-- A variant of Coherently with an erased field

{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}

import Equality.Path as P

module Lens.Non-dependent.Higher.Coherently.Coinductive.Erased
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

import Equality.Path.Univalence as EPU
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Bijection equality-with-J as B using (_↔_)
import Bijection P.equality-with-J as PB
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms.Univalence eq using (univ)
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
import Equivalence P.equality-with-J as PEq
open import Equivalence.Erased equality-with-J as EEq using (_≃ᴱ_)
import Extensionality P.equality-with-J as PExt
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (_∘_)
import Function-universe P.equality-with-J as PF
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional.One-step eq as O
  using (∥_∥¹; ∥∥¹ᴱ→∥∥¹)
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional.One-step.Erased eq as OE
  using (∥_∥¹ᴱ)
open import Univalence-axiom equality-with-J
import Univalence-axiom P.equality-with-J as PU

open import Lens.Non-dependent.Higher.Coherently.Coinductive eq as C
  using (Coherently)

    a b  p p₁ p₂ : Level
    A A₁ A₂ B C   : Type a
    P             : A  Type p
    x y           : A
    f             : A  B

-- A variant of
-- Lens.Non-dependent.Higher.Coherently.Coinductive.Coherently with an
-- erased "coherent" field.

record Coherentlyᴱ
         {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
         (P : {A : Type a}  (A  B)  Type p)
         (@0 step : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B)
         (f : A  B) : Type p where
    property    : P f
    @0 coherent : Coherentlyᴱ P step (step f property)

open Coherentlyᴱ public

-- A preservation lemma for Coherentlyᴱ. (See also Coherentlyᴱ-cong
-- below.)

@0 Coherentlyᴱ-cong′ :
  {P : {A : Type a}  (A  B)  Type p}
  {step : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B} 
  (A₁≃A₂ : A₁  A₂) 
  Coherentlyᴱ P step (f  _≃_.to A₁≃A₂)  Coherentlyᴱ P step f
Coherentlyᴱ-cong′ {f = f} {P = P} {step = step} A₁≃A₂ =
  ≃-elim₁ univ
       Coherentlyᴱ P step (f  _≃_.to A₁≃A₂) 
       Coherentlyᴱ P step f)

-- In erased contexts Coherently and Coherentlyᴱ are, in a certain
-- sense, logically equivalent.

@0 Coherentlyᴱ⇔Coherently :
  {P : {A : Type a}  (A  B)  Type p}
  {step : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P f   A ∥¹  B} 
  Coherentlyᴱ P  f p  step f p  ∥∥¹ᴱ→∥∥¹) f  Coherently P step f
Coherentlyᴱ⇔Coherently ._⇔_.from c .property = c .C.property
Coherentlyᴱ⇔Coherently ._⇔_.from c .coherent =
  Coherentlyᴱ⇔Coherently ._⇔_.from
    (_≃_.from (C.Coherently-cong′ O.∥∥¹ᴱ≃∥∥¹) (c .C.coherent))

Coherentlyᴱ⇔Coherently ._⇔_.to c .C.property = c .property
Coherentlyᴱ⇔Coherently ._⇔_.to c .C.coherent =
  Coherentlyᴱ⇔Coherently ._⇔_.to
    (_≃_.to (Coherentlyᴱ-cong′ O.∥∥¹ᴱ≃∥∥¹)
       (c .coherent))

private opaque

  -- A preservation lemma for Coherentlyᴱ.

  @0 Coherentlyᴱ-cong-≡ :
    {P₁ P₂ : {A : Type a}  (A  B)  Type p}
    {step₁ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₁ f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B}
    {step₂ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₂ f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B}
    (P₁≃P₂ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₁ f  P₂ f) 
    ({A : Type a} (f : A  B) (x : P₂ f) 
     step₁ f (_≃_.from (P₁≃P₂ f) x)  step₂ f x) 
    Coherentlyᴱ P₁ step₁ f P.≡ Coherentlyᴱ P₂ step₂ f
    {a = a} {B = B} {p = p} {f = f} {P₁ = P₁} {P₂ = P₂}
    {step₁ = step₁} {step₂ = step₂} P₁≃P₂′ step₁≡step₂ =

    P.cong  ((P , step) :
               λ (P : (A : Type a)  (A  B)  Type p) 
                  {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P A f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B) 
             Coherentlyᴱ (P _) step f) $


      (P.⟨ext⟩ λ A  P.⟨ext⟩ λ (f : A  B) 
       EPU.≃⇒≡ (P₁≃P₂ f))

      (PExt.implicit-extensionality P.ext λ A  P.⟨ext⟩ λ f 
         P.subst  P  {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P A f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B)
           (P.⟨ext⟩ λ A  P.⟨ext⟩ λ (f : A  B) 
            EPU.≃⇒≡ (P₁≃P₂ f))
           step₁ f                                                       P.≡⟨ P.trans (P.cong (_$ f) $ P.sym $
                                                                                         (P.⟨ext⟩ λ A  P.⟨ext⟩ λ (f : A  B)  EPU.≃⇒≡ (P₁≃P₂ f))
                                                                                          P A  (f : A  B)  P A f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B)
                                                                                         {f = const _} {g = step₁}) $
                                                                              P.sym $ P.push-subst-application
                                                                                        (P.⟨ext⟩ λ A  P.⟨ext⟩ λ (f : A  B)  EPU.≃⇒≡ (P₁≃P₂ f))
                                                                                         P f  P A f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B)
                                                                                        {f = const f} {g = step₁} 
         P.subst  P  P A f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B)
           (P.⟨ext⟩ λ A  P.⟨ext⟩ λ (f : A  B) 
            EPU.≃⇒≡ (P₁≃P₂ f))
           (step₁ f)                                                     P.≡⟨⟩

         P.subst  P  P   A ∥¹ᴱ  B)
           (EPU.≃⇒≡ (P₁≃P₂ f))
           (step₁ f)                                                     P.≡⟨ P.sym $
                                                                                 P  P   A ∥¹ᴱ  B)
                                                                                (PF.→-cong₁ _)
                                                                                 _  P.refl)
                                                                                (P₁≃P₂ f)
                                                                                (step₁ f) 
         PF.→-cong₁ _ (P₁≃P₂ f) (step₁ f)                                P.≡⟨⟩

         step₁ f  PEq._≃_.from (P₁≃P₂ f)                                P.≡⟨ P.⟨ext⟩ (_↔_.to ≡↔≡  step₁≡step₂ f) ⟩∎

         step₂ f                                                         )
    P₁≃P₂ : (f : A  B)  P₁ f PEq.≃ P₂ f
    P₁≃P₂ f = _↔_.to ≃↔≃ (P₁≃P₂′ f)

    Σ-≡,≡→≡′ :
      {p₁ p₂ : Σ A P} 
      (p : proj₁ p₁ P.≡ proj₁ p₂) 
      P.subst P p (proj₂ p₁) P.≡ proj₂ p₂ 
      p₁ P.≡ p₂
    Σ-≡,≡→≡′ {P = P} {p₁ = _ , y₁} {p₂ = _ , y₂} p q i =
      p i , lemma i
      lemma : P.[  i  P (p i)) ] y₁  y₂
      lemma = PB._↔_.from (P.heterogeneous↔homogeneous _) q

private opaque
  unfolding Coherentlyᴱ-cong-≡

  -- A "computation rule".

  to-Coherentlyᴱ-cong-≡-property :
    {P₁ P₂ : {A : Type a}  (A  B)  Type p}
    {step₁ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₁ f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B}
    {step₂ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₂ f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B}
    (P₁≃P₂ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₁ f  P₂ f)
    (step₁≡step₂ :
       {A : Type a} (f : A  B) (x : P₂ f) 
       step₁ f (_≃_.from (P₁≃P₂ f) x)  step₂ f x)
    (c : Coherentlyᴱ P₁ step₁ f) 
    PU.≡⇒→ (Coherentlyᴱ-cong-≡ P₁≃P₂ step₁≡step₂) c .property
    _≃_.to (P₁≃P₂ f) (c .property)
    {f = f} {P₁ = P₁} {P₂ = P₂} P₁≃P₂ step₁≡step₂ c =

    P.transport  _  P₂ f) P.0̲
      (_≃_.to (P₁≃P₂ f) (P.transport  _  P₁ f) P.0̲ (c .property)))  P.≡⟨ P.cong (_$ _≃_.to (P₁≃P₂ f)
                                                                                         (P.transport  _  P₁ f) P.0̲ (c .property))) $
                                                                            P.transport-refl P.0̲ 

    _≃_.to (P₁≃P₂ f) (P.transport  _  P₁ f) P.0̲ (c .property))      P.≡⟨ P.cong  g  _≃_.to (P₁≃P₂ f) (g (c .property))) $
                                                                            P.transport-refl P.0̲ ⟩∎
    _≃_.to (P₁≃P₂ f) (c .property)                                     

private opaque
  unfolding Coherentlyᴱ-cong-≡

  -- Another "computation rule".

  from-Coherentlyᴱ-cong-≡-property :
    {P₁ P₂ : {A : Type a}  (A  B)  Type p}
    {step₁ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₁ f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B}
    {step₂ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₂ f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B}
    (P₁≃P₂ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₁ f  P₂ f)
    (step₁≡step₂ :
       {A : Type a} (f : A  B) (x : P₂ f) 
       step₁ f (_≃_.from (P₁≃P₂ f) x)  step₂ f x)
    (c : Coherentlyᴱ P₂ step₂ f) 
      (PU.≡⇒≃ (Coherentlyᴱ-cong-≡ {step₁ = step₁} P₁≃P₂ step₁≡step₂))
      c .property P.≡
    _≃_.from (P₁≃P₂ f) (c .property)
    {f = f} {P₁ = P₁} {P₂ = P₂} P₁≃P₂ step₁≡step₂ c =

    P.transport  _  P₁ f) P.0̲
      (_≃_.from (P₁≃P₂ f) (P.transport  _  P₂ f) P.0̲ (c .property)))  P.≡⟨ P.cong (_$ _≃_.from (P₁≃P₂ f)
                                                                                           (P.transport  _  P₂ f) P.0̲ (c .property))) $
                                                                              P.transport-refl P.0̲ 

    _≃_.from (P₁≃P₂ f) (P.transport  _  P₂ f) P.0̲ (c .property))      P.≡⟨ P.cong  g  _≃_.from (P₁≃P₂ f) (g (c .property))) $
                                                                              P.transport-refl P.0̲ ⟩∎
    _≃_.from (P₁≃P₂ f) (c .property)                                     


  -- A preservation lemma for Coherentlyᴱ.
  -- The two directions of this equivalence compute the property
  -- fields in certain ways, see the "unit tests" below.
  -- Note that P₁ and P₂ have to target the same universe. A more
  -- general result is given below (Coherentlyᴱ-cong).

  Coherentlyᴱ-cong-≃ᴱ :
    {P₁ P₂ : {A : Type a}  (A  B)  Type p}
    {@0 step₁ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₁ f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B}
    {@0 step₂ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₂ f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B}
    (P₁≃P₂ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₁ f ≃ᴱ P₂ f) 
    @0 ({A : Type a} (f : A  B) (x : P₂ f) 
        step₁ f (_≃ᴱ_.from (P₁≃P₂ f) x)  step₂ f x) 
    Coherentlyᴱ P₁ step₁ f ≃ᴱ Coherentlyᴱ P₂ step₂ f
    {f = f} {P₁ = P₁} {P₂ = P₂} {step₁ = step₁} {step₂ = step₂}
    P₁≃P₂ step₁≡step₂ =

            (Eq.with-other-function equiv to (_↔_.from ≡↔≡  ≡to))
            (_↔_.from ≡↔≡  ≡from)))


    @0 equiv : Coherentlyᴱ P₁ step₁ f  Coherentlyᴱ P₂ step₂ f
    equiv =
      _↔_.from ≃↔≃ $ PU.≡⇒≃ $
      Coherentlyᴱ-cong-≡ (EEq.≃ᴱ→≃  P₁≃P₂) step₁≡step₂

    to : Coherentlyᴱ P₁ step₁ f  Coherentlyᴱ P₂ step₂ f
    to c .property = _≃ᴱ_.to (P₁≃P₂ f) (c .property)
    to c .coherent =
        (Coherentlyᴱ P₂ step₂)
        (P.cong (step₂ f) $
           (EEq.≃ᴱ→≃  P₁≃P₂) step₁≡step₂ c) $
      _≃_.to equiv c .coherent

    @0 ≡to :  c  _≃_.to equiv c P.≡ to c
    ≡to c i .property = to-Coherentlyᴱ-cong-≡-property
                          (EEq.≃ᴱ→≃  P₁≃P₂) step₁≡step₂ c i
    ≡to c i .coherent = lemma i
      lemma :
        P.[  i  Coherentlyᴱ P₂ step₂
                     (step₂ f (to-Coherentlyᴱ-cong-≡-property
                                 (EEq.≃ᴱ→≃  P₁≃P₂)
                                 step₁≡step₂ c i))) ]
          _≃_.to equiv c .coherent 
            (Coherentlyᴱ P₂ step₂)
            (P.cong (step₂ f) $
               (EEq.≃ᴱ→≃  P₁≃P₂) step₁≡step₂ c)
            (_≃_.to equiv c .coherent)
      lemma =
        PB._↔_.from (P.heterogeneous↔homogeneous _) P.refl

    from : Coherentlyᴱ P₂ step₂ f  Coherentlyᴱ P₁ step₁ f
    from c .property = _≃ᴱ_.from (P₁≃P₂ f) (c .property)
    from c .coherent =
        (Coherentlyᴱ P₁ step₁)
        (P.cong (step₁ f) $
           (EEq.≃ᴱ→≃  P₁≃P₂) step₁≡step₂ c) $
      _≃_.from equiv c .coherent

    @0 ≡from :  c  _≃_.from equiv c P.≡ from c
    ≡from c i .property = from-Coherentlyᴱ-cong-≡-property
                            (EEq.≃ᴱ→≃  P₁≃P₂) step₁≡step₂ c i
    ≡from c i .coherent = lemma i
      lemma :
        P.[  i  Coherentlyᴱ P₁ step₁
                     (step₁ f (from-Coherentlyᴱ-cong-≡-property
                                 (EEq.≃ᴱ→≃  P₁≃P₂)
                                 step₁≡step₂ c i))) ]
          _≃_.from equiv c .coherent 
            (Coherentlyᴱ P₁ step₁)
            (P.cong (step₁ f) $
               (EEq.≃ᴱ→≃  P₁≃P₂) step₁≡step₂ c)
            (_≃_.from equiv c .coherent)
      lemma =
        PB._↔_.from (P.heterogeneous↔homogeneous _) P.refl

  -- Unit tests that ensure that Coherentlyᴱ-cong-≃ᴱ computes the
  -- property fields in certain ways.

  module _
    {P₁ P₂ : {A : Type a}  (A  B)  Type p}
    {@0 step₁ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₁ f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B}
    {@0 step₂ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₂ f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B}
    {P₁≃P₂ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₁ f ≃ᴱ P₂ f}
    {@0 step₁≡step₂ :
       {A : Type a} (f : A  B) (x : P₂ f) 
       step₁ f (_≃ᴱ_.from (P₁≃P₂ f) x)  step₂ f x}

    _ :
      {c : Coherentlyᴱ P₁ step₁ f} 
      _≃ᴱ_.to (Coherentlyᴱ-cong-≃ᴱ P₁≃P₂ step₁≡step₂) c .property 
      _≃ᴱ_.to (P₁≃P₂ f) (c .property)
    _ = refl _

    _ :
      {c : Coherentlyᴱ P₂ step₂ f} 
      _≃ᴱ_.from (Coherentlyᴱ-cong-≃ᴱ {step₁ = step₁} P₁≃P₂ step₁≡step₂)
        c .property 
      _≃ᴱ_.from (P₁≃P₂ f) (c .property)
    _ = refl _

  -- A lemma involving Coherentlyᴱ and ↑.

  Coherentlyᴱ-↑ :
    {P : {A : Type a}  (A  B)  Type p}
    {@0 step : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B} 
    Coherentlyᴱ (   P) ((_∘ lower)  step) f 
    Coherentlyᴱ P step f
  Coherentlyᴱ-↑ { = } {P = P} {step = step} =
      (_↔_.from ≡↔≡  to-from)
      (_↔_.from ≡↔≡  from-to)
    to :
      Coherentlyᴱ (   P) ((_∘ lower)  step) f 
      Coherentlyᴱ P step f
    to c .property = lower (c .property)
    to c .coherent = to (c .coherent)

    from :
      Coherentlyᴱ P step f 
      Coherentlyᴱ (   P) ((_∘ lower)  step) f
    from c .property = lift (c .property)
    from c .coherent = from (c .coherent)

    to-from :
      (c : Coherentlyᴱ P step f) 
      to (from c) P.≡ c
    to-from c i .property = c .property
    to-from c i .coherent = to-from (c .coherent) i

    from-to :
      (c : Coherentlyᴱ (   P) ((_∘ lower)  step) f) 
      from (to c) P.≡ c
    from-to c i .property = c .property
    from-to c i .coherent = from-to (c .coherent) i

-- A preservation lemma for Coherentlyᴱ.
-- The two directions of this equivalence compute the property
-- fields in certain ways, see the "unit tests" below.

Coherentlyᴱ-cong :
  {P₁ : {A : Type a}  (A  B)  Type p₁}
  {P₂ : {A : Type a}  (A  B)  Type p₂}
  {@0 step₁ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₁ f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B}
  {@0 step₂ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₂ f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B}
  (P₁≃P₂ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₁ f ≃ᴱ P₂ f) 
  @0 ({A : Type a} (f : A  B) (x : P₂ f) 
      step₁ f (_≃ᴱ_.from (P₁≃P₂ f) x)  step₂ f x) 
  Coherentlyᴱ P₁ step₁ f ≃ᴱ Coherentlyᴱ P₂ step₂ f
  {p₁ = p₁} {p₂ = p₂} {f = f}
  {P₁ = P₁} {P₂ = P₂} {step₁ = step₁} {step₂ = step₂}
  P₁≃P₂ step₁≡step₂ =

  Coherentlyᴱ P₁ step₁ f                          ↔⟨ inverse Coherentlyᴱ-↑ 

  Coherentlyᴱ ( p₂  P₁) ((_∘ lower)  step₁) f  ↝⟨ Coherentlyᴱ-cong-≃ᴱ
     p₂ (P₁ f)                                           ↔⟨ B.↑↔ 
    P₁ f                                                  ↝⟨ P₁≃P₂ f 
    P₂ f                                                  ↔⟨ inverse B.↑↔ ⟩□
     p₁ (P₂ f)                                           )
                                                       ((_∘ lower)  step₁≡step₂) 

  Coherentlyᴱ ( p₁  P₂) ((_∘ lower)  step₂) f  ↔⟨ Coherentlyᴱ-↑ ⟩□

  Coherentlyᴱ P₂ step₂ f                          

-- Unit tests that ensure that Coherentlyᴱ-cong computes the property
-- fields in certain ways.

module _
  {P₁ : {A : Type a}  (A  B)  Type p₁}
  {P₂ : {A : Type a}  (A  B)  Type p₂}
  {@0 step₁ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₁ f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B}
  {@0 step₂ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₂ f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B}
  {P₁≃P₂ : {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P₁ f ≃ᴱ P₂ f}
  {@0 step₁≡step₂ :
     {A : Type a} (f : A  B) (x : P₂ f) 
     step₁ f (_≃ᴱ_.from (P₁≃P₂ f) x)  step₂ f x}

  _ :
    {c : Coherentlyᴱ P₁ step₁ f} 
    _≃ᴱ_.to (Coherentlyᴱ-cong P₁≃P₂ step₁≡step₂) c .property 
    _≃ᴱ_.to (P₁≃P₂ f) (c .property)
  _ = refl _

  _ :
    {c : Coherentlyᴱ P₂ step₂ f} 
    _≃ᴱ_.from (Coherentlyᴱ-cong {step₁ = step₁} P₁≃P₂ step₁≡step₂)
      c .property 
    _≃ᴱ_.from (P₁≃P₂ f) (c .property)
  _ = refl _

-- A "computation rule".

subst-Coherentlyᴱ-property :
   {P : C  {A : Type a}  (A  B)  Type p}
    {@0 step : (c : C) {A : Type a} (f : A  B)  P c f   A ∥¹ᴱ  B}
    {f : C  A  B} {eq : x  y} {c} 
  subst  x  Coherentlyᴱ (P x) (step x) (f x)) eq c .property 
  subst  x  P x (f x)) eq (c .property)
  {P = P} {step = step} {f = f} {eq = eq} {c = c} =
       subst  x  Coherentlyᴱ (P x) (step x) (f x)) eq c .property 
       subst  x  P x (f x)) eq (c .property))
    (subst  x  Coherentlyᴱ (P x) (step x) (f x)) (refl _) c .property  ≡⟨ cong property $ subst-refl _ _ 
     c .property                                                          ≡⟨ sym $ subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎
     subst  x  P x (f x)) (refl _) (c .property)                       )