module Tactic.Nat where

open import Prelude

open import Tactic.Nat.Reflect public using (cantProve; invalidGoal; QED)
open import Tactic.Nat.Induction public
open import Tactic.Nat.Subtract public renaming
  ( autosub     to auto
  ; simplifysub to simplify
  ; refutesub   to refute )

open import Tactic.Reflection public using (apply-tactic; apply-goal-tactic)

-- All tactics know about addition, multiplication and subtraction
-- of natural numbers, and can prove equalities and inequalities (_<_).
-- The available tactics are:


    Prove an equation or inequality.

  auto-example₁ : (a b : Nat)  (a - b) * (a + b)  a ^ 2 - b ^ 2
  auto-example₁ a b = auto

  auto-example₂ : (a b : Nat)  (a + b) ^ 2  a ^ 2 + b ^ 2
  auto-example₂ a b = auto

  by eq

    Prove the goal using the given assumption. For equalities it simplifies
    the goal and the assumption and checks if they match any of the following
    forms (up to symmetry):

          a ≡ b → a ≡ b
      a + b ≡ 0 → a ≡ 0

    For inequalities, to prove a < b -> c < d, it simplifies the assumption and
    goal and then tries to prove c′ ≤ a′ and b′ ≤ d′.

    When proving that an inequality follows from an equality a ≡ b, the equality
    is weakened to a ≤ b before applying the above procedure.

    Proving an equality from an inequality works if the inequality simplifies to
    a ≤ 0 (or a < 0 in which case it's trivial). It then reduces that to a ≡ 0
    and tries to prove the goal from that.

  by-example₁ :  xs ys  sum (xs ++ ys)  sum ys + sum xs
  by-example₁ []       ys = auto
  by-example₁ (x  xs) ys = by (by-example₁ xs ys)

  by-example₂ : (a b c : Nat)  a + c < b + c  a < b
  by-example₂ a b c lt = by lt

  by-example₃ : (a b : Nat)  a  b * 2  a + b < (b + 1) * 3
  by-example₃ a b eq = by eq

  by-example₄ : (a b c : Nat)  a + b + c  b  2 * c  c
  by-example₄ a b c lt = by lt

  refute eq

  Proves an arbitrary proposition given a false equation. Works for equations
  that simplify to 0 ≡ suc n (or symmetric) or n < 0, for some n.

  refute-example₁ : {Anything : Set} (a : Nat)  a  2 * a + 1  Anything
  refute-example₁ a eq = refute eq

  refute-example₂ : {Anything : Set} (a b : Nat)  a + b < a  Anything
  refute-example₂ a b lt = refute lt

  simplify-goal => ?

    Simplify the current goal and let you keep working on the new goal.
    In most cases 'by prf' works better than
    'simplify-goal => prf' since it will also simplify prf. The advantage
    of simplify-goal is that it allows holes in prf.

  simplify-goal-example : (a b : Nat)  a - b  b - a  a  b
  simplify-goal-example  zero    b      eq = by eq
  simplify-goal-example (suc a)  zero   eq = refute eq
  simplify-goal-example (suc a) (suc b) eq =
    simplify-goal => simplify-goal-example a b eq
    -- Old goal: suc a ≡ suc b
    -- New goal:     a ≡ b

  simplify eq to x => ?

    Simplify the given equation (and the current goal) and bind the simplified
    equation to x in the new goal.

  lemma : (a b : Nat)  a + b  0  a  0
  lemma zero    b eq = refl
  lemma (suc a) b eq = refute eq

  simplify-example :  a b  (a + 1) * (b + 1)  a * b + 1  a  0
  simplify-example a b eq = simplify eq to eq′ => lemma a b eq′


    Prove a goal ∀ n → P n using induction. Applies 'auto' in the base case
    and 'by IH' in the step case.

  -- n .. 1
  downFrom : Nat  List Nat
  downFrom zero    = []
  downFrom (suc n) = suc n  downFrom n

  induction-example :  n  sum (downFrom n) * 2  n * (n + 1)
  induction-example = induction