-- Support for reflection

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Equality

module TC-monad
  {reflexive} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p reflexive) where

import Agda.Builtin.Bool as B
open import Agda.Builtin.Char
open import Agda.Builtin.Float
import Agda.Builtin.Reflection
open import Agda.Builtin.Strict
open import Agda.Builtin.String

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude as P hiding (Type)

import Maybe eq as _
open import Monad eq
open import Nat eq

-- Reflection primitives.

open Agda.Builtin.Reflection public hiding (isMacro; withNormalisation)

-- The TC monad is a "raw monad".


  raw-monad :  {d}  Raw-monad {d = d} TC
  Raw-monad.return raw-monad = returnTC
  Raw-monad._>>=_ raw-monad  = bindTC

-- Converts B.Bool to and from Bool.

Bool⇔Bool : B.Bool  Bool
Bool⇔Bool = record { to = to; from = from }
  to : B.Bool  Bool
  to B.false = false
  to B.true  = true

  from : Bool  B.Bool
  from false = B.false
  from true  = B.true

-- Variants of some definitions from Agda.Builtin.Reflection.

isMacro : Name  TC Bool
isMacro x = _⇔_.to Bool⇔Bool ⟨$⟩ Agda.Builtin.Reflection.isMacro x

withNormalisation :  {a} {A : P.Type a}  Bool  TC A  TC A
withNormalisation =
  Agda.Builtin.Reflection.withNormalisation  _⇔_.from Bool⇔Bool

-- Constructs a visible, relevant argument that is not erased

pattern varg x = arg (arg-info visible (modality relevant quantity-ω)) x

-- Constructs a hidden, relevant argument that is not erased.

pattern harg x = arg (arg-info hidden (modality relevant quantity-ω)) x

-- An n-ary variant of pi.

pis : List (Abs (Arg Type))  Type  Type
pis []             B = B
pis (abs x A  As) B = pi A (abs x (pis As B))


  -- Checks if the terms are syntactically equal.
  -- Pattern-matching lambdas and "unknown" are currently never seen
  -- as equal to anything.
  -- Note that this function does not perform any kind of parameter
  -- reconstruction.

  eq-Term : Term  Term  Bool
  eq-Term (var x₁ ts₁)   (var x₂ ts₂)   = eq-ℕ x₁ x₂  eq-Args ts₁ ts₂
  eq-Term (con c₁ ts₁)   (con c₂ ts₂)   = eq-Name c₁ c₂  eq-Args ts₁ ts₂
  eq-Term (def f₁ ts₁)   (def f₂ ts₂)   = eq-Name f₁ f₂  eq-Args ts₁ ts₂
  eq-Term (lam v₁ t₁)    (lam v₂ t₂)    = eq-Visibility v₁ v₂  eq-Abs t₁ t₂
  eq-Term (pi a₁ b₁)     (pi a₂ b₂)     = eq-Arg a₁ a₁  eq-Abs b₁ b₂
  eq-Term (agda-sort s₁) (agda-sort s₂) = eq-Sort s₁ s₂
  eq-Term (lit l₁)       (lit l₂)       = eq-Literal l₁ l₂
  eq-Term (meta x₁ ts₁)  (meta x₂ ts₂)  = eq-Meta x₁ x₂  eq-Args ts₁ ts₂
  eq-Term _              _              = false

  eq-Name : Name  Name  Bool
  eq-Name x₁ x₂ = _⇔_.to Bool⇔Bool (primQNameEquality x₁ x₂)

  eq-ℕ :     Bool
  eq-ℕ = _==_

  eq-Meta : Meta  Meta  Bool
  eq-Meta x₁ x₂ = _⇔_.to Bool⇔Bool (primMetaEquality x₁ x₂)

  eq-String : String  String  Bool
  eq-String x₁ x₂ = _⇔_.to Bool⇔Bool (primStringEquality x₁ x₂)

  eq-Sort : Sort  Sort  Bool
  eq-Sort (set t₁) (set t₂) = eq-Term t₁ t₂
  eq-Sort (lit n₁) (lit n₂) = eq-ℕ n₁ n₂
  eq-Sort _        _        = false

  eq-Literal : Literal  Literal  Bool
  eq-Literal (nat n₁)    (nat n₂)    = eq-ℕ n₁ n₂
  eq-Literal (float x₁)  (float x₂)  = _⇔_.to Bool⇔Bool
                                         (primFloatEquality x₁ x₂)
  eq-Literal (char c₁)   (char c₂)   = _⇔_.to Bool⇔Bool
                                         (primCharEquality c₁ c₂)
  eq-Literal (string s₁) (string s₂) = eq-String s₁ s₂
  eq-Literal (name x₁)   (name x₂)   = eq-Name x₁ x₂
  eq-Literal (meta x₁)   (meta x₂)   = eq-Meta x₁ x₂
  eq-Literal _           _           = false

  eq-Args : List (Arg Term)  List (Arg Term)  Bool
  eq-Args []         []         = true
  eq-Args (t₁  ts₁) (t₂  ts₂) = eq-Arg t₁ t₂  eq-Args ts₁ ts₂
  eq-Args _          _          = false

  eq-Abs : Abs Term  Abs Term  Bool
  eq-Abs (abs s₁ t₁) (abs s₂ t₂) =
    eq-String s₁ s₂  eq-Term t₁ t₂

  eq-ArgInfo : ArgInfo  ArgInfo  Bool
  eq-ArgInfo (arg-info v₁ m₁) (arg-info v₂ m₂) =
    eq-Visibility v₁ v₂  eq-Modality m₁ m₂

  eq-Arg : Arg Term  Arg Term  Bool
  eq-Arg (arg i₁ t₁) (arg i₂ t₂) =
    eq-ArgInfo i₁ i₂  eq-Term t₁ t₂

  eq-Visibility : Visibility  Visibility  Bool
  eq-Visibility visible   visible   = true
  eq-Visibility hidden    hidden    = true
  eq-Visibility instance′ instance′ = true
  eq-Visibility _         _         = false

  eq-Modality : Modality  Modality  Bool
  eq-Modality (modality r₁ q₁) (modality r₂ q₂) =
    eq-Relevance r₁ r₂  eq-Quantity q₁ q₂

  eq-Relevance : Relevance  Relevance  Bool
  eq-Relevance relevant   relevant   = true
  eq-Relevance irrelevant irrelevant = true
  eq-Relevance _          _          = false

  eq-Quantity : Quantity  Quantity  Bool
  eq-Quantity quantity-0 quantity-0 = true
  eq-Quantity quantity-ω quantity-ω = true
  eq-Quantity _          _          = false

-- Returns a fresh meta-variable of type Level.

fresh-level : TC Level
fresh-level =
  checkType unknown (def (quote Level) []) >>= λ  

-- Tries to apply the given term (of the given type) to the list of
-- arguments. The type of the resulting term is also returned.

apply : Type  Term  List (Arg Term)  TC (Type × Term)
apply A t []       = returnTC (A , t)
apply A t (a  as) =
  reduce A      >>= λ A 
  apply₁ A t a  >>= λ { (A , t) 
  apply A t as        }
  apply₁ : Type  Term  Arg Term  TC (Type × Term)
  apply₁ (pi (arg i₁@(arg-info k _) A) B) t₁ (arg i₂ t₂) =
    if not (eq-ArgInfo i₁ i₂)
    then typeError (strErr "apply: argument info mismatch"  [])
      bindTC fresh-level                   λ a 
      bindTC fresh-level                   λ b 
      bindTC (unquoteTC A)                 λ (A : P.Type a) 
      bindTC (unquoteTC (lam visible B))   λ (B : A  P.Type b) 
      bindTC (unquoteTC t₂)                λ (t₂ : A) 
      bindTC (quoteTC (B t₂))              λ Bt₂ 
      case k of λ where
          bindTC (unquoteTC t₁)            λ (t₁ : (x : A)  B x) 
          bindTC (quoteTC (t₁ t₂))         λ t₁t₂ 
          return (Bt₂ , t₁t₂)
          bindTC (unquoteTC t₁)            λ (t₁ : {x : A}  B x) 
          bindTC (quoteTC (t₁ {x = t₂}))   λ t₁t₂ 
          return (Bt₂ , t₁t₂)
          bindTC (unquoteTC t₁)            λ (t₁ :  x : A   B x) 
          bindTC (quoteTC (t₁  x = t₂ ⦄)) λ t₁t₂ 
          return (Bt₂ , t₁t₂)
  apply₁ (meta x _) _ _ = blockOnMeta x
  apply₁ A          _ _ =
    typeError (strErr "apply: not a pi"  termErr A  [])


  -- The number of variables bound in the pattern(s).

  bound-in-pattern : Pattern  
  bound-in-pattern (con _ ps) = bound-in-patterns ps
  bound-in-pattern (dot _)    = 0
  bound-in-pattern (var _)    = 1
  bound-in-pattern (lit _)    = 0
  bound-in-pattern (proj _)   = 0
  bound-in-pattern (absurd _) = 1

  bound-in-patterns : List (Arg Pattern)  
  bound-in-patterns []             = 0
  bound-in-patterns (arg _ p  ps) =
    bound-in-pattern p + bound-in-patterns ps


  -- Renames the first variable to the second.
  -- Pattern-matching lambdas are replaced by "unknown".

  rename-term :     Term  Term
  rename-term old new = λ where
    (var x args)       var (rename-var old new x)
                            (rename-args old new args)
    (con c args)       con c (rename-args old new args)
    (def f args)       def f (rename-args old new args)
    (lam v t)          lam v (rename-abs old new t)
    (pat-lam cs args)  unknown
    (pi a b)           pi (rename-arg old new a) (rename-abs old new b)
    (agda-sort s)      agda-sort (rename-sort old new s)
    (lit l)            lit l
    (meta x args)      meta x (rename-args old new args)
    unknown            unknown

  rename-var :       
  rename-var old new x = if eq-ℕ x old then new else old

  rename-abs :     Abs Term  Abs Term
  rename-abs old new (abs s t) =
    abs s (rename-term (suc old) (suc new) t)

  rename-arg :     Arg Term  Arg Term
  rename-arg old new (arg i t) = arg i (rename-term old new t)

  rename-args :     List (Arg Term)  List (Arg Term)
  rename-args old new = λ where
    []        []
    (a  as)  rename-arg old new a  rename-args old new as

  rename-sort :     Sort  Sort
  rename-sort old new = λ where
    (set t)      set (rename-term old new t)
    (prop t)     prop (rename-term old new t)
    (lit n)      lit n
    (propLit n)  propLit n
    (inf n)      inf n
    unknown      unknown


  -- Weakening: weaken-term from by increases variables "from" and
  -- higher by "by".
  -- Pattern-matching lambdas are replaced by "unknown".

  weaken-term :     Term  Term
  weaken-term from by = λ where
    (var x args)       var (weaken-var from by x)
                            (weaken-args from by args)
    (con c args)       con c (weaken-args from by args)
    (def f args)       def f (weaken-args from by args)
    (lam v t)          lam v (weaken-abs from by t)
    (pat-lam cs args)  unknown
    (pi a b)           pi (weaken-arg from by a) (weaken-abs from by b)
    (agda-sort s)      agda-sort (weaken-sort from by s)
    (lit l)            lit l
    (meta x args)      meta x (weaken-args from by args)
    unknown            unknown

  weaken-var :       
  weaken-var from by x = if from <= x then x + by else x

  weaken-abs :     Abs Term  Abs Term
  weaken-abs from by (abs s t) =
    abs s (weaken-term (suc from) by t)

  weaken-arg :     Arg Term  Arg Term
  weaken-arg from by (arg i t) = arg i (weaken-term from by t)

  weaken-args :     List (Arg Term)  List (Arg Term)
  weaken-args from by = λ where
    []        []
    (a  as)  weaken-arg from by a  weaken-args from by as

  weaken-sort :     Sort  Sort
  weaken-sort from by = λ where
    (set t)      set (weaken-term from by t)
    (prop t)     prop (weaken-term from by t)
    (lit n)      lit n
    (propLit n)  propLit n
    (inf n)      inf n
    unknown      unknown


  -- Strengthening: strengthen-term from by subtracts "by" from
  -- variables "from" and higher. Applications of variable x, where
  -- from ≤ x and x < from + by, are replaced by "unknown".
  -- Pattern-matching lambdas are replaced by "unknown".

  strengthen-term :     Term  Term
  strengthen-term from by = λ where
    (var x args)       let args′ = strengthen-args from by args in
                        if from + by <= x
                        then var (x  by) args′
                        else if from <= x
                        then unknown
                        else var x args′
    (con c args)       con c (strengthen-args from by args)
    (def f args)       def f (strengthen-args from by args)
    (lam v t)          lam v (strengthen-abs from by t)
    (pat-lam cs args)  unknown
    (pi a b)           pi (strengthen-arg from by a)
                           (strengthen-abs from by b)
    (agda-sort s)      agda-sort (strengthen-sort from by s)
    (lit l)            lit l
    (meta x args)      meta x (strengthen-args from by args)
    unknown            unknown

  strengthen-abs :     Abs Term  Abs Term
  strengthen-abs from by (abs s t) =
    abs s (strengthen-term (suc from) by t)

  strengthen-arg :     Arg Term  Arg Term
  strengthen-arg from by (arg i t) = arg i (strengthen-term from by t)

  strengthen-args :     List (Arg Term)  List (Arg Term)
  strengthen-args from by = λ where
    []        []
    (a  as)  strengthen-arg from by a  strengthen-args from by as

  strengthen-sort :     Sort  Sort
  strengthen-sort from by = λ where
    (set t)      set (strengthen-term from by t)
    (prop t)     prop (strengthen-term from by t)
    (lit n)      lit n
    (propLit n)  propLit n
    (inf n)      inf n
    unknown      unknown


  -- The result of any-term and similar functions.
  -- Note that "definitely true" can be returned even if the term
  -- contains meta-variables, the term unknown, the sort unknown, or
  -- pattern-matching lambdas.

  Any-result : P.Type
  Any-result = Any-result′ Bool

  -- A generalisation of Any-result. (Without the type parameter the
  -- raw monad instance below would not work.)

  data Any-result′ (A : P.Type) : P.Type where
    definitely : A  Any-result′ A
    -- The result is definitely true or false.
    meta : Meta  Any-result′ A
    -- There is no positive evidence that the result is true. At least
    -- one meta-variable (the given one) was encountered, and if this
    -- meta-variable is instantiated in a certain way, then the
    -- predicate might hold (depending on what the predicate is,
    -- any-term does not analyse the predicate).
    unknown : Any-result′ A
    -- There is no positive evidence that the result is true. The term
    -- contains the term unknown, the sort unknown, or a
    -- pattern-matching lambda (and pattern-matching lambdas are not
    -- analysed).


  -- Any-result′ is a raw monad.

  Any-result-raw-monad : Raw-monad Any-result′
  Raw-monad.return Any-result-raw-monad = definitely
  Raw-monad._>>=_  Any-result-raw-monad = λ where
    (definitely x) f  f x
    (meta m)       f  meta m
    unknown        f  unknown


  -- Tries to figure out if the given predicate holds for some free
  -- variable in the given term. The predicate is adjusted when
  -- any-term goes under a binder.

  any-term : (  Bool)  Term  Any-result
  any-term p = λ where
    (var x args)       (any-var p x ∨_) ⟨$⟩ any-args p args
    (con _ args)       any-args p args
    (def _ args)       any-args p args
    (lam _ t)          any-abs p t
    (pat-lam cs args)  unknown
    (pi a b)           _∨_ ⟨$⟩ any-arg p a  any-abs p b
    (agda-sort s)      any-sort p s
    (lit l)            definitely false
    (meta m args)      case any-args p args of λ where
                          (definitely false)  meta m
                          r                   r
    unknown            unknown

  any-var : (  Bool)    Bool
  any-var p x = p x

  any-abs : (  Bool)  Abs Term  Any-result
  any-abs p (abs _ t) =
    any-term  where
                zero     false
                (suc n)  p n)

  any-arg : (  Bool)  Arg Term  Any-result
  any-arg p (arg i t) = any-term p t

  any-args : (  Bool)  List (Arg Term)  Any-result
  any-args p = λ where
    []        definitely false
    (a  as)  _∨_ ⟨$⟩ any-arg p a  any-args p as

  any-sort : (  Bool)  Sort  Any-result
  any-sort p = λ where
    (set t)      any-term p t
    (prop t)     any-term p t
    (lit n)      definitely false
    (propLit n)  definitely false
    (inf n)      definitely false
    unknown      unknown

-- Figures out if the given variable is bound in the given term.

bound? :   Term  Any-result
bound? x = any-term (eq-ℕ x)

-- Figures out if variables less than the given variable are bound
-- in the given term.

<bound? :   Term  Any-result
<bound? x = any-term  y  suc y <= x)