-- Some derived properties of the semantics

module SimplyTyped.Semantics.Lemmas where

open import SimplyTyped.TypeSystem
open import SimplyTyped.Semantics
open import Data.Star hiding (_▻_)
open import Data.Star.Properties

-- Preorder reasoning for ⇛⋆.

  module Dummy {Γ : Ctxt} {σ : Ty} where
    open StarReasoning {I = Γ  σ} _⇛_ public
      renaming (_⟶⟨_⟩_ to _⇛⟨_⟩_; _⟶⋆⟨_⟩_ to _⇛⋆⟨_⟩_)

open Dummy public

-- Some congruences.

ƛ-cong :  {Γ σ τ} {t₁ t₂ : Γ  σ  τ} 
         t₁ ⇛⋆ t₂  ƛ t₁ ⇛⋆ ƛ t₂
ƛ-cong = gmap _ ƛ-cong'
  ƛ-cong' :  {Γ σ τ} {t₁ t₂ : Γ  σ  τ} 
            t₁  t₂  ƛ t₁  ƛ t₂
  ƛ-cong' (red C t₁⟶t₂) = red (ƛ• C) t₁⟶t₂

_·-cong_ :  {Γ σ τ} {t₁ t₂ : Γ  σ  τ} {u₁ u₂ : Γ  σ} 
           t₁ ⇛⋆ t₂  u₁ ⇛⋆ u₂  t₁ · u₁ ⇛⋆ t₂ · u₂
_·-cong_ {t₁ = t₁} {t₂} {u₁} {u₂} t₁⇛⋆t₂ u₁⇛⋆u₂ = begin
  t₁ · u₁
    ⇛⋆⟨ gmap _ (·-cong₂ t₁) u₁⇛⋆u₂ 
  t₁ · u₂
    ⇛⋆⟨ gmap _ (·-cong₁ u₂) t₁⇛⋆t₂ 
  t₂ · u₂
  ·-cong₁ :  {Γ σ τ} {t₁ t₂ : Γ  σ  τ} u 
            t₁  t₂  t₁ · u  t₂ · u
  ·-cong₁ u (red C t₁⇛t₂) = red (C •· u) t₁⇛t₂

  ·-cong₂ :  {Γ σ τ} {u₁ u₂} (t : Γ  σ  τ) 
            u₁  u₂  t · u₁  t · u₂
  ·-cong₂ t (red C u₁⇛u₂) = red (t ·• C) u₁⇛u₂