I defended my PhD thesis successfully September 25 2007.
I am currently a researcher at Språkbanken, Department of Swedish, University of Gothenburg.
New homepage: http://spraakbanken.gu.se/personal/markus/
M. Forsberg. Three Tools for Language Processing: BNF Converter, Functional
Morphology, and Extract. PhD thesis, Göteborg University and Chalmers University of Technology,
September 2007.
Download: PhD
M. Forsberg The Functional Morphology Library.
Technical Report no. 2007-09 in Computing Science
at Chalmers
University of Technology and Gothenburg University
Download: FM_Tech_Report.pdf
M. Forsberg The Extract Tool.
Technical Report no. 2007-10 in Computing Science
at Chalmers
University of Technology and Gothenburg University
Download: Extract_Tech_Report.pdf
M. Forsberg H. Hammarström A. Ranta. Morphological Lexicon
Extraction from Raw Text Data. FinTAL 2006, LNAI 4139, pp.488-499.
Download: FinTAL2006.pdf
L. Borin M. Forsberg. Mannen är faderns mormor: Svenskt associationslexikon i utökad
elektronisk form. Presented at SLING 2006
Download: Abstract
M. Forsberg, A. Ranta: Functional Morphology: Tool Demonstration.
FSMNLP 2005, LNAI 4002, pp. 304-305, 2006
Download: Abstract
M. Forsberg. Applications of Functional Programming in Processing
Formal and Natural Languages. Licentiate thesis.
Download: Thesis
Download: Abstract
M. Pellauer, M. Forsberg, A. Ranta. BNF Converter: Multilingual Front-End
Generation from Labelled BNF Grammars,
Technical Report no. 2004-09 in Computing Science
at Chalmers
University of Technology and Gothenburg University
Download: tech2004.pdf
M. Forsberg, A. Ranta. Tool Demonstration: BNF Converter
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2004 Haskell Workshop, Snowbird, Utah
Download: BNFC_HW2004.pdf
Download slides: HW2004_slides.pdf
M. Forsberg, A. Ranta. Functional Morphology
ICFP'04, Proceedings of the
Ninth ACM SIGPLAN International Conference of Functional Programming, September 19-21,
2004, Snowbird, Utah
Download: FM_ICFP2004.pdf
Download slides: ICFP2004_slides.pdf
M. Forsberg, A. Ranta. The BNF Converter: A High-Level Tool for
Implementing Well-Behaved Programming Languages.
proceedings, Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, December 2003,
Tallin, Estonia
Download: BNF_Report.ps.gz.
M. Forsberg. Finite State Transducers in Haskell. Master Thesis.
Download: Thesis.ps.
M. Forsberg (Joint work with L. Borin and R. Johnson) Old Swedish in
Functional Morphology, 2007
Download: osw_2007_08_27.pdf
M. Forsberg Functional Pronunciation Dictionaries, 2007
Download: FPD_2007_09_02.pdf
M. Forsberg, A. Ranta. The User Manual for BNF Converter, 2005
Download: LBNF-report.pdf