-- A definition of the propositional truncation operator that does not
-- use recursive higher inductive types

-- The definition does use natural numbers. The code is based on van
-- Doorn's "Constructing the Propositional Truncation using
-- Non-recursive HITs".

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

import Equality.Path as P

module H-level.Truncation.Propositional.Non-recursive
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

  open module PD = P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
    hiding (elim)

open import Prelude

open import Colimit.Sequential eq as C using (Colimit)
open import Equality.Decidable-UIP equality-with-J
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
import H-level.Truncation.Propositional eq as T
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional.One-step eq as O
  using (∥_∥¹; ∥_∥¹-out-^; ∣_∣-out-^)

    a p : Level
    A B : Type a
    P   : A  Type p
    e x : A

-- The propositional truncation operator.

∥_∥ : Type a  Type a
 A  = Colimit  A ∥¹-out-^ O.∣_∣

-- The point constructor.

∣_∣ : A   A 
∣_∣ = C.∣_∣

-- The eliminator.

record Elim {A : Type a} (P :  A   Type p) : Type (a  p) where
    ∣∣ʳ             :  x  P  x 
    is-propositionʳ :  x  Is-proposition (P x)

open Elim public

elim : Elim P  (x :  A )  P x
elim {A = A} {P = P} e = C.elim λ where
    .C.Elim.∣∣ʳ {n = n}  helper n
    .C.Elim.∣∣≡∣∣ʳ _     E.is-propositionʳ _ _ _
  module E = Elim e

  helper :  n (x :  A ∥¹-out-^ n)  P C.∣ x 
  helper zero    = E.∣∣ʳ
  helper (suc n) = O.elim λ where
    .O.Elim.∣∣ʳ x             subst P (sym (C.∣∣≡∣∣ x)) (helper n x)
    .O.Elim.∣∣-constantʳ _ _  E.is-propositionʳ _ _ _

_ : elim e  x   e .∣∣ʳ x
_ = refl _

-- The propositional truncation operator returns propositions.

∥∥-proposition : Is-proposition  A 
∥∥-proposition {A = A} = elim λ where
    .is-propositionʳ  Π≡-proposition ext
    .∣∣ʳ x  C.elim λ where
      .C.Elim.∣∣ʳ               lemma₁ _ x
      .C.Elim.∣∣≡∣∣ʳ {n = n} y 
        subst ( x  ≡_) (C.∣∣≡∣∣ y) (lemma₁ (suc n) x O.∣ y )   ≡⟨ sym trans-subst 

        trans (lemma₁ (1 + n) x O.∣ y ) (C.∣∣≡∣∣ y)              ≡⟨⟩

        trans (trans (sym (trans (C.∣∣≡∣∣ ( x ∣-out-^ (1 + n)))
                             (lemma₀ (1 + n) x)))
                 (trans (cong C.∣_∣
                              ( x ∣-out-^ (1 + n)) O.∣ y ))
                    (C.∣∣≡∣∣ O.∣ y )))
          (C.∣∣≡∣∣ y)                                             ≡⟨ trans (cong  eq  trans (trans eq
                                                                                                  (trans (cong C.∣_∣ (O.∣∣-constant _ _))
                                                                                                     (C.∣∣≡∣∣ _)))
                                                                                           (C.∣∣≡∣∣ _)) $
                                                                            sym-trans _ _) $
                                                                     trans (trans-assoc _ _ _) $
                                                                     trans (trans-assoc _ _ _) $
                                                                     cong (trans (sym (lemma₀ (1 + n) _))) $
                                                                     sym $ trans-assoc _ _ _ 
        trans (sym (lemma₀ (1 + n) x))
          (trans (trans (sym (C.∣∣≡∣∣ ( x ∣-out-^ (1 + n))))
                    (trans (cong C.∣_∣
                                 ( x ∣-out-^ (1 + n)) O.∣ y ))
                       (C.∣∣≡∣∣ O.∣ y )))
             (C.∣∣≡∣∣ y))                                         ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans (sym (lemma₀ (1 + n) _))
                                                                                    (trans (trans (sym (C.∣∣≡∣∣ _)) eq) (C.∣∣≡∣∣ _))) $ sym $
                                                                     lemma₂ _ _ _ _ _ 
        trans (sym (lemma₀ (1 + n) x))
          (trans (trans (sym (C.∣∣≡∣∣ ( x ∣-out-^ (1 + n))))
                    (trans (C.∣∣≡∣∣ ( x ∣-out-^ (1 + n)))
                       (cong C.∣_∣ (O.∣∣-constant _ _))))
             (C.∣∣≡∣∣ y))                                         ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans (sym (lemma₀ (1 + n) _)) (trans eq (C.∣∣≡∣∣ _))) $
                                                                     trans-sym-[trans] _ _ 
        trans (sym (lemma₀ (1 + n) x))
          (trans (cong C.∣_∣ (O.∣∣-constant _ _)) (C.∣∣≡∣∣ y))    ≡⟨⟩

        lemma₁ n x y                                              
  lemma₀ :  n (x : A)  C.∣  x ∣-out-^ n    x 
  lemma₀ zero    x =  x   
  lemma₀ (suc n) x =
    C.∣ O.∣  x ∣-out-^ n    ≡⟨ C.∣∣≡∣∣ ( x ∣-out-^ n) 
    C.∣  x ∣-out-^ n         ≡⟨ lemma₀ n x ⟩∎

  lemma₁ :  n (x : A) (y :  A ∥¹-out-^ n)   x   C.∣ y 
  lemma₁ n x y =
     x                       ≡⟨ sym (lemma₀ (suc n) x) 
    C.∣  x ∣-out-^ (suc n)   ≡⟨⟩
    C.∣ O.∣  x ∣-out-^ n    ≡⟨ cong C.∣_∣ (O.∣∣-constant _ _) 
    C.∣ O.∣ y                ≡⟨ C.∣∣≡∣∣ y ⟩∎
    C.∣ y                     

  lemma₂ :
     n (x y :  A ∥¹-out-^ n) (p : x  y) (q : O.∣ x   O.∣ y ) 
    trans (C.∣∣≡∣∣ {P =  A ∥¹-out-^} x) (cong C.∣_∣ p) 
    trans (cong C.∣_∣ q) (C.∣∣≡∣∣ y)
  lemma₂ n x y p q =
    trans (C.∣∣≡∣∣ x) (cong C.∣_∣ p)                        ≡⟨ PD.elim
                                                                  {x y} p  trans (C.∣∣≡∣∣ x) (cong C.∣_∣ p) 
                                                                              trans (cong C.∣_∣ (cong O.∣_∣ p)) (C.∣∣≡∣∣ y))
      trans (C.∣∣≡∣∣ x) (cong C.∣_∣ (refl _))                       ≡⟨ cong (trans _) $ cong-refl _ 
      trans (C.∣∣≡∣∣ x) (refl _)                                    ≡⟨ trans-reflʳ _ 
      C.∣∣≡∣∣ x                                                     ≡⟨ sym $ trans-reflˡ _ 
      trans (refl _) (C.∣∣≡∣∣ x)                                    ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ sym $
                                                                       trans (cong (cong C.∣_∣) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                       cong-refl _ ⟩∎
      trans (cong C.∣_∣ (cong O.∣_∣ (refl _))) (C.∣∣≡∣∣ x)          )

    trans (cong C.∣_∣ (cong O.∣_∣ p)) (C.∣∣≡∣∣ y)           ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                  u v 
      C.∣ u                                                        ≡⟨ sym (C.∣∣≡∣∣ u) 
      C.∣ O.∣ u                                                   ≡⟨ cong C.∣_∣ (O.∣∣-constant _ _) 
      C.∣ O.∣ v                                                   ≡⟨ C.∣∣≡∣∣ v ⟩∎
      C.∣ v                                                        )
                                                                 _ _ ⟩∎
    trans (cong C.∣_∣ q) (C.∣∣≡∣∣ y)                        

-- ∥_∥ is pointwise equivalent to T.∥_∥.

∥∥≃∥∥ :  A   T.∥ A 
∥∥≃∥∥ = Eq.⇔→≃
  (elim λ where
     .∣∣ʳ                T.∣_∣
     .is-propositionʳ _  T.truncation-is-proposition)
  (T.rec ∥∥-proposition ∣_∣)

-- Functions from T.∥ A ∥ can be expressed as families of functions
-- from ∥ A ∥¹-out-^ that satisfy a certain property.

∥∥→≃ :
  (T.∥ A   B)
  ( λ (f :  n   A ∥¹-out-^ n  B) 
      n x  f (suc n) O.∣ x   f n x)
∥∥→≃ {A = A} {B = B} =
  (T.∥ A   B)                          ↝⟨ →-cong ext (inverse ∥∥≃∥∥) F.id 

  ( A   B)                            ↝⟨ C.universal-property ⟩□

  ( λ (f :  n   A ∥¹-out-^ n  B) 
      n x  f (suc n) O.∣ x   f n x)