-- Containers, including a definition of bag equivalence

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Container {c⁺} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c⁺) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude hiding (id; List)

open import Bag-equivalence eq using (Kind); open Kind
open import Bijection eq as Bijection using (_↔_; module _↔_)
open import Equivalence eq as Eq
  using (Is-equivalence; _≃_; ⟨_,_⟩; module _≃_)
open import Extensionality eq
open import Function-universe eq as F
  hiding (inverse; Kind) renaming (_∘_ to _⟨∘⟩_)
open import H-level eq
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import Surjection eq using (module _↠_)

-- Containers

record Container c : Type (lsuc c) where
  constructor _▷_
    Shape    : Type c
    Position : Shape  Type c

open Container public

-- Interpretation of containers.

⟦_⟧ :  {c }  Container c  Type   Type _
 S  P  A =  λ (s : S)  (P s  A)

-- Some projections

-- The shape of something.

shape :  {a c} {A : Type a} {C : Container c}   C  A  Shape C
shape = proj₁

-- Finds the value at the given position.

index :  {a c} {A : Type a} {C : Container c}
        (xs :  C  A)  Position C (shape xs)  A
index = proj₂

-- Map

-- Containers are functors.

map :  {c x y} {C : Container c} {X : Type x} {Y : Type y} 
      (X  Y)   C  X   C  Y
map f = Σ-map id (f ∘_)

module Map where

  identity :  {c x} {C : Container c} {X : Type x}
             (xs :  C  X)  map id xs  xs
  identity xs = refl _

  composition :
     {c x y z}
      {C : Container c} {X : Type x} {Y : Type y} {Z : Type z}
    (f : Y  Z) (g : X  Y) (xs :  C  X) 
    map f (map g xs)  map (f  g) xs
  composition f g xs = refl _

-- Naturality.

Natural :  {c₁ c₂ a} {C₁ : Container c₁} {C₂ : Container c₂} 
          ({A : Type a}   C₁  A   C₂  A)  Type (c₁  c₂  lsuc a)
Natural function =
   {A B} (f : A  B) xs 
  map f (function xs)  function (map f xs)

-- Natural transformations.

infixr 4 _[_]⟶_

record _[_]⟶_ {c₁ c₂} (C₁ : Container c₁)  (C₂ : Container c₂) :
              Type (c₁  c₂  lsuc ) where
    function : {A : Type }   C₁  A   C₂  A
    natural  : Natural function

-- Natural isomorphisms.

record _[_]↔_ {c₁ c₂} (C₁ : Container c₁)  (C₂ : Container c₂) :
              Type (c₁  c₂  lsuc ) where
    isomorphism : {A : Type }   C₁  A   C₂  A
    natural     : Natural (_↔_.to isomorphism)

  -- Natural isomorphisms are natural transformations.

  natural-transformation : C₁ [  ]⟶ C₂
  natural-transformation = record
    { function = _↔_.to isomorphism
    ; natural  = natural

  -- Natural isomorphisms can be inverted.

  inverse : C₂ [  ]↔ C₁
  inverse = record
    { isomorphism = F.inverse isomorphism
    ; natural     = λ f xs 
        map f (from xs)              ≡⟨ sym $ left-inverse-of _ 
        from (to (map f (from xs)))  ≡⟨ sym $ cong from $ natural f (from xs) 
        from (map f (to (from xs)))  ≡⟨ cong (from  map f) $ right-inverse-of _ ⟩∎
        from (map f xs)              
    where open module I {A : Type } = _↔_ (isomorphism {A = A})

open F using (inverse)

-- Any, _∈_, bag equivalence and similar relations

-- Definition of Any for containers.

Any :  {a c p} {A : Type a} {C : Container c} 
      (A  Type p)  ( C  A  Type (c  p))
Any {C = S  P} Q (s , f) =  λ (p : P s)  Q (f p)

-- Membership predicate.

infix 4 _∈_

_∈_ :  {a c} {A : Type a} {C : Container c}  A   C  A  Type _
x  xs = Any  y  x  y) xs

-- Bag equivalence etc. Note that the containers can be different as
-- long as the elements they contain have equal types.

infix 4 _∼[_]_

_∼[_]_ :  {a c₁ c₂}
           {A : Type a} {C₁ : Container c₁} {C₂ : Container c₂} 
          C₁  A  Kind   C₂  A  Type _
xs ∼[ k ] ys =  z  z  xs ↝[ k ] z  ys

-- Bag equivalence.

infix 4 _≈-bag_

_≈-bag_ :  {a c₁ c₂}
            {A : Type a} {C₁ : Container c₁} {C₂ : Container c₂} 
           C₁  A   C₂  A  Type _
xs ≈-bag ys = xs ∼[ bag ] ys

-- Various properties related to Any, _∈_ and _∼[_]_

-- Lemma relating Any to map.

Any-map :  {a b c p} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {C : Container c}
          (P : B  Type p) (f : A  B) (xs :  C  A) 
          Any P (map f xs)  Any (P  f) xs
Any-map P f xs = Any P (map f xs) 

-- Any can be expressed using _∈_.

Any-∈ :  {a c p} {A : Type a} {C : Container c}
        (P : A  Type p) (xs :  C  A) 
        Any P xs   λ x  P x × x  xs
Any-∈ P (s , f) =
  ( λ p  P (f p))                ↔⟨ ∃-cong  p  ∃-intro P (f p)) 
  ( λ p   λ x  P x × x  f p)  ↔⟨ ∃-comm 
  ( λ x   λ p  P x × x  f p)  ↔⟨ ∃-cong  _  ∃-comm) 
  ( λ x  P x ×  λ p  x  f p)  

-- Using this property we can prove that Any and _⊎_ commute.

Any-⊎ :  {a c p q} {A : Type a} {C : Container c}
        (P : A  Type p) (Q : A  Type q) (xs :  C  A) 
        Any  x  P x  Q x) xs  Any P xs  Any Q xs
Any-⊎ P Q xs =
  Any  x  P x  Q x) xs                         ↔⟨ Any-∈  x  P x  Q x) xs 
  ( λ x  (P x  Q x) × x  xs)                   ↔⟨ ∃-cong  x  ×-⊎-distrib-right) 
  ( λ x  P x × x  xs  Q x × x  xs)            ↔⟨ ∃-⊎-distrib-left 
  ( λ x  P x × x  xs)  ( λ x  Q x × x  xs)  ↔⟨ inverse $ Any-∈ P xs ⊎-cong Any-∈ Q xs 
  Any P xs  Any Q xs                              

-- Any preserves functions of various kinds and respects bag
-- equivalence and similar relations.

Any-cong :  {k a c d p q}
             {A : Type a} {C : Container c} {D : Container d}
           (P : A  Type p) (Q : A  Type q)
           (xs :  C  A) (ys :  D  A) 
           (∀ x  P x ↝[ k ] Q x)  xs ∼[ k ] ys 
           Any P xs ↝[ k ] Any Q ys
Any-cong P Q xs ys P↔Q xs∼ys =
  Any P xs                ↔⟨ Any-∈ P xs 
  ( λ z  P z × z  xs)  ↝⟨ ∃-cong  z  P↔Q z ×-cong xs∼ys z) 
  ( λ z  Q z × z  ys)  ↔⟨ inverse (Any-∈ Q ys) 
  Any Q ys                

-- Map preserves the relations.

map-cong :
   {k a b c d}
    {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {C : Container c} {D : Container d}
  (f : A  B)
  (xs :  C  A) (ys :  D  A) 
  xs ∼[ k ] ys  map f xs ∼[ k ] map f ys
map-cong f xs ys xs∼ys = λ z 
  z  map f xs            ↔⟨ Any-map (_≡_ z) f xs 
  Any  x  z  f x) xs  ↝⟨ Any-cong _ _ xs ys  x  z  f x ) xs∼ys 
  Any  x  z  f x) ys  ↔⟨ inverse (Any-map (_≡_ z) f ys) 
  z  map f ys            

-- Lemma relating Any to if_then_else_.

Any-if :  {a c p} {A : Type a} {C : Container c}
         (P : A  Type p) (xs ys :  C  A) b 
         Any P (if b then xs else ys) 
         T b × Any P xs  T (not b) × Any P ys
Any-if P xs ys =
  inverse  if-lemma  b  Any P (if b then xs else ys)) id id

-- One can reconstruct (up to natural isomorphism) the shape set and
-- the position predicate from the interpretation and the Any
-- predicate transformer.
-- (The following lemmas were suggested by an anonymous reviewer.)

Shape′ :  {c}  (Type  Type c)  Type c
Shape′ F = F 

Shape-⟦⟧ :  {c} (C : Container c) 
           Shape C  Shape′  C 
Shape-⟦⟧ C =
  Shape C                                 ↔⟨ inverse ×-right-identity 
  Shape C ×                              ↔⟨ ∃-cong  _  inverse →-right-zero) 
  ( λ (s : Shape C)  Position C s  )  

Position′ :  {c} (F : Type  Type c) 
            ({A : Type}  (A  Type)  (F A  Type c)) 
            Shape′ F  Type c
Position′ _ Any = Any  (_ : )  )

Position-Any :  {c} {C : Container c} (s : Shape C) 
               Position C s 
               Position′  C  Any (_↔_.to (Shape-⟦⟧ C) s)
Position-Any {C} s =
  Position C s      ↔⟨ inverse ×-right-identity 
  Position C s ×   

expressed-in-terms-of-interpretation-and-Any :
   {c } (C : Container c) 
  C [  ]↔ ( C    Any  _  ))
expressed-in-terms-of-interpretation-and-Any C = record
  { isomorphism = λ {A} 
      ( λ (s : Shape C)  Position C s  A)                ↔⟨ Σ-cong (Shape-⟦⟧ C)  _  lemma) 
      ( λ (s : Shape′  C )  Position′  C  Any s  A)  
  ; natural = λ _ _  refl _
  -- If equality of functions had been extensional, then the following
  -- lemma could have been replaced by a congruence lemma applied to
  -- Position-Any.
  lemma :  {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b}  (B  A)  (B ×   A)
  lemma = record
    { surjection = record
      { logical-equivalence = record
        { to   = λ { f (p , tt)  f p }
        ; from = λ f p  f (p , tt)
      ; right-inverse-of = λ _  refl _
    ; left-inverse-of = λ _  refl _

-- Alternative definition of bag equivalence

-- Two things are bag equivalent if there is an equivalence or
-- bijection between their positions that relates equal things.

infix 4 _≈[_]′_

_≈[_]′_ :  {a c d} {A : Type a} {C : Container c} {D : Container d} 
           C  A  Isomorphism-kind   D  A  Type _
_≈[_]′_ {C} {D} (s , f) k (s′ , f′) =
   λ (P↔P : Position C s ↔[ k ] Position D s′) 
      (∀ p  f p  f′ (to-implication P↔P p))

-- If the position sets are sets (have H-level two), then the two
-- instantiations of _≈[_]′_ are isomorphic (assuming extensionality).

≈′↔≈′ :  {a c d} {A : Type a} {C : Container c} {D : Container d} 
        Extensionality (c  d) (c  d) 
        (∀ s  Is-set (Position C s)) 
        (xs :  C  A) (ys :  D  A) 
        xs ≈[ bag ]′ ys  xs ≈[ bag-with-bijection ]′ ys
≈′↔≈′ ext P-set (s , f) (s′ , f′) =
  ( λ P↔P   p  f p  f′ (to-implication P↔P p))  ↔⟨ Σ-cong (inverse $ Eq.↔↔≃ ext (P-set s))  _  Bijection.id) ⟩□
  ( λ P↔P   p  f p  f′ (to-implication P↔P p))  

-- The definition _≈[_]′_ is also logically equivalent to the one
-- given above. The proof is very similar to the one given in
-- Bag-equivalence.

-- Membership can be expressed as "there is an index which points to
-- the element". In fact, membership /is/ expressed in this way, so
-- this proof is unnecessary.

∈-index :  {a c} {A : Type a} {C : Container c} {z}
          (xs :  C  A)  z  xs   λ p  z  index xs p
∈-index {z} xs = z  xs 

-- The index which points to the element (not used below).

index-of :  {a c} {A : Type a} {C : Container c} {z}
           (xs :  C  A)  z  xs  Position C (shape xs)
index-of xs = proj₁  to-implication (∈-index xs)

-- The positions for a given shape can be expressed in terms of the
-- membership predicate.

Position-shape :
   {a c} {A : Type a} {C : Container c} (xs :  C  A) 
  ( λ z  z  xs)  Position C (shape xs)
Position-shape {C} (s , f) =
  ( λ z   λ p  z  f p)  ↔⟨ ∃-comm 
  ( λ p   λ z  z  f p)  ↔⟨⟩
  ( λ p  Singleton (f p))  ↔⟨ ∃-cong  _  _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ (singleton-contractible _)) 
  Position C s ×            ↔⟨ ×-right-identity 
  Position C s               

-- Position _ ∘ shape respects the various relations.

Position-shape-cong :
   {k a c d} {A : Type a} {C : Container c} {D : Container d}
  (xs :  C  A) (ys :  D  A) 
  xs ∼[ k ] ys  Position C (shape xs) ↝[ k ] Position D (shape ys)
Position-shape-cong {C} {D} xs ys xs∼ys =
  Position C (shape xs)  ↔⟨ inverse $ Position-shape xs 
    z  z  xs)       ↝⟨ ∃-cong xs∼ys 
    z  z  ys)       ↔⟨ Position-shape ys 
  Position D (shape ys)  

-- Furthermore Position-shape-cong relates equal elements.

Position-shape-cong-relates :
   {k a c d} {A : Type a} {C : Container c} {D : Container d}
  (xs :  C  A) (ys :  D  A) (xs≈ys : xs ∼[ k ] ys) p 
  index xs p 
    index ys (to-implication (Position-shape-cong xs ys xs≈ys) p)
Position-shape-cong-relates {k = bag-with-bijection} xs ys xs≈ys p =
  index xs p                                                     ≡⟨ proj₂ $ to-implication (xs≈ys (index xs p)) (p , refl _) 
  index ys (proj₁ $ to-implication (xs≈ys (index xs p))
                                   (p , refl _))                 ≡⟨⟩
  index ys (_↔_.to (Position-shape ys) $
            Σ-map id  {z}  to-implication (xs≈ys z)) $
            _↔_.from (Position-shape xs) $ p)                    ≡⟨⟩
  index ys (_↔_.to (Position-shape ys) $
            to-implication (∃-cong xs≈ys) $
            _↔_.from (Position-shape xs) $ p)                    ≡⟨⟩
  index ys (to-implication
              ((from-bijection (Position-shape ys) ⟨∘⟩
                ∃-cong xs≈ys) ⟨∘⟩
               from-bijection (inverse $ Position-shape xs))
              p)                                                 ≡⟨⟩
  index ys (to-implication (Position-shape-cong xs ys xs≈ys) p)  

Position-shape-cong-relates {k = bag} xs ys xs≈ys p =
  proj₂ $ to-implication (xs≈ys (index xs p)) (p , refl _)
Position-shape-cong-relates {k = bag-with-equivalenceᴱ} xs ys xs≈ys p =
  proj₂ $ to-implication (xs≈ys (index xs p)) (p , refl _)
Position-shape-cong-relates {k = subbag} xs ys xs≈ys p =
  proj₂ $ to-implication (xs≈ys (index xs p)) (p , refl _)
Position-shape-cong-relates {k = set} xs ys xs≈ys p =
  proj₂ $ to-implication (xs≈ys (index xs p)) (p , refl _)
Position-shape-cong-relates {k = subset} xs ys xs≈ys p =
  proj₂ $ to-implication (xs≈ys (index xs p)) (p , refl _)
Position-shape-cong-relates {k = injection} xs ys xs≈ys p =
  proj₂ $ to-implication (xs≈ys (index xs p)) (p , refl _)
Position-shape-cong-relates {k = surjection} xs ys xs≈ys p =
  proj₂ $ to-implication (xs≈ys (index xs p)) (p , refl _)

-- We get that the two definitions of bag equivalence are logically
-- equivalent.

≈⇔≈′ :  {k a c d} {A : Type a} {C : Container c} {D : Container d}
       (xs :  C  A) (ys :  D  A) 
       xs ∼[  k ⌋-iso ] ys  xs ≈[ k ]′ ys
≈⇔≈′ {k} xs ys = record
  { to   = λ xs≈ys  ( Position-shape-cong xs ys xs≈ys
                     , Position-shape-cong-relates xs ys xs≈ys
  ; from = from
  from : xs ≈[ k ]′ ys  xs ∼[  k ⌋-iso ] ys
  from (P↔P , related) = λ z 
    z  xs                    ↔⟨⟩
      p  z  index xs p)  ↔⟨ Σ-cong P↔P  p  _↠_.from (Π≡↔≡-↠-≡ k _ _) (related p) z) 
      p  z  index ys p)  ↔⟨⟩
    z  ys                    

-- If equivalences are used, then the definitions are isomorphic
-- (assuming extensionality).
-- Thierry Coquand helped me with this proof: At first I wasn't sure
-- if it was true or not, but then I managed to prove it for singleton
-- lists, Thierry found a proof for lists of length two, I found one
-- for streams, and finally I could complete a proof of (a variant of)
-- the statement below.

≈↔≈′ :
   {a c d} {A : Type a} {C : Container c} {D : Container d} 
  (xs :  C  A) (ys :  D  A) 
  xs ≈-bag ys ↝[ a  c  d  a  c  d ] xs ≈[ bag ]′ ys
≈↔≈′ {a} {c} {d} {C} {D} xs ys =
  generalise-ext? equiv λ ext 
       ( f , f-eq  , related) 
           P : (Position C (shape xs)  Position D (shape ys)) 
               Type (a  c)
           P f =  p  index xs p  index ys (f p)

           f-eq′ : Is-equivalence f
           f-eq′ = _

           irr : f-eq′  f-eq
           irr = proj₁ $ +⇒≡ $
             Is-equivalence-propositional (lower-extensionality a a ext)

           f≡f :  f , f-eq′    f , f-eq 
           f≡f = cong (⟨_,_⟩ f) irr

           cong-to-f≡f : cong _≃_.to f≡f  refl f
           cong-to-f≡f =
             cong _≃_.to f≡f              ≡⟨ cong-∘ _≃_.to (⟨_,_⟩ f) irr 
             cong (_≃_.to  ⟨_,_⟩ f) irr  ≡⟨ cong-const irr ⟩∎
             refl _                       
         Σ-≡,≡→≡ f≡f
           (subst (P  _≃_.to) f≡f (trans (refl _)  related)  ≡⟨ cong (subst (P  _≃_.to) f≡f)
                                                                       (apply-ext (lower-extensionality (a  d) (c  d) ext) λ _  trans-reflˡ _) 
            subst (P  _≃_.to) f≡f related                     ≡⟨ subst-∘ P _≃_.to f≡f 
            subst P (cong _≃_.to f≡f) related                  ≡⟨ cong  eq  subst P eq related) cong-to-f≡f 
            subst P (refl _) related                           ≡⟨ subst-refl P related ⟩∎
            related                                            ))
    ,  xs≈ys 
         apply-ext (lower-extensionality (c  d) a ext) λ z 
         Eq.lift-equality ext $
         apply-ext (lower-extensionality d c ext) λ (p , z≡xs[p]) 

         let xs[p]≡ys[-] :  λ p′  index xs p  index ys p′
             xs[p]≡ys[-] = _≃_.to (xs≈ys (index xs p)) (p , refl _)

         Σ-map id (trans z≡xs[p]) xs[p]≡ys[-]      ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                         {z} z≡xs[p] 
                                                           Σ-map id (trans z≡xs[p]) xs[p]≡ys[-] 
                                                           _≃_.to (xs≈ys z) (p , z≡xs[p]))
           Σ-map id (trans (refl _)) xs[p]≡ys[-]         ≡⟨ cong (_,_ _) (trans-reflˡ _) ⟩∎
           xs[p]≡ys[-]                                   )
                                                        z≡xs[p] ⟩∎
         _≃_.to (xs≈ys z) (p , z≡xs[p])            )
  equiv = ≈⇔≈′ {k = equivalence} xs ys

  open _⇔_ equiv

-- The type of "index functions" g for a given D-shape t, such that
-- t , g ⦂ ⟦ D ⟧ A is bag equivalent to a given C-thing, can be
-- expressed as an equivalence between position types (assuming
-- function extensionality).

∃≈≃≃ :
   {a c d} {A : Type a} 
  Extensionality (a  c  d) (a  c  d) 
  (C : Container c) {xs :  C  A}
  (D : Container d) {t : Shape D} 
  ( λ (g : Position D t  A)  xs ≈-bag (t , g   D  A)) 
  (Position C (shape xs)  Position D t)
∃≈≃≃ {a} {c} {d} {A} ext C {xs = xs@(s , f)} D {t} =
  ( λ g  xs ≈-bag (t , g   D  A))                       ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ≈↔≈′ {D = D} xs _ ext) 

  ( λ g  xs ≈[ bag ]′ (t , g   D  A))                   ↔⟨⟩

  ( λ g   λ (h : Position C s  Position D t) 
    i  f i  g (_≃_.to h i))                               ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ h  ∃-cong λ g 
                                                                 from-equivalence (Eq.extensionality-isomorphism
                                                                                     (lower-extensionality (a  c) (c  d) ext)) F.∘
                                                                 Π-cong (lower-extensionality a (c  d) ext) h λ _ 
                                                                 ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong ((_≡ g _)  f) $ sym $ _≃_.left-inverse-of h _) F.∘
  ( λ (h : Position C s  Position D t) 
    λ (g : Position D t  A)  f  _≃_.from h  g)          ↔⟨ (drop-⊤-right λ _ 
                                                                 _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $ other-singleton-contractible _) ⟩□
  Position C s  Position D t                                

-- The type of D-things that are bag equivalent to a given C-thing can
-- be expressed in a different way (assuming function extensionality).

∃≈≃∃≃ :
   {a c d} {A : Type a} {D : Container d} 
  Extensionality (a  c  d) (a  c  d) 
  (C : Container c) {xs :  C  A} 
  ( λ (ys :  D  A)  xs ≈-bag ys) 
  ( λ (s : Shape D)  Position C (shape xs)  Position D s)
∃≈≃∃≃ {A} {D} ext C {xs} =
  ( λ ys  xs ≈-bag ys)                                      ↔⟨ inverse Σ-assoc 
  ( λ t   λ g  xs ≈-bag (t , g   D  A))                ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃≈≃≃ ext C D) ⟩□
  ( λ (t : Shape D)  Position C (shape xs)  Position D t)  

-- Another alternative definition of bag equivalence

-- A higher-order variant of _∼[_]_. Note that this definition is
-- large (due to the quantification over predicates).

infix 4 _∼[_∣_]″_

_∼[_∣_]″_ :  {a c d} {A : Type a} {C : Container c} {D : Container d} 
             C  A  Kind      D  A  Type (lsuc (a  )  c  d)
_∼[_∣_]″_ {a} {A} xs k  ys =
  (P : A  Type (a  ))  Any P xs ↝[ k ] Any P ys

-- This definition is logically equivalent to _∼[_]_ (for each
-- universe level ℓ).

∼⇔∼″ :
   {k a c d}  {A : Type a} {C : Container c} {D : Container d}
  (xs :  C  A) (ys :  D  A) 
  xs ∼[ k ] ys  xs ∼[ k   ]″ ys
∼⇔∼″  xs ys = record
  { to   = λ xs∼ys P  Any-cong P P xs ys  _  id) xs∼ys
  ; from = λ Any-xs↝Any-ys z 
      z  xs                      ↔⟨ Any-cong (z ≡_) _ xs xs  _  inverse Bijection.↑↔)  _  id) 
      Any  x    (z  x)) xs  ↝⟨ Any-xs↝Any-ys  x    (z  x)) 
      Any  x    (z  x)) ys  ↔⟨ Any-cong _ (z ≡_) ys ys  _  Bijection.↑↔)  _  id) ⟩□
      z  ys                      

-- The ⟦_⟧₂ operator

-- Lifts a family of binary relations from A to ⟦ C ⟧ A.

⟦_⟧₂ :
   {a c r} {A : Type a} (C : Container c) 
  (A  A  Type r) 
   C  A   C  A  Type (c  r)
 C ⟧₂ R (s , f) (t , g) =
   λ (eq : s  t) 
  (p : Position C s) 
  R (f p) (g (subst (Position C) eq p))
  open Container

-- A map function for ⟦_⟧₂.

⟦⟧₂-map :
   {a b c r s} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {C : Container c}
  (R : A  A  Type r) (S : B  B  Type s) (f : A  B) 
  (∀ x y  R x y  S (f x) (f y)) 
  (∀ x y   C ⟧₂ R x y   C ⟧₂ S (map f x) (map f y))
⟦⟧₂-map _ _ _ f _ _ = Σ-map id (f _ _ ∘_)

-- ⟦_⟧₂ preserves reflexivity.

⟦⟧₂-reflexive :
   {a c r} {A : Type a} {C : Container c}
  (R : A  A  Type r) 
  (∀ x  R x x) 
  (∀ x   C ⟧₂ R x x)
⟦⟧₂-reflexive {C} R r (xs , f) =
    refl _
  , λ p                                            $⟨ r _ 
      R (f p) (f p)                                 ↝⟨ subst (R _  f) (sym $ subst-refl _ _) ⟩□
      R (f p) (f (subst (Position C) (refl xs) p))  

-- ⟦_⟧₂ preserves symmetry.

⟦⟧₂-symmetric :
   {a c r} {A : Type a} {C : Container c}
  (R : A  A  Type r) 
  (∀ {x y}  R x y  R y x) 
  (∀ {x y}   C ⟧₂ R x y   C ⟧₂ R y x)
⟦⟧₂-symmetric {C} R r {_ , f} {_ , g} (eq , h) =
    sym eq
  , λ p                                                             $⟨ h (subst (Position C) (sym eq) p) 
      R (f (subst (Position C) (sym eq) p))
        (g (subst (Position C) eq (subst (Position C) (sym eq) p)))  ↝⟨ subst (R (f (subst (Position C) (sym eq) p))  g) $ subst-subst-sym _ _ _ 

      R (f (subst (Position C) (sym eq) p)) (g p)                    ↝⟨ r ⟩□

      R (g p) (f (subst (Position C) (sym eq) p))                    

-- ⟦_⟧₂ preserves transitivity.

⟦⟧₂-transitive :
   {a c r} {A : Type a} {C : Container c}
  (R : A  A  Type r) 
  (∀ {x y z}  R x y  R y z  R x z) 
  (∀ {x y z}   C ⟧₂ R x y   C ⟧₂ R y z   C ⟧₂ R x z)
⟦⟧₂-transitive {C} R r {_ , f} {_ , g} {_ , h} (eq₁ , f₁) (eq₂ , f₂) =
    trans eq₁ eq₂
  , λ p                                                              $⟨ f₂ _ 
      R (g (subst (Position C) eq₁ p))
        (h (subst (Position C) eq₂ (subst (Position C) eq₁ p)))       ↝⟨ subst (R (g (subst (Position C) _ _))  h) $ subst-subst _ _ _ _ 

      R (g (subst (Position C) eq₁ p))
        (h (subst (Position C) (trans eq₁ eq₂) p))                    ↝⟨ f₁ _ ,_ 

      R (f p) (g (subst (Position C) eq₁ p)) ×
      R (g (subst (Position C) eq₁ p))
        (h (subst (Position C) (trans eq₁ eq₂) p))                    ↝⟨ uncurry r ⟩□

      R (f p) (h (subst (Position C) (trans eq₁ eq₂) p))