-- A function that runs computations

{-# OPTIONS --erased-cubical --safe #-}

open import Prelude hiding ()

module Partiality-monad.Inductive.Approximate {a} {A : Type a} where

open import Equality.Propositional.Cubical

open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional equality-with-paths

open import Partiality-monad.Inductive
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Eliminators

-- Runs the computation. The given number is used to decide which
-- element to choose in sequences that are encountered.

approximate : A      Maybe A 
approximate x n = ⊥-rec-⊥
     { pe =  nothing 
     ; po = λ x   just x 
     ; pl = λ _ rec  rec n
     ; pp = λ _  truncation-is-proposition