-- A variant of set quotients with erased higher constructors

{-# OPTIONS --erased-cubical --safe #-}

-- Partly following the HoTT book, but adapted for erasure.
-- Unlike the HoTT book, but following the cubical library (in which
-- set quotients were implemented by Zesen Qian and Anders Mörtberg),
-- the quotienting relations are not (always) required to be
-- propositional.

-- The module is parametrised by a notion of equality. The higher
-- constructors of the HIT defining quotients use path equality, but
-- the supplied notion of equality is used for many other things.

import Equality.Path as P

module Quotient.Erased
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq hiding (elim)

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Equality.Decidable-UIP equality-with-J using (Constant)
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms.Univalence eq as U
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
import Equivalence.Erased equality-with-J as EEq
open import Equivalence-relation equality-with-J
open import Erased.Cubical eq as Er using (Erased; Erasedᴾ; [_])
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional eq as PT using (∥_∥; ∣_∣)
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional.Erased eq as PTᴱ
  using (∥_∥ᴱ; ∣_∣; Surjectiveᴱ)
import List equality-with-J as L
open import Quotient eq as Q using (_/_)
open import Sum equality-with-J
open import Surjection equality-with-J using (_↠_)
open import Univalence-axiom equality-with-J

    a a₁ a₂  p r r₁ r₂ r₃ : Level
    A A₁ A₂ A₃ B           : Type a
    P                      : A  Type p
    R                      : A  A  Type r
    f k x y                : A

-- A re-export

-- This module re-exports Quotient.Erased.Basics.

open import Quotient.Erased.Basics eq public

-- Unary preservation lemmas

-- Two preservation lemmas for functions.

infix 5 _/ᴱ-map-∥∥_ _/ᴱ-map_

_/ᴱ-map-∥∥_ :
  {@0 R₁ : A₁  A₁  Type r₁}
  {@0 R₂ : A₂  A₂  Type r₂} 
  (A₁→A₂ : A₁  A₂) 
  @0 (∀ x y   R₁ x y    R₂ (A₁→A₂ x) (A₁→A₂ y) ) 
  A₁ /ᴱ R₁  A₂ /ᴱ R₂
_/ᴱ-map-∥∥_ {R₁} {R₂} A₁→A₂ R₁→R₂ = rec λ where
  .[]ʳ                            [_]  A₁→A₂
  .is-setʳ                        /ᴱ-is-set
  .[]-respects-relationʳ {x} {y} 
     R₁ x y                      ↝⟨ ∣_∣ 
      R₁ x y                   ↝⟨ R₁→R₂ _ _ 
      R₂ (A₁→A₂ x) (A₁→A₂ y)   ↝⟨ PT.rec /ᴱ-is-set []-respects-relation ⟩□
     [ A₁→A₂ x ]  [ A₁→A₂ y ]   

_/ᴱ-map_ :
  {@0 R₁ : A₁  A₁  Type r₁}
  {@0 R₂ : A₂  A₂  Type r₂} 
  (A₁→A₂ : A₁  A₂) 
  @0 (∀ x y  R₁ x y  R₂ (A₁→A₂ x) (A₁→A₂ y)) 
  A₁ /ᴱ R₁  A₂ /ᴱ R₂
A₁→A₂ /ᴱ-map R₁→R₂ = A₁→A₂ /ᴱ-map-∥∥ λ x y  PT.∥∥-map (R₁→R₂ x y)

-- Two preservation lemmas for logical equivalences.

/ᴱ-cong-∥∥-⇔ :
  {@0 R₁ : A₁  A₁  Type r₁}
  {@0 R₂ : A₂  A₂  Type r₂} 
  (A₁⇔A₂ : A₁  A₂) 
  @0 (∀ x y   R₁ x y    R₂ (_⇔_.to   A₁⇔A₂ x) (_⇔_.to   A₁⇔A₂ y) ) 
  @0 (∀ x y   R₂ x y    R₁ (_⇔_.from A₁⇔A₂ x) (_⇔_.from A₁⇔A₂ y) ) 
  A₁ /ᴱ R₁  A₂ /ᴱ R₂
/ᴱ-cong-∥∥-⇔ A₁⇔A₂ R₁→R₂ R₂→R₁ = record
  { to   = _⇔_.to   A₁⇔A₂ /ᴱ-map-∥∥ R₁→R₂
  ; from = _⇔_.from A₁⇔A₂ /ᴱ-map-∥∥ R₂→R₁

/ᴱ-cong-⇔ :
  {@0 R₁ : A₁  A₁  Type r₁}
  {@0 R₂ : A₂  A₂  Type r₂} 
  (A₁⇔A₂ : A₁  A₂) 
  @0 (∀ x y  R₁ x y  R₂ (_⇔_.to   A₁⇔A₂ x) (_⇔_.to   A₁⇔A₂ y)) 
  @0 (∀ x y  R₂ x y  R₁ (_⇔_.from A₁⇔A₂ x) (_⇔_.from A₁⇔A₂ y)) 
  A₁ /ᴱ R₁  A₂ /ᴱ R₂
/ᴱ-cong-⇔ A₁⇔A₂ R₁→R₂ R₂→R₁ =
  /ᴱ-cong-∥∥-⇔ A₁⇔A₂  x y  PT.∥∥-map (R₁→R₂ x y))
                      x y  PT.∥∥-map (R₂→R₁ x y))

-- Two preservation lemmas for split surjections.

infix 5 _/ᴱ-cong-∥∥-↠_ _/ᴱ-cong-↠_

_/ᴱ-cong-∥∥-↠_ :
  {@0 R₁ : A₁  A₁  Type r₁}
  {@0 R₂ : A₂  A₂  Type r₂} 
  (A₁↠A₂ : A₁  A₂) 
  @0 (∀ x y   R₁ x y    R₂ (_↠_.to A₁↠A₂ x) (_↠_.to A₁↠A₂ y) ) 
  A₁ /ᴱ R₁  A₂ /ᴱ R₂
_/ᴱ-cong-∥∥-↠_ {R₁} {R₂} A₁↠A₂ R₁⇔R₂ = record
  { logical-equivalence = /ᴱ-cong-∥∥-⇔
      (_↠_.logical-equivalence A₁↠A₂)
       x y  _⇔_.to (R₁⇔R₂ x y))
       x y   R₂ x y                           ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ (sym $ cong₂  x y   R₂ x y ) (right-inverse-of x) (right-inverse-of y)) 
                R₂ (to (from x)) (to (from y))   ↝⟨ _⇔_.from (R₁⇔R₂ _ _) ⟩□
                R₁ (from x) (from y)             )
  ; right-inverse-of = elim-prop λ where
      .[]ʳ x 
        [ to (from x) ]  ≡⟨ cong [_] $ right-inverse-of x ⟩∎
        [ x ]            
      .is-propositionʳ _  /ᴱ-is-set
  open _↠_ A₁↠A₂

_/ᴱ-cong-↠_ :
  {@0 R₁ : A₁  A₁  Type r₁}
  {@0 R₂ : A₂  A₂  Type r₂} 
  (A₁↠A₂ : A₁  A₂) 
  @0 (∀ x y  R₁ x y  R₂ (_↠_.to A₁↠A₂ x) (_↠_.to A₁↠A₂ y)) 
  A₁ /ᴱ R₁  A₂ /ᴱ R₂
A₁↠A₂ /ᴱ-cong-↠ R₁⇔R₂ =
  A₁↠A₂ /ᴱ-cong-∥∥-↠ λ x y  PT.∥∥-cong-⇔ (R₁⇔R₂ x y)

-- Two preservation lemmas for isomorphisms.

infix 5 _/ᴱ-cong-∥∥_ _/ᴱ-cong_

_/ᴱ-cong-∥∥_ :
  {A₁ : Type a₁} {A₂ : Type a₂}
  {@0 R₁ : A₁  A₁  Type r₁}
  {@0 R₂ : A₂  A₂  Type r₂} 
  (A₁↔A₂ : A₁ ↔[ k ] A₂) 
  @0 (∀ x y 
         R₁ x y  
         R₂ (to-implication A₁↔A₂ x) (to-implication A₁↔A₂ y) ) 
  A₁ /ᴱ R₁ ↔[ k ] A₂ /ᴱ R₂
_/ᴱ-cong-∥∥_ {k} {R₁} {R₂} A₁↔A₂′ R₁⇔R₂ =
  from-bijection (record
    { surjection = from-isomorphism A₁↔A₂ /ᴱ-cong-∥∥-↠ λ x y 
         R₁ x y                                                   ↝⟨ R₁⇔R₂ x y 
         R₂ (to-implication A₁↔A₂′ x) (to-implication A₁↔A₂′ y)   ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong₂  f g   R₂ (f x) (g y) )
                                                                                     (to-implication∘from-isomorphism k bijection)
                                                                                     (to-implication∘from-isomorphism k bijection) ⟩□
         R₂ (to x) (to y)                                         
    ; left-inverse-of = elim-prop λ where
        .[]ʳ x 
          [ from (to x) ]  ≡⟨ cong [_] $ left-inverse-of x ⟩∎
          [ x ]            
        .is-propositionʳ _  /ᴱ-is-set
  A₁↔A₂ = from-isomorphism A₁↔A₂′

  open _↔_ A₁↔A₂

_/ᴱ-cong_ :
  {A₁ : Type a₁} {A₂ : Type a₂}
  {@0 R₁ : A₁  A₁  Type r₁}
  {@0 R₂ : A₂  A₂  Type r₂} 
  (A₁↔A₂ : A₁ ↔[ k ] A₂) 
  @0 (∀ x y 
        R₁ x y  R₂ (to-implication A₁↔A₂ x) (to-implication A₁↔A₂ y)) 
  A₁ /ᴱ R₁ ↔[ k ] A₂ /ᴱ R₂
_/ᴱ-cong_ A₁↔A₂ R₁⇔R₂ =
  A₁↔A₂ /ᴱ-cong-∥∥ λ x y  PT.∥∥-cong-⇔ (R₁⇔R₂ x y)

-- Binary preservation lemmas

-- Two preservation lemmas for functions.

/ᴱ-zip-∥∥ :
  {@0 R₁ : A₁  A₁  Type r₁}
  {@0 R₂ : A₂  A₂  Type r₂} 
  {@0 R₃ : A₃  A₃  Type r₃} 
  (f : A₁  A₂  A₃) 
  @0 (∀ {x}   R₁ x x ) 
  @0 (∀ {x}   R₂ x x ) 
  @0 (∀ {u v x y}   R₁ u v    R₂ x y    R₃ (f u x) (f v y) ) 
  A₁ /ᴱ R₁  A₂ /ᴱ R₂  A₃ /ᴱ R₃
/ᴱ-zip-∥∥ {R₁} {R₂} {R₃} f r₁ r₂ r₃ = rec λ where
    Π-closure ext 2 λ _ 
  .[]ʳ x 
    f x
     y₁ y₂ 
        R₂ y₁ y₂               →⟨  hyp  r₃ r₁ hyp) ⟩□
        R₃ (f x y₁) (f x y₂)   )
  .[]-respects-relationʳ {x = x₁} {y = x₂} x₁R₁x₂ 
    ⟨ext⟩ $ elim-prop λ @0 where
      .is-propositionʳ _ 
      .[]ʳ y 
                                  $⟨ x₁R₁x₂ 
        R₁ x₁ x₂                  →⟨ ∣_∣ 
         R₁ x₁ x₂               →⟨  hyp  r₃ hyp r₂) 
         R₃ (f x₁ y) (f x₂ y)   →⟨ PT.rec /ᴱ-is-set []-respects-relation ⟩□
        [ f x₁ y ]  [ f x₂ y ]   

/ᴱ-zip :
  {@0 R₁ : A₁  A₁  Type r₁}
  {@0 R₂ : A₂  A₂  Type r₂} 
  {@0 R₃ : A₃  A₃  Type r₃} 
  (f : A₁  A₂  A₃) 
  @0 (∀ {x}  R₁ x x) 
  @0 (∀ {x}  R₂ x x) 
  @0 (∀ {u v x y}  R₁ u v  R₂ x y  R₃ (f u x) (f v y)) 
  A₁ /ᴱ R₁  A₂ /ᴱ R₂  A₃ /ᴱ R₃
/ᴱ-zip f r₁ r₂ r₃ = /ᴱ-zip-∥∥ f  r₁   r₂  (PT.∥∥-zip r₃)

-- Some properties

-- [_] is surjective with erased proofs.

Surjectiveᴱ-[] : Surjectiveᴱ ([_] {R = R})
Surjectiveᴱ-[] = elim-prop λ where
  .[]ʳ x               x , [ refl _ ] 
  .is-propositionʳ _  PTᴱ.truncation-is-proposition

-- Quotienting by the propositional truncation of a relation is
-- equivalent to quotienting by the relation itself.

/ᴱ-∥∥≃/ᴱ : A /ᴱ  x y   R x y )  A /ᴱ R
/ᴱ-∥∥≃/ᴱ {R} = F.id /ᴱ-cong-∥∥ λ x y 
    R x y    ↔⟨ PT.flatten ⟩□
   R x y       

-- If R is an equivalence relation, then A /ᴱ R is weakly effective
-- (where this is expressed using ∥_∥ᴱ).
-- This proof is based on that of Proposition 2 in "Quotienting the
-- Delay Monad by Weak Bisimilarity" by Chapman, Uustalu and Veltri.

weakly-effective :
  {R : A  A  Type r} 
  @0 Is-equivalence-relation R 
   R x x ∥ᴱ 
  _≡_ {A = A /ᴱ R} [ x ] [ y ]   R x y ∥ᴱ
weakly-effective {A} {r} {x} {y} {R} eq ∥Rxx∥ᴱ [x]≡[y] =
                     $⟨ ∥Rxx∥ᴱ 
  R′ x [ x ] .proj₁  ↝⟨ ≡⇒→ (cong  y  R′ x y .proj₁) [x]≡[y]) 
  R′ x [ y ] .proj₁  ↔⟨⟩
   R x y ∥ᴱ         
  R′ : A  A /ᴱ R   λ (P : Type r)  Erased (Is-proposition P)
  R′ x = rec λ where
    .[]ʳ y   R x y ∥ᴱ , [ PTᴱ.truncation-is-proposition ]

    .is-setʳ  Er.H-level-1+-∃-H-level-Erased ext U.opaque-univ 1

    .[]-respects-relationʳ {x = y} {y = z} 
      R y z                                        ↝⟨  r  record
                                                         { to   = flip (eq .Is-equivalence-relation.transitive) r
                                                         ; from = flip (eq .Is-equivalence-relation.transitive)
                                                                    (eq .Is-equivalence-relation.symmetric r)
      R x y  R x z                                ↝⟨ EEq._≃ᴱ_.logical-equivalence  PTᴱ.∥∥ᴱ-cong-⇔ 
       R x y ∥ᴱ   R x z ∥ᴱ                      ↔⟨ ⇔↔≡″ ext U.prop-ext 
      ( R x y ∥ᴱ , _)  ( R x z ∥ᴱ , _)          ↝⟨ cong (Σ-map id Er.[_]→) ⟩□
      ( R x y ∥ᴱ , [ _ ])  ( R x z ∥ᴱ , [ _ ])  

-- If R is an equivalence relation, and R is propositional (for x
-- and y), then A /ᴱ R is effective (for x and y).

effective :
  @0 Is-equivalence-relation R 
  @0 Is-proposition (R x y) 
  R x x 
  _≡_ {A = A /ᴱ R} [ x ] [ y ]  R x y
effective {R} {x} {y} eq prop Rxx =
  [ x ]  [ y ]  ↝⟨ weakly-effective eq  Rxx  
   R x y ∥ᴱ     ↔⟨ PTᴱ.∥∥ᴱ↔ prop ⟩□
  R x y          

-- If R is an equivalence relation, and R is propositional (for x
-- and y), then R x y is equivalent to equality of x and y under [_]
-- (in erased contexts).

@0 related≃[equal] :
  Is-equivalence-relation R 
  Is-proposition (R x y) 
  R x y  _≡_ {A = A /ᴱ R} [ x ] [ y ]
related≃[equal] eq prop =
    (effective eq prop (eq .Is-equivalence-relation.reflexive))

-- If R is an equivalence relation, then ∥ R x y ∥ is equivalent to
-- equality of x and y under [_] (in erased contexts).

@0 ∥related∥≃[equal] :
  Is-equivalence-relation R 
   R x y   _≡_ {A = A /ᴱ R} [ x ] [ y ]
∥related∥≃[equal] {R} {x} {y} eq =
   R x y       ↝⟨ inverse PT.∥∥ᴱ≃∥∥ 
   R x y ∥ᴱ     ↝⟨ Eq.⇔→≃
                      (PTᴱ.rec λ @0 where
                         .PTᴱ.truncation-is-propositionʳ  /ᴱ-is-set
                      (weakly-effective eq  eq .Is-equivalence-relation.reflexive ) ⟩□
  [ x ]  [ y ]  

-- Quotienting with equality (for a set) amounts to the same thing as
-- not quotienting at all.

/ᴱ≡↔ : @0 Is-set A  A /ᴱ _≡_  A
/ᴱ≡↔ A-set = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { from = [_]
      ; to   = rec λ where
          .[]ʳ                    id
          .[]-respects-relationʳ  id
          .is-setʳ                A-set
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _  refl _
  ; left-inverse-of = elim-prop λ where
      .[]ʳ _              refl _
      .is-propositionʳ _  /ᴱ-is-set

-- Quotienting with a trivial relation amounts to the same thing as
-- using the propositional truncation (with erased proofs).

/ᴱtrivial↔∥∥ᴱ : @0 (∀ x y  R x y)  A /ᴱ R   A ∥ᴱ
/ᴱtrivial↔∥∥ᴱ {A} {R} trivial = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to = rec-prop λ where
          .[]ʳ              ∣_∣
          .is-propositionʳ  PTᴱ.truncation-is-proposition
      ; from = PTᴱ.rec λ where
          .PTᴱ.∣∣ʳ                         [_]
          .PTᴱ.truncation-is-propositionʳ  elim-prop λ @0 where
            .is-propositionʳ _ 
              Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
            .[]ʳ x  elim-prop λ @0 where
              .is-propositionʳ _  /ᴱ-is-set
              .[]ʳ y              []-respects-relation (trivial x y)
    ; right-inverse-of = PTᴱ.elim λ where
        .PTᴱ.∣∣ʳ _                         refl _
        .PTᴱ.truncation-is-propositionʳ _ 
          ⇒≡ 1 PTᴱ.truncation-is-proposition
  ; left-inverse-of = elim-prop λ where
      .[]ʳ _              refl _
      .is-propositionʳ _  /ᴱ-is-set

-- A property related to ∥_∥ᴱ, proved using _/ᴱ_

-- Having a constant function (with an erased proof of constancy) into
-- a set is equivalent to having a function from a propositionally
-- truncated type (with erased proofs) into the set.
-- The statement of this result is adapted from that of
-- Proposition 2.2 in "The General Universal Property of the
-- Propositional Truncation" by Kraus.

Σ→Erased-Constant≃∥∥ᴱ→ :
  @0 Is-set B 
  ( λ (f : A  B)  Erased (Constant f))  ( A ∥ᴱ  B)
Σ→Erased-Constant≃∥∥ᴱ→ {B} {A} B-set =
  ( λ (f : A  B)  Erased (Constant f))  ↔⟨ lemma 
  (A /ᴱ  _ _  )  B)                   ↝⟨ →-cong₁ ext (/ᴱtrivial↔∥∥ᴱ _) ⟩□
  ( A ∥ᴱ  B)                             
  lemma : _  _
  lemma = record
    { surjection = record
      { logical-equivalence = record
        { to   = λ (f , [ c ])  rec λ where
                   .[]ʳ                      f
                   .[]-respects-relationʳ _  c _ _
                   .is-setʳ                  B-set
        ; from = λ f  (f  [_])
                     , [  _ _  cong f ([]-respects-relation _)) ]
      ; right-inverse-of = λ f  ⟨ext⟩ $ elim λ where
          .[]ʳ _                    refl _
          .[]-respects-relationʳ _  B-set _ _
          .is-setʳ _                mono₁ 2 B-set
    ; left-inverse-of = λ _  Σ-≡,≡→≡
        (refl _)
        (Er.H-level-Erased 1
           (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
            Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
           _ _)

-- The two directions of the proposition above compute in the
-- "right" way.

_ :
  (@0 B-set : Is-set B) 
  _≃_.to (Σ→Erased-Constant≃∥∥ᴱ→ B-set) f  x   proj₁ f x
_ = λ _  refl _

_ :
  (@0 B-set : Is-set B) 
  proj₁ (_≃_.from (Σ→Erased-Constant≃∥∥ᴱ→ B-set) f) x  f  x 
_ = λ _  refl _

-- Various type formers commute with quotients

-- The quotient type ⊤ /ᴱ R is equivalent to ⊤.

⊤/ᴱ :  /ᴱ R  
⊤/ᴱ = Eq.↔→≃
  (elim-prop λ where
     .is-propositionʳ _  /ᴱ-is-set
     .[]ʳ _              refl _)

-- The quotient type ⊥ {ℓ = ℓ} /ᴱ R is equivalent to ⊥ {ℓ = ℓ}.

⊥/ᴱ :  { = } /ᴱ R   { = }
⊥/ᴱ = Eq.↔→≃
  (rec-prop λ where
     .[]ʳ ()
     .is-propositionʳ ())
  (elim-prop λ where
     .[]ʳ ()
     .is-propositionʳ ())

-- _⊎_ commutes with quotients.

⊎/ᴱ :
  {@0 R₁ : A₁  A₁  Type r} {@0 R₂ : A₂  A₂  Type r} 
  (A₁  A₂) /ᴱ (R₁ ⊎ᴾ R₂)  (A₁ /ᴱ R₁  A₂ /ᴱ R₂)
⊎/ᴱ = Eq.↔→≃
  (rec λ where
     .[]ʳ  ⊎-map [_] [_]

     .is-setʳ  ⊎-closure 0 /ᴱ-is-set /ᴱ-is-set

     .[]-respects-relationʳ {x = inj₁ _} {y = inj₁ _} 
       cong inj₁  []-respects-relation
     .[]-respects-relationʳ {x = inj₂ _} {y = inj₂ _} 
       cong inj₂  []-respects-relation)
  Prelude.[ rec  where
              .[]ʳ x                  [ inj₁ x ]
              .[]-respects-relationʳ  []-respects-relation
              .is-setʳ                /ᴱ-is-set)
          , rec  where
              .[]ʳ x                  [ inj₂ x ]
              .[]-respects-relationʳ  []-respects-relation
              .is-setʳ                /ᴱ-is-set)
  Prelude.[ elim-prop  where
              .[]ʳ _              refl _
              .is-propositionʳ _  ⊎-closure 0 /ᴱ-is-set /ᴱ-is-set)
          , elim-prop  where
              .[]ʳ _              refl _
              .is-propositionʳ _  ⊎-closure 0 /ᴱ-is-set /ᴱ-is-set)
  (elim-prop λ where
     .[]ʳ                Prelude.[  _  refl _) ,  _  refl _) ]
     .is-propositionʳ _  /ᴱ-is-set)

-- Maybe commutes with quotients.
-- Chapman, Uustalu and Veltri mention a similar result in
-- "Quotienting the Delay Monad by Weak Bisimilarity".

Maybe/ᴱ :
  {@0 R : A  A  Type r} 
  Maybe A /ᴱ Maybeᴾ R  Maybe (A /ᴱ R)
Maybe/ᴱ {A} {R} =
  Maybe A /ᴱ Maybeᴾ R    ↝⟨ ⊎/ᴱ 
   /ᴱ Trivial  A /ᴱ R  ↔⟨ ⊤/ᴱ ⊎-cong F.id 
    A /ᴱ R             ↔⟨⟩
  Maybe (A /ᴱ R)         

-- A simplification lemma for Maybe/-comm.

Maybe/ᴱ-[] :
  {@0 R : A  A  Type r} 
  _≃_.to (Maybe/ᴱ {R = R})  [_]  ⊎-map id ([_] {R = R})
Maybe/ᴱ-[] = ⟨ext⟩ λ x 
  _≃_.to Maybe/ᴱ [ x ]          ≡⟨⟩
  ⊎-map _ id (⊎-map [_] [_] x)  ≡⟨ sym $ ⊎-map-∘ x ⟩∎
  ⊎-map id [_] x                

-- Cartesian products commute with quotients, assuming that the two
-- binary relations involved in the statement are reflexive.

×/ᴱ :
  {@0 R₁ : A₁  A₁  Type r₁} {@0 R₂ : A₂  A₂  Type r₂} 
  @0 (∀ {x}  R₁ x x) 
  @0 (∀ {x}  R₂ x x) 
  (A₁ × A₂) /ᴱ (R₁ ×ᴾ R₂)  (A₁ /ᴱ R₁ × A₂ /ᴱ R₂)
×/ᴱ {R₁} {R₂} R₁-refl R₂-refl = Eq.↔→≃
  (rec λ where
     .is-setʳ  ×-closure 2 /ᴱ-is-set /ᴱ-is-set

     .[]ʳ  Σ-map [_] [_]

     .[]-respects-relationʳ {x = x₁ , x₂} {y = y₁ , y₂} 
       R₁ x₁ y₁ × R₂ x₂ y₂                    ↝⟨ Σ-map []-respects-relation
       [ x₁ ]  [ y₁ ] × [ x₂ ]  [ y₂ ]      ↝⟨ uncurry (cong₂ _,_) ⟩□
       ([ x₁ ] , [ x₂ ])  ([ y₁ ] , [ y₂ ])  )
  (uncurry $ rec λ where
       Π-closure ext 2 λ _ 
     .[]ʳ x  (x ,_) /ᴱ-map λ y₁ y₂ 
       R₂ y₁ y₂           ↝⟨ R₁-refl ,_ ⟩□
       R₁ x x × R₂ y₁ y₂  
     .[]-respects-relationʳ {x = x₁} {y = x₂} R₁x₁x₂ 
       ⟨ext⟩ $ elim-prop λ @0 where
         .is-propositionʳ _ 
         .[]ʳ y 
           [ (x₁ , y) ]  ≡⟨ []-respects-relation (R₁x₁x₂ , R₂-refl) ⟩∎
           [ (x₂ , y) ]  )
  (uncurry $ elim-prop λ where
     .is-propositionʳ _ 
       Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
       ×-closure 2 /ᴱ-is-set /ᴱ-is-set
     .[]ʳ _  elim-prop λ where
       .is-propositionʳ _ 
         ×-closure 2 /ᴱ-is-set /ᴱ-is-set
       .[]ʳ _ 
         refl _)
  (elim-prop λ where
     .is-propositionʳ _  /ᴱ-is-set
     .[]ʳ _              refl _)

-- The sigma type former commutes (kind of) with quotients, assuming
-- that the second projections come from propositional types.

Σ/ᴱ :
  @0 (∀ {x}  Is-proposition (P x)) 
  Σ (A /ᴱ R) P  Σ A (P  [_]) /ᴱ (R on proj₁)
Σ/ᴱ {A} {R} {P} prop = Eq.↔→≃
  (uncurry $ elim λ where
     .is-setʳ _ 
       Π-closure ext 2 λ _ 

     .[]ʳ  curry [_]

     .[]-respects-relationʳ {x} {y} r  ⟨ext⟩ λ P[y] 
       subst  x  P x  Σ A (P  [_]) /ᴱ (R on proj₁))
             ([]-respects-relation r)
             (curry [_] x) P[y]                               ≡⟨ subst-→-domain P {f = curry [_] x} ([]-respects-relation r) 

       [ (x , subst P (sym $ []-respects-relation r) P[y]) ]  ≡⟨ []-respects-relation r ⟩∎

       [ (y , P[y]) ]                                         )
  (rec λ where
     .is-setʳ  Σ-closure 2 /ᴱ-is-set  _  mono₁ 1 prop)

     .[]ʳ  Σ-map [_] id

     .[]-respects-relationʳ {x = (x₁ , x₂)} {y = (y₁ , y₂)} 
       R x₁ y₁                        ↝⟨ []-respects-relation 
       [ x₁ ]  [ y₁ ]                ↔⟨ ignore-propositional-component prop 
       ([ x₁ ] , x₂)  ([ y₁ ] , y₂)  )
  (elim-prop λ where
     .[]ʳ _              refl _
     .is-propositionʳ _  /ᴱ-is-set)
  (uncurry $ elim-prop λ where
     .[]ʳ _ _            refl _
     .is-propositionʳ _ 
       Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
       Σ-closure 2 /ᴱ-is-set  _  mono₁ 1 prop))

-- Erased commutes with quotients if certain conditions hold.

Erased/ᴱ :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 R : A  A  Type r} 
  @0 Is-set A 
  @0 (∀ {x y}  R x y  x  y) 
  Erased A /ᴱ Erasedᴾ R  Erased (A /ᴱ R)
Erased/ᴱ {A} {R} set R→≡ = Eq.↔→≃
  (rec λ where
     .is-setʳ                        Er.H-level-Erased 2 /ᴱ-is-set
     .[]ʳ                            Er.map [_]
     .[]-respects-relationʳ [ Rxy ] 
       Er.[]-cong [ []-respects-relation Rxy ])
   ([ x ])  [ [ from′ x ] ])
   ([ x ]) 
       [ flip (elim-prop {P = λ x  [ from′ x ]  x}) x  @0 where
           .is-propositionʳ _  /ᴱ-is-set
           .[]ʳ _              refl _)
  (elim-prop λ where
     .is-propositionʳ _  /ᴱ-is-set
     .[]ʳ _              refl _)
  @0 from′ : A /ᴱ R  A
  from′ = rec λ @0 where
    .is-setʳ                set
    .[]ʳ                    id
    .[]-respects-relationʳ  R→≡

-- List commutes with quotients in a certain sense, given a certain
-- assumption.

List/ᴱ :
  @0 (∀ {x}  R x x) 
  List A /ᴱ Listᴾ R  List (A /ᴱ R)
List/ᴱ {A} {R} r = Eq.↔→≃ to from to-from from-to
  @0 to-lemma :
     xs ys 
    Listᴾ R xs ys 
    _≡_ {A = List (A /ᴱ R)} (L.map [_] xs) (L.map [_] ys)
  to-lemma []       []       _        = []  
  to-lemma (x  xs) (y  ys) (r , rs) =
    [ x ]  L.map [_] xs  ≡⟨ cong₂ _∷_ ([]-respects-relation r) (to-lemma xs ys rs) ⟩∎
    [ y ]  L.map [_] ys  

  to : List A /ᴱ Listᴾ R  List (A /ᴱ R)
  to = rec λ where
    .[]ʳ xs                 L.map [_] xs
    .[]-respects-relationʳ  to-lemma _ _
    .is-setʳ                L.H-level-List 0 /ᴱ-is-set

  cons : A /ᴱ R  List A /ᴱ Listᴾ R  List A /ᴱ Listᴾ R
  cons = /ᴱ-zip _∷_ r (Listᴾ-preserves-reflexivity r) _,_

  from : List (A /ᴱ R)  List A /ᴱ Listᴾ R
  from []       = [ [] ]
  from (x  xs) = cons x (from xs)

  to-cons-[] :  x xs  to (cons [ x ] xs)  [ x ]  to xs
  to-cons-[] x = elim-prop λ where
    .is-propositionʳ _ 
      L.H-level-List 0 /ᴱ-is-set
    .[]ʳ _  refl _

  to-from : (xs : List (A /ᴱ R))  to (from xs)  xs
  to-from []       = refl _
  to-from (x  xs) =
    flip (elim-prop {P = λ x  to (from (x  xs))  x  xs}) x λ where
      .is-propositionʳ _ 
        L.H-level-List 0 /ᴱ-is-set
      .[]ʳ x 
        to (cons [ x ] (from xs))  ≡⟨ to-cons-[] _ (from xs) 
        [ x ]  to (from xs)       ≡⟨ cong (_ ∷_) $ to-from xs ⟩∎
        [ x ]  xs                 

  from-map-[] :  xs  from (L.map [_] xs)  [ xs ]
  from-map-[] []       = refl _
  from-map-[] (x  xs) =
    cons [ x ] (from (L.map [_] xs))  ≡⟨ cong (cons [ x ]) $ from-map-[] xs 
    cons [ x ] [ xs ]                 ≡⟨⟩
    [ x  xs ]                        

  from-to : (xs : List A /ᴱ Listᴾ R)  from (to xs)  xs
  from-to = elim-prop λ where
    .is-propositionʳ _  /ᴱ-is-set
    .[]ʳ                from-map-[]