-- Bag equivalence for lists

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Bag-equivalence
  {c⁺} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c⁺) where

  open module D = Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
    hiding (trans)

open import Dec as _
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude as P hiding (id; swap)

open import Bijection eq using (_↔_; module _↔_; Σ-≡,≡↔≡)
open import Embedding eq as Emb using (Embedding)
open import Equality.Decision-procedures eq
open import Equivalence eq as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Extensionality eq
open import Fin eq as Finite
open import Function-universe eq as Function-universe
  hiding (_∘_; Kind; equivalence)
open import H-level eq as H-level
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import Injection eq using (_↣_)
open import List eq
open import Monad eq hiding (map)
open import Nat eq using (_≤_; _<_)
open import Surjection eq using (_↠_)

  module F = Function-universe

    a  p q                  : Level
    A B                      : Type a
    P Q                      : A  Type p
    x y z                    : A
    xs xs₁ xs₂ ys ys₁ ys₂ zs : List A
    xss yss                  : List (List A)
    k                        : F.Kind
    m n                      : 

-- Any

-- Any.

Any : (A  Type p)  List A  Type p
Any P []       = 
Any P (x  xs) = P x  Any P xs

-- Alternative definition of Any.

data Any′ {A : Type a} (P : A  Type p) : List A  Type (a  p) where
  here  :  {x xs}  P x        Any′ P (x  xs)
  there :  {x xs}  Any′ P xs  Any′ P (x  xs)

-- The two definitions of Any are isomorphic.

Any′-[] : Any′ P []   { = }
Any′-[] = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { from = λ ()
      ; to   = λ ()
    ; right-inverse-of = λ ()
  ; left-inverse-of = λ ()

Any′-∷ : Any′ P (x  xs)  P x  Any′ P xs
Any′-∷ = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { from = [ here , there ]
      ; to   = λ where
                 (here p)   inj₁ p
                 (there p)  inj₂ p
    ; right-inverse-of = [  _  refl _) ,  _  refl _) ]
  ; left-inverse-of = λ where
      (here _)   refl _
      (there _)  refl _

Any↔Any′ : Any P xs  Any′ P xs
Any↔Any′ {P} {xs = []} =
            ↔⟨ inverse Any′-[] 
  Any′ P []  
Any↔Any′ {P} {xs = x  xs} =
  P x  Any P xs   ↔⟨ id ⊎-cong Any↔Any′ {P = P} 
  P x  Any′ P xs  ↔⟨ inverse Any′-∷ 
  Any′ P (x  xs)  

-- Lemmas relating Any to some basic list functions

Any-++ : (P : A  Type p) (xs ys : List A) 
         Any P (xs ++ ys)  Any P xs  Any P ys
Any-++ P [] ys =
  Any P ys      ↔⟨ inverse ⊎-left-identity 
    Any P ys  
Any-++ P (x  xs) ys =
  P x  Any P (xs ++ ys)       ↔⟨ id ⊎-cong Any-++ P xs ys 
  P x  (Any P xs  Any P ys)  ↔⟨ ⊎-assoc 
  (P x  Any P xs)  Any P ys  

Any-concat : (P : A  Type p) (xss : List (List A)) 
             Any P (concat xss)  Any (Any P) xss
Any-concat P []         = id
Any-concat P (xs  xss) =
  Any P (xs ++ concat xss)       ↔⟨ Any-++ P xs (concat xss) 
  Any P xs  Any P (concat xss)  ↔⟨ id ⊎-cong Any-concat P xss 
  Any P xs  Any (Any P) xss     

Any-map : (P : B  Type p) (f : A  B) (xs : List A) 
          Any P (map f xs)  Any (P  f) xs
Any-map P f []       = id
Any-map P f (x  xs) =
  P (f x)    Any P (map f xs)  ↔⟨ id ⊎-cong Any-map P f xs 
  (P  f) x  Any (P  f) xs    

Any->>= : {A B : Type }
          (P : B  Type p) (xs : List A) (f : A  List B) 
          Any P (xs >>= f)  Any (Any P  f) xs
Any->>= P xs f =
  Any P (concat (map f xs))  ↔⟨ Any-concat P (map f xs) 
  Any (Any P) (map f xs)     ↔⟨ Any-map (Any P) f xs 
  Any (Any P  f) xs         

Any-filter : (P : A  Type p) (p : A  Bool) (xs : List A) 
             Any P (filter p xs)  Any  x  P x × T (p x)) xs
Any-filter P p []       =  
Any-filter P p (x  xs) with p x
... | true  =
   P x       Any P (filter p xs)           ↔⟨ inverse ×-right-identity ⊎-cong Any-filter P p xs 
  (P x × )  Any  x  P x × T (p x)) xs  
... | false =
  Any P (filter p xs)                       ↔⟨ Any-filter P p xs 
              Any  x  P x × T (p x)) xs  ↔⟨ inverse ⊎-left-identity 
  ⊥₀         Any  x  P x × T (p x)) xs  ↔⟨ inverse ×-right-zero ⊎-cong (_ ) 
  (P x × )  Any  x  P x × T (p x)) xs  

-- List membership

infix 4 _∈_

_∈_ : A  List A  Type _
x  xs = Any  y  x  y) xs

-- Any can be expressed using _∈_.

Any-∈ : (P : A  Type p) (xs : List A) 
        Any P xs   λ x  P x × x  xs
Any-∈ P [] =
                    ↔⟨ inverse ×-right-zero 
  ( λ x  ⊥₀)       ↔⟨ ∃-cong  x  inverse ×-right-zero) 
  ( λ x  P x × )  
Any-∈ P (x  xs) =
  P x                    Any P xs                ↔⟨ ∃-intro P x ⊎-cong Any-∈ P xs 
  ( λ y  P y × y  x)  ( λ y  P y × y  xs)  ↔⟨ inverse ∃-⊎-distrib-left 
  ( λ y  P y × y  x  P y × y  xs)            ↔⟨ ∃-cong  y  inverse ×-⊎-distrib-left) 
  ( λ y  P y × (y  x  y  xs))                

-- Using this property we can prove that Any and _⊎_ commute.

Any-⊎ : (P : A  Type p) (Q : A  Type q) (xs : List A) 
        Any  x  P x  Q x) xs  Any P xs  Any Q xs
Any-⊎ P Q xs =
  Any  x  P x  Q x) xs                         ↔⟨ Any-∈  x  P x  Q x) xs 
  ( λ x  (P x  Q x) × x  xs)                   ↔⟨ ∃-cong  x  ×-⊎-distrib-right) 
  ( λ x  P x × x  xs  Q x × x  xs)            ↔⟨ ∃-⊎-distrib-left 
  ( λ x  P x × x  xs)  ( λ x  Q x × x  xs)  ↔⟨ inverse $ Any-∈ P xs ⊎-cong Any-∈ Q xs 
  Any P xs  Any Q xs                              

-- Some lemmas related to list membership

-- If f and g are pointwise equal for elements in xs, then map f xs
-- and map g xs are equal.

map-cong-∈ :
  (f g : A  B) (xs : List A) 
  (∀ {x}  x  xs  f x  g x) 
  map f xs  map g xs
map-cong-∈ p q []       p≡q = refl _
map-cong-∈ p q (x  xs) p≡q =
  cong₂ _∷_ (p≡q (inj₁ (refl _))) (map-cong-∈ p q xs (p≡q  inj₂))

-- If p and q are pointwise equal for elements in xs, then filter p xs
-- and filter q xs are equal.

filter-cong-∈ :
  (p q : A  Bool) (xs : List A) 
  (∀ {x}  x  xs  p x  q x) 
  filter p xs  filter q xs
filter-cong-∈ p q []       p≡q = refl _
filter-cong-∈ p q (x  xs) p≡q
  with p x | q x | p≡q (inj₁ (refl _))
     | filter-cong-∈ p q xs (p≡q  inj₂)
... | true  | true  | _   | ih = cong (x ∷_) ih
... | false | false | _   | ih = ih
... | true  | false | t≡f | _  = ⊥-elim $ Bool.true≢false t≡f
... | false | true  | f≡t | _  = ⊥-elim $ Bool.true≢false $ sym f≡t

-- The ordering of natural numbers can be related to list membership
-- and nats-<.

<-↔-∈-nats-< : m < n  m  nats-< n
<-↔-∈-nats-< {m} {n = zero} =
  m < zero         ↝⟨ <zero↔ 
  m  nats-< zero  
<-↔-∈-nats-< {m} {n = suc n} =
  m < suc n             ↔⟨⟩
  suc m  suc n         ↝⟨ suc≤suc↔ 
  m  n                 ↝⟨ ≤↔<⊎≡ 
  m < n  m  n         ↝⟨ ⊎-comm 
  m  n  m < n         ↝⟨ F.id ⊎-cong <-↔-∈-nats-< 
  m  n  m  nats-< n  ↔⟨⟩
  m  nats-< (suc n)    

-- Bag and set equivalence and the subset and subbag orders

-- Various kinds of relatedness.

open Function-universe public using (Kind) hiding (module Kind)

module Kind where

  open Function-universe public
    using ()
    renaming ( implication         to subset
             ; logical-equivalence to set
             ; embedding           to subbag
             ; bijection           to bag-with-bijection
             ; equivalence         to bag
             ; equivalenceᴱ        to bag-with-equivalenceᴱ

open Kind public

-- A general definition of "relatedness" for lists.

infix 4 _∼[_]_

_∼[_]_ : {A : Type a}  List A  Kind  List A  Type a
xs ∼[ k ] ys =  z  z  xs ↝[ k ] z  ys

-- Bag equivalence.

infix 4 _≈-bag_

_≈-bag_ : {A : Type a}  List A  List A  Type a
xs ≈-bag ys = xs ∼[ bag ] ys

-- Alternative definition of bag equivalence.

infix 4 _≈-bag′_

record _≈-bag′_ {A : Type a} (xs ys : List A) : Type a where
    equivalence : Fin (length xs)  Fin (length ys)
    related     : xs And ys Are-related-by from-equivalence equivalence

-- Some congruence lemmas

Any-cong : (∀ x  P x ↝[ k ] Q x)  xs ∼[ k ] ys 
           Any P xs ↝[ k ] Any Q ys
Any-cong {P} {Q} {xs} {ys} P↔Q xs≈ys =
  Any P xs                ↔⟨ Any-∈ P xs 
  ( λ z  P z × z  xs)  ↝⟨ ∃-cong  z  P↔Q z ×-cong xs≈ys z) 
  ( λ z  Q z × z  ys)  ↔⟨ inverse (Any-∈ Q ys) 
  Any Q ys                

++-cong : xs₁ ∼[ k ] ys₁  xs₂ ∼[ k ] ys₂ 
          xs₁ ++ xs₂ ∼[ k ] ys₁ ++ ys₂
++-cong {xs₁} {ys₁} {xs₂} {ys₂} xs₁∼ys₁ xs₂∼ys₂ = λ z 
  z  xs₁ ++ xs₂     ↔⟨ Any-++ _ xs₁ xs₂ 
  z  xs₁  z  xs₂  ↝⟨ xs₁∼ys₁ z ⊎-cong xs₂∼ys₂ z 
  z  ys₁  z  ys₂  ↔⟨ inverse (Any-++ _ ys₁ ys₂) 
  z  ys₁ ++ ys₂     

map-cong : (f : A  B)  xs ∼[ k ] ys  map f xs ∼[ k ] map f ys
map-cong {xs} {ys} f xs∼ys = λ z 
  z  map f xs            ↔⟨ Any-map _ f xs 
  Any  x  z  f x) xs  ↝⟨ Any-cong  x  z  f x ) xs∼ys 
  Any  x  z  f x) ys  ↔⟨ inverse (Any-map _ f ys) 
  z  map f ys            

concat-cong : xss ∼[ k ] yss  concat xss ∼[ k ] concat yss
concat-cong {xss} {yss} xss∼yss = λ z 
  z  concat xss           ↔⟨ Any-concat _ xss 
  Any  zs  z  zs) xss  ↝⟨ Any-cong  zs  z  zs ) xss∼yss 
  Any  zs  z  zs) yss  ↔⟨ inverse (Any-concat _ yss) 
  z  concat yss           

>>=-cong : {A B : Type } {xs ys : List A} {f g : A  List B} 
           xs ∼[ k ] ys  (∀ x  f x ∼[ k ] g x) 
           (xs >>= f) ∼[ k ] (ys >>= g)
>>=-cong {xs} {ys} {f} {g} xs∼ys f∼g = λ z 
  z  xs >>= f            ↔⟨ Any->>= _ xs f 
  Any  x  z  f x) xs  ↝⟨ Any-cong  x  f∼g x z) xs∼ys 
  Any  x  z  g x) ys  ↔⟨ inverse (Any->>= _ ys g) 
  z  ys >>= g            

filter-cong : (p : A  Bool) (xs ys : List A) 
              xs ∼[ k ] ys  filter p xs ∼[ k ] filter p ys
filter-cong p xs ys xs∼ys = λ z 
  z  filter p xs                 ↔⟨ Any-filter _ p xs 
  Any  x  z  x × T (p x)) xs  ↝⟨ Any-cong  _  _ ) xs∼ys 
  Any  x  z  x × T (p x)) ys  ↔⟨ inverse (Any-filter _ p ys) 
  z  filter p ys                 

-- Some decision procedures

-- If P is pointwise decidable, then Any P is pointwise decidable.

Dec-Any : (∀ x  Dec (P x))   xs  Dec (Any P xs)
Dec-Any dec []       = no  ())
Dec-Any dec (x  xs) = Dec-⊎ (dec x) (Dec-Any dec xs)

-- If equality is decidable for a given type, then membership is
-- decidable for that type.

Decidable-∈ : Decidable-equality A  Decidable (_∈_ {A = A})
Decidable-∈ dec x = Dec-Any (dec x)

-- Any preserves decidability of equality.

Decidable-equality-Any :
  (∀ {x}  Decidable-equality (P x)) 
  Decidable-equality (Any P xs)
Decidable-equality-Any {xs = _  _} dec =
  ⊎.Dec._≟_ dec (Decidable-equality-Any dec)

-- If the type of x is a set, then equality is decidable for x ∈ xs.

Decidable-equality-∈ :
  {x : A}  Is-set A  Decidable-equality (x  xs)
Decidable-equality-∈ A-set =
  Decidable-equality-Any  _ _  yes (A-set _ _))

-- More properties

-- Bind distributes from the left over append.

>>=-left-distributive :
  {A B : Type } (xs : List A) (f g : A  List B) 
  xs >>=  x  f x ++ g x) ≈-bag (xs >>= f) ++ (xs >>= g)
>>=-left-distributive xs f g = λ z 
  z  xs >>=  x  f x ++ g x)                    ↔⟨ Any->>= (_≡_ z) xs  x  f x ++ g x) 
  Any  x  z  f x ++ g x) xs                    ↔⟨ Any-cong  x  Any-++ (_≡_ z) (f x) (g x))  _  id) 
  Any  x  z  f x  z  g x) xs                 ↔⟨ Any-⊎  x  z  f x)  x  z  g x) xs 
  Any  x  z  f x) xs  Any  x  z  g x) xs  ↔⟨ inverse (Any->>= (_≡_ z) xs f ⊎-cong Any->>= (_≡_ z) xs g) 
  z  xs >>= f  z  xs >>= g                      ↔⟨ inverse (Any-++ (_≡_ z) (xs >>= f) (xs >>= g)) 
  z  (xs >>= f) ++ (xs >>= g)                     

-- This property does not hold for ordinary list equality.

¬->>=-left-distributive :
  ¬ ({A B : Type} (xs : List A) (f g : A  List B) 
     xs >>=  x  f x ++ g x)  (xs >>= f) ++ (xs >>= g))
¬->>=-left-distributive distrib = Bool.true≢false true≡false
  tf = true  false  []
  f  = λ x  x  []
  g  = f

  ttff≡tftf : true  true  false  false  [] 
              true  false  true  false  []
  ttff≡tftf = distrib tf f g

  true≡false : true  false
  true≡false = List.cancel-∷-head (List.cancel-∷-tail ttff≡tftf)

-- _++_ is commutative.

++-comm : (xs ys : List A)  xs ++ ys ≈-bag ys ++ xs
++-comm xs ys = λ z 
  z  xs ++ ys     ↔⟨ Any-++ (_≡_ z) xs ys 
  z  xs  z  ys  ↔⟨ ⊎-comm 
  z  ys  z  xs  ↔⟨ inverse (Any-++ (_≡_ z) ys xs) 
  z  ys ++ xs     

-- _++_ is idempotent (when set equivalence is used).

++-idempotent : (xs : List A)  xs ++ xs ∼[ set ] xs
++-idempotent xs = λ z 
  z  xs ++ xs     ↔⟨ Any-++ (_≡_ z) xs xs 
  z  xs  z  xs  ↝⟨ ⊎-idempotent 
  z  xs           

-- The so-called "range splitting" property (see, for instance,
-- Hoogendijks "(Relational) Programming Laws in the Boom Hierarchy of
-- Types").

range-splitting : (p : A  Bool) (xs : List A) 
                  filter p xs ++ filter (not  p) xs ≈-bag xs
range-splitting p xs = λ z 
  z  filter p xs ++ filter (not  p) xs                  ↔⟨ Any-++ _ _ (filter (not  p) xs) 
  z  filter p xs  z  filter (not  p) xs               ↔⟨ Any-filter _ p xs ⊎-cong Any-filter _ (not  p) xs 
  Any  x  z  x × T (p x)) xs 
    Any  x  z  x × T (not (p x))) xs                  ↔⟨ inverse $ Any-⊎ _ _ xs 
  Any  x  z  x × T (p x)  z  x × T (not (p x))) xs  ↔⟨ Any-cong  x  lemma (z  x) (p x))  x  x  xs ) 
  z  xs                                                  
  lemma :  {a} (A : Type a) (b : Bool)  A × T b  A × T (not b)  A
  lemma A b =
    A × T b  A × T (not b)  ↔⟨ ×-comm ⊎-cong ×-comm 
    T b × A  T (not b) × A  ↔⟨ if-lemma  _  A) id id b 

-- The so-called "range disjunction" property, strengthened to use the
-- subbag preorder instead of set equivalence.

range-disjunction :
  (p q : A  Bool) (xs : List A) 
  filter  x  p x  q x) xs ∼[ subbag ]
  filter p xs ++ filter q xs
range-disjunction p q xs = λ z 
  z  filter  x  p x  q x) xs                                  ↔⟨ Any-filter _  x  p x  q x) _ 
  Any  x  z  x × T (p x  q x)) xs                             ↝⟨ Any-cong  x  lemma (z  x) (p x) (q x))  x  x  xs ) 
  Any  x  z  x × T (p x)  z  x × T (q x)) xs                 ↔⟨ Any-⊎ _ _ _ 
  Any  x  z  x × T (p x)) xs  Any  x  z  x × T (q x)) xs  ↔⟨ inverse (Any-filter _ p _ ⊎-cong Any-filter _ q _) 
  z  filter p xs  z  filter q xs                                ↔⟨ inverse $ Any-++ _ _ _ 
  z  filter p xs ++ filter q xs                                   
  inj : (b₁ b₂ : Bool)  T (b₁  b₂)  T b₁  T b₂
  inj true  true  = record { to = inj₁; injective = λ _  refl _  }
  inj true  false = record { to = inj₁; injective = ⊎.cancel-inj₁ }
  inj false true  = record { to = inj₂; injective = ⊎.cancel-inj₂ }
  inj false false = record { to = λ (); injective = λ {}          }

  lemma :  {a} (A : Type a) (b₁ b₂ : Bool) 
          Embedding (A × T (b₁  b₂)) (A × T b₁  A × T b₂)
  lemma A b₁ b₂ =
    A × T (b₁  b₂)      ↝⟨ id
                                 (H-level.mono₁ 1 (T-propositional (b₁  b₂)))
                                 (⊎-closure 0
                                    (H-level.mono₁ 1 (T-propositional b₁))
                                    (H-level.mono₁ 1 (T-propositional b₂))))
                              (inj b₁ b₂) 
    A × (T b₁  T b₂)    ↔⟨ ×-⊎-distrib-left ⟩□
    A × T b₁  A × T b₂  

-- The first two definitions of bag equivalence above are logically
-- equivalent

-- One direction follows from the following lemma, which states that
-- list membership can be expressed as "there is an index which points
-- to the element".
-- As an aside, note that the right-hand side is almost
-- index xs ⁻¹ z.

∈-index : (xs : List A)  z  xs   λ i  z  index xs i
∈-index {z} [] =
                                 ↔⟨ inverse $ ∃-Fin-zero _ 
  ( λ (i : )  z  index [] i)  
∈-index {z} (x  xs) =
  z  x  z  xs                    ↔⟨ id ⊎-cong ∈-index xs 
  z  x  ( λ i  z  index xs i)  ↔⟨ inverse $ ∃-Fin-suc _ 
  ( λ i  z  index (x  xs) i)    

-- The index which points to the element.

index-of : z  xs  Fin (length xs)
index-of = proj₁  _↔_.to (∈-index _)

-- For the other direction a sequence of lemmas is used.

-- The first lemma states that ∃ λ z → z ∈ xs is isomorphic to Fin n,
-- where n is the length of xs. Thierry Coquand pointed out that this
-- is a generalisation of singleton-contractible.

Fin-length : (xs : List A)  ( λ z  z  xs)  Fin (length xs)
Fin-length xs =
  ( λ z  z  xs)                  ↔⟨ ∃-cong  _  ∈-index xs) 
  ( λ z   λ i  z  index xs i)  ↔⟨ ∃-comm 
  ( λ i   λ z  z  index xs i)  ↔⟨⟩
  ( λ i  Singleton (index xs i))  ↔⟨ ∃-cong  _  _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ (singleton-contractible _)) 
  Fin (length xs) ×                ↔⟨ ×-right-identity 
  Fin (length xs)                   

-- From this lemma we get that lists which are bag equivalent have
-- related lengths.

Fin-length-cong : xs ≈-bag ys  Fin (length xs)  Fin (length ys)
Fin-length-cong {xs} {ys} xs≈ys =
  Fin (length xs)   ↔⟨ inverse $ Fin-length xs 
    z  z  xs)  ↔⟨ ∃-cong xs≈ys 
    z  z  ys)  ↔⟨ Fin-length ys 
  Fin (length ys)   


  -- In fact, they have equal lengths.

  length-cong : xs ≈-bag ys  length xs  length ys
  length-cong = _⇔_.to Finite.isomorphic-same-size  Fin-length-cong

  -- All that remains (except for some bookkeeping) is to show that
  -- the isomorphism which Fin-length-cong returns relates the two
  -- lists.

  Fin-length-cong-relates :
    {xs ys : List A} (xs≈ys : xs ≈-bag ys) 
    xs And ys Are-related-by Fin-length-cong xs≈ys
  Fin-length-cong-relates {xs} {ys} xs≈ys i =
    index xs i                                    ≡⟨ proj₂ $ _↔_.to (∈-index _) $ _≃_.to (xs≈ys _) (_↔_.from (∈-index _) (i , refl _)) 

    index ys (proj₁ $ _↔_.to (∈-index _) $
              _≃_.to (xs≈ys _) $
              _↔_.from (∈-index _) (i , refl _))  ≡⟨⟩

    index ys (_↔_.to (Fin-length-cong xs≈ys) i)   

-- We get that the two definitions of bag equivalence are logically
-- equivalent.
-- The result can be strengthened, see Container.List.≈≃≈′.

≈⇔≈′ : xs ≈-bag ys  xs ≈-bag′ ys
≈⇔≈′ = record
  { to   = λ xs≈ys  record
             { equivalence = from-bijection $ Fin-length-cong xs≈ys
             ; related     = Fin-length-cong-relates xs≈ys
  ; from = from
  equality-lemma : y  z  (x  y)  (x  z)
  equality-lemma = flip-trans-isomorphism

  from : xs ≈-bag′ ys  xs ≈-bag ys
  from {xs} {ys} xs≈ys z =
    z  xs                    ↔⟨ ∈-index xs 
      i  z  index xs i)  ↔⟨ Σ-cong (_≈-bag′_.equivalence xs≈ys)
                                         i  equality-lemma $
                                                 _≈-bag′_.related xs≈ys i) 
      i  z  index ys i)  ↔⟨ inverse (∈-index ys) 
    z  ys                    

-- Left cancellation

-- We have basically already showed that cons is left cancellative for
-- the (first) alternative definition of bag equivalence.

∷-left-cancellative′ :  xs ys  x  xs ≈-bag′ x  ys  xs ≈-bag′ ys
∷-left-cancellative′ {x} xs ys x∷xs≈x∷ys = record
  { equivalence =
      from-bijection $ Finite.cancel-suc $ from-equivalence $
      _≈-bag′_.equivalence x∷xs≈x∷ys
  ; related =
      Finite.cancel-suc-preserves-relatedness x xs ys
        (from-equivalence $ _≈-bag′_.equivalence x∷xs≈x∷ys)
        (_≈-bag′_.related x∷xs≈x∷ys)

-- By the logical equivalence above we get the result also for the
-- first definition of bag equivalence, but we can show this directly,
-- with the help of some lemmas.


  -- The index-of function commutes with applications of certain
  -- inverses. Note that the last three equational reasoning steps do
  -- not need to be written out; I included them in an attempt to make
  -- it easier to understand why the lemma holds.

  index-of-commutes :
    {xs ys : List A} (xs≈ys : xs ≈-bag ys) (p : z  xs) 
    index-of (_≃_.to (xs≈ys z) p) 
    _↔_.to (Fin-length-cong xs≈ys) (index-of p)
  index-of-commutes {z} {xs} {ys} xs≈ys p =
    index-of $ _≃_.to (xs≈ys z) p                                     ≡⟨⟩

    index-of $ proj₂ $ Σ-map P.id  {x}  _≃_.to (xs≈ys x)) (z , p)  ≡⟨ cong (index-of  proj₂  Σ-map P.id (_≃_.to (xs≈ys _))) $ sym $
                                                                         _↔_.left-inverse-of (Fin-length xs) (z , p) 
    index-of $ proj₂ $ Σ-map P.id  {x}  _≃_.to (xs≈ys x)) $
    _↔_.from (Fin-length xs) $ _↔_.to (Fin-length xs) (z , p)         ≡⟨⟩

    _↔_.to (Fin-length ys) $ Σ-map P.id  {x}  _≃_.to (xs≈ys x)) $
    _↔_.from (Fin-length xs) $ index-of p                             ≡⟨⟩

    _↔_.to (Fin-length-cong xs≈ys) $ index-of p                       

  -- Bag equivalence isomorphisms preserve index equality. Note that
  -- this means that, even if the underlying equality is proof
  -- relevant, a bag equivalence isomorphism cannot map two distinct
  -- proofs, that point to the same position, to different positions.

  index-equality-preserved :
    {xs ys : List A} {p q : z  xs}
    (xs≈ys : xs ≈-bag ys) 
    index-of p  index-of q 
    index-of (_≃_.to (xs≈ys z) p)  index-of (_≃_.to (xs≈ys z) q)
  index-equality-preserved {z} {p} {q} xs≈ys eq =
    index-of (_≃_.to (xs≈ys z) p)                ≡⟨ index-of-commutes xs≈ys p 
    _↔_.to (Fin-length-cong xs≈ys) (index-of p)  ≡⟨ cong (_↔_.to (Fin-length-cong xs≈ys)) eq 
    _↔_.to (Fin-length-cong xs≈ys) (index-of q)  ≡⟨ sym $ index-of-commutes xs≈ys q ⟩∎
    index-of (_≃_.to (xs≈ys z) q)                

-- If x ∷ xs is bag equivalent to x ∷ ys, then xs and ys are bag
-- equivalent.

∷-left-cancellative : x  xs ≈-bag x  ys  xs ≈-bag ys
∷-left-cancellative {x} {xs} {ys} x∷xs≈x∷ys z =
  z  xs  ↔⟨ ⊎-left-cancellative
               (from-equivalence $ x∷xs≈x∷ys z)
               (lemma x∷xs≈x∷ys)
               (lemma (inverse  x∷xs≈x∷ys)) ⟩□
  z  ys  

    -- If the equality type is proof irrelevant (so that p and q are
    -- equal), then this lemma can be proved without the help of
    -- index-equality-preserved.

    lemma :
       {xs ys} (inv : x  xs ≈-bag x  ys) 
      Well-behaved (_≃_.to (inv z))
    lemma {xs} inv {b = z∈xs} {a = p} {a′ = q} hyp₁ hyp₂ =
      ⊎.inj₁≢inj₂ (
        fzero                                   ≡⟨⟩
        index-of {xs = x  xs} (inj₁ p)         ≡⟨ cong index-of $ sym $ to-from hyp₂ 
        index-of {xs = x  xs} (from (inj₁ q))  ≡⟨ index-equality-preserved (inverse  inv) (refl _) 
        index-of {xs = x  xs} (from (inj₁ p))  ≡⟨ cong index-of $ to-from hyp₁ 
        index-of {xs = x  xs} (inj₂ z∈xs)      ≡⟨⟩
        fsuc (index-of {xs = xs} z∈xs)          )
      open _≃_ (inv z)

-- Cons is not left cancellative for set equivalence.

∷-not-left-cancellative :
  ¬ (∀ {A : Type} {x : A} {xs ys} 
     x  xs ∼[ set ] x  ys  xs ∼[ set ] ys)
∷-not-left-cancellative cancel =
  _⇔_.to (cancel (++-idempotent (tt  [])) tt) (inj₁ (refl _))

-- _++_ is left and right cancellative (for bag equivalence).

++-left-cancellative :
   xs  xs ++ ys ≈-bag xs ++ zs  ys ≈-bag zs
++-left-cancellative []       eq = eq
++-left-cancellative (x  xs) eq =
  ++-left-cancellative xs (∷-left-cancellative eq)

++-right-cancellative : xs ++ zs ≈-bag ys ++ zs  xs ≈-bag ys
++-right-cancellative {xs} {zs} {ys} eq =
  ++-left-cancellative zs  z 
    z  zs ++ xs  ↔⟨ ++-comm zs xs z 
    z  xs ++ zs  ↔⟨ eq z 
    z  ys ++ zs  ↔⟨ ++-comm ys zs z 
    z  zs ++ ys  )

-- The delete function

-- If an element is a member of a list, then one can remove the
-- element from the list.

delete : {ys : List A}  x  ys  List A
delete {ys = _  ys} (inj₁ _) = ys
delete {ys = y  _}  (inj₂ p) = y  delete p

-- If p has type y ∈ ys, then x ∈ ys is equivalent to
-- x ∈ y ∷ delete p.

∈≃≡⊎∈delete :
  {ys : List A} (p : y  ys) 
  (x  ys)  (x  y  delete p)
∈≃≡⊎∈delete {y} {x} {ys = z  ys} (inj₁ y≡z) =
  x  z  x  ys  ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ (cong (_ ≡_) (sym y≡z)) ⊎-cong id ⟩□
  x  y  x  ys  
∈≃≡⊎∈delete {y} {x} {ys = z  ys} (inj₂ p) =
  x  z  x  ys                  ↝⟨ id ⊎-cong ∈≃≡⊎∈delete p 
  x  z  (x  y  x  delete p)  ↔⟨ inverse ⊎-assoc F.∘ (⊎-comm ⊎-cong id) F.∘ ⊎-assoc ⟩□
  x  y  (x  z  x  delete p)  

-- A simplification lemma for ∈≃≡⊎∈delete.

from-∈≃≡⊎∈delete-inj₁ :
  {xs : List A} (p : x  xs) 
  _≃_.from (∈≃≡⊎∈delete p) (inj₁ (refl x))  p
from-∈≃≡⊎∈delete-inj₁ {x} {xs = _  _} (inj₁ p) =
  _≃_.from (∈≃≡⊎∈delete (inj₁ p)) (inj₁ (refl x))         ≡⟨⟩
  inj₁ (_≃_.from (≡⇒↝ _ (cong (_ ≡_) (sym p))) (refl x))  ≡⟨ cong inj₁ $
                                                             D.trans (sym $ subst-in-terms-of-inverse∘≡⇒↝ F.equivalence _ (_ ≡_) _) $
                                                             D.trans (sym trans-subst) $
                                                             D.trans (trans-reflˡ _) $
                                                             sym-sym _ ⟩∎
  inj₁ p                                                  
from-∈≃≡⊎∈delete-inj₁ {x} {xs = _  _} (inj₂ p) =
  _≃_.from (∈≃≡⊎∈delete (inj₂ p)) (inj₁ (refl x))  ≡⟨⟩
  inj₂ (_≃_.from (∈≃≡⊎∈delete p) (inj₁ (refl x)))  ≡⟨ cong inj₂ $ from-∈≃≡⊎∈delete-inj₁ p ⟩∎
  inj₂ p                                           

-- The fact that two membership proofs (for the same list) have
-- different indices can be expressed in a certain way using
-- ∈≃≡⊎∈delete.

index-of≢index-of≃ :
  {zs : List A} (p : x  zs) (q : y  zs) 
  Distinct (index-of p) (index-of q) 
  Distinct fzero (index-of (_≃_.to (∈≃≡⊎∈delete p) q))
index-of≢index-of≃ {zs = _  _} (inj₁ _) (inj₁ _) =   
index-of≢index-of≃ {zs = _  _} (inj₂ _) (inj₁ _) =   
index-of≢index-of≃ {zs = _  _} (inj₁ _) (inj₂ _) =   
index-of≢index-of≃ {zs = _  _} (inj₂ p) (inj₂ q) =
  Distinct (fsuc (index-of p)) (fsuc (index-of q))                    ↔⟨⟩

  Distinct (index-of p) (index-of q)                                  ↝⟨ index-of≢index-of≃ p q 

  Distinct fzero (index-of (_≃_.to (∈≃≡⊎∈delete p) q))                ↔⟨ lemma (_≃_.to (∈≃≡⊎∈delete p) q) 

  Distinct fzero
    (index-of $
       (inverse ⊎-assoc F.∘ (⊎-comm ⊎-cong id) F.∘ ⊎-assoc)
       (inj₂ (_≃_.to (∈≃≡⊎∈delete p) q)))                             ↔⟨⟩

  Distinct fzero (index-of (_≃_.to (∈≃≡⊎∈delete (inj₂ p)) (inj₂ q)))  
  lemma :
    (p : x  y  zs) 
    Distinct fzero (index-of p) 
    Distinct fzero
      (index-of {xs = y  z  zs} $
       _↔_.to (inverse ⊎-assoc F.∘ (⊎-comm ⊎-cong id) F.∘ ⊎-assoc)
         (inj₂ p))
  lemma (inj₁ _) = id
  lemma (inj₂ _) = id

-- Insertion x xs ys means that ys is the result of inserting x
-- somewhere in xs. This definition is based on one due to the Zulip
-- user glyph
-- (https://agda.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/259644-newcomers/topic/Counting.20elements.20in.20a.20.28family.20of.29.20type.28s.29/near/283317566).

data Insertion {A : Type a} : A  List A  List A  Type a where
  here  : x  xs  ys  Insertion x xs ys
  there : x  y  Insertion z xs ys  Insertion z (x  xs) (y  ys)

-- One can express Insertion using _∈_ and delete.

Insertion≃ :
  {xs ys : List A} 
  Insertion x xs ys   λ (p : x  ys)  xs  delete p
Insertion≃ {x} = Eq.↔→≃ to from to-from from-to
  to : Insertion x xs ys   λ (p : x  ys)  xs  delete p
  to {ys = []}    (here p) = ⊥-elim (List.[]≢∷ (sym p))
  to {ys = _  _} (here p) =
    let p₁ , p₂ = _↔_.to ∷≡∷↔≡×≡ p in
    inj₁ p₁ , p₂
  to (there p q) = Σ-map inj₂ (cong₂ _∷_ p) (to q)

  from : ( λ (p : x  ys)  xs  delete p)  Insertion x xs ys
  from {ys = _  _}              (inj₁ p , q) = here (cong₂ _∷_ p q)
  from {ys = _  _} {xs = []}    (inj₂ p , q) = ⊥-elim (List.[]≢∷ q)
  from {ys = _  _} {xs = _  _} (inj₂ p , q) =
    let q₁ , q₂ = _↔_.to ∷≡∷↔≡×≡ q in
    there q₁ (from (p , q₂))

  to-from : (p :  λ (p : x  ys)  xs  delete p)  to (from p)  p
  to-from {ys = _  _} (inj₁ p , q) =
    let p′ , q′ = _↔_.to ∷≡∷↔≡×≡ (cong₂ _∷_ p q) in

    inj₁ p′ , q′  ≡⟨ cong  (p , q)  inj₁ p , q) $ _↔_.right-inverse-of ∷≡∷↔≡×≡ _ ⟩∎
    inj₁ p , q    
  to-from {ys = _  _} {xs = []} (inj₂ p , q) =
    ⊥-elim (List.[]≢∷ q)
  to-from {ys = _  _} {xs = _  _} (inj₂ p , q) =
    Σ-map inj₂
      (cong₂ _∷_ (proj₁ (_↔_.to ∷≡∷↔≡×≡ q)))
      (to (from (p , proj₂ (_↔_.to ∷≡∷↔≡×≡ q))))     ≡⟨ cong (Σ-map inj₂ (cong₂ _∷_ (proj₁ (_↔_.to ∷≡∷↔≡×≡ q)))) $ to-from _ 

    Σ-map inj₂
      (cong₂ _∷_ (proj₁ (_↔_.to ∷≡∷↔≡×≡ q)))
      (p , proj₂ (_↔_.to ∷≡∷↔≡×≡ q))                 ≡⟨⟩

    inj₂ p , uncurry (cong₂ _∷_) (_↔_.to ∷≡∷↔≡×≡ q)  ≡⟨ cong (inj₂ p ,_) $ _↔_.left-inverse-of ∷≡∷↔≡×≡ _ ⟩∎

    inj₂ p , q                                       

  from-to : (p : Insertion x xs ys)  from (to p)  p
  from-to {ys = []}    (here p) = ⊥-elim (List.[]≢∷ (sym p))
  from-to {ys = _  _} (here p) =
    here (uncurry (cong₂ _∷_) (_↔_.to ∷≡∷↔≡×≡ p))  ≡⟨ cong here $ _↔_.left-inverse-of ∷≡∷↔≡×≡ _ ⟩∎
    here p                                         
  from-to (there p q) =
    let to-q₁ , to-q₂ = _↔_.to ∷≡∷↔≡×≡ (cong₂ _∷_ p (proj₂ (to q))) in

    there to-q₁ (from (proj₁ (to q) , to-q₂))  ≡⟨ cong  (to-q₁ , to-q₂)  there to-q₁ (from (proj₁ (to q) , to-q₂))) $
                                                  _↔_.right-inverse-of ∷≡∷↔≡×≡ _ 
    there p (from (to q))                      ≡⟨ cong (there p) (from-to q) ⟩∎
    there p q                                  

-- Two more definitions of bag equivalence

-- A definition of bag equivalence based on one due to the Zulip user
-- glyph
-- (https://agda.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/259644-newcomers/topic/Counting.20elements.20in.20a.20.28family.20of.29.20type.28s.29/near/283317566).

infix 4 _≈-bag″_

data _≈-bag″_ {A : Type a} : List A  List A  Type a where
  []   : [] ≈-bag″ []
  cons : Insertion x ys zs  xs ≈-bag″ ys  x  xs ≈-bag″ zs

-- The type [] ≈-bag″ xs is a proposition.

[]≈″-propositional : Is-proposition ([] ≈-bag″ xs)
[]≈″-propositional {xs = []}    [] [] = refl _
[]≈″-propositional {xs = _  _} _  ()

-- A variant of _≈-bag″_.

infix 4 _≈-bag‴_

_≈-bag‴_ : {A : Type a}  List A  List A  Type a
[]     ≈-bag‴ ys = []  ys
x  xs ≈-bag‴ ys =  λ (p : x  ys)  xs ≈-bag‴ delete p

-- The type ×s ≈-bag″ ys is equivalent to xs ≈-bag‴ ys.

≈″≃≈‴ : (xs ≈-bag″ ys)  (xs ≈-bag‴ ys)
≈″≃≈‴ {xs} = Eq.↔→≃ to (from xs) (to-from xs) from-to
  to :  {xs}  xs ≈-bag″ ys  xs ≈-bag‴ ys
  to []              = refl _
  to (cons {xs} p q) =
    let x∈ , eq = _≃_.to Insertion≃ p in
    x∈ , subst (xs ≈-bag‴_) eq (to q)

  from :  xs  xs ≈-bag‴ ys  xs ≈-bag″ ys
  from []       p       = subst ([] ≈-bag″_) p []
  from (_  xs) (p , q) =
    cons (_≃_.from Insertion≃ (p , refl _)) (from xs q)

  to-from :  xs (p : xs ≈-bag‴ ys)  to (from xs p)  p
  to-from [] p =
    to (subst ([] ≈-bag″_) p [])  ≡⟨ elim¹
                                        p  to (subst ([] ≈-bag″_) p [])  p)
                                       (cong to $ subst-refl _ _)
                                       _ ⟩∎
  to-from (_  xs) (p , q) =
    proj₁ lemma₁ , subst (xs ≈-bag‴_) (proj₂ lemma₁) (to (from xs q))  ≡⟨ Σ-≡,≡→≡
                                                                            (cong proj₁ lemma₂)
      subst ((xs ≈-bag‴_)  delete)
        (cong proj₁ lemma₂)
        (subst (xs ≈-bag‴_) (proj₂ lemma₁) (to (from xs q)))                 ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                                                   {lemma₁} lemma₂ 
                                                                                     subst ((xs ≈-bag‴_)  delete)
                                                                                       (cong proj₁ lemma₂)
                                                                                       (subst (xs ≈-bag‴_) (proj₂ lemma₁) (to (from xs q))) 
        subst ((xs ≈-bag‴_)  delete)
          (cong proj₁ (refl _))
          (subst (xs ≈-bag‴_) (refl _) (to (from xs q)))                           ≡⟨ D.trans (sym $ subst-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                                      subst-refl _ _ 

        subst (xs ≈-bag‴_) (refl _) (to (from xs q))                               ≡⟨ subst-refl _ _ 

        to (from xs q)                                                             ≡⟨ to-from xs q ⟩∎

        q                                                                          )
                                                                                  lemma₂ ⟩∎
      q                                                                      ) ⟩∎

    p , q                                                              
    lemma₁ =
      _≃_.to Insertion≃ (_≃_.from Insertion≃ (p , refl (delete p)))

    lemma₂ : lemma₁  (p , refl (delete p))
    lemma₂ = _≃_.right-inverse-of Insertion≃ (p , refl _)

  from-to :  {xs} (p : xs ≈-bag″ ys)  from xs (to p)  p
  from-to [] =
    subst ([] ≈-bag″_) (refl _) []  ≡⟨ subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎
  from-to (cons {xs} p q) =
    let x∈ , eq = _≃_.to Insertion≃ p in

    cons (_≃_.from Insertion≃ (x∈ , refl _))
      (from xs (subst (xs ≈-bag‴_) eq (to q)))          ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                              {ys} eq 
                                                                (q : _ ≈-bag″ ys) 
                                                                cons (_≃_.from Insertion≃ (x∈ , refl _))
                                                                  (from xs (subst (xs ≈-bag‴_) eq (to q))) 
                                                                cons (_≃_.from Insertion≃ (x∈ , eq)) (from xs (to q)))
      cons (_≃_.from Insertion≃ (x∈ , refl _))
        (from xs (subst (xs ≈-bag‴_) (refl _) (to q)))          ≡⟨ cong (cons _  from xs) $ subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎

      cons (_≃_.from Insertion≃ (x∈ , refl _))
        (from xs (to q))                                        )
                                                             eq q 

    cons (_≃_.from Insertion≃ (x∈ , eq))
      (from xs (to q))                                  ≡⟨ cong (flip cons (from xs (to q))) $
                                                           _≃_.left-inverse-of Insertion≃ _ 

    cons p (from xs (to q))                             ≡⟨ cong (cons _) $ from-to q ⟩∎

    cons p q                                            

-- If two membership proofs, one for x and one for y, point to the
-- same position in a list, then x is equal to y.

index-of≡index-of→≡ :
  {zs : List A} (p : x  zs) (q : y  zs) 
  index-of p  index-of q 
  x  y
index-of≡index-of→≡ {x} {y} {zs = z  _} (inj₁ p) (inj₁ q) _ =
  x  ≡⟨ p 
  z  ≡⟨ sym q ⟩∎
index-of≡index-of→≡ {zs = _  _} (inj₂ p) (inj₂ q) r =
  index-of≡index-of→≡ p q (⊎.cancel-inj₂ r)
index-of≡index-of→≡ {zs = _  _} (inj₁ p) (inj₂ q) r =
  ⊥-elim $ ⊎.inj₁≢inj₂ r
index-of≡index-of→≡ {zs = _  _} (inj₂ p) (inj₁ q) r =
  ⊥-elim $ ⊎.inj₁≢inj₂ (sym r)

-- A "computation rule" for index-of≡index-of→≡.

index-of≡index-of→≡-refl :
  {zs : List A} (p : x  zs) 
  index-of≡index-of→≡ p p (refl (index-of p))  refl x
index-of≡index-of→≡-refl {x} {zs = z  _} (inj₁ p) =
  D.trans p (sym p)  ≡⟨ trans-symʳ _ ⟩∎
  refl x             
index-of≡index-of→≡-refl {x} {zs = _  _} (inj₂ p) =
  index-of≡index-of→≡ p p (⊎.cancel-inj₂ (refl (inj₂ (index-of p))))  ≡⟨ cong (index-of≡index-of→≡ p p) $ cong-refl _ 
  index-of≡index-of→≡ p p (refl (index-of p))                         ≡⟨ index-of≡index-of→≡-refl p ⟩∎
  refl x                                                              

-- The type ×s ≈-bag ys is equivalent to xs ≈-bag‴ ys (assuming
-- extensionality).

≈≃≈‴ :
  {A : Type a} (xs {ys} : List A) 
  xs ≈-bag ys ↝[ a  a ] xs ≈-bag‴ ys
≈≃≈‴ {a} [] {ys} ext =
  (∀ z    (z  ys))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ≃⊥≃¬ ext F.∘ ≃-comm ext) 
  (∀ z  ¬ z  ys)      ↝⟨ generalise-ext?
                             (record { to = to ys; from = from })
                              ext  to-from ys , from-to ext)
                             ext ⟩□
  []  ys               
  to :  ys  (∀ z  ¬ z  ys)  []  ys
  to []      _ = refl _
  to (y  _) p = ⊥-elim $ p y (inj₁ (refl _))

  from :  {ys}  []  ys   z  ¬ z  ys
  from eq z p = ⊥-elim $ subst (z ∈_) (sym eq) p

  to-from :  ys p  to ys (from p)  p
  to-from [] p =
    refl []  ≡⟨ H-level.mono₁ 0 (_⇔_.from contractible⇔↔⊤ []≡[]↔⊤) _ _ ⟩∎
  to-from (_  _) p = ⊥-elim $ List.[]≢∷ p

  from-to :
    Extensionality a a 
     p  from (to ys p)  p
  from-to ext _ =
    (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
       (lower-extensionality lzero _ ext))
      _ _

≈≃≈‴ {a} (x  xs) {ys} ext =
  (∀ z  (z  x  xs)  (z  ys))                               ↝⟨ generalise-ext?
                                                                     (record { to = to; from = from })
                                                                      ext  to-from ext , from-to ext)
  ( λ (p : x  ys) 
   (z  xs) 
   ( λ (q : z  ys)  Distinct (index-of p) (index-of q)))     ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ p  ∀-cong ext λ _  ≃-cong ext id $ ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                    index-of≢index-of≃ p _) 
  ( λ (p : x  ys) 
   (z  xs) 
   ( λ (q : z  ys) 
    Distinct fzero (index-of (_≃_.to (∈≃≡⊎∈delete p) q))))      ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ p  ∀-cong ext λ _  ≃-cong ext id $
                                                                    Σ-cong (∈≃≡⊎∈delete p) λ _  id) 
  ( λ (p : x  ys) 
   (z  xs) 
   ( λ (q : z  x  delete p)  Distinct fzero (index-of q)))  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ≃-cong ext id ∃-Distinct-fzero≃) 

  ( λ (p : x  ys)   z  (z  xs)  (z  delete p))          ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ≈≃≈‴ xs ext) ⟩□

  ( λ (p : x  ys)  xs ≈-bag‴ delete p)                       
  ∃-Distinct-fzero≃ :
     {x y} {ys : List A} 
    ( λ (p : x  y  ys)  Distinct fzero (index-of p))  (x  ys)
  ∃-Distinct-fzero≃ = Eq.↔→≃
     { (inj₂ x , _)  x })
     x  inj₂ x , _)
     { (inj₂ _ , _)  refl _ })

  to :
    (∀ z  (z  x  xs)  (z  ys)) 
     λ (p : x  ys) 
    (z  xs) 
    ( λ (q : z  ys)  Distinct (index-of p) (index-of q))
  to p =
      _≃_.to (p x) (inj₁ (refl _))
    , λ z 
        z  xs                                                ↝⟨ inverse ∃-Distinct-fzero≃ 

        ( λ (q : z  x  xs)  Distinct fzero (index-of q))  ↝⟨ (Σ-cong (p z) λ q  ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (Distinct fzero  index-of) $ sym $
                                                                  _≃_.left-inverse-of (p z) q) 
        ( λ (q : z  ys) 
         Distinct fzero (index-of (_≃_.from (p z) q)))        ↝⟨ ∃-cong lemma ⟩□

        ( λ (q : z  ys) 
         Distinct (index-of (_≃_.to (p x) (inj₁ (refl _))))
           (index-of q))                                      

      lemma :
        Distinct fzero (index-of (_≃_.from (p z) q)) 
        Distinct (index-of (_≃_.to (p x) (inj₁ (refl x)))) (index-of q)
      lemma {z} q =
                fzero {j = index-of (_≃_.from (p z) q)})
                (index-of (_≃_.to (p x) (inj₁ (refl x))))))
          (Distinct fzero (index-of (_≃_.from (p z) q))          ↝⟨ Finite.Distinct↔≢ _ 

           fzero  index-of (_≃_.from (p z) q)                   ↝⟨ →-cong₁ _ ≡-comm 

           index-of (_≃_.from (p z) q)  fzero                   ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_≢ _) $ index-of-commutes (inverse  p) _ 

           _↔_.from (Fin-length-cong p) (index-of q)  fzero     ↝⟨ →-cong₁ _ $ from≡↔≡to (Eq.↔⇒≃ $ Fin-length-cong p) 

           index-of q  _↔_.to (Fin-length-cong p) fzero         ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_ ≢_) $ sym $ index-of-commutes p _ 

           index-of q  index-of (_≃_.to (p x) (inj₁ (refl x)))  ↝⟨ →-cong₁ _ ≡-comm 

           index-of (_≃_.to (p x) (inj₁ (refl x)))  index-of q  ↝⟨ inverse $ Finite.Distinct↔≢ _ ⟩□

           Distinct (index-of (_≃_.to (p x) (inj₁ (refl x))))
             (index-of q)                                        )

  from :
    ( λ (p : x  ys) 
     (z  xs) 
     ( λ (q : z  ys)  Distinct (index-of p) (index-of q))) 
     z  (z  x  xs)  (z  ys)
  from (p , q) z =
       r  from′ r (index-of r Fin.≟ index-of p))
       r  to′-from′ r (index-of r Fin.≟ index-of p))
       r  from′-to′ r _)
    to′ : z  x  xs  z  ys
    to′ =
      [ flip (subst (_∈ ys)) p  sym
      ,  r  proj₁ $ _≃_.to (q z) r)

    from′ :
      (r : z  ys) 
      Dec (index-of r  index-of p) 
      z  x  xs
    from′ r (yes r≡p) =
        (z  ≡⟨ index-of≡index-of→≡ r p r≡p ⟩∎
         x  )
    from′ r (no r≢p) =
      inj₂ (_≃_.from (q z)
              (r , _⇔_.from (Finite.Distinct↔≢ _) (r≢p  sym)))


      to′-from′ :
        (r : z  ys) (s : Dec (index-of r  index-of p)) 
        to′ (from′ r s)  r
      to′-from′ r (no r≢p) =
        proj₁ (_≃_.to (q z) (_≃_.from (q z) (r , _)))  ≡⟨ cong proj₁ $ _≃_.right-inverse-of (q z) _ ⟩∎
      to′-from′ r (yes r≡p) = lemma _ _ _ _
        lemma :
           ys (p : x  ys) (r : z  ys)
          (r≡p : index-of r  index-of p) 
          subst (_∈ ys) (sym (index-of≡index-of→≡ r p r≡p)) p  r
        lemma (y  ys) (inj₁ p) (inj₁ r) r≡p =
          subst (_∈ y  ys) (sym (D.trans r (sym p))) (inj₁ p)  ≡⟨ push-subst-inj₁ _ _ 
          inj₁ (subst (_≡ y) (sym (D.trans r (sym p))) p)       ≡⟨ cong inj₁ $ subst-trans _ 
          inj₁ (D.trans (D.trans r (sym p)) p)                  ≡⟨ cong inj₁ $ trans-[trans-sym]- _ _ ⟩∎
          inj₁ r                                                
        lemma (y  ys) (inj₂ p) (inj₂ r) r≡p =
          subst (_∈ y  ys)
            (sym (index-of≡index-of→≡ r p (⊎.cancel-inj₂ r≡p)))
            (inj₂ p)                                                ≡⟨ push-subst-inj₂ _ _ 

            (subst (_∈ ys)
               (sym (index-of≡index-of→≡ r p (⊎.cancel-inj₂ r≡p)))
               p)                                                   ≡⟨ cong inj₂ $ lemma _ _ _ _ ⟩∎

          inj₂ r                                                    
        lemma (_  _) (inj₁ _) (inj₂ _) r≡p =
          ⊥-elim $ ⊎.inj₁≢inj₂ (sym r≡p)
        lemma (_  _) (inj₂ _) (inj₁ _) r≡p =
          ⊥-elim $ ⊎.inj₁≢inj₂ r≡p

      from′-to′ :
        (r : z  x  xs) (s : Dec (index-of (to′ r)  index-of p)) 
        from′ (to′ r) s  r
      from′-to′ (inj₁ r) (yes to′r≡p) =
        inj₁ (index-of≡index-of→≡ (subst (_∈ ys) (sym r) p) p to′r≡p)  ≡⟨ cong inj₁ $
                                                                                p to′r≡p 
                                                                               index-of≡index-of→≡ (subst (_∈ ys) (sym r) p) p to′r≡p  r)
                                                                             p to′r≡p 
          index-of≡index-of→≡ (subst (_∈ ys) (sym (refl _)) p) p
            to′r≡p                                                             ≡⟨ cong (index-of≡index-of→≡ _ p) $
                                                                                  Fin-set _ _ _ 
          index-of≡index-of→≡ (subst (_∈ ys) (sym (refl _)) p) p
            (cong index-of
               (D.trans (cong (flip (subst (_∈ ys)) p) sym-refl) $
                subst-refl _ _))                                               ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                                                     {p′} (eq : p′  p) 
                                                                                       index-of≡index-of→≡ p′ p (cong index-of eq) 
                                                                                       index-of≡index-of→≡ p p (refl _))
                                                                                    (cong (index-of≡index-of→≡ _ p) $ cong-refl _)

          index-of≡index-of→≡ p p (refl _)                                     ≡⟨ index-of≡index-of→≡-refl p ⟩∎

          refl _                                                               )
                                                                            _ _ _ ⟩∎
        inj₁ r                                                         
      from′-to′ (inj₂ r) (yes to′r≡p) =
        ⊥-elim $ _⇔_.to (Finite.Distinct↔≢ _) (proj₂ (_≃_.to (q z) r))
          (index-of p                         ≡⟨ sym to′r≡p 
           index-of (to′ (inj₂ r))            ≡⟨⟩
           index-of (proj₁ (_≃_.to (q z) r))  )
      from′-to′ (inj₂ r) (no _) =
        inj₂ (_≃_.from (q z) (proj₁ (_≃_.to (q z) r) , _))  ≡⟨ cong inj₂ $ cong (_≃_.from (q z)) $ cong (_ ,_) $
                                                               Finite.Distinct-propositional (index-of p) _ _ 
        inj₂ (_≃_.from (q z) (_≃_.to (q z) r))              ≡⟨ cong inj₂ $ _≃_.left-inverse-of (q z) _ ⟩∎
        inj₂ r                                              
      from′-to′ (inj₁ r) (no to′r≢p) =                   $⟨ to′r≢p 
        index-of (subst (_∈ ys) (sym r) p)  index-of p  →⟨ _∘ D.trans
                                                                     r   p  index-of (subst (_∈ ys) (sym r) p)  index-of p)
                                                                     _  cong index-of $
                                                                           D.trans (cong (flip (subst (_∈ ys)) _) sym-refl) $
                                                                           subst-refl _ _)
                                                                    r p) 
        index-of p  index-of p                          →⟨ _$ refl _ 
                                                        →⟨ ⊥-elim ⟩□


    to-from :
      Extensionality a a 
      (p :  λ (p : x  ys) 
           (z  xs) 
           ( λ (q : z  ys)  Distinct (index-of p) (index-of q))) 
      to (from p)  p
    to-from ext (p , q) =
        (subst (_∈ ys) (sym (refl x)) p  ≡⟨ D.trans (cong (flip (subst (_∈ ys)) _) sym-refl) $
                                            subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎
         p                               )
        (apply-ext ext λ z 
         Eq.lift-equality ext $
         apply-ext ext λ r 
           (proj₁ $
                    (z  xs) 
                    ( λ (q : z  ys) 
                     Distinct (index-of p) (index-of q)))
                 _ _ z)
              r                                            ≡⟨ cong  eq  proj₁ $ _≃_.to eq r) $ sym $
                                                              push-subst-application _ _ 
            proj₁ $
                    (z  xs) 
                    ( λ (q : z  ys) 
                     Distinct (index-of p) (index-of q)))
                 _ _)
              r                                            ≡⟨ cong proj₁ $ cong (_$ r)
            proj₁ $
                 z  xs 
                  λ (q : z  ys) 
                 Distinct (index-of p) (index-of q))
              _ _ r                                        ≡⟨ cong proj₁ $ sym $
                                                              push-subst-application _ _ 
            proj₁ $
                  λ (q : z  ys) 
                 Distinct (index-of p) (index-of q))
              _ _                                          ≡⟨ cong proj₁ $ push-subst-pair _ _ 

            subst  _  z  ys) _
              (proj₁ (_≃_.to (q z) r))                     ≡⟨ subst-const _ ⟩∎

            proj₁ (_≃_.to (q z) r)                         )
           (Finite.Distinct-propositional (index-of p) _ _))

    from-to :
      Extensionality a a 
      (p :  z  (z  x  xs)  (z  ys)) 
      from (to p)  p
    from-to ext p =
      apply-ext ext λ z 
      Eq.lift-equality ext $
      apply-ext ext λ where
        (inj₂ q)  _≃_.to (p z) (inj₂ q)  
        (inj₁ q) 
          subst (_∈ ys) (sym q) (_≃_.to (p x) (inj₁ (refl _)))  ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                                      {z} q 
                                                                        subst (_∈ ys) (sym q) (_≃_.to (p x) (inj₁ (refl _))) 
                                                                        _≃_.to (p z) (inj₁ q))
                                                                     (D.trans (cong (flip (subst (_∈ ys)) _) sym-refl) $
                                                                      subst-refl _ _)
                                                                     _ ⟩∎
          _≃_.to (p z) (inj₁ q)                                 

-- The type ×s ≈-bag ys is equivalent to xs ≈-bag″ ys (assuming
-- extensionality).

≈≃≈″ :
  {A : Type a} {xs ys : List A} 
  (xs ≈-bag ys) ↝[ a  a ] (xs ≈-bag″ ys)
≈≃≈″ {xs} {ys} ext =
  xs ≈-bag ys   ↝⟨ ≈≃≈‴ xs ext 
  xs ≈-bag‴ ys  ↔⟨ inverse ≈″≃≈‴ ⟩□
  xs ≈-bag″ ys  

-- Yet another definition of bag equivalence

-- A definition of bag equivalence that is taken from Coq's standard
-- library.

infixr 5 _∷_
infix  4 _≈-bag⁗_

data _≈-bag⁗_ {A : Type a} : List A  List A  Type a where
  []    : [] ≈-bag⁗ []
  _∷_   :  x {xs ys} (xs≈ys : xs ≈-bag⁗ ys)  x  xs ≈-bag⁗ x  ys
  swap  :  {x y xs}  x  y  xs ≈-bag⁗ y  x  xs
  trans :  {xs ys zs}
          (xs≈ys : xs ≈-bag⁗ ys) (ys≈zs : ys ≈-bag⁗ zs)  xs ≈-bag⁗ zs

-- _∷_ preserves _∼[ k ]_.

infixr 5 _∷-cong_

_∷-cong_ : x  y  xs ∼[ k ] ys  x  xs ∼[ k ] y  ys
_∷-cong_ {x} {y} {xs} {ys} x≡y xs≈ys = λ z 
  z  x  z  xs  ↝⟨ from-bijection (flip-trans-isomorphism x≡y) ⊎-cong xs≈ys z ⟩□
  z  y  z  ys  

-- We can swap the first two elements of a list.

swap-first-two : x  y  xs ≈-bag y  x  xs
swap-first-two {x} {y} {xs} = λ z 
   z  x  z  y   z  xs  ↔⟨ ⊎-assoc 
  (z  x  z  y)  z  xs  ↔⟨ ⊎-comm ⊎-cong id 
  (z  y  z  x)  z  xs  ↔⟨ inverse ⊎-assoc 
   z  y  z  x   z  xs  

-- The type ×s ≈-bag ys is logically equivalent to xs ≈-bag″ ys.

≈⇔≈⁗ : xs ≈-bag ys  xs ≈-bag⁗ ys
≈⇔≈⁗ {xs} {ys} = record
  { from = from
  ; to   =
      xs ≈-bag  ys  →⟨ ≈≃≈‴ _ _ 
      xs ≈-bag‴ ys  →⟨ to ⟩□
      xs ≈-bag⁗ ys  
  from : {xs ys : List A}  xs ≈-bag⁗ ys  xs ≈-bag ys
  from []                  = λ _  id
  from (x  xs≈ys)         = refl _ ∷-cong from xs≈ys
  from swap                = swap-first-two
  from (trans xs≈ys ys≈zs) = λ z  _ ↔⟨ from xs≈ys z  from ys≈zs z

  refl-≈ : (xs : List A)  xs ≈-bag⁗ xs
  refl-≈ []       = []
  refl-≈ (x  xs) = x  refl-≈ xs

  ≈-∷-delete :
    {xs : List A} (p : x  xs) 
    x  delete p ≈-bag⁗ xs
  ≈-∷-delete {xs = _  _} (inj₁ p) =
    subst  x  _ ≈-bag⁗ x  _) p (refl-≈ _)
  ≈-∷-delete {xs = _  _} (inj₂ p) =
    trans swap (_  ≈-∷-delete p)

  cons′ :
    {xs ys : List A} (p : x  ys) 
    xs ≈-bag⁗ delete p  x  xs ≈-bag⁗ ys
  cons′ {ys = _  _} (inj₁ p) q =
    subst  x  _ ≈-bag⁗ x  _) p (_  q)
  cons′ {ys = _  _} (inj₂ p) q =
    trans (_  q) $
    trans swap $
    _  ≈-∷-delete p

  to : {xs ys : List A}  xs ≈-bag‴ ys  xs ≈-bag⁗ ys
  to {xs = []}    p       = subst ([] ≈-bag⁗_) p []
  to {xs = _  _} (p , q) = cons′ p (to q)

-- However, it is not the case that, for all lists xs and ys of type
-- List A, there is a split surjection from xs ≈-bag″ ys to
-- xs ≈-bag⁗ ys.

¬≈″↠≈⁗ : ¬ ({xs ys : List A}  xs ≈-bag″ ys  xs ≈-bag⁗ ys)
¬≈″↠≈⁗ {A} =
  ({xs ys : List A}  xs ≈-bag″ ys  xs ≈-bag⁗ ys)  →⟨  hyp  hyp) 

  ([] ≈-bag″ []  [] ≈-bag⁗ ([]  List A))          →⟨  hyp  H-level.respects-surjection hyp 1 []≈″-propositional) 

  Is-proposition ([] ≈-bag⁗ [])                     →⟨  hyp  p₁≢p₂ (hyp _ _)) ⟩□

  p₁ p₂ : [] ≈-bag⁗ ([]  List A)
  p₁ = []
  p₂ = trans [] []

  p₁≢p₂ : p₁  p₂
  p₁≢p₂ p₁≡p₂ = subst id (cong is-[] p₁≡p₂) _
    is-[] : [] ≈-bag⁗ ([]  List A)  Type
    is-[] []          = 
    is-[] (trans _ _) =