Note on deadlines: If you miss the final deadline for a lab, don’t panic! You have two options:

  • You may be able to get a small deadline extension. It’s Alexander who decides this, so ask him during a lab session.

  • You can pass the lab by coming to my office (5469) between 1pm and 3pm on Tuesday the 7th of June (note new date), and showing me the finished lab in person. Bring your lab solution with you (laptop is best).

There are three labs and one written hand-in. You should work on these in pairs if possible, though you can work on your own if you really want to. Submit everything through Fire.

The labs are part of the examination of the course! This means you must not under any circumstances copy any part of your solution from someone else. GU have in the past suspended students who copied parts of labs: they treat it just the same as cheating on an exam. If the deadline’s approaching and you’re stuck, don’t panic, just submit what you have and you’ll probably be able to get an extension.

Lab supervision is usually on Tuesday 13-17 and Friday 10-12, in 3354/3358, starting after Easter. But check the full schedule on TimeEdit.