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Book Chapters

"HiPEAC: Upcoming Challenges in Reconfigurable Computing", Ioannis Sourdis and Georgi N. Gaydadjiev, Book Chapter in "Reconfigurable Computing: from FPGAs to Hardware/Software Codesign" J.M.P. Cardoso and M. Hübner (eds.), Chapter 3, Springer Science+Business Media, 2011.

"Fast, Large-Scale String Match for a 10Gbps FPGA-based NIDS", Ioannis Sourdis and Dionisios Pnevmatikatos, Book Chapter in "New Algorithms, Architectures, and Applications for Reconfigurable Computing", Patrick Lysaght and Wolfgang Rosenstiel (Eds.), Chapter 16, pp. 195-207, ISBN 1-4020-3127-0, Springer, 2005.


"Stream Aggregation with Compressed Sliding-Windows", Prajith R. G. and I. Sourdis, ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, 2023.

"L2C: Combining Lossy and Lossless Compression on Memory and I/O", A. Eldstål-Ahrens, A. Arelakis, I. Sourdis, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 21, No. 1, Article 12. January 2022.

"HighwayNoC: Approaching Ideal NoC Performance with Dual Data Rate Routers", A. Ejaz, V. Papaefstathiou, and I. Sourdis, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume: 29, Issue: 1, Feb. 2021.

"MemSZ: Squeezing Memory Traffic with Lossy Compression", A. Eldstål-Ahrens and I. Sourdis, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), 2020.

"Energy-efficient Runtime Management of Heterogeneous Multicores using Online Projection", S. Tzilis, P. Trancoso and I. Sourdis, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), Volume 15 Issue 4, No. 63, January 2019.

"Decoupled Fused Cache: fusing a decoupled LLC with a DRAM cache", E. Vasilakis, V. Papaefstathiou, P. Trancoso and I. Sourdis, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), Volume 15 Issue 4, No. 65, January, 2019.

"DDRNoC: Dual Data-Rate Network-on-Chip", A. Ejaz, V. Papaefstathiou, I. Sourdis, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), 15, 2, Article 25, June 2018.

"Attacks on Heartbeat-Based Security Using Remote Photoplethysmography", R. Seepers, W. Wang, G. de Haan, C. Strydis, I. Sourdis, accepted in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI), 2017.

"BrainFrame: A node-level heterogeneous accelerator platform for neuron simulations, G. Smaragdos, G. Chatzikonstantis, R. Kukreja, H. Sidiropoulos, D. Rodopoulos, I. Sourdis, Z. Al-Ars, C. Kachris, D. Soudris, C. de Zeeuw, C. Strydis, Journal of Neural Engineering, Volume 14, Number 6, 2017.

"Enhancing Heart-Beat-Based Security for mHealth Applications", R. Seepers, C. Strydis, I. Sourdis and C.I. De Zeeuw, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI), Volume: 21, Issue: 1, pp. 254-262, Jan. 2017.

"RQNoC: a Resilient QoS NoC with Service Redirection", A. Malek, I. Sourdis, S. Tzilis, Y. He and G. Rauwerda, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), Vol. 15, No. 2, Article 28, February 2016.

"Enhancing Heart-Beat-Based Security for mHealth Applications", Robert Seepers, Christos Strydis, Ioannis Sourdis and Chris I. De Zeeuw, accepted in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI), 2016.

"Resilient CMPs with Mixed-grained Reconfigurability", Ioannis Sourdis, Danish Anis Khan, Alirad Malek, Stavros Tzilis, Georgios Smaragdos, Christos Strydis, in IEEE Micro, Volume 36 , Issue 1, special series on "Harsh Chips", 2016.

"Design and Analysis of Binary Tree Static Random Access Memory for Low Power Embedded Systems", Luo Sun, J. Mathew, S. Pagliarini, Dhiraj K. Pradhan, and Ioannis Sourdis, in Journal of Low Power Electronics, Vol. 10, 1-12, 2014.

"A System Architecture, Processor and Communication Protocol for Secure Implants", C. Strydis, R.M. Seepers, P. Peris-Lopez, D. Siskos, I. Sourdis, in ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), 10, 4, Article 57, December 2013.

"DeSyRe: on-Demand System Reliability", I. Sourdis, C. Strydis, A. Armato, C.-S. Bouganis, B. Falsafi, G. Gaydadjiev, S. Isaza, A. Malek, R. Mariani, D.N. Pnevmatikatos, D.K Pradhan, G. Rauwerda, R. Seepers, R.K. Shafik, K. Sunesen, D. Theodoropoulos, S. Tzilis, M. Vavouras, in Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems, Special Issue on European Projects in Embedded System Design: EPESD2012, Volume 37, Issue 8, Part C, Pages 981-1001, November 2013,

"Heuristic Search for Adaptive, Defect-Tolerant Multiprocessor Arrays", Vasileios Vasilikos, Georgios Smaragdos, Christos Strydis, Ioannis Sourdis. in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 12(1) Article 44, March 2013.

"Scalable Multi-Gigabit Pattern Matching for Packet Inspection", Ioannis Sourdis, Dionisios Pnevmatikatos, Stamatis Vassiliadis, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Special Section on Configurable Computing Design-II: Hardware Level Reconfiguration, Vol. 16, Issue 2, pp. 156-166, February 2008

"Regular Expression Matching in Reconfigurable Hardware", Ioannis Sourdis, Joao Bispo, Joao M.P. Cardoso and Stamatis Vassiliadis, Int. Journal of Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology (Springer), Volume 51, Number 1, April 2008.

"FLUX Interconnection Networks on Demand", Stamatis Vassiliadis and Ioannis Sourdis, in Journal of Systems Architecture (Elsevier), Vol 53, Issue 10, pp. 777-793, October 2007.

"An Efficient, Low-Cost I/O Subsystem for Network Processors", Dionisios Pnevmatikatos, Ioannis Sourdis, Kyriakos Vlachos, IEEE Design & Test of Computers, Vol. 20, Issue 4, pp. 56-64, July/August 2003.


"A Parallel Hash Table for Streaming Applications" Magnus Östgren and I. Sourdis, 33rd International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), 2024.

"BZSim: Fast, Large-scale Microarchitectural Simulation with Detailed Interconnect Modeling", P. Strikos, A. Ejaz, I. Sourdis, IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), pp. 167-178, 2024.

"FlatPack: Flexible Compaction of Compressed Memory", A. Eldstål-Ahrens, A. Arelakis, I. Sourdis, 31st International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), Chicago, IL, USA, Oct., 2022.

"FastTrackNoC: A NoC with FastTrack Router Datapaths", A. Ejaz and I. Sourdis, 28th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-28), Seoul, South Korea, Feb., 2022.

"StreamZip: Compressed Sliding-Windows for Stream Aggregation", Prajith R. G. and I. Sourdis, Int'l Conf. on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT), December, 2021.

"A Specialized Memory Hierarchy for Stream Aggregation", Prajith R. G. and I. Sourdis, Int'l Conf. on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), Aug.-Sept., 2021.

"Mapping Multiple LSTM models on FPGAs", S. Ribes, P. Trancoso, I. Sourdis and C.-S. Bouganis, Int'l Conf. on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT), December, 2020.

"Hybrid2: Combining Caching and Migration in Hybrid Memory Systems", E. Vasilakis, V. Papaefstathiou, P. Trancoso and I. Sourdis, 26th IEEE Int. Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA 26), San Diego, CA, USA, Feb., 2020.

"Time-SWAD: A Dataflow Engine for Time-based Single Window Stream Aggregation", Prajith R. G., V. Gulisano, P. Trancoso and I. Sourdis, Int. Conf. on Field Programmable Technology (FPT), Tianjin, China, December, 2019.

"AVR: Reducing Memory Traffic with Approximate Value Reconstruction", A. Eldstål-Damlin, P. Trancoso and I.Sourdis, 48th Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Kyoto, Japan, August, 2019.

"LLC-guided Data Migration in Hybrid Memory Systems", E. Vasilakis, V. Papaefstathiou, P. Trancoso and I. Sourdis, 33rd IEEE Inte'l Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May, 2019.

"FreewayNoC: A DDR NoC with Pipeline Bypassing", A. Ejaz, V. Papaefstathiou and I. Sourdis, 12th IEEE/ACM Int. Symp. on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS 2018), Best Paper Nomination, Torino, Italy, October, 2018.

"COSSIM: An Open-Source Integrated Solution to Address the Simulator Gap for System of Systems", A. Brokalakis, D. Pau, M. Marcon, M. Paracchini, E. Plebani, Y. Papaefstathiou, A. Nikitakis, N. Tampouratzis, S. Andrianakis, Prajith R.G., I. Sourdis, M.C. Palacios, M.A. Anton and A. Szasz, Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), Prague, Czech Republic, August, 2018.

"FusionCache: using LLC Tags for DRAM Cache", E. Vasilakis, V. Papaefstathiou, P. Trancoso and I. Sourdis, IEEE Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE), Dresden, Germany, March, 2018.

"Single Window Streaming Aggregation using Reconfigurable Hardware", Prajith R. G., V. Gulisano, B.J. Svensson, P. Trancoso, and I. Sourdis, Int. Conf. on Field Programmable Technology (FPT 2017), Melbourne Australia, December, 2017.

"Towards Real-Time Whisker Tracking in Rodents for Studying Sensorimotor Disorders",Yang Ma, Prajith R. G., G. Smaragdos, S. Lindeman, V. Romano, M. Negrello, I. Sourdis, L. Bosman, C. De Zeeuw, Z. Al-Ars and C. Strydis, Int. Conf. on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS XVII), IEEE, Samos, Greece, 2017.

"Modeling Energy-Performance Tradeoffs in ARM big.LITTLE Architectures", E. Vasilakis, I. Sourdis, V. Papaefstathiou, A. Psathakis and M. G.H. Katevenis, 27th Int. Symp. on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS'17), IEEE, Thessaloniki, Greece, September, 2017.

"Odd-ECC: On-demand DRAM Error Correcting Codes", A. Malek, E. Vasilakis, V. Papaefstathiou, P. Trancoso and I. Sourdis, Int. Symp. on Memory Systems (MEMSYS), ACM, 2017.

"SWAS: Stealing Work using Approximate System-load Information", S. Tzilis, M. Pericas, P. Trancoso and I. Sourdis, 3th Int. Workshop on Scheduling and Resource Management for Parallel and Distributed Systems (SRMPDS), held together with Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing (ICPP), ACM, 2017.

"Runtime Management of Adaptive MPSoCs for Graceful Degradation", Int. Conf. on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis For Embedded Systems (CASES), S. Tzilis, I. Sourdis, V. Vasilikos, D. Rodopoulos and D. Soudris, Embedded Systems week, Pittsburg, PA, USA, Oct. 2-7, 2016.

"Secure Key-Exchange Proto- col for Implants Using Heartbeats", R.M. Seepers, C. Strydis, J.H. Weber, Z. Erkin, and I. Sourdis, ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, 2016.

"Performance Analysis of Accelerated Biophysically-Meaningful Neuron Simulations", G. Smaragdos, G. Chatzikostantis, S. Nomikou, D. Rodopoulos, I. Sourdis, D. Soudris, C.I. De Zeeuw, C. Strydis, IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), Best Paper Nomination, Uppsala, Sweden, April 17-19, 2016.

"ECOSCALE: Reconfigurable Computing and Runtime System for Future Exascale Systems", I. Mavroidis, I. Papaefstathiou, L. Lavagno, D. Nikolopoulos, D. Koch, J. Goodacre, I. Sourdis, V. Papaefstathiou, M. Coppola and M. Palomino, IEEE Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE), European projects track, Dresden, Germany, March, 2016.

"Reducing the Performance Overhead of Resilient CMPs with Substitutable Resources", A. Malek, S. Tzilis, D.A. Khan, I. Sourdis, G. Smaragdos and C. Strydis, in International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT), Amherst, USA, 2015.

"On Using a Von Neumann Extractor in Heart-Beat-Based Security", R. Seepers, C. Strydis, I. Sourdis and C.I. De Zeeuw, in the 14th IEEE Int. Conf. on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-15), Helsinki, Finland, 2015.

"A Probabilistic Analysis of Resilient Reconfigurable Designs", Alirad Malek, Stavros Tzilis, Danish Anis Khan, Ioannis Sourdis, Georgios Smaragdos and Christos Strydis, in International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT), Amsterdam, 2014.

"A Runtime Manager for Gracefully Degrading SoCs",Stavros Tzilis, Ioannis Sourdis, in International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT), Amsterdam, 2014.

"The DeSyRe Runtime support for Fault-tolerant Embedded MPSoCs", Dimitris Theodoropoulos, Dionisios Pnevmatikatos, Stavros Tzilis, Ioannis Sourdis, in the 12th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA), 2014.

"Peak Misdetection In Heart-Beat-Based Security: Characterization and Tolerance", Robert M. Seepers, Christos Strydis, Pedro Peris-Lopez, Ioannis Sourdis, Chris I. De Zeeuw, in 36th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, 2014.

"Real-Time Olivo-Cerebellar Neuron Simulations on Dataflow Computing Machines", Georgios Smaragdos, Craig Davies, Christos Strydis, Ioannis Sourdis, Catalin Ciobanu and Oskar Mencer, in Int'l Supercomputing Conference (ISC), Leipzig, Germany, June, 2014.

"A Dependable Coarse-grain Reconfigurable Multicore Array", Georgios Smaragdos, Danish Anis Khan, Ioannis Sourdis, Christos Strydis, Alirad Malek and Stavros Tzilis, in 21st Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW'14) IEEE, held together with IPDPS, Phoenix, USA , May 19-20, 2014.

"FPGA-based Biophysically-Meaningful Modeling of Olivocerebellar Neurons", Georgios Smaragdos, Sebastian Isaza, Martijn Van Eijk, Ioannis Sourdis and Christos Strydis, 22nd ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), Monterey, California, February, 2014.

"DeSyRe: On-Demand Adaptive and Reconfigurable Fault-Tolerant SoCs", I. Sourdis, C. Strydis, A. Armato, C.S. Bouganis, B. Falsafi, G.N. Gaydadjiev, S. Isaza, A. Malek, R. Mariani, D.K. Pradhan, G. Rauwerda, R.M. Seepers, R.A. Shafik, G. Smaragdos, D. Theodoropoulos, S. Tzilis, M. Vavouras, S. Pagliarini, and D. Pnevmatikatos, 10th Int'l Symp. on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, LNCS 8405, pp. 312--317, 2014.

"Adaptive entity-identifier generation for IMD emergency access", Robert Seepers, Christos Strydis, Ioannis Sourdis and Chris de Zeeuw, First Workshop on Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems (CS2 2014, ACM), held in conjunction with the Int'l Conf. on High Performance Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC), pp 41-44, Vienna, Austria 2014.

"Software Modification Aided Transient Error Tolerance for Embedded Systems", Rishad A Shafik, Gerard K Rauwerda, Jordy Potman, Dhiraj Pradhan, Jimson Mathew and Ioannis Sourdis, 16th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), September 2013.

"The DeSyRe project: on-Demand System Reliability", Ioannis Sourdis, Christos Strydis, Christos-Savvas Bouganis, Babak Falsafi, Georgi N. Gaydadjiev, Alirad Malek, Riccardo Mariani, Dionisios N. Pnevmatikatos, Dhiraj K. Pradhan, Gerard Rauwerda, Kim Sunesen and Stavros Tzilis, 15th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, September 2012.

"Reconfigurable Acceleration and Dynamic Partial Self-Reconfiguration in General Purpose Computing" Ioannis Sourdis, Abhijit Nandy, Venkatasubramanian Viswanathan, Anthony Brandon, Dimitris Theodoropoulos and Georgi N. Gaydadjiev, Int. Conf. on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT'11), December 2011, New Delhi, India.

"Hardware OS Communication Service and Dynamic Memory Management for RSoCs" Surya Narayanan, Daniel Chillet, Sebastien Pillement and Ioannis Sourdis, Int. Conf. on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig 2011), Cancun, Mexico, November 2011.

"Communication Service for hardware tasks executed on dynamic and partial reconfigurable resource" Surya Narayanan, Ludovic Devaux, Daniel Chillet, Sebastien Pillement, Ioannis Sourdis, IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC 2011), pp 196-199, Hong Kong, China, October 2011.

"Longest Prefix Match and Updates in Range Tries" Ioannis Sourdis and Sri Harsha Katamaneni, 22nd IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP 2011), pp 51-58, Santa Monica, CA, USA, September, 2011.

"Fine-grain Fault Diagnosis for FPGA Logic Blocks", Stavros Tzilis, Ioannis Sourdis, Georgi N. Gaydadjiev, Int. Conf. on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT 2010), pp 154-161, Beijing, China, December 2010.

"General Purpose Computing with Reconfigurable Acceleration", Anthony A.C. Brandon, Ioannis Sourdis, Georgi N. Gaydadjiev, 20th Int. Conf. on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), pp. 588-591, Milano, ITALY, August 2010.

"The TU Delft Sudoku Solver on FPGA", Kees van der Bok, Mottaqiallah Taouil, Panagiotis Afratis, Ioannis Sourdis, Int. Conf. on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT), Sydney, Australia, December 2009.

"Range Tries for Scalable Address Lookup", Ioannis Sourdis, Georgios Stefanakis, Ruben de Smet, Georgi N. Gaydadjiev, ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS), pp. 143-152, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, October 2009.

"Range Trees with Variable Length Comparisons", Ioannis Sourdis, Ruben de Smet, Georgi N. Gaydadjiev, 15th IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), Paris, France, June 2009.

"Synthesis of Regular Expressions Targeting FPGAs: Current Status and Open Issues", Joao Bispo, Ioannis Sourdis, Joao M.P. Cardoso and Stamatis Vassiliadis, Int. Workshop on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC 2007), pp. 179-190, Mangaratiba, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, March 2007.

"Reconfigurable FLUX Networks", Stamatis Vassiliadis and Ioannis Sourdis, in IEEE International Conference on Field Programmable Technology (FPT), pp. 81-88, Bangkok, Thailand, December 2006.

"Regular Expression Matching for Reconfigurable Packet Inspection", Joao Bispo, Ioannis Sourdis, Joao M.P. Cardoso and Stamatis Vassiliadis, in IEEE International Conference on Field Programmable Technology (FPT), pp. 119-126, Bangkok, Thailand, December 2006.

"Packet Pre-filtering for Network Intrusion Detection", Ioannis Sourdis, Vasilis Dimopoulos, Dionisios Pnevmatikatos and Stamatis Vassiliadis, in 2nd ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS), pp. 183-192, San Jose, California, USA, December 2006.

"Reconfigurable Fabric Interconnects", Stamatis Vassiliadis and Ioannis Sourdis, in International Symposium on System-on-Chip (SoC), pp. 41-44, Tampere, Finland, November 2006.

"FLUX Networks: Interconnects on Demand", Stamatis Vassiliadis and Ioannis Sourdis, in International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (IC-SAMOS), pp. 160-167, July 2006.

"A Reconfigurable Perfect-Hashing Scheme for Packet Inspection ", Ioannis Sourdis, Dionisios Pnevmatikatos, Stephan Wong and Stamatis Vassiliadis, 15th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL'05), pp. 644-647, Tampere, Finland, August 2005.

"Pre-decoded CAMs for Efficient and High-Speed NIDS Pattern Matching", Ioannis Sourdis and Dionisios Pnevmatikatos, IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM'04), pp. 258-267, Napa CA, USA, April 2004.

"Fast, Large-Scale String Match for a 10Gbps FPGA-based Network Intrusion Detection System", Ioannis Sourdis and Dionisios Pnevmatikatos, 13th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL'03), pp. 880-889, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2003.

"Efficient Field Processing Cores in an Innovative Protocol Processor System-on-Chip", G. Lykakis, N. Mouratidis, K. Vlachos, N. Nikolaou, S. Perissakis, I. Sourdis, G. Konstantoulakis, D. Pnevmatikatos, D. Reisis, Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE '03), pp. 20014-20019, Messe Munich, Germany, March 2003.

"An Efficient and Low-Cost Input/Output Subsystem for Network Processors", Ioannis Sourdis, Dionisios Pnevmatikatos, Kyriakos Vlachos, Workshop on Application Specific Processors (WASP), Istanbul, Turkey, November 2002.


Patentnr: NL 2002799, I. Sourdis, R. de Smet, G. Stefanakis, G. N. Gaydadjiev, Data structure, method and system for address lookup, Int. Cl.: H04L 12/56, sumbitted: 24 April 2009, granted: 26 October 2010, October 2010.


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©2018 Ioannis Sourdis