-- Indexed containers

-- Partly based on "Indexed containers" by Altenkirch, Ghani, Hancock,
-- McBride and Morris, and partly based on "Non-wellfounded trees in
-- Homotopy Type Theory" by Ahrens, Capriotti and Spadotti.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Container.Indexed
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p e⁺) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Prelude

import Bijection eq as B
open import Equivalence eq as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Extensionality eq
open import Function-universe eq as F hiding (id; _∘_)

    a  p p₁ p₂ pos q r s : Level
    A I O                 : Type a
    P Q R                 : A  Type p
    ext f i k o           : A

-- _⇾_

-- A kind of function space for indexed types.

infix 4 _⇾_

_⇾_ :
  {A : Type a} 
  (A  Type p)  (A  Type q)  Type (a  p  q)
P  Q =  x  P x  Q x

-- An identity function.

id⇾ : P  P
id⇾ _ = id


  infixr 9 _∘⇾_ _∘⇾′_ _∘⇾″_

  -- Composition for _⇾_.

  _∘⇾_ : Q  R  P  Q  P  R
  _∘⇾_ = _∘⇾′_

  -- A generalisation of _∘⇾_.

  _∘⇾′_ :
    {I : Type i} {P : I  Type p} {Q : I  Type q}
    {R :  {i}  Q i  Type r} 
    (∀ i (x : Q i)  R x) 
    (g : P  Q) 
    ((i : I) (x : P i)  R (g i x))
  f ∘⇾′ g =  i _  f i) ∘⇾″ g

  -- Another generalisation of _∘⇾_.

  _∘⇾″_ :
    {I : Type i} {P : I  Type p} {Q :  {i}  P i  Type q}
    {R :  {i} {x : P i}  Q x  Type r} 
    (∀ i (x : P i) (y : Q x)  R y) 
    (g :  i (x : P i)  Q x) 
    ((i : I) (x : P i)  R (g i x))
  f ∘⇾″ g = λ i  f i _  g i

-- A variant of cong-post-∘-ext.

cong-post-∘⇾-ext :
  {I : Type i}
  {P : I  Type p} {Q :  {i}  P i  Type q} {R : I  Type r}
  {h :  i (x : P i)  Q x  R i} {f g :  i (x : P i)  Q x}
  {f≡g :  i x  f i x  g i x}
  (ext₁ : Extensionality i (p  r))
  (ext₂ : Extensionality i (p  q))
  (ext₃ : Extensionality p r)
  (ext₄ : Extensionality p q) 
  cong (h ∘⇾″_) (apply-ext ext₂ (apply-ext ext₄  f≡g)) 
  apply-ext ext₁ (apply-ext ext₃   i x  cong (h i x)) ∘⇾″ f≡g)
cong-post-∘⇾-ext {h} {f≡g} ext₁ ext₂ ext₃ ext₄ =
  cong ((λ {i}   {x}  h i x) ∘_) ∘_)
    (apply-ext ext₂ (apply-ext ext₄  f≡g))                               ≡⟨ cong-post-∘-ext ext₂ ext₁ 

  (apply-ext ext₁ $
    {i}  cong ((λ {x}  h i x) ∘_))  apply-ext ext₄  f≡g)            ≡⟨⟩

  (apply-ext ext₁ λ i 
   cong ((λ {x}  h i x) ∘_) (apply-ext ext₄ (f≡g i)))                    ≡⟨ (cong (apply-ext ext₁) $ apply-ext ext₁ λ _ 
                                                                              cong-post-∘-ext ext₄ ext₃) ⟩∎
  (apply-ext ext₁ λ i  apply-ext ext₃ ((λ {x}  cong (h i x))  f≡g i))  

-- A variant of cong-pre-∘-ext.

cong-pre-∘⇾-ext :
  {I : Type i}
  {P : I  Type p} {Q : I  Type q} {R :  {i}  Q i  Type r}
  {f g :  i (x : Q i)  R x} {h : P  Q}
  {f≡g :  i x  f i x  g i x}
  (ext₁ : Extensionality i (p  r))
  (ext₂ : Extensionality i (q  r))
  (ext₃ : Extensionality p r)
  (ext₄ : Extensionality q r) 
  cong (_∘⇾′ h) (apply-ext ext₂ (apply-ext ext₄  f≡g)) 
  apply-ext ext₁ (apply-ext ext₃  f≡g ∘⇾′ h)
cong-pre-∘⇾-ext {h} {f≡g} ext₁ ext₂ ext₃ ext₄ =
  cong  f i  f i  h i) (apply-ext ext₂ (apply-ext ext₄  f≡g))  ≡⟨ sym $ ext-cong ext₁ 

  (apply-ext ext₁ λ i 
   cong  f  f i  h i) (apply-ext ext₂ (apply-ext ext₄  f≡g)))  ≡⟨ (cong (apply-ext ext₁) $ apply-ext ext₁ λ _  sym $
                                                                        cong-∘ _ _ _) 
  (apply-ext ext₁ λ i  cong (_∘ h i) $
   cong (_$ i) (apply-ext ext₂ (apply-ext ext₄  f≡g)))             ≡⟨ (cong (apply-ext ext₁) $ apply-ext ext₁ λ _  cong (cong _) $
                                                                        cong-ext ext₂) 

  (apply-ext ext₁ λ i  cong (_∘ h i) (apply-ext ext₄ (f≡g i)))     ≡⟨ (cong (apply-ext ext₁) $ apply-ext ext₁ λ _ 
                                                                        cong-pre-∘-ext ext₃ ext₄) ⟩∎
  (apply-ext ext₁ λ i  apply-ext ext₃ (f≡g i  h i))               

-- Containers

-- Doubly indexed containers.

record Container₂ (I : Type i) (O : Type o) s p :
                  Type (i  o  lsuc (s  p)) where
    Shape    : O  Type s
    Position :  {o}  Shape o  Type p
    index    :  {o} {s : Shape o}  Position s  I

open Container₂ public

-- Singly indexed containers.

Container : Type i   s p  Type (i  lsuc (s  p))
Container I = Container₂ I I

    C : Container₂ I O s p

-- Container₂ can be expressed as a nested Σ-type.

Container≃Σ :
  Container₂ I O s p 
  ( λ (S : O  Type s) 
    λ (P :  {o}  S o  Type p) 
      {o} {s : S o}  P s  I)
Container≃Σ = Eq.↔→≃
   C  C .Shape , C .Position , C .index)
   (S , P , i)  record { Shape = S; Position = P; index = i })

-- Polynomial functors

-- The polynomial functor associated to a container.

⟦_⟧ :
  {I : Type i} {O : Type o} 
  Container₂ I O s p  (I  Type )  O  Type (  s  p)
 C  P i =  λ (s : Shape C i)  (p : Position C s)  P (index C p)

-- A map function.

map : (C : Container₂ I O s p)  P  Q   C  P   C  Q
map C f _ (s , g) = s , f _  g

-- Functor laws.

map-id : map C (id⇾ {P = P})  id⇾
map-id = refl _

map-∘ :
  (f : Q  R) (g : P  Q) 
  map C (f ∘⇾ g)  map C f ∘⇾ map C g
map-∘ _ _ = refl _

-- A preservation lemma.

⟦⟧-cong :
  {I : Type i} {P₁ : I  Type p₁} {P₂ : I  Type p₂} 
  Extensionality? k p (p₁  p₂) 
  (C : Container₂ I O s p) 
  (∀ i  P₁ i ↝[ k ] P₂ i) 
  (∀ o   C  P₁ o ↝[ k ]  C  P₂ o)
⟦⟧-cong {P₁} {P₂} ext C P₁↝P₂ o =
  ( λ (s : Shape C o)  (p : Position C s)  P₁ (index C p))  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  P₁↝P₂ _) ⟩□
  ( λ (s : Shape C o)  (p : Position C s)  P₂ (index C p))  

-- The forward direction of ⟦⟧-cong is an instance of map (at least
-- when k is equivalence).

_ : _≃_.to (⟦⟧-cong ext C f o)  map C (_≃_.to  f) o
_ = refl _

-- The shapes of a container are pointwise equivalent to the
-- polynomial functor of the container applied to the constant
-- function yielding the unit type.
-- (This lemma was suggested to me by an anonymous reviewer of a
-- paper.)

Shape≃⟦⟧⊤ :
  (C : Container₂ I O s p) 
  Shape C o   C   _  ) o
Shape≃⟦⟧⊤ {o} C =
  Shape C o                                 ↔⟨ inverse $ drop-⊤-right  _  →-right-zero) ⟩□
  ( λ (s : Shape C o)  Position C s  )  

-- A rearrangement lemma for cong, map and apply-ext.

cong-map-ext :
  {I : Type i} {O : Type o} {C : Container₂ I O s pos}
  {P : I  Type p} {Q : I  Type q}
  {f g : P  Q} {f≡g :  i x  f i x  g i x}
  (ext₁ : Extensionality i (p  q))
  (ext₂ : Extensionality p q)
  (ext₃ : Extensionality o (s  pos  p  q))
  (ext₄ : Extensionality (s  pos  p) (s  pos  q)) 
  (ext₅ : Extensionality pos q) 
  cong (map C) (apply-ext ext₁ (apply-ext ext₂  f≡g)) 
  (apply-ext ext₃ λ _  apply-ext ext₄ λ (s , h) 
   cong (s ,_) $ apply-ext ext₅ (f≡g _  h))
cong-map-ext {C} {P} {f≡g} ext₁ ext₂ ext₃ ext₄ ext₅ =
  cong  f _ (s , h)  s , λ p  f (index C p) (h p))
    (apply-ext ext₁ (apply-ext ext₂  f≡g))             ≡⟨ sym $ ext-cong ext₃ 

  (apply-ext ext₃ λ o 
   cong  f ((s , h) :  C  P o) 
           s , λ p  f (index C p) (h p)) $
   apply-ext ext₁ (apply-ext ext₂  f≡g))               ≡⟨ (cong (apply-ext ext₃) $ apply-ext ext₃ λ _ 
                                                            sym $ ext-cong ext₄) 
  (apply-ext ext₃ λ _  apply-ext ext₄ λ (s , h) 
   cong  f  s , λ p  f (index C p) (h p)) $
   apply-ext ext₁ (apply-ext ext₂  f≡g))               ≡⟨ (cong (apply-ext ext₃) $ apply-ext ext₃ λ _ 
                                                            cong (apply-ext ext₄) $ apply-ext ext₄ λ (s , _) 
                                                            sym $ cong-∘ (s ,_) _ _) 
  (apply-ext ext₃ λ _ 
   apply-ext ext₄ λ (s , h)  cong (s ,_) $
   cong  f p  f (index C p) (h p)) $
   apply-ext ext₁ (apply-ext ext₂  f≡g))               ≡⟨ (cong (apply-ext ext₃) $ apply-ext ext₃ λ _ 
                                                            cong (apply-ext ext₄) $ apply-ext ext₄ λ _ 
                                                            cong (cong _) $
                                                            sym $ ext-cong ext₅) 
  (apply-ext ext₃ λ _ 
   apply-ext ext₄ λ (s , h)  cong (s ,_) $
   apply-ext ext₅ λ p 
   cong  f  f (index C p) (h p)) $
   apply-ext ext₁ (apply-ext ext₂  f≡g))               ≡⟨ (cong (apply-ext ext₃) $ apply-ext ext₃ λ _ 
                                                            cong (apply-ext ext₄) $ apply-ext ext₄ λ _ 
                                                            cong (cong _) $
                                                            cong (apply-ext ext₅) $ apply-ext ext₅ λ _ 
                                                            sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _) 
  (apply-ext ext₃ λ _ 
   apply-ext ext₄ λ (s , h)  cong (s ,_) $
   apply-ext ext₅ λ p  cong (_$ h p) $
   cong (_$ index C p) $
   apply-ext ext₁ (apply-ext ext₂  f≡g))               ≡⟨ (cong (apply-ext ext₃) $ apply-ext ext₃ λ _ 
                                                            cong (apply-ext ext₄) $ apply-ext ext₄ λ _ 
                                                            cong (cong _) $
                                                            cong (apply-ext ext₅) $ apply-ext ext₅ λ _ 
                                                            cong (cong _) $
                                                            cong-ext ext₁) 
  (apply-ext ext₃ λ _ 
   apply-ext ext₄ λ (s , h)  cong (s ,_) $
   apply-ext ext₅ λ p  cong (_$ h p) $
   apply-ext ext₂ $ f≡g (index C p))                    ≡⟨ (cong (apply-ext ext₃) $ apply-ext ext₃ λ _ 
                                                            cong (apply-ext ext₄) $ apply-ext ext₄ λ _ 
                                                            cong (cong _) $
                                                            cong (apply-ext ext₅) $ apply-ext ext₅ λ _ 
                                                            cong-ext ext₂) ⟩∎
  (apply-ext ext₃ λ _ 
   apply-ext ext₄ λ (s , h)  cong (s ,_) $
   apply-ext ext₅ λ p  f≡g (index C p) (h p))          

-- Lifting the position type family

-- One can lift the position type family so that it is in a universe
-- that is at least as large as that containing the input indices.

lift-positions :
  {I : Type i} 
  Container₂ I O s p  Container₂ I O s (i  p)
lift-positions {i} C = λ where
  .Shape           C .Shape
  .Position s       i (C .Position s)
  .index (lift p)  C .index p

-- The result of ⟦_⟧ is not affected by lift-positions (up to
-- pointwise equivalence).

⟦⟧≃⟦lift-positions⟧ :
  {I : Type i}
  (C : Container₂ I O s p) (P : I  Type ) 
   C  P o   lift-positions C  P o
⟦⟧≃⟦lift-positions⟧ {o} C P =
  ∃-cong λ s 

  ((      p  :      Position C s)   P (index C p))  ↝⟨ Eq.↔→≃ (_∘ lower) (_∘ lift) refl refl ⟩□
  (((lift p) :  _ (Position C s))  P (index C p))