Passing requirements

To pass the course, you must have passed the assignments (labs) and have passed the exam (see more information). For the exam, the only permitted material is a dictionary.

Reading for the exam

We hope the lectures and exercises will help you understand concurrency, but to prepare for the exam, you need strictly speaking only Chapters 1 through 9 of the textbook. Sections of the textbook specifically dealing with languages we don’t use (Ada, C and BACI) can be skipped with caution (be aware that important ideas might be illustrated in those sections; for example, protected objects in Ada). Promela and Spin are not examinable material; they will be used only as teaching aids.

Remember that the pseudo-code notation of the textbook and the lectures is the only programming language you need to know for the exam.

Examination dates

These are the official examination dates:

Past exams

Some previous exams are available below for reference.

Exams by Michał Pałka

Exams by K.V.S. Prasad

Some student solutions to these exams can be found here.

Exams by Alejandro Russo

Exams by others

More exams?

The list above will give you a pretty good idea what to expect from an exam. Of course, the course has been run by different teachers and each of them has its own style. If you still want more exams, you can get a copy of them from the Studieexpedition. The structure of the exam and the type of questions is not drastically changing throughout the years. It is true that the used programming languages can be different but the problems the past exams ask to solve are relevant.

Concurrent Programming 2016 - Chalmers University of Technology & Gothenburg University