{-# OPTIONS -v profile.interactive:10 #-}
--- === Reflections on Reflection === ---
---           Ulf Norell

module Reflection where

open import Prelude
open import Tactic.Nat

--- === Introduction === ---

downFrom : Nat  List Nat
downFrom  0      = []
downFrom (suc n) = suc n  downFrom n

theorem :  n  sum (map (_^ 2) (downFrom n)) * 6 
                 n * (n + 1) * (2 * n + 1)
theorem = induction

--- === Decision Procedures === ---

-- Basic idea:
--   - represent problem domain as a data type
--   - write a function to decide if a problem
--     is solvable
--   - prove that the function is sound

open import Tactic.Nat.Exp
open import Tactic.Nat.NF

--- === Decision procedure proofs === ---

import Tactic.Nat.Auto.Lemmas as Lemmas

module _ {Atom : Set} {{_ : Eq Atom}} {{_ : Ord Atom}} where

  sound :  e (ρ : Env Atom)   e ⟧e ρ   norm e ⟧n ρ
  sound = Lemmas.sound

  prove :  e₁ e₂ (ρ : Env Atom)  Maybe ( e₁ ⟧e ρ   e₂ ⟧e ρ)
  prove e₁ e₂ ρ with norm e₁ == norm e₂
  ... | no  _  = nothing
  ... | yes eq = just $
                   sound e₁ ρ ⟨≡⟩
                   cong  nf   nf ⟧n ρ) eq ⟨≡⟩ʳ
                   sound e₂ ρ

--- === Example === ---

Example : Nat  Nat  Set
Example a b = (a + b) ^ 2  a ^ 2 + 2 * a * b + b ^ 2

mkEnv : List Nat  Env Nat
mkEnv xs n = maybe 0 id (index xs n)

proof₁ :  a b  Example a b
proof₁ a b = fromJust $
  prove ((var 0 ⟨+⟩ var 1) ⟨*⟩ (var 0 ⟨+⟩ var 1))
        (var 0 ⟨*⟩ var 0 ⟨+⟩ lit 2 ⟨*⟩ var 0 ⟨*⟩ var 1 ⟨+⟩ var 1 ⟨*⟩ var 1)
        (mkEnv (a  b  []))

--- === Type classes can help === ---

  NumberExp :  {Atom}  Number (Exp Atom)
  NumberExp = record { Constraint = λ _  
                     ; fromNat    = λ n  lit n }

  SemiringExp :  {Atom}  Semiring (Exp Atom)
  SemiringExp = record { zro = lit 0
                       ; one = lit 1
                       ; _+_ = _⟨+⟩_
                       ; _*_ = _⟨*⟩_ }

proof₂ :  a b  Example a b
proof₂ a b = fromJust $
  prove ((x + y) ^ 2)
        (x ^ 2 + 2 * x * y + y ^ 2) ρ
  where x = var 0
        y = var 1
        ρ  = mkEnv (a  b  [])

--- === Reflection === ---

open import Builtin.Reflection

-- Primitives --

nameOfNat : Name
nameOfNat = quote Nat

quoteThree : Term
quoteThree = quoteTerm (1 + 2 ofType Nat)

quoteGoalExample : (n : Nat)  n  0
quoteGoalExample = quoteGoal g in {!g!}

three : unquote (def nameOfNat [])
three = unquote quoteThree

--- === Using reflection === ---

open import Tactic.Nat.Reflect
open import Tactic.Reflection.Quote

-- fromJust (prove e₁ e₂ ρ)

parseGoal : Term  Maybe ((Exp Var × Exp Var) × List Term)
parseGoal = termToEq

proof-tactic : Term  Term
proof-tactic goal =
  case parseGoal goal of λ
  { nothing  lit (string "todo: error msg")
  ; (just ((e₁ , e₂) , Γ)) 
    def (quote fromJust) $
      vArg (def (quote prove)
        (vArg (` e₁)  vArg (` e₂) 
         vArg (quotedEnv Γ)  []))  []

proof₃ :  a b  Example a b
proof₃ a b = quoteGoal g in unquote (proof-tactic g)

--- === Macros === ---

-- macro f : Term → .. → Term
--   f v₁ .. vn desugars to
--   unquote (f (quoteTerm v₁) .. (quoteTerm vn))

-- proof₃ a b = quoteGoal g in unquote (proof-tactic g)

  magic : Term
  magic = quote-goal $ abs "g" $
          unquote-term (def (quote proof-tactic)
                            (vArg (var 0 [])  [])) []

proof₄ :  a b  Example a b
proof₄ a b = magic

--- === Stepping back === ---

-- Multiple levels
--   Level 0 tactic: Problem → Maybe Proof
--      fully certified
--   Level 1 tactic: Term → Term      
--      reflected goal → reflected call to level 0
--   Level 2 tactic: Term
--      macro wrapping reflected level 1 in quote-goal

--  Problems: getting information between levels.

--  Combining tactics. Each tactic has its own Proof type,
--  so hard to combine at level 0.

--  Proof monad (MTac approach)?
--    Would let you do all the composing at level 1 and get rid of level 2.

--- === MTac === ---

  MTac                     : Set  Set
  instance FunctorMTac     : Functor MTac
  instance ApplicativeMTac : Applicative MTac
  instance MonadMTac       : Monad MTac
  try                      : MTac Term  MTac Term  MTac Term  -- ?
  exact                    : Term  MTac 
  currentGoal              : MTac Term
  run                      : MTac   Term

mtac-tactic : MTac 
mtac-tactic =
  currentGoal >>= λ g 
  exact (proof-tactic g)

proof₅ :  a b  Example a b
proof₅ a b = {!unquote (run mtac-tactic)!}