-- Coalgebras for the indexed containers in Container.Indexed.Variant

-- Partly based on "Indexed containers" by Altenkirch, Ghani, Hancock,
-- McBride and Morris, and partly based on "Non-wellfounded trees in
-- Homotopy Type Theory" by Ahrens, Capriotti and Spadotti.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Container.Indexed.Variant.Coalgebra
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p e⁺) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Container.Indexed eq as C using (_⇾_; id⇾; _∘⇾_)
import Container.Indexed.Coalgebra eq as CC
open import Container.Indexed.Variant eq
open import Equivalence eq as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Extensionality eq
open import Function-universe eq as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import Univalence-axiom eq

    a p   : Level
    A I O : Type a
    i s   : A
    C     : Container₂ I O s p

-- Coalgebras

-- The type of coalgebras for a (singly indexed) container.

Coalgebra : {I : Type i}  Container I s p  Type (lsuc (i  s  p))
Coalgebra {i} {s} {p} {I} C =
   λ (P : I  Type (i  s  p))  P   C  P

-- Coalgebra morphisms.

infix 4 _⇨_

_⇨_ :
  {I : Type i} {C : Container I s p} 
  Coalgebra C  Coalgebra C  Type (i  s  p)
(P , f)  (Q , g) =  λ (h : P  Q)  g ∘⇾ h  map _ h ∘⇾ f

    X Y Z : Coalgebra C

-- An identity morphism.

id⇨ : X  X
id⇨ = id⇾ , refl _

-- Composition for _⇨_.

infix 9 [_]_∘⇨_

[_]_∘⇨_ :  Z  Y  Z  X  Y  X  Z
[_]_∘⇨_ {Y = _ , g} {X = _ , f} (_ , h) (f₁ , eq₁) (f₂ , eq₂) =
    f₁ ∘⇾ f₂
  , (h ∘⇾ (f₁ ∘⇾ f₂)              ≡⟨⟩
     (h ∘⇾ f₁) ∘⇾ f₂              ≡⟨ cong (_∘⇾ f₂) eq₁ 
     (map _ f₁ ∘⇾ g) ∘⇾ f₂        ≡⟨⟩
     map _ f₁ ∘⇾ (g ∘⇾ f₂)        ≡⟨ cong (map _ f₁ ∘⇾_) eq₂ 
     map _ f₁ ∘⇾ (map _ f₂ ∘⇾ f)  ≡⟨⟩
     map _ (f₁ ∘⇾ f₂) ∘⇾ f        )

-- Final coalgebras

-- The property of being a final coalgebra.

Final :
  {I : Type i} {C : Container I s p} 
  Coalgebra C  Type (lsuc (i  s  p))
Final X =  Y  Contractible (Y  X)

-- A perhaps more traditional definition of what it means to be final.

Final′ :
  {I : Type i} {C : Container I s p} 
  Coalgebra C  Type (lsuc (i  s  p))
Final′ X =
   Y   λ (m : Y  X)  (m′ : Y  X)  proj₁ m  proj₁ m′

-- Final X implies Final′ X.

Final→Final′ : (X : Coalgebra C)  Final X  Final′ X
Final→Final′ _ =
  ∀-cong _ λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _  cong proj₁

-- Final is pointwise propositional (assumption extensionality).

Final-propositional :
  {I : Type i} {C : Container I s p} 
  Extensionality (lsuc (i  s  p)) (i  s  p) 
  (X : Coalgebra C) 
  Is-proposition (Final X)
Final-propositional ext _ =
  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
  Contractible-propositional (lower-extensionality _ lzero ext)

-- Final coalgebras.

Final-coalgebra :
  {I : Type i} 
  Container I s p  Type (lsuc (i  s  p))
Final-coalgebra C =  λ (X : Coalgebra C)  Final X

-- Final coalgebras, defined using Final′.

Final-coalgebra′ :
  {I : Type i} 
  Container I s p  Type (lsuc (i  s  p))
Final-coalgebra′ C =  λ (X : Coalgebra C)  Final′ X

-- Final-coalgebra C implies Final-coalgebra′ C.

Final-coalgebra→Final-coalgebra′ :
  Final-coalgebra C  Final-coalgebra′ C
Final-coalgebra→Final-coalgebra′ =
  ∃-cong Final→Final′

-- Carriers of final coalgebras (defined using Final′) for a given
-- container are pointwise equivalent.

carriers-of-final-coalgebras-equivalent′ :
  (((P₁ , _) , _) ((P₂ , _) , _) : Final-coalgebra′ C) 
   i  P₁ i  P₂ i
carriers-of-final-coalgebras-equivalent′ (X₁ , final₁) (X₂ , final₂) i =
  Eq.↔→≃ (proj₁ to i) (proj₁ from i) to∘from from∘to
  to : X₁  X₂
  to = proj₁ (final₂ X₁)

  from : X₂  X₁
  from = proj₁ (final₁ X₂)

  to∘from :  x  proj₁ ([ X₂ ] to ∘⇨ from) i x  x
  to∘from x =
    proj₁ ([ X₂ ] to ∘⇨ from) i x  ≡⟨ cong  f  f i x) $ sym $ proj₂ (final₂ X₂) $ [ X₂ ] to ∘⇨ from 
    proj₁ (proj₁ (final₂ X₂)) i x  ≡⟨ cong  f  f i x) $ proj₂ (final₂ X₂) id⇨ 
    proj₁ (id⇨ {X = X₂}) i x       ≡⟨⟩

  from∘to :  x  proj₁ ([ X₁ ] from ∘⇨ to) i x  x
  from∘to x =
    proj₁ ([ X₁ ] from ∘⇨ to) i x  ≡⟨ cong  f  f i x) $ sym $ proj₂ (final₁ X₁) $ [ X₁ ] from ∘⇨ to 
    proj₁ (proj₁ (final₁ X₁)) i x  ≡⟨ cong  f  f i x) $ proj₂ (final₁ X₁) id⇨ 
    proj₁ (id⇨ {X = X₁}) i x       ≡⟨⟩

-- The previous lemma relates the "out" functions of the two final
-- coalgebras in a certain way.

out-related′ :
  {C : Container I s p}
  (F₁@((_ , out₁) , _) F₂@((_ , out₂) , _) : Final-coalgebra′ C) 
  map C (_≃_.to  carriers-of-final-coalgebras-equivalent′ F₁ F₂) ∘⇾
  out₂ ∘⇾ (_≃_.to  carriers-of-final-coalgebras-equivalent′ F₁ F₂)
out-related′ (X₁ , _) (_ , final₂) =
  sym $ proj₂ (proj₁ (final₂ X₁))

-- Carriers of final coalgebras for a given container are pointwise
-- equivalent.

carriers-of-final-coalgebras-equivalent :
  (((P₁ , _) , _) ((P₂ , _) , _) : Final-coalgebra C) 
   i  P₁ i  P₂ i
carriers-of-final-coalgebras-equivalent =
  carriers-of-final-coalgebras-equivalent′ on

-- The previous lemma relates the "out" functions of the two final
-- coalgebras in a certain way.

out-related :
  {C : Container I s p}
  (F₁@((_ , out₁) , _) F₂@((_ , out₂) , _) : Final-coalgebra C) 
  map C (_≃_.to  carriers-of-final-coalgebras-equivalent F₁ F₂) ∘⇾ out₁
  out₂ ∘⇾ (_≃_.to  carriers-of-final-coalgebras-equivalent F₁ F₂)
out-related = out-related′ on Final-coalgebra→Final-coalgebra′

-- If X and Y are final coalgebras (with finality defined using
-- Final′), then—assuming extensionality—finality of X (defined using
-- Final) is equivalent to finality of Y.

Final′→Final≃Final :
  {I : Type i} {C : Container I s p}
  ((X , _) (Y , _) : Final-coalgebra′ C) 
  Extensionality (i  s  p) (i  s  p) 
  Final X ↝[ lsuc (i  s  p)  i  s  p ] Final Y
Final′→Final≃Final {i} {s} {p} {C}
  ((X₁ , out₁) , final₁) ((X₂ , out₂) , final₂) ext {k} ext′ =
  ∀-cong ext′ λ Y@(_ , f) 
    (lower-extensionality? k _ lzero ext′)
    (Σ-cong (lemma₂ Y) λ g 

       out₁ ∘⇾ g  map C g ∘⇾ f                 ↝⟨ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ (lemma₃ Y) 

       _≃_.to (lemma₃ Y) (out₁ ∘⇾ g) 
       _≃_.to (lemma₃ Y) (map C g ∘⇾ f)         ↔⟨⟩

       map C (_≃_.to  lemma₁) ∘⇾ out₁ ∘⇾ g 
       map C (_≃_.to  lemma₁) ∘⇾ map C g ∘⇾ f  ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong  h  h ∘⇾ g  map C (_≃_.to  lemma₁) ∘⇾ map C g ∘⇾ f) $
                                                   out-related′ ((X₁ , out₁) , final₁) ((X₂ , out₂) , final₂) 
       out₂ ∘⇾ (_≃_.to  lemma₁) ∘⇾ g 
       map C (_≃_.to  lemma₁) ∘⇾ map C g ∘⇾ f  ↔⟨⟩

       out₂ ∘⇾ _≃_.to (lemma₂ Y) g 
       map C (_≃_.to (lemma₂ Y) g) ∘⇾ f         )
  ext₁ = lower-extensionality (s  p) lzero ext
  ext₂ = lower-extensionality (i  s) lzero ext

  lemma₁ :  i  X₁ i  X₂ i
  lemma₁ =
      ((X₁ , out₁) , final₁)
      ((X₂ , out₂) , final₂)

  lemma₂ : ((Y , _) : Coalgebra C)  (Y  X₁)  (Y  X₂)
  lemma₂ _ =
    ∀-cong ext₁ λ _ 
    ∀-cong ext  λ _ 
    lemma₁ _

  lemma₃ : ((Y , _) : Coalgebra C)  (Y   C  X₁)  (Y   C  X₂)
  lemma₃ _ =
    ∀-cong ext₁ λ _ 
    ∀-cong ext  λ _ 
    ⟦⟧-cong ext₂ C lemma₁ _

-- If there is a final C-coalgebra, and we have Final′ X for some
-- C-coalgebra X, then we also have Final X (assuming extensionality).

Final′→Final :
  {I : Type i} {C : Container I s p} 
  Extensionality (i  s  p) (i  s  p) 
  Final-coalgebra C 
  ((X , _) : Final-coalgebra′ C) 
  Final X
Final′→Final ext F₁@(_ , final₁) F₂ =
    (Final-coalgebra→Final-coalgebra′ F₁) F₂
    ext _ final₁

-- Final-coalgebra is pointwise propositional, assuming extensionality
-- and univalence.
-- This is a variant of Lemma 5 from "Non-wellfounded trees in
-- Homotopy Type Theory".

Final-coalgebra-propositional :
  {I : Type i} {C : Container I s p} 
  Extensionality (lsuc (i  s  p)) (lsuc (i  s  p)) 
  Univalence (i  s  p) 
  Is-proposition (Final-coalgebra C)
Final-coalgebra-propositional {I} {C = C@(S  P)}
  ext univ F₁@((P₁ , out₁) , _) F₂@(X₂@(P₂ , out₂) , _) =
  block λ b 
  Σ-≡,≡→≡ (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (lemma₁ b) (lemma₂ b))
    (Final-propositional (lower-extensionality lzero _ ext) X₂ _ _)
  ext₁ = lower-extensionality _ lzero ext

  lemma₀ : Block "lemma₀"   i  P₁ i  P₂ i
  lemma₀  = carriers-of-final-coalgebras-equivalent F₁ F₂

  lemma₀-lemma :
     b x 
    map C (_≃_.to  lemma₀ b) i (out₁ i (_≃_.from (lemma₀ b i) x)) 
    out₂ i x
  lemma₀-lemma {i}  x =
    map C (_≃_.to  lemma₀ ) i (out₁ i (_≃_.from (lemma₀  i) x))  ≡⟨ cong  f  f _ (_≃_.from (lemma₀  i) x)) $
                                                                       out-related F₁ F₂ 
    out₂ i (_≃_.to (lemma₀  i) (_≃_.from (lemma₀  i) x))          ≡⟨ cong (out₂ _) $
                                                                       _≃_.right-inverse-of (lemma₀  i) _ ⟩∎
    out₂ i x                                                        

  lemma₁ : Block "lemma₀"  P₁  P₂
  lemma₁ b =
    apply-ext ext₁ λ i 
    ≃⇒≡ univ (lemma₀ b i)

  lemma₁-lemma₁ = λ b i 
    sym $ Σ-≡,≡→≡ (sym (lemma₁ b)) (subst-const _)   ≡⟨ cong sym Σ-≡,≡→≡-subst-const-refl 
    sym $ cong₂ _,_ (sym (lemma₁ b)) (refl _)        ≡⟨ sym cong₂-sym 
    cong₂ _,_ (sym (sym (lemma₁ b))) (sym (refl _))  ≡⟨ cong₂ (cong₂ _) (sym-sym _) sym-refl 
    cong₂ _,_ (lemma₁ b) (refl i)                    ≡⟨ cong₂-reflʳ _ ⟩∎
    cong (_, i) (lemma₁ b)                           

  lemma₁-lemma₂ = λ b i x 
    subst (_$ i) (sym (lemma₁ b)) x                                    ≡⟨⟩
    subst (_$ i) (sym (apply-ext ext₁ λ i  ≃⇒≡ univ (lemma₀ b i))) x  ≡⟨ cong (flip (subst (_$ i)) _) $ sym $
                                                                          ext-sym ext₁ 
    subst (_$ i) (apply-ext ext₁ λ i  sym (≃⇒≡ univ (lemma₀ b i))) x  ≡⟨ subst-ext ext₁ 
    subst id (sym (≃⇒≡ univ (lemma₀ b i))) x                           ≡⟨ subst-id-in-terms-of-inverse∘≡⇒↝ equivalence 
    _≃_.from (≡⇒≃ (≃⇒≡ univ (lemma₀ b i))) x                           ≡⟨ cong  eq  _≃_.from eq _) $
                                                                          _≃_.right-inverse-of (≡≃≃ univ) _ ⟩∎
    _≃_.from (lemma₀ b i) x                                            

  lemma₁-lemma₃ :  b (f : P s  P₁) i p  _  _
  lemma₁-lemma₃ b f i p =
    subst (_$ i) (lemma₁ b) (f i p)                                    ≡⟨⟩
    subst (_$ i) (apply-ext ext₁ λ i  ≃⇒≡ univ (lemma₀ b i)) (f i p)  ≡⟨ subst-ext ext₁ 
    subst id (≃⇒≡ univ (lemma₀ b i)) (f i p)                           ≡⟨ subst-id-in-terms-of-≡⇒↝ equivalence 
    ≡⇒→ (≃⇒≡ univ (lemma₀ b i)) (f i p)                                ≡⟨ cong  eq  _≃_.to eq _) $
                                                                          _≃_.right-inverse-of (≡≃≃ univ) _ ⟩∎
    _≃_.to (lemma₀ b i) (f i p)                                        

  lemma₂ = λ b 
    apply-ext (lower-extensionality _ _ ext) λ i 
    apply-ext (lower-extensionality _ _ ext) λ x 

    subst  P  P   C  P) (lemma₁ b) out₁ i x                   ≡⟨⟩

    subst  P   i  P i   C  P i) (lemma₁ b) out₁ i x         ≡⟨ cong (_$ x) subst-∀ 

    subst (uncurry λ P i  P i   C  P i)
      (sym $ Σ-≡,≡→≡ (sym (lemma₁ b)) (refl _))
      (out₁ (subst  _  I) (sym (lemma₁ b)) i)) x                 ≡⟨ elim¹
                                                                          {i′} eq 
                                                                            subst (uncurry λ P i  P i   C  P i)
                                                                              (sym $ Σ-≡,≡→≡ (sym (lemma₁ b)) (refl _))
                                                                              (out₁ (subst  _  I) (sym (lemma₁ b)) i)) x 
                                                                            subst (uncurry λ P i  P i   C  P i)
                                                                              (sym $ Σ-≡,≡→≡ (sym (lemma₁ b)) eq)
                                                                              (out₁ i′) x)
                                                                         (refl _)
    subst (uncurry λ P i  P i   C  P i)
      (sym $ Σ-≡,≡→≡ (sym (lemma₁ b)) (subst-const _))
      (out₁ i) x                                                    ≡⟨ cong  eq  subst (uncurry λ P i  P i   C  P i) eq _ _) $
                                                                       lemma₁-lemma₁ b i 
    subst (uncurry λ P i  P i   C  P i)
      (cong (_, _) (lemma₁ b))
      (out₁ i) x                                                    ≡⟨ cong (_$ x) $ sym $ subst-∘ _ _ _ 

    subst  P  P i   C  P i) (lemma₁ b) (out₁ i) x             ≡⟨ subst-→ 

    subst  P   C  P i) (lemma₁ b)
      (out₁ i (subst (_$ i) (sym (lemma₁ b)) x))                    ≡⟨ cong (subst  P   C  P i) _) $ cong (out₁ _) $
                                                                       lemma₁-lemma₂ b i x 
    subst  P   C  P i) (lemma₁ b)
      (out₁ i (_≃_.from (lemma₀ b i) x))                            ≡⟨⟩

    subst  Q   λ (s : S i)  P s  Q) (lemma₁ b)
      (out₁ i (_≃_.from (lemma₀ b i) x))                            ≡⟨ push-subst-pair-× _ _ 

    (let s , f = out₁ i (_≃_.from (lemma₀ b i) x) in
     s , subst  Q  P s  Q) (lemma₁ b) f)                        ≡⟨ (let s , _ = out₁ i (_≃_.from (lemma₀ b i) x) in
                                                                        cong (s ,_) $
                                                                        apply-ext (lower-extensionality _ _ ext) λ _  sym $
                                                                        push-subst-application _ _) 
    (let s , f = out₁ i (_≃_.from (lemma₀ b i) x) in
     s , λ i  subst  Q  P s i  Q i) (lemma₁ b) (f i))          ≡⟨ (let s , _ = out₁ i (_≃_.from (lemma₀ b i) x) in
                                                                        cong (s ,_) $
                                                                        apply-ext (lower-extensionality _ _ ext) λ _ 
                                                                        apply-ext (lower-extensionality _ _ ext) λ _  sym $
                                                                        push-subst-application _ _) 
    (let s , f = out₁ i (_≃_.from (lemma₀ b i) x) in
     s , λ i p  subst (_$ i) (lemma₁ b) (f i p))                   ≡⟨ (let _ , f = out₁ i (_≃_.from (lemma₀ b i) x) in
                                                                        cong (_ ,_) $
                                                                        apply-ext (lower-extensionality _ _ ext) λ i 
                                                                        apply-ext (lower-extensionality _ _ ext) $
                                                                        lemma₁-lemma₃ b f i) 
    (let s , f = out₁ i (_≃_.from (lemma₀ b i) x) in
     s , λ i p  _≃_.to (lemma₀ b i) (f i p))                       ≡⟨⟩

    map C (_≃_.to  lemma₀ b) i (out₁ i (_≃_.from (lemma₀ b i) x))  ≡⟨ lemma₀-lemma b x ⟩∎

    out₂ i x                                                        

-- Conversion lemmas

-- A conversion lemma for Coalgebra.

Coalgebra≃Coalgebra :
   p {I : Type i} (C : Container I s (i  p)) 
  Coalgebra C ↝[ i  s  p  i  s  p ]
  CC.Coalgebra (_⇔_.to (Container⇔Container p) C)
Coalgebra≃Coalgebra {s} p C {k} ext =
  ( λ P  P   C  P)                                   ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                              ∀-cong (lower-extensionality? k (s  p) lzero ext) λ _ 
                                                              ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                              from-equivalence $ inverse $ ⟦⟧≃⟦⟧ p C _) ⟩□
  ( λ P  P  C.⟦ _⇔_.to (Container⇔Container p) C  P)  

-- A conversion lemma for _⇨_.

⇨≃⇨ :
   p {I : Type i} (C : Container I s (i  p)) 
  Extensionality (i  s  p) (i  s  p) 
  (X Y : Coalgebra C) 
  (X  Y) 
  (Coalgebra≃Coalgebra p C _ X CC.⇨ Coalgebra≃Coalgebra p C _ Y)
⇨≃⇨ {s} p C ext (P , f) (Q , g) =
  ( λ (h : P  Q)  g ∘⇾ h  map _ h ∘⇾ f)     ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ h  inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ $
                                                    ∀-cong (lower-extensionality (s  p) lzero ext) λ _ 
                                                    ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                    inverse $ ⟦⟧≃⟦⟧ p C _) ⟩□
  ( λ (h : P  Q) 
     ((Σ-map id uncurry ∘_)  g) ∘⇾ h 
     C.map _ h ∘⇾ ((Σ-map id uncurry ∘_)  f))  

-- A conversion lemma for Final.

Final≃Final :
   p {I : Type i} (C : Container I s (i  p)) 
  Extensionality (lsuc (i  s  p)) (i  s  p) 
  (ext : Extensionality (i  s  p) (i  s  p))
  (X : Coalgebra C) 
  Final X  CC.Final (_≃_.to (Coalgebra≃Coalgebra p C ext) X)
Final≃Final p C ext′ ext X =
  (∀ Y  Contractible (Y  X))                               ↝⟨ (Π-cong ext′ (Coalgebra≃Coalgebra p C {k = equivalence} ext) λ Y 
                                                                 H-level-cong ext 0 $
                                                                 ⇨≃⇨ p C ext Y X) ⟩□
  (∀ Y  Contractible (Y CC.⇨ Coalgebra≃Coalgebra p C _ X))  

-- A conversion lemma for Final′.

Final′≃Final′ :
   p {I : Type i} (C : Container I s (i  p)) 
  Extensionality (lsuc (i  s  p)) (i  s  p) 
  (ext : Extensionality (i  s  p) (i  s  p))
  (X : Coalgebra C) 
  Final′ X  CC.Final′ (_≃_.to (Coalgebra≃Coalgebra p C ext) X)
Final′≃Final′ p C ext′ ext X =
  (∀ Y   λ (m : Y     X )  (m′ : Y     X )  proj₁ m  proj₁ m′)  ↝⟨ (Π-cong ext′ (Coalgebra≃Coalgebra p C {k = equivalence} ext) λ Y 
                                                                           Σ-cong (⇨≃⇨ p C ext Y X) λ _ 
                                                                           Π-cong ext (⇨≃⇨ p C ext Y X) λ _ 
                                                                           F.id) ⟩□
  (∀ Y   λ (m : Y CC.⇨ X′)  (m′ : Y CC.⇨ X′)  proj₁ m  proj₁ m′)  
  X′ = _≃_.to (Coalgebra≃Coalgebra p C ext) X

-- A conversion lemma for Final-coalgebra.

Final-coalgebra≃Final-coalgebra :
   p {I : Type i} (C : Container I s (i  p)) 
  Extensionality (lsuc (i  s  p)) (i  s  p) 
  Final-coalgebra C 
  CC.Final-coalgebra (_⇔_.to (Container⇔Container p) C)
Final-coalgebra≃Final-coalgebra p C ext =
  ( λ (X :    Coalgebra C )     Final X)  ↝⟨ Σ-cong {k₁ = equivalence}
                                                 (Coalgebra≃Coalgebra p C ext′)
                                                 (Final≃Final p C ext ext′) ⟩□
  ( λ (X : CC.Coalgebra C′)  CC.Final X)  
  C′   = _⇔_.to (Container⇔Container p) C
  ext′ = lower-extensionality _ lzero ext

-- A conversion lemma for Final-coalgebra′.

Final-coalgebra′≃Final-coalgebra′ :
   p {I : Type i} (C : Container I s (i  p)) 
  Extensionality (lsuc (i  s  p)) (i  s  p) 
  Final-coalgebra′ C 
  CC.Final-coalgebra′ (_⇔_.to (Container⇔Container p) C)
Final-coalgebra′≃Final-coalgebra′ p C ext =
  ( λ (X :    Coalgebra C )     Final′ X)  ↝⟨ Σ-cong {k₁ = equivalence}
                                                  (Coalgebra≃Coalgebra p C ext′)
                                                  (Final′≃Final′ p C ext ext′) ⟩□
  ( λ (X : CC.Coalgebra C′)  CC.Final′ X)  
  C′   = _⇔_.to (Container⇔Container p) C
  ext′ = lower-extensionality _ lzero ext