-- Definitional interpreters can model systems with bounded space

-- In "Reasoning on Divergent Computations with Coaxioms" Ancona,
-- Dagnino and Zucca write the following:
--   "To assess the applicability and generality of our approach much
--   work is still needed. We are currently considering to apply
--   coaxioms to other kinds of semantics; in particular, trace
--   semantics seems particularly interesting for investigating
--   whether our approach is suitable for formalizing and proving
--   important safety properties of non terminating programs, as
--   ensuring that a server will never try to use infinite resources.
--   Other approaches based on definitional interpreters [Danielsson
--   2012], and the adoption of step counters [Amin and Rompf 2017;
--   Ancona 2014; Ernst et al. 2006; Owens et al. 2016] seem to be
--   appealing for proving type soundness properties with big-step
--   semantics, and other results concerning program equivalence;
--   however, it is not clear whether these solutions work well for
--   other kinds of properties. For instance, if a program consists of
--   an infinite loop that allocates new heap space at each step
--   without releasing it, one would like to conclude that it will
--   eventually crash even though a definitional interpreter returns
--   timeout for all possible values of the step counter."
-- This is an attempt to show that definitional interpreters can
-- handle this situation.

module Bounded-space where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Prelude
open import Tactic.By.Propositional
open import Prelude.Size

open import Colist equality-with-J
open import Nat equality-with-J

open import Delay-monad
open import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity as B
  hiding (reflexive; symmetric)

open import Only-allocation

-- Heaps

-- Bounded heaps. (Only a size, plus a proof showing that the size is
-- bounded.)

record Heap (limit : ) : Type where
    size  : 
    bound : size  limit

open Heap public

-- An empty heap.

empty :  {l}  Heap l
empty = record { size = zero; bound = zero≤ _ }

-- A full heap.

full :  l  Heap l
full l = record { size = l; bound = ≤-refl }

-- Reduces the heap's size by one. If the heap is empty, then it is
-- returned unchanged.

shrink :  {l}  Heap l  Heap l
shrink {l} h = record
  { size  = pred (h .size)
  ; bound = pred (h .size)  ≤⟨ pred≤ _ 
            h .size         ≤⟨ h .bound ⟩∎
            l               ∎≤

-- Increases the heap's size by one. If the heap already has the
-- maximum size, then nothing is returned.

grow :  {l}  Heap l  Maybe (Heap l)
grow {l} h with l ≤⊎> h .size
... | inj₁ _   = nothing
... | inj₂ h<l = just (record { size  = suc (h .size)
                              ; bound = h<l

-- Lemmas related to grow.

grow-full :
   {l} (h : Heap l)  h .size  l  grow h  nothing
grow-full {l} h h≡l with l ≤⊎> h .size
... | inj₁ _   = refl
... | inj₂ h<l =
  ⊥-elim (+≮ 0 (
    1 + h .size  ≤⟨ h<l 
    l            ≡⟨ sym h≡l ⟩≤
    h .size      ∎≤))

grow-not-full :
   {l} (h : Heap l) 
  h .size < l   λ h′  grow h  just h′ × h′ .size  1 + h .size
grow-not-full {l} h h<l with l ≤⊎> h .size
... | inj₂ _   = _ , refl , refl
... | inj₁ l≤h =
  ⊥-elim (+≮ 0 (
    1 + h .size  ≤⟨ h<l 
    l            ≤⟨ l≤h ⟩∎
    h .size      ∎≤))

-- Definitional interpreter

-- One step of computation.

step :  {l}  Stmt  Heap l  Maybe (Heap l)
step dealloc heap = just (shrink heap)
step alloc   heap = grow heap

-- A crashing computation.

crash :  {i l}  Delay (Maybe (Heap l)) i
crash = now nothing

-- A definitional interpreter.

⟦_⟧ :  {i l}  Program i  Heap l  Delay (Maybe (Heap l)) i
 []     heap = now (just heap)
 s  p  heap with step s heap
... | nothing       = crash
... | just new-heap = later λ { .force   p .force  new-heap }

-- A program equivalence

-- An equivalence relation that identifies programs that, given a
-- sufficient amount of memory, behave identically (up to weak
-- bisimilarity).

infix 4 [_]_≃_ [_]_≃′_

[_]_≃_ : Size  Program   Program   Type
[ i ] p  q =
   λ c 
   l (h : Heap l) 
  c + h .size  l 
  [ i ]  p  h   q  h

[_]_≃′_ : Size  Program   Program   Type
[ i ] p ≃′ q =
   λ c 
   l (h : Heap l) 
  c + h .size  l 
  [ i ]  p  h ≈′  q  h

-- The relation is an equivalence relation.

reflexive :  {i} p  [ i ] p  p
reflexive _ = 0 , λ _ _ _  B.reflexive _

symmetric :  {i p q}  [ i ] p  q  [ i ] q  p
symmetric = Σ-map id λ hyp l h c  B.symmetric (hyp l h c)

transitive :  {i p q r}  [  ] p  q  [  ] q  r  [ i ] p  r
transitive {p = p} {q} {r} (c₁ , p₁) (c₂ , p₂) =
  max c₁ c₂ , λ l h c 
     p  h  ≈⟨ p₁ l h (lemma₁ l h c) 
     q  h  ≈⟨ p₂ l h (lemma₂ l h c) ⟩∎
     r  h  
  lemma₁ = λ l h c 
    c₁ + h .size         ≤⟨ ˡ≤max c₁ _ +-mono ≤-refl 
    max c₁ c₂ + h .size  ≤⟨ c ⟩∎
    l                   ∎≤

  lemma₂ = λ l h c 
    c₂ + h .size         ≤⟨ ʳ≤max c₁ _ +-mono ≤-refl 
    max c₁ c₂ + h .size  ≤⟨ c ⟩∎
    l                   ∎≤

-- The relation is compatible with respect to the program formers.

[]-cong :  {i}  [ i ] []  []
[]-cong = reflexive []

∷-cong :  {s p q i}  [ i ] p .force ≃′ q .force  [ i ] s  p  s  q
∷-cong {dealloc} (c , p≈q) =
  c , λ l h c≤  later λ { .force  p≈q l (shrink h) (
        c + shrink h .size  ≤⟨ ≤-refl {n = c} +-mono pred≤ _ 
        c + h .size         ≤⟨ c≤ 
        l                   ∎≤) .force }
∷-cong {alloc} {p} {q} {i} (c , p≈q) = 1 + c , lemma
  lemma :  l (h : Heap l)  1 + c + h .size  l 
          [ i ]  alloc  p  h   alloc  q  h
  lemma l h 1+c≤ with l ≤⊎> h .size
  ... | inj₁ _   = now
  ... | inj₂ h<l = later λ { .force  p≈q l _ (
                     c + (1 + h .size)  ≡⟨ +-assoc c ⟩≤
                     c + 1 + h .size    ≡⟨ by (+-comm c) ⟩≤
                     1 + c + h .size    ≤⟨ 1+c≤ ⟩∎
                     l                  ∎≤) .force }

-- Some examples

-- The program bounded crashes when the heap is full.

bounded-crash :
   {i l} (h : Heap l) 
  h .size  l 
  [ i ]  bounded  h  crash
bounded-crash h h≡l
  rewrite grow-full h h≡l =

-- However, for smaller heaps the program loops.

bounded-loop :
   {i l} (h : Heap l) 
  h .size < l 
  [ i ]  bounded  h  never
bounded-loop {l = l} h <l
  with grow h | grow-not-full h <l
... | .(just h′) | h′ , refl , refl =
  later λ { .force 
  later λ { .force 
  bounded-loop _ <l }}

-- The program bounded₂ loops when there are at least two empty slots
-- in the heap.

bounded₂-loop :
   {i l} (h : Heap l) 
  2 + h .size  l 
  [ i ]  bounded₂  h  never
bounded₂-loop {i} {l} h 2+h≤l
  with grow h | grow-not-full h (<→≤ 2+h≤l)
... | .(just h′) | h′ , refl , refl = later λ { .force  lemma }
  lemma : [ i ]  force (tail bounded₂)  h′  never
  lemma with grow h′ | grow-not-full h′ 2+h≤l
  lemma | .(just h″) | h″ , refl , refl =
    later λ { .force 
    later λ { .force 
    later λ { .force 
    bounded₂-loop _ 2+h≤l }}}

-- The program unbounded crashes for all heaps.

unbounded-crash :
   {i l} (h : Heap l)  [ i ]  unbounded  h  crash
unbounded-crash {l = l} h = helper h (≤→≤↑ (h .bound))
  helper :
     {i} (h′ : Heap l)  size h′ ≤↑ l 
    [ i ]  unbounded  h′  crash
  helper h′ (≤↑-refl h′≡l)
    rewrite grow-full h′ h′≡l =
  helper h′ (≤↑-step 1+h′≤l)
    with grow h′ | grow-not-full h′ (≤↑→≤ 1+h′≤l)
  ... | .(just h″) | h″ , refl , refl =
    laterˡ (helper h″ 1+h′≤l)

-- The programs bounded and bounded₂ are ≃-equivalent.

bounded≃bounded₂ : [  ] bounded  bounded₂
bounded≃bounded₂ =
  2 , λ l h 2+h≤l 
     bounded  h   ≈⟨ bounded-loop _ (<→≤ 2+h≤l) 
    never           ≈⟨ B.symmetric (bounded₂-loop _ 2+h≤l) ⟩∎
     bounded₂  h  

-- The programs bounded and unbounded are not ≃-equivalent.

¬bounded≃unbounded :
  ¬ [  ] bounded  unbounded
¬bounded≃unbounded (c , c≈u) = now≉never (
  crash            ≈⟨ B.symmetric (unbounded-crash h) 
   unbounded  h  ≈⟨ B.symmetric (c≈u _ h (≤-refl +-mono zero≤ _)) 
   bounded  h    ≈⟨ bounded-loop h (m≤n+m _ _) ⟩∎
  never            )
  h : Heap (c + 1)
  h = record
    { size  = 0
    ; bound = zero≤ _