-- Embeddings with erased "proofs"

-- Partially following the HoTT book.

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Embedding.Erased
  {reflexive} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p reflexive) where

open import Prelude hiding (id; _∘_)

open import Bijection eq using (_↔_)
open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
open import Embedding eq as Emb using (Is-embedding; Embedding)
open import Equivalence eq as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Equivalence.Erased eq as EEq
  using (_≃ᴱ_; Is-equivalenceᴱ)
open import Equivalence.Erased.Contractible-preimages eq as ECP
  using (_⁻¹ᴱ_)
open import Erased.Basics eq using (Erased; []-cong-axiomatisation)
open import Function-universe eq hiding (id; _∘_; equivalence)
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import Preimage eq using (_⁻¹_)

    a b t   : Level
    A B C   : Type a
    f k x y : A

-- Embeddings

-- The property of being an embedding with erased "proofs".

Is-embeddingᴱ : {A : Type a} {B : Type b}  (A  B)  Type (a  b)
Is-embeddingᴱ f =  x y  Is-equivalenceᴱ (cong {x = x} {y = y} f)

-- Is-embeddingᴱ is propositional in erased contexts (assuming
-- extensionality).

@0 Is-embeddingᴱ-propositional :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {f : A  B} 
  Extensionality (a  b) (a  b) 
  Is-proposition (Is-embeddingᴱ f)
Is-embeddingᴱ-propositional {b = b} ext =
  Π-closure (lower-extensionality b lzero ext) 1 λ _ 
  Π-closure (lower-extensionality b lzero ext) 1 λ _ 
  EEq.Is-equivalenceᴱ-propositional ext _

-- Embeddings with erased proofs.

record Embeddingᴱ (From : Type f) (To : Type t) : Type (f  t) where
    to           : From  To
    is-embedding : Is-embeddingᴱ to

  equivalence : (x  y) ≃ᴱ (to x  to y)
  equivalence = EEq.⟨ _ , is-embedding _ _ 

-- Some conversion functions

-- The type family above could have been defined using Σ.

Embeddingᴱ-as-Σ : Embeddingᴱ A B   λ (f : A  B)  Is-embeddingᴱ f
Embeddingᴱ-as-Σ = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = λ emb  Embeddingᴱ.to emb , Embeddingᴱ.is-embedding emb
      ; from = λ { (f , is)  record { to = f; is-embedding = is } }
    ; right-inverse-of = refl
  ; left-inverse-of = refl

-- Conversions between Is-embedding and Is-embeddingᴱ.

Is-embedding→Is-embeddingᴱ : Is-embedding f  Is-embeddingᴱ f
Is-embedding→Is-embeddingᴱ {f = f} =
  (∀ x y  Eq.Is-equivalence (cong {x = x} {y = y} f))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _  EEq.Is-equivalence→Is-equivalenceᴱ) ⟩□
  (∀ x y  Is-equivalenceᴱ (cong {x = x} {y = y} f))    

@0 Is-embedding≃Is-embeddingᴱ :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {f : A  B} 
  Extensionality? k a (a  b) 
  Is-embedding f ↝[ k ] Is-embeddingᴱ f
Is-embedding≃Is-embeddingᴱ {k = k} {f = f} ext =
  (∀ x y  Eq.Is-equivalence (cong {x = x} {y = y} f))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  from-equivalence
                                                            EEq.Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalenceᴱ) ⟩□
  (∀ x y  Is-equivalenceᴱ (cong {x = x} {y = y} f))    

@0 Is-embeddingᴱ→Is-embedding : Is-embeddingᴱ f  Is-embedding f
Is-embeddingᴱ→Is-embedding = inverse-ext? Is-embedding≃Is-embeddingᴱ _

-- Conversions between Embedding and Embeddingᴱ.

Embedding→Embeddingᴱ : Embedding A B  Embeddingᴱ A B
Embedding→Embeddingᴱ {A = A} {B = B} =
  Embedding A B                        ↔⟨ Emb.Embedding-as-Σ 
  ( λ (f : A  B)  Is-embedding f)   ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Is-embedding→Is-embeddingᴱ) 
  ( λ (f : A  B)  Is-embeddingᴱ f)  ↔⟨ inverse Embeddingᴱ-as-Σ ⟩□
  Embeddingᴱ A B                       

@0 Embedding≃Embeddingᴱ :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Extensionality? k a (a  b) 
  Embedding A B ↝[ k ] Embeddingᴱ A B
Embedding≃Embeddingᴱ {A = A} {B = B} ext =
  Embedding A B                        ↔⟨ Emb.Embedding-as-Σ 
  ( λ (f : A  B)  Is-embedding f)   ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Is-embedding≃Is-embeddingᴱ ext) 
  ( λ (f : A  B)  Is-embeddingᴱ f)  ↔⟨ inverse Embeddingᴱ-as-Σ ⟩□
  Embeddingᴱ A B                       

@0 Embeddingᴱ→Embedding : Embeddingᴱ A B  Embedding A B
Embeddingᴱ→Embedding = inverse-ext? Embedding≃Embeddingᴱ _

-- Data corresponding to the erased proofs of an embedding with
-- erased proofs.

Erased-proofs :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  (to : A  B) 
  (∀ {x y}  to x  to y  x  y) 
  Type (a  b)
Erased-proofs to from =
   {x y}  EEq.Erased-proofs (cong {x = x} {y = y} to) from

-- Extracts "erased proofs" from a regular embedding.

[proofs] :
  (A↝B : Embedding A B) 
    (Embedding.to A↝B)
    (_≃_.from (Embedding.equivalence A↝B))
[proofs] A↝B = EEq.[proofs] (Embedding.equivalence A↝B)

-- Converts two functions and some erased proofs to an embedding with
-- erased proofs.
-- Note that Agda can in many cases infer "to" and "from" from the
-- first explicit argument, see (for instance) _∘_ below.

[Embedding]→Embeddingᴱ :
  {to : A  B} {from :  {x y}  to x  to y  x  y} 
  @0 Erased-proofs to from 
  Embeddingᴱ A B
[Embedding]→Embeddingᴱ {to = to} {from = from} ep = record
  { to           = to
  ; is-embedding = λ _ _  _≃ᴱ_.is-equivalence (EEq.[≃]→≃ᴱ ep)

-- Preorder

-- Embeddingᴱ is a preorder.

id : Embeddingᴱ A A
id = Embedding→Embeddingᴱ Emb.id

infixr 9 _∘_

_∘_ : Embeddingᴱ B C  Embeddingᴱ A B  Embeddingᴱ A C
f  g =
    ([proofs] (Embeddingᴱ→Embedding f Emb.∘ Embeddingᴱ→Embedding g))

-- "Preimages"

-- If f is an embedding (with erased proofs), then f ⁻¹ᴱ y is
-- propositional (in an erased context).
-- This result is based on the proof of Theorem 4.6.3 in the HoTT book
-- (first edition).

@0 embedding→⁻¹ᴱ-propositional :
  Is-embeddingᴱ f 
   y  Is-proposition (f ⁻¹ᴱ y)
embedding→⁻¹ᴱ-propositional {f = f} =
  Is-embeddingᴱ f                   ↝⟨ Is-embeddingᴱ→Is-embedding 
  Is-embedding f                    ↝⟨ Emb.embedding→⁻¹-propositional 
  (∀ y  Is-proposition (f ⁻¹ y))   ↝⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  H-level-cong _ 1 ECP.⁻¹≃⁻¹ᴱ) ⟩□
  (∀ y  Is-proposition (f ⁻¹ᴱ y))  

-- Results that depend on an axiomatisation of []-cong

module []-cong (ax :  {a}  []-cong-axiomatisation a) where

  -- More conversion functions

  -- Equivalences (with erased proofs) from Erased A to B are
  -- embeddings (with erased proofs).

  Is-equivalenceᴱ→Is-embeddingᴱ-Erased :
    {f : Erased A  B} 
    Is-equivalenceᴱ f  Is-embeddingᴱ f
  Is-equivalenceᴱ→Is-embeddingᴱ-Erased eq _ _ =
    _≃ᴱ_.is-equivalence $ inverse $
      EEq.[]-cong.to≡to≃ᴱ≡-Erased ax EEq.⟨ _ , eq 

  -- Equivalences with erased proofs between Erased A and B can be
  -- converted to embeddings with erased proofs.

  Erased≃→Embedding : Erased A ≃ᴱ B  Embeddingᴱ (Erased A) B
  Erased≃→Embedding EEq.⟨ f , is-equiv  = record
    { to           = f
    ; is-embedding = Is-equivalenceᴱ→Is-embeddingᴱ-Erased is-equiv