-- M-types for indexed containers, defined coinductively (in Cubical
-- Agda)

{-# OPTIONS --erased-cubical --safe --guardedness #-}

import Equality.Path as P

module Container.Indexed.Variant.M.Codata
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Prelude

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Container.Indexed equality-with-J using (_⇾_; _∘⇾_)
open import Container.Indexed.Variant equality-with-J
open import Container.Indexed.Variant.Coalgebra equality-with-J
  hiding (Final′≃Final′)
import Container.Indexed.Variant.Coalgebra P.equality-with-J as PC
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Function-universe equality-with-J
open import H-level equality-with-J

    a iℓ s  : Level
    A I     : Type a
    i p q x : A
    C       : Container I s p
    n       : 

-- An M-type for a given container.
-- This definition is similar to one in "Indexed containers" by
-- Altenkirch, Ghani, Hancock, McBride and Morris.

record M {I : Type iℓ} (C : Container I s p) (i : I) :
         Type (iℓ  s  p) where
  constructor in-M
    out-M :  C  (M C) i

open M public

-- An η-law.

η : in-M (out-M x)  x
η = _↔_.from ≡↔≡ η′
  η′ : in-M (out-M x) P.≡ x
  η′ {x} _ .out-M = x .out-M

-- M C is, in a certain sense, a fixpoint of ⟦ C ⟧.

M-fixpoint :  C  (M C) i  M C i
M-fixpoint = Eq.↔→≃ in-M out-M  _  η) refl

-- A coalgebra defined using M and out-M.

M-coalgebra : (C : Container I s p)  Coalgebra C
M-coalgebra C = M C , λ _  out-M


  -- M-coalgebra C is a final coalgebra.
  -- This code is based on code written by Andrea Vezzosi for the
  -- cubical library.

  M-final′′ : PC.Final′ (M-coalgebra C)
  M-final′′ {C = C@(S  P)} Y@(Q , f) = unfold , unique
    g : Q  M C
    g i q .out-M .proj₁     = f i q .proj₁
    g i q .out-M .proj₂ j p = g j (f i q .proj₂ j p)

    g-ok :  _  out-M) ∘⇾ g P.≡ map C g ∘⇾ f
    g-ok i j q .proj₁            = f j q .proj₁
    g-ok i j q .proj₂ k p .out-M = g-ok i k (f j q .proj₂ k p)

    unfold : Y PC.⇨ M-coalgebra C
    unfold = g , g-ok

    module _ (u : Y PC.⇨ M-coalgebra C) where

      lemma₁ :
        x P.≡ u .proj₁ i q 
        x .out-M .proj₁ P.≡
        (map C (u .proj₁) ∘⇾ f) i q .proj₁
      lemma₁ {i} {x} {q} eq =
        x .out-M .proj₁                     P.≡⟨ P.cong  x  x .out-M .proj₁) eq 
        u .proj₁ i q .out-M .proj₁          P.≡⟨ P.cong  f  f i q .proj₁) (u .proj₂) ⟩∎
        (map C (u .proj₁) ∘⇾ f) i q .proj₁  

      lemma₂ :
        (eq : x P.≡ u .proj₁ i q) 
        P.[  l  P (lemma₁ eq l)  M C) ]
          x .out-M .proj₂ 
          (map C (u .proj₁) ∘⇾ f) i q .proj₂
      lemma₂ {i} {x} {q} eq =
        x .out-M .proj₂                     P.≡⟨ P.hcong  x  x .out-M .proj₂) eq ⟩[  p  P p  M C) ]
        u .proj₁ i q .out-M .proj₂          P.≡⟨ P.hcong  f  f i q .proj₂) (u .proj₂) ⟩∎h
        (map C (u .proj₁) ∘⇾ f) i q .proj₂  

      unique′ :  i q x  x P.≡ u .proj₁ i q  x P.≡ g i q
      unique′ _ _ _ eq j .out-M .proj₁     = lemma₁ eq j
      unique′ i q x eq j .out-M .proj₂ k p =
        unique′ k (f i q .proj₂ k p₁) (x .out-M .proj₂ k p₀) lemma₂′ j
        lem₁ = lemma₁ eq

        p₀ : P (lem₁ P.0̲) k
        p₁ : P (lem₁ P.1̲) k
        p₀ = P.transport  l  P (lem₁ (P.min j (P.- l))) k) (P.- j) p
        p₁ = P.transport  l  P (lem₁ (P.max j      l )) k)      j  p

        p₀≡p₁ : P.[  l  P (lem₁ l) k) ] p₀  p₁
        p₀≡p₁ = P.elim¹
             P.[  l  eq l) ]
               P.transport  l  eq (P.min j (P.- l))) (P.- j) p 
               P.transport  l  eq (P.max j      l ))      j  p)
             P.transport  _  P (x .out-M .proj₁) k) (P.- j) p  P.≡⟨ P.cong (_$ p) $ P.transport-refl (P.- j) 
             p                                                    P.≡⟨ P.cong (_$ p) $ P.sym $ P.transport-refl j ⟩∎
             P.transport  _  P (x .out-M .proj₁) k) j p        )
          (P.cong  s  P s k) lem₁)

        lemma₂′ :
          x .out-M .proj₂ k p₀ P.≡
          (map C (u .proj₁) ∘⇾ f) i q .proj₂ k p₁
        lemma₂′ l = lemma₂ eq l k (p₀≡p₁ l)

      unique : unfold .proj₁ P.≡ u .proj₁
      unique =
        P.⟨ext⟩ λ _  P.⟨ext⟩ λ _  P.sym $
        unique′ _ _ _ P.refl

  -- Finality expressed using equality is equivalent to finality
  -- expressed using paths.

  Final′≃Final′ :
    (X : Coalgebra C) 
    Final′ X  PC.Final′ X
  Final′≃Final′ X =
    (∀ Y   λ (m : Y     X)  (m′ : Y     X)  proj₁ m  proj₁ m′)    ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                             Σ-cong (lemma _) λ _ 
                                                                             Π-cong ext (lemma _) λ _ 
                                                                             ≡↔≡) ⟩□
    (∀ Y   λ (m : Y PC.⇨ X)  (m′ : Y PC.⇨ X)  proj₁ m P.≡ proj₁ m′)  
    lemma :  Y  (Y  X)  (Y PC.⇨ X)
    lemma Y = ∃-cong λ _  ≡↔≡

-- M-coalgebra C is a final coalgebra.
-- The lemma M-final′′ is based on code written by Andrea Vezzosi for
-- the cubical library.

M-final′ :
  (C : Container I s p) 
  Final′ (M-coalgebra C)
M-final′ C = _≃_.from (Final′≃Final′ (M-coalgebra C)) M-final′′