-- Alpha-equivalence

open import Atom

module Alpha-equivalence (atoms : χ-atoms) where

open import Equality.Propositional.Cubical
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude hiding (const; module List)

open import Bag-equivalence equality-with-J using (_∈_)
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Equivalence-relation equality-with-J
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms.Univalence equality-with-paths
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional equality-with-paths as T
  using (∥_∥)
open import List equality-with-J as List using (_++_)
open import List.All equality-with-J as All using (All)
import Nat equality-with-J as Nat
open import Quotient.Erased equality-with-paths as Q using (_/ᴱ_)
open import Sum equality-with-J
open import Univalence-axiom equality-with-J

open import Chi            atoms
open import Deterministic  atoms
open import Free-variables atoms hiding (swap)
open import Propositional  atoms
open import Substitution   atoms

open χ-atoms atoms

    A                                           : Type
    b b₁ b₂ b₃                                  : Br
    bs₁ bs₂ bs₃                                 : List Br
    c c₁ c₂                                     : Const
    e′ e₁ e₁′ e₂′ e₂ e₃ e₁₁ e₁₂ e₂₁ e₂₂ v₁      : Exp
    es₁ es₂ es₃ vs₁                             : List Exp
    R R₁ R₂ R₃                                  : A  A  Type
    e p q v x x₁ x₁′ x₂ x₂′ x₃ y y₁ y₂ y₃ z₁ z₂ : A
    xs xs₁ xs₂ xs₃ ys₁ ys₂                      : List A

-- The definition of α-equivalence

-- R [ x ∼ y ] relates x to y, and for pairs of variables x′, y′ such
-- that x is distinct from x′ and y is distinct from y′ it behaves
-- like R.

infix 5 _[_∼_]

_[_∼_] : (Var  Var  Type)  Var  Var  (Var  Var  Type)
(R [ x  y ]) x′ y′ =
  x  x′ × y  y′
  x  x′ × y  y′ × R x′ y′

-- Alpha R is α-equivalence up to R: free variables are related if
-- they are related by R.


  data Alpha (R : Var  Var  Type) : Exp  Exp  Type where
    apply :
      Alpha R e₁₁ e₁₂  Alpha R e₂₁ e₂₂ 
      Alpha R (apply e₁₁ e₂₁) (apply e₁₂ e₂₂)

    lambda :
      Alpha-binders R (x₁  []) e₁ (x₂  []) e₂ 
      Alpha R (lambda x₁ e₁) (lambda x₂ e₂)

    case :
      Alpha R e₁ e₂ 
      Listᴾ (Alpha-Br R) bs₁ bs₂ 
      Alpha R (case e₁ bs₁) (case e₂ bs₂)

    rec :
      Alpha-binders R (x₁  []) e₁ (x₂  []) e₂ 
      Alpha R (rec x₁ e₁) (rec x₂ e₂)

    var : R x₁ x₂  Alpha R (var x₁) (var x₂)

    const :
      c₁  c₂ 
      Listᴾ (Alpha R) es₁ es₂ 
      Alpha R (const c₁ es₁) (const c₂ es₂)

  data Alpha-Br (R : Var  Var  Type) : Br  Br  Type where
    branch :
      c₁  c₂ 
      Alpha-binders R xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂ 
      Alpha-Br R (branch c₁ xs₁ e₁) (branch c₂ xs₂ e₂)

  data Alpha-binders (R : Var  Var  Type) :
         List Var  Exp  List Var  Exp  Type where
    nil :
      Alpha R e₁ e₂ 
      Alpha-binders R [] e₁ [] e₂
    cons :
      Alpha-binders (R [ x₁  x₂ ]) xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂ 
      Alpha-binders R (x₁  xs₁) e₁ (x₂  xs₂) e₂

-- The α-equivalence relation.

infix 4 _≈α_

_≈α_ : Exp  Exp  Type
_≈α_ = Alpha _≡_

-- The α-equivalence relation is propositional

-- If R is pointwise propositional, then R [ x₁ ∼ x₂ ] is pointwise
-- propositional.

[∼]-propositional :
  (∀ x₁ x₂  Is-proposition (R x₁ x₂)) 
  Is-proposition ((R [ x₁  x₂ ]) y₁ y₂)
[∼]-propositional r (inj₁ _) (inj₁ _) =
  cong inj₁ $ ×-closure 1 V.Name-set V.Name-set _ _
[∼]-propositional r (inj₂ _) (inj₂ _) =
  cong inj₂ $
  ×-closure 1
    (¬-propositional ext)
    (×-closure 1 (¬-propositional ext) (r _ _))
    _ _
[∼]-propositional r (inj₁ (x₁≡y₁ , _)) (inj₂ (x₁≢y₁ , _)) =
  ⊥-elim $ x₁≢y₁ x₁≡y₁
[∼]-propositional r (inj₂ (x₁≢y₁ , _)) (inj₁ (x₁≡y₁ , _)) =
  ⊥-elim $ x₁≢y₁ x₁≡y₁

-- The α-equivalence relation is pointwise propositional.


  ≈α-propositional : Is-proposition (e₁ ≈α e₂)
  ≈α-propositional = Alpha-propositional  _ _  V.Name-set)

  Alpha-propositional :
    (∀ x₁ x₂  Is-proposition (R x₁ x₂)) 
    Is-proposition (Alpha R e₁ e₂)
  Alpha-propositional r (apply p₁ p₂) (apply q₁ q₂) =
    cong₂ apply
      (Alpha-propositional r p₁ q₁)
      (Alpha-propositional r p₂ q₂)
  Alpha-propositional r (lambda p) (lambda q) =
    cong lambda (Alpha-binders-propositional r p q)
  Alpha-propositional r (case p ps) (case q qs) =
    cong₂ case
      (Alpha-propositional r p q)
      (Listᴾ-Alpha-Br-propositional r ps qs)
  Alpha-propositional r (rec p) (rec q) =
    cong rec (Alpha-binders-propositional r p q)
  Alpha-propositional r (var p) (var q) =
    cong var (r _ _ p q)
  Alpha-propositional r (const p ps) (const q qs) =
    cong₂ const
      (C.Name-set p q)
      (Listᴾ-Alpha-propositional r ps qs)

  Alpha-Br-propositional :
    (∀ x₁ x₂  Is-proposition (R x₁ x₂)) 
    Is-proposition (Alpha-Br R b₁ b₂)
  Alpha-Br-propositional r (branch p₁ p₂) (branch q₁ q₂) =
    cong₂ branch
      (C.Name-set p₁ q₁)
      (Alpha-binders-propositional r p₂ q₂)

  Alpha-binders-propositional :
    (∀ x₁ x₂  Is-proposition (R x₁ x₂)) 
    Is-proposition (Alpha-binders R xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂)
  Alpha-binders-propositional r (nil p) (nil q) =
    cong nil (Alpha-propositional r p q)
  Alpha-binders-propositional r (cons p) (cons q) =
    cong cons $
       _ _  [∼]-propositional r)
      p q

  Listᴾ-Alpha-propositional :
    (∀ x₁ x₂  Is-proposition (R x₁ x₂)) 
    Is-proposition (Listᴾ (Alpha R) es₁ es₂)
  Listᴾ-Alpha-propositional {es₁ = []} {es₂ = []} _ _ _ =
    {es₁ = _  _} {es₂ = _  _} r (p , ps) (q , qs) =
    cong₂ _,_
      (Alpha-propositional r p q)
      (Listᴾ-Alpha-propositional r ps qs)

  Listᴾ-Alpha-Br-propositional :
    (∀ x₁ x₂  Is-proposition (R x₁ x₂)) 
    Is-proposition (Listᴾ (Alpha-Br R) bs₁ bs₂)
  Listᴾ-Alpha-Br-propositional {bs₁ = []} {bs₂ = []} _ _ _ =
    {bs₁ = _  _} {bs₂ = _  _} r (p , ps) (q , qs) =
    cong₂ _,_
      (Alpha-Br-propositional r p q)
      (Listᴾ-Alpha-Br-propositional r ps qs)

-- The functions _[_]ˡ and _[_]ʳ

-- Two variants of _[_∼_] for lists.

infix 5 _[_]ˡ _[_]ʳ

_[_]ˡ : (Var  Var  Type)  List (Var × Var)  Var  Var  Type
R [ xs  = List.foldl  R (x , y)  R [ x  y ]) R xs

_[_]ʳ : (Var  Var  Type)  List (Var × Var)  Var  Var  Type
R [ xs  = List.foldr  (x , y) R  R [ x  y ]) R xs

_ : R [ (x₁ , y₁)  (x₂ , y₂)  []   R [ x₁  y₁ ] [ x₂  y₂ ]
_ = refl

_ : R [ (x₁ , y₁)  (x₂ , y₂)  []   R [ x₂  y₂ ] [ x₁  y₁ ]
_ = refl

-- An alternative characterisation (up to logical equivalence) of
-- Alpha-binders for lists of equal length.

Alpha-binders⇔ :
  Alpha-binders R (List.map proj₁ xs) e₁ (List.map proj₂ xs) e₂ 
  Alpha (R [ xs ) e₁ e₂
Alpha-binders⇔ xs = record { to = to xs; from = from xs }
  to :
    Alpha-binders R (List.map proj₁ xs) e₁ (List.map proj₂ xs) e₂ 
    Alpha (R [ xs ) e₁ e₂
  to []       (nil p)  = p
  to (_  xs) (cons p) = to xs p

  from :
    Alpha (R [ xs ) e₁ e₂ 
    Alpha-binders R (List.map proj₁ xs) e₁ (List.map proj₂ xs) e₂
  from []       p = nil p
  from (_  xs) p = cons (from xs p)

-- Some properties related to reflexivity

-- If R y y holds assuming that y is distinct from x, then
-- (R [ x ∼ x ]) y y holds.

[≢→[∼]]→[∼] :
  (y  x  R y y) 
  (R [ x  x ]) y y
[≢→[∼]]→[∼] {y = y} {x = x} _ r = case x V.≟ y of λ where
  (yes x≡y)  inj₁ (x≡y , x≡y)
  (no  x≢y)  inj₂ ( x≢y , x≢y
                   , r (x≢y  sym)

-- Alpha R is reflexive for expressions for which R x x holds for
-- every free variable x.


  refl-Alpha :
     e  (∀ x  x ∈FV e  R x x)  Alpha R e e

  refl-Alpha (apply e₁ e₂) r =
    apply (refl-Alpha e₁ λ x x∈e₁  r x (apply-left  x∈e₁))
          (refl-Alpha e₂ λ x x∈e₂  r x (apply-right x∈e₂))

  refl-Alpha (lambda x e) r =
    lambda (refl-Alpha-binders (x  []) e
               y y∉[x] y∈e  r y (lambda (y∉[x]  inj₁) y∈e)))

  refl-Alpha (case e bs) r =
      (refl-Alpha e λ x x∈e 
         r x (case-head x∈e))
      (refl-Alpha-Br-⋆ bs λ x ∈bs x∉xs x∈ 
         r x (case-body x∈ ∈bs x∉xs))

  refl-Alpha (rec x e) r =
    rec (refl-Alpha-binders (x  []) e
            y y∉[x]  r y  rec (y∉[x]  inj₁)))

  refl-Alpha (var x) r =
    var (r x (var refl))

  refl-Alpha (const c es) r =
      (refl-Alpha-⋆ es λ x e e∈es x∈e 
         r x (const x∈e e∈es))

  refl-Alpha-Br :
     c xs e 
    (∀ x  ¬ x  xs  x ∈FV e  R x x) 
    Alpha-Br R (branch c xs e) (branch c xs e)
  refl-Alpha-Br _ xs e r =
    branch refl (refl-Alpha-binders xs e r)

  refl-Alpha-binders :
     xs e 
    (∀ x  ¬ x  xs  x ∈FV e  R x x) 
    Alpha-binders R xs e xs e
  refl-Alpha-binders [] e r =
    nil (refl-Alpha e λ x x∈e 
           r x  ()) x∈e)
  refl-Alpha-binders {R = R} (x  xs) e r =
    cons (refl-Alpha-binders xs e λ y y∉xs y∈e  [≢→[∼]]→[∼] R λ y≢x 
            r y [ y≢x , y∉xs ] y∈e)

  refl-Alpha-⋆ :
     es  (∀ x e  e  es  x ∈FV e  R x x) 
    Listᴾ (Alpha R) es es
  refl-Alpha-⋆ []       _ = _
  refl-Alpha-⋆ (e  es) r =
    refl-Alpha e  x x∈e  r x e (inj₁ refl) x∈e) ,
    refl-Alpha-⋆ es  x e e∈es x∈e  r x e (inj₂ e∈es) x∈e)

  refl-Alpha-Br-⋆ :
    (∀ x {c xs e}  branch c xs e  bs  ¬ x  xs  x ∈FV e  R x x) 
    Listᴾ (Alpha-Br R) bs bs
  refl-Alpha-Br-⋆ []                   r = _
  refl-Alpha-Br-⋆ (branch c xs e  bs) r =
    refl-Alpha-Br c xs e  x x∉xs x∈e  r x (inj₁ refl) x∉xs x∈e) ,
    refl-Alpha-Br-⋆ bs  x ∈bs x∉xs x∈  r x (inj₂ ∈bs) x∉xs x∈)

-- The α-equivalence relation is reflexive.

refl-α : e ≈α e
refl-α = refl-Alpha _  _ _  refl)

-- The α-equivalence relation for branches is reflexive.

refl-α-Br : Alpha-Br _≡_ b b
refl-α-Br {b = branch _ _ _} =
  refl-Alpha-Br _ _ _  _ _ _  refl)

-- Equational reasoning combinators.

infix  -1 finally-α _∎α
infixr -2 step-≡-≈α step-≈α-≡ _≡⟨⟩α_

_∎α :  e  e ≈α e
_ ∎α = refl-α

step-≡-≈α :  e₁  e₂ ≈α e₃  e₁  e₂  e₁ ≈α e₃
step-≡-≈α _ e₂≈e₃ e₁≡e₂ = subst (_≈α _) (sym e₁≡e₂) e₂≈e₃

syntax step-≡-≈α e₁ e₂≈e₃ e₁≡e₂ = e₁ ≡⟨ e₁≡e₂ ⟩α e₂≈e₃

step-≈α-≡ :  e₁  e₂  e₃  e₁ ≈α e₂  e₁ ≈α e₃
step-≈α-≡ _ e₂≡e₃ e₁≈e₂ = subst (_ ≈α_) e₂≡e₃ e₁≈e₂

syntax step-≈α-≡ e₁ e₂≡e₃ e₁≈e₂ = e₁ ≈⟨ e₁≈e₂ ⟩α e₂≡e₃

_≡⟨⟩α_ :  e₁  e₁ ≈α e₂  e₁ ≈α e₂
_ ≡⟨⟩α e₁≈e₂ = e₁≈e₂

finally-α :  e₁ e₂  e₁ ≈α e₂  e₁ ≈α e₂
finally-α _ _ e₁≈e₂ = e₁≈e₂

syntax finally-α e₁ e₂ e₁≈e₂ = e₁ ≈⟨ e₁≈e₂ ⟩α∎ e₂ 

-- A map function

-- A kind of map function for _[_∼_].

map-[∼] :
   R₁  (∀ {x₁ x₂}  R₁ x₁ x₂  R₂ x₁ x₂) 
  (R₁ [ x₁  x₂ ]) x₁′ x₂′ 
  (R₂ [ x₁  x₂ ]) x₁′ x₂′
map-[∼] _ r = ⊎-map id (Σ-map id (Σ-map id r))

-- A kind of map function for _[_]ˡ.

map-[]ˡ :
   xs  (∀ {x₁ x₂}  R₁ x₁ x₂  R₂ x₁ x₂) 
  (R₁ [ xs ) x₁ x₂ 
  (R₂ [ xs ) x₁ x₂
map-[]ˡ []       r = r
map-[]ˡ {R₁ = R₁} {R₂ = R₂} {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂} ((y₁ , y₂)  xs) r =
  (R₁ [ y₁  y₂ ] [ xs ) x₁ x₂  →⟨ map-[]ˡ xs (map-[∼] _  {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂}  r {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂})) ⟩□
  (R₂ [ y₁  y₂ ] [ xs ) x₁ x₂  

-- A kind of map function for _[_]ʳ.

map-[]ʳ :
   xs  (∀ {x₁ x₂}  R₁ x₁ x₂  R₂ x₁ x₂) 
  (R₁ [ xs ) x₁ x₂ 
  (R₂ [ xs ) x₁ x₂
map-[]ʳ [] r =
map-[]ʳ {R₁ = R₁} {R₂ = R₂} {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂} ((y₁ , y₂)  xs) r =
  (R₁ [ xs  [ y₁  y₂ ]) x₁ x₂  →⟨ map-[∼] _  {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂}  map-[]ʳ {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂} xs r) ⟩□
  (R₂ [ xs  [ y₁  y₂ ]) x₁ x₂  

-- A kind of map function for Alpha.


  map-Alpha :
    (∀ {x₁ x₂}  R₁ x₁ x₂  R₂ x₁ x₂) 
    Alpha R₁ e₁ e₂  Alpha R₂ e₁ e₂

  map-Alpha r (var Rx₁x₂) = var (r Rx₁x₂)

  map-Alpha r (lambda e₁≈e₂) =
    lambda (map-Alpha-binders r e₁≈e₂)

  map-Alpha r (rec e₁≈e₂) =
    rec (map-Alpha-binders r e₁≈e₂)

  map-Alpha r (apply e₁₁≈e₁₂ e₂₁≈e₂₂) =
    apply (map-Alpha r e₁₁≈e₁₂) (map-Alpha r e₂₁≈e₂₂)

  map-Alpha r (const c₁≡c₂ es₁≈es₂) =
    const c₁≡c₂ (map-Alpha-⋆ r es₁≈es₂)

  map-Alpha r (case e₁≈e₂ bs₁≈bs₂) =
    case (map-Alpha r e₁≈e₂)
         (map-Alpha-Br-⋆ r bs₁≈bs₂)

  map-Alpha-Br :
    (∀ {x₁ x₂}  R₁ x₁ x₂  R₂ x₁ x₂) 
    Alpha-Br R₁ b₁ b₂  Alpha-Br R₂ b₁ b₂
  map-Alpha-Br r (branch c₁≡c₂ bs₁≈bs₂) =
    branch c₁≡c₂ (map-Alpha-binders r bs₁≈bs₂)

  map-Alpha-binders :
    (∀ {x₁ x₂}  R₁ x₁ x₂  R₂ x₁ x₂) 
    Alpha-binders R₁ xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂  Alpha-binders R₂ xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂
  map-Alpha-binders r (nil e₁≈e₂) =
    nil (map-Alpha r e₁≈e₂)
  map-Alpha-binders {R₁ = R₁} r (cons b₁≈b₂) =
    cons (map-Alpha-binders (map-[∼] R₁ r) b₁≈b₂)

  map-Alpha-⋆ :
    (∀ {x₁ x₂}  R₁ x₁ x₂  R₂ x₁ x₂) 
    Listᴾ (Alpha R₁) es₁ es₂  Listᴾ (Alpha R₂) es₁ es₂
  map-Alpha-⋆ {es₁ = []} {es₂ = []} _ _ =
  map-Alpha-⋆ {es₁ = _  _} {es₂ = _  _} r (e₁≈e₂ , es₁≈es₂) =
    map-Alpha r e₁≈e₂ , map-Alpha-⋆ r es₁≈es₂

  map-Alpha-Br-⋆ :
    (∀ {x₁ x₂}  R₁ x₁ x₂  R₂ x₁ x₂) 
    Listᴾ (Alpha-Br R₁) bs₁ bs₂  Listᴾ (Alpha-Br R₂) bs₁ bs₂
  map-Alpha-Br-⋆ {bs₁ = []} {bs₂ = []} _ _ =
  map-Alpha-Br-⋆ {bs₁ = _  _} {bs₂ = _  _} r (b₁≈b₂ , bs₁≈bs₂) =
    map-Alpha-Br r b₁≈b₂ , map-Alpha-Br-⋆ r bs₁≈bs₂

-- Symmetry

-- A kind of symmetry holds for _[_∼_].

sym-[∼] :
  (R [ x₁  x₂ ]) x₁′ x₂′ 
  (flip R [ x₂  x₁ ]) x₂′ x₁′
sym-[∼] _ =
  ⊎-map swap
         (x₁≢x₁′ , x₂≢x₂′ , R₁x₁′x₂′) 
           x₂≢x₂′ , x₁≢x₁′ , R₁x₁′x₂′)

-- A kind of symmetry holds for _[_]ˡ.

sym-[]ˡ :
  (R [ xs ) x₁ x₂ 
  (flip R [ List.map swap xs ) x₂ x₁
sym-[]ˡ [] =
sym-[]ˡ {R = R} {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂} ((y₁ , y₂)  xs) =
  (R [ y₁  y₂ ] [ xs ) x₁ x₂                       →⟨ sym-[]ˡ xs 
  (flip (R [ y₁  y₂ ]) [ List.map swap xs ) x₂ x₁  →⟨ map-[]ˡ (List.map swap xs) (sym-[∼] R) ⟩□
  (flip R [ y₂  y₁ ] [ List.map swap xs ) x₂ x₁    

-- A kind of symmetry holds for _[_]ʳ.

sym-[]ʳ :
  (R [ xs ) x₁ x₂ 
  (flip R [ List.map swap xs ) x₂ x₁
sym-[]ʳ [] =
sym-[]ʳ {R = R} {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂} ((y₁ , y₂)  xs) =
  (R [ xs  [ y₁  y₂ ]) x₁ x₂                     →⟨ sym-[∼] (R [ xs ) 
  (flip (R [ xs ) [ y₂  y₁ ]) x₂ x₁              →⟨ map-[∼] (flip (R [ xs )) (sym-[]ʳ xs) ⟩□
  (flip R [ List.map swap xs  [ y₂  y₁ ]) x₂ x₁  

-- A kind of symmetry holds for Alpha.


  sym-Alpha : Alpha R e₁ e₂  Alpha (flip R) e₂ e₁

  sym-Alpha (var Rx₁x₂) = var Rx₁x₂

  sym-Alpha (lambda e₁≈e₂) =
    lambda (sym-Alpha-binders e₁≈e₂)

  sym-Alpha (rec e₁≈e₂) =
    rec (sym-Alpha-binders e₁≈e₂)

  sym-Alpha (apply e₁₁≈e₁₂ e₂₁≈e₂₂) =
    apply (sym-Alpha e₁₁≈e₁₂) (sym-Alpha e₂₁≈e₂₂)

  sym-Alpha (const c₁≡c₂ es₁≈es₂) =
    const (sym c₁≡c₂) (sym-Alpha-⋆ es₁≈es₂)

  sym-Alpha (case e₁≈e₂ bs₁≈bs₂) =
    case (sym-Alpha e₁≈e₂)
         (sym-Alpha-Br-⋆ bs₁≈bs₂)

  sym-Alpha-Br :
    Alpha-Br R b₁ b₂  Alpha-Br (flip R) b₂ b₁
  sym-Alpha-Br (branch c₁≡c₂ bs₁≈bs₂) =
    branch (sym c₁≡c₂) (sym-Alpha-binders bs₁≈bs₂)

  sym-Alpha-binders :
    Alpha-binders R xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂  Alpha-binders (flip R) xs₂ e₂ xs₁ e₁
  sym-Alpha-binders (nil e₁≈e₂) =
    nil (sym-Alpha e₁≈e₂)
  sym-Alpha-binders {R = R} (cons b₁≈b₂) =
    cons (map-Alpha-binders (sym-[∼] R) (sym-Alpha-binders b₁≈b₂))

  sym-Alpha-⋆ :
    Listᴾ (Alpha R) es₁ es₂  Listᴾ (Alpha (flip R)) es₂ es₁
  sym-Alpha-⋆ {es₁ = []} {es₂ = []} _ =
  sym-Alpha-⋆ {es₁ = _  _} {es₂ = _  _} (e₁≈e₂ , es₁≈es₂) =
    sym-Alpha e₁≈e₂ , sym-Alpha-⋆ es₁≈es₂

  sym-Alpha-Br-⋆ :
    Listᴾ (Alpha-Br R) bs₁ bs₂  Listᴾ (Alpha-Br (flip R)) bs₂ bs₁
  sym-Alpha-Br-⋆ {bs₁ = []} {bs₂ = []} _ =
  sym-Alpha-Br-⋆ {bs₁ = _  _} {bs₂ = _  _} (b₁≈b₂ , bs₁≈bs₂) =
    sym-Alpha-Br b₁≈b₂ , sym-Alpha-Br-⋆ bs₁≈bs₂

-- The α-equivalence relation is symmetric.

sym-α : e₁ ≈α e₂  e₂ ≈α e₁
sym-α = map-Alpha sym  sym-Alpha

-- The α-equivalence relation for branches is symmetric.

sym-α-Br : Alpha-Br _≡_ b₁ b₂  Alpha-Br _≡_ b₂ b₁
sym-α-Br = map-Alpha-Br sym  sym-Alpha-Br

-- Transitivity

-- A kind of transitivity holds for _[_∼_].

trans-[∼] :
  (∀ y₁ y₂ y₃  R₁ y₁ y₂  R₂ y₂ y₃  R₃ y₁ y₃) 
  (R₁ [ x₁  x₂ ]) y₁ y₂ 
  (R₂ [ x₂  x₃ ]) y₂ y₃ 
  (R₃ [ x₁  x₃ ]) y₁ y₃
trans-[∼] _ (inj₁ (x₁≡y₁ , _)) (inj₁ (_ , x₃≡y₃)) =
  inj₁ (x₁≡y₁ , x₃≡y₃)
trans-[∼] r (inj₂ (x₁≢y₁ , _ , y₁R₁y₂)) (inj₂ (_ , x₃≢y₃ , y₂R₂y₃)) =
  inj₂ (x₁≢y₁ , x₃≢y₃ , r _ _ _ y₁R₁y₂ y₂R₂y₃)
trans-[∼] _ (inj₁ (_ , x₂≡y₂)) (inj₂ (x₂≢y₂ , _)) =
  ⊥-elim $ x₂≢y₂ x₂≡y₂
trans-[∼] _ (inj₂ (_ , x₂≢y₂ , _)) (inj₁ (x₂≡y₂ , _)) =
  ⊥-elim $ x₂≢y₂ x₂≡y₂

-- A kind of transitivity holds for _[_]ˡ.

trans-[]ˡ :
  (∀ y₁ y₂ y₃  R₁ y₁ y₂  R₂ y₂ y₃  R₃ y₁ y₃) 
  (xs : List (Var × Var × Var)) 
  (R₁ [ List.map  (x₁ , x₂ , x₃)  x₁ , x₂) xs ) y₁ y₂ 
  (R₂ [ List.map  (x₁ , x₂ , x₃)  x₂ , x₃) xs ) y₂ y₃ 
  (R₃ [ List.map  (x₁ , x₂ , x₃)  x₁ , x₃) xs ) y₁ y₃
trans-[]ˡ r [] =
  r _ _ _
  {R₁ = R₁} {R₂ = R₂} {R₃ = R₃} {y₁ = y₁} {y₂ = y₂} {y₃ = y₃}
  r ((x₁ , x₂ , x₃)  xs) = curry
  ((R₁ [ x₁  x₂ ] [ List.map  (x₁ , x₂ , x₃)  x₁ , x₂) xs ) y₁ y₂
   (R₂ [ x₂  x₃ ] [ List.map  (x₁ , x₂ , x₃)  x₂ , x₃) xs ) y₂ y₃  →⟨ uncurry (trans-[]ˡ  _ _ _  trans-[∼] r) xs) ⟩□

   (R₃ [ x₁  x₃ ] [ List.map  (x₁ , x₂ , x₃)  x₁ , x₃) xs ) y₁ y₃  )

-- A kind of transitivity holds for _[_]ʳ.

trans-[]ʳ :
  (∀ y₁ y₂ y₃  R₁ y₁ y₂  R₂ y₂ y₃  R₃ y₁ y₃) 
  (xs : List (Var × Var × Var)) 
  (R₁ [ List.map  (x₁ , x₂ , x₃)  x₁ , x₂) xs ) y₁ y₂ 
  (R₂ [ List.map  (x₁ , x₂ , x₃)  x₂ , x₃) xs ) y₂ y₃ 
  (R₃ [ List.map  (x₁ , x₂ , x₃)  x₁ , x₃) xs ) y₁ y₃
trans-[]ʳ r [] =
  r _ _ _
  {R₁ = R₁} {R₂ = R₂} {R₃ = R₃} {y₁ = y₁} {y₂ = y₂} {y₃ = y₃}
  r ((x₁ , x₂ , x₃)  xs) = curry
  ((R₁ [ List.map  (x₁ , x₂ , x₃)  x₁ , x₂) xs  [ x₁  x₂ ]) y₁ y₂
   (R₂ [ List.map  (x₁ , x₂ , x₃)  x₂ , x₃) xs  [ x₂  x₃ ]) y₂ y₃  →⟨ (uncurry $ trans-[∼] λ y₁ y₂ y₃ 
                                                                             trans-[]ʳ {y₁ = y₁} {y₂ = y₂} {y₃ = y₃} r xs) ⟩□
   (R₃ [ List.map  (x₁ , x₂ , x₃)  x₁ , x₃) xs  [ x₁  x₃ ]) y₁ y₃  )

-- A kind of transitivity holds for Alpha.


  trans-Alpha :
    (∀ y₁ y₂ y₃  R₁ y₁ y₂  R₂ y₂ y₃  R₃ y₁ y₃) 
    Alpha R₁ e₁ e₂  Alpha R₂ e₂ e₃  Alpha R₃ e₁ e₃

  trans-Alpha r (var p) (var q) = var (r _ _ _ p q)

  trans-Alpha r (lambda p) (lambda q) =
    lambda (trans-Alpha-binders r p q)

  trans-Alpha r (rec p) (rec q) =
    rec (trans-Alpha-binders r p q)

  trans-Alpha r (apply p₁ p₂) (apply q₁ q₂) =
    apply (trans-Alpha r p₁ q₁) (trans-Alpha r p₂ q₂)

  trans-Alpha r (const p ps) (const q qs) =
    const (trans p q) (trans-Alpha-⋆ r ps qs)

  trans-Alpha r (case p ps) (case q qs) =
    case (trans-Alpha r p q)
         (trans-Alpha-Br-⋆ r ps qs)

  trans-Alpha-Br :
    (∀ y₁ y₂ y₃  R₁ y₁ y₂  R₂ y₂ y₃  R₃ y₁ y₃) 
    Alpha-Br R₁ b₁ b₂  Alpha-Br R₂ b₂ b₃  Alpha-Br R₃ b₁ b₃
  trans-Alpha-Br r (branch p₁ p₂) (branch q₁ q₂) =
    branch (trans p₁ q₁) (trans-Alpha-binders r p₂ q₂)

  trans-Alpha-binders :
    (∀ y₁ y₂ y₃  R₁ y₁ y₂  R₂ y₂ y₃  R₃ y₁ y₃) 
    Alpha-binders R₁ xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂ 
    Alpha-binders R₂ xs₂ e₂ xs₃ e₃ 
    Alpha-binders R₃ xs₁ e₁ xs₃ e₃
  trans-Alpha-binders r (nil p) (nil q) =
    nil (trans-Alpha r p q)
  trans-Alpha-binders r (cons p) (cons q) =
    cons (trans-Alpha-binders  _ _ _  trans-[∼] r) p q)

  trans-Alpha-⋆ :
    (∀ y₁ y₂ y₃  R₁ y₁ y₂  R₂ y₂ y₃  R₃ y₁ y₃) 
    Listᴾ (Alpha R₁) es₁ es₂ 
    Listᴾ (Alpha R₂) es₂ es₃ 
    Listᴾ (Alpha R₃) es₁ es₃
  trans-Alpha-⋆ {es₁ = []} {es₂ = []} {es₃ = []} _ _ _ =
    {es₁ = _  _} {es₂ = _  _} {es₃ = _  _} r (p , ps) (q , qs) =
    trans-Alpha r p q , trans-Alpha-⋆ r ps qs

  trans-Alpha-Br-⋆ :
    (∀ y₁ y₂ y₃  R₁ y₁ y₂  R₂ y₂ y₃  R₃ y₁ y₃) 
    Listᴾ (Alpha-Br R₁) bs₁ bs₂ 
    Listᴾ (Alpha-Br R₂) bs₂ bs₃ 
    Listᴾ (Alpha-Br R₃) bs₁ bs₃
  trans-Alpha-Br-⋆ {bs₁ = []} {bs₂ = []} {bs₃ = []} _ _ _ =
    {bs₁ = _  _} {bs₂ = _  _} {bs₃ = _  _} r (p , ps) (q , qs) =
    trans-Alpha-Br r p q , trans-Alpha-Br-⋆ r ps qs

-- The α-equivalence relation is transitive.

trans-α : e₁ ≈α e₂  e₂ ≈α e₃  e₁ ≈α e₃
trans-α = trans-Alpha  _ _ _  trans)

-- The α-equivalence relation for branches is transitive.

trans-α-Br :
  Alpha-Br _≡_ b₁ b₂  Alpha-Br _≡_ b₂ b₃  Alpha-Br _≡_ b₁ b₃
trans-α-Br = trans-Alpha-Br  _ _ _  trans)

-- Some lemmas related to _[_∼_]

-- If x₁ is not equal to y₁ and x₂ is equal to y₂, then
-- R [ x₁ ∼ x₂ ] [ y₁ ∼ y₂ ] does not hold for x₁ and any value.

≢≡→¬[∼][∼] :
   R  x₁  y₁  x₂  y₂ 
  ¬ (R [ x₁  x₂ ] [ y₁  y₂ ]) x₁ z₂
  {x₁ = x₁} {y₁ = y₁} {x₂ = x₂} {y₂ = y₂} {z₂ = z₂} R x₁≢y₁ x₂≡y₂ =

  (R [ x₁  x₂ ] [ y₁  y₂ ]) x₁ z₂  →⟨ [ ⊥-elim  x₁≢y₁  sym  proj₁
                                        , proj₂
  y₂  z₂ × (R [ x₁  x₂ ]) x₁ z₂    →⟨ (∃-cong λ _ 
                                         [ proj₂
                                         , ⊥-elim  (_$ refl)  proj₁
  y₂  z₂ × x₂  z₂                  →⟨ proj₁  (×-cong₁ λ x₂≡z₂  _∘ flip trans x₂≡z₂) 
  y₂  x₂                            →⟨ _$ sym x₂≡y₂ ⟩□

-- If x₁ is equal to y₁ and x₂ is not equal to y₂, then
-- R [ x₁ ∼ x₂ ] [ y₁ ∼ y₂ ] does not hold for any value and x₂.

≡≢→¬[∼][∼] :
   R  x₁  y₁  x₂  y₂ 
  ¬ (R [ x₁  x₂ ] [ y₁  y₂ ]) z₁ x₂
  {x₁ = x₁} {y₁ = y₁} {x₂ = x₂} {y₂ = y₂} {z₁ = z₁} R x₁≡y₁ x₂≢y₂ =

  (R [ x₁  x₂ ] [ y₁  y₂ ]) z₁ x₂         →⟨ sym-[∼] (R [ x₁  x₂ ]) 
  (flip (R [ x₁  x₂ ]) [ y₂  y₁ ]) x₂ z₁  →⟨ map-[∼] (flip (R [ x₁  x₂ ])) (sym-[∼] R) 
  (flip R [ x₂  x₁ ] [ y₂  y₁ ]) x₂ z₁    →⟨ ≢≡→¬[∼][∼] (flip R) x₂≢y₂ x₁≡y₁ ⟩□

-- If x₁ is not equal to y₁ and x₂ is not equal to y₂, then
-- (R [ x₁ ∼ x₂ ] [ y₁ ∼ y₂ ]) z₁ z₂ implies
-- (R [ y₁ ∼ y₂ ] [ x₁ ∼ x₂ ]) z₁ z₂.

swap-[∼] :
   R  x₁  y₁  x₂  y₂ 
  (R [ x₁  x₂ ] [ y₁  y₂ ]) z₁ z₂ 
  (R [ y₁  y₂ ] [ x₁  x₂ ]) z₁ z₂
  {x₁ = x₁} {y₁ = y₁} {x₂ = x₂} {y₂ = y₂} {z₁ = z₁} {z₂ = z₂}
  R x₁≢y₁ x₂≢y₂ =
  y₁  z₁ × y₂  z₂ 
  y₁  z₁ × y₂  z₂ ×
  (x₁  z₁ × x₂  z₂ 
   x₁  z₁ × x₂  z₂ × R z₁ z₂)  →⟨ [  (y₁≡z₁ , y₂≡z₂) 
                                         inj₂ ( x₁≢y₁  flip trans (sym y₁≡z₁)
                                              , x₂≢y₂  flip trans (sym y₂≡z₂)
                                              , inj₁ (y₁≡z₁ , y₂≡z₂)
                                    , (uncurry λ y₁≢z₁  uncurry λ y₂≢z₂ 
                                       ⊎-map id λ (x₁≢z₁ , x₂≢z₂ , z₁Rz₂) 
                                       x₁≢z₁ , x₂≢z₂ , inj₂ (y₁≢z₁ , y₂≢z₂ , z₁Rz₂))
                                    ] ⟩□
  x₁  z₁ × x₂  z₂ 
  x₁  z₁ × x₂  z₂ ×
  (y₁  z₁ × y₂  z₂ 
   y₁  z₁ × y₂  z₂ × R z₁ z₂)  

-- If x₁ is equal to y₁ or x₂ is equal to y₂, then
-- (R [ x₁ ∼ x₂ ] [ y₁ ∼ y₂ ]) z₁ z₂ implies (R [ y₁ ∼ y₂ ]) z₁ z₂.

drop-[∼] :
   R  x₁  y₁  x₂  y₂ 
  (R [ x₁  x₂ ] [ y₁  y₂ ]) z₁ z₂ 
  (R [ y₁  y₂ ]) z₁ z₂
  {x₁ = x₁} {y₁ = y₁} {x₂ = x₂} {y₂ = y₂} {z₁ = z₁} {z₂ = z₂}
  R x₁≡y₁⊎x₂≡y₂ =
  y₁  z₁ × y₂  z₂ 
  y₁  z₁ × y₂  z₂ ×
  (x₁  z₁ × x₂  z₂ 
   x₁  z₁ × x₂  z₂ × R z₁ z₂)  →⟨ (⊎-map id $ uncurry λ y₁≢z₁  uncurry λ y₂≢z₂ 
                                     [  (x₁≡z₁ , x₂≡z₂)  ⊥-elim $
                                          [  x₁≡y₁  y₁≢z₁ $ trans (sym x₁≡y₁) x₁≡z₁)
                                          ,  x₂≡y₂  y₂≢z₂ $ trans (sym x₂≡y₂) x₂≡z₂)
                                          ] x₁≡y₁⊎x₂≡y₂)
                                     ,  (_ , _ , z₁Rz₂) 
                                          y₁≢z₁ , y₂≢z₂ , z₁Rz₂)
                                     ]) ⟩□
  y₁  z₁ × y₂  z₂ 
  y₁  z₁ × y₂  z₂ × R z₁ z₂    

-- A kind of weakening property

-- If (_≡_ [ xs ]ʳ) x₁ x₂ holds, and it is "merely true" that x₁ is
-- equal to the first projection of an element in xs, then
-- (R [ xs ]ʳ) x₁ x₂ holds for any R.

≡-[]ʳ→[]ʳ :
   x₁  List.map proj₁ xs  
  (_≡_ [ xs ) x₁ x₂ 
  (R [ xs ) x₁ x₂
≡-[]ʳ→[]ʳ {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂} {R = R} [] cl _ =
               $⟨ cl 
   x₁  []   ↔⟨⟩
            ↔⟨ T.∥∥↔ ⊥-propositional 
              →⟨ ⊥-elim ⟩□
  R x₁ x₂      
≡-[]ʳ→[]ʳ {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂} {R = R} ((y₁ , y₂)  xs) cl =
  (_≡_ [ xs  [ y₁  y₂ ]) x₁ x₂                              ↔⟨⟩
  y₁  x₁ × y₂  x₂  y₁  x₁ × y₂  x₂ × (_≡_ [ xs ) x₁ x₂  →⟨ (⊎-map id $ ∃-cong λ y₁≢x₁  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                   ≡-[]ʳ→[]ʳ xs (cl′ y₁≢x₁)) 
  y₁  x₁ × y₂  x₂  y₁  x₁ × y₂  x₂ × (R [ xs ) x₁ x₂    ↔⟨⟩
  (R   [ xs  [ y₁  y₂ ]) x₁ x₂                              
  cl′ : y₁  x₁   x₁  List.map proj₁ xs 
  cl′ y₁≢x₁ =                             $⟨ cl 
     x₁  y₁  List.map proj₁ xs        ↔⟨⟩
     x₁  y₁  x₁  List.map proj₁ xs   →⟨ T.∥∥-map [ ⊥-elim  y₁≢x₁  sym , id ] ⟩□
     x₁  List.map proj₁ xs             

-- The previous lemma was stated using ∥ x₁ ∈ List.map proj₁ xs ∥. As
-- the following lemma shows this choice was a bit arbitrary.

≡-[]ʳ→∈₁⇔∈₂ :
  (_≡_ [ xs ) x₁ x₂ 
  x₁  List.map proj₁ xs  x₂  List.map proj₂ xs
≡-[]ʳ→∈₁⇔∈₂ {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂} xs p =
  record { to = curry (to xs) p; from = from }
  to :
     {x₁ x₂} xs 
    (_≡_ [ xs ) x₁ x₂ × x₁  List.map proj₁ xs 
    x₂  List.map proj₂ xs
  to {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂} ((y₁ , y₂)  xs) =
    (y₁  x₁ × y₂  x₂  y₁  x₁ × y₂  x₂ × (_≡_ [ xs ) x₁ x₂) ×
    (x₁  y₁  x₁  List.map proj₁ xs)                                    ↔⟨ (F.id ⊎-cong ∃-⊎-distrib-left) F.∘
    (y₁  x₁ × y₂  x₂) × (x₁  y₁  x₁  List.map proj₁ xs) 
    ((y₁  x₁ × y₂  x₂ × (_≡_ [ xs ) x₁ x₂) × x₁  y₁ 
     (y₁  x₁ × y₂  x₂ × (_≡_ [ xs ) x₁ x₂) × x₁  List.map proj₁ xs)  →⟨ ⊎-map (sym  proj₂  proj₁)
                                                                               [  ((y₁≢x₁ , _) , x₁≡y₁)  ⊥-elim $ y₁≢x₁ (sym x₁≡y₁))
                                                                               , Σ-map (proj₂  proj₂) id

    x₂  y₂  (_≡_ [ xs ) x₁ x₂ × x₁  List.map proj₁ xs                →⟨ ⊎-map id (to xs) ⟩□

    x₂  y₂  x₂  List.map proj₂ xs                                      

  from :
    x₂  List.map proj₂ xs 
    x₁  List.map proj₁ xs
  from =
    x₂  List.map proj₂ xs                          →⟨ subst (_ ∈_) $ sym $ List.map∘map xs 
    x₂  List.map proj₁ (List.map Prelude.swap xs)  →⟨ curry (to (List.map Prelude.swap xs)) lemma 
    x₁  List.map proj₂ (List.map Prelude.swap xs)  →⟨ subst (_ ∈_) $ List.map∘map xs ⟩□
    x₁  List.map proj₁ xs                          
    lemma =                                   $⟨ p 
      (_≡_ [ xs ) x₁ x₂                     →⟨ sym-[]ʳ xs 
      (flip _≡_ [ List.map swap xs ) x₂ x₁  →⟨ map-[]ʳ (List.map swap xs) sym ⟩□
      (_≡_ [ List.map swap xs ) x₂ x₁       


  -- If e₁ and e₂ are α-equivalent and e₁ is closed, then
  -- Alpha R e₁ e₂ holds.

  ≈α→Alpha : Closed e₁  e₁ ≈α e₂  Alpha R e₁ e₂
  ≈α→Alpha cl p = Alpha-≡→Alpha [] cl p

  Alpha-≡→Alpha :
    Closed′ (List.map proj₁ xs) e₁ 
    Alpha (_≡_ [ xs ) e₁ e₂ 
    Alpha (R   [ xs ) e₁ e₂
  Alpha-≡→Alpha xs cl (apply p q) = apply
    (Alpha-≡→Alpha xs (_≃_.to Closed′-apply≃ cl .proj₁) p)
    (Alpha-≡→Alpha xs (_≃_.to Closed′-apply≃ cl .proj₂) q)
  Alpha-≡→Alpha xs cl (lambda p) = lambda
    (Alpha-binders-≡→Alpha-binders xs (_≃_.to Closed′-lambda≃ cl) p)
  Alpha-≡→Alpha xs cl (case p q) = case
    (Alpha-≡→Alpha xs (_≃_.to Closed′-case≃ cl .proj₁) p)
    (Alpha-Br-⋆-≡→Alpha-Br-⋆ xs (_≃_.to Closed′-case≃ cl .proj₂) q)
  Alpha-≡→Alpha xs cl (rec p) = rec
    (Alpha-binders-≡→Alpha-binders xs (_≃_.to Closed′-rec≃ cl) p)
  Alpha-≡→Alpha xs cl (var {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂} p) = var
    (≡-[]ʳ→[]ʳ xs (_≃_.to Closed′-var≃ cl) p)
  Alpha-≡→Alpha xs cl (const c₁≡c₂ p) = const c₁≡c₂
    (Alpha-⋆-≡→Alpha-⋆ xs (_≃_.to Closed′-const≃ cl) p)

  Alpha-Br-≡→Alpha-Br :
    Closed′-Br (List.map proj₁ xs) b₁ 
    Alpha-Br (_≡_ [ xs ) b₁ b₂ 
    Alpha-Br (R   [ xs ) b₁ b₂
  Alpha-Br-≡→Alpha-Br xs cl (branch c₁≡c₂ p) = branch c₁≡c₂
    (Alpha-binders-≡→Alpha-binders xs cl p)

  Alpha-binders-≡→Alpha-binders :
    Closed′ (ys₁ ++ List.map proj₁ xs) e₁ 
    Alpha-binders (_≡_ [ xs ) ys₁ e₁ ys₂ e₂ 
    Alpha-binders (R   [ xs ) ys₁ e₁ ys₂ e₂
  Alpha-binders-≡→Alpha-binders xs cl (nil p) = nil
    (Alpha-≡→Alpha xs cl p)
    xs cl (cons {xs₁ = xs₁} {xs₂ = xs₂} p) = cons
    (Alpha-binders-≡→Alpha-binders (_  xs) (Closed′-++-∷ xs₁ cl) p)

  Alpha-⋆-≡→Alpha-⋆ :
    All (Closed′ (List.map proj₁ xs)) es₁ 
    Listᴾ (Alpha (_≡_ [ xs )) es₁ es₂ 
    Listᴾ (Alpha (R   [ xs )) es₁ es₂
  Alpha-⋆-≡→Alpha-⋆ {es₁ = []} {es₂ = []} _ _ _ =
  Alpha-⋆-≡→Alpha-⋆ {es₁ = _  _} {es₂ = _  _} xs cl (p , ps) =
    Alpha-≡→Alpha xs (All.head cl) p ,
    Alpha-⋆-≡→Alpha-⋆ xs (All.tail cl) ps

  Alpha-Br-⋆-≡→Alpha-Br-⋆ :
    All (Closed′-Br (List.map proj₁ xs)) bs₁ 
    Listᴾ (Alpha-Br (_≡_ [ xs )) bs₁ bs₂ 
    Listᴾ (Alpha-Br (R   [ xs )) bs₁ bs₂
  Alpha-Br-⋆-≡→Alpha-Br-⋆ {bs₁ = []} {bs₂ = []} _ _ _ =
  Alpha-Br-⋆-≡→Alpha-Br-⋆ {bs₁ = _  _} {bs₂ = _  _} xs cl (p , ps) =
    Alpha-Br-≡→Alpha-Br xs (All.head cl) p ,
    Alpha-Br-⋆-≡→Alpha-Br-⋆ xs (All.tail cl) ps

-- Several things respect α-equivalence

-- The free variable relation respects α-equivalence.


  α-∈ : e₁ ≈α e₂  x ∈FV e₁  x ∈FV e₂
  α-∈ e₁≈e₂ x∈ with Alpha-∈ e₁≈e₂ x∈
   | x′ , x≡x′ , x′∈ = subst (_∈FV _) (sym x≡x′) x′∈

  Alpha-∈ :
    Alpha R e₁ e₂  x₁ ∈FV e₁   λ x₂  R x₁ x₂ × x₂ ∈FV e₂
  Alpha-∈ {R = R} (var Ry₁y₂) (var x₁≡y₁) =
    _ , subst (flip R _) (sym x₁≡y₁) Ry₁y₂ , var refl

  Alpha-∈ (lambda e₁≈e₂) (lambda x₁≢y₁ x₁∈) =
    let (x₂ , x₁Rx₂ , x₂∈e₂ , x₂∉[x₃]) =
          Alpha-binders-∈ e₁≈e₂ x₁∈ [ x₁≢y₁ , id ]
    in x₂ , x₁Rx₂ , lambda (x₂∉[x₃]  inj₁) x₂∈e₂

  Alpha-∈ (rec e₁≈e₂) (rec x₁≢y₁ x₁∈) =
    let (x₂ , x₁Rx₂ , x₂∈e₂ , x₂∉[x₃]) =
          Alpha-binders-∈ e₁≈e₂ x₁∈ [ x₁≢y₁ , id ]
    in x₂ , x₁Rx₂ , rec (x₂∉[x₃]  inj₁) x₂∈e₂

  Alpha-∈ (apply e₁₁≈e₁₂ e₂₁≈e₂₂) (apply-left x₁∈) =
    Σ-map id (Σ-map id apply-left) $ Alpha-∈ e₁₁≈e₁₂ x₁∈
  Alpha-∈ (apply e₁₁≈e₁₂ e₂₁≈e₂₂) (apply-right x₁∈) =
    Σ-map id (Σ-map id apply-right) $ Alpha-∈ e₂₁≈e₂₂ x₁∈

  Alpha-∈ (const _ es₁≈es₂) (const x₁∈ ∈es₁) =
    Σ-map id (Σ-map id $ uncurry λ _  uncurry const) $
    Alpha-⋆-∈ es₁≈es₂ x₁∈ ∈es₁

  Alpha-∈ (case e₁≈e₂ bs₁≈bs₂) (case-head x₁∈) =
    Σ-map id (Σ-map id case-head) $
    Alpha-∈ e₁≈e₂ x₁∈

  Alpha-∈ (case e₁≈e₂ bs₁≈bs₂) (case-body x₁∈ ∈bs₁ ∉xs₁) =
    Σ-map id (Σ-map id λ (_ , _ , _ , x₂∈ , ∈bs₂ , ∉xs₂) 
                case-body x₂∈ ∈bs₂ ∉xs₂) $
    Alpha-Br-⋆-∈ bs₁≈bs₂ x₁∈ ∈bs₁ ∉xs₁

  Alpha-Br-∈ :
    Alpha-Br R (branch c₁ xs₁ e₁) (branch c₂ xs₂ e₂) 
    x₁ ∈FV e₁  ¬ x₁  xs₁ 
     λ x₂  R x₁ x₂ × x₂ ∈FV e₂ × ¬ x₂  xs₂
  Alpha-Br-∈ (branch _ bs₁≈bs₂) = Alpha-binders-∈ bs₁≈bs₂

  Alpha-binders-∈ :
    Alpha-binders R xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂ 
    x₁ ∈FV e₁  ¬ x₁  xs₁ 
     λ x₂  R x₁ x₂ × x₂ ∈FV e₂ × ¬ x₂  xs₂
  Alpha-binders-∈ (nil e₁≈e₂) x₁∈ _ =
    Σ-map id (Σ-map id (_, λ ())) $
    Alpha-∈ e₁≈e₂ x₁∈
  Alpha-binders-∈ (cons {x₁ = y₁} {x₂ = y₂} bs₁≈bs₂) x₁∈ x₁∉
    with Alpha-binders-∈ bs₁≈bs₂ x₁∈ (x₁∉  inj₂)
   | x₂ , inj₂ (_ , y₂≢x₂ , Rx₁x₂) , x₂∈ , x₂∉ =
    x₂ , Rx₁x₂ , x₂∈ , [ y₂≢x₂  sym , x₂∉ ]
   | _ , inj₁ (y₁≡x₁ , _) , _ =
    ⊥-elim $ x₁∉ (inj₁ (sym y₁≡x₁))

  Alpha-⋆-∈ :
    Listᴾ (Alpha R) es₁ es₂ 
    x₁ ∈FV e₁  e₁  es₁ 
     λ x₂  R x₁ x₂ ×  λ e₂  x₂ ∈FV e₂ × e₂  es₂
    {es₁ = _  _} {es₂ = _  _} (e₁≈e₂ , es₁≈es₂) x₁∈ (inj₁ ≡e₁) =
    Σ-map id (Σ-map id λ x₂∈  _ , x₂∈ , inj₁ refl) $
    Alpha-∈ e₁≈e₂ (subst (_ ∈FV_) ≡e₁ x₁∈)
    {es₁ = _  _} {es₂ = _  _} (e₁≈e₂ , es₁≈es₂) x₁∈ (inj₂ ∈es₁) =
    Σ-map id (Σ-map id (Σ-map id (Σ-map id inj₂))) $
    Alpha-⋆-∈ es₁≈es₂ x₁∈ ∈es₁

  Alpha-Br-⋆-∈ :
    Listᴾ (Alpha-Br R) bs₁ bs₂ 
    x₁ ∈FV e₁  branch c₁ xs₁ e₁  bs₁  ¬ x₁  xs₁ 
     λ x₂  R x₁ x₂ ×  λ c₂   λ xs₂   λ e₂ 
      x₂ ∈FV e₂ × branch c₂ xs₂ e₂  bs₂ × ¬ x₂  xs₂
    {bs₁ = branch _ _ _  _} {bs₂ = branch _ _ _  _}
    (b₁≈b₂ , bs₁≈bs₂) x₁∈ (inj₁ ≡b₁) x₁∉
        (subst (_ ∈FV_) (cong  { (branch _ _ e)  e }) ≡b₁) x₁∈)
         subst (_ ∈_) (cong  { (branch _ xs _)  xs }) (sym ≡b₁)))
   | x₂ , Rx₁x₂ , x₂∈ , x₂∉ =
    x₂ , Rx₁x₂ , _ , _ , _ , x₂∈ , inj₁ refl , x₂∉
    {bs₁ = _  _} {bs₂ = _  _} (b₁≈b₂ , bs₁≈bs₂) x₁∈ (inj₂ ∈bs₁) x₁∉ =
    (Σ-map id $ Σ-map id $ Σ-map id $ Σ-map id $ Σ-map id $ Σ-map id $
     Σ-map inj₂ id) $
    Alpha-Br-⋆-∈ bs₁≈bs₂ x₁∈ ∈bs₁ x₁∉

-- The predicate Closed′ respects α-equivalence.

α-closed′ : e₁ ≈α e₂  Closed′ xs e₁  Closed′ xs e₂
α-closed′ e₁≈e₂ cl x x∉ x∈ =
  cl x x∉ (α-∈ (sym-α e₁≈e₂) x∈)

-- The predicate Closed respects α-equivalence.

α-closed : e₁ ≈α e₂  Closed e₁  Closed e₂
α-closed = α-closed′

-- If Alpha-binders (R [ x₁ ∼ x₂ ] [ y₁ ∼ y₂ ]) xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂ holds,
-- x₁ is not equal to y₁, and x₂ is equal to y₂, then
-- ⟨ xs₁ , e₁ ⟩[ x₁ ← e₁′ ] ≡ e₁ is equal to e₁.

α∼∼≢≡→⟨,⟩[←]≡ :
  Alpha-binders (R [ x₁  x₂ ] [ y₁  y₂ ]) xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂ 
  x₁  y₁  x₂  y₂ 
   xs₁ , e₁ ⟩[ x₁  e₁′ ]  e₁
  {R = R} {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂} {y₁ = y₁} {y₂ = y₂}
  {xs₁ = xs₁} {e₁ = e₁} {xs₂ = xs₂} {e₂ = e₂} {e₁′ = e₁′}
  e₁≈e₂ x₁≢y₁ x₂≡y₂ = ⟨,⟩[←]-∉ xs₁

  (x₁ ∈FV e₁ × ¬ x₁  xs₁                                                 →⟨ uncurry (Alpha-binders-∈ e₁≈e₂) 
   ( λ z₂  (R [ x₁  x₂ ] [ y₁  y₂ ]) x₁ z₂ × z₂ ∈FV e₂ × ¬ z₂  xs₂)  →⟨ Σ-map id proj₁ 
   ( λ z₂  (R [ x₁  x₂ ] [ y₁  y₂ ]) x₁ z₂)                           →⟨ ≢≡→¬[∼][∼] R x₁≢y₁ x₂≡y₂  proj₂ ⟩□

-- If Alpha-binders (R [ x₁ ∼ x₂ ] [ y₁ ∼ y₂ ]) xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂ holds,
-- x₁ is equal to y₁, and x₂ is not equal to y₂, then
-- ⟨ xs₂ , e₂ ⟩[ x₂ ← e₂′ ] ≡ e₂ is equal to e₂.

α∼∼≡≢→⟨,⟩[←]≡ :
  Alpha-binders (R [ x₁  x₂ ] [ y₁  y₂ ]) xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂ 
  x₁  y₁  x₂  y₂ 
   xs₂ , e₂ ⟩[ x₂  e₂′ ]  e₂
  {R = R} {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂} {y₁ = y₁} {y₂ = y₂}
  {xs₁ = xs₁} {e₁ = e₁} {xs₂ = xs₂} {e₂ = e₂} {e₂′ = e₂′}
  e₁≈e₂ x₁≡y₁ x₂≢y₂ = ⟨,⟩[←]-∉ xs₂

  (x₂ ∈FV e₂ × ¬ x₂  xs₂                                                 →⟨ uncurry (Alpha-binders-∈ (sym-Alpha-binders e₁≈e₂)) 
   ( λ z₁  (R [ x₁  x₂ ] [ y₁  y₂ ]) z₁ x₂ × z₁ ∈FV e₁ × ¬ z₁  xs₁)  →⟨ Σ-map id proj₁ 
   ( λ z₁  (R [ x₁  x₂ ] [ y₁  y₂ ]) z₁ x₂)                           →⟨ ≡≢→¬[∼][∼] R x₁≡y₁ x₂≢y₂  proj₂ ⟩□

-- Substitution does not necessarily respect α-equivalence.

¬-subst-α :
  ¬ (∀ {x₁ x₂ e₁ e₂ e₁′ e₂′} 
     Alpha (_≡_ [ x₁  x₂ ]) e₁ e₂ 
     e₁′ ≈α e₂′ 
     e₁ [ x₁  e₁′ ] ≈α e₂ [ x₂  e₂′ ])
¬-subst-α subst-α =
  not-equal (subst-α e¹≈e² e³≈e³)
   = V.name 0
   = V.name 1
  z  = V.name 2

   = lambda  (var z)
   = lambda  (var z)

   = var 

  e¹≈e² : Alpha (_≡_ [ z  z ])  
  e¹≈e² = lambda (cons (nil (var (inj₂
    ( V.distinct-codes→distinct-names  ())
    , V.distinct-codes→distinct-names  ())
    , inj₁ (refl , refl)

  e³≈e³ :  ≈α 
  e³≈e³ = refl-α

  not-equal : ¬  [ z   ] ≈α  [ z   ]
  not-equal _ with z V.≟  | z V.≟  | z V.≟ z
  not-equal (lambda (cons (nil (var (inj₁ (_ , x²≡x¹))))))
    | no _ | no _ | yes _ =
    from-⊎ (1 Nat.≟ 0) (V.name-injective x²≡x¹)
  not-equal (lambda (cons (nil (var (inj₂ (x¹≢x¹ , _))))))
    | no _ | no _ | yes _ =
    x¹≢x¹ refl
  not-equal _ | yes z≡x¹ | _ | _ =
    from-⊎ (2 Nat.≟ 0) (V.name-injective z≡x¹)
  not-equal _ | _ | yes z≡x² | _ =
    from-⊎ (2 Nat.≟ 1) (V.name-injective z≡x²)
  not-equal _ | _ | _ | no z≢z = z≢z refl

-- However, substitution of closed terms respects α-equivalence.


  subst-α :
    Closed e₁′ 
    Alpha (_≡_ [ x₁  x₂ ]) e₁ e₂  e₁′ ≈α e₂′ 
    e₁ [ x₁  e₁′ ] ≈α e₂ [ x₂  e₂′ ]
  subst-α = subst-Alpha

  subst-Alpha :
    Closed e₁′ 
    Alpha (R [ x₁  x₂ ]) e₁ e₂ 
    e₁′ ≈α e₂′ 
    Alpha R (e₁ [ x₁  e₁′ ]) (e₂ [ x₂  e₂′ ])
  subst-Alpha {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂}
              cl (var {x₁ = y₁} {x₂ = y₂} y₁≈y₂) e₁′≈e₂′
    with x₁ V.≟ y₁ | x₂ V.≟ y₂ | y₁≈y₂
   | yes _     | yes _     | _                    = ≈α→Alpha cl e₁′≈e₂′
   | no _      | no _      | inj₂ (_ , _ , y₁Ry₂) = var y₁Ry₂
   | _         | no x₂≢y₂  | inj₁ (_ , x₂≡y₂)     = ⊥-elim $ x₂≢y₂ x₂≡y₂
   | no x₁≢y₁  | _         | inj₁ (x₁≡y₁ , _)     = ⊥-elim $ x₁≢y₁ x₁≡y₁
   | yes x₁≡y₁ | _         | inj₂ (x₁≢y₁ , _)     = ⊥-elim $ x₁≢y₁ x₁≡y₁
   | _         | yes x₂≡y₂ | inj₂ (_ , x₂≢y₂ , _) = ⊥-elim $ x₂≢y₂ x₂≡y₂

  subst-Alpha cl (lambda e₁≈e₂) e₁′≈e₂′ =
    lambda (subst-Alpha-binders cl e₁≈e₂ e₁′≈e₂′)

  subst-Alpha cl (apply e₁₁≈e₁₂ e₂₁≈e₂₂) e₁′≈e₂′ =
      (subst-Alpha cl e₁₁≈e₁₂ e₁′≈e₂′)
      (subst-Alpha cl e₂₁≈e₂₂ e₁′≈e₂′)

  subst-Alpha cl (case e₁≈e₂ bs₁≈bs₂) e₁′≈e₂′ =
      (subst-Alpha cl e₁≈e₂ e₁′≈e₂′)
      (subst-Alpha-Br-⋆ cl bs₁≈bs₂ e₁′≈e₂′)

  subst-Alpha cl (rec e₁≈e₂) e₁′≈e₂′ =
    rec (subst-Alpha-binders cl e₁≈e₂ e₁′≈e₂′)

  subst-Alpha cl (const c₁≡c₂ es₁≈es₂) e₁′≈e₂′ =
    const c₁≡c₂ (subst-Alpha-⋆ cl es₁≈es₂ e₁′≈e₂′)

  subst-Alpha-Br :
    Closed e₁′ 
    Alpha-Br (R [ x₁  x₂ ]) b₁ b₂ 
    e₁′ ≈α e₂′ 
    Alpha-Br R (b₁ [ x₁  e₁′ ]B) (b₂ [ x₂  e₂′ ]B)
    {e₁′ = e₁′} {R = R} {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂} {e₂′ = e₂′} cl
       {c₁ = c₁} {c₂ = c₂} {xs₁ = xs₁} {e₁ = e₁} {xs₂ = xs₂} {e₂ = e₂}
       c₁≡c₂ p)
    e₁′≈e₂′ =                                                $⟨ p 

    Alpha-binders (R [ x₁  x₂ ]) xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂              →⟨ flip (subst-Alpha-binders cl) e₁′≈e₂′ 

    Alpha-binders R
      xs₁  xs₁ , e₁ ⟩[ x₁  e₁′ ]
      xs₂  xs₂ , e₂ ⟩[ x₂  e₂′ ]                           →⟨ subst id $ cong₂ (flip (Alpha-binders _ _) _)
                                                                  (⟨,⟩[←]≡ xs₁)
                                                                  (⟨,⟩[←]≡ xs₂) 
    Alpha-binders R
      xs₁ (if V.member x₁ xs₁ then e₁ else e₁ [ x₁  e₁′ ])
      xs₂ (if V.member x₂ xs₂ then e₂ else e₂ [ x₂  e₂′ ])  →⟨ branch c₁≡c₂ 

    Alpha-Br R
      (branch c₁ xs₁ $
       if V.member x₁ xs₁ then e₁ else e₁ [ x₁  e₁′ ])
      (branch c₂ xs₂ $
       if V.member x₂ xs₂ then e₂ else e₂ [ x₂  e₂′ ])      →⟨ subst id $ cong₂ (Alpha-Br _)
                                                                  (if-then-else-commutes (branch _ _) (V.member x₁ xs₁))
                                                                  (if-then-else-commutes (branch _ _) (V.member x₂ xs₂)) ⟩□
    Alpha-Br R
      (if V.member x₁ xs₁
       then branch c₁ xs₁ e₁
       else branch c₁ xs₁ (e₁ [ x₁  e₁′ ]))
      (if V.member x₂ xs₂
       then branch c₂ xs₂ e₂
       else branch c₂ xs₂ (e₂ [ x₂  e₂′ ]))                 

  subst-Alpha-binders :
    Closed e₁′ 
    Alpha-binders (R [ x₁  x₂ ]) xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂ 
    e₁′ ≈α e₂′ 
    Alpha-binders R
      xs₁  xs₁ , e₁ ⟩[ x₁  e₁′ ] xs₂  xs₂ , e₂ ⟩[ x₂  e₂′ ]
  subst-Alpha-binders cl (nil p) e₁′≈e₂′ =
    nil (subst-Alpha cl p e₁′≈e₂′)

    {e₁′ = e₁′} {R = R} {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂} {e₂′ = e₂′} cl
    (cons {x₁ = y₁} {x₂ = y₂}
       {xs₁ = xs₁} {e₁ = e₁} {xs₂ = xs₂} {e₂ = e₂} p)
    e₁′≈e₂′ =
    cons (if-≟-then-else-subst-Alpha-binders cl p e₁′≈e₂′)

  if-≟-then-else-subst-Alpha-binders :
    Closed e₁′ 
    Alpha-binders (R [ x₁  x₂ ] [ y₁  y₂ ]) xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂ 
    e₁′ ≈α e₂′ 
    Alpha-binders (R [ y₁  y₂ ])
      xs₁ (if x₁ V.≟ y₁ then e₁ else  xs₁ , e₁ ⟩[ x₁  e₁′ ])
      xs₂ (if x₂ V.≟ y₂ then e₂ else  xs₂ , e₂ ⟩[ x₂  e₂′ ])
    {e₁′ = e₁′} {R = R} {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂} {y₁ = y₁} {y₂ = y₂}
    {xs₁ = xs₁} {e₁ = e₁} {xs₂ = xs₂} {e₂ = e₂} {e₂′ = e₂′}
    cl e₁≈e₂ e₁′≈e₂′
    with x₁ V.≟ y₁ | x₂ V.≟ y₂
   | yes x₁≡y₁ | yes x₂≡y₂ =                                $⟨ e₁≈e₂ 
    Alpha-binders (R [ x₁  x₂ ] [ y₁  y₂ ]) xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂  →⟨ map-Alpha-binders (drop-[∼] R (inj₁ x₁≡y₁)) ⟩□
    Alpha-binders (R [ y₁  y₂ ]) xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂              

   | no x₁≢y₁ | no x₂≢y₂ =                                  $⟨ e₁≈e₂ 

    Alpha-binders (R [ x₁  x₂ ] [ y₁  y₂ ]) xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂  →⟨ map-Alpha-binders (swap-[∼] R x₁≢y₁ x₂≢y₂) 

    Alpha-binders (R [ y₁  y₂ ] [ x₁  x₂ ]) xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂  →⟨ flip (subst-Alpha-binders cl) e₁′≈e₂′ ⟩□

    Alpha-binders (R [ y₁  y₂ ])
      xs₁  xs₁ , e₁ ⟩[ x₁  e₁′ ]
      xs₂  xs₂ , e₂ ⟩[ x₂  e₂′ ]                           

   | yes x₁≡y₁ | no x₂≢y₂ =                                           $⟨ e₁≈e₂ 
    Alpha-binders (R [ x₁  x₂ ] [ y₁  y₂ ]) xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂            →⟨ map-Alpha-binders (drop-[∼] R (inj₁ x₁≡y₁)) 
    Alpha-binders (R [ y₁  y₂ ]) xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂                        →⟨ subst (Alpha-binders _ _ _ _) $ sym $
                                                                          α∼∼≡≢→⟨,⟩[←]≡ e₁≈e₂ x₁≡y₁ x₂≢y₂ 
    Alpha-binders (R [ y₁  y₂ ]) xs₁ e₁ xs₂  xs₂ , e₂ ⟩[ x₂  e₂′ ]  

   | no x₁≢y₁ | yes x₂≡y₂ =                                           $⟨ e₁≈e₂ 
    Alpha-binders (R [ x₁  x₂ ] [ y₁  y₂ ]) xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂            →⟨ map-Alpha-binders (drop-[∼] R (inj₂ x₂≡y₂)) 
    Alpha-binders (R [ y₁  y₂ ]) xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂                        →⟨ subst  e  Alpha-binders _ _ e _ _) $ sym $
                                                                          α∼∼≢≡→⟨,⟩[←]≡ e₁≈e₂ x₁≢y₁ x₂≡y₂ 
    Alpha-binders (R [ y₁  y₂ ]) xs₁  xs₁ , e₁ ⟩[ x₁  e₁′ ] xs₂ e₂  

  subst-Alpha-⋆ :
    Closed e₁′ 
    Listᴾ (Alpha (R [ x₁  x₂ ])) es₁ es₂ 
    e₁′ ≈α e₂′ 
    Listᴾ (Alpha R) (es₁ [ x₁  e₁′ ]⋆) (es₂ [ x₂  e₂′ ]⋆)
  subst-Alpha-⋆ {es₁ = []} {es₂ = []} _ _ _ =

  subst-Alpha-⋆ {es₁ = _  _} {es₂ = _  _} cl (p , ps) e₁′≈e₂′ =
    subst-Alpha cl p e₁′≈e₂′ ,
    subst-Alpha-⋆ cl ps e₁′≈e₂′

  subst-Alpha-Br-⋆ :
    Closed e₁′ 
    Listᴾ (Alpha-Br (R [ x₁  x₂ ])) bs₁ bs₂ 
    e₁′ ≈α e₂′ 
    Listᴾ (Alpha-Br R) (bs₁ [ x₁  e₁′ ]B⋆) (bs₂ [ x₂  e₂′ ]B⋆)
  subst-Alpha-Br-⋆ {bs₁ = []} {bs₂ = []} _ _ _ =

  subst-Alpha-Br-⋆ {bs₁ = _  _} {bs₂ = _  _} cl (p , ps) e₁′≈e₂′ =
    subst-Alpha-Br cl p e₁′≈e₂′ ,
    subst-Alpha-Br-⋆ cl ps e₁′≈e₂′

-- The predicate Lookup respects α-equivalence (in a certain sense).

Lookup-α :
  Listᴾ (Alpha-Br R) bs₁ bs₂ 
  Lookup c bs₁ xs₁ e₁ 
   λ xs₂   λ e₂ 
    Lookup c bs₂ xs₂ e₂ ×
    Alpha-binders R xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂
Lookup-α {bs₁ = _  _} {bs₂ = _  _} (branch refl p , _) here =
  _ , _ , here , p
  {R = R} {bs₁ = _  bs₁} {bs₂ = _  bs₂} {c = c} {xs₁ = xs₁} {e₁ = e₁}
  (branch {c₂ = c′} {xs₂ = xs′} {e₂ = e′} refl _ , bs₁≈bs₂)
  (there c≢c′ p) =
                                               $⟨ Lookup-α bs₁≈bs₂ p 
  ( λ xs₂   λ e₂ 
   Lookup c bs₂ xs₂ e₂ ×
   Alpha-binders R xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂)              →⟨ Σ-map id (Σ-map id (Σ-map (there c≢c′) id)) ⟩□

  ( λ xs₂   λ e₂ 
   Lookup c (branch c′ xs′ e′  bs₂) xs₂ e₂ ×
   Alpha-binders R xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂)              

-- The predicate _[_←_]↦_ respects α-equivalence (in a certain sense)
-- for sufficiently closed things.

[←]↦-α :
  All Closed es₁ 
  Alpha-binders R xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂ 
  Listᴾ _≈α_ es₁ es₂ 
  e₁ [ xs₁  es₁ ]↦ e 
   λ e′  e₂ [ xs₂  es₂ ]↦ e′ × Alpha R e e′
[←]↦-α {es₂ = []} _ (nil p) _ [] =
  _ , [] , p
  {es₁ = e₁  _} {R = R} {es₂ = e₂  es₂} cl
  (cons {x₁ = x₁} {x₂ = x₂} {xs₁ = xs₁} {e₁ = e} {xs₂ = xs₂} {e₂ = e′}
  (e₁≈e₂ , es₁≈es₂) (∷_ {e″ = e″} q) =                                $⟨ [←]↦-α (All.tail cl) p es₁≈es₂ q 

  ( λ e‴  e′ [ xs₂  es₂ ]↦ e‴ × Alpha (R [ x₁  x₂ ]) e″ e‴)       →⟨  (e‴ , p , q) 
                                                                              e‴ [ x₂  e₂ ]
                                                                            ,  p
                                                                            , subst-Alpha (All.head cl) q e₁≈e₂) ⟩□
  ( λ e‴ 
       e′ [ x₂  xs₂  e₂  es₂ ]↦ e‴ × Alpha R (e″ [ x₁  e₁ ]) e‴)  

-- The semantics respects α-equivalence (for closed terms).


  ⇓-α : Closed e₁  e₁  v₁  e₁ ≈α e₂   λ v₂  e₂  v₂ × v₁ ≈α v₂
  ⇓-α cl (apply {e = e₁} {v₂ = v₂₁} e₁₁⇓ e₂₁⇓ e₁⇓)
    (apply e₁₁≈e₁₂ e₂₁≈e₂₂)
    with ⇓-α  _   cl _   apply-left)  e₁₁⇓ e₁₁≈e₁₂
       | ⇓-α  _   cl _   apply-right) e₂₁⇓ e₂₁≈e₂₂
   | lambda x₂ e₂ , e₁₂⇓ , lambda {x₁ = x₁} (cons (nil ≈v₁₂))
    | v₂₂ , e₂₂⇓ , ≈v₂₂ =
    case ⇓-α cl-e₁ e₁⇓ e₁≈e₂ of λ
      (_ , e₂⇓ , v₁≈v₂) 
        _ , apply e₁₂⇓ e₂₂⇓ e₂⇓ , v₁≈v₂
    cl-e₁ : Closed (e₁ [ x₁  v₂₁ ])
    cl-e₁ = Closed′-closed-under-subst
       _ x∉ x∈e₁ 
         closed⇓closed e₁₁⇓  _   cl _   apply-left)
           _  ()) (lambda (x∉  inj₁) x∈e₁))
      (closed⇓closed e₂₁⇓ λ _   cl _   apply-right)

    e₁≈e₂ : e₁ [ x₁  v₂₁ ] ≈α e₂ [ x₂  v₂₂ ]
    e₁≈e₂ = subst-α
      (closed⇓closed e₂₁⇓  _   cl _   apply-right))
      ≈v₁₂ ≈v₂₂

  ⇓-α cl (case {e = e₁} {bs = bs₁} {c = c} {es = vs₁} {xs = xs₁}
               {e′ = e′₁} {e″ = e″₁} e₁⇓ l₁ s₁ e″₁⇓)
    (case e₁≈e₂ bs₁≈bs₂) =
    case ⇓-α  _   cl _   case-head) e₁⇓ e₁≈e₂ of λ where
      (const c vs₂ , e₂⇓ , const refl vs₁≈vs₂) 
        case Lookup-α bs₁≈bs₂ l₁ of λ
          (xs₂ , e′₂ , l₂ , b₁≈b₂) 
            case [←]↦-α cl-vs₁ b₁≈b₂ vs₁≈vs₂ s₁ of λ
              (e″₂ , s₂ , e″₁≈e″₂) 
                Σ-map id (Σ-map (case e₂⇓ l₂ s₂) id)
                  (⇓-α cl-e″₁ e″₁⇓ e″₁≈e″₂)
    cl-vs₁ =                $⟨ cl 
      Closed (case e₁ bs₁)  →⟨  cl  _≃_.to Closed′-case≃ cl .proj₁) 
      Closed e₁             →⟨ closed⇓closed e₁⇓ 
      Closed (const c vs₁)  →⟨ _≃_.to Closed′-const≃ ⟩□
      All Closed vs₁        

    cl-e″₁ =                   $⟨ cl 
      Closed (case e₁ bs₁)     →⟨  cl  _≃_.to Closed′-case≃ cl .proj₂ _ (Lookup→branch∈ l₁)) 
      Closed′ (xs₁ ++ []) e′₁  →⟨ flip (Closed′-closed-under-[←]↦ s₁) cl-vs₁ ⟩□
      Closed e″₁               

  ⇓-α cl (rec e₁⇓)
    rec-x₁-e₁≈rec-x₂-e₂@(rec {x₁ = x₁} {e₁ = e₁} (cons (nil e₁≈e₂))) =
    Σ-map id (Σ-map rec id) $
    ⇓-α cl′ e₁⇓ (subst-α cl e₁≈e₂ rec-x₁-e₁≈rec-x₂-e₂)
    cl′ : Closed (e₁ [ x₁  rec x₁ e₁ ])
    cl′ = Closed′-closed-under-subst (_≃_.to Closed′-rec≃ cl) cl

  ⇓-α _ lambda (lambda e₁≈e₂) =
    _ , lambda , lambda e₁≈e₂

  ⇓-α cl (const es₁⇓) (const c₁≡c₂ es₁≈es₂) =
    Σ-map (const _) (Σ-map const (const c₁≡c₂)) $
    ⇓⋆-α (_≃_.to Closed′-const≃ cl) es₁⇓ es₁≈es₂

  ⇓⋆-α :
    All Closed es₁ 
    es₁ ⇓⋆ vs₁  Listᴾ _≈α_ es₁ es₂ 
     λ vs₂  es₂ ⇓⋆ vs₂ × Listᴾ _≈α_ vs₁ vs₂
  ⇓⋆-α {es₁ = []} {es₂ = []} _ [] _ =
    _ , [] , _
  ⇓⋆-α {es₁ = _  _} {es₂ = _  _} cl (e₁⇓  es₁⇓) (e₁≈e₂ , es₁≈es₂) =
    Σ-zip _∷_ (Σ-zip _∷_ _,_)
      (⇓-α (All.head cl) e₁⇓ e₁≈e₂)
      (⇓⋆-α (All.tail cl) es₁⇓ es₁≈es₂)

-- Expressions quotiented by α-equivalence

-- Closed expressions quotiented by α-equivalence.

Closed-exp/α : Type
Closed-exp/α = Closed-exp /ᴱ (_≈α_ on proj₁)

-- Expressions with one free variable, quotiented by α-equivalence.

Almost-closed-exp/α : Type
Almost-closed-exp/α =
  ( λ (x : Var)   λ (e : Exp)  Closed′ (x  []) e)
   (x₁ , e₁ , _) (x₂ , e₂ , _) 
     Alpha (_≡_ [ x₁  x₂ ]) e₁ e₂)

-- Expressions with free variables taken from a given list, quotiented
-- by α-equivalence.

Exp/α : Type
Exp/α =
  ( λ (xs : List Var)   λ (e : Exp)  Closed′ xs e)
   (xs₁ , e₁ , _) (xs₂ , e₂ , _) 
     Alpha-binders _≡_ xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂)

-- Closed branches quotiented by α-equivalence.

Closed-br/α : Type
Closed-br/α =  Closed-Br /ᴱ (Alpha-Br _≡_ on proj₁)

-- Some "constructors" for Closed-exp/α.

apply/α : Closed-exp/α  Closed-exp/α  Closed-exp/α
apply/α = Q./ᴱ-zip
  (Σ-zip apply Closed′-closed-under-apply)

lambda/α : Almost-closed-exp/α  Closed-exp/α
lambda/α =
   (x , e , cl)  lambda x e , Closed′-closed-under-lambda cl)
   (x₁ , e₁ , _) (x₂ , e₂ , _) 
     Alpha (_≡_ [ x₁  x₂ ]) e₁ e₂  →⟨ Alpha.lambda  cons  nil ⟩□
     lambda x₁ e₁ ≈α lambda x₂ e₂   )

case/α : Closed-exp/α  List Closed-br/α  Closed-exp/α
case/α e =
  List Closed-br/α                                     ↔⟨ inverse $ Q.List/ᴱ refl-α-Br 
  List ( Closed-Br) /ᴱ Listᴾ (Alpha-Br _≡_ on proj₁)  →⟨ Q./ᴱ-zip
                                                            (Listᴾ-preserves-reflexivity refl-α-Br)
                                                             {u = e₁} {v = e₂}  curry (lemma e₁ e₂ _ _))
                                                            e ⟩□
  case′ : Closed-exp  List ( Closed-Br)  Closed-exp
  case′ (e , cl) =
    List ( Closed-Br)                       →⟨ All.List-Σ _ 
    ( λ (bs : List Br)  All Closed-Br bs)  →⟨ Σ-map (case e) (Closed′-closed-under-case cl) ⟩□

  lemma :  _ _ _ _ _  _
  lemma e₁ e₂ bs₁ bs₂ =
    (_≈α_ on proj₁) e₁ e₂ × Listᴾ (Alpha-Br _≡_ on proj₁) bs₁ bs₂  ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  inverse All.Listᴾ-List-Σ) 

    (_≈α_ on proj₁) e₁ e₂ ×
    Listᴾ (Alpha-Br _≡_)
      (All.List-Σ _ bs₁ .proj₁) (All.List-Σ _ bs₂ .proj₁)          →⟨ uncurry case ⟩□

    (_≈α_ on proj₁) (case′ e₁ bs₁) (case′ e₂ bs₂)                  

rec/α : Almost-closed-exp/α  Closed-exp/α
rec/α =
   (x , e , cl)  rec x e , Closed′-closed-under-rec cl)
   (x₁ , e₁ , _) (x₂ , e₂ , _) 
     Alpha (_≡_ [ x₁  x₂ ]) e₁ e₂  →⟨ Alpha.rec  cons  nil ⟩□
     rec x₁ e₁ ≈α rec x₂ e₂         )

const/α : Const  List Closed-exp/α  Closed-exp/α
const/α c =
  List Closed-exp/α                         ↔⟨ inverse $ Q.List/ᴱ refl-α 
  List Closed-exp /ᴱ Listᴾ (_≈α_ on proj₁)  →⟨ const′ Q./ᴱ-map lemma ⟩□
  const′ : List Closed-exp  Closed-exp
  const′ =
    List Closed-exp                        →⟨ All.List-Σ _ 
    ( λ (es : List Exp)  All Closed es)  →⟨ Σ-map (const c) Closed′-closed-under-const ⟩□

  lemma = λ es₁ es₂ 
    Listᴾ (_≈α_ on proj₁) es₁ es₂                                   ↔⟨ inverse All.Listᴾ-List-Σ 
    Listᴾ _≈α_ (All.List-Σ _ es₁ .proj₁) (All.List-Σ _ es₂ .proj₁)  →⟨ const refl ⟩□
    (_≈α_ on proj₁) (const′ es₁) (const′ es₂)                       

-- A "constructor" for Closed-br/α.

branch/α : Const  Exp/α  Closed-br/α
branch/α c =
   (xs , e , cl) 
     branch c xs e , Closed′-Br-closed-under-branch c [] cl)
   (xs₁ , e₁ , cl₁) (xs₂ , e₂ , cl₂) 
     Alpha-binders _≡_ xs₁ e₁ xs₂ e₂                   →⟨ branch refl ⟩□
     Alpha-Br _≡_ (branch c xs₁ e₁) (branch c xs₂ e₂)  )

-- Substitution, stated for Almost-closed-exp/α and Closed-exp/α.

_[_] : Almost-closed-exp/α  Closed-exp/α  Closed-exp/α
_[_] = Q./ᴱ-zip
   (x , e , cl) (e′ , cl′) 
     e [ x  e′ ] , Closed′-closed-under-subst cl cl′)
  (refl-Alpha _ λ _ _  [≢→[∼]]→[∼] _≡_ λ _  refl)
   {(x₁ , e₁ , _)} {(x₂ , e₂ , _)} {(e₁′ , cl-e₁′)} {(e₂′ , _)} 
     curry (
       Alpha (_≡_ [ x₁  x₂ ]) e₁ e₂ × e₁′ ≈α e₂′  →⟨ uncurry (subst-α cl-e₁′) ⟩□
       e₁ [ x₁  e₁′ ] ≈α e₂ [ x₂  e₂′ ]          ))

-- The function _[_] computes in a certain way.

_ : Q.[ x , e , p ] [ Q.[ e′ , q ] ] 
    Q.[ e [ x  e′ ] , Closed′-closed-under-subst p q ]
_ = refl


  -- Helper functions used to define _⇓α_ and ⇓α-propositional.

  ∃⇓≈α-propositional : Is-proposition ( λ v′  e  v′ × v ≈α v′)
  ∃⇓≈α-propositional (_ , e⇓v′₁ , _) (_ , e⇓v′₂ , _) =
      (⇓-deterministic e⇓v′₁ e⇓v′₂)
      (×-closure 1 ⇓-propositional ≈α-propositional _ _)

  Semantics′ : Closed-exp  Closed-exp/α  Proposition lzero
  Semantics′ (e , _) = Q.rec λ where
    .Q.[]ʳ (v , _) 
      ( λ v′  e  v′ × v ≈α v′) , ∃⇓≈α-propositional
      ∃-H-level-H-level-1+ ext opaque-univ 1
    .Q.[]-respects-relationʳ {x = v₁ , _} {y = v₂ , _} 
      v₁ ≈α v₂                                               →⟨  v₁≈v₂ 
                                                                   ∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                   record { to   = trans-α (sym-α v₁≈v₂)
                                                                          ; from = trans-α v₁≈v₂

      ( λ v  e  v × v₁ ≈α v)  ( λ v  e  v × v₂ ≈α v)  ↔⟨ ⇔↔≡ ext opaque-univ ∃⇓≈α-propositional ∃⇓≈α-propositional 

      ( λ v  e  v × v₁ ≈α v)  ( λ v  e  v × v₂ ≈α v)  ↔⟨ ignore-propositional-component
                                                                  (H-level-propositional ext 1) ⟩□
      (( λ v  e  v × v₁ ≈α v) , ∃⇓≈α-propositional) 
      (( λ v  e  v × v₂ ≈α v) , ∃⇓≈α-propositional)       

  Semantics : Closed-exp/α  Closed-exp/α  Proposition lzero
  Semantics = Q.rec λ where
      Π-closure ext 2 λ _ 
      ∃-H-level-H-level-1+ ext opaque-univ 1
    .Q.[]-respects-relationʳ {x = e₁ , cl-e₁} {y = e₂ , cl-e₂} e₁≈e₂ 
      ⟨ext⟩ $ Q.elim-prop λ @0 where
        .Q.Elim-prop.is-propositionʳ _ 
          ∃-H-level-H-level-1+ ext opaque-univ 1
        .Q.Elim-prop.[]ʳ (v , _)                                      $⟨ e₁≈e₂ 

          e₁ ≈α e₂                                                     →⟨  e₁≈e₂  record
                                                                             { to   = λ (v′ , e₁⇓v′ , v≈v′) 
                                                                                        Σ-map id (Σ-map id (trans-α v≈v′)) $
                                                                                        ⇓-α cl-e₁ e₁⇓v′ e₁≈e₂
                                                                             ; from = λ (v′ , e₂⇓v′ , v≈v′) 
                                                                                        Σ-map id (Σ-map id (trans-α v≈v′)) $
                                                                                        ⇓-α cl-e₂ e₂⇓v′ (sym-α e₁≈e₂)

          ( λ v′  e₁  v′ × v ≈α v′)  ( λ v′  e₂  v′ × v ≈α v′)  ↔⟨ ⇔↔≡ ext opaque-univ ∃⇓≈α-propositional ∃⇓≈α-propositional 

          ( λ v′  e₁  v′ × v ≈α v′)  ( λ v′  e₂  v′ × v ≈α v′)  ↔⟨ ignore-propositional-component
                                                                            (H-level-propositional ext 1) ⟩□
          (( λ v′  e₁  v′ × v ≈α v′) , ∃⇓≈α-propositional) 
          (( λ v′  e₂  v′ × v ≈α v′) , ∃⇓≈α-propositional)          

-- The semantics, stated for Closed-exp/α.

infix 4 _⇓α_

record _⇓α_ (e v : Closed-exp/α) : Type where
  constructor wrap
    unwrap : Semantics e v .proj₁

-- The relation _⇓α_ is pointwise propositional.

⇓α-propositional : Is-proposition (e ⇓α v)
⇓α-propositional {e = e} {v = v} (wrap p) (wrap q) =
  cong wrap $ Semantics e v .proj₂ p q

-- A "computation rule" for _⇓α_.

⇓α≃⇓ : (Q.[ e , p ] ⇓α Q.[ v , q ])  ( λ v′  e  v′ × v ≈α v′)
⇓α≃⇓ = Eq.↔→≃ _⇓α_.unwrap wrap  _  refl)  _  refl)