-- Preimages

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

-- Partly based on Voevodsky's work on so-called univalent
-- foundations.

open import Equality

module Preimage
  {reflexive} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p reflexive) where

open import Bijection eq as Bijection hiding (id; _∘_)
open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
open import H-level eq as H-level
open import Injection eq hiding (id; _∘_)
open import Logical-equivalence using (module _⇔_)
open import Prelude
open import Surjection eq hiding (id; _∘_)

-- The preimage of y under f is denoted by f ⁻¹ y.

infix 5 _⁻¹_

_⁻¹_ :  {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b}  (A  B)  B  Set (a  b)
f ⁻¹ y =  λ x  f x  y

-- Preimages under the identity function are contractible. (Note that
-- Singleton x is equal to id ⁻¹ x.)

id⁻¹-contractible :  {a} {A : Set a} (y : A) 
                    Contractible (id ⁻¹ y)
id⁻¹-contractible = singleton-contractible

-- _⁻¹_ respects extensional equality of functions.

respects-extensional-equality :
   {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {f g : A  B} {y} 
  (∀ x  f x  g x)  (f ⁻¹ y)  (g ⁻¹ y)
respects-extensional-equality {f = f} {g} {y} f≡g = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = to′
      ; from = from′
    ; right-inverse-of = right-inverse-of
  ; left-inverse-of = left-inverse-of
  to′ : f ⁻¹ y  g ⁻¹ y
  to′ (x , fx≡y) = x , (
    g x  ≡⟨ sym $ f≡g x 
    f x  ≡⟨ fx≡y ⟩∎
    y    )

  from′ : g ⁻¹ y  f ⁻¹ y
  from′ (x , gx≡y) = x , (
    f x  ≡⟨ f≡g x 
    g x  ≡⟨ gx≡y ⟩∎
    y    )

    right-inverse-of :  p  to′ (from′ p)  p
    right-inverse-of = λ g⁻¹y  cong (_,_ (proj₁ g⁻¹y)) (
      let p = f≡g (proj₁ g⁻¹y); q = proj₂ g⁻¹y in
      trans (sym p) (trans p q)  ≡⟨ sym $ trans-assoc _ _ _ 
      trans (trans (sym p) p) q  ≡⟨ cong  p  trans p q) (trans-symˡ _) 
      trans (refl _) q           ≡⟨ trans-reflˡ _ ⟩∎
      q                          )

    left-inverse-of :  p  from′ (to′ p)  p
    left-inverse-of = λ f⁻¹y  cong (_,_ (proj₁ f⁻¹y))
      let p = f≡g (proj₁ f⁻¹y); q = proj₂ f⁻¹y in
      trans p (trans (sym p) q)  ≡⟨ sym $ trans-assoc _ _ _ 
      trans (trans p (sym p)) q  ≡⟨ cong  p  trans p q) (trans-symʳ _) 
      trans (refl _) q           ≡⟨ trans-reflˡ _ ⟩∎

-- Split surjections can be lifted to preimages.

lift-surjection :
   {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} (A↠B : A  B)  let open _↠_ A↠B in
   {y}  (from  to ⁻¹ y)  (from ⁻¹ y)
lift-surjection {A = A} {B} A↠B {y} = record
  { logical-equivalence = record
    { to   = drop-∘
    ; from = add-∘
  ; right-inverse-of = right-inv
  open _↠_ A↠B

  -- Given a preimage under (f ∘ g) a preimage under f can be
  -- constructed.

  drop-∘ : (from  to) ⁻¹ y  from ⁻¹ y
  drop-∘ = Σ-map to id

  -- If f is a left inverse of g then the other direction also
  -- holds.

    add-∘-lemma :  {x}  from x  y  from (to (from x))  y
    add-∘-lemma {x} from-x≡y =
      from (to (from x))  ≡⟨ cong from (right-inverse-of x) 
      from x              ≡⟨ from-x≡y ⟩∎

  add-∘ : from ⁻¹ y  (from  to) ⁻¹ y
  add-∘ (x , from-x≡y) = (from x , add-∘-lemma from-x≡y)


    -- add-∘ is a right inverse of drop-∘.

    right-inv : (from⁻¹y : from ⁻¹ y)  drop-∘ (add-∘ from⁻¹y)  from⁻¹y
    right-inv (x , from-x≡y) =
        (to (from x) , trans (cong from (right-inverse-of x)) from-x≡y)  ≡⟨ sym $ lemma (right-inverse-of x) from-x≡y ⟩∎
        (x           , from-x≡y)                                         
      lemma :  {x y z} {f : B  A}
              (y≡x : y  x) (p : f x  z) 
              _≡_ {A = f ⁻¹ z} (x , p) (y , trans (cong f y≡x) p)
      lemma {z = z} {f} = elim
         {y x} y≡x  (p : f x  z) 
           _≡_ {A = f ⁻¹ z} (x , p) (y , trans (cong f y≡x) p))
         x p  cong (_,_ x) (
           p                          ≡⟨ sym $ trans-reflˡ _ 
           trans (refl (f x)) p       ≡⟨ cong  q  trans q p) (sym (cong-refl f)) ⟩∎
           trans (cong f (refl x)) p  ))

-- A consequence of the lemmas above is that preimages under a
-- bijection are contractible.

bijection⁻¹-contractible :
   {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} (A↔B : A  B)  let open _↔_ A↔B in
   y  Contractible (to ⁻¹ y)
bijection⁻¹-contractible A↔B =
  H-level.respects-surjection surj 0  id⁻¹-contractible
  open _↔_ (Bijection.inverse A↔B)

  surj :  {y}  id ⁻¹ y  from ⁻¹ y
  surj {y} =
    id ⁻¹ y         ↠⟨ _↔_.surjection $
                         respects-extensional-equality (sym  left-inverse-of) 
    from  to ⁻¹ y  ↠⟨ lift-surjection surjection ⟩□
    from ⁻¹ y       


  -- Preimages under an injection into a set are propositional.

  injection⁻¹-propositional :
     {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} (A↣B : A  B)  let open _↣_ A↣B in
    Is-set B 
     y  Is-proposition (to ⁻¹ y)
  injection⁻¹-propositional A↣B B-set y (x₁ , tox₁≡y) (x₂ , tox₂≡y) =
    Σ-≡,≡→≡ (injective (to x₁  ≡⟨ tox₁≡y 
                        y      ≡⟨ sym tox₂≡y ⟩∎
                        to x₂  ))
            (subst  x  to x  y)
                   (injective (trans tox₁≡y (sym tox₂≡y)))
                   tox₁≡y                                   ≡⟨ B-set _ _ ⟩∎
             tox₂≡y                                         )
    open _↣_ A↣B