-- Internal coding

module Internal-coding where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Prelude hiding (const)

-- To simplify the development, let's work with actual natural numbers
-- as variables and constants (see
-- Atom.one-can-restrict-attention-to-χ-ℕ-atoms).

open import Atom

open import Chi            χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Coding         χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Constants      χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Free-variables χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Reasoning      χ-ℕ-atoms

open χ-atoms χ-ℕ-atoms

import Coding.Instances.Nat
open import Free-variables.Remove-substs


  -- Some auxiliary definitions.


    cd : Var  Exp
    cd x = apply (var v-internal-code) (var x)

    nullary-branch : Const  Br
    nullary-branch c =
      branch c [] (
        const c-const ( c  
           []  List Exp   []))

    unary-branch : Const  Br
    unary-branch c =
      branch c (v-x  []) (
        const c-const ( c  
          const c-cons (cd v-x 
             []  List Exp   [])  []))

    binary-branch : Const  Br
    binary-branch c =
      branch c (v-x  v-y  []) (
        const c-const ( c  
          const c-cons (cd v-x 
            const c-cons (cd v-y 
               []  List Exp   [])  [])  []))

    trinary-branch : Const  Br
    trinary-branch c =
      branch c (v-x  v-y  v-z  []) (
        const c-const ( c  
          const c-cons (cd v-x 
            const c-cons (cd v-y 
              const c-cons (cd v-z 
                 []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])  []))

    branches : List Br
    branches =
      nullary-branch c-zero 
      unary-branch c-suc 
      nullary-branch c-nil 
      binary-branch c-cons 
      binary-branch c-apply 
      binary-branch c-lambda 
      binary-branch c-case 
      binary-branch c-rec 
      unary-branch c-var 
      binary-branch c-const 
      trinary-branch c-branch 

  -- Internal coding.

  internal-code : Exp
  internal-code =
    rec v-internal-code (lambda v-p (case (var v-p) branches))

  internal-code-closed : Closed internal-code
  internal-code-closed = from-⊎ (closed? internal-code)

  -- The internal coder encodes natural numbers correctly.

  internal-code-correct-ℕ :
    (n : )  apply internal-code  n     n   Exp 
  internal-code-correct-ℕ n =
    apply internal-code  n   ⟶⟨ apply (rec lambda) (rep⇓rep n) 
    case  n  branches′       ⇓⟨ lemma n ⟩■
      n   Exp 
    branches′ : List Br
    branches′ = branches [ v-internal-code  internal-code ]B⋆

    lemma : (n : )  case  n  branches′    n   Exp 
    lemma zero =
      case  zero  branches′  ⇓⟨ case (rep⇓rep zero) here [] (rep⇓rep ( zero   Exp)) ⟩■
        zero   Exp 

    lemma (suc n) =
      case  suc n  branches′                        ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (suc n)) (there  ()) here) ( []) 

      const c-const ( c-suc  
        const c-cons (apply internal-code  n  
           []  List Exp   [])  [])               ⇓⟨ const (rep⇓rep c-suc 
                                                           const (internal-code-correct-ℕ n  rep⇓rep ([]  List Exp)  [])  []) ⟩■
        suc n   Exp 

  -- The internal coder encodes lists of variables correctly.

  internal-code-correct-Var⋆ :
    (xs : List Var) 
    apply internal-code  xs     xs   Exp 
  internal-code-correct-Var⋆ xs =
    apply internal-code  xs   ⟶⟨ apply (rec lambda) (rep⇓rep xs) 
    case  xs  branches′       ⇓⟨ lemma xs ⟩■
      xs   Exp 
    branches′ : List Br
    branches′ = branches [ v-internal-code  internal-code ]B⋆

    lemma : (xs : List Var) 
            case  xs  branches′    xs   Exp 
    lemma [] =
      case  []  List Var  branches′  ⇓⟨ case (rep⇓rep ([]  List Var)) (there  ()) (there  ()) here)) []
                                                (rep⇓rep ( []  List Var   Exp)) ⟩■
        []  List Var   Exp 

    lemma (x  xs) =
      case  x List.∷ xs  branches′                                    ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (x List.∷ xs))
                                                                              (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) here))) (  []) 
      const c-const ( c-cons  
        const c-cons (apply internal-code  x  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code ( xs  [ v-x   x  ]) 
             []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])                         ≡⟨ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶

      const c-const ( c-cons  
        const c-cons (apply internal-code  x  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code  xs  
             []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])                         ⇓⟨ const (rep⇓rep c-cons 
                                                                               const (internal-code-correct-ℕ x 
                                                                                 const (internal-code-correct-Var⋆ xs 
                                                                                   rep⇓rep ([]  List Exp)  [])  [])  []) ⟩■
        x List.∷ xs   Exp 


    -- The internal coder encodes expressions correctly.

    internal-code-correct :
      (p : Exp)  apply internal-code  p     p   Exp 
    internal-code-correct p =
      apply internal-code  p   ⟶⟨ apply (rec lambda) (rep⇓rep p) 
      case  p  branches′       ⇓⟨ lemma p ⟩■
        p   Exp 
      branches′ : List Br
      branches′ = branches [ v-internal-code  internal-code ]B⋆

      lemma : (p : Exp)  case  p  branches′    p   Exp 
      lemma (apply p₁ p₂) =
        case  Exp.apply p₁ p₂  branches′                                 ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (Exp.apply p₁ p₂))
                                                                                   (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ())
                                                                                      (there  ()) here))))
                                                                                   (  []) 
        const c-const ( c-apply  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code  p₁  
            const c-cons (apply internal-code ( p₂  [ v-x   p₁  ]) 
               []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])                          ≡⟨ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶

        const c-const ( c-apply  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code  p₁  
            const c-cons (apply internal-code  p₂  
               []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])                          ⇓⟨ const (rep⇓rep c-apply 
                                                                                const (internal-code-correct p₁ 
                                                                                  const (internal-code-correct p₂ 
                                                                                    rep⇓rep ([]  List Exp)  [])  [])  []) ⟩■
          Exp.apply p₁ p₂   Exp 

      lemma (lambda x p) =
        case  Exp.lambda x p  branches′                                ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (Exp.lambda x p))
                                                                                 (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ())
                                                                                    (there  ()) (there  ()) here)))))
                                                                                 (  []) 
        const c-const ( c-lambda  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code  x  
            const c-cons (apply internal-code ( p  [ v-x   x  ]) 
               []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])                        ≡⟨ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶

        const c-const ( c-lambda  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code  x  
            const c-cons (apply internal-code  p  
               []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])                        ⇓⟨ const (rep⇓rep c-lambda 
                                                                              const (internal-code-correct-ℕ x 
                                                                                const (internal-code-correct p 
                                                                                  rep⇓rep ([]  List Exp)  [])  [])  []) ⟩■
          Exp.lambda x p   Exp 

      lemma (case p bs) =
        case  Exp.case p bs  branches′                                  ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (Exp.case p bs))
                                                                                  (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ())
                                                                                     (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) here))))))
                                                                                  (  []) 
        const c-const ( c-case  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code  p  
            const c-cons (apply internal-code ( bs  [ v-x   p  ]) 
               []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])                         ≡⟨ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶

        const c-const ( c-case  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code  p  
            const c-cons (apply internal-code  bs  
               []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])                         ⇓⟨ const (rep⇓rep c-case 
                                                                               const (internal-code-correct p 
                                                                                 const (internal-code-correct-B⋆ bs 
                                                                                   rep⇓rep ([]  List Exp)  [])  [])  []) ⟩■
          Exp.case p bs   Exp 

      lemma (rec x p) =
        case  Exp.rec x p  branches′                                   ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (Exp.rec x p))
                                                                                 (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ())
                                                                                    (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) here)))))))
                                                                                 (  []) 
        const c-const ( c-rec  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code  x  
            const c-cons (apply internal-code ( p  [ v-x   x  ]) 
               []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])                        ≡⟨ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶
        const c-const ( c-rec  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code  x  
            const c-cons (apply internal-code  p  
               []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])                        ⇓⟨ const (rep⇓rep c-rec 
                                                                              const (internal-code-correct-ℕ x 
                                                                                const (internal-code-correct p 
                                                                                  rep⇓rep ([]  List Exp)  [])  [])  []) ⟩■
          Exp.rec x p   Exp 

      lemma (var x) =
        case  Exp.var x  branches′                 ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (Exp.var x))
                                                             (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ())
                                                                (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) here))))))))
                                                             ( []) 
        const c-const ( c-var  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code  x  
             []  List Exp   [])  [])            ⇓⟨ const (rep⇓rep c-var 
                                                          const (internal-code-correct-ℕ x  rep⇓rep ([]  List Exp)  [])  []) ⟩■
          Exp.var x   Exp 

      lemma (const c ps) =
        case  Exp.const c ps  branches′                                 ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (Exp.const c ps))
                                                                                  (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ())
                                                                                     (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ())
                                                                                        (there  ()) here)))))))))
                                                                                  (  []) 
        const c-const ( c-const  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code  c  
            const c-cons (apply internal-code ( ps  [ v-x   c  ]) 
               []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])                         ≡⟨ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶

        const c-const ( c-const  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code  c  
            const c-cons (apply internal-code  ps  
               []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])                         ⇓⟨ const (rep⇓rep c-const 
                                                                               const (internal-code-correct-ℕ c 
                                                                                 const (internal-code-correct-⋆ ps 
                                                                                   rep⇓rep ([]  List Exp)  [])  [])  []) ⟩■
          Exp.const c ps   Exp 

    -- The internal coder encodes branches correctly.

    internal-code-correct-B :
      (b : Br)  apply internal-code  b     b   Exp 
    internal-code-correct-B (branch c xs e) =
      apply internal-code  branch c xs e                              ⟶⟨ apply (rec lambda) (rep⇓rep (branch c xs e)) 

      case  branch c xs e  branches′                                  ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (branch c xs e))
                                                                                (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ())
                                                                                   (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ())
                                                                                      (there  ()) (there  ()) here))))))))))
                                                                                (   []) 
      const c-const ( c-branch  
        const c-cons (apply internal-code  c  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code ( xs  [ v-x   c  ]) 
            const c-cons (apply internal-code
                            ( e  [ v-y   xs  ] [ v-x   c  ]) 
               []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])  [])                 ≡⟨ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶

      const c-const ( c-branch  
        const c-cons (apply internal-code  c  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code  xs  
            const c-cons (apply internal-code  e  
               []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])  [])                 ⇓⟨ const (rep⇓rep c-branch 
                                                                             const (internal-code-correct-ℕ c 
                                                                               const (internal-code-correct-Var⋆ xs 
                                                                                 const (internal-code-correct e 
                                                                                   rep⇓rep ([]  List Exp)  [])  [])  [])  []) ⟩■
        branch c xs e   Exp 
      branches′ : List Br
      branches′ = branches [ v-internal-code  internal-code ]B⋆

    -- The internal coder encodes lists of expressions correctly.

    internal-code-correct-⋆ :
      (ps : List Exp) 
      apply internal-code  ps     ps   Exp 
    internal-code-correct-⋆ ps =
      apply internal-code  ps   ⟶⟨ apply (rec lambda) (rep⇓rep ps) 
      case  ps  branches′       ⇓⟨ lemma ps ⟩■
        ps   Exp 
      branches′ : List Br
      branches′ = branches [ v-internal-code  internal-code ]B⋆

      lemma : (ps : List Exp) 
              case  ps  branches′    ps   Exp 
      lemma [] =
        case  []  List Exp  branches′  ⇓⟨ case (rep⇓rep ([]  List Exp)) (there  ()) (there  ()) here)) []
                                                  (rep⇓rep ( []  List Exp   Exp)) ⟩■
          []  List Exp   Exp 

      lemma (p  ps) =
        case  p List.∷ ps  branches′                                    ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (p List.∷ ps))
                                                                                  (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) here))) (  []) 
        const c-const ( c-cons  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code  p  
            const c-cons (apply internal-code ( ps  [ v-x   p  ]) 
               []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])                         ≡⟨ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶
        const c-const ( c-cons  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code  p  
            const c-cons (apply internal-code  ps  
               []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])                         ⇓⟨ const (rep⇓rep c-cons 
                                                                               const (internal-code-correct p 
                                                                                 const (internal-code-correct-⋆ ps 
                                                                                   rep⇓rep ([]  List Exp)  [])  [])  []) ⟩■
          p List.∷ ps   Exp 

    -- The internal coder encodes lists of branches correctly.

    internal-code-correct-B⋆ :
      (bs : List Br) 
      apply internal-code  bs     bs   Exp 
    internal-code-correct-B⋆ bs =
      apply internal-code  bs   ⟶⟨ apply (rec lambda) (rep⇓rep bs) 
      case  bs  branches′       ⇓⟨ lemma bs ⟩■
        bs   Exp 
      branches′ : List Br
      branches′ = branches [ v-internal-code  internal-code ]B⋆

      lemma : (bs : List Br) 
              case  bs  branches′    bs   Exp 
      lemma [] =
        case  []  List Br  branches′  ⇓⟨ case (rep⇓rep ([]  List Br)) (there  ()) (there  ()) here)) []
                                                 (rep⇓rep ( []  List Br   Exp)) ⟩■
          []  List Br   Exp 

      lemma (b  bs) =
        case  b List.∷ bs  branches′                                    ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (b List.∷ bs))
                                                                                  (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) here))) (  []) 
        const c-const ( c-cons  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code  b  
            const c-cons (apply internal-code ( bs  [ v-x   b  ]) 
               []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])                         ≡⟨ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶
        const c-const ( c-cons  
          const c-cons (apply internal-code  b  
            const c-cons (apply internal-code  bs  
               []  List Exp   [])  [])  [])                         ⇓⟨ const (rep⇓rep c-cons 
                                                                               const (internal-code-correct-B b 
                                                                                 const (internal-code-correct-B⋆ bs 
                                                                                   rep⇓rep ([]  List Exp)  [])  [])  []) ⟩■
          b List.∷ bs   Exp