-- Tactics for proving instances of Σ-cong (and Surjection.Σ-cong)
-- with "better" computational behaviour

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Tactic.Sigma-cong
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p e⁺) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Logical-equivalence as L using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Bijection eq as B using (_↔_)
open import Equivalence eq as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Function-universe eq as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import Monad eq
open import Surjection eq as S using (_↠_)
open import TC-monad eq hiding (Type)


    a b                 : Level
    A B                 : Type a
    f g k k₁ k₂ p q x y : A
    P Q                 : A  Type p

-- Σ-cong-refl

-- Building blocks used to construct the proofs in Σ-cong-refl.

record Σ-cong-refl-proofs
         (k : Kind)
         (A : Type a) (B : Type b) (P : A  Type p) (Q : B  Type q) :
         Type (lsuc (a  b  p  q)) where
    refl₁ : (x : Σ B Q)  x  x
    refl₂ : (x : Σ A P)  x  x

    cong-refl₃ :
      (f : Σ A P  Σ B Q)
      (p : Σ A P) 
      cong f (refl p)  refl (f p)

    →↝ :
      (A⇔B : A  B)
      (P→Q :  x  P x  Q (_⇔_.to A⇔B x))
      (Q→P :  x  Q x  P (_⇔_.from A⇔B x)) 
      (eq₁ : (p : Σ B Q) 
             Σ-map (_⇔_.to A⇔B) (P→Q _)
               (Σ-map (_⇔_.from A⇔B) (Q→P _) p) 
      (eq₂ : (p : Σ A P) 
             Σ-map (_⇔_.from A⇔B) (Q→P _)
               (Σ-map (_⇔_.to A⇔B) (P→Q _) p) 
      ((p : Σ A P) 
       cong (Σ-map (_⇔_.to A⇔B) (P→Q _)) (eq₂ p) 
       eq₁ (Σ-map (_⇔_.to A⇔B) (P→Q _) p)) 
      Σ A P ↝[ k ] Σ B Q


  -- The building blocks can be proved.

  instance-of-Σ-cong-refl-proofs :
    Σ-cong-refl-proofs k A B P Q
  instance-of-Σ-cong-refl-proofs = λ where
      .refl₁ _               refl _
      .refl₂ _               refl _
      .cong-refl₃ _ _        cong-refl _
      .→↝ A⇔B P→Q Q→P p q r 
        from-equivalence $
        Eq.⟨   Σ-map (_⇔_.to   A⇔B) (P→Q _)
           , ( Σ-map (_⇔_.from A⇔B) (Q→P _)
             , p
             , q
             , r
    open Σ-cong-refl-proofs


  -- Used to implement Σ-cong-refl.
  -- The constructed term is returned.

  Σ-cong-refl-tactic :
    Σ-cong-refl-proofs k A B P Q 
    (A⇔B : A  B)  (∀ x  P x  Q (_⇔_.to A⇔B x)) 
    Term  TC Term
  Σ-cong-refl-tactic proofs A⇔B P⇔Q goal = do
    refl₁       quoteTC (Σ-cong-refl-proofs.refl₁      proofs)
    refl₂       quoteTC (Σ-cong-refl-proofs.refl₂      proofs)
    cong-refl₃  quoteTC (Σ-cong-refl-proofs.cong-refl₃ proofs
                            (Σ-map (_⇔_.to A⇔B) (_⇔_.to (P⇔Q _))))
    proofs      quoteTC proofs
    P→Q         quoteTC (_⇔_.to    P⇔Q)
    Q→P         quoteTC (_⇔_.from  P⇔Q  _⇔_.from A⇔B)
    A⇔B         quoteTC A⇔B
    let t = def (quote Σ-cong-refl-proofs.→↝)
                (varg proofs 
                 varg A⇔B 
                 varg P→Q 
                 varg Q→P 
                 varg refl₁ 
                 varg refl₂ 
                 varg cong-refl₃ 
    unify goal t
    return t


  -- A macro that tries to prove Σ A P ↝[ k₃ ] Σ B Q.
  -- If k₃ is symmetric, then the two directions of the proof are
  -- constructed in the following way:
  -- * The forward direction is a function from Σ A P to Σ B Q,
  --   constructed in the "obvious" way using the forward directions
  --   of the two supplied proofs.
  -- * The other direction is a function from Σ B (Q ∘ f ∘ g) to
  --   Σ A P, where f and g are the two directions of the first proof.
  --   This function is also constructed in the "obvious" way, using
  --   the right-to-left directions of the two supplied proofs. It is
  --   assumed that Q ∘ f ∘ g is definitionally equal to Q.
  -- The two functions are assumed to be definitionally equal, so that
  -- they can be proved to be inverses of each other (pointwise) using
  -- reflexivity.

  Σ-cong-refl :
    {k₁ k₂ : Symmetric-kind} {k₃ : Kind}
     proofs : Σ-cong-refl-proofs k₃ A B P Q  
    (A↝B : A ↝[  k₁ ⌋-sym ] B) 
    (∀ x  P x ↝[  k₂ ⌋-sym ] Q (_⇔_.to (sym→⇔ A↝B) x)) 
    Term  TC 
  Σ-cong-refl  proofs = proofs  A↝B P↝Q goal = do
    Σ-cong-refl-tactic proofs (sym→⇔ A↝B) (sym→⇔  P↝Q) goal
    return _


  -- Some unit tests.

  t₁ : (A × A)  (A × A)
  t₁ = Σ-cong-refl L.id λ _  B.id

  _ : _≃_.to t₁ p  p
  _ = refl _

  _ : _≃_.from t₁ p  p
  _ = refl _

  _ :
    {p : A × A} 
    _≃_.right-inverse-of t₁ p  refl _
  _ = refl _

  _ :
    {p : A × A} 
    _≃_.left-inverse-of t₁ p  refl _
  _ = refl _

  t₂ : (A × A)  (A × A)
  t₂ = Σ-cong-refl Eq.id λ _  L.id

  _ : _↔_.to t₂ p  p
  _ = refl _

  _ : _↔_.from t₂ p  p
  _ = refl _

  _ :
    {p : A × A} 
    _↔_.right-inverse-of t₂ p  refl _
  _ = refl _

  _ :
    {p : A × A} 
    _↔_.left-inverse-of t₂ p  refl _
  _ = refl _

  t₃ :
    {P : A  B  Type p} {Q : A  B  (∀ x y  P x y)  Type q} 
    ( λ (f :  x y  P x y)   x y  Q x y f) 
    ( λ (f :  y x  P x y)   y x  Q x y (flip f))
  t₃ = Σ-cong-refl Π-comm λ _  Π-comm

  _ : _≃_.to t₃ p  Σ-map flip flip p
  _ = refl _

  _ : _≃_.from t₃ p  Σ-map flip flip p
  _ = refl _

  _ :
    {P : A  B  Type p} {Q : A  B  (∀ x y  P x y)  Type q}
    {p :  λ (f :  y x  P x y)   y x  Q x y (flip f)} 
    _≃_.right-inverse-of (t₃ {Q = Q}) p  refl _
  _ = refl _

  _ :
    {P : A  B  Type p} {Q : A  B  (∀ x y  P x y)  Type q}
    {p :  λ (f :  x y  P x y)   x y  Q x y f} 
    _≃_.left-inverse-of (t₃ {Q = Q}) p  refl _
  _ = refl _

  -- The following proof—implemented using Σ-cong—is, at the time of
  -- writing, "worse".

  t₃′ :
    {P : A  B  Type p} {Q : A  B  (∀ x y  P x y)  Type q} 
    ( λ (f :  x y  P x y)   x y  Q x y f) 
    ( λ (f :  y x  P x y)   y x  Q x y (flip f))
  t₃′ = Eq.↔⇒≃ $ Σ-cong Π-comm λ _  Π-comm

  _ : _≃_.to t₃′ p  Σ-map flip flip p
  _ = refl _

  _ :
     {P : A  B  Type p} {Q : A  B  (∀ x y  P x y)  Type q} {p} 
    _≃_.from (t₃′ {Q = Q}) p 
    Σ-map flip
      (flip  subst  f   y x  Q x y (flip f)) (sym (refl _)))
  _ = refl _

-- Σ-cong-id

-- Building blocks used to construct the proofs in Σ-cong-id.

record Σ-cong-id-proofs
         (k : Kind) (A : Type a) (B : Type b) (P : B  Type p) :
         Type (lsuc (a  b  p)) where
    refl₁ : (x : Σ B P)  x  x

    subst-refl₂ :
      (A≃B : A  B)
      ((x , y) : Σ A (P  _≃_.to A≃B)) 
      subst P (refl (_≃_.to A≃B x)) y  y

    →↝ :
      (A≃B : A  B)
      (g :  x  P x  P (_≃_.to A≃B (_≃_.from A≃B x))) 
      ((p : Σ B P) 
       Σ-map (_≃_.to A≃B) id (Σ-map (_≃_.from A≃B) (g _) p)  p) 
      (((x , y) : Σ A (P  _≃_.to A≃B)) 
       subst P (_≃_.right-inverse-of A≃B (_≃_.to A≃B x)) (g _ y)  y) 
      Σ A (P  _≃_.to A≃B) ↝[ k ] Σ B P


  -- The building blocks can be proved.

  instance-of-Σ-cong-id-proofs : Σ-cong-id-proofs k A B P
  instance-of-Σ-cong-id-proofs {P = P} = λ where
      .refl₁            refl
      .subst-refl₂ _ _  subst-refl _ _
      .→↝ A≃B g p q    
        let open _≃_ A≃B in
        from-equivalence $
          (Σ-map to id)
          (Σ-map from (g _))
           (x , y) 
             Σ-≡,≡→≡ (left-inverse-of _)
               (subst (P  to) (left-inverse-of x) (g _ y)     ≡⟨ subst-∘ _ _ _ 
                subst P (cong to (left-inverse-of x)) (g _ y)  ≡⟨ cong  eq  subst P eq _) (left-right-lemma x) 
                subst P (right-inverse-of (to x)) (g _ y)      ≡⟨ q _ ⟩∎
                y                                              ))
    open Σ-cong-id-proofs


  -- Used to implement Σ-cong-id.
  -- The constructed term is returned.

  Σ-cong-id-tactic :
    Σ-cong-id-proofs k A B P 
    A  B  Term  TC Term
  Σ-cong-id-tactic proofs A≃B goal = do
    refl₁        quoteTC (Σ-cong-id-proofs.refl₁       proofs)
    subst-refl₂  quoteTC (Σ-cong-id-proofs.subst-refl₂ proofs A≃B)
    proofs       quoteTC proofs
    A≃B          quoteTC A≃B
    let t = def (quote Σ-cong-id-proofs.→↝)
                (varg proofs 
                 varg A≃B 
                 varg (lam visible $ abs "_" $
                       lam visible $ abs "x" $
                       var 0 []) 
                 varg refl₁ 
                 varg subst-refl₂ 
    unify goal t
    return t


  -- A macro that tries to prove
  -- Σ A (P ∘ from-isomorphism eq) ↝[ k₂ ] Σ B P, given that there is
  -- a proof eq : A ↔[ k₁ ] B for which the "right inverse of" proof
  -- is definitionally equal to reflexivity. If k₂ is surjection,
  -- bijection or equivalence, then the "right inverse of" component
  -- of the resulting proof is reflexivity.

  Σ-cong-id :
     proofs : Σ-cong-id-proofs k₂ A B P  
    A ↔[ k₁ ] B  Term  TC 
  Σ-cong-id  proofs = proofs  A↝B goal = do
    Σ-cong-id-tactic proofs (from-isomorphism A↝B) goal
    return _


  -- Some unit tests.

  t₄ : (A × A)  (A × A)
  t₄ = Σ-cong-id B.id

  _ : _↔_.to t₄ p  p
  _ = refl _

  _ : _↔_.from t₄ p  p
  _ = refl _

  _ :
    {p : A × A} 
    _↔_.right-inverse-of t₄ p  refl _
  _ = refl _

  t₅ : ( λ (x : ⊥₀  A)  _↔_.to ⊎-left-identity x  y) 
       ( λ (x : A)  x  y)
  t₅ = Σ-cong-id ⊎-left-identity

  _ : _≃_.to t₅ (inj₂ x , p)  (x , p)
  _ = refl _

  _ : _≃_.from t₅ p  Σ-map inj₂ id p
  _ = refl _

  _ :
    {p :  λ (x : A)  x  y} 
    _≃_.right-inverse-of t₅ p  refl _
  _ = refl _

  -- The following proof—implemented using Σ-cong—is, at the time of
  -- writing, "worse".

  t₅′ : ( λ (x : ⊥₀  A)  _↔_.to ⊎-left-identity x  y) 
        ( λ (x : A)  x  y)
  t₅′ = Eq.↔⇒≃ $ Σ-cong ⊎-left-identity λ _  F.id

  _ : _≃_.to t₅′ (inj₂ x , p)  (x , p)
  _ = refl _

  _ : _≃_.from t₅′ p 
      Σ-map inj₂ (subst (_≡ y) (sym (refl _))) p
  _ = refl _

-- Σ-cong-id-↠

-- Building blocks used to construct the proofs in Σ-cong-id-↠.

record Σ-cong-id-↠-proofs
         (A : Type a) (B : Type b) (P : B  Type p) :
         Type (lsuc (a  b  p)) where
    refl₁ : (x : Σ B P)  x  x

    →↠ :
      (A↠B : A  B)
      (g :  x  P x  P (_↠_.to A↠B (_↠_.from A↠B x))) 
      ((p : Σ B P) 
       Σ-map (_↠_.to A↠B) id (Σ-map (_↠_.from A↠B) (g _) p)  p) 
      Σ A (P  _↠_.to A↠B)  Σ B P


  -- The building blocks can be proved.

  instance-of-Σ-cong-id-↠-proofs : Σ-cong-id-↠-proofs A B P
  instance-of-Σ-cong-id-↠-proofs {P = P} = λ where
      .refl₁       refl
      .→↠ A↠B g p  record
        { logical-equivalence = record
          { to   = Σ-map (_↠_.to   A↠B) id
          ; from = Σ-map (_↠_.from A↠B) (g _)
        ; right-inverse-of = p
    open Σ-cong-id-↠-proofs


  -- Used to implement Σ-cong-id-↠.
  -- The constructed term is returned.

  Σ-cong-id-↠-tactic :
    Σ-cong-id-↠-proofs A B P 
    A  B  Term  TC Term
  Σ-cong-id-↠-tactic proofs A↠B goal = do
    refl₁   quoteTC (Σ-cong-id-↠-proofs.refl₁ proofs)
    proofs  quoteTC proofs
    A↠B     quoteTC A↠B
    let t = def (quote Σ-cong-id-↠-proofs.→↠)
                (varg proofs 
                 varg A↠B 
                 varg (lam visible $ abs "_" $
                       lam visible $ abs "x" $
                       var 0 []) 
                 varg refl₁ 
    unify goal t
    return t


  -- A macro that tries to prove Σ A (P ∘ _↠_.to eq) ↠ Σ B P, given a
  -- proof eq for which _↠_.to eq ∘ _↠_.from eq is definitionally
  -- equal to the identity function. The right-inverse-of component of
  -- the resulting proof is reflexivity.

  Σ-cong-id-↠ :
     proofs : Σ-cong-id-↠-proofs A B P  
    A  B  Term  TC 
  Σ-cong-id-↠  proofs = proofs  A↠B goal = do
    Σ-cong-id-↠-tactic proofs A↠B goal
    return _


  -- Some unit tests.

  t₆ : (A × A)  (A × A)
  t₆ = Σ-cong-id-↠ S.id

  _ : _↠_.to t₆ p  p
  _ = refl _

  _ : _↠_.from t₆ p  p
  _ = refl _

  _ :
    {p : A × A} 
    _↠_.right-inverse-of t₆ p  refl _
  _ = refl _

  t₇ :
    ( λ (f : (x : A  B)  P x)  (f  inj₁ , f  inj₂)  q) 
    ( λ (p : ((x : A)  P (inj₁ x)) ×
              ((y : B)  P (inj₂ y))) 
       p  q)
  t₇ = Σ-cong-id-↠ Π⊎↠Π×Π

  _ : _↠_.to t₇ (f , p)  ((f  inj₁ , f  inj₂) , p)
  _ = refl _

  _ : _↠_.from t₇ ((f , g) , p)  ([ f , g ] , p)
  _ = refl _

  _ :
     {P : A  B  Type p} {q}
      {p :  λ (p : ((x : A)  P (inj₁ x)) ×
                    ((y : B)  P (inj₂ y))) 
             p  q} 
    _↠_.right-inverse-of (t₇ {P = P}) p  refl p
  _ = refl _

  -- The following proof—implemented using S.Σ-cong—is, at the time of
  -- writing, "worse".

  t₇′ :
    ( λ (f : (x : A  B)  P x)  (f  inj₁ , f  inj₂)  q) 
    ( λ (p : ((x : A)  P (inj₁ x)) ×
              ((y : B)  P (inj₂ y))) 
       p  q)
  t₇′ = S.Σ-cong Π⊎↠Π×Π λ _  F.id

  _ : _↠_.to t₇′ (f , p)  ((f  inj₁ , f  inj₂) , p)
  _ = refl _

  _ : _↠_.from t₇′ ((f , g) , p) 
      ([ f , g ] , subst (_≡ q) (sym (refl _)) p)
  _ = refl _