _ _ 

          ◯-elim (uncurry m  _≃_.to ◯×) f (η (x , y))                           ≡⟨ ◯-elim-η ⟩∎

          f (x , y)                                                              )
                                                                                _ ⟩∎
        f (x , y)                                                          )
                                                                        _ _ ⟩∎
      f x y                                                        
      ◯×-η′ : _≃_.to (◯× {A = A} {B = B})  η  Σ-map η η
      ◯×-η′ = apply-ext ext λ _  ◯×-η

    -- A binary variant of ◯-rec.

    ◯-rec₂ : Modal C  (A  B  C)  ( A   B  C)
    ◯-rec₂ m f x y = ◯-rec m (uncurry f) (_≃_.from ◯× (x , y))

    -- A "computation rule" for ◯-rec₂.

    ◯-rec₂-η : ◯-rec₂ m f (η x) (η y)  f x y
    ◯-rec₂-η {m} {f} {x} {y} =
      ◯-rec m (uncurry f) (_≃_.from ◯× (η x , η y))  ≡⟨ cong (◯-rec _ _) ◯×⁻¹-η 
      ◯-rec m (uncurry f) (η (x , y))                ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η ⟩∎
      f x y                                          

  -- Idempotent monadic modalities are monads

  -- At the time of writing I do not know if corresponding definitions
  -- appear in the source code corresponding to "Modalities in
  -- Homotopy Type Theory". The definitions are entirely
  -- straightforward, with the possible exception of the use of
  -- ◯-elim′ and Stable-Π—rather than ◯-elim, Modal-Π and function
  -- extensionality—in the proof of associativity.

  -- The modality is a raw monad.

  raw-monad : Raw-monad 
  Raw-monad.return raw-monad     = η
  Raw-monad._>>=_  raw-monad x f = ◯-rec Modal-◯ f x


    -- The modality is a monad.

    monad : Monad 
    Monad.raw-monad monad         = raw-monad
    Monad.left-identity monad x f =
      ◯-rec Modal-◯ f (η x)  ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η ⟩∎
      f x                    
    Monad.right-identity monad = ◯-elim
       _  Separated-◯ _ _)
         ◯-rec Modal-◯ η (η x)  ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η ⟩∎
         η x                    )
    Monad.associativity monad = ◯-elim′
       _  Stable-Π λ _  Stable-Π λ _ 
             Modal→Stable $ Separated-◯ _ _)
       x f g 
         ◯-rec Modal-◯ (◯-rec Modal-◯ g  f) (η x)  ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η 
         ◯-rec Modal-◯ g (f x)                      ≡⟨ cong (◯-rec Modal-◯ g) $ sym ◯-rec-η ⟩∎
         ◯-rec Modal-◯ g (◯-rec Modal-◯ f (η x))    )

  -- A lemma related to h-levels

  -- If A is a proposition, then ◯ A is a proposition.
  -- See also Contractible→Connected below.

  Is-proposition→Is-proposition-◯ :
    Is-proposition A  Is-proposition ( A)
  Is-proposition→Is-proposition-◯ {A} prop =
       _ _  Separated-◯ _ _)
       x y 
         η x  ≡⟨ cong η $ prop x y ⟩∎
         η y  )

  -- Commuting with Σ

  -- I did not take the definitions and lemmas in this section from
  -- "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq
  -- code.

  private opaque

    -- A lemma used in the implementation of ◯Ση≃Σ◯◯.

    Modal-Σ◯◯ : Modal (Σ ( A) (  P))
    Modal-Σ◯◯ = Modal-Σ Modal-◯ λ _  Modal-◯

  -- ◯ commutes with Σ in a certain way (assuming function
  -- extensionality).
  -- This lemma is due to Felix Cherubini.
  -- See also Modality.Very-modal.◯Ση≃Σ◯◯.

  ◯Ση≃Σ◯◯ :  (Σ A (P  η)) ↝[ a  a ] Σ ( A) (  P)
  ◯Ση≃Σ◯◯ {A} {P} =
      (record { to = to; from = from })
       ext  to-from ext , from-to ext)
      s′ : (x :  A)  Stable ((y : P x)   (Σ A (P  η)))
      s′ _ = Stable-Π λ _  Modal→Stable Modal-◯

      m″ :
        Extensionality a a 
        (x :  A)  Modal ((y : P x)   (Σ A (P  η)))
      m″ ext _ = Modal-Π ext λ _  Modal-◯

      s′-≡ :  ext  s′  Modal→Stable  m″ ext
      s′-≡ ext =
        apply-ext ext λ _ 
        Stable-Π  _  Modal→Stable Modal-◯)     ≡⟨ Stable-Π-Modal-Π ext ⟩∎
        Modal→Stable (Modal-Π ext λ _  Modal-◯)  

    to :  (Σ A (P  η))  Σ ( A) (  P)
    to = ◯-rec Modal-Σ◯◯ (Σ-map η η)

    from : Σ ( A) (  P)   (Σ A (P  η))
    from =
      Σ ( A) (  P)  →⟨  (x , y)  ◯-map (x ,_) y) 
       (Σ ( A) P)    →⟨ ◯-rec Modal-◯ (uncurry $ ◯-elim′ s′ $ curry η) ⟩□
       (Σ A (P  η))  

    to-from :
      Extensionality a a 
       x  to (from x)  x
    to-from ext = uncurry $
         _  Modal-Π ext λ _ 
               Modal→Separated Modal-Σ◯◯ _ _)
              _  Modal→Separated Modal-Σ◯◯ _ _)
                  (◯-rec Modal-◯ (uncurry $ ◯-elim′ s′ $ curry η)
                     (◯-map (η x ,_) (η y)))                            ≡⟨ cong to $ cong (◯-rec _ _) ◯-map-η 

                  (◯-rec Modal-◯ (uncurry $ ◯-elim′ s′ $ curry η)
                     (η (η x , y)))                                     ≡⟨ cong to ◯-rec-η 

                to (◯-elim′ s′ (curry η) (η x) y)                       ≡⟨ cong  s  to (◯-elim′ s (curry η) (η x) y)) $
                                                                           s′-≡ ext 

                to (◯-elim′ (Modal→Stable  m″ ext) (curry η) (η x) y)  ≡⟨ cong to $ cong (_$ y) ◯-elim′-Modal→Stable-η 

                to (η (x , y))                                          ≡⟨⟩

                ◯-rec Modal-Σ◯◯ (Σ-map η η) (η (x , y))                 ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η ⟩∎

                (η x , η y)                                             ))

    from-to :
      Extensionality a a 
       x  from (to x)  x
    from-to ext =
         _  Separated-◯ _ _)
         (x , y) 
           let f = λ (x , y)  ◯-map (x ,_) y in

           ◯-rec Modal-◯ (uncurry $ ◯-elim′ s′ $ curry η)
             (f (◯-rec Modal-Σ◯◯ (Σ-map η η) (η (x , y))))               ≡⟨ cong (◯-rec _ _) $ cong f ◯-rec-η 

           ◯-rec Modal-◯ (uncurry $ ◯-elim′ s′ $ curry η)
             (◯-map (η x ,_) (η y))                                      ≡⟨ cong (◯-rec _ _) ◯-map-η 

           ◯-rec Modal-◯ (uncurry $ ◯-elim′ s′ $ curry η) (η (η x , y))  ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η 

           ◯-elim′ s′ (curry η) (η x) y                                  ≡⟨ cong  s  ◯-elim′ s (curry η) (η x) y) $ s′-≡ ext 

           ◯-elim′ (Modal→Stable  m″ ext) (curry η) (η x) y             ≡⟨ cong (_$ y) ◯-elim′-Modal→Stable-η ⟩∎

           η (x , y)                                                     )

  -- A definition of what it means for the modality to "commute with
  -- Σ".

  Commutes-with-Σ : Type (lsuc a)
  Commutes-with-Σ =
    {A : Type a} {P :  A  Type a} 
    Is-equivalence (◯Ση≃Σ◯◯ {A = A} {P = P} _)

  -- If function extensionality holds, then the modality commutes with
  -- Σ.
  -- See also Modality.Very-modal.commutes-with-Σ.

  commutes-with-Σ :
    Extensionality a a 
  commutes-with-Σ ext = _≃_.is-equivalence $ ◯Ση≃Σ◯◯ ext

  -- Commutes-with-Σ is a proposition (assuming function
  -- extensionality).

  Commutes-with-Σ-propositional :
    Extensionality (lsuc a) (lsuc a) 
    Is-proposition Commutes-with-Σ
  Commutes-with-Σ-propositional ext =
    implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
    implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality lzero _ ext) 1 λ _ 
    Is-equivalence-propositional (lower-extensionality _ _ ext)

  -- Some variants of Π◯◯≃Π◯η

  -- I did not take the lemmas in this section from "Modalities in
  -- Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq code.

  -- Some variants of Π◯◯≃Π◯η, stated using stability.

  Π◯≃Πη :
    Extensionality?  k ⌋-sym a a 
    (∀ x  Stable-[  k ⌋-sym ] (P x)) 
    ((x :  A)  P x) ↝[  k ⌋-sym ] ((x : A)  P (η x))
  Π◯≃Πη {A} {P} ext s =
    ((x :  A)  P x)        ↝⟨ ∀-cong ext (inverse  s) 
    ((x :  A)   (P x))    ↝⟨ Π◯◯≃Π◯η ext 
    ((x : A)   (P (η x)))  ↝⟨ ∀-cong ext (s  η) ⟩□
    ((x : A)  P (η x))      

  Π◯↝Πη :
    (∀ {k}  Extensionality? k a a   x  Stable-[ k ] (P x)) 
    ((x :  A)  P x) ↝[ a  a ] ((x : A)  P (η x))
  Π◯↝Πη s = generalise-ext?′
    (Π◯≃Πη _ (s _))
     ext  Π◯≃Πη ext (s ext))
     ext  Π◯≃Πη E.[ ext ] (s E.[ ext ]))

  Π◯⇔Πη :
    (∀ x  Stable (P x)) 
    ((x :  A)  P x)  ((x : A)  P (η x))
  Π◯⇔Πη s = Π◯≃Πη _ (Stable→Stable-⇔  s)

  -- Two simplification rules for Π◯≃Πη.

  Π◯≃Πη-η :
     ext s (f :  x  P x) 
    _≃_.to (Π◯≃Πη ext s) f x  f (η x)
  Π◯≃Πη-η {x} ext s f =
    _≃_.to (Π◯≃Πη ext s) f x                         ≡⟨⟩
    _≃_.to (s (η x)) (_≃_.from (s (η x)) (f (η x)))  ≡⟨ _≃_.right-inverse-of (s (η x)) _ ⟩∎
    f (η x)                                          

  Π◯≃Πη⁻¹-η :
     ext (s :  x  Stable-[ equivalence ] (P x)) 
    _≃_.from (Π◯≃Πη {P = P} ext s) f (η x)  f x
  Π◯≃Πη⁻¹-η {P} {f} {x} ext s =
    _≃_.from (Π◯≃Πη ext s) f (η x)               ≡⟨⟩

    _≃_.to (s (η x))
         {P =   P}
          _  Modal-◯)
          x  _≃_.from (s (η x)) (f x))
         (η x))                                  ≡⟨ cong (_≃_.to (s (η x))) ◯-elim-η 

    _≃_.to (s (η x)) (_≃_.from (s (η x)) (f x))  ≡⟨ _≃_.right-inverse-of (s (η x)) _ ⟩∎

    f x                                          

  -- Map-like lemmas for Modal and Separated

  -- If there is an embedding from B to A, and A is separated, then B
  -- is separated.
  -- This follows from one part of Remark 2.16 (2) from "Localization
  -- in homotopy type theory" by Christensen, Opie, Rijke and
  -- Scoccola.
  -- I based the proof on that of in_SepO_embedding, implemented by
  -- Mike Shulman in the file Separated.v in (one version of) the Coq
  -- HoTT library.

  Embedding→Separated→Separated :
    Embedding B A  Separated A  Separated B
  Embedding→Separated→Separated B↣A s x y =
                                                     $⟨ s _ _ 
    Modal (Embedding.to B↣A x  Embedding.to B↣A y)  →⟨ Modal-respects-≃ (inverse $ Embedding.equivalence B↣A) ⟩□
    Modal (x  y)                                    

  -- I did not take the remaining results in this section from
  -- "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq
  -- code.

  -- Modal respects split surjections.

  Modal-respects-↠ : A  B  Modal A  Modal B
  Modal-respects-↠ {A} {B} A↠B m =
      ( B  →⟨ ◯-map (_↠_.from A↠B) 
        A  →⟨ η⁻¹ m 
       A    →⟨ _↠_.to A↠B ⟩□
       B    )
         _↠_.to A↠B (η⁻¹ m (◯-map (_↠_.from A↠B) (η x)))  ≡⟨ cong (_↠_.to A↠B  η⁻¹ _) ◯-map-η 
         _↠_.to A↠B (η⁻¹ m (η (_↠_.from A↠B x)))          ≡⟨ cong (_↠_.to A↠B) η⁻¹-η 
         _↠_.to A↠B (_↠_.from A↠B x)                      ≡⟨ _↠_.right-inverse-of A↠B x ⟩∎
         x                                                )

  -- A generalisation of Modal-respects-↠.
  -- The case for 1 is one part of Remark 2.16 (2) from "Localization
  -- in homotopy type theory" by Christensen, Opie, Rijke and
  -- Scoccola.

  Modal-respects-↠ⁿ :
    A  B 
    For-iterated-equality n Modal A 
    For-iterated-equality n Modal B
  Modal-respects-↠ⁿ n =
    For-iterated-equality-cong-→ n Modal-respects-↠

  -- Lemmas related to Separated

  -- I did not take the lemmas in this section from "Modalities in
  -- Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq code (but perhaps
  -- something similar can be found there).

  -- Propositions are separated.
  -- This is Remark 2.16 (3) from "Localization in homotopy type
  -- theory" by Christensen, Opie, Rijke and Scoccola.

  Is-proposition→Separated : Is-proposition A  Separated A
  Is-proposition→Separated {A} prop =
      (Modal→Separated Modal-⊤)
    emb : Embedding A ( a )
    emb = record
      { to           = _
      ; is-embedding = λ x y 
          _≃_.is-equivalence $
             _  prop x y)
             _  H-level.mono₁ 1
                     (H-level.mono₁ 0 (↑-closure 0 ⊤-contractible))
                     _ _)
             _  H-level.mono₁ 1 prop _ _)

  -- If A is separated, then W A P is separated (assuming function
  -- extensionality).

  Separated-W :
    {P : A  Type a} 
    Extensionality a a 
    Separated A 
    Separated (W A P)
  Separated-W {A} {P} ext s = λ x y 
      (Stable-≡-W   x y)
      (Stable-≡-W-η x y)
    head-lemma : sup x f  sup y g  x  y
    head-lemma = proj₁  Σ-≡,≡←≡  cong (_↔_.to W-unfolding)

    tail-lemma :
      (eq : sup x f  sup y g) 
      subst  x  P x  W A P) (head-lemma eq) f  g
    tail-lemma = proj₂  Σ-≡,≡←≡  cong (_↔_.to W-unfolding)

    heads :  (_≡_ {A = W A P} (sup x f) (sup y g))  x  y
    heads {x} {f} {y} {g} =
       (sup x f  sup y g)  →⟨ ◯-map head-lemma 
       (x  y)              →⟨ Modal→Stable (s _ _) ⟩□
      x  y                  

    heads-η : heads (η eq)  head-lemma eq
    heads-η =
      trans (cong (Modal→Stable _) ◯-map-η) $

    tails :
      (eq :  (sup x f  sup y g)) 
       (subst  x  P x  W A P) (heads eq) f z 
         g z)
    tails {f} {g} {z} =
         _  Modal-◯)
         eq  η (cong (_$ z) (
           subst  x  P x  W A P) (heads (η eq)) f   ≡⟨ cong  eq  subst  x  P x  W A P) eq f) heads-η 
           subst  x  P x  W A P) (head-lemma eq) f  ≡⟨ tail-lemma eq ⟩∎
           g                                            )))

    tails-η :
      (eq : sup x f  sup y g) 
      tails {z = z} (η eq) 
      η (cong (_$ z) $
         trans (cong  eq  subst  x  P x  W A P) eq f) heads-η) $
         tail-lemma eq)
    tails-η _ = ◯-elim-η

    Stable-≡-W : For-iterated-equality 1 Stable (W A P)
    Stable-≡-W (sup x f) (sup y g) eq =
      cong (uncurry sup) $
        (heads eq)
        (apply-ext ext λ z 
           subst  x  P x  W A P) (heads eq) f z  ≡⟨ Stable-≡-W _ (g z) (tails eq) ⟩∎
           g z                                       )

    Stable-≡-W-η :
      (x y : W A P) (eq : x  y) 
      Stable-≡-W x y (η eq)  eq
    Stable-≡-W-η (sup x f) (sup y g) eq =
      cong (uncurry sup)
        (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (heads (η eq))
           (apply-ext ext λ z 
            Stable-≡-W _ (g z) (tails (η eq))))                        ≡⟨ (cong  f 
                                                                                   cong (uncurry sup)
                                                                                     (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (heads (η eq))
                                                                                        (apply-ext ext f))) $
                                                                           apply-ext ext λ _ 
                                                                           cong (Stable-≡-W _ (g _)) $
                                                                           tails-η eq) 
      cong (uncurry sup)
        (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (heads (η eq))
           (apply-ext ext λ z 
            Stable-≡-W _ (g z)
              (η (cong (_$ z) $
                  trans (cong  eq  subst  x  P x  W A P) eq f)
                           heads-η) $
                  tail-lemma eq))))                                    ≡⟨ (cong  f 
                                                                                   cong (uncurry sup)
                                                                                     (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (heads (η eq))
                                                                                        (apply-ext ext f))) $
                                                                           apply-ext ext λ z 
                                                                           Stable-≡-W-η _ (g z) _) 
      cong (uncurry sup)
        (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (heads (η eq))
           (apply-ext ext λ z 
            cong (_$ z) $
            trans (cong  eq  subst  x  P x  W A P) eq f)
                     heads-η) $
            tail-lemma eq))                                            ≡⟨ cong (cong (uncurry sup)  Σ-≡,≡→≡ (heads (η eq))) $
                                                                          trans (ext-cong ext) $
                                                                          sym $ cong-id _ 
      cong (uncurry sup)
        (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (heads (η eq))
           (trans (cong  eq  subst  x  P x  W A P) eq f)
                     heads-η) $
            tail-lemma eq))                                            ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                                             {p} eq′ 
                                                                               cong (uncurry sup)
                                                                                 (Σ-≡,≡→≡ p
                                                                                    (trans (cong  eq  subst  x  P x  W A P) eq f) eq′) $
                                                                                     tail-lemma eq)) 
                                                                               cong (uncurry sup) (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (head-lemma eq) (tail-lemma eq)))
                                                                            (cong (cong (uncurry sup)  Σ-≡,≡→≡ (head-lemma eq)) $
                                                                             trans (cong (flip trans _) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                             trans-reflˡ _)

      cong (uncurry sup) (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (head-lemma eq) (tail-lemma eq))     ≡⟨ cong (cong (uncurry sup)) $
                                                                          _↔_.right-inverse-of Bijection.Σ-≡,≡↔≡ _ 

      cong (uncurry sup) (cong (_↔_.to W-unfolding) eq)                ≡⟨⟩

      cong (_↔_.from W-unfolding) (cong (_↔_.to W-unfolding) eq)       ≡⟨ cong-∘ _ _ _ 

      cong (_↔_.from W-unfolding  _↔_.to W-unfolding) eq              ≡⟨ sym $
                                                                          trans-[trans]-sym _ _ 
        (trans (cong (_↔_.from W-unfolding  _↔_.to W-unfolding) eq)
           (_↔_.left-inverse-of W-unfolding (sup y g)))
        (sym (_↔_.left-inverse-of W-unfolding (sup y g)))              ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                          naturality (_↔_.left-inverse-of W-unfolding) 
        (trans (_↔_.left-inverse-of W-unfolding (sup x f))
           (cong id eq))
        (sym (_↔_.left-inverse-of W-unfolding (sup y g)))              ≡⟨⟩

      trans (trans (refl _) (cong id eq)) (sym (refl _))               ≡⟨ trans (cong₂ trans
                                                                                   (trans (trans-reflˡ _) $
                                                                                    sym $ cong-id _)
                                                                                   sym-refl) $
                                                                          trans-reflʳ _ ⟩∎

  -- Flattening lemmas

  -- Some flattening lemmas.
  -- I did not take these lemmas from "Modalities in Homotopy Type
  -- Theory" or the corresponding Coq code.

  flatten-→ :
    (F : (Type a  Type a)  Type a) 
    (F    (F id)) 
     (F )   (F id)
  flatten-→ _ f = ◯-rec Modal-◯ f

  flatten-⇔ :
    (F : (Type a  Type a)  Type a) 
    (∀ {G H}  (∀ {A}  G A  H A)  F G  F H) 
    (F    (F id)) 
     (F )   (F id)
  flatten-⇔ F map f = record
    { to   = flatten-→ F f
    ; from = ◯-map (map η)


    module Flatten
      {F : (Type a  Type a)  Type a}
      (map :  {G H}  (∀ {A}  G A  H A)  F G  F H)
      {f : F    (F id)}

      open _⇔_ (flatten-⇔ F map f)

      to-from :
        (∀ x  f (map η x)  η x) 
         x  to (from x)  x
      to-from f-map =
            _  Separated-◯ _ _)
              ◯-rec Modal-◯ f (◯-map (map η) (η x))  ≡⟨ cong (◯-rec Modal-◯ f) ◯-map-η 
              ◯-rec Modal-◯ f (η (map η x))          ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η 
              f (map η x)                            ≡⟨ f-map x ⟩∎
              η x                                    )

      from-to :
        (∀ x  ◯-map (map η) (f x)  η x) 
         x  from (to x)  x
      from-to map-f =
           _  Separated-◯ _ _)
             ◯-map (map η) (◯-rec Modal-◯ f (η x))  ≡⟨ cong (◯-map (map η)) ◯-rec-η 
             ◯-map (map η) (f x)                    ≡⟨ map-f x ⟩∎
             η x                                    )

  flatten-≃ :
    (F : (Type a  Type a)  Type a) 
    (map :  {G H}  (∀ {A}  G A  H A)  F G  F H) 
    (f : F    (F id)) 
    (∀ x  f (map η x)  η x) 
    (∀ x  ◯-map (map η) (f x)  η x) 
     (F )   (F id)
  flatten-≃ _ map f f-map map-f = Eq.↔→≃
    (_⇔_.to equiv)
    (_⇔_.from equiv)
    (Flatten.to-from map f-map)
    (Flatten.from-to map map-f)
    equiv = flatten-⇔ _ map f

  flatten-↝ :
    (F : (Type a  Type a)  Type a) 
    (map :  {G H}  (∀ {A}  G A  H A)  F G  F H) 
    (f : F    (F id)) 
    (Extensionality a a 
     (∀ x  f (map η x)  η x) ×
     (∀ x  ◯-map (map η) (f x)  η x)) 
     (F ) ↝[ a  a ]  (F id)
  flatten-↝ _ map f hyp = generalise-ext?
    (flatten-⇔ _ map f)
         Flatten.to-from map (hyp ext .proj₁)
       , Flatten.from-to map (hyp ext .proj₂))

  -- ◯ A is equivalent to ◯ (◯ A).

  ◯≃◯◯ :  A   ( A)
  ◯≃◯◯ {A} = Eq.↔→≃
    (◯-rec Modal-◯ id)
        _  Separated-◯ _ _)
          η (◯-rec Modal-◯ id (η x))  ≡⟨ cong η ◯-rec-η ⟩∎
          η x                         ))
     _  ◯-rec-η)

  -- ◯ (Σ A (◯ ∘ P)) is equivalent to ◯ (Σ A P).

  ◯Σ◯≃◯Σ :
    {A : Type a} {P : A  Type a} 
     (Σ A (  P))   (Σ A P)
  ◯Σ◯≃◯Σ {A} {P} =
       F  Σ A (F  P))
       f  Σ-map id f)
       (x , y)  ◯-map (x ,_) y)
       _  ◯-map-η)
      (uncurry λ x 
          _  Separated-◯ _ _)
            ◯-map (Σ-map id η) (◯-map (x ,_) (η y))  ≡⟨ cong (◯-map (Σ-map id η)) ◯-map-η 
            ◯-map (Σ-map id η) (η (x , y))           ≡⟨ ◯-map-η ⟩∎
            η (x , η y)                              ))

  -- I did not take the remaining definitions in this section from
  -- "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq
  -- code.


    -- If ◯ (∀ x → Modal (P x)) holds, then ◯ ((x : A) → ◯ (P x)) is
    -- equivalent to ◯ ((x : A) → P x) (assuming function
    -- extensionality).

    ◯Π◯≃◯Π :
      {A : Type a} {P : A  Type a} 
       (∀ x  Modal (P x)) 
       ((x : A)   (P x)) ↝[ a  a ]  ((x : A)  P x)
    ◯Π◯≃◯Π m = ◯Π◯≃◯Π′ (◯-map (Modal→Stable ∘_) m)  _  m , refl _)

    -- A variant of ◯Π◯≃◯Π.

    ◯Π◯≃◯Π′ :
      {A : Type a} {P : A  Type a}
      (s :  (∀ x  Stable (P x))) 
      (Extensionality a a 
        λ (m :  (∀ x  Modal (P x))) 
         ◯-map (Modal→Stable ∘_) m  s) 
       ((x : A)   (P x)) ↝[ a  a ]  ((x : A)  P x)
    ◯Π◯≃◯Π′ {A} {P} s m =
         F  (x : A)  F (P x))
         f g x  f (g x))
         f  ◯-map  s x  s x (f x)) s)
                  {P = λ s (m :  (∀ x  Modal (P x))) 
                         ◯-map (Modal→Stable ∘_) m  s 
                         ◯-map  s x  s x (η (f x))) s  η f}
                   _ _ 
                     Modal-Π ext λ _ 
                     Separated-◯ _ _)
                   s m eq 
                     ◯-map  s x  s x (η (f x))) (η s)     ≡⟨ cong (◯-map _) $ sym
                     ◯-map  s x  s x (η (f x)))
                       (◯-map (Modal→Stable ∘_) (η m))       ≡⟨ trans (cong (◯-map _) ◯-map-η) $

                     η  x  Modal→Stable (m x) (η (f x)))  ≡⟨ (cong η $ apply-ext ext λ _ 
                                                                 Modal→Stable-η) ⟩∎
                     η f                                     )
                  _ (m ext .proj₁) (m ext .proj₂))
           ,  f 
                ◯-map  g x  η (g x)) (◯-map  s x  s x (f x)) s)  ≡⟨ sym ◯-map-∘ 

                ◯-map  s x  η (s x (f x))) s                        ≡⟨ ◯-elim₂
                                                                            {P = λ s (m :  (∀ x  Modal (P x))) 
                                                                                   ◯-map (Modal→Stable ∘_) m  s 
                                                                                   ◯-map  s x  η (s x (f x))) s  η f}
                                                                             _ _ 
                                                                               Modal-Π ext λ _ 
                                                                               Separated-◯ _ _)
                                                                             s m eq 
                  ◯-map  s x  η (s x (f x))) (η s)                          ≡⟨ cong (◯-map _) $ sym
                  ◯-map  s x  η (s x (f x)))
                    (◯-map (Modal→Stable ∘_) (η m))                            ≡⟨ trans (cong (◯-map _) ◯-map-η) $

                  η  x  η (Modal→Stable (m x) (f x)))                       ≡⟨ (cong η $ apply-ext ext λ x 
                                                                                   _≃_.right-inverse-of (Modal→≃◯ (m x)) _) ⟩∎
                  η f                                                          )
                                                                            _ (m ext .proj₁) (m ext .proj₂) ⟩∎
                η f                                                    ))

  -- Two "computation rules" for ◯Π◯≃◯Π′.

  ◯Π◯≃◯Π′-η :
    (m : Extensionality a a 
          λ (m :  (∀ x  Modal (P x))) 
           ◯-map (Modal→Stable ∘_) m  η s) 
    ◯Π◯≃◯Π′ (η s) m _ (η f)  η  x  s x (f x))
  ◯Π◯≃◯Π′-η {s} {f} m =
    ◯Π◯≃◯Π′ (η s) m _ (η f)                                      ≡⟨⟩
    ◯-rec Modal-◯  f  ◯-map  s x  s x (f x)) (η s)) (η f)  ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η 
    ◯-map  s x  s x (f x)) (η s)                              ≡⟨ ◯-map-η ⟩∎
    η  x  s x (f x))                                          

  ◯Π◯≃◯Π′⁻¹-η :
    (m : Extensionality a a 
          λ (m :  (∀ x  Modal (P x))) 
           ◯-map (Modal→Stable ∘_) m  s) 
    _⇔_.from (◯Π◯≃◯Π′ s m _) (η f)  η (η  f)
  ◯Π◯≃◯Π′⁻¹-η {s} {f} m =
    _⇔_.from (◯Π◯≃◯Π′ s m _) (η f)  ≡⟨⟩
    ◯-map  g x  η (g x)) (η f)   ≡⟨ ◯-map-η ⟩∎
    η (η  f)                       

  -- Two "computation rules" for ◯Π◯≃◯Π.

  ◯Π◯≃◯Π-η :
    ◯Π◯≃◯Π (η m) _ (η f)  η  x  Modal→Stable (m x) (f x))
  ◯Π◯≃◯Π-η {m} {f} =
    ◯Π◯≃◯Π (η m) _ (η f)                                                  ≡⟨⟩
    ◯Π◯≃◯Π′ (◯-map (Modal→Stable ∘_) (η m))  _  η m , refl _) _ (η f)  ≡⟨ elim¹
                                                                                {x} eq 
                                                                                  ◯Π◯≃◯Π′ (◯-map (Modal→Stable ∘_) (η m))
                                                                                     _  η m , refl _) _ (η f) 
                                                                                  ◯Π◯≃◯Π′ x  _  η m , eq) _ (η f))
                                                                               (refl _)
    ◯Π◯≃◯Π′ (η (Modal→Stable  m))  _  η m , ◯-map-η) _ (η f)          ≡⟨ ◯Π◯≃◯Π′-η  _  η m , ◯-map-η) ⟩∎
    η  x  Modal→Stable (m x) (f x))                                    

  ◯Π◯≃◯Π⁻¹-η :
    (m :  (∀ x  Modal (P x))) 
    _⇔_.from (◯Π◯≃◯Π m _) (η f)  η (η  f)
  ◯Π◯≃◯Π⁻¹-η m = ◯Π◯≃◯Π′⁻¹-η  _  m , refl _)

  -- Some results related to connectedness

  -- ◯ -Connected_ respects split surjections.

  Connected-map : A  B   -Connected A   -Connected B
  Connected-map {A} {B} A↠B =
    Contractible ( A)  ↝⟨ H-level.respects-surjection (◯-cong-↠ A↠B) 0 ⟩□
    Contractible ( B)  

  -- ◯ -Connected_ preserves equivalences (assuming function
  -- extensionality).

  Connected-cong :
    Extensionality? k a a 
    A  B   -Connected A ↝[ k ]  -Connected B
  Connected-cong {A} {B} ext A≃B =
    Contractible ( A)  ↝⟨ H-level-cong ext 0 $ ◯-cong-≃ A≃B ⟩□
    Contractible ( B)  

  -- If f and g are pointwise equal, then ◯ -Connected-→ f and
  -- ◯ -Connected-→ g are equivalent (assuming function
  -- extensionality).

  Connected-→-cong :
    Extensionality? k a a 
    (∀ x  f x  g x) 
     -Connected-→ f ↝[ k ]  -Connected-→ g
  Connected-→-cong {f} {g} ext f≡g =
    (∀ y   -Connected (f ⁻¹ y))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  Connected-cong ext $ Eq.↔⇒≃ $ Preimage.respects-extensional-equality f≡g) ⟩□
    (∀ y   -Connected (g ⁻¹ y))  

  -- Contractible types are ◯-connected.

  Contractible→Connected : Contractible A   -Connected A
  Contractible→Connected (x , x≡) =
      η x
    , ◯-elim
         _  Separated-◯ _ _)
           η x  ≡⟨ cong η (x≡ y) ⟩∎
           η y  )

  -- If f is ◯-connected, then ◯-map f is an equivalence.

  Connected-→→Is-equivalence-◯-map :
     -Connected-→ f  Is-equivalence (◯-map f)
  Connected-→→Is-equivalence-◯-map {f} c =
    _≃_.is-equivalence $
      (◯-rec Modal-◯ λ y  ◯-map proj₁ (c y .proj₁))
          _  Separated-◯ _ _)
            ◯-map f
              (◯-rec Modal-◯  y  ◯-map proj₁ (c y .proj₁)) (η y))  ≡⟨ cong (◯-map f) ◯-rec-η 

            ◯-map f (◯-map proj₁ (c y .proj₁))                        ≡⟨ sym ◯-map-∘ 

            ◯-map (f  proj₁) (c y .proj₁)                            ≡⟨⟩

            ◯-map  ((x , _) : f ⁻¹ y)  f x) (c y .proj₁)           ≡⟨ ◯-map-cong proj₂ 

            ◯-map  _  y) (c y .proj₁)                              ≡⟨ ◯-map-const ⟩∎

            η y                                                       ))
          _  Separated-◯ _ _)
            ◯-rec Modal-◯  y  ◯-map proj₁ (c y .proj₁))
              (◯-map f (η x))                                         ≡⟨ cong (◯-rec _ _) ◯-map-η 

            ◯-rec Modal-◯  y  ◯-map proj₁ (c y .proj₁)) (η (f x))  ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η 

            ◯-map proj₁ (c (f x) .proj₁)                              ≡⟨ cong (◯-map _) $ c (f x) .proj₂ (η (x , refl _)) 

            ◯-map proj₁ (η (x , refl (f x)))                          ≡⟨ ◯-map-η ⟩∎

            η x                                                       ))

  -- The identity function is ◯-connected for each type A.

  Connected-→-id :  -Connected-→ (id {A = A})
  Connected-→-id {A} y =
      η (y , refl y)
    , ◯-elim
         _  Separated-◯ _ _)
         (z , z≡y) 
           η (y , refl y)                     ≡⟨ cong η $
                                                 Σ-≡,≡→≡ (sym z≡y) (
             subst (_≡ y) (sym z≡y) (refl y)       ≡⟨ subst-trans _ 
             trans z≡y (refl y)                    ≡⟨ trans-reflʳ _ ⟩∎
             z≡y                                   ) ⟩∎

           η (z , z≡y)                        )

  -- The function η is ◯-connected for each type A.

  Connected-→-η :  -Connected-→ (η {A = A})
  Connected-→-η {A} y =
      ◯η⁻¹ y
    , ◯-elim
         _  Modal→Separated Modal-◯ _ _)
        (lemma y)
    ◯η⁻¹ :  y   (η ⁻¹ y)
    ◯η⁻¹ = ◯-elim
       _  Modal-◯)
       x  η (x , refl (η x)))

    lemma =                                                   $⟨  _  ◯-elim-η) 

      ((x : A)  ◯η⁻¹ (η x)  η (x , refl (η x)))             →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _ 
                                                                  _⇔_.from $ drop-⊤-left-Π _ $
                                                                  _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                  other-singleton-contractible _) 
      ((x : A) (p :  λ (y :  A)  η x  y) 
       ◯η⁻¹ (p .proj₁)  η (x , p .proj₂))                    →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  curry) 

      ((x : A) (y :  A) (p : η x  y)  ◯η⁻¹ y  η (x , p))  ↔⟨ Π-comm 

      ((y :  A) (x : A) (p : η x  y)  ◯η⁻¹ y  η (x , p))  →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  uncurry) ⟩□

      ((y :  A) (p : η ⁻¹ y)  ◯η⁻¹ y  η p)                 

  -- If f is an equivalence and g is ◯-connected, then f ∘ g is
  -- ◯-connected.

  Is-equivalence→Connected-→→Connected-→-∘ :
    Is-equivalence f   -Connected-→ g   -Connected-→ (f  g)
  Is-equivalence→Connected-→→Connected-→-∘ {f} {g} eq =
    (∀ x   -Connected (g ⁻¹ x))                 →⟨ _∘ _≃_.from equiv 
    (∀ x   -Connected (g ⁻¹ _≃_.from equiv x))  →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  Connected-cong _ (inverse (to-∘-⁻¹-≃-⁻¹-from equiv))) ⟩□
    (∀ x   -Connected (f  g ⁻¹ x))             
    equiv = Eq.⟨ _ , eq 

  -- If m : Modal B, then a function f to B is ◯-connected if and only
  -- if ◯-rec m f is an equivalence.

  Connected-→≃Is-equivalence-◯-rec :
    {f : A  B} 
    (m : Modal B) 
     -Connected-→ f ↝[ a  a ] Is-equivalence (◯-rec m f)
  Connected-→≃Is-equivalence-◯-rec {f} m =
      (record { to = to; from = from })
       ext  Connected-→-propositional ext )
    to :  -Connected-→ f  Is-equivalence (◯-rec m f)
    to =
       -Connected-→ f                →⟨ Connected-→→Is-equivalence-◯-map 

      Is-equivalence (◯-map f)        →⟨ Eq.respects-extensional-equality $
                                            _  Separated-◯ _ _)
        ◯-map f (η x)                         ≡⟨ ◯-map-η 
        η (f x)                               ≡⟨ cong η $ sym ◯-rec-η ⟩∎
        η (◯-rec m f (η x))                   ) 

      Is-equivalence (η  ◯-rec m f)  →⟨ _⇔_.from (Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalence-∘ˡ (Modal≃Is-equivalence-η _ m) _) ⟩□

      Is-equivalence (◯-rec m f)      

    from : Is-equivalence (◯-rec m f)   -Connected-→ f
    from =
      Is-equivalence (◯-rec m f)      →⟨ flip Is-equivalence→Connected-→→Connected-→-∘ Connected-→-η 
       -Connected-→ (◯-rec m f  η)  →⟨ (Connected-→-cong _ λ _  ◯-rec-η) ⟩□
       -Connected-→ f                

  -- A function between modal types is ◯-connected if and only if it
  -- is an equivalence.

  Connected-→≃Is-equivalence :
    {f : A  B} 
    Modal A  Modal B 
     -Connected-→ f ↝[ a  a ] Is-equivalence f
  Connected-→≃Is-equivalence {f} mA mB ext =
     -Connected-→ f                 ↝⟨ Connected-→≃Is-equivalence-◯-rec mB ext 
    Is-equivalence (◯-rec mB f)      ↝⟨ Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalence-∘ʳ (Modal≃Is-equivalence-η _ mA) ext 
    Is-equivalence (◯-rec mB f  η)  ↝⟨ (Is-equivalence-cong ext λ _  ◯-rec-η) ⟩□
    Is-equivalence f                 

  -- The function η ∘ f is ◯-connected if and only if ◯-map f is an
  -- equivalence.

  Connected-→-η-∘-≃Is-equivalence-◯-map :
    {f : A  B} 
     -Connected-→ (η  f) ↝[ a  a ] Is-equivalence (◯-map f)
  Connected-→-η-∘-≃Is-equivalence-◯-map {f} ext =
     -Connected-→ (η  f)                  ↝⟨ Connected-→≃Is-equivalence-◯-rec Modal-◯ ext 

    Is-equivalence (◯-rec Modal-◯ (η  f))  ↝⟨ (Is-equivalence-cong ext $
                                                ◯-elim  _  Separated-◯ _ _) λ x 
      ◯-rec Modal-◯ (η  f) (η x)                 ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η 
      η (f x)                                     ≡⟨ sym ◯-map-η ⟩∎
      ◯-map f (η x)                               ) ⟩□

    Is-equivalence (◯-map f)                

  -- If A is ◯-connected, and P x is ◯-connected for all x, then Σ A P
  -- is ◯-connected.

  Connected-Σ :
     -Connected A  (∀ x   -Connected (P x))   -Connected (Σ A P)
  Connected-Σ {A} {P} = curry
    (Contractible ( A) × ((x : A)  Contractible ( (P x)))  ↝⟨  (cA , cP) 
                                                                    Connected-cong _
                                                                      (inverse $ Eq.↔⇒≃ $ drop-⊤-right λ _ 
                                                                       _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ (cP _))
     Contractible ( (Σ A (  P)))                           ↝⟨ H-level-cong _ 0 ◯Σ◯≃◯Σ ⟩□
     Contractible ( (Σ A P))                                 )

  -- If g is ◯-connected, then f is ◯-connected if and only if f ∘ g
  -- is ◯-connected.

  Connected-→→Connected-→≃Connected-→-∘ :
     -Connected-→ g 
     -Connected-→ f ↝[ a  a ]  -Connected-→ (f  g)
  Connected-→→Connected-→≃Connected-→-∘ {g} {f} c-g ext =
    (∀ z  Contractible ( (f ⁻¹ z)))      ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ z  H-level-cong ext 0 $ lemma z) ⟩□
    (∀ z  Contractible ( (f  g ⁻¹ z)))  
    lemma = λ z 
       (f ⁻¹ z)                               ↝⟨ (◯-cong-≃ $ inverse $ Eq.↔⇒≃ $
                                                   drop-⊤-right λ _ 
                                                   _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                   c-g _) 
       ( λ ((y , _) : f ⁻¹ z)   (g ⁻¹ y))  ↝⟨ ◯Σ◯≃◯Σ 
       ( λ ((y , _) : f ⁻¹ z)  g ⁻¹ y)      ↝⟨ ◯-cong-≃ $ inverse $ ∘⁻¹≃ _ _ ⟩□
       (f  g ⁻¹ z)                           


    -- A lemma used in the following two definitions.

    ◯-Σ-map-⁻¹≃◯⁻¹ :
       {A B : Type a} {P : A  Type a} {Q : B  Type a}
        {f : A  B} {g :  x  P x  Q (f x)} {x y} 
      (∀ x   -Connected-→ g x) 
       (Σ-map f  {x}  g x) ⁻¹ (x , y))   (f ⁻¹ x)
    ◯-Σ-map-⁻¹≃◯⁻¹ {Q} {f} {g} {x} {y} c-g =
       (Σ-map f  {x}  g x) ⁻¹ (x , y))                                ↔⟨⟩
       ( λ (x′ , y′)  (f x′ , g x′ y′)  (x , y))                      ↔⟨ ◯-cong-↔ $ inverse Σ-assoc 
       ( λ x′   λ y′  (f x′ , g x′ y′)  (x , y))                    ↔⟨ (◯-cong-↔ $ ∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  inverse
       ( λ x′   λ y′   λ (p : f x′  x)  subst Q p (g x′ y′)  y)  ↔⟨ ◯-cong-↔ $ Σ-assoc F.∘ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-comm) 
       ( λ ((x′ , p) : f ⁻¹ x)  subst Q p  g x′ ⁻¹ y)                 ↝⟨ (◯-cong-≃ $ ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                              to-∘-⁻¹-≃-⁻¹-from (Eq.subst-as-equivalence Q _)) 
       ( λ ((x′ , p) : f ⁻¹ x)  g x′ ⁻¹ subst Q (sym p) y)             ↝⟨ inverse ◯Σ◯≃◯Σ 
       ( λ ((x′ , p) : f ⁻¹ x)   (g x′ ⁻¹ subst Q (sym p) y))         ↔⟨ (◯-cong-↔ $ drop-⊤-right λ _  _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $ c-g _ _) ⟩□
       (f ⁻¹ x)                                                          

  -- If f is ◯-connected, and g : ∀ x → P x → Q (f x) is pointwise
  -- ◯-connected, then Σ-map {Q = Q} f (λ {x} → g x) is ◯-connected.

  Connected-→-Σ-map :
    {g :  x  P x  Q (f x)} 
     -Connected-→ f  (∀ x   -Connected-→ g x) 
     -Connected-→ Σ-map {Q = Q} f  {x}  g x)
  Connected-→-Σ-map {f} {g} c-f c-g (x , y) =
                                                         $⟨ c-f x 
    Contractible ( (f ⁻¹ x))                            →⟨ H-level-cong _ 0 (inverse $ ◯-Σ-map-⁻¹≃◯⁻¹ c-g) ⟩□
    Contractible ( (Σ-map f  {x}  g x) ⁻¹ (x , y)))  

  -- If Q x is inhabited for each x, g : ∀ x → P x → Q (f x) is
  -- pointwise ◯-connected, and Σ-map f (λ {x} → g x) is ◯-connected,
  -- then f is ◯-connected.
  -- In Cubical Agda it would have sufficed for Q x to be merely
  -- inhabited for each x, but this module does not use Cubical Agda.

  Connected-→-Σ-map→Connected-→ :
    {g :  x  P x  Q (f x)} 
    (∀ x  Q x) 
    (∀ x   -Connected-→ g x) 
     -Connected-→ Σ-map f  {x}  g x) 
     -Connected-→ f
  Connected-→-Σ-map→Connected-→ {f} {g} q c-g c-f-g x =
                                                           $⟨ c-f-g (x , q x) 
    Contractible ( (Σ-map f  {x}  g x) ⁻¹ (x , q x)))  →⟨ H-level-cong _ 0 (◯-Σ-map-⁻¹≃◯⁻¹ c-g) ⟩□
    Contractible ( (f ⁻¹ x))                              

  -- Σ-map id (λ {x} → f x) is ◯-connected (for f : ∀ x → P x → Q x)
  -- if and only if f x is ◯-connected for each x.

  Connected-→-Σ-map≃Connected-→ :
    {A : Type a} {P Q : A  Type a} {f :  x  P x  Q x} 
     -Connected-→ Σ-map id  {x}  f x) ↝[ a  a ]
    (∀ x   -Connected-→ f x)
  Connected-→-Σ-map≃Connected-→ {f} ext =
     -Connected-→ Σ-map id  {x}  f x)               ↔⟨⟩
    (∀ p   -Connected (Σ-map id  {x}  f x) ⁻¹ p))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  Connected-cong ext Σ-map-id-⁻¹≃⁻¹) 
    (∀ p   -Connected (f (proj₁ p) ⁻¹ proj₂ p))       ↔⟨ currying 
    (∀ x y   -Connected (f x ⁻¹ y))                   ↔⟨⟩
    (∀ x   -Connected-→ f x)                          

  -- If _∘ f is split surjective at certain types, then f is
  -- ◯-connected.

  Split-surjective-∘→Connected-→ :
    {f : A  B} 
    ((P : B  Type a)  (∀ y  Modal (P y)) 
     Split-surjective (_∘ f  ((∀ y  P y)  (∀ x  P (f x))))) 
     -Connected-→ f
  Split-surjective-∘→Connected-→ {B} {f} hyp =
    λ y  inh y , lemma y
    P′ : B  Type a
    P′ y =  (f ⁻¹ y)

    surj :
        (_∘ f  ((∀ y   (f ⁻¹ y))  (∀ x   (f ⁻¹ f x))))
    surj = hyp P′  _  Modal-◯)

    inh :  y   (f ⁻¹ y)
    inh = surj  x  η (x , refl (f x))) .proj₁

    lemma :  y (p :  (f ⁻¹ y))  inh y  p
    lemma y =
         _  Separated-◯ _ _)
        (uncurry λ x 
              {y} fx≡y 
                surj  x  η (x , refl (f x))) .proj₁ y 
                η (x , fx≡y))
             (surj  x  η (x , refl (f x))) .proj₁ (f x)  ≡⟨ ext⁻¹ (surj  x  η (x , refl (f x))) .proj₂) x ⟩∎
              η (x , refl (f x))                            ))

  -- One can express ◯ -Connected-→ f in several equivalent ways
  -- (assuming function extensionality).

  Equivalent-Connected-→ :
    {f : A  B} 
    Extensionality a a 
    Equivalent? (lsuc a) a
      (  -Connected-→ f

      , ((P : B  Type a)  (∀ y  Modal (P y)) 
         Is-equivalence (_∘ f  ((∀ y  P y)  (∀ x  P (f x)))))

      , ((P : B  Type a)  (∀ y  Modal (P y)) 
         Split-surjective (_∘ f  ((∀ y  P y)  (∀ x  P (f x)))))
  Equivalent-Connected-→ {B} {f} ext =
    ,  ext′ 
           Connected-→-propositional ext 
         , (Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
            Π-closure ext  1 λ _ 
            Is-equivalence-propositional ext)
         , prop ext′
         , _)
    step₁ :
       -Connected-→ f 
      (P : B  Type a)  (∀ y  Modal (P y)) 
      Is-equivalence (_∘ f  ((∀ y  P y)  (∀ x  P (f x))))
    step₁ c P m =
      _≃_.is-equivalence $
        ((∀ y  P y)                              ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  inverse $
                                                      drop-⊤-left-Π ext $
                                                      _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ (c _)) 
         (∀ y   (f ⁻¹ y)  P y)                 ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                      Π◯≃Πη ext λ _  Modal→Stable (m _)) 
         (∀ y  f ⁻¹ y  P y)                     ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  currying) 
         (∀ y x  f x  y  P y)                  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ fx≡y 
                                                      ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong P $ sym fx≡y) 
         (∀ y x  f x  y  P (f x))              ↔⟨ Π-comm 
         (∀ x y  f x  y  P (f x))              ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  inverse currying) 
         (∀ x  Other-singleton (f x)  P (f x))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                      drop-⊤-left-Π ext $
                                                      _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                      other-singleton-contractible _) ⟩□
         (∀ x  P (f x))                          )
        (_∘ f)
         g  apply-ext ext λ x 
           ≡⇒→ (cong P (sym (refl _)))
             (◯-rec (m (f x)) id
                (η (subst  _  P (f x))
                      (proj₂ (c (f x)) (η (x , refl _)))
                      (g (f x)))))                        ≡⟨ (let y = _ in
                                                              trans (cong  eq  ≡⇒→ eq y) $
                                                                     trans (cong (cong P) sym-refl) $
                                                                     cong-refl _) $
                                                              ext⁻¹ ≡⇒→-refl _) 
           ◯-rec (m (f x)) id
             (η (subst  _  P (f x))
                   (proj₂ (c (f x)) (η (x , refl _)))
                   (g (f x))))                            ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η 

           subst  _  P (f x))
             (proj₂ (c (f x)) (η (x , refl _)))
             (g (f x))                                    ≡⟨ subst-const _ ⟩∎

           g (f x)                                        )

    l-equiv : Logically-equivalent _
    l-equiv =
        ( -Connected-→ f                                             →⟨ step₁ ⟩⇔

         ((P : B  Type a)  (∀ y  Modal (P y)) 
          Is-equivalence (_∘ f  ((∀ y  P y)  (∀ x  P (f x)))))    →⟨  hyp P m 
                                                                            _≃_.split-surjective $ Eq.⟨ _ , hyp P m ) ⟩⇔□)
      , (((P : B  Type a)  (∀ y  Modal (P y)) 
          Split-surjective (_∘ f  ((∀ y  P y)  (∀ x  P (f x)))))  →⟨ Split-surjective-∘→Connected-→ ⟩□

          -Connected-→ f                                             )

    prop :
      Extensionality (lsuc a) a 
        ((P : B  Type a)  (∀ y  Modal (P y)) 
         Split-surjective (_∘ f  ((∀ y  P y)  (∀ x  P (f x)))))
    prop ext′ =
      [inhabited⇒+]⇒+ 0 λ surj 
      Π-closure ext′ 1 λ P 
      Π-closure ext  1 λ m                                            $⟨ _⇔_.to
                                                                               (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₁ F.id)))
                                                                               (inj₂ (inj₁ F.id)))
                                                                            surj P m 

        Is-equivalence (_∘ f)                                          →⟨  eq  _≃_.is-equivalence $ →-cong ext F.id Eq.⟨ _ , eq ) 

        Is-equivalence ((_∘ f) ∘_)                                     →⟨ Emb.Is-equivalence→Is-embedding 

        Is-embedding ((_∘ f) ∘_)                                       →⟨  emb  Emb.embedding→⁻¹-propositional emb _) 

        Is-proposition (((_∘ f) ∘_) ⁻¹ id)                             →⟨ H-level-cong _ 1 $ equiv P ⟩□

          (Split-surjective (_∘ f  ((∀ y  P y)  (∀ x  P (f x)))))  
      equiv :  _  _
      equiv _ =
        ((_∘ f) ∘_) ⁻¹ id               ↔⟨⟩
        ( λ g   h  g h  f)  id)  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  inverse $ Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext) 
        ( λ g   h  g h  f  h)     ↔⟨ inverse ΠΣ-comm ⟩□
        Split-surjective (_∘ f)         

  -- "◯-connected" can be expressed in another way (assuming function
  -- extensionality).

  Connected≃Modal→Is-equivalence-const :
    Extensionality a a 
     -Connected A ↝[ lsuc a  a ]
    ({B : Type a} 
     Modal B 
     Is-equivalence (const  (B  A  B)))
  Connected≃Modal→Is-equivalence-const {A} ext =
      ( -Connected A                                               ↝⟨ (Connected-cong _ $ inverse $
                                                                        drop-⊤-right λ _  Eq.↔⇒≃ $
                                                                        _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                        H-level.⇒≡ 0 $ ↑-closure 0 ⊤-contractible) 

        -Connected (const {B = A} (lift tt) ⁻¹ lift tt)            ↝⟨ inverse $ drop-⊤-left-Π _ Bijection.↑↔ 

        -Connected-→ const {B = A} (lift tt)                       ↝⟨ logically-equivalent
                                                                         (Equivalent-Connected-→ ext .proj₁)
                                                                         (inj₁ F.id) (inj₂ (inj₁ F.id)) 
       ((P :  a   Type a)  (∀ y  Modal (P y)) 
        Is-equivalence (_∘ const _  (( a   P _)  (A  P _))))  ↝⟨ record
                                                                         { to   = λ hyp {_} m  hyp _ (const m)
                                                                         ; from = λ hyp _ m  hyp (m _)
       ({B : Type a}  Modal B 
        Is-equivalence (_∘ const _  (( a   B)  (A  B))))      ↝⟨ (implicit-∀-cong _ λ {B}  ∀-cong _ λ m 
                                                                          (_≃_.is-equivalence $
                                                                             (inverse $ drop-⊤-left-Π ext Bijection.↑↔)
                                                                              y  apply-ext ext λ _ 
         subst  _  B) (refl _) y                                             ≡⟨ subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎
         y                                                                      ))
                                                                          _) ⟩□
       ({B : Type a}  Modal B 
        Is-equivalence (const  (B  A  B)))                       )
       _  Connected-propositional ext )
         implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
         Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
         Is-equivalence-propositional ext)

  -- If ◯ (P x) is P-null, then P x is ◯-connected.

  Null→Connected : P -Null  (P x)   -Connected (P x)
  Null→Connected {P} {x} null =
          _ _  Separated-◯ _ _)
          y z 
            η y                              ≡⟨ cong (_$ y) $ sym $ _≃_.right-inverse-of ◯≃→◯ _ 
            _≃_.to ◯≃→◯ (_≃_.from ◯≃→◯ η) y  ≡⟨⟩
            _≃_.from ◯≃→◯ η                  ≡⟨⟩
            _≃_.to ◯≃→◯ (_≃_.from ◯≃→◯ η) z  ≡⟨ cong (_$ z) $ _≃_.right-inverse-of ◯≃→◯ _ ⟩∎
            η z                              ))
      (_≃_.from ◯≃→◯ η)
    ◯≃→◯ :  (P x)  (P x   (P x))
    ◯≃→◯ = Eq.⟨ const , null x 

  -- If (_ , P , _) is a witness of the modality's accessibility, then
  -- P x is ◯-connected for each x (assuming function extensionality).

  Accessible→Connected :
    Extensionality a a 
    ((A , P , _) : Accessible M) 
    {x : A}   -Connected (P x)
  Accessible→Connected ext (_ , P , acc) {x} =
      (                                                    $⟨ _⇔_.to (acc ( (P x))) Modal-◯ 
       (∀ i 
        Is-∞-extendable-along-[  (_ : P i)  lift tt) ]
           (_ :  a )   (P x)))                       ↝⟨ PS.Π-Is-∞-extendable-along≃Null ext ⟩□

       P -Null  (P x)                                     )

  -- I did not take the remaining lemmas in this section from
  -- "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq
  -- code.

  -- If A is separated and B is ◯-connected, then const : A → B → A is
  -- an embedding (assuming function extensionality).

  Separated→Connected→Is-embedding-const :
    Extensionality a a 
    Separated A 
     -Connected B 
    Is-embedding (const  (A  B  A))
  Separated→Connected→Is-embedding-const {B} ext s c x y =
    _≃_.is-equivalence $
      (x  y                          ↝⟨ Eq.⟨ _ , _⇔_.to (Connected≃Modal→Is-equivalence-const ext _) c (s _ _)  
       (B  x  y)                    ↔⟨⟩
       (∀ z  const x z  const y z)  ↝⟨ Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext ⟩□
       const x  const y              )
      (cong const)
         apply-ext ext  _  eq)  ≡⟨ ext-const ext ⟩∎
         cong const eq             )

  -- If A is ◯-connected, then const : ∃ Modal → A → ∃ Modal is an
  -- embedding (assuming function extensionality and univalence).

  Connected→Is-embedding-const-Σ-Modal :
    Extensionality a (lsuc a) 
    Univalence a 
     -Connected A 
    Is-embedding (const  ( Modal  A   Modal))
    {A} ext univ c Bm@(B , mB) Cm@(C , mC) =
    _≃_.is-equivalence $
      (Bm  Cm                          ↔⟨ inverse $ ignore-propositional-component prop 
       B  C                            ↝⟨ ≡≃≃ univ 
       B  C                            ↝⟨ Eq.⟨ _ , _⇔_.to (Connected≃Modal→Is-equivalence-const ext′ _) c (Modal-≃ ext′ mB mC)  
       (A  B  C)                      ↔⟨⟩
       (∀ x  const B x  const C x)    ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  inverse $ ≡≃≃ univ) 
       (∀ x  const B x  const C x)    ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ignore-propositional-component prop) 
       (∀ x  const Bm x  const Cm x)  ↝⟨ Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext ⟩□
       const Bm  const Cm              )
      (cong const)
         (apply-ext ext λ _ 
          _↔_.to (ignore-propositional-component prop) $
          ≃⇒≡ univ $ ≡⇒≃ $
          _↔_.from (ignore-propositional-component prop) eq)  ≡⟨ (cong (apply-ext ext) $ apply-ext ext λ _ 
                                                                  cong (_↔_.to (ignore-propositional-component prop)) $
                                                                  _≃_.left-inverse-of (≡≃≃ univ) _) 
         (apply-ext ext λ _ 
          _↔_.to (ignore-propositional-component prop) $
          _↔_.from (ignore-propositional-component prop) eq)  ≡⟨ (cong (apply-ext ext) $ apply-ext ext λ _ 
                                                                  _↔_.right-inverse-of (ignore-propositional-component prop) _) 

         (apply-ext ext λ _  eq)                             ≡⟨ ext-const ext ⟩∎

         cong const eq                                        )
    ext′ = lower-extensionality lzero _ ext
    prop = Modal-propositional ext′

  -- Accessible modalities

  -- A simple consequence of the definition of accessibility.

  Accessible→Modal≃Null :
    Extensionality a a 
    ((_ , P , _) : Accessible M) 
    Modal A  P -Null A
  Accessible→Modal≃Null {A} ext (_ , P , acc) =
    Modal A                                               ↝⟨ _↠_.from
                                                                  (Modal-propositional ext)
                                                                  (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                                                                   PS.Is-∞-extendable-along-propositional ext))
                                                               (acc A) 
    (∀ x 
       Is-∞-extendable-along-[  (_ : P x)  lift tt) ]
          (_ :  a )  A))                             ↝⟨ PS.Π-Is-∞-extendable-along≃Null ext ⟩□

    P -Null A                                             

  -- Some definitions and lemmas related to left exactness

  -- For more properties that hold for left exact modalities, see
  -- Modality.Left-exact and other modules.

  -- An alternative definition of what it means for the modality to be
  -- left exact.

  Left-exact-η-cong : Type (lsuc a)
  Left-exact-η-cong =
    {A : Type a} {x y : A} 
    Is-equivalence (η-cong {x = x} {y = y})

  -- Left-exact-η-cong is propositional (assuming function
  -- extensionality).

  Left-exact-η-cong-propositional :
    Extensionality (lsuc a) a 
    Is-proposition Left-exact-η-cong
  Left-exact-η-cong-propositional ext =
    implicit-Π-closure ext  1 λ _ 
    implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
    implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
    Is-equivalence-propositional ext′
    ext′ = lower-extensionality _ lzero ext


    -- The two definitions of "left exact" given above are equivalent
    -- (assuming function extensionality).

    Left-exact≃Left-exact-η-cong :
      Left-exact  ↝[ lsuc a  a ] Left-exact-η-cong
    Left-exact≃Left-exact-η-cong = generalise-ext?-prop
         (Equivalent-Left-exact .proj₁)
         (inj₁ F.id)
         (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₁ F.id))))))))

    -- In fact, a number of definitions of "left exact" are logically
    -- equivalent (and equivalent assuming function extensionality).

    Equivalent-Left-exact :
      Equivalent? (lsuc a) (lsuc a)
        (Left-exact  ,

         ({A B : Type a} {f : A  B} 
           -Connected A   -Connected B   -Connected-→ f) ,

         ({A B₁ B₂ C : Type a}
          {f₁ : A  B₂} {f₂ : B₂  C} {g₁ : A  B₁} {g₂ : B₁  C}
          (p :  x  g₂ (g₁ x)  f₂ (f₁ x)) 
           -Connected-→ f₂   -Connected-→ g₁ 
           y   -Connected-→ (⁻¹-map p  (f₁ ⁻¹ y  g₂ ⁻¹ f₂ y))) ,

         ({A B : Type a} {f : A  B} {y : B} 
            (⁻¹-map {f₂ = η}  _  ◯-map-η) 
             (f ⁻¹ y  ◯-map f ⁻¹ η y))) ,

         ({A : Type a} {x y : A} 
            (⁻¹-map  _  ◯-map-η {x = lift tt}) 
               (const {B =  a } x ⁻¹ y  ◯-map (const x) ⁻¹ η y))) ,

         ({A : Type a} {x y : A} 
           -Connected-→ (cong η  (x  y  η x  η y))) ,

         Left-exact-η-cong ,

         ({A B C : Type a} {f : A  B} {g : B  C} 
           -Connected-→ g   -Connected-→ (g  f) 
           -Connected-→ f) ,

         ({A B : Type a} {f : A  B} 
          Is-equivalence (◯-map f)   -Connected-→ f))
    Equivalent-Left-exact =
          (inj₂ (inj₁ F.id))
          (inj₁ F.id)
          ( (({A : Type a} {x y : A} 
               -Connected A   -Connected (x  y))                      →⟨  lex  step₁ lex) ⟩⇔

             ({A B : Type a} {f : A  B} 
               -Connected A   -Connected B   -Connected-→ f)         →⟨  lex  step₂ lex) ⟩⇔

             ({A B₁ B₂ C : Type a}
              {f₁ : A  B₂} {f₂ : B₂  C} {g₁ : A  B₁} {g₂ : B₁  C}
              (p :  x  g₂ (g₁ x)  f₂ (f₁ x)) 
               -Connected-→ f₂   -Connected-→ g₁ 
               y   -Connected-→ (⁻¹-map p  (f₁ ⁻¹ y  g₂ ⁻¹ f₂ y)))   →⟨  lex  lex  _  ◯-map-η) Connected-→-η Connected-→-η _) ⟩⇔

             ({A B : Type a} {f : A  B} {y : B} 
                (⁻¹-map {f₂ = η}  _  ◯-map-η) 
                 (f ⁻¹ y  ◯-map f ⁻¹ η y)))                              →⟨  lex  lex) ⟩⇔

             ({A : Type a} {x y : A} 
                (⁻¹-map  _  ◯-map-η {x = lift tt}) 
                   (const {B =  a } x ⁻¹ y  ◯-map (const x) ⁻¹ η y)))  →⟨  lex  step₅ lex) ⟩⇔

             ({A : Type a} {x y : A} 
               -Connected-→ (cong η  (x  y  η x  η y)))              →⟨  lex {_ _ _}  Connected-→≃Is-equivalence-◯-rec _ _ lex) ⟩⇔□)

          , (({A : Type a} {x y : A} 
                (◯-rec (Separated-◯ _ _) (cong η) 
                 ( (x  y)  η x  η y)))                                ↔⟨⟩

             ({A : Type a} {x y : A} 
              Is-equivalence (η-cong  ( (x  y)  η x  η y)))          →⟨ step₇ ⟩□

             ({A : Type a} {x y : A} 
               -Connected A   -Connected (x  y))                      )
             (inj₂ (inj₁ F.id))
             (inj₁ F.id)
             ( (({A B : Type a} {f : A  B} 
                  -Connected A   -Connected B   -Connected-→ f)  →⟨  lex {_ _ _ _ _}  step₈ lex) ⟩⇔□)

             , (({A B C : Type a} {f : A  B} {g : B  C} 
                  -Connected-→ g   -Connected-→ (g  f) 
                  -Connected-→ f)                                    →⟨  lex  step₉ lex) ⟩□

                ({A B : Type a} {f : A  B} 
                  -Connected A   -Connected B   -Connected-→ f)  )
             ( (({A B C : Type a} {f : A  B} {g : B  C} 
                  -Connected-→ g   -Connected-→ (g  f) 
                  -Connected-→ f)                                    →⟨  lex {_ _ _}  step₁₀ lex) ⟩⇔□)

             , (({A B : Type a} {f : A  B} 
                 Is-equivalence (◯-map f)   -Connected-→ f)         →⟨  lex  step₁₁ lex) ⟩□

                ({A B C : Type a} {f : A  B} {g : B  C} 
                  -Connected-→ g   -Connected-→ (g  f) 
                  -Connected-→ f)                                    )
      ,  ext 
           let ext′ : Extensionality (lsuc a) a
               ext′ = lower-extensionality lzero _ ext

               ext″ : Extensionality a a
               ext″ = lower-extensionality _ _ ext
             Left-exact-propositional ext′
           , (implicit-Π-closure ext  1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              Connected-→-propositional ext″ )
           , (implicit-Π-closure ext  1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext  1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext  1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              Connected-→-propositional ext″ )
           , (implicit-Π-closure ext  1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              Connected-→-propositional ext″ )
           , (implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              Connected-→-propositional ext″ )
           , (implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              Connected-→-propositional ext″ )
           , Left-exact-η-cong-propositional ext′
           , (implicit-Π-closure ext  1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext  1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              Connected-→-propositional ext″ )
           , (implicit-Π-closure ext  1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
              implicit-Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
              Connected-→-propositional ext″ )
           , _)
      step₁ :
        {f : A  B} 
         -Connected A   -Connected B   -Connected-→ f
      step₁ lex cA cB _ = Connected-Σ cA λ _  lex cB

      step₂ :
        {f₁ : A  B₂} {f₂ : B₂  C} {g₁ : A  B₁} {g₂ : B₁  C} 
        ({A B : Type a} {f : A  B} 
          -Connected A   -Connected B   -Connected-→ f) 
        (p :  x  g₂ (g₁ x)  f₂ (f₁ x)) 
         -Connected-→ f₂   -Connected-→ g₁ 
         y   -Connected-→ (⁻¹-map p  (f₁ ⁻¹ y  g₂ ⁻¹ f₂ y))
      step₂ lex p c-f₂ c-g₁ y =                                         $⟨  _  lex (c-g₁ _) (c-f₂ _) _) 
        (∀ q   -Connected (⁻¹-map (sym  p) ⁻¹ (y , sym (proj₂ q))))  →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  Connected-cong _ $ inverse 3×3-⁻¹) ⟩□
        (∀ q   -Connected (⁻¹-map p ⁻¹ q))                            

      step₅ :
        {x y : A} 
          (⁻¹-map  _  ◯-map-η {x = lift tt}) 
             (const {B =  a } x ⁻¹ y  ◯-map (const x) ⁻¹ η y)) 
         -Connected-→ (cong η  (x  y  η x  η y))
      step₅ {x} {y} =
           (_ , x≡y)  η _ , trans ◯-map-η (cong η x≡y))                →⟨ Connected-→→Connected-→≃Connected-→-∘ lemma₁ _ 

         -Connected-→  x≡y  η _ , trans ◯-map-η (cong η x≡y))         →⟨ Is-equivalence→Connected-→→Connected-→-∘ $
                                                                             _≃_.is-equivalence drop-proj₁ 
           x≡y  _≃_.to drop-proj₁ (η _ , trans ◯-map-η (cong η x≡y)))  →⟨ (Connected-→-cong _ λ x≡y 

          _≃_.to drop-proj₁ (η _ , trans ◯-map-η (cong η x≡y))                  ≡⟨⟩

             z  ◯-map (const x) z  η y)
            (sym $ _≃_.left-inverse-of ◯-⊤ _)
            (trans ◯-map-η (cong η x≡y))                                        ≡⟨ cong (flip (subst _) _) $
                                                                                   H-level.⇒≡ 1
                                                                                     (H-level.mono₁ 0 $ _⇔_.from contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                                      from-equivalence ◯-⊤)
                                                                                     _ _ 
             z  ◯-map (const x) z  η y)
            (refl _)
            (trans ◯-map-η (cong η x≡y))                                        ≡⟨ subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎

          trans ◯-map-η (cong η x≡y)                                            ) 

         -Connected-→  x≡y  trans ◯-map-η (cong η x≡y))               →⟨ Is-equivalence→Connected-→→Connected-→-∘ lemma₂ 

           x≡y  trans (sym (◯-map-η {f = const x}))
                     (trans ◯-map-η (cong η x≡y)))                        →⟨ (Connected-→-cong _ λ _  trans-sym-[trans] _ _) ⟩□

         -Connected-→ (cong η  (x  y  η x  η y))                     
        lemma₁ :  -Connected-→ (lift { = a} tt ,_)
        lemma₁ (lift tt , x≡y) =                            $⟨ ⊤-contractible 
          Contractible                                     →⟨ H-level-cong _ 0 $ inverse ◯-⊤ 
          Contractible ( ( a ))                          ↔⟨⟩
           -Connected ( a )                              →⟨ Connected-cong _ (

             a                                                 ↔⟨ Bijection.↑↔ 
                                                                ↔⟨ inverse $ _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                      (inverse $ drop-⊤-left-× λ _  Bijection.↑↔)
                                                                      _ ⟩□
            (lift tt ,_) ⁻¹ (lift tt , x≡y)                      ) 

           -Connected (((lift tt ,_) ⁻¹ (lift tt , x≡y)))  

        drop-proj₁ : ( λ (x :  ( a ))  P x)  P (η _)
        drop-proj₁ =
          from-bijection $ drop-⊤-left-Σ $ from-equivalence ◯-⊤

        lemma₂ :
            (trans {z = η y}
               (sym (◯-map-η {f = const x} {x = lift tt})))
        lemma₂ = _≃_.is-equivalence $ Eq.↔→≃
          (trans ◯-map-η)
           _  trans-sym-[trans] _ _)
           _  trans--[trans-sym] _ _)

      step₇ : Left-exact-η-cong  Left-exact 
      step₇ lex {A} {x} {y} =
        Contractible ( A)        →⟨ H-level.⇒≡ 0 
        Contractible (η x  η y)  →⟨ H-level-cong _ 0 $ inverse Eq.⟨ _ , lex  ⟩□
        Contractible ( (x  y))  

      step₈ :
        ({A B : Type a} {f : A  B} 
          -Connected A   -Connected B   -Connected-→ f) 
         -Connected-→ g   -Connected-→ (g  f)   -Connected-→ f
      step₈ {g} {f} lex c-g c-g∘f =                        $⟨  _  lex (c-g∘f _) (c-g _) _) 
        (∀ y   -Connected (∘⁻¹→⁻¹ ⁻¹ (y , refl (g y))))  →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ y  Connected-cong _ Σ-map--id-⁻¹≃⁻¹) ⟩□
        (∀ y   -Connected (f ⁻¹ y))                      
        ∘⁻¹→⁻¹ : g  f ⁻¹ g y  g ⁻¹ g y
        ∘⁻¹→⁻¹ = Σ-map f id

      step₁₀ :
        ({A B C : Type a} {f : A  B} {g : B  C} 
          -Connected-→ g   -Connected-→ (g  f)   -Connected-→ f) 
        Is-equivalence (◯-map f)   -Connected-→ f
      step₁₀ {f} lex =
        Is-equivalence (◯-map f)  →⟨ _⇔_.from (Connected-→-η-∘-≃Is-equivalence-◯-map _) 
         -Connected-→ (η  f)    →⟨ lex Connected-→-η ⟩□
         -Connected-→ f          

      step₉ :
        {f : A  B} 
        ({A B C : Type a} {f : A  B} {g : B  C} 
          -Connected-→ g   -Connected-→ (g  f)   -Connected-→ f) 
         -Connected A   -Connected B   -Connected-→ f
      step₉ {f} lex c-A c-B =
                                  $⟨ Eq.function-between-contractible-types-is-equivalence _ c-A c-B 
        Is-equivalence (◯-map f)  →⟨ step₁₀ lex ⟩□
         -Connected-→ f          

      step₁₁ :
        ({A B : Type a} {f : A  B} 
         Is-equivalence (◯-map f)   -Connected-→ f) 
         -Connected-→ g   -Connected-→ (g  f)   -Connected-→ f
      step₁₁ {g} {f} lex = curry
        ( -Connected-→ g ×  -Connected-→ (g  f)                      →⟨ Σ-map
         Is-equivalence (◯-map g) × Is-equivalence (◯-map (g  f))      →⟨ (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                            Is-equivalence-cong _ λ _ 
         Is-equivalence (◯-map g) × Is-equivalence (◯-map g  ◯-map f)  →⟨ uncurry (Eq.Two-out-of-three.g-g∘f $ Eq.two-out-of-three _ _) 
         Is-equivalence (◯-map f)                                       →⟨ lex ⟩□
          -Connected-→ f                                               )

  -- If the modality is left exact, A is ◯-connected, and
  -- P : A → Type a is pointwise modal, then there is some modal type
  -- B : Type a for which P x ≃ B holds for each x.

  Left-exact→Connected→Modal→≃ :
    {P : A  Type a} 
     -Connected A  (∀ x  Modal (P x)) 
     λ (B : Type a)  Modal B ×  x  P x  B
  Left-exact→Connected→Modal→≃ {A} {P} =
    Left-exact                                                     →⟨ _⇔_.to
                                                                            (Equivalent-Left-exact .proj₁)
                                                                            (inj₁ F.id)
                                                                            (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₁ F.id))))))))) 
    ({A B C : Type a} {f : A  B} {g : B  C} 
      -Connected-→ g   -Connected-→ (g  f)   -Connected-→ f)  →⟨ step₂ ⟩□

    ( -Connected A  (∀ x  Modal (P x)) 
      λ (B : Type a)  Modal B ×  x  P x  B)                    
    step₂ :
      ({A B C : Type a} {f : A  B} {g : B  C} 
        -Connected-→ g   -Connected-→ (g  f)   -Connected-→ f) 
       -Connected A  (∀ x  Modal (P x)) 
       λ (B : Type a)  Modal B ×  x  P x  B
    step₂ lex c m =
         ( P)
      , Modal-◯
      ,  x 
           P x      ↝⟨ Eq.⟨ f′ x , f′-eq x  ⟩□
            ( P)  )
      f′ :  x  P x   ( P)
      f′ x y = η (x , y)

      c′ :  -Connected-→ proj₂ {B = λ (_ : A)   ( P)}
      c′ y =                                  $⟨ c 
         -Connected A                        →⟨ (Connected-cong _ $ from-bijection $
                                                  Σ-assoc F.∘
                                                  (inverse $ drop-⊤-right λ _ 
                                                   _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $ singleton-contractible _)) 
         -Connected ( λ (x , y′)  y′  y)  ↔⟨⟩
         -Connected (proj₂ ⁻¹ y)             

      f′-eq :  x  Is-equivalence (f′ x)
      f′-eq x =                                   $⟨ lex c′ Connected-→-η 
         -Connected-→ (Σ-map id  {x}  f′ x))  →⟨ Connected-→-Σ-map≃Connected-→ _ 
        (∀ x   -Connected-→ f′ x)               →⟨ _$ x 
         -Connected-→ f′ x                       →⟨ Connected-→≃Is-equivalence (m x) Modal-◯ _ ⟩□
        Is-equivalence (f′ x)                     

  -- If the type of fibres of const : ∃ Modal → A → ∃ Modal over P is
  -- inhabited (for A : Type a), then a certain type of triples is
  -- inhabited.

  const⁻¹→ :
    {A : Type a} {P : A   Modal} 
    (const  ( Modal  A   Modal)) ⁻¹ P 
     λ B  Modal B × (∀ y  proj₁ (P y)  B)
  const⁻¹→ {A} {P} =
    const ⁻¹ P                                         ↔⟨⟩
    ( λ (B :  Modal)  const B  P)                  ↔⟨ inverse Σ-assoc 
    ( λ B   λ (m : Modal B)  const (B , m)  P)    →⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ext⁻¹) 
    ( λ B   λ (m : Modal B)   y  (B , m)  P y)  →⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _  proj₁  Σ-≡,≡←≡) 
    ( λ B  Modal B × (∀ y  B  proj₁ (P y)))        →⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _  sym) 
    ( λ B  Modal B × (∀ y  proj₁ (P y)  B))        →⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _  ≡⇒≃) ⟩□
    ( λ B  Modal B × (∀ y  proj₁ (P y)  B))        

  -- The function const⁻¹→ can be turned into an equivalence (assuming
  -- function extensionality and univalence).

  const⁻¹≃ :
    {A : Type a} {P : A   Modal} 
    Extensionality a (lsuc a) 
    Univalence a 
    (const  ( Modal  A   Modal)) ⁻¹ P 
    ( λ B  Modal B × (∀ y  proj₁ (P y)  B))
  const⁻¹≃ {A} {P} ext univ =
    const ⁻¹ P                                         ↔⟨⟩

    ( λ (B :  Modal)  const B  P)                  ↔⟨ inverse
    ( λ B   λ (m : Modal B)  const (B , m)  P)    ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  inverse $
                                                           Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext) 
    ( λ B   λ (m : Modal B)   y  (B , m)  P y)  ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  inverse $
                                                             (Modal-propositional (lower-extensionality lzero _ ext))) 
    ( λ B  Modal B × (∀ y  B  proj₁ (P y)))        ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
    ( λ B  Modal B × (∀ y  proj₁ (P y)  B))        ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                           ≡≃≃ univ) ⟩□
    ( λ B  Modal B × (∀ y  proj₁ (P y)  B))        

  _ :
    {A : Type a} {P : A   Modal}
    {ext : Extensionality a (lsuc a)}
    {univ : Univalence a} 
    _≃_.to (const⁻¹≃ {P = P} ext univ)  const⁻¹→
  _ = refl _

  -- In the presence of univalence and function extensionality
  -- Left-exact→Connected→Modal→≃ can be strengthened.

  Left-exact≃Connected→Modal→≃ :
    Extensionality (lsuc a) (lsuc a) 
    Univalence a 
    ({A : Type a} {P : A  Type a} 
      -Connected A  (∀ x  Modal (P x)) 
      λ (B : Type a)  Modal B ×  x  P x  B)
  Left-exact≃Connected→Modal→≃ ext univ =
      (Left-exact-propositional ext′)
      (implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
       implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
       Π-closure ext″ 1 λ c 
       Π-closure ext″ 1 λ m 
       prop c m)
       lex  Left-exact→Connected→Modal→≃ lex)
       lex  from lex)
    ext′ : Extensionality (lsuc a) a
    ext′ = lower-extensionality lzero _ ext

    ext″ : Extensionality a (lsuc a)
    ext″ = lower-extensionality _ lzero ext

    ext‴ : Extensionality a a
    ext‴ = lower-extensionality _ _ ext

    from :
      {x y : A} 
      ({A : Type a} {P : A  Type a} 
        -Connected A  (∀ x  Modal (P x)) 
        λ (B : Type a)  Modal B ×  x  P x  B) 
       -Connected A   -Connected (x  y)
    from {A} {x} {y} lex c = c′
      P′ : A  Type a
      P′ z =  (x  z)

      lemma :  λ (B : Type a)  Modal B ×  z  P′ z  B
      lemma = lex c  _  Modal-◯)

      B′ : Type a
      B′ = lemma .proj₁

      m′ : Modal B′
      m′ = lemma .proj₂ .proj₁

      P′-constant :  z  P′ z  B′
      P′-constant = lemma .proj₂ .proj₂

      subst-P′-const :
        (p q : z₁  z₂) (r :  (x  z₁)) 
        subst P′ p r  subst P′ q r
      subst-P′-const {z₁} {z₂} p q =
           P  (r : P z₁)  subst P p r  subst P q r)
          (apply-ext ext″ λ z 
           ≃⇒≡ univ $ inverse $ P′-constant z)
             subst (const B′) p r  ≡⟨ subst-const _ 
             r                     ≡⟨ sym $ subst-const _ ⟩∎
             subst (const B′) q r  )

      subst-η-refl≡η : (p : x  z)  subst P′ p (η (refl x))  η p
      subst-η-refl≡η =
           {z} (p : x  z)  subst P′ p (η (refl x))  η p)
          (subst-refl _ _)

      η≡η : (p q : x  z)  η p  η q
      η≡η p q =
        η p                      ≡⟨ sym $ subst-η-refl≡η _ 
        subst P′ p (η (refl x))  ≡⟨ subst-P′-const _ _ _ 
        subst P′ q (η (refl x))  ≡⟨ subst-η-refl≡η _ ⟩∎
        η q                      

      prop : Is-proposition ( (x  y))
      prop =
           _ _  Separated-◯ _ _)
           p q 
             η p  ≡⟨ η≡η p q ⟩∎
             η q  )

      inh :  (x  y)
      inh =        $⟨ η (refl _) 
         (x  x)  ↝⟨ P′-constant x 
        B′         ↝⟨ inverse $ P′-constant y ⟩□
         (x  y)  

      c′ : Contractible ( (x  y))
      c′ = propositional⇒inhabited⇒contractible prop inh

    prop :
      {A : Type a} {P : A  Type a} 
       -Connected A  (∀ x  Modal (P x)) 
      Is-proposition ( λ (B : Type a)  Modal B ×  x  P x  B)
    prop {A} {P} c m =                                             $⟨ Emb.embedding→⁻¹-propositional
                                                                        (Connected→Is-embedding-const-Σ-Modal ext″ univ c) _ 
        ((const  ( Modal  A   Modal)) ⁻¹  x  P x , m x))   →⟨ H-level-cong _ 1 $ const⁻¹≃ ext″ univ ⟩□

      Is-proposition ( λ (B : Type a)  Modal B ×  x  P x  B)  

  -- I did not take the remaining results in this section from
  -- "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq
  -- code.

  -- If the modality is empty-modal and ◯ (↑ a Bool) is a proposition,
  -- then the modality is not left exact.

  Empty-modal→Is-proposition-◯→¬-Left-exact :
    Empty-modal M 
    Is-proposition ( ( a Bool)) 
    ¬ Left-exact 
  Empty-modal→Is-proposition-◯→¬-Left-exact Modal-⊥ prop =
    Left-exact                                                          →⟨ Left-exact≃Left-exact-η-cong _ 

    Left-exact-η-cong                                                    →⟨  lex  lex) 

         ( (lift true  lift false)  η (lift true)  η (lift false)))  →⟨ Eq.⟨ _ ,_⟩ 

     (lift true  lift false)  (η (lift true)  η (lift false))        →⟨  eq  _≃_.from eq (prop _ _)) 

     (lift true  lift false)                                           →⟨ ◯-map (⊥-elim  Bool.true≢false  cong lower) 

                                                                       →⟨ ⊥-elim  Modal→Stable Modal-⊥ ⟩□


  -- If ◯ (Modal A) holds, then the function η-cong {x = x} {y = y} is
  -- an equivalence for all x and y of type A.

  ◯-Modal→Is-equivalence-η-cong :
     (Modal A) 
    (x y : A)  Is-equivalence (η-cong  ( (x  y)  η x  η y))
  ◯-Modal→Is-equivalence-η-cong {A} = λ m x y 
    let m′ = Separated-◯ _ _ in
    _≃_.is-equivalence $
      (η x  η y                    →⟨ η 
        (η x  η y)                →⟨ m ,_ 
        (Modal A) ×  (η x  η y)  →⟨ _≃_.from ◯× 
        (Modal A × η x  η y)      →⟨ ◯-map lemma ⟩□
        (x  y)                    )
           {P = λ m 
                  ◯-rec m′ (cong η)
                    (◯-map lemma (_≃_.from ◯× (m , η p))) 
            _  Modal→Separated m′ _ _)
              ◯-rec m′ (cong η)
                (◯-map lemma (_≃_.from ◯× (η m , η p)))    ≡⟨ cong (◯-rec m′ (cong η)  ◯-map _) ◯×⁻¹-η 

              ◯-rec m′ (cong η) (◯-map lemma (η (m , p)))  ≡⟨ cong (◯-rec m′ (cong η)) ◯-map-η 

              ◯-rec m′ (cong η) (η (lemma (m , p)))        ≡⟨ ◯-rec-η 

              cong η (lemma (m , p))                       ≡⟨ _≃_.right-inverse-of (≡≃η≡η m) _ ⟩∎

              p                                            )
          _  Separated-◯ _ _)
              {P = λ m 
                     ◯-map lemma
                       (_≃_.from ◯×
                          (m , η (◯-rec m′ (cong η) (η p)))) 
                     η p}
               _  Separated-◯ _ _)
                 ◯-map lemma
                   (_≃_.from ◯× (η m , η (◯-rec m′ (cong η) (η p))))  ≡⟨ cong (◯-map lemma) ◯×⁻¹-η 

                 ◯-map lemma (η (m , ◯-rec m′ (cong η) (η p)))        ≡⟨ ◯-map-η 

                 η (lemma (m , ◯-rec m′ (cong η) (η p)))              ≡⟨ cong (η  lemma  (m ,_)) ◯-rec-η 

                 η (lemma (m , cong η p))                             ≡⟨ cong η $ _≃_.left-inverse-of (≡≃η≡η m) _ ⟩∎

                 η p                                                  )
    lemma : {x y : A}  Modal A × η x  η y  x  y
    lemma {x} {y} (m , p) =
      x            ≡⟨ sym η⁻¹-η 
      η⁻¹ m (η x)  ≡⟨ cong (η⁻¹ m) p 
      η⁻¹ m (η y)  ≡⟨ η⁻¹-η ⟩∎

    ≡≃η≡η : {x y : A}  Modal A  (x  y)  (η x  η y)
    ≡≃η≡η m =
      Embedding.equivalence $
        { is-embedding = Modal→Is-embedding-η m

    _ : _≃_.to (≡≃η≡η m) p  cong η p
    _ = refl _

    _ : _≃_.from (≡≃η≡η m) p  lemma (m , p)
    _ = refl _

  -- Accessibility-modal modalities

  -- I did not take the definitions or lemmas in this section from
  -- "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq
  -- code.

  -- The operator _[_]◯_ lifts a relation from A to ◯ A.

  infix 4 _[_]◯_

  _[_]◯_ :  A  (A  A  Type a)   A  Type a
  x [ _<_ ]◯ y =
     ( λ x′   λ y′  x  η x′ × y  η y′ × (x′ < y′))

  -- If ◯ (x < y) is inhabited, then η x [ _<_ ]◯ η y holds.
  -- See also Modality.Left-exact.η-[]◯-η≃◯.

  ◯→η-[]◯-η :  (x < y)  η x [ _<_ ]◯ η y
  ◯→η-[]◯-η = ◯-map  x<y  _ , _ , refl _ , refl _ , x<y)

  -- If A is modal and _<_ has type A → A → Type a, then
  -- η x [ _<_ ]◯ η y is equivalent to ◯ (x < y).
  -- See also Modality.Left-exact.⇔[]◯ and Modality.Left-exact.≃[]◯.

  η-[]◯-η≃◯ :
    {_<_ : A  A  Type a} 
    Modal A 
    (η x [ _<_ ]◯ η y)   (x < y)
  η-[]◯-η≃◯ {x} {y} {_<_} m =
    η x [ _<_ ]◯ η y                                           ↔⟨⟩

     ( λ x′   λ y′  η x  η x′ × η y  η y′ × (x′ < y′))  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                   (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                    (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                     Modal→◯Σ≃Σ◯ (Separated-◯ _ _)) F.∘
                                                                    Modal→◯Σ≃Σ◯ (Separated-◯ _ _)) F.∘
                                                                   Modal→◯Σ≃Σ◯ m) F.∘
                                                                  Modal→◯Σ≃Σ◯ m 

    ( λ x′   λ y′  η x  η x′ × η y  η y′ ×  (x′ < y′))  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                   Eq.≃-≡ (Modal→≃◯ m)
                                                                   ×-cong₁ λ _  Eq.≃-≡ (Modal→≃◯ m)) 

    ( λ x′   λ y′  x  x′ × y  y′ ×  (x′ < y′))          ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Σ-assoc) F.∘
                                                                  Σ-assoc F.∘
                                                                  (∃-cong λ _  ∃-comm) 
    ( λ ((x′ , _) :  λ x′  x  x′) 
      λ ((y′ , _) :  λ y′  y  y′) 
      (x′ < y′))                                              ↔⟨ drop-⊤-left-Σ $
                                                                  _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                  other-singleton-contractible _ 

    ( λ ((y′ , _) :  λ y′  y  y′)   (x < y′))            ↔⟨ drop-⊤-left-Σ $
                                                                  _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                  other-singleton-contractible _ ⟩□
     (x < y)                                                  

  -- If A is modal, _<_ is pointwise stable, and x : A is accessible
  -- with respect to _<_, then η x is accessible with respect to
  -- _[ _<_ ]◯_.

  Modal→Acc→Acc-[]◯-η :
    Modal A 
    ({x y : A}  Stable (x < y)) 
    Acc _<_ x  Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_ (η x)
  Modal→Acc→Acc-[]◯-η {_<_} {x} m s =
    Acc _<_ x                 →⟨ subst (Acc _<_) (sym η⁻¹-η) 
    Acc _<_ (η⁻¹ m (η x))     →⟨  acc  A.Acc-on acc) 
    Acc (_<_ on η⁻¹ m) (η x)  →⟨  acc  A.Acc-map lemma acc) ⟩□
    Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_ (η x)      
    lemma : y [ _<_ ]◯ z  η⁻¹ m y < η⁻¹ m z
    lemma {y} {z} =
      y [ _<_ ]◯ z                      →⟨ subst (uncurry _[ _<_ ]◯_) (sym $ cong₂ _,_ η-η⁻¹ η-η⁻¹) 
      η (η⁻¹ m y) [ _<_ ]◯ η (η⁻¹ m z)  ↔⟨ η-[]◯-η≃◯ m 
       (η⁻¹ m y < η⁻¹ m z)             →⟨ s ⟩□
      η⁻¹ m y < η⁻¹ m z                 

  -- If A is modal and _<_ is pointwise stable and well-founded, then
  -- _[ _<_ ]◯_ is well-founded.

  Modal→Well-founded→Well-founded-[]◯ :
    Modal A 
    ({x y : A}  Stable (x < y)) 
    Well-founded _<_  Well-founded _[ _<_ ]◯_
  Modal→Well-founded→Well-founded-[]◯ {_<_} m s =
    (∀ x  Acc _<_ x)                     →⟨ ((λ acc  Modal→Acc→Acc-[]◯-η m s acc) ∘_)  (_∘ η⁻¹ m) 
    (∀ x  Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_ (η (η⁻¹ m x)))  →⟨ subst (Acc _) η-η⁻¹ ∘_ ⟩□
    (∀ x  Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_ x)              

  -- A definition of what it means to be accessibility-modal for a
  -- given type and relation.

  Accessibility-modal-for : {A : Type a}  (A  A  Type a)  Type a
  Accessibility-modal-for _<_ =
    (∀ {x}  Acc _<_ x  Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_ (η x)) ×
    (∀ {x}  Stable (Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_ x))

  -- A definition of what it means to be accessibility-modal.
  -- The erasure modality is both very modal and accessibility-modal,
  -- and the zero modality is very modal but not accessibility-modal.
  -- TODO: Is there some accessibility-modal modality that is not very
  -- modal?

  Accessibility-modal : Type (lsuc a)
  Accessibility-modal =
    {A : Type a} {_<_ : A  A  Type a} 
    Accessibility-modal-for _<_

  -- If the modality is accessibility-modal for _<_, then
  -- Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_ x is stable.

  Stable-Acc-[]◯ :
    Accessibility-modal-for _<_ 
    Stable (Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_ x)
  Stable-Acc-[]◯ acc = acc .proj₂

  -- If the modality is accessibility-modal for _<_, then
  -- Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_ x is modal (assuming function extensionality).

  Modal-Acc-[]◯ :
    Extensionality a a 
    Accessibility-modal-for _<_ 
    Modal (Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_ x)
  Modal-Acc-[]◯ ext acc =
      (Stable-Acc-[]◯ acc)
       _  A.Acc-propositional ext _ _)

  -- If the modality is accessibility-modal for _<_ and x is
  -- accessible with respect to _<_, then η x is accessible with
  -- respect to _[ _<_ ]◯_.

  Acc-[]◯-η :
    Accessibility-modal-for _<_ 
    Acc _<_ x  Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_ (η x)
  Acc-[]◯-η acc = acc .proj₁

  -- If the modality is accessibility-modal for _<_, then Acc _<_ x is
  -- stable.

  Stable-Acc :
    {_<_ : A  A  Type a} 
    Accessibility-modal-for _<_ 
    Stable (Acc _<_ x)
  Stable-Acc {x} {_<_} acc =
     (Acc _<_ x)             →⟨ ◯-map (Acc-[]◯-η acc) 
     (Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_ (η x))  →⟨ Stable-Acc-[]◯ acc 
    Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_ (η x)      →⟨ lemma ⟩□
    Acc _<_ x                 
    lemma :  {x}  Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_ (η x)  Acc _<_ x
    lemma (A.acc f) =
      A.acc λ y y<x  lemma (f (η y) (◯→η-[]◯-η (η y<x)))

  -- If the modality is accessibility-modal for _<_, then Acc _<_ x is
  -- modal (assuming function extensionality).

  Modal-Acc :
    Extensionality a a 
    Accessibility-modal-for _<_ 
    Modal (Acc _<_ x)
  Modal-Acc ext acc =
      (Stable-Acc acc)
       _  A.Acc-propositional ext _ _)

  -- If the modality is accessibility-modal for _<_ and _<_ is
  -- well-founded, then _[ _<_ ]◯_ is well-founded.

  Well-founded-[]◯ :
    Accessibility-modal-for _<_ 
    Well-founded _<_  Well-founded _[ _<_ ]◯_
  Well-founded-[]◯ {_<_} acc wf =
       _  Stable-Acc-[]◯ acc)
       x                    $⟨ wf x 
         Acc _<_ x             →⟨ Acc-[]◯-η acc ⟩□
         Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_ (η x)  )

  -- If ◯ (↑ a Bool) is a proposition, then the modality is not
  -- accessibility-modal.

  Is-proposition-◯→¬-Accessibility-modal :
    Is-proposition ( ( a Bool)) 
    ¬ Accessibility-modal
  Is-proposition-◯→¬-Accessibility-modal prop acc =
                                      $⟨ Acc-false 
    Acc _<₁_ false                    →⟨  hyp  A.Acc-on hyp) 
    Acc _<₂_ (lift false)             →⟨ Acc-[]◯-η acc 
    Acc _[ _<₂_ ]◯_ (η (lift false))  →⟨ A.<→¬-Acc cyclic ⟩□
    _<₁_ : Bool  Bool  Type a
    false <₁ true =  _ 
    _     <₁ _    = 

    _<₂_ :  a Bool   a Bool  Type a
    _<₂_ = _<₁_ on lower

    Acc-false : Acc _<₁_ false
    Acc-false = A.acc λ where
      true  ()
      false ()

    cyclic : η (lift false) [ _<₂_ ]◯ η (lift false)
    cyclic =
      η ( lift false
        , lift true
        , prop _ _
        , prop _ _
        , lift tt

  -- Accessibility-modal-for _<_ is propositional (assuming function
  -- extensionality).

  Accessibility-modal-for-propositional :
    Extensionality a a 
    Is-proposition (Accessibility-modal-for _<_)
  Accessibility-modal-for-propositional ext =
    ×-closure 1
      (implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
       Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
       A.Acc-propositional ext) $
      (implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
       Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
       A.Acc-propositional ext)

  -- Accessibility-modal is propositional (assuming function
  -- extensionality).

  Accessibility-modal-propositional :
    Extensionality (lsuc a) (lsuc a) 
    Is-proposition Accessibility-modal
  Accessibility-modal-propositional ext =
    implicit-Π-closure ext                                1 λ _ 
    implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality lzero _ ext) 1 λ _ 
      (lower-extensionality _ _ ext)

  -- Accessibility-modal modalities are empty-modal.

  Accessibility-modal→Empty-modal : Accessibility-modal  Empty-modal M
  Accessibility-modal→Empty-modal acc =
       x  ⊥-elim x)
    stable =
                                                  →⟨ ◯-map ⊥-elim 
       (Acc _[  _ _   a ) ]◯_ (η (lift tt)))  →⟨ Stable-Acc-[]◯ acc 
      Acc _[  _ _   a ) ]◯_ (η (lift tt))      →⟨ ⊥-elim  A.<→¬-Acc (◯→η-[]◯-η (η _)) ⟩□

  -- An unfolding lemma for ◯ (W A (P ∘ η)).
  -- See also ◯Wη≃Σ◯Π◯Wη in Modality.Has-choice.

  ◯Wη→Σ◯Π◯Wη :
    {P :  A  Type a} 
     (W A (P  η))  Σ ( A)  x  P x   (W A (P  η)))
  ◯Wη→Σ◯Π◯Wη =
       _  Stable-Σ Modal-◯ λ _ 
             Stable-Π λ _ 
             Modal→Stable Modal-◯)
         (sup x f)  η x , η  f)

  -- A "computation rule" for ◯Wη→Σ◯Π◯Wη.

  ◯Wη→Σ◯Π◯Wη-η :
    Extensionality a a 
    ◯Wη→Σ◯Π◯Wη (η (sup x f))  (η x , η  f)
  ◯Wη→Σ◯Π◯Wη-η {x} {f} ext =
      (Stable-Σ Modal-◯
          _  Stable-Π λ _  Modal→Stable Modal-◯)
         (η (η x , η  f))                                 ≡⟨ (cong  s  Stable-Σ Modal-◯ s (η (η x , η  f))) $
                                                               apply-ext ext λ _ 
                                                               Stable-Π-Modal-Π ext) 
       Stable-Σ Modal-◯
          _  Modal→Stable $ Modal-Π ext λ _  Modal-◯)
         (η (η x , η  f))                                 ≡⟨ Stable-Σ-Modal-Σ
                                                                 _  Modal-Π ext λ _  Modal-◯) 
         (Modal-Σ Modal-◯ λ _ 
          Modal-Π ext λ _  Modal-◯)
         (η (η x , η  f))                                 ≡⟨ Modal→Stable-η ⟩∎

       (η x , η  f)                                       )

  -- Variants of the remaining results in this section with certain
  -- arguments marked as erased can be proved if the option
  -- --erased-matches is used, see Modality.Erased-matches.


    -- A lemma used in the implementation of ◯Wη→W◯.

    ◯Wη→W◯-Acc :
      Extensionality a a 
      (x :  (W A (P  η))) 
      Acc _[ _<W_ ]◯_ x 
      W ( A) P
    ◯Wη→W◯-Acc {P} ext w (A.acc a) =
      sup x′ λ y  ◯Wη→W◯-Acc ext (f′ y) (a (f′ y) (f′<w y))
      p′ = ◯Wη→Σ◯Π◯Wη {P = P} w

      x′ = p′ .proj₁
      f′ = p′ .proj₂

      f′<w :  y  f′ y [ _<W_ ]◯ w
      f′<w =
          {P = λ w 
                 let (x′ , f′) = ◯Wη→Σ◯Π◯Wη {P = P} w in
                  y  f′ y [ _<W_ ]◯ w}
           _  Stable-Π λ _  Modal→Stable Modal-◯)
             w@(sup x f) y 
               let x′ , f′ = ◯Wη→Σ◯Π◯Wη (η w)

                   lemma : (x′ , f′)  (η x , η  f)
                   lemma = ◯Wη→Σ◯Π◯Wη-η ext
               η ( f (subst (P  proj₁) lemma y)
                 , w
                 , (f′ y                               ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                             {(x′ , f′)} eq 
                                                               (y : P x′)  f′ y  η (f (subst (P  proj₁) eq y)))
                                                             _  cong (η  f) $ sym $ subst-refl _ _)
                                                            lemma y ⟩∎
                    η (f (subst (P  proj₁) lemma y))  )
                 , (η w  )
                 , (_ , refl _)

    -- A "computation rule" for ◯Wη→W◯-Acc.

    ◯Wη→W◯-Acc-η :
      (ext : Extensionality a a) 
      []-cong-axiomatisation a 
      (x : W A (P  η))
      (acc : Acc _[ _<W_ ]◯_ (η x)) 
      ◯Wη→W◯-Acc {P = P} ext (η x) acc  W-map η id x
    ◯Wη→W◯-Acc-η {A} {P} ext ax (sup x f) (A.acc acc) =
      cong (uncurry sup) $
        (cong proj₁ lemma)
        (apply-ext ext λ y 
           let acc₁ :  y  Acc _[ _<W_ ]◯_ (p′ .proj₂ y)
               acc₁ = _
           subst  y  P y  W ( A) P)
             (cong proj₁ lemma)
              y  ◯Wη→W◯-Acc ext (p′ .proj₂ y) (acc₁ y))
                                                            ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                                  {(x′ , f′)} lemma 
                                                                    (y : P (η x))
                                                                    (acc₁ : (y : P x′)  Acc _[ _<W_ ]◯_ (f′ y)) 
                                                                    subst  y  P y  W ( A) P)
                                                                      (cong proj₁ lemma)
                                                                       y  ◯Wη→W◯-Acc ext (f′ y) (acc₁ y))
                                                                    ◯Wη→W◯-Acc ext (η (f y)) (acc₂ y))
                                                                  y acc₁ 
             subst  y  P y  W ( A) P)
               (cong proj₁ (refl _))
                y  ◯Wη→W◯-Acc ext (η (f y)) (acc₁ y))
               y                                                    ≡⟨ cong (_$ y) $ cong (flip (subst  y  P y  W ( A) P)) _) $
                                                                       cong-refl _ 
             subst  y  P y  W ( A) P)
               (refl _)
                y  ◯Wη→W◯-Acc ext (η (f y)) (acc₁ y))
               y                                                    ≡⟨ cong (_$ y) $ subst-refl _ _ 

             ◯Wη→W◯-Acc ext (η (f y)) (acc₁ y)                      ≡⟨ cong  acc  ◯Wη→W◯-Acc ext (η (f y)) acc) $
                                                                       A.Acc-propositional ext _ _ ⟩∎
             ◯Wη→W◯-Acc ext (η (f y)) (acc₂ y)                      )
                                                                 lemma y acc₁ 

           ◯Wη→W◯-Acc ext (η (f y)) (acc₂ y)                ≡⟨ ◯Wη→W◯-Acc-η ext ax (f y) (acc₂ y) ⟩∎

           W-map η id (f y)                                 )
      p′ = ◯Wη→Σ◯Π◯Wη {P = P} (η (sup x f))

      lemma : p′  (η x , η  f)
      lemma = ◯Wη→Σ◯Π◯Wη-η ext

      acc₂ :  y  Acc _[ _<W_ ]◯_ (η (f y))
      acc₂ y =
        acc (η (f y)) (η (_ , _ , refl _ , refl _ , _ , refl _))

  -- If the modality is accessibility-modal for a certain relation,
  -- then ◯ (W A (P ∘ η)) implies W (◯ A) P (assuming function
  -- extensionality).
  -- See also W◯→◯Wη and ◯Wη≃W◯ in Modality.Has-choice and ◯Wη≃W◯ in
  -- Modality.Erased-matches.

  ◯Wη→W◯ :
    {P :  A  Type a} 
    Accessibility-modal-for (_<W_ {A = A} {P = P  η}) 
    Extensionality a a 
     (W A (P  η))  W ( A) P
  ◯Wη→W◯ {A} {P} acc ext =
     (W A (P  η))                                      →⟨ ◯-map  x  x , A.Well-founded-W x) 
     ( λ (x : W A (P  η))  Acc _<W_ x)               →⟨ ◯-map (Σ-map id (acc .proj₁)) 
     ( λ (x : W A (P  η))  Acc _[ _<W_ ]◯_ (η x))    →⟨ ◯Ση≃Σ◯◯ _ 
    ( λ (x :  (W A (P  η)))   (Acc _[ _<W_ ]◯_ x))  →⟨ Σ-map id (acc .proj₂) 
    ( λ (x :  (W A (P  η)))  Acc _[ _<W_ ]◯_ x)      →⟨  (x , a)  ◯Wη→W◯-Acc ext x a) ⟩□
    W ( A) P                                            

  -- A "computation rule" for ◯Wη→W◯.
  -- Note that the final argument can be proved using the previous
  -- one, see Erased.Level-1.Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation.

  ◯Wη→W◯-η :
    {x : W A (P  η)}
    (acc : Accessibility-modal-for _<W_)
    (ext : Extensionality a a) 
    []-cong-axiomatisation a 
    ◯Wη→W◯ {P = P} acc ext (η x)  W-map η id x
  ◯Wη→W◯-η {A} {P} {x} acc ext ax =
     (x , a)  ◯Wη→W◯-Acc ext x (acc .proj₂ a))
      (◯Ση≃Σ◯◯ _
         (◯-map (Σ-map id (acc .proj₁))
            (◯-map  x  x , A.Well-founded-W x) (η x))))  ≡⟨ cong  (x , a)  ◯Wη→W◯-Acc ext x (acc .proj₂ a)) $
                                                               trans (cong (◯Ση≃Σ◯◯ _) $
                                                                      trans (cong (◯-map _) ◯-map-η)
     (x , a)  ◯Wη→W◯-Acc ext x (acc .proj₂ a))
      (η x , η (acc .proj₁ (A.Well-founded-W x)))           ≡⟨⟩

    ◯Wη→W◯-Acc ext (η x)
      (acc .proj₂ (η (acc .proj₁ (A.Well-founded-W x))))    ≡⟨ ◯Wη→W◯-Acc-η ext ax _ _ ⟩∎

    W-map η id x                                            

  -- If the modality is accessibility-modal for a certain relation and
  -- A is modal, then W A P is stable (assuming function
  -- extensionality).
  -- See also Modal-W in Modality.Has-choice and
  -- Modality.Erased-matches.

  Stable-W :
    Accessibility-modal-for (_<W_ {A = A} {P = P}) 
    Extensionality a a 
    Modal A 
    Stable (W A P)
  Stable-W {A} {P} acc ext m =
     (W A P)                         →⟨ ◯-map $ W-map id (subst P Modal→Stable-η) 
     (W A (P  Modal→Stable m  η))  →⟨ ◯Wη→W◯ acc′ ext 
    W ( A) (P  Modal→Stable m)      →⟨ W-map (Modal→Stable m) id ⟩□
    W A P                             
    acc′ :
        (_<W_ {A = A} {P = P  Modal→Stable m  η})
    acc′ =
         f  Accessibility-modal-for (_<W_ {A = A} {P = P  f}))
        (apply-ext ext λ _  sym Modal→Stable-η)

  -- W-modal modalities

  -- I did not take the lemma in this section from "Modalities in
  -- Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq code.

  -- W-modal modalities are empty-modal.

  W-modal→Empty-modal : W-modal M  Empty-modal M
  W-modal→Empty-modal =
    W-modal M                      →⟨  m  m Modal-⊤) 
    Modal (W ( a ) λ _   a )  →⟨ Modal-respects-↠ record
                                        { logical-equivalence = record
                                          { to   = ⊥-elim  inhabited⇒W-empty _
                                          ; from = λ ()
                                        ; right-inverse-of = λ ()
                                        } ⟩□
    Empty-modal M                  

  -- Applicative functor application

  -- I did not take the results in this section from "Modalities in
  -- Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq code (but perhaps
  -- something resembling at least some of these results can be found
  -- there).

  -- "Applicative functor application".

  ◯-map-◯ :  (A  B)   A   B
  ◯-map-◯ {A} {B} = curry
    ( (A  B) ×  A  ↔⟨ inverse ◯× 
      ((A  B) × A)  →⟨ ◯-map (uncurry _$_) ⟩□
      B              )

  -- Three "computation rules" for ◯-map-◯.

  ◯-map-◯-η : ◯-map-◯ (η f) (η x)  η (f x)
  ◯-map-◯-η {f} {x} =
    ◯-map (uncurry _$_) (_≃_.from ◯× (η f , η x))  ≡⟨ cong (◯-map _) ◯×⁻¹-η 
    ◯-map (uncurry _$_) (η (f , x))                ≡⟨ ◯-map-η ⟩∎
    η (f x)                                        

  ◯-map-◯-ηˡ : ◯-map-◯ (η f) x  ◯-map f x
  ◯-map-◯-ηˡ {f} {x} =
      {P = λ x  ◯-map-◯ (η f) x  ◯-map f x}
       _  Separated-◯ _ _)
         ◯-map-◯ (η f) (η x)  ≡⟨ ◯-map-◯-η 
         η (f x)              ≡⟨ sym ◯-map-η ⟩∎
         ◯-map f (η x)        )

  ◯-map-◯-ηʳ : ◯-map-◯ f (η x)  ◯-map (_$ x) f
  ◯-map-◯-ηʳ {f} {x} =
      {P = λ f  ◯-map-◯ f (η x)  ◯-map (_$ x) f}
       _  Separated-◯ _ _)
         ◯-map-◯ (η f) (η x)  ≡⟨ ◯-map-◯-η 
         η (f x)              ≡⟨ sym ◯-map-η ⟩∎
         ◯-map (_$ x) (η f)   )

  -- Some commutation properties

  -- I did not take the definitions or results in this section from
  -- "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq
  -- code.

  -- A generalisation of ◯-cong-⇔.

  ◯-cong-⇔-◯ :  (A  B)   A   B
  ◯-cong-⇔-◯ {A} {B} =
     (A  B)                  ↔⟨ ◯-cong-↔ ⇔↔→×→ 
     ((A  B) × (B  A))      ↔⟨ ◯× 
     (A  B) ×  (B  A)      →⟨ Σ-map ◯-map-◯ ◯-map-◯ 
    ( A   B) × ( B   A)  ↔⟨ inverse ⇔↔→×→ ⟩□
     A   B                  

  -- A lemma that can be used to prove that ◯ (F A B) implies
  -- F (◯ A) (◯ B).

  ◯↝→◯↝◯ :
    {F : Type a  Type a  Type a}
    {P : {A B : Type a}  (A  B)  Type a} 
    (∀ {A B}  F A B  ( λ (f : A  B)  P f)) 
    ({f : A  B}   (P f)  P (◯-map f)) 
    ({f g :  A   B}  (∀ x  f x  g x)  P f  P g) 
    ({f :  A   B}  Stable (P f)) 
     (F A B)  F ( A) ( B)
  ◯↝→◯↝◯ {A} {B} {F} {P} F↔ ◯∘P→P∘◯-map P-map P-stable =
     (F A B)                                  ↔⟨ ◯-cong-↔ F↔ 
     ( λ (f : A  B)  P f)                  ↔⟨ inverse ◯Σ◯≃◯Σ 
     ( λ (f : A  B)   (P f))              →⟨ (◯-map $ ∃-cong λ _  ◯∘P→P∘◯-map) 
     ( λ (f : A  B)  P (◯-map f))          →⟨ (◯-map $ ∃-cong λ _  P-map λ _  sym ◯-map-◯-ηˡ) 
     ( λ (f : A  B)  P (◯-map-◯ (η f)))    →⟨ ◯Ση≃Σ◯◯ _ 
    ( λ (f :  (A  B))   (P (◯-map-◯ f)))  →⟨ Σ-map ◯-map-◯ id 
    ( λ (f :  A   B)   (P f))            →⟨ (∃-cong λ _  P-stable) 
    ( λ (f :  A   B)  P f)                ↔⟨ inverse F↔ ⟩□
    F ( A) ( B)                              


    -- An example of how ◯↝→◯↝◯ can be used.

    ◯-cong-⇔-◯′ :  (A  B)   A   B
    ◯-cong-⇔-◯′ =
         _  id)
        (Stable-Π λ _  Modal→Stable Modal-◯)

  -- ◯ (Split-surjective f) implies Split-surjective (◯-map f).

  ◯-Split-surjective→Split-surjective :
     (Split-surjective f)  Split-surjective (◯-map f)
  ◯-Split-surjective→Split-surjective {f} =
     (∀ y   λ x  f x  y)              →⟨ ◯Π→Π◯ 
    (∀ y   ( λ x  f x  y))            →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  _≃_.from ◯Σ◯≃◯Σ) 
    (∀ y   ( λ x   (f x  y)))        →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ◯-map $ ∃-cong λ _  η-cong) 
    (∀ y   ( λ x  η (f x)  η y))      →⟨ _⇔_.from $ Π◯◯≃Π◯η _ 
    (∀ y   ( λ x  η (f x)  y))        →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ◯-map $ ∃-cong λ _  subst (_≡ _) (sym ◯-map-η)) 
    (∀ y   ( λ x  ◯-map f (η x)  y))  →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ◯Ση≃Σ◯◯ _) 
    (∀ y   λ x   (◯-map f x  y))      →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∃-cong λ _  Modal→Stable (Separated-◯ _ _)) ⟩□
    (∀ y   λ x  ◯-map f x  y)          

  -- A generalisation of ◯-cong-↠.

  ◯-cong-↠-◯ :  (A  B)   A   B
  ◯-cong-↠-◯ =
      (Split-surjective-cong _)
      (Stable-Π λ _  Modal→Stable $
       Modal-Σ Modal-◯ λ _  Separated-◯ _ _)

  -- ◯ (Has-quasi-inverse f) implies Has-quasi-inverse (◯-map f).

  ◯-Has-quasi-inverse→Has-quasi-inverse :
     (Has-quasi-inverse f)  Has-quasi-inverse (◯-map f)
  ◯-Has-quasi-inverse→Has-quasi-inverse {f} =
     ( λ g  (∀ x  f (g x)  x) × (∀ x  g (f x)  x))              ↔⟨ inverse ◯Σ◯≃◯Σ 

     ( λ g   ((∀ x  f (g x)  x) × (∀ x  g (f x)  x)))          ↔⟨ (◯-cong-≃ $ ∃-cong λ _  ◯×) 

     ( λ g   (∀ x  f (g x)  x) ×  (∀ x  g (f x)  x))          →⟨ (◯-map $ ∃-cong λ _  ◯Π→Π◯ ×-cong ◯Π→Π◯) 

     ( λ g  (∀ x   (f (g x)  x)) × (∀ x   (g (f x)  x)))      →⟨ (◯-map $ ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                           (∀-cong _ λ _  η-cong) ×-cong (∀-cong _ λ _  η-cong)) 

     ( λ g  (∀ x  η (f (g x))  η x) × (∀ x  η (g (f x))  η x))  →⟨ (◯-map $ ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                           (∀-cong _ λ _  ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_≡ _) $ sym $
                                                                            trans (cong (◯-map f) ◯-map-◯-η) ◯-map-η)
                                                                           (∀-cong _ λ _  ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_≡ _) $ sym $
     ( λ g  (∀ x  ◯-map f (◯-map-◯ (η g) (η x))  η x) ×
               (∀ x  ◯-map-◯ (η g) (η (f x))  η x))                  →⟨ ◯Ση≃Σ◯◯ _ 

    ( λ g   ((∀ x  ◯-map f (◯-map-◯ g (η x))  η x) ×
                (∀ x  ◯-map-◯ g (η (f x))  η x)))                    ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ◯×) 

    ( λ g   (∀ x  ◯-map f (◯-map-◯ g (η x))  η x) ×
              (∀ x  ◯-map-◯ g (η (f x))  η x))                      →⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ◯Π→Π◯ ×-cong ◯Π→Π◯) 

    ( λ g  (∀ x   (◯-map f (◯-map-◯ g (η x))  η x)) ×
             (∀ x   (◯-map-◯ g (η (f x))  η x)))                    →⟨ (∃-cong λ g  ∃-cong λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _  ◯-map $
                                                                           ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong ((_≡ _)  ◯-map-◯ g) $ sym ◯-map-η) 
    ( λ g  (∀ x   (◯-map f (◯-map-◯ g (η x))  η x)) ×
             (∀ x   (◯-map-◯ g (◯-map f (η x))  η x)))              →⟨ (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                           _⇔_.from (Π◯◯≃Π◯η _) ×-cong _⇔_.from (Π◯◯≃Π◯η _)) 
    ( λ g  (∀ x   (◯-map f (◯-map-◯ g x)  x)) ×
             (∀ x   (◯-map-◯ g (◯-map f x)  x)))                    →⟨ (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                           (∀-cong _ λ _  Modal→Stable (Separated-◯ _ _))
                                                                           (∀-cong _ λ _  Modal→Stable (Separated-◯ _ _))) 
    ( λ g  (∀ x  ◯-map f (◯-map-◯ g x)  x) ×
             (∀ x  ◯-map-◯ g (◯-map f x)  x))                        →⟨ Σ-map ◯-map-◯ id ⟩□

    ( λ g  (∀ x  ◯-map f (g x)  x) × (∀ x  g (◯-map f x)  x))    

  -- ◯ (Is-equivalence f) implies Is-equivalence (◯-map f).

  ◯-Is-equivalence→Is-equivalence :
     (Is-equivalence f)  Is-equivalence (◯-map f)
  ◯-Is-equivalence→Is-equivalence {f} =
     (Is-equivalence f)         →⟨ ◯-map (proj₂  _↔_.to Bijection.↔-as-Σ  from-equivalence  Eq.⟨ _ ,_⟩) 
     (Has-quasi-inverse f)      →⟨ ◯-Has-quasi-inverse→Has-quasi-inverse 
    Has-quasi-inverse (◯-map f)  →⟨ _≃_.is-equivalence  from-isomorphism  _↔_.from Bijection.↔-as-Σ  (_ ,_) ⟩□
    Is-equivalence (◯-map f)     

  -- A generalisation of ◯-cong-≃.

  ◯-cong-≃-◯ :  (A  B)   A   B
  ◯-cong-≃-◯ =
      (Is-equivalence-cong _)
      (Modal→Stable-Is-equivalence Modal-◯ Separated-◯)

  -- A generalisation of ◯-cong-↔.

  ◯-cong-↔-◯ :  (A  B)   A   B
  ◯-cong-↔-◯ {A} {B} =
     (A  B)  →⟨ ◯-map from-isomorphism 
     (A  B)  →⟨ ◯-cong-≃-◯ 
     A   B  →⟨ from-equivalence ⟩□
     A   B  

  -- ◯ (Is-equivalenceᴱ f) implies Is-equivalenceᴱ (◯-map f).

  ◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ→Is-equivalenceᴱ :
     (Is-equivalenceᴱ f)  Is-equivalenceᴱ (◯-map f)
  ◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ→Is-equivalenceᴱ {f} eq =
    _≃ᴱ_.is-equivalence $
      (◯-map-◯ (◯-map (_≃ᴱ_.from  EEq.⟨ f ,_⟩) eq))
      (◯-elim  _  Separated-◯ _ _) λ x 
          _  Separated-◯ _ _)
            let equiv = EEq.⟨ f , eq  in

            ◯-map f
              (◯-map-◯ (◯-map (_≃ᴱ_.from  EEq.⟨ f ,_⟩) (η eq)) (η x))  ≡⟨ cong (◯-map f) $ cong (flip ◯-map-◯ _) ◯-map-η 

            ◯-map f (◯-map-◯ (η (_≃ᴱ_.from equiv)) (η x))               ≡⟨ cong (◯-map f) ◯-map-◯-η 

            ◯-map f (η (_≃ᴱ_.from equiv x))                             ≡⟨ ◯-map-η 

            η (f (_≃ᴱ_.from equiv x))                                   ≡⟨ cong η $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of equiv _ ⟩∎

            η x                                                         )
      (◯-elim  _  Separated-◯ _ _) λ x 
          _  Separated-◯ _ _)
            let equiv = EEq.⟨ f , eq  in

            ◯-map-◯ (◯-map (_≃ᴱ_.from  EEq.⟨ f ,_⟩) (η eq))
              (◯-map f (η x))                                 ≡⟨ cong₂ ◯-map-◯ ◯-map-η ◯-map-η 

            ◯-map-◯ (η (_≃ᴱ_.from equiv)) (η (f x))           ≡⟨ ◯-map-◯-η 

            η (_≃ᴱ_.from equiv (f x))                         ≡⟨ cong η $ _≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of equiv _ ⟩∎

            η x                                               )

-- Lemmas relating two modalities to each other

-- If the modal operators and units of two modalities (for a given
-- universe level) are related in a certain way, then the modalities
-- have the same modal types.

◯≃◯→Modal⇔Modal :
  (M₁ M₂ : Modality a) 
  ( λ (eq :  A  Modality.◯ M₁ A  Modality.◯ M₂ A) 
      A  _≃_.to (eq A)  Modality.η M₁  Modality.η M₂) 
  (∀ A  Modality.Modal M₁ A  Modality.Modal M₂ A)
◯≃◯→Modal⇔Modal {a} M₁ M₂ (eq , η≡η) A =
  M₁.Modal A                                     ↝⟨ M₁.Modal≃Is-equivalence-η _ 
  Is-equivalence (M₁.η {A = A})                  ↝⟨ Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalence-∘ˡ (_≃_.is-equivalence (eq A)) _ 
  Is-equivalence (_≃_.to (eq A)  M₁.η {A = A})  ↝⟨ Is-equivalence-cong _ (ext⁻¹ (η≡η A)) 
  Is-equivalence (M₂.η {A = A})                  ↝⟨ inverse $ M₂.Modal≃Is-equivalence-η _ ⟩□
  M₂.Modal A                                     
  module M₁ = Modality M₁
  module M₂ = Modality M₂

-- Given two modalities (for a given universe level) there is an
-- equivalence between "the modalities have the same modal types" and
-- "the modal operators and units are related (in a certain way)",
-- assuming function extensionality.

Modal⇔Modal≃◯≃◯ :
  Extensionality a a 
  (M₁ M₂ : Modality a) 

  (∀ A  Modality.Modal M₁ A  Modality.Modal M₂ A)
    ↝[ lsuc a  a ]
  ( λ (eq :  A  Modality.◯ M₁ A  Modality.◯ M₂ A) 
      A  _≃_.to (eq A)  Modality.η M₁  Modality.η M₂)
Modal⇔Modal≃◯≃◯ {a} ext M₁ M₂ =
    (record { to = to; from = ◯≃◯→Modal⇔Modal M₁ M₂ })
       Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
       ⇔-closure ext 1
         (M₁.Modal-propositional ext)
         (M₂.Modal-propositional ext))
     ext′                                                             $⟨ (Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _  prop) 
         (∀ A 
           λ ((f , _) :  λ (f : M₁.◯ A  M₂.◯ A)  f  M₁.η  M₂.η) 
            Is-equivalence f)                                            →⟨ H-level-cong _ 1 (inverse $ equiv ext′) ⟩□

         ( λ (eq :  A  M₁.◯ A  M₂.◯ A) 
             A  _≃_.to (eq A)  M₁.η  M₂.η)                           )
  module M₁ = Modality M₁
  module M₂ = Modality M₂

  module _
    (Modal⇔Modal :
        A  Modality.Modal M₁ A  Modality.Modal M₂ A)

    module _ {A : Type a} where opaque

      c₁₁ : Contractible (_∘ M₁.η ⁻¹ M₁.η {A = A})
      c₁₁ =                                            $⟨ M₁.extendable-along-η  _  M₁.Modal-◯) 
        Is-∞-extendable-along-[ M₁.η ]  _  M₁.◯ A)  ↔⟨ PS.Is-∞-extendable-along≃Is-equivalence ext 
        Is-equivalence (_∘ M₁.η)                       →⟨  eq 
                                                               (_≃_.bijection Eq.⟨ _ , eq ) _) ⟩□
        Contractible (_∘ M₁.η ⁻¹ M₁.η)                 

      c₁₂ : Contractible (_∘ M₁.η ⁻¹ M₂.η {A = A})
      c₁₂ =                                            $⟨ M₁.extendable-along-η  _  _⇔_.from (Modal⇔Modal _) M₂.Modal-◯) 
        Is-∞-extendable-along-[ M₁.η ]  _  M₂.◯ A)  ↔⟨ PS.Is-∞-extendable-along≃Is-equivalence ext 
        Is-equivalence (_∘ M₁.η)                       →⟨  eq 
                                                               (_≃_.bijection Eq.⟨ _ , eq ) _) ⟩□
        Contractible (_∘ M₁.η ⁻¹ M₂.η)                 

      c₂₁ : Contractible (_∘ M₂.η ⁻¹ M₁.η {A = A})
      c₂₁ =                                            $⟨ M₂.extendable-along-η  _  _⇔_.to (Modal⇔Modal _) M₁.Modal-◯) 
        Is-∞-extendable-along-[ M₂.η ]  _  M₁.◯ A)  ↔⟨ PS.Is-∞-extendable-along≃Is-equivalence ext 
        Is-equivalence (_∘ M₂.η)                       →⟨  eq 
                                                               (_≃_.bijection Eq.⟨ _ , eq ) _) ⟩□
        Contractible (_∘ M₂.η ⁻¹ M₁.η)                 

      c₂₂ : Contractible (_∘ M₂.η ⁻¹ M₂.η {A = A})
      c₂₂ =                                            $⟨ M₂.extendable-along-η  _  M₂.Modal-◯) 
        Is-∞-extendable-along-[ M₂.η ]  _  M₂.◯ A)  ↔⟨ PS.Is-∞-extendable-along≃Is-equivalence ext 
        Is-equivalence (_∘ M₂.η)                       →⟨  eq 
                                                               (_≃_.bijection Eq.⟨ _ , eq ) _) ⟩□
        Contractible (_∘ M₂.η ⁻¹ M₂.η)                 

    to =
             (c₁₂ .proj₁ .proj₁)
             (c₂₁ .proj₁ .proj₁)
                (c₁₂ .proj₁ .proj₁  c₂₁ .proj₁ .proj₁) x       ≡⟨ cong  p  proj₁ p x) $ sym $ c₂₂ .proj₂ $ _ , (

                  c₁₂ .proj₁ .proj₁  c₂₁ .proj₁ .proj₁  M₂.η       ≡⟨ cong (c₁₂ .proj₁ .proj₁ ∘_) $ c₂₁ .proj₁ .proj₂ 
                  c₁₂ .proj₁ .proj₁  M₁.η                           ≡⟨ c₁₂ .proj₁ .proj₂ ⟩∎
                  M₂.η                                               ) 

                c₂₂ .proj₁ .proj₁ x                             ≡⟨ cong  p  proj₁ p x) $ c₂₂ .proj₂ (_ , refl _) ⟩∎

                id x                                            )
                (c₂₁ .proj₁ .proj₁  c₁₂ .proj₁ .proj₁) x       ≡⟨ cong  p  proj₁ p x) $ sym $ c₁₁ .proj₂ $ _ , (

                  c₂₁ .proj₁ .proj₁  c₁₂ .proj₁ .proj₁  M₁.η       ≡⟨ cong (c₂₁ .proj₁ .proj₁ ∘_) $ c₁₂ .proj₁ .proj₂ 
                  c₂₁ .proj₁ .proj₁  M₂.η                           ≡⟨ c₂₁ .proj₁ .proj₂ ⟩∎
                  M₁.η                                               ) 

                c₁₁ .proj₁ .proj₁ x                             ≡⟨ cong  p  proj₁ p x) $ c₁₁ .proj₂ (_ , refl _) ⟩∎

                id x                                            ))
      ,  _  c₁₂ .proj₁ .proj₂)

  equiv = λ ext′ 

    ( λ (eq :  A  M₁.◯ A  M₂.◯ A) 
        A  _≃_.to (eq A)  M₁.η  M₂.η)                            ↝⟨ inverse ΠΣ-comm 

    (∀ A   λ (eq : M₁.◯ A  M₂.◯ A)  _≃_.to eq  M₁.η  M₂.η)     ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext′ λ _  Σ-cong Eq.≃-as-Σ λ _  F.id) 

    (∀ A 
      λ ((f , _) :  λ (f : M₁.◯ A  M₂.◯ A)  Is-equivalence f) 
       f  M₁.η  M₂.η)                                              ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext′ λ _ 
                                                                         Σ-assoc F.∘ (∃-cong λ _  ×-comm) F.∘ inverse Σ-assoc) ⟩□
    (∀ A 
      λ ((f , _) :  λ (f : M₁.◯ A  M₂.◯ A)  f  M₁.η  M₂.η) 
       Is-equivalence f)                                             

  prop :
      ( λ ((f , _) :  λ (f : M₁.◯ A  M₂.◯ A)  f  M₁.η  M₂.η) 
         Is-equivalence f)
  prop ((f₁ , eq₁) , equiv₁) ((f₂ , eq₂) , equiv₂) =
    _↔_.to (ignore-propositional-component
              (Is-equivalence-propositional ext)) $
      (⟨ext⟩ lemma)
      (subst  f  f  M₁.η  M₂.η) (⟨ext⟩ lemma) eq₁        ≡⟨ subst-∘ _ _ _ 
       subst (_≡ M₂.η) (cong (_∘ M₁.η) $ ⟨ext⟩ lemma) eq₁     ≡⟨ cong (flip (subst _) _) $
                                                                 cong-pre-∘-ext ext ext 
       subst (_≡ M₂.η) (⟨ext⟩ $ lemma  M₁.η) eq₁             ≡⟨ subst-trans-sym 
       trans (sym $ ⟨ext⟩ $ lemma  M₁.η) eq₁                 ≡⟨ (cong (flip trans _  sym) $ cong ⟨ext⟩ $ ⟨ext⟩ λ _ 
       trans (sym $ ⟨ext⟩ $ ext⁻¹ $ trans eq₁ (sym eq₂)) eq₁  ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _  sym) $
                                                                 _≃_.right-inverse-of (Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext) _ 
       trans (sym $ trans eq₁ (sym eq₂)) eq₁                  ≡⟨ trans (cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                        sym-trans _ _) $
                                                                 trans (trans-[trans-sym]- _ _) $
                                                                 sym-sym _ ⟩∎
       eq₂                                                    )
    ⟨ext⟩ = apply-ext ext

    lemma :  x  f₁ x  f₂ x
    lemma =
         _  M₁.Modal-respects-≃ Eq.⟨ _ , equiv₁  M₁.Modal-◯)
        (ext⁻¹ (
           f₁  M₁.η  ≡⟨ eq₁ 
           M₂.η       ≡⟨ sym eq₂ ⟩∎
           f₂  M₁.η  ))

-- Two modalities (for the same universe level) are equal exactly when
-- they have the same modal types (assuming function extensionality
-- and univalence).

Modal⇔Modal≃≡ :
  {M₁ M₂ : Modality a} 
  Extensionality (lsuc a) (lsuc a) 
  Univalence a 
  (∀ A  Modality.Modal M₁ A  Modality.Modal M₂ A) 
  (M₁  M₂)
Modal⇔Modal≃≡ {a} {M₁} {M₂} ext univ =
  (∀ A  Modality.Modal M₁ A  Modality.Modal M₂ A)                ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                       ⇔↔≡ ext″ univ
                                                                         (Modality.Modal-propositional M₁ ext″)
                                                                         (Modality.Modal-propositional M₂ ext″)) 
  (∀ A  Modality.Modal M₁ A  Modality.Modal M₂ A)                ↝⟨ Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext 
  Modality.Modal M₁  Modality.Modal M₂                            ↔⟨ (ignore-propositional-component λ M₁′ M₂′ 
                                                                       _↔_.to (ignore-propositional-component
                                                                                 (×-closure 1
                                                                                    (implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                                                                                     Π-closure ext′ 1 λ ext 
                                                                                     H-level-propositional ext 1) $
                                                                                  ×-closure 1
                                                                                    (implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
                                                                                     Modality.Modal-propositional M₂ ext″) $
                                                                                  ×-closure 1
                                                                                    (implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                                                                                     implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
                                                                                     Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
                                                                                     Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
                                                                                     Modality.Modal-propositional M₂ ext″) $
                                                                                  implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                                                                                  implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
                                                                                  Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ 
                                                                                  PS.Is-∞-extendable-along-propositional ext″)) $
                                                                         (_≃_.from equiv (Modality.Modal M₂ , M₁′))
                                                                         (_≃_.from equiv (Modality.Modal M₂ , M₂′))
                                                                          _  F.id)) 
  _≃_.to equiv M₁  _≃_.to equiv M₂                                ↝⟨ Eq.≃-≡ equiv ⟩□
  M₁  M₂                                                          
  ext′ : Extensionality (lsuc a) a
  ext′ = lower-extensionality lzero _ ext

  ext″ : Extensionality a a
  ext″ = lower-extensionality _ _ ext

  equiv :
    Modality a 
    ( λ (Modal : Type a  Type a) 
      λ (( , η) :
           λ ( : Type a  Type a)  {A : Type a}  A   A) 
     ({A : Type a}  Extensionality a a  Is-proposition (Modal A)) ×
     ({A : Type a}  Modal ( A)) ×
     ({A B : Type a}  A  B  Modal A  Modal B) ×
     ({A : Type a} {P :  A  Type a} 
      (∀ x  Modal (P x)) 
      Is-∞-extendable-along-[ η ] P))
  equiv = Eq.↔→≃
       let open Modality M in
       , ( , η)
       , Modal-propositional
       , Modal-◯
       , Modal-respects-≃
       , extendable-along-η)

  lemma :
    (M₁ M₂ : Modality a) 
    (∀ A  Modality.Modal M₁ A  Modality.Modal M₂ A) 
    _≡_ {A =  λ ( : Type a  Type a)  {A : Type a}  A   A}
      (Modality.◯ M₁ , Modality.η M₁)
      (Modality.◯ M₂ , Modality.η M₂)
  lemma M₁ M₂ Modal⇔Modal =
    let ◯≃◯ , η≡η = Modal⇔Modal≃◯≃◯ ext″ M₁ M₂ _ Modal⇔Modal in
      (apply-ext ext (≃⇒≡ univ  ◯≃◯))
      (implicit-extensionality ext′ λ A 

       subst     {A}  A   A) (apply-ext ext (≃⇒≡ univ  ◯≃◯))
         (Modality.η M₁)                                               ≡⟨ sym $
                                                                          push-subst-implicit-application _ _ 
       subst    A   A) (apply-ext ext (≃⇒≡ univ  ◯≃◯))
         (Modality.η M₁)                                               ≡⟨ (apply-ext ext″ λ _  sym $
                                                                           push-subst-application _ _) 
       subst     A) (apply-ext ext (≃⇒≡ univ  ◯≃◯)) 
       Modality.η M₁                                                   ≡⟨ (apply-ext ext″ λ _ 
                                                                           subst-ext ext) 

       subst id (≃⇒≡ univ (◯≃◯ A))  Modality.η M₁                     ≡⟨ (apply-ext ext″ λ _ 
                                                                           subst-id-in-terms-of-≡⇒↝ equivalence) 

       ≡⇒→ (≃⇒≡ univ (◯≃◯ A))  Modality.η M₁                          ≡⟨ cong  eq  _≃_.to eq  Modality.η M₁) $
                                                                          _≃_.right-inverse-of (≡≃≃ univ) _ 

       _≃_.to (◯≃◯ A)  Modality.η M₁                                  ≡⟨ η≡η A ⟩∎

       Modality.η M₂                                                   )