-- A README directed towards readers of the paper
-- "Correct-by-Construction Pretty-Printing"
-- Nils Anders Danielsson

{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}

module README.Correct-by-Construction-Pretty-Printing where

-- 2: Grammars

-- The basic grammar data type, including its semantics. Only a small
-- number of derived combinators is defined directly for this data
-- type. It is proved that an inductive version of this type would be
-- quite restrictive.

import Grammar.Infinite.Basic

-- The extended grammar data type mentioned in Section 4.3, along with
-- a semantics and lots of derived combinators. This type is proved to
-- be no more expressive than the previous one; but it is also proved
-- that every language that can be recursively enumerated can be
-- represented by a (unit-valued) grammar.

import Grammar.Infinite

-- 3: Pretty-Printers

import Pretty

-- 4: Examples

-- Reusable document combinators introduced in this section.

import Pretty

-- The symbol combinator and the heuristic procedure
-- trailing-whitespace.

import Grammar.Infinite

-- 4.1: Boolean literals.

import Examples.Bool

-- 4.2: Expressions, and 4.3: Expressions, Take Two.

import Examples.Expression

-- 4.4: Identifiers.

import Examples.Identifier

-- 4.5: Other Examples.

-- Some of these examples are not mentioned in the paper.

-- Another expression example based on one in Matsuda and Wang's
-- "FliPpr: A Prettier Invertible Printing System".

import Examples.Expression

-- An example based on one in Swierstra and Chitil's "Linear, bounded,
-- functional pretty-printing".

import Examples.Identifier-list

-- Two examples, both based on examples in Wadler's "A prettier
-- printer".

import Examples.Tree
import Examples.XML

-- The fill combinator.

import Pretty

-- A general grammar and pretty-printer for binary operators of
-- various (not necessarily linearly ordered) precedences.

import Examples.Precedence

-- 5: Renderers

import Renderer

-- Unambiguous and Parser.

import Grammar.Infinite