-- Laws related to D

module TotalParserCombinators.Laws.Derivative where

open import Algebra
open import Coinduction
open import Data.List
import Data.List.Any.BagAndSetEquality as BSEq
import Data.List.Properties as ListProp
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe); open Data.Maybe.Maybe
open import Function using (_∘_; _$_)

  module BagMonoid {A : Set} =
    CommutativeMonoid (BSEq.commutativeMonoid _ A)

open import TotalParserCombinators.BreadthFirst.Derivative
open import TotalParserCombinators.Congruence as Eq
  hiding (return; fail)
import TotalParserCombinators.Laws.AdditiveMonoid as AdditiveMonoid
open import TotalParserCombinators.Lib
open import TotalParserCombinators.Parser

-- Unfolding lemma for D applied to return⋆.

D-return⋆ :  {Tok R t} (xs : List R) 
            D t (return⋆ xs) ≅P fail {Tok = Tok}
D-return⋆         []       = fail 
D-return⋆ {t = t} (x  xs) =
  fail  D t (return⋆ xs)  ≅⟨ AdditiveMonoid.left-identity (D t (return⋆ xs)) 
  D t (return⋆ xs)         ≅⟨ D-return⋆ xs 


  -- Unfolding lemma for D applied to _⊛_.

  D-⊛ :  {Tok R₁ R₂ fs xs t}
        (p₁ : ∞⟨ xs ⟩Parser Tok (R₁  R₂) (flatten fs))
        (p₂ : ∞⟨ fs ⟩Parser Tok  R₁       (flatten xs)) 
        D t (p₁  p₂) ≅P
        D t (♭? p₁)  ♭? p₂  return⋆ (flatten fs)  D t (♭? p₂)
  D-⊛ {fs = nothing} {xs = just _} {t = t} p₁ p₂ =
    D t p₁   p₂                      ≅⟨ sym $ AdditiveMonoid.right-identity (D t p₁   p₂) 
    D t p₁   p₂  fail               ≅⟨ (D t p₁   p₂ )  sym (left-zero-⊛ (D t ( p₂))) 
    D t p₁   p₂  fail  D t ( p₂)  
  D-⊛ {fs = nothing} {xs = nothing} {t = t} p₁ p₂ =
    D t (p₁  p₂)                          ≅⟨ [  -  -  -  ] D t ( p₁)   ( p₂ ) 
    D t ( p₁)   p₂                      ≅⟨ sym $ AdditiveMonoid.right-identity (D t ( p₁)   p₂) 
    D t ( p₁)   p₂  fail               ≅⟨ (D t ( p₁)   p₂ )  sym (left-zero-⊛ (D t ( p₂))) 
    D t ( p₁)   p₂  fail  D t ( p₂)  
  D-⊛ {fs = just _} {xs = just _} {t = t} p₁ p₂ =
    D t (p₁  p₂) 
  D-⊛ {fs = just fs} {xs = nothing} {t = t} p₁ p₂ =
    D t (p₁  p₂)                          ≅⟨ [  -  -  -  ] D t ( p₁)   (p₂ ) 
                                              (return⋆ fs  D t p₂ ) 
    D t ( p₁)  p₂  return⋆ fs  D t p₂  

  -- fail is a left zero of ⊛.

  left-zero-⊛ :  {Tok R₁ R₂ xs} (p : Parser Tok R₁ xs) 
                fail  p ≅P fail {R = R₂}
  left-zero-⊛ {xs = xs} p =
    BagMonoid.reflexive (ListProp.Applicative.left-zero xs)  λ t   (
      D t (fail  p)           ≅⟨ D-⊛ fail p 
      fail  p  fail  D t p  ≅⟨ left-zero-⊛ p  left-zero-⊛ (D t p) 
      fail  fail              ≅⟨ AdditiveMonoid.right-identity fail 
      fail                     )

-- fail is a right zero of ⊛.

right-zero-⊛ :  {Tok R₁ R₂ fs} (p : Parser Tok (R₁  R₂) fs) 
               p  fail ≅P fail
right-zero-⊛ {fs = fs} p =
  BagMonoid.reflexive (ListProp.Applicative.right-zero fs)  λ t   (
    D t (p  fail)                    ≅⟨ D-⊛ p fail 
    D t p  fail  return⋆ fs  fail  ≅⟨ right-zero-⊛ (D t p)  right-zero-⊛ (return⋆ fs) 
    fail  fail                       ≅⟨ AdditiveMonoid.left-identity fail 
    fail                              )

-- A simplified instance of D-⊛.

D-return-⊛ :  {Tok R₁ R₂ xs t}
             (f : R₁  R₂) (p : Parser Tok R₁ xs) 
             D t (return f  p) ≅P return f  D t p
D-return-⊛ {t = t} f p =
  D t (return f  p)                ≅⟨ D-⊛ (return f) p 
  fail  p  return⋆ [ f ]  D t p  ≅⟨ left-zero-⊛ p 
                                       [  -  -  -  ] AdditiveMonoid.right-identity (return f)  (D t p ) 
  fail  return f  D t p           ≅⟨ AdditiveMonoid.left-identity (return f  D t p) 
  return f  D t p                  


  -- Unfolding lemma for D applied to _>>=_.

  D->>= :  {Tok R₁ R₂ xs t} {f : Maybe (R₁  List R₂)}
          (p₁ : ∞⟨ f ⟩Parser Tok R₁ (flatten xs))
          (p₂ : (x : R₁)  ∞⟨ xs ⟩Parser Tok R₂ (apply f x)) 
          D t (p₁ >>= p₂) ≅P
          D t (♭? p₁) >>= (♭?  p₂) 
          return⋆ (flatten xs) >>=  x  D t (♭? (p₂ x)))
  D->>= {xs = nothing} {t = t} {f = just _} p₁ p₂ =
    D t p₁ >>= (  p₂)                                    ≅⟨ sym $ AdditiveMonoid.right-identity (D t p₁ >>= (  p₂)) 
    D t p₁ >>= (  p₂)  fail                             ≅⟨ (D t p₁ >>= (  p₂) ) 
                                                              sym (left-zero->>=  x  D t ( (p₂ x)))) 
    D t p₁ >>= (  p₂)  fail >>=  x  D t ( (p₂ x)))  
  D->>= {xs = just xs} {t = t} {f = just _} p₁ p₂ =
    D t p₁ >>= p₂  return⋆ xs >>=  x  D t (p₂ x))  
  D->>= {xs = nothing} {t = t} {f = nothing} p₁ p₂ =
    D t (p₁ >>= p₂)                                            ≅⟨ [  -  -  -  ] _  >>=  _  _ ) 
    D t ( p₁) >>= (  p₂)                                    ≅⟨ sym $ AdditiveMonoid.right-identity (D t ( p₁) >>= (  p₂)) 
    D t ( p₁) >>= (  p₂)  fail                             ≅⟨ (D t ( p₁) >>= (  p₂) ) 
                                                                  sym (left-zero->>=  x  D t ( (p₂ x)))) 
    D t ( p₁) >>= (  p₂)  fail >>=  x  D t ( (p₂ x)))  
  D->>= {xs = just xs} {t = t} {f = nothing} p₁ p₂ =
    D t (p₁ >>= p₂)                                        ≅⟨ [  -  -  -  ] _  >>=  _  _ )  (_ ) 
    D t ( p₁) >>= p₂  return⋆ xs >>=  x  D t (p₂ x))  

  -- fail is a left zero of _>>=_.

  left-zero->>= :  {Tok R₁ R₂} {f : R₁  List R₂}
                 (p : (x : R₁)  Parser Tok R₂ (f x)) 
                 fail >>= p ≅P fail
  left-zero->>= {f = f} p =
    BagMonoid.reflexive (ListProp.Monad.left-zero f)  λ t   (
      D t (fail >>= p)                         ≅⟨ D->>= {t = t} fail p 
      fail >>= p  fail >>=  x  D t (p x))  ≅⟨ left-zero->>= p  left-zero->>=  x  D t (p x)) 
      fail  fail                              ≅⟨ AdditiveMonoid.right-identity fail 
      fail                                     )

-- fail is a right zero of _>>=_.

right-zero->>= :  {Tok R₁ R₂} {xs : List R₁}
                (p : Parser Tok R₁ xs) 
                p >>=  _  fail) ≅P fail {Tok = Tok} {R = R₂}
right-zero->>= {xs = xs} p =
  BagMonoid.reflexive (ListProp.Monad.right-zero xs)  λ t   (
    D t (p >>= λ _  fail)                                ≅⟨ D->>= p  _  fail) 
    D t p >>=  _  fail)  return⋆ xs >>=  _  fail)  ≅⟨ right-zero->>= (D t p)  right-zero->>= (return⋆ xs) 
    fail  fail                                           ≅⟨ AdditiveMonoid.left-identity fail 
    fail                                                  )