-- Pretty-printing (documents and document combinators)

{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}

module Pretty where

open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Char
open import Data.List hiding ([_])
open import Data.List.NonEmpty using (List⁺; _∷_; _∷⁺_)
open import Data.List.Properties
open import Data.Maybe hiding (_>>=_)
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Unit
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)
open import Tactic.MonoidSolver

open import Grammar.Infinite as G
  hiding (_<$>_; _<$_; _⊛_; _<⊛_; _⊛>_; token; tok; if-true; sat;
          tok-sat; symbol; list; list⁺)

-- Pretty-printers


  -- Pretty-printer documents, indexed by grammars and corresponding
  -- values.
  -- For convenience I have chosen to parametrise Doc by "extended"
  -- grammars rather than basic ones.

  infixr 20 _◇_

  data Doc :  {A}  Grammar A  A  Set₁ where

    -- Concatenation.

    _◇_   :  {c₁ c₂ A B x y}
              {g₁ : ∞Grammar c₁ A} {g₂ : A  ∞Grammar c₂ B} 
            Doc (♭? g₁) x  Doc (♭? (g₂ x)) y  Doc (g₁ >>= g₂) y

    -- A string. Note that I do /not/ enforce Wadler's convention
    -- that the string does not contain newline characters.

    text  :  {s}  Doc (string s) s

    -- One or more whitespace characters.

    line  : Doc (tt G.<$ whitespace +) tt

    -- Grouping construct.

    group :  {A x} {g : Grammar A}  Doc g x  Doc g x

    -- Increases the nesting level. (Whatever this means. Renderers
    -- are free to ignore group and nest, see ugly-renderer below.)

    nest  :  {A x} {g : Grammar A}    Doc g x  Doc g x

    -- Embedding operator: Documents for one grammar/result also
    -- work for other grammars/results, given that the semantics
    -- are, in a certain sense, compatible.

    emb   :  {A B x y} {g₁ : Grammar A} {g₂ : Grammar B} 
            (∀ {s}  x  g₁ · s  y  g₂ · s) 
            Doc g₁ x  Doc g₂ y

    -- Fill operator.

    fill  :  {A xs} {g : Grammar A} 
            Docs g xs  Doc (g sep-by whitespace +) xs

  -- Sequences of documents, all based on the same grammar.

  infixr 5 _∷_

  data Docs {A} (g : Grammar A) : List⁺ A  Set₁ where
    [_] :  {x}  Doc g x  Docs g (x  [])
    _∷_ :  {x xs}  Doc g x  Docs g xs  Docs g (x ∷⁺ xs)

-- Pretty-printers. A pretty-printer is a function that for every
-- value constructs a matching document.

Pretty-printer : {A : Set}  Grammar A  Set₁
Pretty-printer g =  x  Doc g x

Pretty-printer-for : {A : Set}  Grammar-for A  Set₁
Pretty-printer-for g =  x  Doc (g x) (x , refl)

-- Derived document combinators

-- A "smart" variant of emb. Can be used to avoid long chains of emb
-- constructors.

embed :  {A B} {g₁ : Grammar A} {g₂ : Grammar B} {x y} 
        (∀ {s}  x  g₁ · s  y  g₂ · s)  Doc g₁ x  Doc g₂ y
embed f (emb g d) = emb (f  g) d
embed f d         = emb f d

-- A document for the empty string.

nil :  {A} {x : A}  Doc (return x) x
nil = embed lemma text
  lemma :  {x s}  []  string [] · s  x  return x · s
  lemma return-sem = return-sem

-- A document for the given character.

token :  {t}  Doc G.token t
token {t} = embed lemma text
  lemma′ :  {x s}  x  string (t  []) · s  x  t  [] 
           t  G.token · s
  lemma′ (⊛-sem (<$>-sem tok-sem) return-sem) refl = token-sem

  lemma :  {s}  t  []  string (t  []) · s  t  G.token · s
  lemma t∈ = lemma′ t∈ refl

-- A document for the given character.

tok :  {t}  Doc (G.tok t) t
tok {t} = embed lemma token
  lemma :  {s}  t  G.token · s  t  G.tok t · s
  lemma token-sem = tok-sem

-- Some mapping combinators.

infix 21 <$>_ <$_

<$>_ :  {c A B} {f : A  B} {x} {g : ∞Grammar c A} 
       Doc (♭? g) x  Doc (f G.<$> g) (f x)
<$> d = embed <$>-sem d

<$_ :  {c A B} {x : A} {y} {g : ∞Grammar c B} 
      Doc (♭? g) y  Doc (x G.<$ g) x
<$ d = embed <$-sem d

-- Some sequencing combinators.

infixl 20 _⊛_ _<⊛_ _⊛>_ _<⊛-tt_ _tt-⊛>_

_⊛_ :  {c₁ c₂ A B f x}
        {g₁ : ∞Grammar c₁ (A  B)} {g₂ : ∞Grammar c₂ A} 
      Doc (♭? g₁) f  Doc (♭? g₂) x  Doc (g₁ G.⊛ g₂) (f x)
_⊛_ {g₁ = g₁} {g₂} d₁ d₂ = embed lemma (d₁  <$> d₂)
  lemma :  {x s} 
          x  (g₁ >>= λ f  f G.<$> g₂) · s  x  g₁ G.⊛ g₂ · s
  lemma (>>=-sem f∈ (<$>-sem x∈)) = ⊛-sem f∈ x∈

_<⊛_ :  {c₁ c₂ A B x y} {g₁ : ∞Grammar c₁ A} {g₂ : ∞Grammar c₂ B} 
       Doc (♭? g₁) x  Doc (♭? g₂) y  Doc (g₁ G.<⊛ g₂) x
_<⊛_ {g₁ = g₁} {g₂} d₁ d₂ = embed lemma (d₁  <$ d₂)
  lemma :  {x s} 
          x  (g₁ >>= λ x  x G.<$ g₂) · s  x  g₁ G.<⊛ g₂ · s
  lemma (>>=-sem x∈ (<$-sem y∈)) = <⊛-sem x∈ y∈

_⊛>_ :  {c₁ c₂ A B x y} {g₁ : ∞Grammar c₁ A} {g₂ : ∞Grammar c₂ B} 
       Doc (♭? g₁) x  Doc (♭? g₂) y  Doc (g₁ G.⊛> g₂) y
_⊛>_ {g₁ = g₁} {g₂} d₁ d₂ = embed lemma (d₁  d₂)
  lemma :  {y s} 
          y  (g₁ >>= λ _  g₂) · s  y  g₁ G.⊛> g₂ · s
  lemma (>>=-sem x∈ y∈) = ⊛>-sem x∈ y∈

_<⊛-tt_ :  {c₁ c₂ A B x} {g₁ : ∞Grammar c₁ A} {g₂ : ∞Grammar c₂ B} 
          Doc (♭? g₁) x  Doc (tt G.<$ g₂) tt  Doc (g₁ G.<⊛ g₂) x
_<⊛-tt_ {g₁ = g₁} {g₂} d₁ d₂ = embed lemma (d₁ <⊛ d₂)
  lemma :  {x s}  x  g₁ G.<⊛ (tt G.<$ g₂) · s  x  g₁ G.<⊛ g₂ · s
  lemma (<⊛-sem x∈ (<$-sem y∈)) = <⊛-sem x∈ y∈

_tt-⊛>_ :  {c₁ c₂ A B x} {g₁ : ∞Grammar c₁ A} {g₂ : ∞Grammar c₂ B} 
          Doc (tt G.<$ g₁) tt  Doc (♭? g₂) x  Doc (g₁ G.⊛> g₂) x
_tt-⊛>_ {g₁ = g₁} {g₂} d₁ d₂ = embed lemma (d₁ ⊛> d₂)
  lemma :  {x s}  x  (tt G.<$ g₁) G.⊛> g₂ · s  x  g₁ G.⊛> g₂ · s
  lemma (⊛>-sem (<$-sem x∈) y∈) = ⊛>-sem x∈ y∈

-- Document combinators for choices.

left :  {c₁ c₂ A x} {g₁ : ∞Grammar c₁ A} {g₂ : ∞Grammar c₂ A} 
       Doc (♭? g₁) x  Doc (g₁  g₂) x
left d = embed left-sem d

right :  {c₁ c₂ A x} {g₁ : ∞Grammar c₁ A} {g₂ : ∞Grammar c₂ A} 
        Doc (♭? g₂) x  Doc (g₁  g₂) x
right d = embed right-sem d

-- Some Kleene star and plus combinators.

nil-⋆ :  {c A} {g : ∞Grammar c A}  Doc (g ) []
nil-⋆ {A = A} {g} = embed lemma nil
  lemma :  {s}  []  return {A = List A} [] · s  []  g  · s
  lemma return-sem = ⋆-[]-sem

cons-⋆+ :  {c A} {g : ∞Grammar c A} {x xs} 
          Doc (♭? g) x  Doc (g ) xs  Doc (g +) (x  xs)
cons-⋆+ d₁ d₂ = <$> d₁  d₂

cons-⋆ :  {c A} {g : ∞Grammar c A} {x xs} 
         Doc (♭? g) x  Doc (g ) xs  Doc (g ) (x  xs)
cons-⋆ d₁ d₂ = embed ⋆-+-sem (cons-⋆+ d₁ d₂)

-- A document for the empty string.

if-true :  b  Pretty-printer (G.if-true b)
if-true true  _  = nil
if-true false ()

-- Documents for the given character.

sat : (p : Char  Bool)  Pretty-printer (G.sat p)
sat p (t , proof) = token  <$> if-true (p t) proof

tok-sat : {p : Char  Bool}  Pretty-printer-for (G.tok-sat p)
tok-sat _ = <$ tok

-- A single space character.

space : Doc (whitespace ) (' '  [])
space = embed lemma tok
  lemma :  {s} 
          ' '  G.tok ' ' · s 
          (' '  [])  whitespace  · s
  lemma tok-sem = ⋆-+-sem single-space-sem

-- A variant of line (with _⋆ instead of _+ in the grammar).

line⋆ : Doc (tt G.<$ whitespace ) tt
line⋆ = embed lemma line
  lemma :  {s} 
          tt  tt G.<$ whitespace + · s 
          tt  tt G.<$ whitespace  · s
  lemma (<$-sem w+) = <$-sem (⋆-+-sem w+)

-- Combinators that add a final "line" to the document, nested i
-- steps. (The grammars have to satisfy certain predicates.)

final-line′ :  {A} {g : Grammar A} {x} 
              Trailing-whitespace g  Doc g x  (i : )  Doc g x
final-line′ trailing d i = embed trailing (d <⊛-tt nest i line⋆)

final-line :  {A} {g : Grammar A} {x} (n : )
             {trailing : T (is-just (trailing-whitespace n g))} 
             Doc g x  (i : )  Doc g x
final-line n {trailing} =
  final-line′ (to-witness-T (trailing-whitespace n _) trailing)

-- Trailing-whitespace never holds for grammars of the form g ⋆, but
-- if the list to be pretty-printed has at least one element, then
-- final-line may still work.

final-line-+⋆ :  {c A} {g : ∞Grammar c A} {x xs} (n : )
                {trailing : T (is-just (trailing-whitespace n (g +)))} 
                Doc (g +) (x  xs)  (i : )  Doc (g ) (x  xs)
final-line-+⋆ n {trailing} d i =
  embed ⋆-+-sem (final-line n {trailing} d i)

-- A document for the given symbol (and no following whitespace).

symbol :  {s}  Doc (G.symbol s) s
symbol = text <⊛ nil-⋆

-- A document for the given symbol plus a "line".

symbol-line :  {s}  Doc (G.symbol s) s
symbol-line = final-line 1 symbol 0

-- A document for the given symbol plus a space character.

symbol-space :  {s}  Doc (G.symbol s) s
symbol-space = text <⊛ space

-- A combinator for bracketed output, based on one in Wadler's "A
-- prettier printer".

bracket :  {c A x s₁ s₂} {g : ∞Grammar c A} (n : ) 
          {trailing : T (is-just (trailing-whitespace n (♭? g)))} 
          Doc (♭? g) x  Doc (G.symbol s₁ G.⊛> g G.<⊛ G.symbol s₂) x
bracket n {trailing} d =
  group (nest 2 symbol-line
         final-line n {trailing = trailing} (nest 2 d) 0


  -- Conversion of pretty-printers for elements into pretty-printers
  -- for lists.

  map⋆ :  {c A} {g : ∞Grammar c A} 
         Pretty-printer (♭? g)  Pretty-printer (g )
  map⋆ p []       = nil-⋆
  map⋆ p (x  xs) = embed ⋆-+-sem (map+ p (x  xs))

  map+ :  {c A} {g : ∞Grammar c A} 
         Pretty-printer (♭? g)  Pretty-printer (g +)
  map+ p (x  xs) = cons-⋆+ (p x) (map⋆ p xs)


  -- Conversion of pretty-printers for specific elements into
  -- pretty-printers for specific lists.

  list :  {A} {elem : Grammar-for A} 
         Pretty-printer-for elem 
         Pretty-printer-for (G.list elem)
  list e []       = nil
  list e (x  xs) = <$> (list⁺ e (x  xs))

  list⁺ :  {A} {elem : Grammar-for A} 
          Pretty-printer-for elem 
          Pretty-printer-for (G.list⁺ elem)
  list⁺ e (x  xs) = <$> (e x)  list e xs

-- A variant of fill. (The grammar has to satisfy a certain
-- predicate.)

fill+ :  {c A} {g : ∞Grammar c A} (n : )
        {trailing : T (is-just (trailing-whitespace n (♭? g)))} 
         {xs}  Docs (♭? g) xs  Doc (g +) xs
fill+ {g = g} n {trailing} ds = embed lemma (fill ds)
  trailing! = to-witness-T (trailing-whitespace n (♭? g)) trailing

  lemma′ :  {x xs s₁ s₂} 
           x  ♭? g · s₁  xs  ♭? g prec-by whitespace + · s₂ 
           x  xs  g + · s₁ ++ s₂
  lemma′           x∈ ⋆-[]-sem = +-sem x∈ ⋆-[]-sem
  lemma′ {s₁ = s₁} x∈ (⋆-+-sem (⊛-sem (<$>-sem (⊛>-sem w+ x′∈)) xs∈)) =
    cast lemma″
         (+-∷-sem (trailing! (<⊛-sem x∈ (⋆-+-sem w+))) (lemma′ x′∈ xs∈))
    lemma″ :
       {s₂ s₃ s₄}  (s₁ ++ s₂) ++ s₃ ++ s₄  s₁ ++ (s₂ ++ s₃) ++ s₄
    lemma″ = solve (++-monoid Char)

  lemma :  {s xs}  xs  ♭? g sep-by whitespace + · s  xs  g + · s
  lemma (⊛-sem (<$>-sem x∈) xs∈) = lemma′ x∈ xs∈

-- Variants of map+/map⋆ that use fill. (The grammars have to satisfy
-- a certain predicate.)

map+-fill :  {c A} {g : ∞Grammar c A} (n : )
            {trailing : T (is-just (trailing-whitespace n (♭? g)))} 
            Pretty-printer (♭? g) 
            Pretty-printer (g +)
map+-fill {g = g} n {trailing} p (x  xs) =
  fill+ n {trailing = trailing} (to-docs x xs)
  to-docs :  x xs  Docs (♭? g) (x  xs)
  to-docs x []        = [ p x ]
  to-docs x (x′  xs) = p x  to-docs x′ xs

map⋆-fill :  {c A} {g : ∞Grammar c A} (n : )
            {trailing : T (is-just (trailing-whitespace n (♭? g)))} 
            Pretty-printer (♭? g) 
            Pretty-printer (g )
map⋆-fill n            p []       = nil-⋆
map⋆-fill n {trailing} p (x  xs) =
  embed ⋆-+-sem (map+-fill n {trailing = trailing} p (x  xs))