-- The syntax of a toy programming language that only supports
-- allocation and deallocation of memory

module Only-allocation where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Prelude
open import Prelude.Size

open import Colist equality-with-J

-- Programs

-- Statements.

data Stmt : Type where
  alloc dealloc : Stmt

-- Programs are potentially infinite sequences of statements.

Program : Size  Type
Program i = Colist Stmt i

-- Some examples

-- A program that runs in bounded space.

bounded :  {i}  Program i
bounded = alloc ∷′ dealloc  λ { .force  bounded }

-- Another program that runs in bounded space.

bounded₂ :  {i}  Program i
bounded₂ =
  alloc   ∷′ alloc   ∷′
  dealloc ∷′ dealloc  λ { .force  bounded₂ }

-- A program that does not run in bounded space.

unbounded :  {i}  Program i
unbounded = alloc  λ { .force  unbounded }