To be able to run any course related tools and packages (for example TSim) you need to first run the following command:

$ setup_course tda381

Note that the old course code TDA381 is used here.

You are strongly encouraged to test your lab solutions on a multi-processor or multi-core machine, for example remote[n] Since these machines do not have a lot of memory, you need to compile your labs with the special flag -J-Xmx20m to tell the Java Virtual Machine to use only 20MB of memory---see example below.

javac -J-Xmx20m

Windows computers (for Java exercises/labs)

Although it is a little complicated, it is possible to run the tools needed for the Java-related exercises and assignments used in the course. It relies on having Cygwin installed. Cygwin is a set of tools which makes your Windows machine more unix like.

Installing Cygwin


To download Erlang/OTP, simply go to this webpage and choose the version to install depending on your machine operating system.

Remotely running the course tool

In this section we are going to describe how to run the course tools from a server on Chalmers but having the windows displayed on your local Windows computer.