-- Coinductive higher lenses

-- Paolo Capriotti came up with these lenses, and provided an informal
-- proof showing that this lens type is pointwise equivalent to his
-- higher lenses. I turned this proof into the proof presented below,
-- with help from Andrea Vezzosi (see
-- Lens.Non-dependent.Higher.Coherently.Coinductive).

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --guardedness #-}

import Equality.Path as P

module Lens.Non-dependent.Higher.Coinductive
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
import Coherently-constant eq as CC
open import Colimit.Sequential eq as C using (∣_∣)
open import Equality.Decidable-UIP equality-with-J using (Constant)
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
import Equivalence.Half-adjoint equality-with-J as HA
open import Extensionality equality-with-J
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional eq as T using (∥_∥; ∣_∣)
import H-level.Truncation.Propositional.Non-recursive eq as N
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional.One-step eq as O
  using (∥_∥¹; ∥_∥¹-out-^; ∥_∥¹-in-^; ∣_∣; ∣_,_∣-in-^)
open import Preimage equality-with-J using (_⁻¹_)
open import Univalence-axiom equality-with-J

open import Lens.Non-dependent eq
import Lens.Non-dependent.Higher eq as H
import Lens.Non-dependent.Higher.Capriotti eq as Higher
open import Lens.Non-dependent.Higher.Coherently.Coinductive eq

    a b p : Level
    A B   : Type a
    P     : A  Type p
    x y   : A
    f     : (x : A)  P x

-- Weakly constant functions

-- A variant of Constant.

Constant′ :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  (A  B)  Type (a  b)
Constant′ {A = A} {B = B} f =
   λ (g :  A ∥¹  B)   x  g  x   f x

-- Constant and Constant′ are pointwise equivalent.

Constant≃Constant′ : (f : A  B)  Constant f  Constant′ f
Constant≃Constant′ f = Eq.↔→≃
   c  O.rec′ f c
       , λ x  O.rec′ f c  x   ≡⟨⟩
               f x               )
   (g , h) x y 
     f x      ≡⟨ sym (h x) 
     g  x   ≡⟨ cong g (O.∣∣-constant x y) 
     g  y   ≡⟨ h y ⟩∎
     f y      )
   (g , h) 
     let lem = O.elim λ where
           .O.Elim.∣∣ʳ x 
             f x      ≡⟨ sym (h x) ⟩∎
             g  x   
           .O.Elim.∣∣-constantʳ x y 
             let g′ = O.rec′ f λ x y 
                        trans (sym (h x))
                          (trans (cong g (O.∣∣-constant x y))
                             (h y))
             subst  z  g′ z  g z) (O.∣∣-constant x y) (sym (h x))  ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

             trans (sym (cong g′ (O.∣∣-constant x y)))
               (trans (sym (h x)) (cong g (O.∣∣-constant x y)))        ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym
             trans (sym (trans (sym (h x))
                           (trans (cong g (O.∣∣-constant x y))
                              (h y))))
               (trans (sym (h x)) (cong g (O.∣∣-constant x y)))        ≡⟨ trans (cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                                 trans (cong sym $ sym $ trans-assoc _ _ _) $
                                                                                 sym-trans _ _) $
                                                                          trans-[trans-sym]- _ _ ⟩∎
             sym (h y)                                                 
       (⟨ext⟩ lem)
       (⟨ext⟩ λ x 

        subst  g   x  g  x   f x)
          (⟨ext⟩ lem)  x  refl (f x)) x                         ≡⟨ sym $ push-subst-application _ _ 

        subst  g  g  x   f x) (⟨ext⟩ lem) (refl (f x))       ≡⟨ subst-∘ _ _ _ 

        subst (_≡ f x) (cong (_$  x ) (⟨ext⟩ lem)) (refl (f x))  ≡⟨ subst-trans-sym 

        trans (sym (cong (_$  x ) (⟨ext⟩ lem))) (refl (f x))     ≡⟨ trans-reflʳ _ 

        sym (cong (_$  x ) (⟨ext⟩ lem))                          ≡⟨ cong sym $ cong-ext ext 

        sym (lem  x )                                            ≡⟨⟩

        sym (sym (h x))                                            ≡⟨ sym-sym _ ⟩∎

        h x                                                        ))
   c  ⟨ext⟩ λ x  ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
     trans (sym (refl _))
       (trans (cong (O.rec′ f c) (O.∣∣-constant x y)) (refl _))  ≡⟨ trans (cong₂ trans sym-refl (trans-reflʳ _)) $
                                                                    trans-reflˡ _ 

     cong (O.rec′ f c) (O.∣∣-constant x y)                       ≡⟨ O.rec-∣∣-constant ⟩∎

     c x y                                                       )

-- Coherently constant functions

-- Coherently constant functions.

Coherently-constant :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} (f : A  B)  Type (a  b)
Coherently-constant = Coherently Constant O.rec′

-- Coherently constant functions are weakly constant.

constant : Coherently-constant f  Constant f
constant c = c .property

-- An alternative to Coherently-constant.

Coherently-constant′ :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} (f : A  B)  Type (a  b)
Coherently-constant′ = Coherently Constant′  _  proj₁)


  -- Coherently-constant and Coherently-constant′ are pointwise
  -- equivalent.

  Coherently-constant≃Coherently-constant′ :
    Coherently-constant f  Coherently-constant′ f
  Coherently-constant≃Coherently-constant′ =
       f c 
         O.rec′ f (_≃_.from (Constant≃Constant′ f) c)   ≡⟨⟩

         proj₁ (_≃_.to (Constant≃Constant′ f)
                  (_≃_.from (Constant≃Constant′ f) c))  ≡⟨ cong proj₁ $
                                                           _≃_.right-inverse-of (Constant≃Constant′ f) _ ⟩∎
         proj₁ c                                        )


  -- Some definitions used in the implementation of
  -- ∃Coherently-constant′≃.

  module ∃Coherently-constant′≃ where

    to₁ :
      (f : A  B)  Coherently-constant′ f 
       n   A ∥¹-in-^ n  B
    to₁ f c zero    = f
    to₁ f c (suc n) = to₁ (proj₁ (c .property)) (c .coherent) n

    to₂ :
       (f : A  B) (c : Coherently-constant′ f) n x 
      to₁ f c (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  to₁ f c n x
    to₂ f c zero    = proj₂ (c .property)
    to₂ f c (suc n) = to₂ (proj₁ (c .property)) (c .coherent) n

    from :
      (f :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ n  B) 
      (∀ n x  f (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  f n x) 
      Coherently-constant′ (f 0)
    from f c .property = f 1 , c 0
    from f c .coherent = from (f  suc) (c  suc)

    from-to :
      (f : A  B) (c : Coherently-constant′ f) 
      from (to₁ f c) (to₂ f c) P.≡ c
    from-to f c i .property = (c .property  P.∎) i
    from-to f c i .coherent =
      from-to (proj₁ (c .property)) (c .coherent) i

    to₁-from :
      (f :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ n  B)
      (c :  n x  f (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  f n x) 
       n x  to₁ (f 0) (from f c) n x  f n x
    to₁-from f c zero    = refl  f 0
    to₁-from f c (suc n) = to₁-from (f  suc) (c  suc) n

    to₂-from :
      (f :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ n  B)
      (c :  n x  f (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  f n x) 
       n x 
      trans (sym (to₁-from f c (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^))
        (trans (to₂ (f 0) (from f c) n x)
           (to₁-from f c n x)) 
      c n x
    to₂-from f c (suc n) = to₂-from (f  suc) (c  suc) n
    to₂-from f c zero    = λ x 
      trans (sym (refl _)) (trans (c 0 x) (refl _))  ≡⟨ trans (cong (flip trans _) sym-refl) $
                                                        trans-reflˡ _ 
      trans (c 0 x) (refl _)                         ≡⟨ trans-reflʳ _ ⟩∎
      c 0 x                                          

-- "Functions from A to B that are coherently constant" can be
-- expressed in a different way.

∃Coherently-constant′≃ :
  ( λ (f : A  B)  Coherently-constant′ f)
  ( λ (f :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ n  B) 
      n x  f (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  f n x)
∃Coherently-constant′≃ = Eq.↔→≃
   (f , c)  to₁ f c , to₂ f c)
   (f , c)  f 0 , from f c)
   (f , c)  Σ-≡,≡→≡
     (⟨ext⟩ λ n  ⟨ext⟩ λ x  to₁-from f c n x)
     (⟨ext⟩ λ n  ⟨ext⟩ λ x 
        subst  f   n x  f (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  f n x)
          (⟨ext⟩ λ n  ⟨ext⟩ λ x  to₁-from f c n x)
          (to₂ (f 0) (from f c))
          n x                                                       ≡⟨ trans (cong (_$ x) $ sym $
                                                                              push-subst-application _ _) $
                                                                       sym $ push-subst-application _ _ 
        subst  f  f (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  f n x)
          (⟨ext⟩ λ n  ⟨ext⟩ λ x  to₁-from f c n x)
          (to₂ (f 0) (from f c) n x)                                ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

        trans (sym (cong  f  f (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^)
                      (⟨ext⟩ λ n  ⟨ext⟩ λ x  to₁-from f c n x)))
          (trans (to₂ (f 0) (from f c) n x)
             (cong  f  f n x)
                (⟨ext⟩ λ n  ⟨ext⟩ λ x  to₁-from f c n x)))        ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  trans (sym p) (trans (to₂ (f 0) (from f c) n x) q))
                                                                         (trans (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                          trans (cong (cong _) $ cong-ext ext) $
                                                                          cong-ext ext)
                                                                         (trans (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                          trans (cong (cong _) $ cong-ext ext) $
                                                                          cong-ext ext) 
        trans (sym (to₁-from f c (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^))
          (trans (to₂ (f 0) (from f c) n x)
             (to₁-from f c n x))                                    ≡⟨ to₂-from f c n x ⟩∎

        c n x                                                       ))
   (f , c)  cong (f ,_) $ _↔_.from ≡↔≡ $ from-to f c)
  open ∃Coherently-constant′≃


  -- A lemma that is used in the implementation of
  -- Coherently-constant′≃.

  Coherently-constant′≃-lemma :
    ( λ (f : A  B)  Coherently-constant′ f) 
    ( λ (f : A  B) 
      λ (g :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ (suc n)  B) 
       (∀ x  g 0  x   f x) ×
       (∀ n x  g (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  g n x))
  Coherently-constant′≃-lemma {A = A} {B = B} =
    ( λ (f : A  B)  Coherently-constant′ f)          ↝⟨ ∃Coherently-constant′≃ 

    ( λ (f :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ n  B) 
        n x  f (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  f n x)        ↝⟨ Eq.↔→≃
                                                              (f , eq) 
                                                                f 0 , f  suc , ℕ-case (eq 0) (eq  suc))
                                                              (f , g , eq)  ℕ-case f g , eq)
                                                              (f , g , eq) 
                                                                cong  eq  f , g , eq) $ ⟨ext⟩ $
                                                                ℕ-case (refl _)  _  refl _))
    ( λ (f : A  B) 
      λ (g :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ (suc n)  B) 
        n x 
         g n  n , x ∣-in-^ 
         ℕ-case {P = λ n   A ∥¹-in-^ n  B} f g n x)  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                            Πℕ≃ ext) ⟩□
    ( λ (f : A  B) 
      λ (g :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ (suc n)  B) 
       (∀ x  g 0  x   f x) ×
       (∀ n x  g (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  g n x))      

    -- An alternative (unused) proof of the second step above. If this
    -- proof is used instead of the other one, then the proof of
    -- from-Coherently-constant′≃ below fails (at least at the time of
    -- writing).

    second-step :
      ( λ (f :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ n  B) 
          n x  f (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  f n x) 
      ( λ (f : A  B) 
        λ (g :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ (suc n)  B) 
          n x 
           g n  n , x ∣-in-^ 
           ℕ-case {P = λ n   A ∥¹-in-^ n  B} f g n x)
    second-step = from-bijection $ inverse $
      (Σ-cong (inverse $ Πℕ≃ {k = equivalence} ext) λ _  F.id) F.∘


      lemma :
        (p@(f , eq) :  λ (f :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ n  B) 
                         n x  f (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  f n x) 
        (ℕ-case (f 0) (f  suc) , ℕ-case (eq 0) (eq  suc))  p
      lemma (f , eq) =
          (⟨ext⟩ $ ℕ-case (refl _)  _  refl _))
          (⟨ext⟩ λ n  ⟨ext⟩ λ x 
           let eq′ = ℕ-case (eq 0) (eq  suc)
               r   = ℕ-case (refl _)  _  refl _)
           subst {y = f}
              f   n x  f (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  f n x)
             (⟨ext⟩ r) eq′ n x                                            ≡⟨ sym $
                                                                             trans (push-subst-application _ _) $
                                                                             cong (_$ x) $ push-subst-application _ _ 
              f  f (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  f n x)
             (⟨ext⟩ r) (eq′ n x)                                          ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

           trans (sym (cong  f  f (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^) (⟨ext⟩ r)))
             (trans (eq′ n x) (cong  f  f n x) (⟨ext⟩ r)))             ≡⟨ trans (cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                                    trans (cong sym $
                                                                                           trans (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                                           trans (cong (cong (_$  n , x ∣-in-^)) $
                                                                                                  cong-ext ext) $
                                                                                           cong-refl _)
                                                                                    sym-refl) $
                                                                             trans-reflˡ _ 

           trans (eq′ n x) (cong  f  f n x) (⟨ext⟩ r))                 ≡⟨ cong (trans _) $
                                                                             trans (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                             cong (cong (_$ x)) $
                                                                             cong-ext ext 

           trans (eq′ n x) (cong (_$ x) $ r n)                            ≡⟨ ℕ-case
                                                                               {P = λ n   x  trans (eq′ n x) (cong (_$ x) $ r n)  eq n x}
                                                                                _  trans (cong (trans _) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                                      trans-reflʳ _)
                                                                                _ _  trans (cong (trans _) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                                        trans-reflʳ _)
                                                                               n x ⟩∎
           eq n x                                                         )


  -- Coherently-constant′ can be expressed in a different way.

  Coherently-constant′≃ :
    {f : A  B} 
    Coherently-constant′ f
    ( λ (g :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ (suc n)  B) 
       (∀ x  g 0  x   f x) ×
       (∀ n x  g (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  g n x))
  Coherently-constant′≃ {f = f} =
    Eq.⟨ _
       , Eq.drop-Σ-map-id _
           (_≃_.is-equivalence Coherently-constant′≃-lemma)

-- A lemma used in the implementation of
-- from-Coherently-constant′≃-property.


  from-Coherently-constant′≃-property-lemma :
    (f : A  B)
    ((g , g₀ , _) :
      λ (g :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ (suc n)  B) 
       (∀ x  g 0  x   f x) ×
       (∀ n x  g (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  g n x)) 
    {A = A} {B = B} f (g , g₀ , g₊) =
    (cong proj₁ $
       (cong {B =  λ (f : A  B) 
                   λ (g :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ (suc n)  B) 
                    (∀ x  g 0  x   f x) ×
                    (∀ n x  g (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  g n x)}
              (f , eq)  f 0 , f  suc , eq 0 , eq  suc) $
        _≃_.right-inverse-of ∃Coherently-constant′≃
          (ℕ-case f g , ℕ-case g₀ g₊)) $
       (cong  (f , g , eq)  f , g , eq 0 , eq  suc) $
        cong {B =  λ (f : A  B) 
                   λ (g :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ (suc n)  B) 
                     n x 
                      g n  n , x ∣-in-^ 
                      ℕ-case {P = λ n   A ∥¹-in-^ n  B} f g n x}
             {x = ℕ-case g₀ g₊}
             {y = ℕ-case g₀ g₊}
              eq  f , g , eq) $
        ⟨ext⟩ (ℕ-case (refl _)  _  refl _))) $
     cong (f ,_) (cong (g ,_) (refl _)))                               ≡⟨ trans (cong-trans _ _ _) $
                                                                          cong₂ trans
                                                                            (trans (cong-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                             sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _)
                                                                            (trans (cong-trans _ _ _) $
                                                                             cong₂ trans
                                                                               (trans (cong-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                                cong-∘ _ _ _)
                                                                               (cong-∘ _ _ _)) 
       (cong (_$ 0) $ cong proj₁ $
        _≃_.right-inverse-of ∃Coherently-constant′≃
          (ℕ-case f g , ℕ-case g₀ g₊)) $
       (cong (const f) $
        ⟨ext⟩ (ℕ-case (refl _)  _  refl _))) $
     cong (const f) (cong (g ,_) (refl _)))                            ≡⟨ trans (cong (trans _) $
                                                                                 trans (cong₂ trans
                                                                                          (cong-const _)
                                                                                          (cong-const _)) $
                                                                                 trans-refl-refl) $
                                                                          trans-reflʳ _ 
    (cong (_$ 0) $ cong proj₁ $
     _≃_.right-inverse-of ∃Coherently-constant′≃
       (ℕ-case f g , ℕ-case g₀ g₊))                                    ≡⟨ cong (cong (_$ 0)) $
                                                                          proj₁-Σ-≡,≡→≡ _ _ 
    (cong (_$ 0) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ n  ⟨ext⟩ λ x 
     ∃Coherently-constant′≃.to₁-from (ℕ-case f g) (ℕ-case g₀ g₊) n x)  ≡⟨ cong-ext ext 

    (⟨ext⟩ λ x 
     ∃Coherently-constant′≃.to₁-from (ℕ-case f g) (ℕ-case g₀ g₊) 0 x)  ≡⟨⟩

    (⟨ext⟩ λ _  refl _)                                               ≡⟨ ext-refl ext ⟩∎

    refl _                                                             

  unfolding Coherently-constant′≃

  -- A "computation" rule for Coherently-constant′≃.

  from-Coherently-constant′≃-property :
    (f : A  B)
    {c@(g , g₀ , _) :
      λ (g :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ (suc n)  B) 
       (∀ x  g 0  x   f x) ×
       (∀ n x  g (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  g n x)} 
    _≃_.from Coherently-constant′≃ c .property  (g 0 , g₀)
    {A = A} {B = B} f {c = c@(g , g₀ , g₊)} =

    _≃_.from Coherently-constant′≃ c .property                          ≡⟨⟩

      (Eq.drop-Σ-map-id _
         (_≃_.is-equivalence Coherently-constant′≃-lemma)
      c .property                                                       ≡⟨ cong  c  c .property) $
                                                                             {x = f} {eq = _≃_.is-equivalence Coherently-constant′≃-lemma} 
    subst Coherently-constant′
      (cong proj₁ $
       _≃_.right-inverse-of Coherently-constant′≃-lemma (f , c))
      (proj₂ (_≃_.from Coherently-constant′≃-lemma (f , c)))
      .property                                                         ≡⟨ subst-Coherently-property 

    subst Constant′
      (cong proj₁ $
       _≃_.right-inverse-of Coherently-constant′≃-lemma (f , c))
      (proj₂ (_≃_.from Coherently-constant′≃-lemma (f , c)) .property)  ≡⟨⟩

    subst Constant′
      (cong proj₁ $
         (cong {B =  λ (f : A  B) 
                     λ (g :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ (suc n)  B) 
                      (∀ x  g 0  x   f x) ×
                      (∀ n x  g (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  g n x)}
                (f , eq)  f 0 , f  suc , eq 0 , eq  suc) $
          _≃_.right-inverse-of ∃Coherently-constant′≃
            (ℕ-case f g , ℕ-case g₀ g₊)) $
         (cong  (f , g , eq)  f , g , eq 0 , eq  suc) $
          cong {B =  λ (f : A  B) 
                     λ (g :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ (suc n)  B) 
                       n x 
                        g n  n , x ∣-in-^ 
                        ℕ-case {P = λ n   A ∥¹-in-^ n  B} f g n x}
               {x = ℕ-case g₀ g₊}
               {y = ℕ-case g₀ g₊}
                eq  f , g , eq) $
          ⟨ext⟩ (ℕ-case (refl _)  _  refl _))) $
       cong (f ,_) (cong (g ,_) (refl _)))
      (g 0 , g₀)                                                        ≡⟨ cong (flip (subst Constant′) _) $
                                                                           from-Coherently-constant′≃-property-lemma _ _ 

    subst Constant′ (refl _) (g 0 , g₀)                                 ≡⟨ subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎

    g 0 , g₀                                                            

-- Functions from ∥ A ∥ can be expressed as coherently constant
-- functions from A.

∥∥→≃ :
  ( A   B)
  ( λ (f : A  B)  Coherently-constant f)
∥∥→≃ {A = A} {B = B} =
  ( A   B)                                   ↝⟨ N.∥∥→≃ 

  ( λ (f :  n   A ∥¹-out-^ n  B) 
      n x  f (suc n)  x   f n x)           ↝⟨ (Σ-cong {k₁ = equivalence} (∀-cong ext λ n  →-cong₁ ext (O.∥∥¹-out-^≃∥∥¹-in-^ n)) λ f 
                                                    ∀-cong ext λ n 
                                                    Π-cong-contra ext (inverse $ O.∥∥¹-out-^≃∥∥¹-in-^ n) λ x 
                                                    ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong  y  f (suc n) y  f n (_≃_.from (O.∥∥¹-out-^≃∥∥¹-in-^ n) x)) (
     _≃_.from (O.∥∥¹-out-^≃∥∥¹-in-^ n) x            ≡⟨ sym $ O.∣,∣-in-^≡∣∣ n ⟩∎

    _≃_.from (O.∥∥¹-out-^≃∥∥¹-in-^ (suc n))
       n , x ∣-in-^                                  )) 

  ( λ (f :  n   A ∥¹-in-^ n  B) 
      n x  f (suc n)  n , x ∣-in-^  f n x)  ↝⟨ inverse ∃Coherently-constant′≃ 

  ( λ (f : A  B)  Coherently-constant′ f)    ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  inverse Coherently-constant≃Coherently-constant′) ⟩□

  ( λ (f : A  B)  Coherently-constant f)     

-- A function used in the statement of proj₂-to-∥∥→≃-property≡.

proj₁-to-∥∥→≃-constant :
  (f :  A   B) 
  Constant (proj₁ (_≃_.to ∥∥→≃ f))
proj₁-to-∥∥→≃-constant f x y =
  f  x   ≡⟨ cong f (T.truncation-is-proposition  x   y ) ⟩∎
  f  y   

  unfolding Coherently-constant≃Coherently-constant′

  -- A "computation rule" for ∥∥→≃.

  proj₂-to-∥∥→≃-property≡ :
    proj₂ (_≃_.to ∥∥→≃ f) .property  proj₁-to-∥∥→≃-constant f
  proj₂-to-∥∥→≃-property≡ {f = f} = ⟨ext⟩ λ x  ⟨ext⟩ λ y 

    let g , c = _≃_.to C.universal-property (f  _≃_.to N.∥∥≃∥∥) in

    proj₂ (_≃_.to ∥∥→≃ f) .property x y                                   ≡⟨⟩

    _≃_.from Coherently-constant≃Coherently-constant′
         (_≃_.from ∃Coherently-constant′≃
            (Σ-map  g n  g n  _≃_.from (oi n))
                    {g} c n x 
                      ≡⇒→ (cong  y  g (suc n) y 
                                       g n (_≃_.from (oi n) x))
                             (sym $ O.∣,∣-in-^≡∣∣ n))
                        (c n (_≃_.from (oi n) x)))
               (_≃_.to C.universal-property (f  _≃_.to N.∥∥≃∥∥)))))
      .property x y                                                       ≡⟨⟩

    _≃_.from (Constant≃Constant′ _)
         (_≃_.from ∃Coherently-constant′≃
            (Σ-map  g n  g n  _≃_.from (oi n))
                    {g} c n x 
                      ≡⇒→ (cong  y  g (suc n) y 
                                       g n (_≃_.from (oi n) x))
                             (sym $ O.∣,∣-in-^≡∣∣ n))
                        (c n (_≃_.from (oi n) x)))
               (_≃_.to C.universal-property (f  _≃_.to N.∥∥≃∥∥))))
       x y                                                                ≡⟨⟩

    _≃_.from (Constant≃Constant′ _)
      ( g 1
      , λ x 
          ≡⇒→ (cong  z  g 1 z  g 0 x) (sym $ refl  _ )) (c 0 x)
      ) x y                                                               ≡⟨⟩

    trans (sym (≡⇒→ (cong  z  g 1 z  g 0 x) (sym $ refl  _ ))
                  (c 0 x)))
      (trans (cong (g 1) (O.∣∣-constant x y))
         (≡⇒→ (cong  z  g 1 z  g 0 y) (sym $ refl  _ )) (c 0 y)))   ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  trans (sym p) (trans (cong (g 1) (O.∣∣-constant x y)) q))
                                                                               (trans (cong  eq  ≡⇒→ (cong  z  g 1 z  g 0 x) eq) (c 0 x))
                                                                                       sym-refl) $
                                                                                trans (cong  eq  ≡⇒→ eq (c 0 x)) $
                                                                                       cong-refl _) $
                                                                                cong (_$ c 0 x) ≡⇒→-refl)
                                                                               (trans (cong  eq  ≡⇒→ (cong  z  g 1 z  g 0 y) eq) (c 0 y))
                                                                                       sym-refl) $
                                                                                trans (cong  eq  ≡⇒→ eq (c 0 y)) $
                                                                                       cong-refl _) $
                                                                                cong (_$ c 0 y) ≡⇒→-refl) 
    trans (sym (c 0 x)) (trans (cong (g 1) (O.∣∣-constant x y)) (c 0 y))  ≡⟨⟩

    trans (sym (cong (f  _≃_.to N.∥∥≃∥∥) (C.∣∣≡∣∣ x)))
      (trans (cong (f  _≃_.to N.∥∥≃∥∥  ∣_∣) (O.∣∣-constant x y))
         (cong (f  _≃_.to N.∥∥≃∥∥) (C.∣∣≡∣∣ y)))                         ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  trans (sym p) q)
                                                                               (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _)
                                                                               (cong₂ trans
                                                                                  (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _)
                                                                                  (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _)) 
    trans (sym (cong f (cong (_≃_.to N.∥∥≃∥∥) (C.∣∣≡∣∣ x))))
      (trans (cong f (cong (_≃_.to N.∥∥≃∥∥  ∣_∣) (O.∣∣-constant x y)))
         (cong f (cong (_≃_.to N.∥∥≃∥∥) (C.∣∣≡∣∣ y))))                    ≡⟨ trans (cong₂ trans
                                                                                      (sym $ cong-sym _ _)
                                                                                      (sym $ cong-trans _ _ _)) $
                                                                             sym $ cong-trans _ _ _ 
    cong f
      (trans (sym (cong (_≃_.to N.∥∥≃∥∥) (C.∣∣≡∣∣ x)))
        (trans (cong (_≃_.to N.∥∥≃∥∥  ∣_∣) (O.∣∣-constant x y))
           (cong (_≃_.to N.∥∥≃∥∥) (C.∣∣≡∣∣ y))))                          ≡⟨ cong (cong f) $
                                                                             mono₁ 1 T.truncation-is-proposition _ _ ⟩∎
    cong f (T.truncation-is-proposition  x   y )                      
    oi :  n   A ∥¹-out-^ n   A ∥¹-in-^ n
    oi = O.∥∥¹-out-^≃∥∥¹-in-^

-- Two variants of Coherently-constant are pointwise equivalent.

Coherently-constant≃Coherently-constant :
  {f : A  B} 
  CC.Coherently-constant f  Coherently-constant f
Coherently-constant≃Coherently-constant {A = A} {B = B} {f = f} =
  CC.Coherently-constant f                                           ↔⟨⟩

  ( λ (g :  A   B)  f  g  ∣_∣)                                ↝⟨ (Σ-cong ∥∥→≃ λ _  F.id) 

  ( λ ((g , _) :  λ (g : A  B)  Coherently-constant g)  f  g)  ↔⟨ inverse Σ-assoc 

  ( λ (g : A  B)  Coherently-constant g × f  g)                  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ×-cong₁ λ eq  ≡⇒↝ _ $
                                                                         cong Coherently-constant $ sym eq) 

  ( λ (g : A  B)  Coherently-constant f × f  g)                  ↔⟨ ∃-comm 

  Coherently-constant f × ( λ (g : A  B)  f  g)                  ↔⟨ (drop-⊤-right λ _ 
                                                                         _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ (other-singleton-contractible _)) ⟩□
  Coherently-constant f                                              

-- A "computation rule" for Coherently-constant≃Coherently-constant.

to-Coherently-constant≃Coherently-constant-property :
  {c : CC.Coherently-constant f} 
  _≃_.to Coherently-constant≃Coherently-constant c .property x y 
  trans (cong (_$ x) (proj₂ c))
     (trans (proj₁-to-∥∥→≃-constant (proj₁ c) _ _)
        (cong (_$ y) (sym (proj₂ c))))
  {f = f} {x = x} {y = y} {c = c} =
  _≃_.to Coherently-constant≃Coherently-constant c .property x y  ≡⟨⟩

  ≡⇒→ (cong Coherently-constant $ sym (proj₂ c))
    (proj₂ (_≃_.to ∥∥→≃ (proj₁ c))) .property x y                 ≡⟨ cong  (c : Coherently-constant _)  c .property x y) $ sym $
                                                                     subst-in-terms-of-≡⇒↝ equivalence _ _ _ 
  subst Coherently-constant (sym (proj₂ c))
    (proj₂ (_≃_.to ∥∥→≃ (proj₁ c))) .property x y                 ≡⟨ cong  (f : Constant _)  f x y)
  subst Constant (sym (proj₂ c))
    (proj₂ (_≃_.to ∥∥→≃ (proj₁ c)) .property) x y                 ≡⟨ trans (cong (_$ y) $ sym $ push-subst-application _ _) $
                                                                     sym $ push-subst-application _ _ 
  subst  f  f x  f y) (sym (proj₂ c))
    (proj₂ (_≃_.to ∥∥→≃ (proj₁ c)) .property x y)                 ≡⟨ cong  (f : Constant _)  subst  f  f x  f y) (sym (proj₂ c)) (f x y))
  subst  f  f x  f y) (sym (proj₂ c))
    (proj₁-to-∥∥→≃-constant (proj₁ c) x y)                        ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

  trans (sym (cong (_$ x) (sym (proj₂ c))))
     (trans (proj₁-to-∥∥→≃-constant (proj₁ c) _ _)
        (cong (_$ y) (sym (proj₂ c))))                            ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                     trans (sym $ cong-sym _ _) $
                                                                     cong (cong (_$ x)) $ sym-sym _ ⟩∎
  trans (cong (_$ x) (proj₂ c))
     (trans (proj₁-to-∥∥→≃-constant (proj₁ c) _ _)
        (cong (_$ y) (sym (proj₂ c))))                            

-- Lenses, defined as getters with coherently constant fibres

-- The lens type family.

Lens : Type a  Type b  Type (lsuc (a  b))
Lens A B =  λ (get : A  B)  Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)

-- Some derived definitions.

module Lens (l : Lens A B) where

  -- A getter.

  get : A  B
  get = proj₁ l

  -- The family of fibres of the getter is coherently constant.

  get⁻¹-coherently-constant : Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)
  get⁻¹-coherently-constant = proj₂ l

  -- All the getter's fibres are equivalent.

  get⁻¹-constant : (b₁ b₂ : B)  get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
  get⁻¹-constant b₁ b₂ =
    ≡⇒≃ (get⁻¹-coherently-constant .property b₁ b₂)

  -- A setter.

  set : A  B  A
  set a b =                    $⟨ _≃_.to (get⁻¹-constant (get a) b) 
    (get ⁻¹ get a  get ⁻¹ b)  ↝⟨ _$ (a , refl _) 
    get ⁻¹ b                   ↝⟨ proj₁ ⟩□


  -- The lenses defined above have getters and setters.

  has-getter-and-setter :
    Has-getter-and-setter (Lens {a = a} {b = b})
  has-getter-and-setter = record
    { get = Lens.get
    ; set = Lens.set


  -- Lens is pointwise equivalent to Higher.Lens.

  Higher-lens≃Lens :
    Higher.Lens A B  Lens A B
  Higher-lens≃Lens {A = A} {B = B} =
    Higher.Lens A B                                         ↔⟨⟩
    ( λ (get : A  B)  CC.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_))  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Coherently-constant≃Coherently-constant) ⟩□
    ( λ (get : A  B)  Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_))     

-- The equivalence preserves getters and setters.

Higher-lens≃Lens-preserves-getters-and-setters :
  Preserves-getters-and-setters-⇔ A B
    (_≃_.logical-equivalence Higher-lens≃Lens)
Higher-lens≃Lens-preserves-getters-and-setters {A = A} {B = B} =
    (_≃_.surjection Higher-lens≃Lens)
     l  get-lemma l , set-lemma l)
    unfolding Higher-lens≃Lens

    get-lemma :
      (l : Higher.Lens A B) 
      Lens.get (_≃_.to Higher-lens≃Lens l)  Higher.Lens.get l
    get-lemma _ = refl _

    set-lemma :
      (l : Higher.Lens A B) 
      Lens.set (_≃_.to Higher-lens≃Lens l)  Higher.Lens.set l
    set-lemma l = ⟨ext⟩ λ a  ⟨ext⟩ λ b 
      Lens.set (_≃_.to Higher-lens≃Lens l) a b                         ≡⟨⟩

      proj₁ (≡⇒→ (≡⇒→ (cong Coherently-constant (sym get⁻¹-≡))
                      (proj₂ (_≃_.to ∥∥→≃ H))
                      .property (get a) b)
                 (a , refl (get a)))                                   ≡⟨ cong  (c : Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
                                                                                  proj₁ (≡⇒→ (c .property (get a) b) (a , refl _))) $ sym $
                                                                          subst-in-terms-of-≡⇒↝ equivalence _ _ _ 
      proj₁ (≡⇒→ (subst Coherently-constant (sym get⁻¹-≡)
                    (proj₂ (_≃_.to ∥∥→≃ H))
                    .property (get a) b)
                 (a , refl (get a)))                                   ≡⟨ cong  (c : Constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
                                                                                  proj₁ (≡⇒→ (c (get a) b) (a , refl _)))
      proj₁ (≡⇒→ (subst Constant (sym get⁻¹-≡)
                    (proj₂ (_≃_.to ∥∥→≃ H) .property)
                    (get a) b)
                 (a , refl (get a)))                                   ≡⟨ cong  c  proj₁ (≡⇒→ (subst Constant (sym get⁻¹-≡) c (get a) b)
                                                                                               (a , refl _)))
      proj₁ (≡⇒→ (subst Constant (sym get⁻¹-≡)
                    (proj₁-to-∥∥→≃-constant H)
                    (get a) b)
                 (a , refl (get a)))                                   ≡⟨ cong  eq  proj₁ (≡⇒→ eq (a , refl _))) $
                                                                          trans (cong (_$ b) $ sym $
                                                                                 push-subst-application _ _) $
                                                                          sym $ push-subst-application _ _ 
      proj₁ (≡⇒→ (subst  f  f (get a)  f b) (sym get⁻¹-≡)
                    (proj₁-to-∥∥→≃-constant H (get a) b))
                 (a , refl (get a)))                                   ≡⟨ cong  eq  proj₁ (≡⇒→ eq (a , refl _))) $
      proj₁ (≡⇒→ (trans (sym (cong (_$ get a) (sym get⁻¹-≡)))
                    (trans (proj₁-to-∥∥→≃-constant H (get a) b)
                       (cong (_$ b) (sym get⁻¹-≡))))
                 (a , refl (get a)))                                   ≡⟨⟩

      proj₁ (≡⇒→ (trans (sym (cong (_$ get a) (sym get⁻¹-≡)))
                    (trans (cong H (T.truncation-is-proposition _ _))
                       (cong (_$ b) (sym get⁻¹-≡))))
                 (a , refl (get a)))                                   ≡⟨ cong  f  proj₁ (f (a , refl _))) $
                                                                          ≡⇒↝-trans equivalence 
      proj₁ (≡⇒→ (trans (cong H (T.truncation-is-proposition _ _))
                    (cong (_$ b) (sym get⁻¹-≡)))
               (≡⇒→ (sym (cong (_$ get a) (sym get⁻¹-≡)))
                  (a , refl (get a))))                                 ≡⟨ cong  f  proj₁ (f (≡⇒→ (sym (cong (_$ get a) (sym get⁻¹-≡)))
                                                                                                  (a , refl _)))) $
                                                                          ≡⇒↝-trans equivalence 
      proj₁ (≡⇒→ (cong (_$ b) (sym get⁻¹-≡))
               (≡⇒→ (cong H (T.truncation-is-proposition _ _))
                  (≡⇒→ (sym (cong (_$ get a) (sym get⁻¹-≡)))
                     (a , refl (get a)))))                             ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  proj₁ (≡⇒→ p
                                                                                                  (≡⇒→ (cong H (T.truncation-is-proposition _ _))
                                                                                                     (≡⇒→ q (a , refl _)))))
                                                                            (cong-sym _ _)
                                                                            (trans (cong sym $ cong-sym _ _) $
                                                                             sym-sym _) 
      proj₁ (≡⇒→ (sym $ cong (_$ b) get⁻¹-≡)
               (≡⇒→ (cong H (T.truncation-is-proposition _ _))
                  (≡⇒→ (cong (_$ get a) get⁻¹-≡)
                     (a , refl (get a)))))                             ≡⟨ cong  f  proj₁ (f (≡⇒→ (cong H (T.truncation-is-proposition _ _))
                                                                                                  (≡⇒→ (cong (_$ get a) get⁻¹-≡)
                                                                                                     (a , refl _))))) $
                                                                          ≡⇒↝-sym equivalence 
      proj₁ (_≃_.from (≡⇒≃ (cong (_$ b) get⁻¹-≡))
               (≡⇒→ (cong H (T.truncation-is-proposition _ _))
                  (≡⇒→ (cong (_$ get a) get⁻¹-≡)
                     (a , refl (get a)))))                             ≡⟨⟩

      set a b                                                          
      open Higher.Lens l