-- Types with decidable equality have unique identity proofs, and
-- related results

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

-- The part up to "decidable⇒set" follows a proof by Michael Hedberg
-- ("A coherence theorem for Martin-Löf's type theory", JFP 1998).

open import Equality

module Equality.Decidable-UIP
  {reflexive} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p reflexive) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
open import Logical-equivalence using (module _⇔_)
open import H-level eq
open import Prelude

-- Weakly constant functions.

Constant :  {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b}  (A  B)  Type (a  b)
Constant f =  x y  f x  f y

-- Left inverses.

_Left-inverse-of_ :  {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
                    (B  A)  (A  B)  Type a
g Left-inverse-of f =  x  g (f x)  x


  -- A set with a constant endofunction with a left inverse is a
  -- proposition.

  proposition :  {a} {A : Type a} 
                (f :  λ (f : A  A)  Constant f) 
                ( λ g  g Left-inverse-of (proj₁ f)) 
                Is-proposition A
  proposition (f , constant) (g , left-inverse) x y =
    x        ≡⟨ sym (left-inverse x) 
    g (f x)  ≡⟨ cong g (constant x y) 
    g (f y)  ≡⟨ left-inverse y ⟩∎

  -- Endofunction families on _≡_ always have left inverses.

  left-inverse :
     {a} {A : Type a} (f : (x y : A)  x  y  x  y) 
     {x y}   λ g  g Left-inverse-of f x y
  left-inverse {A = A} f {x} {y} =
       x  ≡⟨ x≡y 
       y  ≡⟨ sym (f y y (refl y)) ⟩∎
       y  ) ,
    elim  {x y} x≡y  trans (f x y x≡y) (sym (f y y (refl y)))  x≡y)
          _  trans-symʳ _)

  -- A type A is a set if there is a family of constant endofunctions
  -- on _≡_ {A = A}.

  constant⇒set :
     {a} {A : Type a} 
    ((x y : A)   λ (f : x  y  x  y)  Constant f) 
    Is-set A
  constant⇒set constant {x} {y} =
    proposition (constant x y)
                (left-inverse  x y  proj₁ $ constant x y))

  -- If it is known whether or not a type is inhabited, then one can
  -- define a constant endofunction for that type.

  decidable⇒constant :  {a} {A : Type a}  Dec A 
                        λ (f : A  A)  Constant f
  decidable⇒constant (yes x) = (const x , λ _ _  refl x)
  decidable⇒constant (no ¬x) = (id      , λ _  ⊥-elim  ¬x)

  -- Types with decidable equality are sets.

  decidable⇒set :  {a} {A : Type a}  Decidable-equality A  Is-set A
  decidable⇒set dec =
    constant⇒set  x y  decidable⇒constant (dec x y))

  -- Non-dependent functions with propositional domains are constant.

  propositional-domain⇒constant :
     {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
    Is-proposition A  (f : A  B)  Constant f
  propositional-domain⇒constant A-prop f = λ x y 
    cong f (A-prop x y)

  -- If there is a propositional, reflexive relation on A, and related
  -- elements are equal, then A is a set.
  -- (The statement of this lemma is one part of the statement of
  -- Theorem 7.2.2 in "Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of
  -- Mathematics" (first edition).)

  propositional-identity⇒set :
     {a b} {A : Type a}
    (B : A  A  Type b) 
    (∀ x y  Is-proposition (B x y)) 
    (∀ x  B x x) 
    (∀ x y  B x y  x  y) 
    Is-set A
  propositional-identity⇒set B B-prop B-refl f =
    constant⇒set λ x y 
       eq  f x y (subst (B x) eq (B-refl x))) ,
       _ _  propositional-domain⇒constant (B-prop x y) (f x y) _ _)

  -- The function cong {x = x} {y = y} takes (weakly) constant
  -- functions to constant functions.
  -- This is Lemma 3.1 from van Doorn's "Constructing the
  -- Propositional Truncation using Non-recursive HITs".

  cong-preserves-Constant :
     {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {f : A  B} {x y : A} 
    Constant f  Constant (cong {x = x} {y = y} f)
  cong-preserves-Constant {f = f} {x = x} {y = y} c p q =
    cong f p                     ≡⟨ lemma p 
    trans (sym (c x x)) (c x y)  ≡⟨ sym (lemma q) ⟩∎
    cong f q                     
    lemma :  p  cong {x = x} {y = y} f p  trans (sym (c x x)) (c x y)
    lemma = elim
       {x y} p  cong {x = x} {y = y} f p  trans (sym (c x x)) (c x y))
         cong f (refl x)              ≡⟨ cong-refl _ 
         refl (f x)                   ≡⟨ sym $ trans-symˡ _ ⟩∎
         trans (sym (c x x)) (c x x)  )

  -- The following two results come from "Generalizations of Hedberg's
  -- Theorem" by Kraus, Escardó, Coquand and Altenkirch.

  -- Proposition 3.
  -- (I proved this result using cong-preserves-Constant.)

  cong-constant :
     {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {f : A  B} {x} {x≡x : x  x} 
    Constant f 
    cong f x≡x  refl (f x)
  cong-constant {f = f} {x} {x≡x} c =
    cong f x≡x       ≡⟨ cong-preserves-Constant c _ _ 
    cong f (refl x)  ≡⟨ cong-refl _ ⟩∎
    refl (f x)       

  -- The "Fixed Point Lemma".

  fixpoint-lemma :
     {a} {A : Type a} 
    (f : A  A) 
    Constant f 
    Is-proposition ( λ x  f x  x)
  fixpoint-lemma f constant (x , fx≡x) (y , fy≡y) =
      let x≡y = x    ≡⟨ sym fx≡x 
                f x  ≡⟨ constant x y 
                f y  ≡⟨ fy≡y ⟩∎

          x≡x = x    ≡⟨ sym fx≡x 
                f x  ≡⟨ subst  z  f z  z) (sym x≡y) fy≡y ⟩∎

          lemma =
            subst  z  f z  z) x≡x fx≡x                       ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

            trans (sym (cong f x≡x)) (trans fx≡x (cong id x≡x))  ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  trans (sym p) (trans _ q))
                                                                          (cong-constant constant) (sym $ cong-id _) 
            trans (sym (refl (f x))) (trans fx≡x x≡x)            ≡⟨ cong  p  trans p (trans fx≡x x≡x)) sym-refl 

            trans (refl (f x)) (trans fx≡x x≡x)                  ≡⟨ trans-reflˡ _ 

            trans fx≡x x≡x                                       ≡⟨ sym $ trans-assoc _ _ _ 

            trans (trans fx≡x (sym fx≡x))
                  (subst  z  f z  z) (sym x≡y) fy≡y)         ≡⟨ cong  p  trans p (subst  z  f z  z) (sym x≡y) fy≡y)) $
                                                                      trans-symʳ _ 
            trans (refl (f x))
                  (subst  z  f z  z) (sym x≡y) fy≡y)         ≡⟨ trans-reflˡ _ ⟩∎

            subst  z  f z  z) (sym x≡y) fy≡y                 
      x , fx≡x                                  ≡⟨ Σ-≡,≡→≡ x≡x lemma 
      x , subst  z  f z  z) (sym x≡y) fy≡y  ≡⟨ sym $ Σ-≡,≡→≡ (sym x≡y) (refl _) ⟩∎
      y , fy≡y