-- Laws related to _>>=_

module TotalParserCombinators.Laws.Monad where

open import Algebra
open import Category.Monad
open import Coinduction
open import Data.List as List
import Data.List.Any.BagAndSetEquality as BSEq
import Data.List.Properties as ListProp
open import Function

  module BagMonoid {A : Set} =
    CommutativeMonoid (BSEq.commutativeMonoid _ A)
  open module ListMonad = RawMonad List.monad
         using () renaming (_>>=_ to _>>=′_)

open import TotalParserCombinators.BreadthFirst.Derivative
open import TotalParserCombinators.Congruence as Eq
  hiding (return; fail) renaming (_∣_ to _∣′_)
import TotalParserCombinators.Laws.AdditiveMonoid as AdditiveMonoid
open import TotalParserCombinators.Laws.Derivative as Derivative
open import TotalParserCombinators.Laws.ReturnStar as Return⋆
open import TotalParserCombinators.Lib
open import TotalParserCombinators.Parser

-- _>>=_, return, _∣_ and fail form a monad with a zero and a plus

-- If the laws below are combined with the additive monoid laws this
-- means that we have something which resembles an idempotent semiring
-- (if we restrict ourselves to language equivalence).

-- The zero laws are proved elsewhere.

open Derivative public
  using () renaming (left-zero->>=  to left-zero;
                     right-zero->>= to right-zero)

left-distributive :  {Tok R₁ R₂ xs} {f g : R₁  List R₂}
                    (p₁ : Parser Tok R₁ xs)
                    (p₂ : (x : R₁)  Parser Tok R₂ (f x))
                    (p₃ : (x : R₁)  Parser Tok R₂ (g x)) 
                    p₁ >>=  x  p₂ x  p₃ x) ≅P p₁ >>= p₂  p₁ >>= p₃
left-distributive {xs = xs} {f} {g} p₁ p₂ p₃ =
  BSEq.>>=-left-distributive xs  λ t   (
    D t (p₁ >>=  x  p₂ x  p₃ x))                       ≅⟨ D->>= p₁  x  p₂ x  p₃ x) 

    D t p₁ >>=  x  p₂ x  p₃ x) 
    return⋆ xs >>=  x  D t (p₂ x)  D t (p₃ x))         ≅⟨ left-distributive (D t p₁) p₂ p₃ ∣′
                                                              left-distributive (return⋆ xs)
                                                                 x  D t (p₂ x))  x  D t (p₃ x)) 
    (D t p₁ >>= p₂  D t p₁ >>= p₃) 
    (return⋆ xs >>=  x  D t (p₂ x)) 
     return⋆ xs >>=  x  D t (p₃ x)))                    ≅⟨ AdditiveMonoid.swap
                                                               (D t p₁ >>= p₂) (D t p₁ >>= p₃)
                                                               (return⋆ xs >>=  x  D t (p₂ x)))
                                                               (return⋆ xs >>=  x  D t (p₃ x))) 
    (D t p₁ >>= p₂  return⋆ xs >>=  x  D t (p₂ x))) 
    (D t p₁ >>= p₃  return⋆ xs >>=  x  D t (p₃ x)))    ≅⟨ sym (D->>= p₁ p₂ ∣′ D->>= p₁ p₃) 

    D t (p₁ >>= p₂)  D t (p₁ >>= p₃)                      )

right-distributive :  {Tok R₁ R₂ xs₁ xs₂} {f : R₁  List R₂}
                     (p₁ : Parser Tok R₁ xs₁)
                     (p₂ : Parser Tok R₁ xs₂)
                     (p₃ : (x : R₁)  Parser Tok R₂ (f x)) 
                     (p₁  p₂) >>= p₃ ≅P p₁ >>= p₃  p₂ >>= p₃
right-distributive {xs₁ = xs₁} {xs₂} {f} p₁ p₂ p₃ =
  BagMonoid.reflexive (ListProp.Monad.right-distributive xs₁ xs₂ f)  λ t   (
    D t ((p₁  p₂) >>= p₃)                                  ≅⟨ D->>= (p₁  p₂) p₃ 

    (D t p₁  D t p₂) >>= p₃ 
    return⋆ (xs₁ ++ xs₂) >>=  x  D t (p₃ x))             ≅⟨ ((D t p₁  D t p₂) >>= p₃ ) ∣′
                                                               [  -  -  -  ] Return⋆.distrib-∣ xs₁ xs₂ >>=
                                                                                  x  D t (p₃ x) ) 
    (D t p₁  D t p₂) >>= p₃ 
    (return⋆ xs₁  return⋆ xs₂) >>=  x  D t (p₃ x))      ≅⟨ right-distributive (D t p₁) (D t p₂) p₃ ∣′
                                                               right-distributive (return⋆ xs₁) (return⋆ xs₂)
                                                                                   x  D t (p₃ x)) 
    ((D t p₁ >>= p₃)  (D t p₂ >>= p₃)) 
    (return⋆ xs₁ >>=  x  D t (p₃ x)) 
     return⋆ xs₂ >>=  x  D t (p₃ x)))                    ≅⟨ AdditiveMonoid.swap
                                                                 (D t p₁ >>= p₃) (D t p₂ >>= p₃)
                                                                 (return⋆ xs₁ >>=  x  D t (p₃ x)))
                                                                 (return⋆ xs₂ >>=  x  D t (p₃ x))) 
    (D t p₁ >>= p₃  return⋆ xs₁ >>=  x  D t (p₃ x))) 
    (D t p₂ >>= p₃  return⋆ xs₂ >>=  x  D t (p₃ x)))    ≅⟨ sym (D->>= p₁ p₃ ∣′ D->>= p₂ p₃) 

    D t (p₁ >>= p₃)  D t (p₂ >>= p₃)                       )

left-identity :  {Tok R₁ R₂} {f : R₁  List R₂}
                (x : R₁) (p : (x : R₁)  Parser Tok R₂ (f x)) 
                return x >>= p ≅P p x
left-identity {f = f} x p =
  BagMonoid.reflexive (ListProp.Monad.left-identity x f)  λ t   (
    D t (return x >>= p)                              ≅⟨ D->>= (return x) p 
    fail >>= p  return⋆ [ x ] >>=  x  D t (p x))  ≅⟨ left-zero p ∣′
                                                         [  -  -  -  ] AdditiveMonoid.right-identity (return x) >>=
                                                                            x  D t (p x) ) 
    fail  return x >>=  x  D t (p x))             ≅⟨ AdditiveMonoid.left-identity (return x >>=  x  D t (p x))) 
    return x >>=  x  D t (p x))                    ≅⟨ left-identity x  x  D t (p x)) 
    D t (p x)                                         )

right-identity :  {Tok R xs}
                 (p : Parser Tok R xs)  p >>= return ≅P p
right-identity {xs = xs} p =
  BagMonoid.reflexive (ListProp.Monad.right-identity xs)  λ t   (
    D t (p >>= return)                              ≅⟨ D->>= p return 
    D t p >>= return  return⋆ xs >>=  _  fail)  ≅⟨ right-identity (D t p) ∣′ right-zero (return⋆ xs) 
    D t p             fail                         ≅⟨ AdditiveMonoid.right-identity (D t p) 
    D t p                                           )

associative :  {Tok R₁ R₂ R₃ xs}
                {f : R₁  List R₂} {g : R₂  List R₃}
              (p₁ : Parser Tok R₁ xs)
              (p₂ : (x : R₁)  Parser Tok R₂ (f x))
              (p₃ : (x : R₂)  Parser Tok R₃ (g x)) 
              p₁ >>=  x  p₂ x >>= p₃) ≅P p₁ >>= p₂ >>= p₃
associative {xs = xs} {f} {g} p₁ p₂ p₃ =
  BagMonoid.reflexive (ListProp.Monad.associative xs f g)  λ t   (
    D t (p₁ >>= λ x  p₂ x >>= p₃)                               ≅⟨ D->>= p₁  x  p₂ x >>= p₃) 

    D t p₁ >>=  x  p₂ x >>= p₃) 
    return⋆ xs >>=  x  D t (p₂ x >>= p₃))                     ≅⟨ associative (D t p₁) p₂ p₃ ∣′
                                                                    [  -  -  -  ] return⋆ xs  >>=  x  D->>= (p₂ x) p₃) 
    D t p₁ >>= p₂ >>= p₃ 
    return⋆ xs >>=
       x  D t (p₂ x) >>= p₃ 
             return⋆ (f x) >>= λ x  D t (p₃ x))                 ≅⟨ (D t p₁ >>= p₂ >>= p₃ ) ∣′
                                                                    left-distributive (return⋆ xs)
                                                                                       x  D t (p₂ x) >>= p₃)
                                                                                       x  return⋆ (f x) >>=  x  D t (p₃ x))) 
    D t p₁ >>= p₂ >>= p₃ 
    (return⋆ xs >>=  x  D t (p₂ x) >>= p₃) 
     return⋆ xs >>=  x  return⋆ (f x) >>= λ x  D t (p₃ x)))  ≅⟨ (D t p₁ >>= p₂ >>= p₃ ) ∣′
                                                                    (associative (return⋆ xs)  x  D t (p₂ x)) p₃ ∣′
                                                                     associative (return⋆ xs) (return⋆  f)  x  D t (p₃ x))) 
    D t p₁ >>= p₂ >>= p₃ 
    (return⋆ xs >>=  x  D t (p₂ x)) >>= p₃ 
     return⋆ xs >>= (return⋆  f) >>= λ x  D t (p₃ x))          ≅⟨ sym $ AdditiveMonoid.associative
                                                                            (D t p₁ >>= p₂ >>= p₃)
                                                                            (return⋆ xs >>=  x  D t (p₂ x)) >>= p₃)
                                                                            (return⋆ xs >>= (return⋆  f) >>=  x  D t (p₃ x))) 
    D t p₁ >>= p₂ >>= p₃ 
    return⋆ xs >>=  x  D t (p₂ x)) >>= p₃ 
    return⋆ xs >>= (return⋆  f) >>=  x  D t (p₃ x))          ≅⟨ sym (right-distributive
                                                                           (D t p₁ >>= p₂)
                                                                           (return⋆ xs >>=  x  D t (p₂ x)))
                                                                           p₃) ∣′
                                                                    [  -  -  -  ] sym (Return⋆.distrib->>= xs f) >>=
                                                                                       x  D t (p₃ x) ) 
    (D t p₁ >>= p₂ 
     return⋆ xs >>=  x  D t (p₂ x))) >>= p₃ 
    return⋆ (xs >>=′ f) >>=  x  D t (p₃ x))                   ≅⟨ [  -  -  -  ] sym (D->>= p₁ p₂) >>=  x  p₃ x ) ∣′
                                                                    (return⋆ (xs >>=′ f) >>=  x  D t (p₃ x)) ) 
    D t (p₁ >>= p₂) >>= p₃ 
    return⋆ (xs >>=′ f) >>=  x  D t (p₃ x))                   ≅⟨ sym $ D->>= (p₁ >>= p₂) p₃ 

    D t (p₁ >>= p₂ >>= p₃)                                       )