-- Higher lenses

import Equality.Path as P

module Lens.Non-dependent.Higher
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Bijection equality-with-J as Bij using (_↔_)
import Bool equality-with-J as Bool
open import Circle eq as Circle using (𝕊¹)
open import Coherently-constant eq as C using (Coherently-constant)
open import Equality.Decidable-UIP equality-with-J
open import Equality.Decision-procedures equality-with-J
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq
  using (_≃_; Is-equivalence)
import Equivalence.Half-adjoint equality-with-J as HA
open import Extensionality equality-with-J
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J as H-level
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional eq as Trunc
  hiding (Coherently-constant)
import Nat equality-with-J as Nat
open import Preimage equality-with-J as Preimage using (_⁻¹_)
open import Quotient eq
open import Surjection equality-with-J using (_↠_)
open import Univalence-axiom equality-with-J

open import Lens.Non-dependent eq as Non-dependent
  hiding (no-first-projection-lens; no-singleton-projection-lens)
import Lens.Non-dependent.Traditional eq as Traditional

    a b c  p r     : Level
    A A₁ A₂ B B₁ B₂ : Type a
    P               : A  Type p

-- Higher lenses

-- Higher lenses.
-- A little history: The "lenses" in Lens.Non-dependent.Bijection are
-- not very well-behaved. I had previously considered some other
-- variants, when Andrea Vezzosi suggested that I should look at Paolo
-- Capriotti's higher lenses, and that I could perhaps use R → ∥ B ∥.
-- This worked out nicely.
-- For performance reasons η-equality is turned off for this record
-- type. One can match on the constructor to block evaluation.

record Lens (A : Type a) (B : Type b) : Type (lsuc (a  b)) where
  constructor ⟨_,_,_⟩
    -- Remainder type.
    R : Type (a  b)

    -- Equivalence.
    equiv : A  (R × B)

    -- The proof of (mere) inhabitance.
    inhabited : R   B 

  -- Remainder.

  remainder : A  R
  remainder a = proj₁ (_≃_.to equiv a)

  -- Getter.

  get : A  B
  get a = proj₂ (_≃_.to equiv a)

  -- Setter.

  set : A  B  A
  set a b = _≃_.from equiv (remainder a , b)

  -- A combination of get and set.

  modify : (B  B)  A  A
  modify f x = set x (f (get x))

  -- The setter leaves the remainder unchanged.

  remainder-set :  a b  remainder (set a b)  remainder a
  remainder-set a b =
    proj₁ (_≃_.to equiv (_≃_.from equiv (remainder a , b)))  ≡⟨ cong proj₁ (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv (remainder a , b)) ⟩∎
    remainder a                                              

  -- Lens laws.

  get-set :  a b  get (set a b)  b
  get-set a b =
    proj₂ (_≃_.to equiv (_≃_.from equiv (remainder a , b)))  ≡⟨ cong proj₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv (remainder a , b)) ⟩∎
    proj₂ (remainder a , b)                                  

  set-get :  a  set a (get a)  a
  set-get a =
    _≃_.from equiv (_≃_.to equiv a)  ≡⟨ _≃_.left-inverse-of equiv a ⟩∎

  set-set :  a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂
  set-set a b₁ b₂ =
    _≃_.from equiv (remainder (set a b₁) , b₂)  ≡⟨ cong  r  _≃_.from equiv (r , b₂)) (remainder-set a b₁) ⟩∎
    _≃_.from equiv (remainder a          , b₂)  

  -- The remainder function is surjective.

  remainder-surjective : Surjective remainder
  remainder-surjective r =
    ∥∥-map  b  _≃_.from equiv (r , b)
                , (remainder (_≃_.from equiv (r , b))             ≡⟨⟩
                   proj₁ (_≃_.to equiv (_≃_.from equiv (r , b)))  ≡⟨ cong proj₁ (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv (r , b)) ⟩∎
                   r                                              ))
           (inhabited r)

  -- Traditional lens.

  traditional-lens : Traditional.Lens A B
  traditional-lens = record
    { get     = get
    ; set     = set
    ; get-set = get-set
    ; set-get = set-get
    ; set-set = set-set

  -- The following two coherence laws, which do not necessarily hold
  -- for traditional lenses (see
  -- Traditional.getter-equivalence-but-not-coherent), hold
  -- unconditionally for higher lenses.

  get-set-get :  a  cong get (set-get a)  get-set a (get a)
  get-set-get a =
    cong get (set-get a)                                            ≡⟨⟩
    cong (proj₂  _≃_.to equiv) (_≃_.left-inverse-of equiv a)       ≡⟨ sym $ cong-∘ _ _ (_≃_.left-inverse-of equiv _) 
    cong proj₂ (cong (_≃_.to equiv) (_≃_.left-inverse-of equiv a))  ≡⟨ cong (cong proj₂) $ _≃_.left-right-lemma equiv _ 
    cong proj₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv (_≃_.to equiv a))        ≡⟨⟩
    get-set a (get a)                                               

  get-set-set :
     a b₁ b₂ 
    cong get (set-set a b₁ b₂) 
    trans (get-set (set a b₁) b₂) (sym (get-set a b₂))
  get-set-set a b₁ b₂ =
    cong get (set-set a b₁ b₂)                                            ≡⟨⟩

    cong get (cong  r  _≃_.from equiv (r , b₂)) (remainder-set a b₁))  ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                                                {r} eq 
                                                                                  cong get (cong  r  _≃_.from equiv (r , b₂)) eq) 
                                                                                  trans (cong proj₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv (r , b₂)))
                                                                                    (sym (get-set a b₂)))
        cong get (cong  r  _≃_.from equiv (r , b₂))
                    (refl (remainder a)))                                       ≡⟨ trans (cong (cong get) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                                   cong-refl _ 

        refl (get (set a b₂))                                                   ≡⟨ sym $ trans-symʳ _ 

        trans (get-set a b₂) (sym (get-set a b₂))                               ≡⟨⟩

        trans (cong proj₂
                 (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv (remainder a , b₂)))
          (sym (get-set a b₂))                                                  )
                                                                               (remainder-set a b₁) 
    trans (cong proj₂
             (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv (remainder (set a b₁) , b₂)))
      (sym (get-set a b₂))                                                ≡⟨⟩

    trans (get-set (set a b₁) b₂) (sym (get-set a b₂))                    

  -- A somewhat coherent lens.

  coherent-lens : Traditional.Coherent-lens A B
  coherent-lens = record
    { lens        = traditional-lens
    ; get-set-get = get-set-get
    ; get-set-set = get-set-set


  -- Higher lenses have getters and setters.

  has-getter-and-setter :
    Has-getter-and-setter (Lens {a = a} {b = b})
  has-getter-and-setter = record
    { get = Lens.get
    ; set = Lens.set

-- Simple definitions related to lenses

-- An η-law for lenses.

η :
  (l : Lens A B) 
   Lens.R l , Lens.equiv l , Lens.inhabited l   l
η  _ , _ , _  = refl _

-- Lens can be expressed as a nested Σ-type.

Lens-as-Σ :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Lens A B 
   λ (R : Type (a  b)) 
    (A  (R × B)) ×
    (R   B )
Lens-as-Σ = Eq.↔→≃
   l  R l , equiv l , inhabited l)
   (R , equiv , inhabited)  record
     { R         = R
     ; equiv     = equiv
     ; inhabited = inhabited
  open Lens

-- An equality rearrangement lemma.

left-inverse-of-Lens-as-Σ :
  (l : Lens A B) 
  _≃_.left-inverse-of Lens-as-Σ l  η l
left-inverse-of-Lens-as-Σ l@( _ , _ , _ ) =
  _≃_.left-inverse-of Lens-as-Σ l                          ≡⟨⟩

  _≃_.left-inverse-of Lens-as-Σ
    (_≃_.from Lens-as-Σ (_≃_.to Lens-as-Σ l))              ≡⟨ sym $ _≃_.right-left-lemma Lens-as-Σ _ 

  cong (_≃_.from Lens-as-Σ)
    (_≃_.right-inverse-of Lens-as-Σ (_≃_.to Lens-as-Σ l))  ≡⟨⟩

  cong (_≃_.from Lens-as-Σ) (refl _)                       ≡⟨ cong-refl _ ⟩∎

  refl _                                                   

-- Isomorphisms can be converted into lenses.

isomorphism-to-lens :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {R : Type (a  b)} 
  A  R × B  Lens A B
isomorphism-to-lens {A = A} {B = B} {R = R} iso = record
  { R         = R ×  B 
  ; equiv     = A                ↔⟨ iso 
                R × B            ↔⟨ F.id ×-cong inverse ∥∥×↔ 
                R ×  B  × B    ↔⟨ ×-assoc ⟩□
                (R ×  B ) × B  
  ; inhabited = proj₂

-- Converts equivalences to lenses.

≃→lens :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  A  B  Lens A B
≃→lens {a = a} {A = A} {B = B} A≃B = record
  { R         =   a B 
  ; equiv     = A              ↝⟨ A≃B 
                B              ↝⟨ inverse ∥∥×≃ 
                 B  × B      ↔⟨ ∥∥-cong (inverse Bij.↑↔) ×-cong F.id ⟩□
                  a B  × B  
  ; inhabited = ∥∥-map lower

-- Converts equivalences between types with the same universe level to
-- lenses.

≃→lens′ :
  {A B : Type a} 
  A  B  Lens A B
≃→lens′ {a = a} {A = A} {B = B} A≃B = record
  { R         =  B 
  ; equiv     = A          ↝⟨ A≃B 
                B          ↝⟨ inverse ∥∥×≃ ⟩□
                 B  × B  
  ; inhabited = id

-- An example

-- A lens from a type in a smaller universe to a type in a (possibly)
-- larger universe.

↑-lens : Lens A (  A)
↑-lens = ≃→lens (Eq.↔⇒≃ $ inverse Bij.↑↔)

-- Some results related to the remainder type

-- The inhabited field is equivalent to stating that the remainder
-- function is surjective.

inhabited≃remainder-surjective :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {R : Type (a  b)}
  (equiv : A  (R × B)) 
  let remainder : A  R
      remainder a = proj₁ (_≃_.to equiv a)
  (R   B )  Surjective remainder
inhabited≃remainder-surjective eq =
  ∀-cong ext λ r  ∥∥-cong-⇔ (record
    { to   = λ b  _≃_.from eq (r , b)
           , (proj₁ (_≃_.to eq (_≃_.from eq (r , b)))  ≡⟨ cong proj₁ $ _≃_.right-inverse-of eq _ ⟩∎
              r                                        )
    ; from = proj₂  _≃_.to eq  proj₁

-- The remainder type of a lens l : Lens A B is, for every b : B,
-- equivalent to the preimage of the getter with respect to b.
-- This result was pointed out to me by Andrea Vezzosi.

remainder≃get⁻¹ :
  (l : Lens A B) (b : B)  Lens.R l  Lens.get l ⁻¹ b
remainder≃get⁻¹ l b = Eq.↔→≃
   r  _≃_.from equiv (r , b)
       , (get (_≃_.from equiv (r , b))                   ≡⟨⟩
          proj₂ (_≃_.to equiv (_≃_.from equiv (r , b)))  ≡⟨ cong proj₂ $ _≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _ ⟩∎
          b                                              ))
   (a , _)  remainder a)
   (a , get-a≡b) 
     let lemma =
           cong get
             (trans (cong (set a) (sym get-a≡b))
                (_≃_.left-inverse-of equiv _))                           ≡⟨ cong-trans _ _ (_≃_.left-inverse-of equiv _) 

           trans (cong get (cong (set a) (sym get-a≡b)))
             (cong get (_≃_.left-inverse-of equiv _))                    ≡⟨ cong₂ trans
                                                                              (cong-∘ _ _ (sym get-a≡b))
                                                                              (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ (_≃_.left-inverse-of equiv _)) 
           trans (cong (get  set a) (sym get-a≡b))
             (cong proj₂ (cong (_≃_.to equiv)
                            (_≃_.left-inverse-of equiv _)))              ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  trans p (cong proj₂ q))
                                                                              (cong-sym _ get-a≡b)
                                                                              (_≃_.left-right-lemma equiv _) 
           trans (sym (cong (get  set a) get-a≡b))
             (cong proj₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _))                 ≡⟨ sym $ sym-sym _ 

           sym (sym (trans (sym (cong (get  set a) get-a≡b))
                       (cong proj₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _))))     ≡⟨ cong sym $
                                                                            sym-trans _ (cong proj₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)) 
           sym (trans (sym (cong proj₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)))
                  (sym (sym (cong (get  set a) get-a≡b))))              ≡⟨ cong  eq  sym (trans (sym (cong proj₂
                                                                                                            (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)))
                                                                                                eq)) $
                                                                            sym-sym (cong (get  set a) get-a≡b) ⟩∎
           sym (trans (sym (cong proj₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)))
                  (cong (get  set a) get-a≡b))                          
       (_≃_.from equiv (remainder a , b)  ≡⟨⟩
        set a b                           ≡⟨ cong (set a) (sym get-a≡b) 
        set a (get a)                     ≡⟨ set-get a ⟩∎
        a                                 )
       (subst  a  get a  b)
          (trans (cong (set a) (sym get-a≡b)) (set-get a))
          (cong proj₂ $ _≃_.right-inverse-of equiv (remainder a , b))    ≡⟨⟩

        subst  a  get a  b)
          (trans (cong (set a) (sym get-a≡b))
             (_≃_.left-inverse-of equiv _))
          (cong proj₂ $ _≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)                    ≡⟨ subst-∘ _ _ (trans _ (_≃_.left-inverse-of equiv _)) 

        subst (_≡ b)
          (cong get
             (trans (cong (set a) (sym get-a≡b))
                (_≃_.left-inverse-of equiv _)))
          (cong proj₂ $ _≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)                    ≡⟨ cong  eq  subst (_≡ b) eq
                                                                                           (cong proj₂ $ _≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _))
        subst (_≡ b)
          (sym (trans (sym (cong proj₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)))
                  (cong (get  set a) get-a≡b)))
          (cong proj₂ $ _≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)                    ≡⟨ subst-trans (trans _ (cong (get  set a) get-a≡b)) 

          (trans (sym (cong proj₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)))
             (cong (get  set a) get-a≡b))
          (cong proj₂ $ _≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)                    ≡⟨ elim¹
                                                                               eq  trans
                                                                                        (trans (sym (cong proj₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)))
                                                                                           (cong (get  set a) eq))
                                                                                        (cong proj₂ $ _≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _) 
              (trans (sym (cong proj₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)))
                 (cong (get  set a) (refl _)))
              (cong proj₂ $ _≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)                      ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans (trans (sym (cong proj₂
                                                                                                                    (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)))
                                                                                                 (cong proj₂ $ _≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)) $
                                                                                  cong-refl _ 
              (trans (sym (cong proj₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)))
                 (refl _))
              (cong proj₂ $ _≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)                      ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ trans-reflʳ _ 

            trans (sym (cong proj₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)))
              (cong proj₂ $ _≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)                      ≡⟨ trans-symˡ (cong proj₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _)) ⟩∎

            refl _                                                             )
                                                                              get-a≡b ⟩∎
        get-a≡b                                                          ))
     remainder (_≃_.from equiv (r , b))             ≡⟨⟩
     proj₁ (_≃_.to equiv (_≃_.from equiv (r , b)))  ≡⟨ cong proj₁ $ _≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _ ⟩∎
     r                                              )
  open Lens l

-- A corollary: Lens.get l ⁻¹_ is constant (up to equivalence).
-- Paolo Capriotti discusses this kind of property
-- (http://homotopytypetheory.org/2014/04/29/higher-lenses/).

get⁻¹-constant :
  (l : Lens A B) (b₁ b₂ : B)  Lens.get l ⁻¹ b₁  Lens.get l ⁻¹ b₂
get⁻¹-constant l b₁ b₂ =
  Lens.get l ⁻¹ b₁  ↝⟨ inverse $ remainder≃get⁻¹ l b₁ 
  Lens.R l          ↝⟨ remainder≃get⁻¹ l b₂ ⟩□
  Lens.get l ⁻¹ b₂  

-- The two directions of get⁻¹-constant.

get⁻¹-const :
  (l : Lens A B) (b₁ b₂ : B) 
  Lens.get l ⁻¹ b₁  Lens.get l ⁻¹ b₂
get⁻¹-const l b₁ b₂ = _≃_.to (get⁻¹-constant l b₁ b₂)

get⁻¹-const⁻¹ :
  (l : Lens A B) (b₁ b₂ : B) 
  Lens.get l ⁻¹ b₂  Lens.get l ⁻¹ b₁
get⁻¹-const⁻¹ l b₁ b₂ = _≃_.from (get⁻¹-constant l b₁ b₂)

-- The set function can be expressed using get⁻¹-const and get.
-- Paolo Capriotti defines set in a similar way
-- (http://homotopytypetheory.org/2014/04/29/higher-lenses/).

set-in-terms-of-get⁻¹-const :
  (l : Lens A B) 
  Lens.set l 
  λ a b  proj₁ (get⁻¹-const l (Lens.get l a) b (a , refl _))
set-in-terms-of-get⁻¹-const l = refl _

-- The remainder function can be expressed using remainder≃get⁻¹ and
-- get.

remainder-in-terms-of-remainder≃get⁻¹ :
  (l : Lens A B) 
  Lens.remainder l 
  λ a  _≃_.from (remainder≃get⁻¹ l (Lens.get l a)) (a , refl _)
remainder-in-terms-of-remainder≃get⁻¹ l = refl _

-- The functions get⁻¹-const and get⁻¹-const⁻¹ satisfy some coherence
-- properties.
-- The first and third properties are discussed by Paolo Capriotti
-- (http://homotopytypetheory.org/2014/04/29/higher-lenses/).

get⁻¹-const-∘ :
  (l : Lens A B) (b₁ b₂ b₃ : B) (p : Lens.get l ⁻¹ b₁) 
  get⁻¹-const l b₂ b₃ (get⁻¹-const l b₁ b₂ p) 
  get⁻¹-const l b₁ b₃ p
get⁻¹-const-∘ l _ b₂ b₃ p =
  from (r₂ , b₃) , cong proj₂ (right-inverse-of (r₂ , b₃))  ≡⟨ cong  r  from (r , b₃) , cong proj₂ (right-inverse-of (r , b₃))) $
                                                               cong proj₁ $ right-inverse-of _ ⟩∎
  from (r₁ , b₃) , cong proj₂ (right-inverse-of (r₁ , b₃))  
  open Lens l
  open _≃_ equiv

  r₁ r₂ : R
  r₁ = proj₁ (to (proj₁ p))
  r₂ = proj₁ (to (from (r₁ , b₂)))

get⁻¹-const-inverse :
  (l : Lens A B) (b₁ b₂ : B) (p : Lens.get l ⁻¹ b₁) 
  get⁻¹-const l b₁ b₂ p  get⁻¹-const⁻¹ l b₂ b₁ p
get⁻¹-const-inverse _ _ _ _ = refl _

get⁻¹-const-id :
  (l : Lens A B) (b : B) (p : Lens.get l ⁻¹ b) 
  get⁻¹-const l b b p  p
get⁻¹-const-id l b p =
  get⁻¹-const l b b p                        ≡⟨ sym $ get⁻¹-const-∘ l b _ _ p 
  get⁻¹-const l b b (get⁻¹-const l b b p)    ≡⟨⟩
  get⁻¹-const⁻¹ l b b (get⁻¹-const l b b p)  ≡⟨ _≃_.left-inverse-of (get⁻¹-constant l b b) _ ⟩∎

-- Another kind of coherence property does not hold for get⁻¹-const.
-- This kind of property came up in a discussion with Andrea Vezzosi.

get⁻¹-const-not-coherent :
  ¬ ({A B : Type} (l : Lens A B) (b₁ b₂ : B)
     (f :  b  Lens.get l ⁻¹ b) 
     get⁻¹-const l b₁ b₂ (f b₁)  f b₂)
get⁻¹-const-not-coherent =
  ({A B : Type} (l : Lens A B) (b₁ b₂ : B) (f :  b  Lens.get l ⁻¹ b) 
   get⁻¹-const l b₁ b₂ (f b₁)  f b₂)                                     ↝⟨  hyp  hyp l true false f) 

  get⁻¹-const l true false (f true)  f false                             ↝⟨ cong (proj₁  proj₁) 

  true  false                                                            ↝⟨ Bool.true≢false ⟩□

  l : Lens (Bool × Bool) Bool
  l = record
    { R         = Bool
    ; equiv     = F.id
    ; inhabited = ∣_∣

  f :  b  Lens.get l ⁻¹ b
  f b = (b , b) , refl _

-- If B is inhabited whenever it is merely inhabited, then the
-- remainder type of a lens of type Lens A B can be expressed in terms
-- of preimages of the lens's getter.

remainder≃∃get⁻¹ :
  (l : Lens A B) (∥B∥→B :  B   B) 
  Lens.R l   λ (b :  B )  Lens.get l ⁻¹ (∥B∥→B b)
remainder≃∃get⁻¹ {B = B} l ∥B∥→B =
  R                                     ↔⟨ (inverse $ drop-⊤-left-× λ r  _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                            propositional⇒inhabited⇒contractible truncation-is-proposition (inhabited r)) 
   B  × R                             ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  remainder≃get⁻¹ l _) ⟩□
  ( λ (b :  B )  get ⁻¹ (∥B∥→B b))  
  open Lens l

-- Equality characterisations for lenses


  -- An equality characterisation lemma.

  equality-characterisation₀ :
    let open Lens in
    {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {l₁ l₂ : Lens A B} 
    l₁  l₂
     λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
      subst  R  A  (R × B)) p (equiv l₁)  equiv l₂
    {a = a} {b = b} {A = A} {B = B} {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂} =
    l₁  l₂                                                     ↔⟨ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ Lens-as-Σ 

    l₁′  l₂′                                                   ↝⟨ inverse Bij.Σ-≡,≡↔≡ 

    ( λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
       subst  R  A  (R × B) × (R   B )) p (proj₂ l₁′) 
       proj₂ l₂′)                                               ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  inverse $
                                                                        (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
    ( λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
       proj₁ (subst  R  A  (R × B) × (R   B ))
                    (proj₂ l₁′)) 
       equiv l₂)                                                ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ≡⇒≃ $ cong  (eq , _)  eq  _) $
                                                                    push-subst-, _ _) ⟩□
    ( λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
       subst  R  A  (R × B)) p (equiv l₁)  equiv l₂)       
    open Lens

    l₁′ l₂′ :  λ (R : Type (a  b))  (A  (R × B)) × (R   B )
    l₁′ = _≃_.to Lens-as-Σ l₁
    l₂′ = _≃_.to Lens-as-Σ l₂

  -- A "computation" rule.

  from-equality-characterisation₀ :
    let open Lens in
    {l₁ l₂ : Lens A B}
    {p : R l₁  R l₂}
    {q : subst  R  A  (R × B)) p (equiv l₁)  equiv l₂} 
    _↔_.from (equality-characterisation₀ {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂}) (p , q) 
    trans (sym (η l₁))
      (trans (cong (_≃_.from Lens-as-Σ)
                (Σ-≡,≡→≡ p
                   (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (≡⇒→ (cong  (eq , _)  eq  _)
                                    (sym (push-subst-, _ _)))
                      (proj₁ (+⇒≡ (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
         (η l₂))
  from-equality-characterisation₀ {p = p} {q = q} =
    trans (sym (_≃_.left-inverse-of Lens-as-Σ _))
      (trans (cong (_≃_.from Lens-as-Σ)
                (Σ-≡,≡→≡ p
                   (_↔_.to (ignore-propositional-component
                              (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      (_≃_.from (≡⇒≃ (cong  (eq , _)  eq  _)
                                        (push-subst-, _ _)))
         (_≃_.left-inverse-of Lens-as-Σ _))                         ≡⟨ cong  eq 
                                                                               trans (sym (_≃_.left-inverse-of Lens-as-Σ _))
                                                                                 (trans (cong (_≃_.from Lens-as-Σ)
                                                                                           (Σ-≡,≡→≡ p
                                                                                              (_↔_.to (ignore-propositional-component
                                                                                                         (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                                                                                                 (_≃_.to eq q))))
                                                                                    (_≃_.left-inverse-of Lens-as-Σ _))) $
                                                                       trans (sym $ ≡⇒≃-sym ext _) $
                                                                       cong ≡⇒≃ $ sym $ cong-sym _ _ 
    trans (sym (_≃_.left-inverse-of Lens-as-Σ _))
      (trans (cong (_≃_.from Lens-as-Σ)
                (Σ-≡,≡→≡ p
                   (_↔_.to (ignore-propositional-component
                              (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      (≡⇒→ (cong  (eq , _)  eq  _)
                              (sym (push-subst-, _ _)))
         (_≃_.left-inverse-of Lens-as-Σ _))                         ≡⟨⟩

    trans (sym (_≃_.left-inverse-of Lens-as-Σ _))
      (trans (cong (_≃_.from Lens-as-Σ)
                (Σ-≡,≡→≡ p
                   (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (≡⇒→ (cong  (eq , _)  eq  _)
                                    (sym (push-subst-, _ _)))
                      (proj₁ (+⇒≡ (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
         (_≃_.left-inverse-of Lens-as-Σ _))                         ≡⟨ cong₂  eq₁ eq₂ 
                                                                                trans (sym eq₁)
                                                                                  (trans (cong (_≃_.from Lens-as-Σ)
                                                                                            (Σ-≡,≡→≡ p
                                                                                               (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (≡⇒→ (cong  (eq , _)  eq  _)
                                                                                                                (sym (push-subst-, _ _)))
                                                                                                  (proj₁ (+⇒≡ (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                                                                         (left-inverse-of-Lens-as-Σ _)
                                                                         (left-inverse-of-Lens-as-Σ _) 
    trans (sym (η _))
      (trans (cong (_≃_.from Lens-as-Σ)
                (Σ-≡,≡→≡ p
                   (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (≡⇒→ (cong  (eq , _)  eq  _)
                                    (sym (push-subst-, _ _)))
                      (proj₁ (+⇒≡ (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
         (η _))                                                     

-- A variant of the computation rule above.

cong-set-from-equality-characterisation₀ :
  let open Lens in
  {l₁ l₂ : Lens A B}
  {p : R l₁  R l₂}
  {q : subst  R  A  (R × B)) p (equiv l₁)  equiv l₂} 
  cong set (_↔_.from (equality-characterisation₀ {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂})
              (p , q)) 
  cong  (_ , equiv) a b  _≃_.from equiv (proj₁ (_≃_.to equiv a) , b))
    (Σ-≡,≡→≡ p q)
  {B = B} {l₁ = l₁@( _ , _ , _ )} {l₂ = l₂@( _ , _ , _ )}
  {p = p} {q = q} =
     {R₁} p   equiv₁ inhabited₁ q 
       cong set
         (_↔_.from (equality-characterisation₀
                     {l₁ =  R₁ , equiv₁ , inhabited₁ }
                     {l₂ = l₂})
            (p , q)) 
       cong  (_ , equiv) a b 
               _≃_.from equiv (proj₁ (_≃_.to equiv a) , b))
         (Σ-≡,≡→≡ p q))
     equiv₁ inhabited₁ q 
       cong set
         (_↔_.from equality-characterisation₀ (refl _ , q))               ≡⟨ cong (cong set)
       cong set
         (trans (sym (refl _))
            (trans (cong (_≃_.from Lens-as-Σ)
                      (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (refl _)
                         (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (≡⇒→ (cong  (eq , _)  eq  _)
                                          (sym (push-subst-, _ _)))
                            (proj₁ (+⇒≡ (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
               (refl _)))                                                 ≡⟨ trans
                                                                               (cong₂  eq₁ eq₂  cong set (trans eq₁ eq₂))
                                                                                  (trans-reflʳ _)) $
                                                                             cong (cong set) $ trans-reflˡ _ 
       cong set
         (cong (_≃_.from Lens-as-Σ)
            (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (refl _)
               (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (≡⇒→ (cong  (eq , _)  eq  _)
                                (sym (push-subst-, _ _)))
                  (proj₁ (+⇒≡ (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                               truncation-is-proposition))))))            ≡⟨ cong-∘ _ _ _ 

       cong  (_ , equiv , _) a b 
               _≃_.from equiv (proj₁ (_≃_.to equiv a) , b))
         (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (refl _)
            (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (≡⇒→ (cong  (eq , _)  eq  _)
                             (sym (push-subst-, _ _)))
               (proj₁ (+⇒≡ (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                            truncation-is-proposition)))))                ≡⟨ cong (cong _) $
                                                                             Σ-≡,≡→≡-reflˡ _ 
       cong  (_ , equiv , _) a b 
               _≃_.from equiv (proj₁ (_≃_.to equiv a) , b))
         (cong (_ ,_)
            (trans (sym $ subst-refl _ _)
               (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (≡⇒→ (cong  (eq , _)  eq  _)
                                (sym (push-subst-, _ _)))
                  (proj₁ (+⇒≡ (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                               truncation-is-proposition))))))            ≡⟨ cong-∘ _ _ _ 

       cong  (equiv , _) a b 
               _≃_.from equiv (proj₁ (_≃_.to equiv a) , b))
         (trans (sym $ subst-refl _ _)
            (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (≡⇒→ (cong  (eq , _)  eq  _)
                             (sym (push-subst-, _ _)))
               (proj₁ (+⇒≡ (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                            truncation-is-proposition)))))                ≡⟨ trans (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                             cong (cong _) $ cong-trans _ _ _  
       cong  equiv a b 
               _≃_.from equiv (proj₁ (_≃_.to equiv a) , b))
         (trans (cong proj₁ (sym $ subst-refl _ _))
            (cong proj₁
               (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (≡⇒→ (cong  (eq , _)  eq  _)
                                (sym (push-subst-, _ _)))
                  (proj₁ (+⇒≡ (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                               truncation-is-proposition))))))            ≡⟨ cong  eq  cong _ (trans (cong proj₁ (sym $ subst-refl _ _)) eq)) $
                                                                             proj₁-Σ-≡,≡→≡ (≡⇒→ (cong  (eq , _)  eq  _)
                                                                                                   (sym (push-subst-, _  R  R   B ))))
                                                                                              q) _ 
       cong  equiv a b 
               _≃_.from equiv (proj₁ (_≃_.to equiv a) , b))
         (trans (cong proj₁ (sym $ subst-refl _ _))
            (≡⇒→ (cong  (eq , _)  eq  _)
                    (sym (push-subst-, _ _)))
               q))                                                        ≡⟨ cong (cong _) $
                                                                                  trans (cong proj₁ (sym $ subst-refl _ _))
                                                                                    (≡⇒→ (cong  (eq , _)  eq  _)
                                                                                            (sym (push-subst-, _ _)))
                                                                                  trans (sym $ subst-refl _ _) q)
           trans (cong proj₁ $ sym $ subst-refl _ _)
             (≡⇒→ (cong  (eq , _)  eq  _)
                     (sym (push-subst-, _ _)))
                (refl _))                                                       ≡⟨ cong (trans _) $ sym $
                                                                                   subst-in-terms-of-≡⇒↝ equivalence _ _ _ 
           trans (cong proj₁ $ sym $ subst-refl _ _)
             (subst  (eq , _)  eq  _)
                (sym (push-subst-, _ _))
                (refl _))                                                       ≡⟨ cong (trans _) $
                                                                                   subst-∘ _ _ _ 
           trans (cong proj₁ $ sym $ subst-refl _ _)
             (subst (_≡ _)
                (cong proj₁ $ sym $ push-subst-, _ _)
                (refl _))                                                       ≡⟨ cong (trans _) $
                                                                                   trans subst-trans-sym $
                                                                                   trans (trans-reflʳ _) $
                                                                                   trans (sym (cong-sym _ _)) $
                                                                                   cong (cong _) $ sym-sym _ 
           trans (cong proj₁ $ sym $ subst-refl _ _)
             (cong proj₁ $ push-subst-, {y≡z = refl _} _ _)                     ≡⟨ cong₂ trans
                                                                                     (cong-sym _ _)
                                                                                     (proj₁-push-subst-,-refl _ _) 
           trans (sym $ cong proj₁ $ subst-refl _ _)
             (trans (cong proj₁ (subst-refl _ _))
                (sym $ subst-refl _ _))                                         ≡⟨ trans-sym-[trans] _ _ 

           sym (subst-refl _ _)                                                 ≡⟨ sym $ trans-reflʳ _ ⟩∎

           trans (sym $ subst-refl _ _) (refl _)                                )
       cong  equiv a b 
               _≃_.from equiv (proj₁ (_≃_.to equiv a) , b))
         (trans (sym $ subst-refl _ _) q)                                 ≡⟨ sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _ 

       cong  (_ , equiv) a b 
               _≃_.from equiv (proj₁ (_≃_.to equiv a) , b))
         (cong (_ ,_) (trans (sym $ subst-refl _ _) q))                   ≡⟨ cong (cong _) $ sym $
                                                                             Σ-≡,≡→≡-reflˡ _ ⟩∎
       cong  (_ , equiv) a b 
               _≃_.from equiv (proj₁ (_≃_.to equiv a) , b))
         (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (refl _) q)                                             )
    _ _ _ _
  open Lens


  -- An equality characterisation lemma.

  equality-characterisation₀₁ :
    let open Lens in
    {l₁ l₂ : Lens A B} 
    (l₁  l₂)
     λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
       a  (subst id p (remainder l₁ a) , get l₁ a) 
            _≃_.to (equiv l₂) a
  equality-characterisation₀₁ {A = A} {B = B} {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂} =
    l₁  l₂                                                       ↔⟨ equality-characterisation₀ 

    ( λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
       subst  R  A  (R × B)) p (equiv l₁)  equiv l₂)         ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  inverse $ ≃-to-≡≃≡ ext ext) 

    ( λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
        a  _≃_.to (subst  R  A  (R × B)) p (equiv l₁)) a 
             _≃_.to (equiv l₂) a)                                 ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                      ≡⇒≃ $ cong (_≡ _) $
                                                                      trans (cong (_$ _) $ Eq.to-subst) $
                                                                      trans (sym $ push-subst-application _ _) $
                                                                      trans (push-subst-, _ _) $
                                                                      cong (subst id _ _ ,_) $ subst-const _) ⟩□
    ( λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
        a  (subst id p (remainder l₁ a) , get l₁ a) 
             _≃_.to (equiv l₂) a)                                 
    open Lens


  -- An equality characterisation lemma.

  equality-characterisation₁ :
    let open Lens in
    {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {l₁ l₂ : Lens A B} 
    Univalence (a  b) 
    l₁  l₂
     λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
       a  (_≃_.to p (remainder l₁ a) , get l₁ a) 
            _≃_.to (equiv l₂) a
  equality-characterisation₁ {A = A} {B = B} {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂} univ =
    l₁  l₂                                                            ↝⟨ equality-characterisation₀ 

    ( λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
       subst  R  A  (R × B)) p (equiv l₁)  equiv l₂)              ↝⟨ inverse $ Σ-cong (inverse $ ≡≃≃ univ)  _  F.id) 

    ( λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
       subst  R  A  (R × B)) (≃⇒≡ univ p) (equiv l₁)  equiv l₂)   ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  inverse $ ≃-to-≡≃≡ ext ext) 

    ( λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
       _≃_.to (subst  R  A  (R × B)) (≃⇒≡ univ p) (equiv l₁)) a 
       _≃_.to (equiv l₂) a)                                            ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ p  ∀-cong ext λ a  inverse $ ≡⇒≃ $
                                                                           cong (_≡ _) $ sym $ cong (_$ a) $
                                                                           ≃-elim¹ univ
                                                                              {R} p 
                                                                                _≃_.to (subst  R  A  (R × B)) (≃⇒≡ univ p) (equiv l₁)) 
                                                                                 a  _≃_.to p (remainder l₁ a) , get l₁ a))
        _≃_.to (subst  R  A  (R × B))
                  (≃⇒≡ univ Eq.id) (equiv l₁))                                ≡⟨ cong  eq  _≃_.to (subst  R  A  (R × B)) eq (equiv l₁))) $
                                                                                 ≃⇒≡-id univ 

        _≃_.to (subst  R  A  (R × B)) (refl _) (equiv l₁))                ≡⟨ cong _≃_.to $ subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎

        _≃_.to (equiv l₁)                                                     )
                                                                             p) ⟩□
    ( λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
        a  (_≃_.to p (remainder l₁ a) , get l₁ a) 
             _≃_.to (equiv l₂) a)                                      
    open Lens

  -- A "computation" rule.

  from-equality-characterisation₁ :
    let open Lens in
    {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {l₁ l₂ : Lens A B}
    (univ : Univalence (a  b))
    (p : R l₁  R l₂)
    (q :  a  (_≃_.to p (remainder l₁ a) , get l₁ a) 
               _≃_.to (equiv l₂) a) 
    _↔_.from (equality-characterisation₁ {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂} univ)
      (p , q) 
    _↔_.from equality-characterisation₀
      ( ≃⇒≡ univ p
      , Eq.lift-equality ext
             (≃-elim¹ univ
                 {R} p 
                   _≃_.to (subst  R  A  (R × B))
                             (≃⇒≡ univ p) (equiv l₁)) 
                    a  _≃_.to p (remainder l₁ a) , get l₁ a))
                   (cong  eq  _≃_.to (subst  R  A  (R × B))
                                           eq (equiv l₁)))
                      (≃⇒≡-id univ))
                   (cong _≃_.to $ subst-refl _ _))
             (⟨ext⟩ q))
  from-equality-characterisation₁ {A = A} {B = B} {l₁ = l₁} univ p q =
    _↔_.from equality-characterisation₀
      ( ≃⇒≡ univ p
      , Eq.lift-equality ext
          (⟨ext⟩ λ a 
           ≡⇒→ (cong (_≡ _) $ sym $ cong (_$ a) $
                ≃-elim¹ univ
                   {R} p 
                     _≃_.to (subst  R  A  (R × B))
                               (≃⇒≡ univ p) (equiv l₁)) 
                      a  _≃_.to p (remainder l₁ a) , get l₁ a))
                     (cong  eq  _≃_.to (subst  R  A  (R × B))
                                             eq (equiv l₁)))
                        (≃⇒≡-id univ))
                     (cong _≃_.to $ subst-refl _ _))
             (q a))
      )                                                               ≡⟨ (cong  eq  _↔_.from equality-characterisation₀
                                                                                         (≃⇒≡ univ p , Eq.lift-equality ext (⟨ext⟩ eq))) $
                                                                          ⟨ext⟩ λ a 
                                                                          trans (sym $ subst-in-terms-of-≡⇒↝ equivalence _ _ _) $
                                                                          subst-trans _) 
    _↔_.from equality-characterisation₀
      ( ≃⇒≡ univ p
      , Eq.lift-equality ext
          (⟨ext⟩ λ a 
             (cong (_$ a) $
              ≃-elim¹ univ
                 {R} p 
                   _≃_.to (subst  R  A  (R × B))
                             (≃⇒≡ univ p) (equiv l₁)) 
                    a  _≃_.to p (remainder l₁ a) , get l₁ a))
                   (cong  eq  _≃_.to (subst  R  A  (R × B))
                                           eq (equiv l₁)))
                      (≃⇒≡-id univ))
                   (cong _≃_.to $ subst-refl _ _))
             (q a))
      )                                                               ≡⟨ cong  eq  _↔_.from equality-characterisation₀
                                                                                        (≃⇒≡ univ p , Eq.lift-equality ext eq)) $
                                                                         trans (ext-trans ext) $
                                                                         cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                         _≃_.right-inverse-of (Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext) _ 
    _↔_.from equality-characterisation₀
      ( ≃⇒≡ univ p
      , Eq.lift-equality ext
             (≃-elim¹ univ
                 {R} p 
                   _≃_.to (subst  R  A  (R × B))
                             (≃⇒≡ univ p) (equiv l₁)) 
                    a  _≃_.to p (remainder l₁ a) , get l₁ a))
                   (cong  eq  _≃_.to (subst  R  A  (R × B))
                                           eq (equiv l₁)))
                      (≃⇒≡-id univ))
                   (cong _≃_.to $ subst-refl _ _))
             (⟨ext⟩ q))
    open Lens


  -- An equality characterisation lemma.

  equality-characterisation₀₂ :
    let open Lens in
    {l₁ l₂ : Lens A B} 
    (l₁  l₂)
     λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
      (∀ a  subst id p (remainder l₁ a)  remainder l₂ a) ×
      (∀ a  get l₁ a  get l₂ a)
  equality-characterisation₀₂ {A = A} {B = B} {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂} =
    l₁  l₂                                                      ↝⟨ equality-characterisation₀₁ 

    ( λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
        a  (subst id p (remainder l₁ a) , get l₁ a) 
             _≃_.to (equiv l₂) a)                                ↔⟨⟩

    ( λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
        a  (subst id p (remainder l₁ a) , get l₁ a) 
             (remainder l₂ a , get l₂ a))                        ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  inverse ≡×≡↔≡) 

    ( λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
        a  subst id p (remainder l₁ a)  remainder l₂ a ×
             get l₁ a  get l₂ a)                                ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ΠΣ-comm) ⟩□

    ( λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
       (∀ a  subst id p (remainder l₁ a)  remainder l₂ a) ×
       (∀ a  get l₁ a  get l₂ a))                              
    open Lens


  -- An equality characterisation lemma.

  equality-characterisation₂ :
    {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {l₁ l₂ : Lens A B} 
    let open Lens in
    Univalence (a  b) 
    l₁  l₂
     λ (eq : R l₁  R l₂) 
      (∀ x  _≃_.to eq (remainder l₁ x)  remainder l₂ x)
      (∀ x  get l₁ x  get l₂ x)
  equality-characterisation₂ {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂} univ =
    l₁  l₂                                                 ↝⟨ equality-characterisation₁ univ 

    ( λ (eq : R l₁  R l₂) 
        x  (_≃_.to eq (remainder l₁ x) , get l₁ x) 
             _≃_.to (equiv l₂) x)                           ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  inverse ≡×≡↔≡) 

    ( λ (eq : R l₁  R l₂) 
        x  _≃_.to eq (remainder l₁ x)  remainder l₂ x
             get l₁ x  get l₂ x)                           ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ΠΣ-comm) ⟩□

    ( λ (eq : R l₁  R l₂) 
       (∀ x  _≃_.to eq (remainder l₁ x)  remainder l₂ x)
       (∀ x  get l₁ x  get l₂ x))                         
    open Lens

  -- A "computation" rule.

  from-equality-characterisation₂ :
    let open Lens in
    {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {l₁ l₂ : Lens A B}
    (univ : Univalence (a  b))
    (r₁ : R l₁  R l₂)
    (r₂ :  x  _≃_.to r₁ (remainder l₁ x)  remainder l₂ x)
    (g :  x  get l₁ x  get l₂ x) 
    _↔_.from (equality-characterisation₂ {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂} univ)
      (r₁ , r₂ , g) 
    _↔_.from (equality-characterisation₁ univ)
      (r₁ , λ a  cong₂ _,_ (r₂ a) (g a))
  from-equality-characterisation₂ _ _ _ _ = refl _

-- An equality characterisation lemma.

equality-characterisation₃ :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {l₁ l₂ : Lens A B} 
  let open Lens in
  Univalence (a  b) 
  l₁  l₂
   λ (eq : R l₁  R l₂) 
     p  _≃_.from (equiv l₁) (_≃_.from eq (proj₁ p) , proj₂ p) 
          _≃_.from (equiv l₂) p
equality-characterisation₃ {A = A} {B = B} {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂} univ =
  l₁  l₂                                                            ↝⟨ equality-characterisation₀ 

  ( λ (p : R l₁  R l₂) 
     subst  R  A  (R × B)) p (equiv l₁)  equiv l₂)              ↝⟨ inverse $ Σ-cong (inverse $ ≡≃≃ univ)  _  F.id) 

  ( λ (eq : R l₁  R l₂) 
     subst  R  A  (R × B)) (≃⇒≡ univ eq) (equiv l₁)  equiv l₂)  ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  inverse $ ≡⇒≃ $ cong (_≡ _) $
                                                                            R  A  (R × B))
                                                                            X≃Y  (X≃Y ×-cong F.id) F.∘_)
                                                                            _  Eq.lift-equality ext (refl _))
                                                                           univ _ _) 
  ( λ (eq : R l₁  R l₂) 
     (eq ×-cong F.id) F.∘ equiv l₁  equiv l₂)                       ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  inverse $ ≃-from-≡↔≡ ext) ⟩□

  ( λ (eq : R l₁  R l₂) 
      p  _≃_.from (equiv l₁) (_≃_.from eq (proj₁ p) , proj₂ p) 
           _≃_.from (equiv l₂) p)                                    
  open Lens

-- An equality characterisation lemma for lenses for which the view
-- type is inhabited.

equality-characterisation₄ :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {l₁ l₂ : Lens A B} 
  let open Lens in
  Univalence (a  b) 
  (b : B) 
  (l₁  l₂)
  ( λ (eq : get l₁ ⁻¹ b  get l₂ ⁻¹ b) 
     (∀ a  _≃_.to eq (set l₁ a b , get-set l₁ a b) 
            (set l₂ a b , get-set l₂ a b))
     (∀ a  get l₁ a  get l₂ a))
equality-characterisation₄ {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂} univ b =
  l₁  l₂                                                          ↔⟨ equality-characterisation₂ univ 

  ( λ (eq : R l₁  R l₂) 
     (∀ a  _≃_.to eq (remainder l₁ a)  remainder l₂ a)
     (∀ a  get l₁ a  get l₂ a))                                  ↝⟨ inverse $
                                                                        (inverse $
                                                                         Eq.≃-preserves ext (remainder≃get⁻¹ l₁ b) (remainder≃get⁻¹ l₂ b))
                                                                         _  F.id) 
  ( λ (eq : get l₁ ⁻¹ b  get l₂ ⁻¹ b) 
     (∀ a  remainder l₂
              (proj₁ (_≃_.to eq (set l₁ a b , get-set l₁ a b))) 
            remainder l₂ a)
     (∀ a  get l₁ a  get l₂ a))                                  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ×-cong₁ λ _  ∀-cong ext λ a 
                                                                       ≡⇒≃ $ cong (remainder l₂ _ ≡_) $ sym $
                                                                       remainder-set l₂ _ _) 
  ( λ (eq : get l₁ ⁻¹ b  get l₂ ⁻¹ b) 
     (∀ a  remainder l₂
              (proj₁ (_≃_.to eq (set l₁ a b , get-set l₁ a b))) 
            remainder l₂ (set l₂ a b))
     (∀ a  get l₁ a  get l₂ a))                                  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ×-cong₁ λ _  ∀-cong ext λ a 
                                                                       Eq.≃-≡ (inverse $ remainder≃get⁻¹ l₂ b)) ⟩□
  ( λ (eq : get l₁ ⁻¹ b  get l₂ ⁻¹ b) 
     (∀ a  _≃_.to eq (set l₁ a b , get-set l₁ a b) 
            (set l₂ a b , get-set l₂ a b))
     (∀ a  get l₁ a  get l₂ a))                                  
  open Lens

-- More lens equalities

-- If the forward direction of an equivalence is Lens.get l, then the
-- setter of l can be expressed using the other direction of the
-- equivalence.

from≡set :
   (l : Lens A B) is-equiv 
  let open Lens
      A≃B = Eq.⟨ get l , is-equiv 
   a b  _≃_.from A≃B b  set l a b
from≡set l is-equiv a b =
  _≃_.to-from Eq.⟨ get , is-equiv  (
    get (set a b)  ≡⟨ get-set _ _ ⟩∎
    b              )
  open Lens l

-- If two lenses have equal setters, then they also have equal
-- getters.

getters-equal-if-setters-equal :
  let open Lens in
  (l₁ l₂ : Lens A B) 
  set l₁  set l₂ 
  get l₁  get l₂
getters-equal-if-setters-equal l₁ l₂ setters-equal = ⟨ext⟩ λ a 
  get l₁ a                      ≡⟨ cong (get l₁) $ sym $ set-get l₂ _ 
  get l₁ (set l₂ a (get l₂ a))  ≡⟨ cong  f  get l₁ (f a (get l₂ a))) $ sym setters-equal 
  get l₁ (set l₁ a (get l₂ a))  ≡⟨ get-set l₁ _ _ ⟩∎
  get l₂ a                      
  open Lens

-- Two lenses of type Lens A B are equal if B is inhabited and the
-- lenses' setters are equal (assuming univalence).
-- Some results below are more general than this one, but this proof,
-- which uses remainder≃get⁻¹, is rather easy.

lenses-with-inhabited-codomains-equal-if-setters-equal :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  (l₁ l₂ : Lens A B) 
  Lens.set l₁  Lens.set l₂ 
  l₁  l₂
  {B = B} univ l₁ l₂ b setters-equal =
  _↔_.from (equality-characterisation₂ univ)
    ( R≃R
    ,  a 
         remainder l₂ (set l₁ a b)  ≡⟨ cong  f  remainder l₂ (f a b)) setters-equal 
         remainder l₂ (set l₂ a b)  ≡⟨ remainder-set l₂ _ _ ⟩∎
         remainder l₂ a             )
    , getters-equal
  open Lens

  getters-equal =
    ext⁻¹ $ getters-equal-if-setters-equal l₁ l₂ setters-equal

  R≃R : R l₁  R l₂
  R≃R =
    R l₁         ↝⟨ remainder≃get⁻¹ l₁ b 
    get l₁ ⁻¹ b  ↔⟨ Preimage.respects-extensional-equality getters-equal 
    get l₂ ⁻¹ b  ↝⟨ inverse $ remainder≃get⁻¹ l₂ b ⟩□
    R l₂         

-- A generalisation of lenses-equal-if-setters-equal (which is defined
-- below).

lenses-equal-if-setters-equal′ :
  let open Lens in
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
  (univ : Univalence (a  b))
  (l₁ l₂ : Lens A B)
  (f : R l₁  R l₂) 
  (B   r 
    λ b′  remainder l₂ (_≃_.from (equiv l₁) (r , b′))  f r) 
  (∀ a  f (remainder l₁ a)  remainder l₂ a) 
  Lens.set l₁  Lens.set l₂ 
  l₁  l₂
  {A = A} {B = B} univ l₁ l₂
  f ∃≡f f-remainder≡remainder setters-equal =

  _↔_.from (equality-characterisation₂ univ)
    ( R≃R
    , f-remainder≡remainder
    , ext⁻¹ (getters-equal-if-setters-equal l₁ l₂ setters-equal)
  open Lens
  open _≃_

  BR≃BR =
    B × R l₁  ↔⟨ ×-comm 
    R l₁ × B  ↝⟨ inverse (equiv l₁) 
    A         ↝⟨ equiv l₂ 
    R l₂ × B  ↔⟨ ×-comm ⟩□
    B × R l₂  

  to-BR≃BR :
     b b′ r 
    to BR≃BR (b , r)  (b , remainder l₂ (from (equiv l₁) (r , b′)))
  to-BR≃BR b b′ r =
    swap (to (equiv l₂) (from (equiv l₁) (swap (b , r))))      ≡⟨ cong swap lemma 
    swap (swap (b , remainder l₂ (from (equiv l₁) (r , b′))))  ≡⟨⟩
    b , remainder l₂ (from (equiv l₁) (r , b′))                
    lemma =
      to (equiv l₂) (from (equiv l₁) (swap (b , r)))             ≡⟨⟩

      to (equiv l₂) (from (equiv l₁) (r , b))                    ≡⟨ cong  r  to (equiv l₂) (from (equiv l₁) (proj₁ r , b))) $ sym $
                                                                    right-inverse-of (equiv l₁) _ 
      to (equiv l₂) (from (equiv l₁)
        (proj₁ (to (equiv l₁) (from (equiv l₁) (r , b′))) , b))  ≡⟨⟩

      to (equiv l₂) (set l₁ (from (equiv l₁) (r , b′)) b)        ≡⟨ cong (to (equiv l₂)) $ ext⁻¹ (ext⁻¹ setters-equal _) _ 

      to (equiv l₂) (set l₂ (from (equiv l₁) (r , b′)) b)        ≡⟨⟩

      to (equiv l₂) (from (equiv l₂)
        (remainder l₂ (from (equiv l₁) (r , b′)) , b))           ≡⟨ right-inverse-of (equiv l₂) _ 

      remainder l₂ (from (equiv l₁) (r , b′)) , b                ≡⟨⟩

      swap (b , remainder l₂ (from (equiv l₁) (r , b′)))         

  id-f≃ : Eq.Is-equivalence (Σ-map id f)
  id-f≃ = Eq.respects-extensional-equality
     (b , r) 
       let b′ , ≡fr = ∃≡f b r in
       to BR≃BR (b , r)                             ≡⟨ to-BR≃BR _ _ _ 
       b , remainder l₂ (from (equiv l₁) (r , b′))  ≡⟨ cong (b ,_) ≡fr 
       b , f r                                      ≡⟨⟩
       Σ-map id f (b , r)                           )
    (is-equivalence BR≃BR)

  f≃ : Eq.Is-equivalence f
  f≃ =
    HA.[inhabited→Is-equivalence]→Is-equivalence λ r 
      (Is-equivalence-propositional ext)
      (Eq.drop-Σ-map-id _ id-f≃)
      (inhabited l₂ r)

  R≃R : R l₁  R l₂
  R≃R = Eq.⟨ f , f≃ 

-- If the codomain of a lens is inhabited when it is merely inhabited
-- and the remainder type is inhabited, then this lens is equal to
-- another lens if their setters are equal (assuming univalence).

lenses-equal-if-setters-equal :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  (l₁ l₂ : Lens A B) 
  (Lens.R l₁   B   B) 
  Lens.set l₁  Lens.set l₂ 
  l₁  l₂
lenses-equal-if-setters-equal {B = B} univ l₁ l₂ inh′ setters-equal =
    univ l₁ l₂ f
     _ r 
         inh r
       , (remainder l₂ (_≃_.from (equiv l₁) (r , inh r))  ≡⟨⟩
          f r                                             ))
       f (remainder l₁ a)                              ≡⟨⟩
       remainder l₂ (set l₁ a (inh (remainder l₁ a)))  ≡⟨ cong (remainder l₂) $ ext⁻¹ (ext⁻¹ setters-equal _) _ 
       remainder l₂ (set l₂ a (inh (remainder l₁ a)))  ≡⟨ remainder-set l₂ _ _ ⟩∎
       remainder l₂ a                                  )
  open Lens

  inh : Lens.R l₁  B
  inh r = inh′ r (inhabited l₁ r)

  f : R l₁  R l₂
  f r = remainder l₂ (_≃_.from (equiv l₁) (r , inh r))

-- If a lens has a propositional remainder type, then this lens is
-- equal to another lens if their setters are equal (assuming
-- univalence).

lenses-equal-if-setters-equal-and-remainder-propositional :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  (l₁ l₂ : Lens A B) 
  Is-proposition (Lens.R l₂) 
  Lens.set l₁  Lens.set l₂ 
  l₁  l₂
  univ l₁ l₂ R₂-prop =

    univ l₁ l₂ f
     b r 
       , (remainder l₂ (_≃_.from (equiv l₁) (r , b))  ≡⟨ R₂-prop _ _ ⟩∎
          f r                                         ))
       f (remainder l₁ a)  ≡⟨ R₂-prop _ _ ⟩∎
       remainder l₂ a      )
  open Lens

  f : R l₁  R l₂
  f r =
    Trunc.rec R₂-prop
       b  remainder l₂ (_≃_.from (equiv l₁) (r , b)))
      (inhabited l₁ r)

-- A generalisation of the previous result: If a lens has a remainder
-- type that is a set, then this lens is equal to another lens if
-- their setters are equal (assuming univalence).
-- This result is due to Andrea Vezzosi.

lenses-equal-if-setters-equal-and-remainder-set :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  (l₁ l₂ : Lens A B) 
  Is-set (Lens.R l₂) 
  Lens.set l₁  Lens.set l₂ 
  l₁  l₂
  {B = B} univ l₁ l₂ R₂-set setters-equal =

    univ l₁ l₂ f
     b r 
       , (remainder l₂ (_≃_.from (equiv l₁) (r , b))  ≡⟨ cong (f₂ r) $ truncation-is-proposition  _  (inhabited l₁ r) ⟩∎
          f r                                         ))
       f (remainder l₁ a)                                   ≡⟨⟩
       f₂ (remainder l₁ a) (inhabited l₁ (remainder l₁ a))  ≡⟨ cong (f₂ (remainder l₁ a)) $
                                                               truncation-is-proposition (inhabited l₁ (remainder l₁ a))  _  
       f₁ (remainder l₁ a) (get l₁ a)                       ≡⟨ sym $ f₁-remainder _ _ ⟩∎
       remainder l₂ a                                       )
  open Lens

  f₁ : R l₁  B  R l₂
  f₁ r b = remainder l₂ (_≃_.from (equiv l₁) (r , b))

  f₁-remainder :  a b  remainder l₂ a  f₁ (remainder l₁ a) b
  f₁-remainder a b =
    remainder l₂ a             ≡⟨ sym $ remainder-set l₂ a b 
    remainder l₂ (set l₂ a b)  ≡⟨ cong  f  remainder l₂ (f a b)) $ sym setters-equal ⟩∎
    remainder l₂ (set l₁ a b)  

  f₂ : R l₁   B   R l₂
  f₂ r =
    _↔_.to (constant-function↔∥inhabited∥⇒inhabited R₂-set)
      ( f₁ r
      , λ b₁ b₂ 
          let a = _≃_.from (equiv l₁) (r , b₁) in
          remainder l₂ a                                            ≡⟨ f₁-remainder _ _ 
          f₁ (remainder l₁ a) b₂                                    ≡⟨⟩
          remainder l₂ (_≃_.from (equiv l₁) (remainder l₁ a , b₂))  ≡⟨ cong  p  f₁ (proj₁ p) b₂) $ _≃_.right-inverse-of (equiv l₁) _ ⟩∎
          remainder l₂ (_≃_.from (equiv l₁) (r , b₂))               

  f : R l₁  R l₂
  f r = f₂ r (inhabited l₁ r)

-- If lenses from A × C to C (where the universe of A is at least as
-- large as the universe of C) with equal setters are equal, then
-- weakly constant functions from C to equivalences between A and B
-- (where B lives in the same universe as A) are coherently constant.
-- This result is due to Andrea Vezzosi.

lenses-equal-if-setters-equal→constant→coherently-constant :
    {A B : Type (c  )} {C : Type c} 
  ((l₁ l₂ : Lens (A × C) C)  Lens.set l₁  Lens.set l₂  l₁  l₂) 
  (A≃B : C  A  B) 
  Constant A≃B 
  Coherently-constant A≃B
  _ {A = A} {B = B} {C = C} lenses-equal-if-setters-equal A≃B c =
  A≃B′ , A≃B≡
  open Lens

  module _ (∥c∥ :  C ) where

    l₁ l₂ : Lens (A × C) C
    l₁ = record
      { R         = A
      ; equiv     = F.id
      ; inhabited = λ _  ∥c∥

    l₂ = record
      { R         = B
      ; equiv     = A × C  ↔⟨ ×-comm 
                    C × A  ↝⟨ ∃-cong A≃B 
                    C × B  ↔⟨ ×-comm ⟩□
                    B × C  
      ; inhabited = λ _  ∥c∥

    setters-equal :  p c  set l₁ p c  set l₂ p c
    setters-equal (a , c₁) c₂ =
      cong (_, c₂) $ sym $
        (_≃_.from (A≃B c₂) (_≃_.to (A≃B c₁) a)  ≡⟨ cong  eq  _≃_.from (A≃B c₂) (_≃_.to eq a)) $ c c₁ c₂ 
         _≃_.from (A≃B c₂) (_≃_.to (A≃B c₂) a)  ≡⟨ _≃_.left-inverse-of (A≃B c₂) a ⟩∎
         a                                      )

    l₁≡l₂ : l₁  l₂
    l₁≡l₂ =
      lenses-equal-if-setters-equal l₁ l₂
        (⟨ext⟩ λ p  ⟨ext⟩ λ c  setters-equal p c)

    l₁≡l₂′ = _≃_.to equality-characterisation₀₂ l₁≡l₂

    A≃B′ : A  B
    A≃B′ = ≡⇒≃ $ proj₁ l₁≡l₂′

  A≃B≡ : A≃B  A≃B′  ∣_∣
  A≃B≡ = ⟨ext⟩ λ c  Eq.lift-equality ext $ ⟨ext⟩ λ a 
    _≃_.to (A≃B c) a                                                ≡⟨⟩
    remainder (l₂  c ) (a , c)                                    ≡⟨ sym $ proj₁ (proj₂ (l₁≡l₂′  c )) _ 
    subst id (proj₁ (l₁≡l₂′  c )) (remainder (l₁  c ) (a , c))  ≡⟨ subst-id-in-terms-of-≡⇒↝ equivalence 
    ≡⇒→ (proj₁ (l₁≡l₂′  c )) (remainder (l₁  c ) (a , c))       ≡⟨⟩
    _≃_.to (A≃B′  c ) a                                           

-- It is not the case that, for all types A and B in Type a and all
-- lenses l₁ and l₂ from A to B, that l₁ is equal to l₂ if the lenses
-- have equal setters (assuming univalence).

¬-lenses-equal-if-setters-equal :
  Univalence lzero 
  ¬ ((A B : Type a) (l₁ l₂ : Lens A B) 
     Lens.set l₁  Lens.set l₂  l₁  l₂)
¬-lenses-equal-if-setters-equal {a = a} univ =
  ((A B : Type a) (l₁ l₂ : Lens A B) 
   Lens.set l₁  Lens.set l₂  l₁  l₂)        ↝⟨  hyp A B _ f c 
                                                       lzero (hyp (B × A) A) f c) 
  ((A B : Type a)   A   (f : A  B  B) 
   Constant f  Coherently-constant f)         ↝⟨ C.¬-Constant→Coherently-constant univ ⟩□


-- The functions ≃→lens and ≃→lens′ are pointwise equal (when
-- applicable, assuming univalence).

≃→lens≡≃→lens′ :
  {A B : Type a} 
  Univalence a 
  (A≃B : A  B)  ≃→lens A≃B  ≃→lens′ A≃B
≃→lens≡≃→lens′ {B = B} univ A≃B =
  _↔_.from (equality-characterisation₂ univ)
    ( (  _ B   ↔⟨ ∥∥-cong Bij.↑↔ ⟩□
        B       )
    ,  _  refl _)
    ,  _  refl _)

-- If the getter of a lens is an equivalence, then the lens formed
-- using the equivalence (using ≃→lens) is equal to the lens (assuming
-- univalence).

get-equivalence→≡≃→lens :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  (l : Lens A B) 
  (eq : Is-equivalence (Lens.get l)) 
  l  ≃→lens Eq.⟨ Lens.get l , eq 
get-equivalence→≡≃→lens {A = A} {B = B} univ l eq =
    univ l (≃→lens Eq.⟨ Lens.get l , eq )
    (⟨ext⟩ λ a  ⟨ext⟩ λ b 
     set l a b             ≡⟨ sym $ from≡set l eq a b 
     _≃_.from A≃B b        ≡⟨⟩
     set (≃→lens A≃B) a b  )
  open Lens

  A≃B : A  B
  A≃B = Eq.⟨ _ , eq 

-- A variant of get-equivalence→≡≃→lens.

get-equivalence→≡≃→lens′ :
  {A B : Type a} 
  Univalence a 
  (l : Lens A B) 
  (eq : Is-equivalence (Lens.get l)) 
  l  ≃→lens′ Eq.⟨ Lens.get l , eq 
get-equivalence→≡≃→lens′ {A = A} {B = B} univ l eq =
  l            ≡⟨ get-equivalence→≡≃→lens univ _ _ 
  ≃→lens A≃B   ≡⟨ ≃→lens≡≃→lens′ univ _ ⟩∎
  ≃→lens′ A≃B  
  A≃B = Eq.⟨ Lens.get l , eq 

-- Some equivalences

-- "The getter is an equivalence" is equivalent to "the remainder type
-- is equivalent to the propositional truncation of the codomain".

get-equivalence≃inhabited-equivalence :
  (l : Lens A B) 
  Is-equivalence (Lens.get l)  Is-equivalence (Lens.inhabited l)
get-equivalence≃inhabited-equivalence {A = A} {B = B} l =
  Is-equivalence (get l)                  ↝⟨ Eq.⇔→≃
                                               (Is-equivalence-propositional ext)
                                               (Is-equivalence-propositional ext)
                                               (flip (Eq.Two-out-of-three.g∘f-f (Eq.two-out-of-three _ _))
                                                  (_≃_.is-equivalence (equiv l)))
                                               (Eq.Two-out-of-three.f-g (Eq.two-out-of-three _ _)
                                                  (_≃_.is-equivalence (equiv l))) 
  Is-equivalence (proj₂  (R l × B  B))  ↝⟨ inverse $ equivalence-to-∥∥≃proj₂-equivalence _ ⟩□
  Is-equivalence (inhabited l)            
  open Lens

-- "The getter is an equivalence" is equivalent to "the remainder type
-- is equivalent to the propositional truncation of the codomain".

get-equivalence≃remainder≃∥codomain∥ :
  (l : Lens A B) 
  Is-equivalence (Lens.get l)  (Lens.R l   B )
get-equivalence≃remainder≃∥codomain∥ {A = A} {B = B} l =
  Is-equivalence (get l)                          ↝⟨ get-equivalence≃inhabited-equivalence l 
  Is-equivalence (inhabited l)                    ↔⟨ inverse $
                                                     drop-⊤-left-Σ $ _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                       (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                                                       (inhabited l) 
  ( λ (inh : R l   B )  Is-equivalence inh)  ↔⟨ inverse Eq.≃-as-Σ ⟩□
  R l   B                                      
  open Lens

-- Some lens isomorphisms

-- A generalised variant of Lens preserves bijections.

Lens-cong′ :
  A₁  A₂  B₁  B₂ 
  ( λ (R : Type r)  A₁  (R × B₁) × (R   B₁ )) 
  ( λ (R : Type r)  A₂  (R × B₂) × (R   B₂ ))
Lens-cong′ A₁↔A₂ B₁↔B₂ =
  ∃-cong λ _ 
  Eq.≃-preserves-bijections ext A₁↔A₂ (F.id ×-cong B₁↔B₂)
  →-cong ext F.id (∥∥-cong B₁↔B₂)

-- Lens preserves level-preserving bijections.

Lens-cong :
  {A₁ A₂ : Type a} {B₁ B₂ : Type b} 
  A₁  A₂  B₁  B₂ 
  Lens A₁ B₁  Lens A₂ B₂
Lens-cong {A₁ = A₁} {A₂ = A₂} {B₁ = B₁} {B₂ = B₂} A₁↔A₂ B₁↔B₂ =
  Lens A₁ B₁                              ↔⟨ Lens-as-Σ 
  ( λ R  A₁  (R × B₁) × (R   B₁ ))  ↝⟨ Lens-cong′ A₁↔A₂ B₁↔B₂ 
  ( λ R  A₂  (R × B₂) × (R   B₂ ))  ↔⟨ inverse Lens-as-Σ ⟩□
  Lens A₂ B₂                              

-- If B is a proposition, then Lens A B is isomorphic to A → B
-- (assuming univalence).

lens-to-proposition↔get :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  Is-proposition B 
  Lens A B  (A  B)
lens-to-proposition↔get {b = b} {A = A} {B = B} univ B-prop =
  Lens A B                             ↔⟨ Lens-as-Σ 
  ( λ R  A  (R × B) × (R   B ))  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                             ∥∥↔ B-prop) 
  ( λ R  A  (R × B) × (R  B))      ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _ 
                                           ×-cong₁ λ R→B 
                                           Eq.≃-preserves-bijections ext F.id $
                                             drop-⊤-right λ r 
                                               _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                 propositional⇒inhabited⇒contractible B-prop (R→B r)) 
  ( λ R  A  R × (R  B))            ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _ 
                                           ∃-cong λ A≃R 
                                           →-cong {k = equivalence} ext (inverse A≃R) F.id) 
  ( λ R  A  R × (A  B))            ↝⟨ Σ-assoc 
  ( λ R  A  R) × (A  B)            ↝⟨ (drop-⊤-left-× λ _  other-singleton-with-≃-↔-⊤ {b = b} ext univ) ⟩□
  (A  B)                              

_ :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
  (univ : Univalence (a  b))
  (prop : Is-proposition B)
  (l : Lens A B) 
  _↔_.to (lens-to-proposition↔get univ prop) l 
  Trunc.rec prop id  Lens.inhabited l  Lens.remainder l
_ = λ _ _ _  refl _

-- A variant of the previous result.

lens-to-proposition≃get :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  Is-proposition B 
  Lens A B  (A  B)
lens-to-proposition≃get {b = b} {A = A} {B = B} univ prop = Eq.↔→≃
     let lemma =
            b A    ↔⟨ Bij.↑↔ 
           A        ↝⟨ equiv l 
           R l × B  ↔⟨ (drop-⊤-right λ r  _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                          (Contractible-propositional ext)
                          (propositional⇒inhabited⇒contractible prop)
                          (inhabited l r)) ⟩□
           R l      
     _↔_.from (equality-characterisation₁ univ)
        (lemma , λ _  refl _))
  open Lens

  from = λ get  record
    { R         =  b A
    ; equiv     = A          ↔⟨ inverse Bij.↑↔ 
                   b A      ↔⟨ (inverse $ drop-⊤-right {k = bijection} λ (lift a) 
                                 _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                 propositional⇒inhabited⇒contractible prop (get a)) ⟩□
                   b A × B  
    ; inhabited = ∣_∣  get  lower

_ :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
  (univ : Univalence (a  b))
  (prop : Is-proposition B)
  (l : Lens A B) 
  _≃_.to (lens-to-proposition≃get univ prop) l  Lens.get l
_ = λ _ _ _  refl _

-- If B is contractible, then Lens A B is isomorphic to ⊤ (assuming
-- univalence).

lens-to-contractible↔⊤ :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  Contractible B 
  Lens A B  
lens-to-contractible↔⊤ {A = A} {B} univ cB =
  Lens A B  ↝⟨ lens-to-proposition↔get univ (mono₁ 0 cB) 
  (A  B)   ↝⟨ →-cong ext F.id $ _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ cB 
  (A  )   ↝⟨ →-right-zero ⟩□

-- Lens A ⊥ is isomorphic to ¬ A (assuming univalence).

lens-to-⊥↔¬ :
  {A : Type a} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  Lens A ( { = b})  ¬ A
lens-to-⊥↔¬ {A = A} univ =
  Lens A   ↝⟨ lens-to-proposition↔get univ ⊥-propositional 
  (A  )   ↝⟨ inverse $ ¬↔→⊥ ext ⟩□
  ¬ A       

-- If A is contractible, then Lens A B is isomorphic to Contractible B
-- (assuming univalence).

lens-from-contractible↔codomain-contractible :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  Contractible A 
  Lens A B  Contractible B
lens-from-contractible↔codomain-contractible {A = A} {B} univ cA =
  Lens A B                                                   ↔⟨ Lens-as-Σ 
  ( λ R  A  (R × B) × (R   B ))                        ↝⟨ ∃-cong  _ 
                                                                  Eq.≃-preserves-bijections ext (_⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ cA) F.id
  ( λ R    (R × B) × (R   B ))                        ↝⟨ ∃-cong  _  Eq.inverse-isomorphism ext ×-cong F.id) 
  ( λ R  (R × B)   × (R   B ))                        ↝⟨ ∃-cong  _  inverse (contractible↔≃⊤ ext) ×-cong F.id) 
  ( λ R  Contractible (R × B) × (R   B ))               ↝⟨ ∃-cong  _  Contractible-commutes-with-× ext ×-cong F.id) 
  ( λ R  (Contractible R × Contractible B) × (R   B ))  ↝⟨ ∃-cong  _  inverse ×-assoc) 
  ( λ R  Contractible R × Contractible B × (R   B ))    ↝⟨ ∃-cong  _  ∃-cong λ cR 
                                                                  →-cong ext (_⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ cR) F.id) 
  ( λ R  Contractible R × Contractible B × (   B ))    ↝⟨ ∃-cong  _  F.id ×-cong F.id ×-cong Π-left-identity) 
  ( λ R  Contractible R × Contractible B ×  B )          ↝⟨ ∃-cong  _  ×-comm) 
  ( λ R  (Contractible B ×  B ) × Contractible R)        ↝⟨ ∃-comm 
  (Contractible B ×  B ) × ( λ R  Contractible R)        ↝⟨ drop-⊤-right  _  ∃Contractible↔⊤ ext univ) 
  Contractible B ×  B                                      ↝⟨ drop-⊤-right  cB  inhabited⇒∥∥↔⊤  proj₁ cB ) ⟩□
  Contractible B                                             

-- Lens ⊥ B is isomorphic to the unit type (assuming univalence).

lens-from-⊥↔⊤ :
  {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  Lens ( { = a}) B  
lens-from-⊥↔⊤ {B = B} univ =
  _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
      (      ↝⟨ inverse ×-left-zero ⟩□
        × B  ) ,
    λ l  _↔_.from (equality-characterisation₁ univ)
            ( ( ×  B   ↔⟨ ×-left-zero 
               ⊥₀         ↔⟨ lemma l ⟩□
               R l        )
            , λ x  ⊥-elim x
  open Lens

  lemma : (l : Lens  B)  ⊥₀  R l
  lemma l = record
    { surjection = record
      { logical-equivalence = record
        { to   = ⊥-elim
        ; from = whatever
      ; right-inverse-of = whatever
    ; left-inverse-of = λ x  ⊥-elim x
    whatever :  {} {Whatever : R l  Type }  (r : R l)  Whatever r
    whatever r = ⊥-elim { = lzero} $ Trunc.rec
       b  ⊥-elim (_≃_.from (equiv l) (r , b)))
      (inhabited l r)

-- There is an equivalence between A ≃ B and
-- ∃ λ (l : Lens A B) → Is-equivalence (Lens.get l) (assuming
-- univalence).
-- See also ≃≃≊ below.

≃-≃-Σ-Lens-Is-equivalence-get :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  (A  B)  ( λ (l : Lens A B)  Is-equivalence (Lens.get l))
≃-≃-Σ-Lens-Is-equivalence-get {a = a} {A = A} {B = B} univ =
  A  B                                                ↝⟨ Eq.≃-preserves ext F.id (inverse ∥∥×≃) 
  A  ( B  × B)                                      ↝⟨ inverse $
                                                          Eq.↔⇒≃ Σ-left-identity F.∘
                                                          Σ-cong (singleton-with-≃-↔-⊤ {a = a} ext univ)
                                                             (C , C≃∥B∥)  Eq.≃-preserves ext F.id (×-cong₁ λ _  C≃∥B∥)) 
  ( λ ((R , _) :  λ R  R   B )  A  (R × B))    ↔⟨ inverse $
                                                          (Σ-cong (∃-cong λ _  inverse Eq.≃-as-Σ) λ _  F.id) F.∘
                                                          Σ-assoc F.∘
                                                          (∃-cong λ _  inverse (Σ-assoc F.∘ ×-comm)) F.∘
                                                          inverse Σ-assoc F.∘
                                                          Σ-cong Lens-as-Σ  _  F.id) 
  ( λ (l : Lens A B)  Is-equivalence (inhabited l))  ↝⟨ inverse $ ∃-cong get-equivalence≃inhabited-equivalence ⟩□
  ( λ (l : Lens A B)  Is-equivalence (get l))        
  open Lens

-- The right-to-left direction of ≃-≃-Σ-Lens-Is-equivalence-get
-- returns the lens's getter (and some proof).

to-from-≃-≃-Σ-Lens-Is-equivalence-get≡get :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  (univ : Univalence (a  b))
  (p@(l , _) :  λ (l : Lens A B)  Is-equivalence (Lens.get l)) 
  _≃_.to (_≃_.from (≃-≃-Σ-Lens-Is-equivalence-get univ) p) 
  Lens.get l
to-from-≃-≃-Σ-Lens-Is-equivalence-get≡get _ _ = refl _

-- Results relating different kinds of lenses

-- In general there is no split surjection from Lens A B to
-- Traditional.Lens A B (assuming univalence).

¬Lens↠Traditional-lens :
  Univalence lzero 
  ¬ (Lens 𝕊¹   Traditional.Lens 𝕊¹ )
¬Lens↠Traditional-lens univ =
  Lens 𝕊¹   Traditional.Lens 𝕊¹                                       ↝⟨ flip H-level.respects-surjection 1 
  (Is-proposition (Lens 𝕊¹ )  Is-proposition (Traditional.Lens 𝕊¹ ))  ↝⟨ _$ mono₁ 0 (_⇔_.from contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                                        lens-to-contractible↔⊤ univ ⊤-contractible) 
  Is-proposition (Traditional.Lens 𝕊¹ )                                 ↝⟨ Traditional.¬-lens-to-⊤-propositional univ ⟩□

-- Some lemmas used in Lens↠Traditional-lens and Lens↔Traditional-lens
-- below, defined under the assumption that the domain A is a set.

module Lens↔Traditional-lens
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
  (A-set : Is-set A)


    -- A right inverse of Lens.traditional-lens.

    from : Traditional.Lens A B  Lens A B
    from l = isomorphism-to-lens
      (A                                     ↔⟨ Traditional.≃Σ∥set⁻¹∥× A-set l ⟩□
       ( λ (f : B  A)   set ⁻¹ f ) × B  )
      open Traditional.Lens l

    unfolding from

    -- The function from is a right inverse of Lens.traditional-lens.

    right-inverse-of :  l  Lens.traditional-lens (from l)  l
    right-inverse-of l = Traditional.equal-laws→≡
       a _  B-set a _ _)
       _  A-set _ _)
       _ _ _  A-set _ _)
      open Traditional.Lens l

      B-set : A  Is-set B
      B-set a =
        Traditional.h-level-respects-lens-from-inhabited 2 l a A-set

    unfolding from

    -- The function from is a left inverse of Lens.traditional-lens
    -- (assuming univalence).

    left-inverse-of :
      Univalence (a  b) 
       l  from (Lens.traditional-lens l)  l
    left-inverse-of univ l′ =
      _↔_.from (equality-characterisation₁ univ)
        ( (( λ (f : B  A)   set ⁻¹ f ) ×  B   ↝⟨ (×-cong₁ lemma₃) 
           ( B   R) ×  B                        ↝⟨ lemma₂ ⟩□
           R                                         )
        , λ p 
            ( proj₁ (_≃_.to l (_≃_.from l (_≃_.to l p)))
            , proj₂ (_≃_.to l p)
            )                                             ≡⟨ cong (_, proj₂ (_≃_.to l p)) $ cong proj₁ $
                                                             _≃_.right-inverse-of l _ ⟩∎
            _≃_.to l p                                    
      open Lens l′ renaming (equiv to l)

      B-set : A  Is-set B
      B-set a =
          (Lens.traditional-lens l′)

      R-set : Is-set R
      R-set =
        [inhabited⇒+]⇒+ 1 λ r 
          (H-level-propositional ext 2)
           b  proj₁-closure (const b) 2 $
                   (_≃_.surjection l) 2 A-set)
          (inhabited r)

      lemma₁ :
        (f : B  A) 
         set ⁻¹ f   (∀ b b′  set (f b) b′  f b′)
      lemma₁ ∥b∥ f = Eq.⇔→≃
        (Trunc.rec prop λ (a , set-a≡f) b b′ 
         set (f b) b′      ≡⟨ cong  f  set (f b) b′) $ sym set-a≡f 
         set (set a b) b′  ≡⟨ set-set _ _ _ 
         set a b′          ≡⟨ cong (_$ b′) set-a≡f ⟩∎
         f b′              )
           flip ∥∥-map ∥b∥ λ b 
           f b , ⟨ext⟩ (hyp b))
        prop : Is-proposition (∀ b b′  set (f b) b′  f b′)
        prop =
          Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
          Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

      lemma₂ : (( B   R) ×  B )  R
      lemma₂ = Eq.↔→≃
         (f , ∥b∥)  f ∥b∥)
         r   _  r) , inhabited r)
         (f , ∥b∥)  cong₂ _,_
           (⟨ext⟩ λ ∥b∥′ 
              f ∥b∥   ≡⟨ cong f (truncation-is-proposition _ _) ⟩∎
              f ∥b∥′  )
           (truncation-is-proposition _ _))

      lemma₃ :  B   ( λ (f : B  A)   set ⁻¹ f )  ( B   R)
      lemma₃ ∥b∥ =
        ( λ (f : B  A)   set ⁻¹ f )                                ↝⟨ ∃-cong (lemma₁ ∥b∥) 

        ( λ (f : B  A)   b b′  set (f b) b′  f b′)                ↝⟨ (Σ-cong (→-cong ext F.id l) λ f 
                                                                            ∀-cong ext λ b  ∀-cong ext λ b′ 
                                                                            ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_≃_.from l (proj₁ (_≃_.to l (f b)) , b′) ≡_) $ sym $
                                                                            _≃_.left-inverse-of l _) 
        ( λ (f : B  R × B) 
            b b′  _≃_.from l (proj₁ (f b) , b′)  _≃_.from l (f b′))  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                            Eq.≃-≡ (inverse l)) 

        ( λ (f : B  R × B)   b b′  (proj₁ (f b) , b′)  f b′)      ↔⟨ (Σ-cong ΠΣ-comm λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                            inverse $ ≡×≡↔≡) 
        ( λ ((f , g) : (B  R) × (B  B)) 
            b b′  f b  f b′ × b′  g b′)                             ↔⟨ (Σ-assoc F.∘
                                                                            (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                             ∃-comm F.∘
                                                                             ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                             ΠΣ-comm F.∘
                                                                             ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                             ΠΣ-comm) F.∘
                                                                            inverse Σ-assoc) 
        (( λ (f : B  R)  Constant f) ×
         ( λ (g : B  B)  B   b  b  g b))                         ↔⟨ (∃-cong $ uncurry λ f _  ∃-cong λ _  inverse $
                                                                            →-intro ext  b  B-set (_≃_.from l (f b , b)))) 
        (( λ (f : B  R)  Constant f) ×
         ( λ (g : B  B)   b  b  g b))                             ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                            Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext) 

        (( λ (f : B  R)  Constant f) × ( λ (g : B  B)  id  g))   ↔⟨ (drop-⊤-right λ _ 
                                                                            _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                            other-singleton-contractible _) 

        ( λ (f : B  R)  Constant f)                                  ↝⟨ constant-function≃∥inhabited∥⇒inhabited R-set ⟩□

        ( B   R)                                                     

  -- The types Lens A B and Traditional.Lens A B are in bijective
  -- correspondence (assuming univalence).

  Lens↔Traditional-lens :
    Univalence (a  b) 
    Lens A B  Traditional.Lens A B
  Lens↔Traditional-lens univ = record
    { surjection = record
      { logical-equivalence = record { from = from }
      ; right-inverse-of    = right-inverse-of
    ; left-inverse-of = left-inverse-of univ

-- If the domain A is a set, then there is a split surjection from
-- Lens A B to Traditional.Lens A B.

Lens↠Traditional-lens :
  Is-set A 
  Lens A B  Traditional.Lens A B
Lens↠Traditional-lens A-set = record
  { logical-equivalence = record
    { to   = Lens.traditional-lens
    ; from = Lens↔Traditional-lens.from A-set
  ; right-inverse-of = Lens↔Traditional-lens.right-inverse-of A-set

  unfolding Lens↔Traditional-lens.from

  -- The split surjection above preserves getters and setters.

  Lens↠Traditional-lens-preserves-getters-and-setters :
    {A : Type a}
    (s : Is-set A) 
    Preserves-getters-and-setters-⇔ A B
      (_↠_.logical-equivalence (Lens↠Traditional-lens s))
  Lens↠Traditional-lens-preserves-getters-and-setters _ =
     _  refl _ , refl _) ,  _  refl _ , refl _)

-- If the domain A is a set, then Traditional.Lens A B and Lens A B
-- are isomorphic (assuming univalence).

Lens↔Traditional-lens :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  Is-set A 
  Lens A B  Traditional.Lens A B
Lens↔Traditional-lens univ A-set =
  Lens↔Traditional-lens.Lens↔Traditional-lens A-set univ

-- The isomorphism preserves getters and setters.

Lens↔Traditional-lens-preserves-getters-and-setters :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
  (univ : Univalence (a  b))
  (s : Is-set A) 
  Preserves-getters-and-setters-⇔ A B
    (_↔_.logical-equivalence (Lens↔Traditional-lens univ s))
Lens↔Traditional-lens-preserves-getters-and-setters _ =

-- If the codomain B is an inhabited set, then Lens A B and
-- Traditional.Lens A B are logically equivalent.
-- This definition is inspired by the statement of Corollary 13 from
-- "Algebras and Update Strategies" by Johnson, Rosebrugh and Wood.
-- See also Lens.Non-dependent.Equivalent-preimages.coherent↠higher.

Lens⇔Traditional-lens :
  Is-set B 
  Lens A B  Traditional.Lens A B
Lens⇔Traditional-lens {B = B} {A = A} B-set b₀ = record
  { to   = Lens.traditional-lens
  ; from = from
  from : Traditional.Lens A B  Lens A B
  from l = isomorphism-to-lens
    (A                               ↔⟨ Traditional.≃get⁻¹× B-set b₀ l ⟩□
     ( λ (a : A)  get a  b₀) × B  )
    open Traditional.Lens l

-- The logical equivalence preserves getters and setters.

Lens⇔Traditional-lens-preserves-getters-and-setters :
  {B : Type b}
  (s : Is-set B)
  (b₀ : B) 
  Preserves-getters-and-setters-⇔ A B (Lens⇔Traditional-lens s b₀)
Lens⇔Traditional-lens-preserves-getters-and-setters _ b₀ =
     _  refl _ , refl _)
  ,  l  refl _
         , ⟨ext⟩ λ a  ⟨ext⟩ λ b 
           set l (set l a b₀) b  ≡⟨ set-set l _ _ _ ⟩∎
           set l a b             )
  open Traditional.Lens

-- Some results related to h-levels

-- If the domain of a lens is inhabited and has h-level n, then the
-- codomain also has h-level n.

h-level-respects-lens-from-inhabited :
   n  Lens A B  A  H-level n A  H-level n B
h-level-respects-lens-from-inhabited n =
  Traditional.h-level-respects-lens-from-inhabited n 

-- This is not necessarily true for arbitrary domains (assuming
-- univalence).

¬-h-level-respects-lens :
  Univalence lzero 
  ¬ (∀ n  Lens ⊥₀ Bool  H-level n ⊥₀  H-level n Bool)
¬-h-level-respects-lens univ resp =
                       $⟨ ⊥-propositional 
  Is-proposition      ↝⟨ resp 1 (_↔_.from (lens-from-⊥↔⊤ univ) _) 
  Is-proposition Bool  ↝⟨ ¬-Bool-propositional ⟩□

-- In fact, there is a lens with a proposition as its domain and a
-- non-set as its codomain (assuming univalence).
-- (The lemma does not actually use the univalence argument, but
-- univalence is used by Circle.¬-𝕊¹-set.)

lens-from-proposition-to-non-set :
  Univalence (# 0) 
   λ (A : Type a)   λ (B : Type b) 
  Lens A B × Is-proposition A × ¬ Is-set B
lens-from-proposition-to-non-set {b = b} _ =
  ,  b 𝕊¹
  , record
      { R         = 
      ; equiv     =            ↔⟨ inverse ×-left-zero ⟩□
                     ×  _ 𝕊¹  
      ; inhabited = ⊥-elim
  , ⊥-propositional
  , Circle.¬-𝕊¹-set 
    H-level.respects-surjection (_↔_.surjection Bij.↑↔) 2

-- Lenses with contractible domains have contractible codomains.

contractible-to-contractible :
  Lens A B  Contractible A  Contractible B
contractible-to-contractible l c =
  h-level-respects-lens-from-inhabited _ l (proj₁ c) c

-- If the domain type of a lens has h-level n, then the remainder type
-- also has h-level n.

remainder-has-same-h-level-as-domain :
  (l : Lens A B)   n  H-level n A  H-level n (Lens.R l)
remainder-has-same-h-level-as-domain {A = A} {B = B} l n =
  H-level n A        ↝⟨ H-level.respects-surjection (_≃_.surjection equiv) n 
  H-level n (R × B)  ↝⟨ H-level-×₁ inhabited n ⟩□
  H-level n R        
  open Lens l

-- If the getter function is an equivalence, then the remainder type
-- is propositional.

get-equivalence→remainder-propositional :
  (l : Lens A B) 
  Is-equivalence (Lens.get l) 
  Is-proposition (Lens.R l)
get-equivalence→remainder-propositional {B = B} l =
  Is-equivalence (get l)  ↔⟨ get-equivalence≃remainder≃∥codomain∥ l 
  R l   B              ↝⟨ ≃∥∥→Is-proposition ⟩□
  Is-proposition (R l)    
  open Lens

-- If the getter function is pointwise equal to the identity
-- function, then the remainder type is propositional.

get≡id→remainder-propositional :
  (l : Lens A A) 
  (∀ a  Lens.get l a  a) 
  Is-proposition (Lens.R l)
get≡id→remainder-propositional l =
  (∀ a  Lens.get l a  a)     ↝⟨  hyp  Eq.respects-extensional-equality (sym  hyp) (_≃_.is-equivalence F.id)) 
  Is-equivalence (Lens.get l)  ↝⟨ get-equivalence→remainder-propositional l ⟩□
  Is-proposition (Lens.R l)    

-- It is not necessarily the case that contractibility of A implies
-- contractibility of Lens A B (assuming univalence).

¬-Contractible-closed-domain :
   {a b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  ¬ ({A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
     Contractible A  Contractible (Lens A B))
¬-Contractible-closed-domain univ closure =
                                 $⟨ ↑⊤-contractible 
  Contractible ( _ )           ↝⟨ closure 
  Contractible (Lens ( _ ) )  ↝⟨ H-level.respects-surjection
                                      (_↔_.surjection $ lens-from-contractible↔codomain-contractible univ ↑⊤-contractible)
  Contractible (Contractible )  ↝⟨ proj₁ 
  Contractible                  ↝⟨ proj₁ 
                                ↝⟨ ⊥-elim ⟩□
  ↑⊤-contractible = ↑-closure 0 ⊤-contractible

-- Contractible is closed under Lens A (assuming univalence).

Contractible-closed-codomain :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  Contractible B  Contractible (Lens A B)
Contractible-closed-codomain {A = A} {B} univ cB =
                           $⟨ lens-to-contractible↔⊤ univ cB 
  Lens A B               ↝⟨ _⇔_.from contractible⇔↔⊤ ⟩□
  Contractible (Lens A B)  

-- If B is a proposition, then Lens A B is also a proposition
-- (assuming univalence).

Is-proposition-closed-codomain :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  Is-proposition B  Is-proposition (Lens A B)
Is-proposition-closed-codomain {A = A} {B} univ B-prop =
                             $⟨ Π-closure ext 1  _  B-prop) 
  Is-proposition (A  B)     ↝⟨ H-level.respects-surjection
                                  (_↔_.surjection $ inverse $ lens-to-proposition↔get univ B-prop)
                                  1 ⟩□
  Is-proposition (Lens A B)  


  -- If A has h-level 1 + n and equivalence between certain remainder
  -- types has h-level n, then Lens A B has h-level 1 + n (assuming
  -- univalence).

  domain-1+-remainder-equivalence-0+⇒lens-1+ :
    {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
    Univalence (a  b) 
    H-level (1 + n) A 
    ((l₁ l₂ : Lens A B) 
       H-level n (Lens.R l₁  Lens.R l₂)) 
    H-level (1 + n) (Lens A B)
    {A = A} univ n hA hR = ≡↔+ _ _ λ l₁ l₂                     $⟨ Σ-closure n (hR l₁ l₂)  _ 
                                                                   Π-closure ext n λ _ 
                                                                   +⇒≡ hA) 
    H-level n ( λ (eq : R l₁  R l₂)   p  _≡_ {A = A} _ _)  ↝⟨ H-level.respects-surjection
                                                                     (_↔_.surjection $ inverse $ equality-characterisation₃ univ)
                                                                     n ⟩□
    H-level n (l₁  l₂)                                         
    open Lens

-- If A is a proposition, then Lens A B is also a proposition
-- (assuming univalence).

Is-proposition-closed-domain :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  Is-proposition A  Is-proposition (Lens A B)
Is-proposition-closed-domain {b = b} {A = A} {B = B} univ A-prop =
                                          $⟨ R₁≃R₂ 
  (∀ l₁ l₂  R l₁  R l₂)                 ↝⟨  hyp l₁ l₂  propositional⇒inhabited⇒contractible
                                                              (Eq.left-closure ext 0 (R-prop l₁))
                                                              (hyp l₁ l₂)) 
  (∀ l₁ l₂  Contractible (R l₁  R l₂))  ↝⟨ domain-1+-remainder-equivalence-0+⇒lens-1+ univ 0 A-prop ⟩□
  Is-proposition (Lens A B)               
  open Lens

  R-prop : (l : Lens A B)  Is-proposition (R l)
  R-prop l =
    remainder-has-same-h-level-as-domain l 1 A-prop

  remainder⁻¹ : (l : Lens A B)  R l  A
  remainder⁻¹ l r = Trunc.rec
     b  _≃_.from (equiv l) (r , b))
    (inhabited l r)

  R-to-R : (l₁ l₂ : Lens A B)  R l₁  R l₂
  R-to-R l₁ l₂ = remainder l₂  remainder⁻¹ l₁

  involutive : (l : Lens A B) {f : R l  R l}   r  f r  r
  involutive l _ = R-prop l _ _

  R₁≃R₂ : (l₁ l₂ : Lens A B)  R l₁  R l₂
  R₁≃R₂ l₁ l₂ = Eq.↔⇒≃ $
      R-to-R  l _  involutive l) l₁ l₂

-- An alternative proof.

Is-proposition-closed-domain′ :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  Is-proposition A  Is-proposition (Lens A B)
Is-proposition-closed-domain′ {A = A} {B} univ A-prop =
                                         $⟨ Traditional.lens-preserves-h-level-of-domain 0 A-prop 
  Is-proposition (Traditional.Lens A B)  ↝⟨ H-level.respects-surjection
                                              (_↔_.surjection $ inverse $ Lens↔Traditional-lens univ (mono₁ 1 A-prop))
                                              1 ⟩□
  Is-proposition (Lens A B)              

-- If A is a set, then Lens A B is also a set (assuming univalence).
-- TODO: Can one prove that the corresponding result does not hold for
-- codomains? Are there types A and B such that B is a set, but
-- Lens A B is not?

Is-set-closed-domain :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  Is-set A  Is-set (Lens A B)
Is-set-closed-domain {A = A} {B} univ A-set =
                                 $⟨  {_ _}  Traditional.lens-preserves-h-level-of-domain 1 A-set) 
  Is-set (Traditional.Lens A B)  ↝⟨ H-level.respects-surjection
                                      (_↔_.surjection $ inverse $ Lens↔Traditional-lens univ A-set)
                                      2 ⟩□
  Is-set (Lens A B)              

-- If A has h-level n, then Lens A B has h-level 1 + n (assuming
-- univalence).
-- See also
-- Lens.Non-dependent.Higher.Coinductive.Small.lens-preserves-h-level-of-domain.

domain-0+⇒lens-1+ :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
   n  H-level n A  H-level (1 + n) (Lens A B)
domain-0+⇒lens-1+ {A = A} {B} univ n hA =
                                                  $⟨  l₁ l₂  Eq.h-level-closure ext n (hR l₁) (hR l₂)) 
  ((l₁ l₂ : Lens A B)  H-level n (R l₁  R l₂))  ↝⟨ domain-1+-remainder-equivalence-0+⇒lens-1+ univ n (mono₁ n hA) ⟩□
  H-level (1 + n) (Lens A B)                      
  open Lens

  hR :  l  H-level n (R l)
  hR l = remainder-has-same-h-level-as-domain l n hA

-- An alternative proof.

domain-0+⇒lens-1+′ :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
   n  H-level n A  H-level (1 + n) (Lens A B)
domain-0+⇒lens-1+′ {A = A} {B} univ n hA =
                                               $⟨ Σ-closure (1 + n)
                                                    (∃-H-level-H-level-1+ ext univ n)
                                                     _  ×-closure (1 + n)
                                                             (Eq.left-closure ext n (mono₁ n hA))
                                                             (Π-closure ext (1 + n) λ _ 
                                                              mono (Nat.suc≤suc (Nat.zero≤ n)) $
  H-level (1 + n)
    ( λ (p :  (H-level n)) 
       A  (proj₁ p × B) × (proj₁ p   B ))  ↝⟨ H-level.respects-surjection (_↔_.surjection $ inverse iso) (1 + n) ⟩□

  H-level (1 + n) (Lens A B)                   
  open Lens

  iso =
    Lens A B                                             ↝⟨ inverse $ drop-⊤-right  l 
                                                              _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                  (H-level-propositional ext n)
                                                                  (remainder-has-same-h-level-as-domain l n hA)) 
    ( λ (l : Lens A B)  H-level n (R l))               ↝⟨ inverse Σ-assoc F.∘ Σ-cong Lens-as-Σ  _  F.id) 

    ( λ R  (A  (R × B) × (R   B )) × H-level n R)  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ×-comm) 

    ( λ R  H-level n R × A  (R × B) × (R   B ))    ↝⟨ Σ-assoc ⟩□

    ( λ (p :  (H-level n)) 
       A  (proj₁ p × B) × (proj₁ p   B ))            

-- Some existence results

-- There is, in general, no lens for the first projection from a
-- Σ-type.

no-first-projection-lens :
  ¬ Lens ( λ (b : Bool)  b  true) Bool
no-first-projection-lens =
    Lens contractible-to-contractible

-- A variant of the previous result: If A is merely inhabited, and one
-- can "project" out a boolean from a value of type A, but this
-- boolean is necessarily true, then there is no lens corresponding to
-- this projection.

no-singleton-projection-lens :
  (bool : A  Bool) 
  (∀ x  bool x  true) 
  ¬  λ (l : Lens A Bool) 
       x  Lens.get l x  bool x
no-singleton-projection-lens =
  Non-dependent.no-singleton-projection-lens _ _ Lens.get-set

-- Equal lenses can be "observably different"

-- An example based on one presented in "Shattered lens" by Oleg
-- Grenrus.
-- Grenrus states that there are two lenses with equal getters and
-- setters that are "observably different".

-- A lemma used to construct the two lenses of the example.

grenrus-example : (Bool  Bool  Bool)  Lens (Bool × Bool) Bool
grenrus-example eq = record
  { R         = Bool
  ; inhabited = ∣_∣
  ; equiv     = Bool × Bool  ↔⟨ ×-cong₁ eq ⟩□
                Bool × Bool  

-- The two lenses.

grenrus-example₁ = grenrus-example (if_then F.id else Bool.swap)
grenrus-example₂ = grenrus-example (if_then Bool.swap else F.id)

-- The two lenses have equal setters.

set-grenrus-example₁≡set-grenrus-example₂ :
  Lens.set grenrus-example₁  Lens.set grenrus-example₂
set-grenrus-example₁≡set-grenrus-example₂ = ⟨ext⟩ (⟨ext⟩  lemma)
  lemma :  _ _  _
  lemma (true  , true)  true  = refl _
  lemma (true  , true)  false = refl _
  lemma (true  , false) true  = refl _
  lemma (true  , false) false = refl _
  lemma (false , true)  true  = refl _
  lemma (false , true)  false = refl _
  lemma (false , false) true  = refl _
  lemma (false , false) false = refl _

-- Thus the lenses are equal (assuming univalence).

grenrus-example₁≡grenrus-example₂ :
  Univalence lzero 
  grenrus-example₁  grenrus-example₂
grenrus-example₁≡grenrus-example₂ univ =
    univ _ _ true

-- However, in a certain sense the lenses are "observably different".

grenrus-example₁-true :
  Lens.remainder grenrus-example₁ (true , true)  true
grenrus-example₁-true = refl _

grenrus-example₂-false :
  Lens.remainder grenrus-example₂ (true , true)  false
grenrus-example₂-false = refl _