-- Properties related to Any

-- The other modules under Data.List.Any also contain properties
-- related to Any.

module Data.List.Any.Properties where

open import Algebra
open import Category.Monad
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Bool.Properties
open import Function
open import Function.Equality using (_⟨$⟩_)
open import Function.Equivalence
  using (_⇔_; equivalent; module Equivalent)
open import Function.Inverse as Inv
  using (Isomorphism; _⇿_; module Inverse)
open import Function.Inverse.TypeIsomorphisms
open import Data.List as List
open import Data.List.Any as Any using (Any; here; there)
open import Data.Product as Prod hiding (swap)
open import Data.Sum as Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂; [_,_]′)
open import Relation.Unary using (_⟨×⟩_; _⟨→⟩_) renaming (_⊆_ to _⋐_)
open import Relation.Binary
import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as H
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P
  using (_≡_; refl; inspect; _with-≡_)
import Relation.Binary.Sigma.Pointwise as Σ

open Any.Membership-≡
open Inv.EquationalReasoning
open RawMonad List.monad
  module ×⊎ {k } = CommutativeSemiring (×⊎-CommutativeSemiring k )

-- Some lemmas related to map, find and lose

-- Any.map is functorial.

map-id :  {A} {P : A  Set} (f : P  P) {xs} 
         (∀ {x} (p : P x)  f p  p) 
         (p : Any P xs)  Any.map f p  p
map-id f hyp (here  p) = P.cong here (hyp p)
map-id f hyp (there p) = P.cong there $ map-id f hyp p

map-∘ :  {A} {P Q R : A  Set} (f : Q  R) (g : P  Q)
        {xs} (p : Any P xs) 
        Any.map (f  g) p  Any.map f (Any.map g p)
map-∘ f g (here  p) = refl
map-∘ f g (there p) = P.cong there $ map-∘ f g p

-- Lemmas relating map and find.

map∘find :  {A : Set} {P : A  Set} {xs}
           (p : Any P xs)  let p′ = find p in
           {f : _≡_ (proj₁ p′)  P} 
           f refl  proj₂ (proj₂ p′) 
           Any.map f (proj₁ (proj₂ p′))  p
map∘find (here  p) hyp = P.cong here  hyp
map∘find (there p) hyp = P.cong there (map∘find p hyp)

find∘map :  {A : Set} {P Q : A  Set} {xs}
           (p : Any P xs) (f : P  Q) 
           find (Any.map f p)  Prod.map id (Prod.map id f) (find p)
find∘map (here  p) f = refl
find∘map (there p) f rewrite find∘map p f = refl

-- find satisfies a simple equality when the predicate is a
-- propositional equality.

find-∈ :  {A : Set} {x : A} {xs} (x∈xs : x  xs) 
         find x∈xs  (x , x∈xs , refl)
find-∈ (here refl)  = refl
find-∈ (there x∈xs) rewrite find-∈ x∈xs = refl


  -- find and lose are inverses (more or less).

  lose∘find :  {A : Set} {P : A  Set} {xs} (p : Any P xs) 
              uncurry′ lose (proj₂ $ find p)  p
  lose∘find p = map∘find p P.refl

  find∘lose :  {A : Set} (P : A  Set) {x xs}
              (x∈xs : x  xs) (p : P x) 
              find {P = P} (lose x∈xs p)  (x , x∈xs , p)
  find∘lose P x∈xs p
    rewrite find∘map x∈xs (flip (P.subst P) p)
          | find-∈ x∈xs
          = refl

-- Any can be expressed using _∈_.

Any⇿ :  {A : Set} {P : A  Set} {xs} 
       ( λ x  x  xs × P x)  Any P xs
Any⇿ {P = P} = record
  { to         = P.→-to-⟶ (uncurry′ lose  proj₂)
  ; from       = P.→-to-⟶ find
  ; inverse-of = record
      { left-inverse-of  = λ p 
          find∘lose P (proj₁ (proj₂ p)) (proj₂ (proj₂ p))
      ; right-inverse-of = lose∘find

-- Any is a congruence

Any-cong :  {k} {A : Set} {P₁ P₂ : A  Set} {xs₁ xs₂ : List A} 
           (∀ x  Isomorphism k (P₁ x) (P₂ x))  xs₁ ≈[ k ] xs₂ 
           Isomorphism k (Any P₁ xs₁) (Any P₂ xs₂)
Any-cong {P₁ = P₁} {P₂} {xs₁} {xs₂} P₁⇿P₂ xs₁≈xs₂ =
  Any P₁ xs₁                ⇿⟨ sym Any⇿ 
  ( λ x  x  xs₁ × P₁ x)  ≈⟨ Σ.cong (xs₁≈xs₂  ×⊎.*-cong  P₁⇿P₂ _) 
  ( λ x  x  xs₂ × P₂ x)  ⇿⟨ Any⇿ 
  Any P₂ xs₂                

-- Swapping

-- Nested occurrences of Any can sometimes be swapped. See also ×⇿.

swap :  {A B : Set} {P : A  B  Set} {xs ys} 
       Any  x  Any (P x) ys) xs  Any  y  Any (flip P y) xs) ys
swap {P = P} {xs} {ys} =
  Any  x  Any (P x) ys) xs                ⇿⟨ sym Any⇿ 
  ( λ x  x  xs × Any (P x) ys)            ⇿⟨ sym $ Σ.cong (Inv.id  ×⊎.*-cong  Any⇿) 
  ( λ x  x  xs ×  λ y  y  ys × P x y)  ⇿⟨ Σ.cong ∃∃⇿∃∃ 
  (∃₂ λ x y  x  xs × y  ys × P x y)       ⇿⟨ ∃∃⇿∃∃ 
  (∃₂ λ y x  x  xs × y  ys × P x y)       ⇿⟨ Σ.cong  {y}  Σ.cong  {x} 
    (x  xs × y  ys × P x y)                     ⇿⟨ sym $ ×⊎.*-assoc _ _ _ 
    ((x  xs × y  ys) × P x y)                   ⇿⟨ ×⊎.*-comm _ _  ×⊎.*-cong  Inv.id 
    ((y  ys × x  xs) × P x y)                   ⇿⟨ ×⊎.*-assoc _ _ _ 
    (y  ys × x  xs × P x y)                     )) 
  (∃₂ λ y x  y  ys × x  xs × P x y)       ⇿⟨ Σ.cong ∃∃⇿∃∃ 
  ( λ y  y  ys ×  λ x  x  xs × P x y)  ⇿⟨ Σ.cong (Inv.id  ×⊎.*-cong  Any⇿) 
  ( λ y  y  ys × Any (flip P y) xs)       ⇿⟨ Any⇿ 
  Any  y  Any (flip P y) xs) ys           

-- Lemmas relating Any to sums and products

-- Sums commute with Any (for a fixed list).

⊎⇿ :  {A : Set} {P Q : A  Set} {xs} 
     (Any P xs  Any Q xs)  Any  x  P x  Q x) xs
⊎⇿ {P = P} {Q} = record
  { to         = P.→-to-⟶ to
  ; from       = P.→-to-⟶ from
  ; inverse-of = record
    { left-inverse-of  = from∘to
    ; right-inverse-of = to∘from
  to :  {xs}  Any P xs  Any Q xs  Any  x  P x  Q x) xs
  to = [ Any.map inj₁ , Any.map inj₂ ]′

  from :  {xs}  Any  x  P x  Q x) xs  Any P xs  Any Q xs
  from (here (inj₁ p)) = inj₁ (here p)
  from (here (inj₂ q)) = inj₂ (here q)
  from (there p)       = Sum.map there there (from p)

  from∘to :  {xs} (p : Any P xs  Any Q xs)  from (to p)  p
  from∘to (inj₁ (here  p)) = P.refl
  from∘to (inj₁ (there p)) rewrite from∘to (inj₁ p) = P.refl
  from∘to (inj₂ (here  q)) = P.refl
  from∘to (inj₂ (there q)) rewrite from∘to (inj₂ q) = P.refl

  to∘from :  {xs} (p : Any  x  P x  Q x) xs) 
            to (from p)  p
  to∘from (here (inj₁ p)) = P.refl
  to∘from (here (inj₂ q)) = P.refl
  to∘from (there p) with from p | to∘from p
  to∘from (there .(Any.map inj₁ p)) | inj₁ p | P.refl = P.refl
  to∘from (there .(Any.map inj₂ q)) | inj₂ q | P.refl = P.refl

-- Products "commute" with Any.

×⇿ :  {A B} {P : A  Set} {Q : B  Set} {xs} {ys} 
     (Any P xs × Any Q ys)  Any  x  Any  y  P x × Q y) ys) xs
×⇿ {P = P} {Q} {xs} {ys} = record
  { to         = P.→-to-⟶ to
  ; from       = P.→-to-⟶ from
  ; inverse-of = record
    { left-inverse-of  = from∘to
    ; right-inverse-of = to∘from
  to : Any P xs × Any Q ys  Any  x  Any  y  P x × Q y) ys) xs
  to (p , q) = Any.map  p  Any.map  q  (p , q)) q) p

  from : Any  x  Any  y  P x × Q y) ys) xs  Any P xs × Any Q ys
  from pq with Prod.map id (Prod.map id find) $ find pq
  ... | (x , x∈xs , y , y∈ys , p , q) = (lose x∈xs p , lose y∈ys q)

  from∘to :  pq  from (to pq)  pq
  from∘to (p , q)
    rewrite find∘map {Q = λ x  Any  y  P x × Q y) ys}
                     p  p  Any.map  q  (p , q)) q)
          | find∘map {Q = λ y  P (proj₁ (find p)) × Q y}
                     q  q  proj₂ (proj₂ (find p)) , q)
          | lose∘find p
          | lose∘find q
      = refl

  to∘from :  pq  to (from pq)  pq
  to∘from pq
    with find pq
       |  (f : _≡_ (proj₁ (find pq))  _)  map∘find pq {f})
  ... | (x , x∈xs , pq′) | lem₁
    with find pq′
       |  (f : _≡_ (proj₁ (find pq′))  _)  map∘find pq′ {f})
  ... | (y , y∈ys , p , q) | lem₂
    rewrite P.sym $ map-∘ {R = λ x  Any  y  P x × Q y) ys}
                           p  Any.map  q  p , q) (lose y∈ys q))
                           y  P.subst P y p)
      = lem₁ _ helper
    helper : Any.map  q  p , q) (lose y∈ys q)  pq′
    helper rewrite P.sym $ map-∘ {R = λ y  P x × Q y}
                                  q  p , q)
                                  y  P.subst Q y q)
      = lem₂ _ refl

-- Invertible introduction (⁺) and elimination (⁻) rules for various
-- list functions

-- map.


  map⁺ :  {A B} {P : B  Set} {f : A  B} {xs} 
         Any (P  f) xs  Any P (List.map f xs)
  map⁺ (here p)  = here p
  map⁺ (there p) = there $ map⁺ p

  map⁻ :  {A B} {P : B  Set} {f : A  B} {xs} 
         Any P (List.map f xs)  Any (P  f) xs
  map⁻ {xs = []}     ()
  map⁻ {xs = x  xs} (here p)  = here p
  map⁻ {xs = x  xs} (there p) = there $ map⁻ p

  map⁺∘map⁻ :  {A B : Set} {P : B  Set} {f : A  B} {xs} 
              (p : Any P (List.map f xs)) 
              map⁺ (map⁻ p)  p
  map⁺∘map⁻ {xs = []}     ()
  map⁺∘map⁻ {xs = x  xs} (here  p) = refl
  map⁺∘map⁻ {xs = x  xs} (there p) = P.cong there (map⁺∘map⁻ p)

  map⁻∘map⁺ :  {A B} (P : B  Set) {f : A  B} {xs} 
              (p : Any (P  f) xs) 
              map⁻ {P = P} (map⁺ p)  p
  map⁻∘map⁺ P (here  p) = refl
  map⁻∘map⁺ P (there p) = P.cong there (map⁻∘map⁺ P p)

map⇿ :  {A B} {P : B  Set} {f : A  B} {xs} 
       Any (P  f) xs  Any P (List.map f xs)
map⇿ {P = P} = record
  { to         = P.→-to-⟶ $ map⁺ {P = P}
  ; from       = P.→-to-⟶ map⁻
  ; inverse-of = record
    { left-inverse-of  = map⁻∘map⁺ P
    ; right-inverse-of = map⁺∘map⁻

-- _++_.


  ++⁺ˡ :  {A} {P : A  Set} {xs ys} 
         Any P xs  Any P (xs ++ ys)
  ++⁺ˡ (here p)  = here p
  ++⁺ˡ (there p) = there (++⁺ˡ p)

  ++⁺ʳ :  {A} {P : A  Set} xs {ys} 
         Any P ys  Any P (xs ++ ys)
  ++⁺ʳ []       p = p
  ++⁺ʳ (x  xs) p = there (++⁺ʳ xs p)

  ++⁻ :  {A} {P : A  Set} xs {ys} 
        Any P (xs ++ ys)  Any P xs  Any P ys
  ++⁻ []       p         = inj₂ p
  ++⁻ (x  xs) (here p)  = inj₁ (here p)
  ++⁻ (x  xs) (there p) = Sum.map there id (++⁻ xs p)

  ++⁺∘++⁻ :  {A} {P : A  Set} xs {ys}
            (p : Any P (xs ++ ys)) 
            [ ++⁺ˡ , ++⁺ʳ xs ]′ (++⁻ xs p)  p
  ++⁺∘++⁻ []       p         = refl
  ++⁺∘++⁻ (x  xs) (here  p) = refl
  ++⁺∘++⁻ (x  xs) (there p) with ++⁻ xs p | ++⁺∘++⁻ xs p
  ++⁺∘++⁻ (x  xs) (there p) | inj₁ p′ | ih = P.cong there ih
  ++⁺∘++⁻ (x  xs) (there p) | inj₂ p′ | ih = P.cong there ih

  ++⁻∘++⁺ :  {A} {P : A  Set} xs {ys} (p : Any P xs  Any P ys) 
            ++⁻ xs ([ ++⁺ˡ , ++⁺ʳ xs ]′ p)  p
  ++⁻∘++⁺ []            (inj₁ ())
  ++⁻∘++⁺ []            (inj₂ p)         = refl
  ++⁻∘++⁺ (x  xs)      (inj₁ (here  p)) = refl
  ++⁻∘++⁺ (x  xs) {ys} (inj₁ (there p)) rewrite ++⁻∘++⁺ xs {ys} (inj₁ p) = refl
  ++⁻∘++⁺ (x  xs)      (inj₂ p)         rewrite ++⁻∘++⁺ xs      (inj₂ p) = refl

++⇿ :  {A} {P : A  Set} {xs ys} 
      (Any P xs  Any P ys)  Any P (xs ++ ys)
++⇿ {xs = xs} = record
  { to         = P.→-to-⟶ [ ++⁺ˡ , ++⁺ʳ xs ]′
  ; from       = P.→-to-⟶ $ ++⁻ xs
  ; inverse-of = record
    { left-inverse-of  = ++⁻∘++⁺ xs
    ; right-inverse-of = ++⁺∘++⁻ xs

-- return.


  return⁺ :  {A} {P : A  Set} {x} 
            P x  Any P (return x)
  return⁺ = here

  return⁻ :  {A} {P : A  Set} {x} 
            Any P (return x)  P x
  return⁻ (here p)   = p
  return⁻ (there ())

  return⁺∘return⁻ :  {A} {P : A  Set} {x} (p : Any P (return x)) 
                    return⁺ (return⁻ p)  p
  return⁺∘return⁻ (here p)   = refl
  return⁺∘return⁻ (there ())

  return⁻∘return⁺ :  {A} (P : A  Set) {x} (p : P x) 
                    return⁻ {P = P} (return⁺ p)  p
  return⁻∘return⁺ P p = refl

return⇿ :  {A} {P : A  Set} {x} 
          P x  Any P (return x)
return⇿ {P = P} = record
  { to         = P.→-to-⟶ return⁺
  ; from       = P.→-to-⟶ return⁻
  ; inverse-of = record
    { left-inverse-of  = return⁻∘return⁺ P
    ; right-inverse-of = return⁺∘return⁻

-- concat.


  concat⁺ :  {A} {P : A  Set} {xss} 
            Any (Any P) xss  Any P (concat xss)
  concat⁺ (here p)           = ++⁺ˡ p
  concat⁺ (there {x = xs} p) = ++⁺ʳ xs (concat⁺ p)

  concat⁻ :  {A} {P : A  Set} xss 
            Any P (concat xss)  Any (Any P) xss
  concat⁻ []               ()
  concat⁻ ([]        xss) p         = there $ concat⁻ xss p
  concat⁻ ((x  xs)  xss) (here p)  = here (here p)
  concat⁻ ((x  xs)  xss) (there p)
    with concat⁻ (xs  xss) p
  ... | here  p′ = here (there p′)
  ... | there p′ = there p′

  concat⁻∘++⁺ˡ :  {A} {P : A  Set} {xs} xss (p : Any P xs) 
                 concat⁻ (xs  xss) (++⁺ˡ p)  here p
  concat⁻∘++⁺ˡ xss (here  p) = refl
  concat⁻∘++⁺ˡ xss (there p) rewrite concat⁻∘++⁺ˡ xss p = refl

  concat⁻∘++⁺ʳ :  {A} {P : A  Set} xs xss (p : Any P (concat xss)) 
                 concat⁻ (xs  xss) (++⁺ʳ xs p)  there (concat⁻ xss p)
  concat⁻∘++⁺ʳ []       xss p = refl
  concat⁻∘++⁺ʳ (x  xs) xss p rewrite concat⁻∘++⁺ʳ xs xss p = refl

  concat⁺∘concat⁻ :  {A} {P : A  Set} xss (p : Any P (concat xss)) 
                    concat⁺ (concat⁻ xss p)  p
  concat⁺∘concat⁻ []               ()
  concat⁺∘concat⁻ ([]        xss) p         = concat⁺∘concat⁻ xss p
  concat⁺∘concat⁻ ((x  xs)  xss) (here p)  = refl
  concat⁺∘concat⁻ ((x  xs)  xss) (there p)
    with concat⁻ (xs  xss) p | concat⁺∘concat⁻ (xs  xss) p
  concat⁺∘concat⁻ ((x  xs)  xss) (there .(++⁺ˡ p′))              | here  p′ | refl = refl
  concat⁺∘concat⁻ ((x  xs)  xss) (there .(++⁺ʳ xs (concat⁺ p′))) | there p′ | refl = refl

  concat⁻∘concat⁺ :  {A} {P : A  Set} {xss} (p : Any (Any P) xss) 
                    concat⁻ xss (concat⁺ p)  p
  concat⁻∘concat⁺ (here                      p) = concat⁻∘++⁺ˡ _ p
  concat⁻∘concat⁺ (there {x = xs} {xs = xss} p)
    rewrite concat⁻∘++⁺ʳ xs xss (concat⁺ p) =
      P.cong there $ concat⁻∘concat⁺ p

concat⇿ :  {A} {P : A  Set} {xss} 
          Any (Any P) xss  Any P (concat xss)
concat⇿ {xss = xss} = record
  { to         = P.→-to-⟶ concat⁺
  ; from       = P.→-to-⟶ $ concat⁻ xss
  ; inverse-of = record
    { left-inverse-of  = concat⁻∘concat⁺
    ; right-inverse-of = concat⁺∘concat⁻ xss

-- _>>=_.

>>=⇿ :  {A B P xs} {f : A  List B} 
       Any (Any P  f) xs  Any P (xs >>= f)
>>=⇿ {P = P} {xs} {f} =
  Any (Any P  f) xs           ⇿⟨ map⇿ 
  Any (Any P) (List.map f xs)  ⇿⟨ concat⇿ 
  Any P (xs >>= f)             

-- _⊛_.

⊛⇿ :  {A B P} {fs : List (A  B)} {xs} 
     Any  f  Any (P  f) xs) fs  Any P (fs  xs)
⊛⇿ {P = P} {fs} {xs} =
  Any  f  Any (P  f) xs) fs               ⇿⟨ Any-cong  _  Any-cong  _  return⇿) (_ )) (_ ) 
  Any  f  Any (Any P  return  f) xs) fs  ⇿⟨ Any-cong  _  >>=⇿) (_ ) 
  Any  f  Any P (xs >>= return  f)) fs    ⇿⟨ >>=⇿ 
  Any P (fs  xs)                             

-- An alternative introduction rule for _⊛_.

⊛⁺′ :  {A B P Q} {fs : List (A  B)} {xs} 
      Any (P ⟨→⟩ Q) fs  Any P xs  Any Q (fs  xs)
⊛⁺′ pq p =
  Inverse.to ⊛⇿ ⟨$⟩ Any.map  pq  Any.map  {x}  pq {x}) p) pq

-- _⊗_.

⊗⇿ :  {A B P} {xs : List A} {ys : List B} 
     Any  x  Any  y  P (x , y)) ys) xs  Any P (xs  ys)
⊗⇿ {P = P} {xs} {ys} =
  Any  x  Any  y  P (x , y)) ys) xs                             ⇿⟨ return⇿ 
  Any  _,_  Any  x  Any  y  P (x , y)) ys) xs) (return _,_)  ⇿⟨ ⊛⇿ 
  Any  x,  Any (P  x,) ys) (_,_ <$> xs)                           ⇿⟨ ⊛⇿ 
  Any P (xs  ys)                                                     

⊗⇿′ :  {A B P Q} {xs : List A} {ys : List B} 
      (Any P xs × Any Q ys)  Any (P ⟨×⟩ Q) (xs  ys)
⊗⇿′ {P = P} {Q} {xs} {ys} =
  (Any P xs × Any Q ys)                    ⇿⟨ ×⇿ 
  Any  x  Any  y  P x × Q y) ys) xs  ⇿⟨ ⊗⇿ 
  Any (P ⟨×⟩ Q) (xs  ys)                  

-- map-with-∈.

map-with-∈⇿ :
   {A B : Set} {P : B  Set} {xs : List A} {f :  {x}  x  xs  B} 
  (∃₂ λ x (x∈xs : x  xs)  P (f x∈xs))  Any P (map-with-∈ xs f)
map-with-∈⇿ {A} {B} {P} = record
  { to         = P.→-to-⟶ (map-with-∈⁺ _)
  ; from       = P.→-to-⟶ (map-with-∈⁻ _ _)
  ; inverse-of = record
    { left-inverse-of  = from∘to _
    ; right-inverse-of = to∘from _ _
  map-with-∈⁺ :  {xs : List A}
                (f :  {x}  x  xs  B) 
                (∃₂ λ x (x∈xs : x  xs)  P (f x∈xs)) 
                Any P (map-with-∈ xs f)
  map-with-∈⁺ f (_ , here refl  , p) = here p
  map-with-∈⁺ f (_ , there x∈xs , p) =
    there $ map-with-∈⁺ (f  there) (_ , x∈xs , p)

  map-with-∈⁻ :  (xs : List A)
                (f :  {x}  x  xs  B) 
                Any P (map-with-∈ xs f) 
                ∃₂ λ x (x∈xs : x  xs)  P (f x∈xs)
  map-with-∈⁻ []       f ()
  map-with-∈⁻ (y  xs) f (here  p) = (y , here refl , p)
  map-with-∈⁻ (y  xs) f (there p) =
    Prod.map id (Prod.map there id) $ map-with-∈⁻ xs (f  there) p

  from∘to :  {xs : List A} (f :  {x}  x  xs  B)
            (p : ∃₂ λ x (x∈xs : x  xs)  P (f x∈xs)) 
            map-with-∈⁻ xs f (map-with-∈⁺ f p)  p
  from∘to f (_ , here refl  , p) = refl
  from∘to f (_ , there x∈xs , p)
    rewrite from∘to (f  there) (_ , x∈xs , p) = refl

  to∘from :  (xs : List A) (f :  {x}  x  xs  B)
            (p : Any P (map-with-∈ xs f)) 
            map-with-∈⁺ f (map-with-∈⁻ xs f p)  p
  to∘from []       f ()
  to∘from (y  xs) f (here  p) = refl
  to∘from (y  xs) f (there p) =
    P.cong there $ to∘from xs (f  there) p

-- Any and any are related via T

-- These introduction and elimination rules are not inverses, though.


  any⁺ :  {A} (p : A  Bool) {xs} 
         Any (T  p) xs  T (any p xs)
  any⁺ p (here  px)          = Equivalent.from T-∨ ⟨$⟩ inj₁ px
  any⁺ p (there {x = x} pxs) with p x
  ... | true  = _
  ... | false = any⁺ p pxs

  any⁻ :  {A} (p : A  Bool) xs 
         T (any p xs)  Any (T  p) xs
  any⁻ p []       ()
  any⁻ p (x  xs) px∷xs with inspect (p x)
  any⁻ p (x  xs) px∷xs | true  with-≡ eq = here (Equivalent.from T-≡ ⟨$⟩ eq)
  any⁻ p (x  xs) px∷xs | false with-≡ eq with p x
  any⁻ p (x  xs) pxs   | false with-≡ refl | .false =
    there (any⁻ p xs pxs)

any⇔ :  {A} {p : A  Bool} {xs} 
       Any (T  p) xs  T (any p xs)
any⇔ = equivalent (any⁺ _) (any⁻ _ _)

-- _++_ is commutative


  ++-comm :  {A} {P : A  Set} xs ys 
            Any P (xs ++ ys)  Any P (ys ++ xs)
  ++-comm xs ys = [ ++⁺ʳ ys , ++⁺ˡ ]′  ++⁻ xs

  ++-comm∘++-comm :  {A} {P : A  Set} xs {ys} (p : Any P (xs ++ ys)) 
                    ++-comm ys xs (++-comm xs ys p)  p
  ++-comm∘++-comm [] {ys} p
   rewrite ++⁻∘++⁺ ys {ys = []} (inj₁ p) = P.refl
  ++-comm∘++-comm {P = P} (x  xs) {ys} (here p)
    rewrite ++⁻∘++⁺ {P = P} ys {ys = x  xs} (inj₂ (here p)) = P.refl
  ++-comm∘++-comm (x  xs)      (there p) with ++⁻ xs p | ++-comm∘++-comm xs p
  ++-comm∘++-comm (x  xs) {ys} (there .([ ++⁺ʳ xs , ++⁺ˡ ]′ (++⁻ ys (++⁺ʳ ys p))))
    | inj₁ p | P.refl
    rewrite ++⁻∘++⁺ ys (inj₂                 p)
          | ++⁻∘++⁺ ys (inj₂ $ there {x = x} p) = P.refl
  ++-comm∘++-comm (x  xs) {ys} (there .([ ++⁺ʳ xs , ++⁺ˡ ]′ (++⁻ ys (++⁺ˡ    p))))
    | inj₂ p | P.refl
    rewrite ++⁻∘++⁺ ys {ys =     xs} (inj₁ p)
          | ++⁻∘++⁺ ys {ys = x  xs} (inj₁ p) = P.refl

++⇿++ :  {A} {P : A  Set} xs ys 
        Any P (xs ++ ys)  Any P (ys ++ xs)
++⇿++ xs ys = record
  { to         = P.→-to-⟶ $ ++-comm xs ys
  ; from       = P.→-to-⟶ $ ++-comm ys xs
  ; inverse-of = record
    { left-inverse-of  = ++-comm∘++-comm xs
    ; right-inverse-of = ++-comm∘++-comm ys