-- A combination of the delay monad (with the possibility of crashing)
-- and a kind of writer monad yielding colists

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Lambda.Delay-crash-trace where

open import Colist as C using (Colist; []; _∷_; force)
open import Equality.Propositional as E using (_≡_; refl)
open import Prelude

open import Monad E.equality-with-J
  using (Raw-monad; return; _>>=_; _⟨$⟩_)

open import Delay-monad using (now; later; force)
open import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity as D using (now; later; force)

open import Lambda.Delay-crash using (Delay-crash)

-- The monad


  -- A kind of delay monad with the possibility of crashing that also
  -- yields a trace (colist) of values.

  data Delay-crash-trace (A B : Set) (i : Size) : Set where

    -- A result is returned now.

    now : B  Delay-crash-trace A B i

    -- The computation crashes now.

    crash : Delay-crash-trace A B i

    -- A result is possibly returned later. This constructor also
    -- functions as a coinductive cons constructor for the resulting
    -- trace.

    later : A  Delay-crash-trace′ A B i  Delay-crash-trace A B i

    -- An inductive cons constructor for the resulting trace.

    tell : A  Delay-crash-trace A B i  Delay-crash-trace A B i

  record Delay-crash-trace′ (A B : Set) (i : Size) : Set where
      force : {j : Size< i}  Delay-crash-trace A B j

open Delay-crash-trace′ public

-- Extracting or deleting the trace

-- Returns the trace.

trace :  {A B i}  Delay-crash-trace A B i  Colist A i
trace (now x)     = []
trace crash       = []
trace (later x m) = x  λ { .force  trace (m .force) }
trace (tell x m)  = x  λ { .force  trace m }

-- Erases the trace.

delay-crash :
   {A B i}  Delay-crash-trace A B i  Delay-crash B i
delay-crash (now x)     = now (just x)
delay-crash crash       = now nothing
delay-crash (later x m) = later λ { .force  delay-crash (m .force) }
delay-crash (tell x m)  = delay-crash m

-- Delay-crash-trace is a raw monad

-- Bind.

bind :  {i A B C} 
       Delay-crash-trace A B i 
       (B  Delay-crash-trace A C i) 
       Delay-crash-trace A C i
bind (now x)     f = f x
bind crash       f = crash
bind (later x m) f = later x λ { .force  bind (force m) f }
bind (tell x m)  f = tell x (bind m f)

-- Delay-crash-trace is a raw monad.


  raw-monad :  {A i}  Raw-monad  B  Delay-crash-trace A B i)
  Raw-monad.return raw-monad = now
  Raw-monad._>>=_  raw-monad = bind

-- Strong bisimilarity for Delay-crash-trace

module _ {A B : Set} where


    -- Strong bisimilarity.

    infix 4 [_]_∼_ [_]_∼′_

    data [_]_∼_ (i : Size) :
           Delay-crash-trace A B  
           Delay-crash-trace A B   Set where
      now   :  {x}  [ i ] now x  now x
      crash : [ i ] crash  crash
      later :  {v x y} 
              [ i ] force x ∼′ force y 
              [ i ] later v x  later v y
      tell  :  {v x y} 
              [ i ] x  y 
              [ i ] tell v x  tell v y

    record [_]_∼′_ (i : Size)
             (x : Delay-crash-trace A B )
             (y : Delay-crash-trace A B ) : Set where
        force : {j : Size< i}  [ j ] x  y

  open [_]_∼′_ public

  -- Reflexivity.

  reflexive :  {i} x  [ i ] x  x
  reflexive (now _)     = now
  reflexive crash       = crash
  reflexive (later v x) = later λ { .force  reflexive (force x) }
  reflexive (tell v x)  = tell (reflexive x)

  -- Symmetry.

  symmetric :  {i x y}  [ i ] x  y  [ i ] y  x
  symmetric now       = now
  symmetric crash     = crash
  symmetric (later p) = later λ { .force  symmetric (force p) }
  symmetric (tell p)  = tell (symmetric p)

  -- Transitivity.

  transitive :  {i x y z}  [ i ] x  y  [ i ] y  z  [ i ] x  z
  transitive now       now       = now
  transitive crash     crash     = crash
  transitive (later p) (later q) = later λ { .force 
                                     transitive (force p) (force q) }
  transitive (tell p)  (tell q)  = tell (transitive p q)

  -- Equational reasoning combinators.

  infix  -1 _∎
  infixr -2 step-∼ step-≡ _∼⟨⟩_

  _∎ :  {i} x  [ i ] x  x
  _∎ = reflexive

  step-∼ :  {i} x {y z}  [ i ] y  z  [ i ] x  y  [ i ] x  z
  step-∼ _ y∼z x∼y = transitive x∼y y∼z

  syntax step-∼ x y∼z x∼y = x ∼⟨ x∼y ⟩ y∼z

  step-≡ :  {i} x {y z}  [ i ] y  z  x  y  [ i ] x  z
  step-≡ _ y∼z refl = y∼z

  syntax step-≡ x y∼z x≡y = x ≡⟨ x≡y ⟩ y∼z

  _∼⟨⟩_ :  {i} x {y}  [ i ] x  y  [ i ] x  y
  _ ∼⟨⟩ x∼y = x∼y

-- Monad laws

left-identity :
   {A B C : Set} x (f : B  Delay-crash-trace A C ) 
  [  ] return x >>= f  f x
left-identity x f = reflexive (f x)

right-identity :
   {A B : Set} (x : Delay-crash-trace A B ) 
  [  ] x >>= return  x
right-identity (now x)     = now
right-identity crash       = crash
right-identity (later v x) = later λ { .force 
                               right-identity (force x) }
right-identity (tell v x)  = tell (right-identity x)

associativity :
   {A B C D : Set} 
  (x : Delay-crash-trace A B )
  (f : B  Delay-crash-trace A C )
  (g : C  Delay-crash-trace A D ) 
  [  ] x >>=  x  f x >>= g)  x >>= f >>= g
associativity (now x)     f g = reflexive (f x >>= g)
associativity crash       f g = crash
associativity (later v x) f g = later λ { .force 
                                  associativity (force x) f g }
associativity (tell v x)  f g = tell (associativity x f g)

-- Some preservation lemmas

infixl 5 _>>=-cong_

_>>=-cong_ :
   {i} {A B C : Set}
    {x y : Delay-crash-trace A B }
    {f g : B  Delay-crash-trace A C } 
  [ i ] x  y  (∀ z  [ i ] f z  g z) 
  [ i ] x >>= f  y >>= g
now     >>=-cong q = q _
crash   >>=-cong q = crash
later p >>=-cong q = later λ { .force  force p >>=-cong q }
tell p  >>=-cong q = tell (p >>=-cong q)

trace-cong :
   {i} {A B : Set} {x y : Delay-crash-trace A B } 
  [ i ] x  y  C.[ i ] trace x  trace y
trace-cong now       = []
trace-cong crash     = []
trace-cong (later p) = refl  λ { .force  trace-cong (force p) }
trace-cong (tell p)  = refl  λ { .force  trace-cong p }

delay-crash-cong :
   {i} {A B : Set} {x y : Delay-crash-trace A B } 
  [ i ] x  y  D.[ i ] delay-crash x  delay-crash y
delay-crash-cong now       = now
delay-crash-cong crash     = now
delay-crash-cong (later p) = later λ { .force 
                               delay-crash-cong (force p) }
delay-crash-cong (tell p)  = delay-crash-cong p

-- More lemmas

-- The delay-crash function commutes with _>>=_ (in a certain sense).

delay-crash->>= :
   {i A B C} (x : Delay-crash-trace A B )
    {f : B  Delay-crash-trace A C } 
  D.[ i ] delay-crash (x >>= f) 
          delay-crash x >>= delay-crash  f
delay-crash->>= (now x)     = D.reflexive _
delay-crash->>= crash       = D.reflexive _
delay-crash->>= (later x m) = later λ { .force 
                                delay-crash->>= (force m) }
delay-crash->>= (tell x m)  = delay-crash->>= m

-- Use of _⟨$⟩_ does not affect the trace.

trace-⟨$⟩ :
   {i} {A B C : Set} {f : B  C}
  (x : Delay-crash-trace A B ) 
  C.[ i ] trace (f ⟨$⟩ x)  trace x
trace-⟨$⟩ (now x)     = []
trace-⟨$⟩ crash       = []
trace-⟨$⟩ (later _ x) = refl  λ { .force  trace-⟨$⟩ (force x) }
trace-⟨$⟩ (tell _ x)  = refl  λ { .force  trace-⟨$⟩ x }