-- A variant of _⊛_ (for lists)

module TotalParserCombinators.Applicative where

open import Algebra
open import Category.Monad
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.List as List
import Data.List.Properties as ListProp
open import Data.List.Any as Any using (Any)
import Data.List.Any.BagAndSetEquality as Eq
open import Data.List.Any.Properties as AnyProp
open import Data.List.Any.Membership
open import Data.Product
open import Function
open import Function.Inverse as Inv using (_⇿_)
import Relation.Binary.EqReasoning as EqR
open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality using (_≅_; refl)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P
  using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)

open Any.Membership-≡
open RawMonad List.monad
  open module BagMonoid {A : Set} =
    CommutativeMonoid (Eq.commutativeMonoid bag A)
      using () renaming (∙-cong to _++-cong_)
  module ListMonoid {A : Set} = Monoid (List.monoid A)

-- A helper function.


  app :  {A B}  List (A  B)  A  List B
  app fs x = List.map  f  f x) fs

-- A variant of _⊛_. This function has the property that fs ⊛′ []
-- evaluates to [].

infixl 50 _⊛′_

_⊛′_ :  {A B}  List (A  B)  List A  List B
fs ⊛′ xs = xs >>= app fs


  right-zero :  {A B} {fs : List (A  B)}  fs ⊛′ []  []
  right-zero = refl

-- _⊛′_ satisfies its (implicit) specification


  ⊛′⇿⊛ :  {A B} {fs : List (A  B)} xs {fx} 
         fx  fs ⊛′ xs  fx  fs  xs
  ⊛′⇿⊛ {fs = fs} xs {fx} =
    fx  fs ⊛′ xs                           ⇿⟨ sym >>=⇿ 
    Any  x  fx  app fs x) xs            ⇿⟨ Any-cong  _  Inv.sym map⇿) (_ ) 
    Any  x  Any  f  fx  f x) fs) xs  ⇿⟨ AnyProp.swap 
    Any  f  Any  x  fx  f x) xs) fs  ⇿⟨ ⊛⇿ 
    fx  fs  xs                            
    where open Inv.EquationalReasoning

   :  {A B} {fs : List (A  B)} {xs fx} 
      (∃₂ λ f x  f  fs × x  xs × fx  f x)  fx  fs ⊛′ xs
   {fs = fs} {xs} {fx} =
    (∃₂ λ f x  f  fs × x  xs × fx  f x)  ⇿⟨ ⊛-∈⇿ _ 
    fx  fs   xs                            ⇿⟨ sym $ ⊛′⇿⊛ xs 
    fx  fs ⊛′ xs                            
    where open Inv.EquationalReasoning

-- Algebraic properties


  -- A lemma.


    app-++-commute :  {A B} (fs gs : List (A  B)) x 
                     app (fs ++ gs) x  app fs x ++ app gs x
    app-++-commute fs gs x = ListProp.map-++-commute  f  f x) fs gs

  -- _⊛′_ preserves bag and set equality.

  cong :  {k A B} {fs₁ fs₂ : List (A  B)} {xs₁ xs₂} 
         fs₁ ≈[ k ] fs₂  xs₁ ≈[ k ] xs₂  fs₁ ⊛′ xs₁ ≈[ k ] fs₂ ⊛′ xs₂
  cong fs₁≈fs₂ xs₁≈xs₂ =
    Eq.>>=-cong xs₁≈xs₂  x  Eq.map-cong  f  refl) fs₁≈fs₂)

  -- [] is a left zero for _⊛′_.

  left-zero :  {A B} xs  (List (A  B)  []) ⊛′ xs  []
  left-zero []       = refl
  left-zero (x  xs) = left-zero xs

  -- _⊛′_ distributes over _++_ from the left.

  left-distributive :
     {A B} {fs : List (A  B)} xs₁ {xs₂} 
    fs ⊛′ (xs₁ ++ xs₂)  fs ⊛′ xs₁ ++ fs ⊛′ xs₂
  left-distributive           []              = refl
  left-distributive {fs = fs} (x  xs₁) {xs₂} = begin
    fs ⊛′ (x  xs₁ ++ xs₂)                ≡⟨ refl 
    app fs x ++ fs ⊛′ (xs₁ ++ xs₂)        ≡⟨ P.cong (_++_ (app fs x)) (left-distributive xs₁) 
    app fs x ++ (fs ⊛′ xs₁ ++ fs ⊛′ xs₂)  ≡⟨ P.sym $ ListMonoid.assoc (app fs x) _ _ 
    (app fs x ++ fs ⊛′ xs₁) ++ fs ⊛′ xs₂  ≡⟨ refl 
    fs ⊛′ (x  xs₁) ++ fs ⊛′ xs₂          
    where open P.≡-Reasoning

  -- _⊛′_ does not distribute over _++_ from the right, if list equality
  -- is used.


    not-right-distributive :
      let xs = true  true  []; fs₁ = id  []; fs₂ = id  not  [] in
      (fs₁ ++ fs₂) ⊛′ xs  fs₁ ⊛′ xs ++ fs₂ ⊛′ xs
    not-right-distributive ()

  -- However, if bag equality is used, then a right distributivity law
  -- can be proved. The proof makes use of the commutativity of _++_.

  right-distributive :
     {A B} {fs₁ fs₂ : List (A  B)} xs 
    (fs₁ ++ fs₂) ⊛′ xs ≈[ bag ] fs₁ ⊛′ xs ++ fs₂ ⊛′ xs
  right-distributive                   []       = BagMonoid.refl
  right-distributive {fs₁ = fs₁} {fs₂} (x  xs) = begin
    (fs₁ ++ fs₂) ⊛′ (x  xs)                  ≡⟨ refl 
    app (fs₁ ++ fs₂) x ++ (fs₁ ++ fs₂) ⊛′ xs  ≈⟨ BagMonoid.reflexive (app-++-commute fs₁ fs₂ x)
                                                 right-distributive xs 
    (app fs₁ x ++ app fs₂ x) ++
    (fs₁ ⊛′ xs ++ fs₂ ⊛′ xs)                  ≡⟨ ListMonoid.assoc (app fs₁ x) _ _ 
    app fs₁ x ++ (app fs₂ x ++
    (fs₁ ⊛′ xs ++ fs₂ ⊛′ xs))                 ≈⟨ BagMonoid.refl {x = app fs₁ x} ++-cong (begin
      app fs₂ x ++ (fs₁ ⊛′ xs ++ fs₂ ⊛′ xs)      ≡⟨ P.sym $ ListMonoid.assoc (app fs₂ x) _ _ 
      (app fs₂ x ++ fs₁ ⊛′ xs) ++ fs₂ ⊛′ xs      ≈⟨ BagMonoid.comm (app fs₂ x) (fs₁ ⊛′ xs)
      (fs₁ ⊛′ xs ++ app fs₂ x) ++ fs₂ ⊛′ xs      ≡⟨ ListMonoid.assoc (fs₁ ⊛′ xs) _ _ 
      fs₁ ⊛′ xs ++ (app fs₂ x ++ fs₂ ⊛′ xs)      ) 
    app fs₁ x ++ (fs₁ ⊛′ xs ++
    (app fs₂ x ++ fs₂ ⊛′ xs))                 ≡⟨ P.sym $ ListMonoid.assoc (app fs₁ x) _ _ 
    (app fs₁ x ++ fs₁ ⊛′ xs) ++
    (app fs₂ x ++ fs₂ ⊛′ xs)                  ≡⟨ refl 
    fs₁ ⊛′ (x  xs) ++ fs₂ ⊛′ (x  xs)        
    where open EqR ([ bag ]-Equality _)

  -- Applicative functor laws.

  identity :  {A} (xs : List A)  return id ⊛′ xs  xs
  identity []       = refl
  identity (x  xs) = P.cong (_∷_ x) $ identity xs

  composition :
     {A B C} (fs : List (B  C)) (gs : List (A  B)) xs 
    return _∘′_ ⊛′ fs ⊛′ gs ⊛′ xs  fs ⊛′ (gs ⊛′ xs)
  composition fs gs []       = refl
  composition fs gs (x  xs) = begin
    return _∘′_ ⊛′ fs ⊛′ gs ⊛′ (x  xs)  ≡⟨ refl 
    app (return _∘′_ ⊛′ fs ⊛′ gs) x ++
    (return _∘′_ ⊛′ fs ⊛′ gs ⊛′ xs)      ≡⟨ P.cong₂ _++_ (lemma₁ gs)
                                                         (composition fs gs xs) 
    fs ⊛′ app gs x ++ fs ⊛′ (gs ⊛′ xs)   ≡⟨ P.sym $ left-distributive (app gs x) 
    fs ⊛′ (app gs x ++ (gs ⊛′ xs))       ≡⟨ refl 
    fs ⊛′ (gs ⊛′ (x  xs))               
    open P.≡-Reasoning

    lemma₁ :  gs  app (return _∘′_ ⊛′ fs ⊛′ gs) x  fs ⊛′ app gs x
    lemma₁ []       = refl
    lemma₁ (g  gs) = begin
      app (return _∘′_ ⊛′ fs ⊛′ (g  gs)) x  ≡⟨ refl 
      app (app (return _∘′_ ⊛′ fs) g ++
           (return _∘′_ ⊛′ fs) ⊛′ gs) x      ≡⟨ app-++-commute (app (return _∘′_ ⊛′ fs) g)
                                                               ((return _∘′_ ⊛′ fs) ⊛′ gs) x 
      app (app (return _∘′_ ⊛′ fs) g) x ++
      app (return _∘′_ ⊛′ fs ⊛′ gs) x        ≡⟨ P.cong₂ _++_ (lemma₂ fs) (lemma₁ gs) 
      app fs (g x) ++ fs ⊛′ app gs x         ≡⟨ refl 
      fs ⊛′ app (g  gs) x                   
      lemma₂ : (fs : List _) 
               app (app (return _∘′_ ⊛′ fs) g) x  app fs (g x)
      lemma₂ []       = refl
      lemma₂ (f  fs) = P.cong (_∷_ (f (g x))) $ lemma₂ fs

  homomorphism :  {A B : Set} (f : A  B) x 
                 return f ⊛′ return x  return (f x)
  homomorphism f x = refl

  interchange :  {A B} (fs : List (A  B)) {x} 
                fs ⊛′ return x  return  f  f x) ⊛′ fs
  interchange []           = refl
  interchange (f  fs) {x} = begin
    (f  fs) ⊛′ return x                 ≡⟨ refl 
    [ f x ] ++ fs ⊛′ return x            ≡⟨ P.cong (_++_ [ f x ]) $ interchange fs 
    [ f x ] ++ return  f  f x) ⊛′ fs  ≡⟨ refl 
    return  f  f x) ⊛′ (f  fs)       
    where open P.≡-Reasoning