-- An alternative characterisation of the information ordering, along
-- with related results

{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Univalence-axiom equality-with-J

-- The characterisation uses propositional extensionality.

module Partiality-monad.Inductive.Alternative-order
         {a} (prop-ext : Propositional-extensionality a) {A : Set a}

open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional as Trunc
open import Interval using (ext)
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude hiding ()

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Double-negation equality-with-J as DN
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import Monad equality-with-J
open import Nat equality-with-J

open import Partiality-monad.Inductive
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Eliminators

-- An alternative characterisation of λ x y → now x ⊑ y

-- This characterisation uses a technique from the first edition of
-- the HoTT book (Theorems 11.3.16 and 11.3.32).
-- The characterisation was developed together with Paolo Capriotti.

-- A binary relation, defined using structural recursion.


  now[_]≲-args : A  Arguments-nd (lsuc a) a A
  now[ x ]≲-args = record
    { P  = Proposition a
    ; Q  = λ P Q  proj₁ P  proj₁ Q
    ; pe = Prelude.⊥ , ⊥-propositional
    ; po = λ y   x  y  , truncation-is-proposition
    ; pl = λ { s (now-x≲s[_] , _)     n  proj₁ (now-x≲s[ n ])) 
                                  , truncation-is-proposition
    ; pa = λ now-x≲y now-x≲z now-x≲y→now-x≲z now-x≲z→now-x≲y 
                                            $⟨ record { to = now-x≲y→now-x≲z; from = now-x≲z→now-x≲y } 
             proj₁ now-x≲y  proj₁ now-x≲z  ↝⟨ _↔_.to (⇔↔≡″ ext prop-ext) ⟩□
             now-x≲y  now-x≲z              
    ; ps = ps
    ; qr = λ { _ (now-x≲y , _) 
               now-x≲y  ↝⟨ id ⟩□
    ; qt = λ { _ _ (P , _) (Q , _) (R , _) P→Q Q→R 
               P  ↝⟨ P→Q 
               Q  ↝⟨ Q→R ⟩□
    ; qe = λ { _ (now-x≲⊥ , _) 
               Prelude.⊥  ↝⟨ ⊥-elim ⟩□
    ; qu = λ { s (now-x≲s[_] , _) n 
               proj₁ now-x≲s[ n ]                ↝⟨ ∣_∣  (n ,_) ⟩□
                  n  proj₁ now-x≲s[ n ])   
    ; ql = λ { s ub is-ub (now-x≲s[_] , _) now-x≲ub now-x≲s[]→now-x≲ub 
                  n  proj₁ now-x≲s[ n ])   ↝⟨ Trunc.rec (proj₂ now-x≲ub) (uncurry now-x≲s[]→now-x≲ub) ⟩□
               proj₁ now-x≲ub                    
    ; qp = λ _ now-x≲z  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                         proj₂ now-x≲z
      ps : Is-set (Proposition a)
      ps =
        Is-set-∃-Is-proposition ext prop-ext

infix 4 now[_]≲_

now[_]≲_ : A  A   Set a
now[ x ]≲ y = proj₁ (⊥-rec-nd now[ x ]≲-args y)

-- The relation is propositional.

now[]≲-propositional :  {x y}  Is-proposition (now[ x ]≲ y)
now[]≲-propositional = proj₂ (⊥-rec-nd now[ _ ]≲-args _)

-- If a computation terminates with a certain value, then all larger
-- computations terminate with the same value (according to now[_]≲_).

larger-terminate-with-same-value≲ :
   {x y}  x  y   {z}  now[ z ]≲ x  now[ z ]≲ y
larger-terminate-with-same-value≲ x⊑y =
  ⊑-rec-nd now[ _ ]≲-args x⊑y

-- "Evaluation" lemmas for now[_]≲_.

now[]≲never :  {x}  (now[ x ]≲ never)  Prelude.⊥
now[]≲never {x} =
  now[ x ]≲ never  ≡⟨ cong proj₁ (⊥-rec-nd-never now[ x ]≲-args) ⟩∎

now[]≲now :  {x y}  (now[ x ]≲ now y)   x  y 
now[]≲now {x} {y} =
  now[ x ]≲ now y  ≡⟨ cong proj₁ (⊥-rec-nd-now now[ x ]≲-args y) ⟩∎
   x  y         

now[]≲⨆ :  {x s}  (now[ x ]≲  s)   ( λ n  now[ x ]≲ s [ n ]) 
now[]≲⨆ {x} {s} =
  now[ x ]≲  s                    ≡⟨ cong proj₁ (⊥-rec-nd-⨆ now[ x ]≲-args s) ⟩∎
   ( λ n  now[ x ]≲ s [ n ])   

-- now[_]≲_ is pointwise equivalent to λ x y → now x ⊑ y.

now⊑≃now[]≲ :  {x y}  (now x  y)  (now[ x ]≲ y)
now⊑≃now[]≲ {x} {y} =
  _↔_.to (Eq.⇔↔≃ ext ⊑-propositional now[]≲-propositional)
    (record { to   = now x  y                                ↝⟨ larger-terminate-with-same-value≲ 
                     (∀ {z}  now[ z ]≲ now x  now[ z ]≲ y)  ↝⟨  hyp {_} eq  hyp (≡⇒→ (sym now[]≲now) eq)) 
                     (∀ {z}   z  x   now[ z ]≲ y)        ↝⟨  hyp  hyp  refl ) ⟩□
                     now[ x ]≲ y                              
            ; from = ⊥-rec-⊥ from-args _
  from-args : Arguments-⊥ a A
  from-args = record
    { P  = λ y  now[ x ]≲ y  now x  y
    ; pe = now[ x ]≲ never  ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ now[]≲never 
           Prelude.⊥        ↝⟨ ⊥-elim ⟩□
           now x  never    
    ; po = λ y 
             now[ x ]≲ now y  ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ now[]≲now 

              x  y         ↝⟨ Trunc.rec ⊑-propositional (

               x  y               ↝⟨ cong now 
               now x  now y       ↝⟨ flip (subst (now x ⊑_)) (⊑-refl _) ⟩□
               now x  now y       ) ⟩□

             now x  now y    
    ; pl = λ s now-x≲s→now-x⊑s 
             now[ x ]≲  s                    ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ now[]≲⨆ 

                n  now[ x ]≲ s [ n ])   ↝⟨ Trunc.rec ⊑-propositional (uncurry λ n now-x≲s[n] 

               now x                               ⊑⟨ now-x≲s→now-x⊑s n now-x≲s[n] 
               s [ n ]                             ⊑⟨ upper-bound s n ⟩■
                s                                 ) ⟩□

             now x   s                      
    ; pp = λ _  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

-- Some properties that follow from the equivalence between now[_]≲_
-- and λ x y → now x ⊑ y

-- An equivalence between "now x ⊑ never" and an empty type.
-- This lemma was proved together with Paolo Capriotti.

now⊑never≃⊥ : {x : A}  (now x  never)  Prelude.⊥ { = a}
now⊑never≃⊥ {x} =
  now x  never    ↝⟨ now⊑≃now[]≲ 
  now[ x ]≲ never  ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ now[]≲never ⟩□

-- Defined values of the form now x are never smaller than or equal
-- to never (assuming propositional extensionality).
-- This lemma was proved together with Paolo Capriotti.

now⋢never : (x : A)  ¬ now x  never
now⋢never x =
  now x  never  ↔⟨ now⊑never≃⊥ 
  Prelude.⊥      ↝⟨ ⊥-elim ⟩□

-- Defined values of the form now x are never equal to never.

now≢never : (x : A)  now x  never
now≢never x =
  now x  never                  ↝⟨ _≃_.from equality-characterisation-⊥ 
  now x  never × now x  never  ↝⟨ proj₁ 
  now x  never                  ↝⟨ now⋢never x ⟩□

-- There is an equivalence between "now x is smaller than or equal
-- to now y" and "x is merely equal to y".

now⊑now≃∥≡∥ : {x y : A}  (now x  now y)   x  y 
now⊑now≃∥≡∥ {x} {y} =
  now x  now y    ↝⟨ now⊑≃now[]≲ 
  now[ x ]≲ now y  ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ now[]≲now ⟩□
   x  y         

-- There is an equivalence between "now x is equal to now y" and "x
-- is merely equal to y".

now≡now≃∥≡∥ : {x y : A}  (now x  now y)   x  y 
now≡now≃∥≡∥ {x} {y} =
  now x  now y                  ↝⟨ inverse equality-characterisation-⊥ 
  now x  now y × now x  now y  ↝⟨ now⊑now≃∥≡∥ ×-cong now⊑now≃∥≡∥ 
   x  y  ×  y  x           ↝⟨ _↔_.to (Eq.⇔↔≃ ext (×-closure 1 truncation-is-proposition
                                           (record { to = proj₁
                                                   ; from = λ ∥x≡y∥  ∥x≡y∥ , ∥∥-map sym ∥x≡y∥
                                                   }) ⟩□
   x  y                       

-- There is an equivalence between "now x is smaller than or equal to
-- now y" and "now x is equal to now y".

now⊑now≃now≡now : {x y : A}  (now x  now y)  (now x  now y)
now⊑now≃now≡now {x} {y} =
  now x  now y  ↝⟨ now⊑now≃∥≡∥ 
   x  y       ↝⟨ inverse now≡now≃∥≡∥ ⟩□
  now x  now y  

-- A computation can terminate with at most one value.

termination-value-merely-unique :
   {x y z}  x  y  x  z   y  z 
termination-value-merely-unique {x} {y} {z} x⇓y x⇓z =
  _≃_.to now≡now≃∥≡∥ (
    now y  ≡⟨ sym x⇓y 
    x      ≡⟨ x⇓z ⟩∎
    now z  )

-- There is an equivalence between now x ⊑ ⨆ s and
-- ∥ ∃ (λ n → now x ⊑ s [ n ]) ∥.

now⊑⨆≃∥∃now⊑∥ :
   {s : Increasing-sequence A} {x} 
  (now x   s)     n  now x  s [ n ]) 
now⊑⨆≃∥∃now⊑∥ {s} {x} =
  now x   s                      ↝⟨ now⊑≃now[]≲ 
  now[ x ]≲  s                    ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ now[]≲⨆ 
   ( λ n  now[ x ]≲ s [ n ])   ↝⟨ ∥∥-cong (∃-cong λ _  inverse now⊑≃now[]≲) ⟩□
   ( λ n  now x  s [ n ])     

-- If x is larger than or equal to now y, then x is equal to now y.

now⊑→⇓ :  {x} {y : A}  now y  x  x  y
now⊑→⇓ {x} {y} = ⊥-rec-⊥ (record
  { P  = λ x  now y  x  x  y
  ; pe = now y  never  ↝⟨ now⋢never y 
         Prelude.⊥      ↝⟨ ⊥-elim ⟩□
         never  now y  
  ; po = λ x 
           now y  now x  ↔⟨ now⊑now≃∥≡∥ 
            y  x       ↝⟨ ∥∥-map sym 
            x  y       ↝⟨ Trunc.rec (⊥-is-set _ _) (cong now) ⟩□
           now x  now y  
  ; pl = λ s hyp 
           now y   s                                  ↝⟨  p  p , _≃_.to now⊑⨆≃∥∃now⊑∥ p) 
           now y   s ×  ( λ n  now y  s [ n ])   ↝⟨ uncurry  p  Trunc.rec (⊥-is-set _ _) (uncurry λ n 

               now y  s [ n ]                               ↝⟨  now⊑ _ n≤m  ⊑-trans now⊑ (later-larger s n≤m)) 
               (∀ m  n  m  now y  s [ m ])               ↝⟨ (∀-cong-→ λ _  ∀-cong-→ λ _  hyp _) 
               (∀ m  n  m  s [ m ]  now y)               ↝⟨ (∀-cong-→ λ _  ∀-cong-→ λ _  flip (subst (_ ⊑_)) (⊑-refl _)) 
               (∀ m  n  m  s [ m ]  now y)               ↝⟨ upper-bound-≤→upper-bound s 
               (∀ n  s [ n ]  now y)                       ↝⟨ least-upper-bound _ _ 
                s  now y                                   ↝⟨ flip antisymmetry p ⟩□
                s  now y                                   )) ⟩□

            s  now y                                  
  ; pp = λ _  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
               ⊥-is-set _ _

-- If a computation terminates with a certain value, then all larger
-- computations terminate with the same value.
-- Capretta proved a similar result in "General Recursion via
-- Coinductive Types".

larger-terminate-with-same-value : {x y : A }  x  y  x  y
larger-terminate-with-same-value now-x⊑y _ refl = now⊑→⇓ now-x⊑y

-- If one element in an increasing sequence terminates with a given
-- value, then this value is the sequence's least upper bound.

terminating-element-is-⨆ :
   (s : Increasing-sequence A) {n x} 
  s [ n ]  x   s  x
terminating-element-is-⨆ s {n} {x} =
  larger-terminate-with-same-value (upper-bound s n) x

-- The relation _≼_ is contained in _⊑_.
-- Capretta proved a similar result in "General Recursion via
-- Coinductive Types".

≼→⊑ : {x y : A }  x  y  x  y
≼→⊑ {x} {y} = ⊥-rec-⊥
     { P  = λ x  x  y  x  y
     ; pe = never  y  ↝⟨  _  never⊑ y) ⟩□
            never  y   
     ; po = λ x 
              now x  y              ↝⟨  hyp  hyp x refl) 
              y  x                  ↔⟨ inverse equality-characterisation-⊥ 
              y  now x × y  now x  ↝⟨ proj₂ ⟩□
              now x  y              
     ; pl = λ s s≼y→s⊑y 
               s  y                        ↝⟨ id 
              (∀ z   s  z  y  z)        ↝⟨  hyp n z 

                s [ n ]  z                       ↝⟨ larger-terminate-with-same-value (upper-bound s n) z 
                 s  z                           ↝⟨ hyp z ⟩□
                y  z                             ) 

              (∀ n z  s [ n ]  z  y  z)  ↝⟨ id 
              (∀ n  s [ n ]  y)            ↝⟨  hyp n  s≼y→s⊑y n (hyp n)) 
              (∀ n  s [ n ]  y)            ↝⟨ least-upper-bound s y ⟩□
               s  y                        
     ; pp = λ _ 
              Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

-- The two relations _≼_ and _⊑_ are pointwise equivalent.
-- Capretta proved a similar result in "General Recursion via
-- Coinductive Types".

≼≃⊑ : {x y : A }  (x  y)  (x  y)
≼≃⊑ = _↔_.to (Eq.⇔↔≃ ext ≼-propositional ⊑-propositional)
             (record { to   = ≼→⊑
                     ; from = larger-terminate-with-same-value

-- An alternative characterisation of _⇓_.

⇓≃now⊑ :  {x} {y : A}  (x  y)  (now y  x)
⇓≃now⊑ {x} {y} =
  _↔_.to (Eq.⇔↔≃ ext (⊥-is-set _ _) ⊑-propositional) (record
    { to   = x  now y              ↔⟨ inverse equality-characterisation-⊥ 
             x  now y × x  now y  ↝⟨ proj₂ ⟩□
             now y  x              
    ; from = now y  x                  ↝⟨ larger-terminate-with-same-value 
             (∀ z  now y  z  x  z)  ↝⟨  hyp  hyp y refl) ⟩□
             x  y                      

-- Another alternative characterisation of _⇓_.

⇓≃now[]≲ :  {x y}  (x  y)  (now[ y ]≲ x)
⇓≃now[]≲ {x} {y} =
  x  y        ↝⟨ ⇓≃now⊑ 
  now y  x    ↝⟨ now⊑≃now[]≲ ⟩□
  now[ y ]≲ x  

-- Two corollaries of ⇓≃now[]≲.

never⇓≃⊥ : {x : A}  (never  x)  Prelude.⊥ { = a}
never⇓≃⊥ {x = x} =
  never  now x    ↝⟨ ⇓≃now[]≲ 
  now[ x ]≲ never  ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ now[]≲never ⟩□

⨆⇓≃∥∃⇓∥ :
   {s : Increasing-sequence A} {x} 
  ( s  x)     n  s [ n ]  x) 
⨆⇓≃∥∃⇓∥ {s} {x} =
   s  x                          ↝⟨ ⇓≃now[]≲ 
  now[ x ]≲  s                    ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ now[]≲⨆ 
     n  now[ x ]≲ s [ n ])   ↝⟨ ∥∥-cong (∃-cong λ _  inverse ⇓≃now[]≲) ⟩□
     n  s [ n ]  x)         

-- If x does not terminate, then x is equal to never.

¬⇓→⇑ : {x : A }  ¬ ( λ y  x  y)  x 
¬⇓→⇑ {x} = ⊥-rec-⊥
     { P  = λ x  ¬ ( λ y  x  y)  x 
     ; pe = ¬  (never ⇓_)  ↝⟨ const refl ⟩□
     ; po = λ x 
              ¬  (now x ⇓_) ↝⟨ _$ (x , refl) 
              ⊥₀             ↝⟨ ⊥-elim ⟩□
              now x         
     ; pl = λ s ih 
              ¬  ( s ⇓_)                           ↔⟨ →-cong ext (∃-cong  _  ⨆⇓≃∥∃⇓∥)) F.id 
              ¬   x     n  s [ n ]  x) )  ↝⟨  { hyp (n , x , s[n]⇓x)  hyp (x ,  n , s[n]⇓x ) }) 
              ¬   n   λ x  s [ n ]  x)        ↝⟨  hyp n  ih n (hyp  (n ,_))) 
              (∀ n  s [ n ] )                      ↝⟨ sym  _↔_.to equality-characterisation-increasing 
              constˢ never  s                       ↝⟨ flip (subst  s   s )) ⨆-const ⟩□
     ; pp = λ _  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                  ⊥-is-set _ _

-- In the double-negation monad a computation is either terminating or
-- non-terminating.

now-or-never : (x : A )  ¬ ¬ (( λ y  x  y)  x )
now-or-never x = run (map (⊎-map id ¬⇓→⇑) excluded-middle)

-- _⊑_ is a flat order, in the sense that distinct elements that are
-- distinct from never are unrelated.

flat-order : {x y : A }  x  y  ¬ x   ¬ y   ¬ (x  y)
flat-order {x} {y} x≢y never≢x never≢y x⊑y = ¬¬¬⊥ $ DN.map′ ⊥-elim $
  ¬⇑→¬¬⇓ never≢x >>= λ x⇓ 
  ¬⇑→¬¬⇓ never≢y >>= λ y⇓ 
  return (⊥-elim $ ¬x⇓×y⇓ (x⇓ , y⇓))
  -- The computations x and y cannot both terminate.

  ¬x⇓×y⇓ : ¬ (( λ z  x  z) × ( λ z  y  z))
  ¬x⇓×y⇓ ((xz , refl) , (yz , refl)) = x≢y (
    now xz      ≡⟨ _≃_.to now⊑now≃now≡now (

        now xz       ⊑⟨ x⊑y ⟩■
        now yz       ) ⟩∎

    now yz      )

  -- Computations that fail to be equal to never do not fail to
  -- terminate.

  ¬⇑→¬¬⇓ : {x : A }  ¬ x   ¬¬ ( λ y  x  y)
  run (¬⇑→¬¬⇓ ¬x⇑) = ¬x⇑  ¬⇓→⇑

-- Some "constructors" for □.

□-never :
   {} {P : A  Set } 
   P never
□-never {P = P} y =
  never  y        ↔⟨ ⇓≃now[]≲ 
  now[ y ]≲ never  ↔⟨ ≡⇒↝ bijection now[]≲never 
  Prelude.⊥        ↝⟨ ⊥-elim ⟩□
  P y              

□-now :
   {} {P : A  Set } {x} 
  Is-proposition (P x) 
  P x   P (now x)
□-now {P = P} {x} P-prop p y =
  now x  y  ↔⟨ now≡now≃∥≡∥ 
   x  y   ↝⟨  ∥x≡y∥ 
                   Trunc.rec (Trunc.rec (H-level-propositional ext 1)
                                         x≡y  subst (Is-proposition  P) x≡y P-prop)
                              x≡y  subst P x≡y p)
                             ∥x≡y∥) ⟩□
  P y        

□-⨆ :
   {} {P : A  Set } 
  (∀ x  Is-proposition (P x)) 
   {s}  (∀ n   P (s [ n ]))   P ( s)
□-⨆ {P = P} P-prop {s} p y =
   s  y                    ↔⟨ ⨆⇓≃∥∃⇓∥ 
     n  s [ n ]  y)   ↝⟨ Trunc.rec (P-prop y) (uncurry λ n s[n]⇓y  p n y s[n]⇓y) ⟩□
  P y                        

-- One "non-constructor" and one "constructor" for ◇.

◇-never :
   {} {P : A  Set } 
  ¬  P never
◇-never {P = P} =
   P never                      ↝⟨ id 
   ( λ y  never  y × P y)   ↝⟨ Trunc.rec ⊥-propositional (now≢never _  sym  proj₁  proj₂) ⟩□

◇-⨆ :
   {} {P : A  Set } 
   {s n}   P (s [ n ])   P ( s)
◇-⨆ {P = P} =
  ∥∥-map (Σ-map id  {x}  Σ-map {Q = λ _  P x}
                                  (terminating-element-is-⨆ _) id))

-- An alternative characterisation of _⊑_

-- This characterisation uses a technique from the first edition of
-- the HoTT book (Theorems 11.3.16 and 11.3.32).
-- The characterisation was developed together with Paolo Capriotti.

-- A binary relation, defined using structural recursion.


  ≲-args : Arguments-nd (lsuc a) a A
  ≲-args = record
    { P  = A   Proposition a
    ; Q  = λ P Q   z  proj₁ (Q z)  proj₁ (P z)
    ; pe = λ _   _  , ↑-closure 1 (mono₁ 0 ⊤-contractible)
    ; po = λ x y  ⊥-rec-nd now[ x ]≲-args y
    ; pl = λ { _ (s[_]≲ , _) y  (∀ n  proj₁ (s[ n ]≲ y))
                               , Π-closure ext 1 λ n 
                                 proj₂ (s[ n ]≲ y)
    ; pa = λ x≲ y≲ y≲→x≲ x≲→y≲  ext λ z 
                                          $⟨ record { to = x≲→y≲ z; from = y≲→x≲ z } 
             proj₁ (x≲ z)  proj₁ (y≲ z)  ↝⟨ _↔_.to (⇔↔≡″ ext prop-ext) ⟩□
             x≲ z  y≲ z                  
    ; ps = ps
    ; qr = λ _ x≲ z 
             proj₁ (x≲ z)  ↝⟨ id ⟩□
             proj₁ (x≲ z)  
    ; qt = λ _ _ P Q R Q→P R→Q z 
             proj₁ (R z)  ↝⟨ R→Q z 
             proj₁ (Q z)  ↝⟨ Q→P z ⟩□
             proj₁ (P z)  
    ; qe = λ _ ⊥≲ z 
             proj₁ (⊥≲ z)  ↝⟨ _ ⟩□
    ; qu = λ { s (s[_]≲ , _) n z 
               (∀ m  proj₁ (s[ m ]≲ z))  ↝⟨ (_$ n) ⟩□
               proj₁ (s[ n ]≲ z)          
    ; ql = λ { _ _ _ (s[_]≲ , _) ub≲ ub≲→s[]≲ z 
               proj₁ (ub≲ z)              ↝⟨ flip (flip ub≲→s[]≲ z) ⟩□
               (∀ n  proj₁ (s[ n ]≲ z))  
    ; qp = λ x≲ y≲  Π-closure ext 1 λ z 
                     Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                     proj₂ (x≲ z)
      ps : Is-set (A   Proposition a)
      ps =
        Π-closure ext 2 λ _ 
        Is-set-∃-Is-proposition ext prop-ext

infix 4 _≲_

_≲_ : A   A   Set a
x  y = proj₁ (⊥-rec-nd ≲-args x y)

-- The relation is propositional.

≲-propositional :  x y  Is-proposition (x  y)
≲-propositional x y = proj₂ (⊥-rec-nd ≲-args x y)

-- A form of transitivity involving _⊑_ and _≲_.

⊑≲-trans :  {x y} (z : A )  x  y  y  z  x  z
⊑≲-trans z x⊑y = ⊑-rec-nd ≲-args x⊑y z

-- "Evaluation" lemmas for _≲_.

never≲ :  {y}  (never  y)   _ 
never≲ {y} = cong (proj₁  (_$ _)) (
  ⊥-rec-nd ≲-args never  ≡⟨ ⊥-rec-nd-never ≲-args ⟩∎
   _   _  , _)      )

⨆≲ :  {s y}  ( s  y)   n  s [ n ]  y
⨆≲ {s} {y} = cong (proj₁  (_$ _)) (
  ⊥-rec-nd ≲-args ( s)            ≡⟨ ⊥-rec-nd-⨆ ≲-args s ⟩∎
   y  (∀ n  s [ n ]  y) , _)  )

now≲ :  {x y}  (now x  y)  (now[ x ]≲ y)
now≲ {x} {y} =
  now x  y    ≡⟨ cong (proj₁  (_$ _)) (⊥-rec-nd-now ≲-args x) ⟩∎
  now[ x ]≲ y  

now≲never :  {x}  (now x  never)  Prelude.⊥
now≲never {x} =
  now x  never    ≡⟨ now≲ 
  now[ x ]≲ never  ≡⟨ now[]≲never ⟩∎

now≲now :  {x y}  (now x  now y)   x  y 
now≲now {x} {y} =
  now x  now y    ≡⟨ now≲ 
  now[ x ]≲ now y  ≡⟨ now[]≲now ⟩∎
   x  y         

now≲⨆ :  {x s}  (now x   s)   ( λ n  now x  s [ n ]) 
now≲⨆ {x} {s} =
  now x   s                      ≡⟨ now≲ 
  now[ x ]≲  s                    ≡⟨ now[]≲⨆ 
   ( λ n  now[ x ]≲ s [ n ])   ≡⟨ cong (∥_∥  ) (ext λ _  sym now≲) ⟩∎
   ( λ n  now x  s [ n ])     

-- _≲_ is reflexive.

≲-refl :  x  x  x
≲-refl = ⊥-rec-⊥ (record
  { pe =                $⟨ _ 
          _           ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ bijection $ sym never≲ ⟩□
         never  never  
  ; po = λ x             $⟨  refl  
            x  x       ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ bijection $ sym now≲now ⟩□
           now x  now x  
  ; pl = λ s 
           (∀ n  s [ n ]  s [ n ])  ↝⟨  s≲s n  ⨆-lemma s (s [ n ]) n (s≲s n)) 
           (∀ n  s [ n ]   s)      ↔⟨ ≡⇒↝ bijection $ sym ⨆≲ ⟩□
            s   s                  
  ; pp = λ x  ≲-propositional x x
  ⨆-lemma :  s x n  x  s [ n ]  x   s
  ⨆-lemma s = ⊥-rec-⊥
       { P  = λ x   n  x  s [ n ]  x   s
       ; pe = λ n 
                never  s [ n ]  ↔⟨ ≡⇒↝ bijection $ never≲ 
                 _             ↔⟨ ≡⇒↝ bijection $ sym never≲ ⟩□
                never   s      
       ; po = λ x n 
                now x  s [ n ]                ↝⟨ ∣_∣  (n ,_) 
                 ( λ n  now x  s [ n ])   ↔⟨ ≡⇒↝ bijection $ sym now≲⨆ ⟩□
                now x   s                    
       ; pl = λ s′ 
                (∀ m n  s′ [ m ]  s [ n ]  s′ [ m ]   s)  ↝⟨  hyp n s′≲s m  hyp m n (s′≲s m)) 

                (∀ n  (∀ m  s′ [ m ]  s [ n ]) 
                       (∀ m  s′ [ m ]   s))                 ↔⟨ Eq.∀-preserves ext  _ 
                                                                    ≡⇒↝ _ $ sym $ cong₂  x y  x  y) ⨆≲ ⨆≲) ⟩□
                (∀ n   s′  s [ n ]   s′   s)            
       ; pp = λ x  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                    Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                    ≲-propositional x ( s)

-- _⊑_ and _≲_ are pointwise equivalent.

⊑≃≲ :  {x y}  (x  y)  (x  y)
⊑≃≲ {x} {y} =
  _↔_.to (Eq.⇔↔≃ ext ⊑-propositional (≲-propositional x y))
    (record { to   = λ x⊑y  ⊑≲-trans _ x⊑y (≲-refl y)
            ; from = ⊥-rec-⊥ from-args _ _
  from-args : Arguments-⊥ a A
  from-args = record
    { P  = λ x   y  x  y  x  y
    ; pe = λ y _  never⊑ y
    ; po = λ x y 
             now x  y    ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ now≲ 
             now[ x ]≲ y  ↔⟨ inverse now⊑≃now[]≲ ⟩□
             now x  y    
    ; pl = λ s s≲→s⊑ y 
              s  y              ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ ⨆≲ 
             (∀ n  s [ n ]  y)  ↝⟨  s[_]≲y n  s≲→s⊑ n y s[ n ]≲y) 
             (∀ n  s [ n ]  y)  ↝⟨ least-upper-bound s y ⟩□
              s  y              
    ; pp = λ _  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                 Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 