-- A delay monad with the possibility of crashing

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Lambda.Delay-crash where

import Equality.Propositional as E
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Maybe E.equality-with-J as Maybe hiding (raw-monad)
open import Monad E.equality-with-J as M
  using (Raw-monad; return; _>>=_)

open import Delay-monad
open import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity
import Delay-monad.Monad as DM

-- Types and operations

-- The monad.

Delay-crash : Set  Size  Set
Delay-crash A i = Delay (Maybe A) i

-- A crashing computation.

crash :  {A i}  Delay-crash A i
crash = now nothing

-- A raw-monad instance. (This definition is turned into an actual
-- instance at the end of this module, to avoid problems with instance
-- resolution.)


  raw-monad′ :  {i}  Raw-monad  A  Delay-crash A i)
  raw-monad′ {i} =
    _⇔_.to (M.⇔→raw⇔raw {F = MaybeT  A  Delay A i)}
               _  record { to = run; from = wrap }))

  module DC {i} = Raw-monad (raw-monad′ {i = i})

-- Some properties

-- Bind preserves strong bisimilarity.

infixl 5 _>>=-cong_

_>>=-cong_ :
   {i} {A B : Set}
    {x y : Delay-crash A } {f g : A  Delay-crash B } 
  [ i ] x  y 
  (∀ z  [ i ] f z  g z) 
  [ i ] x DC.>>= f  y DC.>>= g
p >>=-cong q = p DM.>>=-cong [  _  run fail ) , q ]

-- The monad laws.

left-identity :
   {A B : Set} x (f : A  Delay-crash B ) 
  [  ] DC.return x DC.>>= f  f x
left-identity x f =
  f x  

right-identity :
   {A : Set} (x : Delay-crash A ) 
  [  ] x DC.>>= DC.return  x
right-identity x =
  x DC.>>= DC.return                            ∼⟨⟩
  x >>= maybe (return  just) (return nothing)  ∼⟨ (x ) DM.>>=-cong [  _  run fail ) ,  x  run (return x) ) ] 
  x >>= return                                  ∼⟨ DM.right-identity′ _ 

associativity :
  {A B C : Set}
  (x : Delay-crash A )
  (f : A  Delay-crash B ) (g : B  Delay-crash C ) 
  x DC.>>=  x  f x DC.>>= g)  x DC.>>= f DC.>>= g
associativity x f g =
  x DC.>>=  x  f x DC.>>= g)                      ∼⟨⟩

  x >>= maybe  x  f x DC.>>= g) (return nothing)  ∼⟨ (x ) DM.>>=-cong [  _  run fail ) ,  x  f x DC.>>= g ) ] 

  x >>=  x  maybe f (return nothing) x >>=
                   maybe g (return nothing))         ∼⟨ DM.associativity′ x _ _ 

  x >>= maybe f (return nothing)
        >>= maybe g (return nothing)                 ∼⟨⟩

  x DC.>>= f DC.>>= g                                

-- The instance declaration

-- A raw-monad instance.


  raw-monad :  {i}  Raw-monad  A  Delay-crash A i)
  raw-monad = raw-monad′