-- Strong bisimilarity

{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

module Delay-monad.Sized.Strong-bisimilarity where

open import Equality.Propositional using (_≡_; subst; sym)
open import Prelude

open import Delay-monad.Sized

module _ {a} {A : Size  Set a} where

  -- Strong bisimilarity. Note that this type is not defined in the
  -- same way as Delay. One might argue that the now-cong constructor
  -- should have the following type, using a /sized/ identity type Id:
  --   now-cong : ∀ {x y} →
  --              Id (A ∞) i x y →
  --              Strongly-bisimilar i (now x) (now y)


    data Strongly-bisimilar
           (i : Size) : (x y : Delay A )  Set a where
      now-cong   :  {x}  Strongly-bisimilar i (now x) (now x)
      later-cong :  {x y} 
                   ∞Strongly-bisimilar i (force x) (force y) 
                   Strongly-bisimilar i (later x) (later y)

    record ∞Strongly-bisimilar
             (i : Size) (x y : Delay A ) : Set a where
        force : {j : Size< i}  Strongly-bisimilar j x y

  open ∞Strongly-bisimilar public

  infix 4 _∼_ _∞∼_

  _∼_ : Delay A   Delay A   Set a
  _∼_ = Strongly-bisimilar 

  _∞∼_ : Delay A   Delay A   Set a
  _∞∼_ = ∞Strongly-bisimilar 

-- A statement of extensionality: strongly bisimilar computations are
-- equal.

Extensionality : ( : Level)  Set (lsuc )
Extensionality a =
  {A : Size  Set a} {x y : Delay A }  x  y  x  y

module _ {a} {A : Size  Set a} where


    -- Strong bisimilarity is reflexive.

    reflexive : (x : Delay A )  x  x
    reflexive (now x)   = now-cong
    reflexive (later x) = later-cong (∞reflexive (force x))

    ∞reflexive : (x : Delay A )  x ∞∼ x
    force (∞reflexive x) = reflexive x


    -- Strong bisimilarity is symmetric.

    symmetric :  {i} {x y : Delay A } 
                Strongly-bisimilar i x y 
                Strongly-bisimilar i y x
    symmetric now-cong       = now-cong
    symmetric (later-cong p) = later-cong (∞symmetric p)

    ∞symmetric :  {i} {x y : Delay A } 
                 ∞Strongly-bisimilar i x y 
                 ∞Strongly-bisimilar i y x
    force (∞symmetric p) = symmetric (force p)


    -- Strong bisimilarity is transitive.

    transitive :  {i} {x y z : Delay A } 
                 Strongly-bisimilar i x y 
                 Strongly-bisimilar i y z 
                 Strongly-bisimilar i x z
    transitive now-cong       now-cong       = now-cong
    transitive (later-cong p) (later-cong q) =
      later-cong (∞transitive p q)

    ∞transitive :  {i} {x y z : Delay A } 
                  ∞Strongly-bisimilar i x y 
                  ∞Strongly-bisimilar i y z 
                  ∞Strongly-bisimilar i x z
    force (∞transitive p q) = transitive (force p) (force q)

  -- Some equational reasoning combinators.

  infix  -1 finally-∼ _∎∼
  infixr -2 _∼⟨_⟩_ _∼⟨⟩_ _≡⟨_⟩∼_

  _∎∼ :  {i} (x : Delay A )  Strongly-bisimilar i x x
  _∎∼ = reflexive

  _∼⟨_⟩_ :  {i} (x : Delay A ) {y z} 
           Strongly-bisimilar i x y  Strongly-bisimilar i y z 
           Strongly-bisimilar i x z
  _ ∼⟨ p  q = transitive p q

  _∼⟨⟩_ :  {i} (x : Delay A ) {y} 
          Strongly-bisimilar i x y  Strongly-bisimilar i x y
  _ ∼⟨⟩ p = p

  _≡⟨_⟩∼_ :  {i} (x : Delay A ) {y z} 
            x  y  Strongly-bisimilar i y z  Strongly-bisimilar i x z
  _≡⟨_⟩∼_ {i} _ p q = subst  x  Strongly-bisimilar i x _) (sym p) q

  finally-∼ :  {i} (x y : Delay A ) 
              Strongly-bisimilar i x y  Strongly-bisimilar i x y
  finally-∼ _ _ p = p

  syntax finally-∼ x y p = x ∼⟨ p ⟩∎ y ∎