
Nils Anders Danielsson

The course consists of two parts:

The following is required to pass the course (GU grade G/Chalmers grade 3):

The following is required to get the Chalmers grade 4 (this is inapplicable to GU students):

The following is required to get the GU grade VG or the Chalmers grade 5:

Authorised aids during the written exams (except for the aids that are always permitted): none.

After correction the graded exams are available in the student office in room 4482 of the EDIT building. If you want to discuss the grading you can, within three weeks after the result has been reported, contact the examiner and set up a time for a meeting (in which case you should not remove the exam from the student office).

  1. The reason for including this rule is that the GU syllabus requires it.