-- Reduction semantics

module SimplyTyped.Semantics where

open import SimplyTyped.TypeSystem
open import SimplyTyped.Substitution
open TmSubst
open import Data.Star hiding (_▻_)
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary

-- One-step reduction relation.

infix 10 _⇾_

data _⇾_ :  {Γ σ}  Rel (Γ  σ) zero where
  β :  {Γ σ τ} (t₁ : Γ  σ  τ) t₂ 
      (ƛ t₁) · t₂  t₁ [ sub t₂ ]
  η :  {Γ σ τ} (t : Γ  σ  τ) 
      t  ƛ (t [ wk {σ = σ} ]) · var vz

-- Reduction contexts. (Often reduction contexts are defined so that
-- only one reduction is possible in a given term. I have not done so
-- here.)

infixl 70 _•·_ _·•_
infix  50 ƛ•_

data RedCtxt (Δ : Ctxt) (χ : Ty) : TmLike where
      : RedCtxt Δ χ Δ χ
  ƛ•_  :  {Γ σ τ}  RedCtxt Δ χ (Γ  σ) τ  RedCtxt Δ χ Γ (σ  τ)
  _•·_ :  {Γ σ τ}  RedCtxt Δ χ Γ (σ  τ)  Γ  σ  RedCtxt Δ χ Γ τ
  _·•_ :  {Γ σ τ}  Γ  σ  τ  RedCtxt Δ χ Γ σ  RedCtxt Δ χ Γ τ

-- Filling a hole.

infix 48 _⟨_⟩

_⟨_⟩ :  {Δ χ Γ σ}  RedCtxt Δ χ Γ σ  Δ  χ  Γ  σ
        t   = t
ƛ• C     t   = ƛ (C  t )
C •· t₂  t₁  = (C  t₁ ) · t₂
t₁ ·• C  t₂  = t₁ · (C  t₂ )

-- Full one-step reduction relation.

infix 10 _⇛_

data _⇛_ :  {Γ σ}  Rel (Γ  σ) zero where
  red :  {Γ σ Δ τ t₁ t₂} (C : RedCtxt Γ σ Δ τ) 
        t₁  t₂  C  t₁   C  t₂ 

-- Reflexive transitive closure.

infix 10 _⇛⋆_

_⇛⋆_ :  {Γ σ}  Rel (Γ  σ) zero
_⇛⋆_ = Star _⇛_