-- A delay monad with the possibility of crashing

module Lambda.Delay-crash where

import Equality.Propositional as E
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude
open import Prelude.Size

import Conat E.equality-with-J as Conat
open import Function-universe E.equality-with-J hiding (_∘_)
open import Maybe E.equality-with-J as Maybe hiding (raw-monad)
open import Monad E.equality-with-J as M
  using (Raw-monad; _>>=_)

open import Delay-monad
open import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity
open import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity.Kind
import Delay-monad.Monad as DM
import Delay-monad.Parallel as DP
import Delay-monad.Sequential as DS
open import Delay-monad.Termination


    A B C     : Type
    i         : Size
    f g k x y : A

-- Types and operations

-- The monad.

Delay-crash : Type  Size  Type
Delay-crash A i = Delay (Maybe A) i

-- A raw-monad instance. (This definition is turned into an actual
-- instance at the end of this module, to avoid problems with instance
-- resolution.)


  raw-monad′ : Raw-monad  A  Delay-crash A i)
  raw-monad′ {i = i} =
    _⇔_.to (M.⇔→raw⇔raw {F = MaybeT  A  Delay A i)}
               _  record { to = run; from = wrap }))

  module DC {i} = Raw-monad (raw-monad′ {i = i})

-- A crashing computation.

pattern crash = now nothing


  -- A computation that terminates now.

  pattern return x = now (just x)

-- Sequential composition of computations.
-- Note that if the first argument fails to terminate, and the other
-- one crashes, then the computation fails to terminate. However, if
-- the first argument crashes, then the computation always crashes.

infixl 6 _⊛ˢ_

_⊛ˢ_ : Delay-crash (A  B) i  Delay-crash A i  Delay-crash B i
f ⊛ˢ x = f DC.>>= λ f  x DC.>>= λ x  DC.return (f x)

-- Parallel composition of computations.
-- Note that if the first argument fails to terminate, and the other
-- one crashes, then the computation fails to terminate. However, if
-- the first argument crashes, then the computation always crashes.

infixl 6 _⊛ᵖ_

_⊛ᵖ_ : Delay-crash (A  B) i  Delay-crash A i  Delay-crash B i
crash    ⊛ᵖ _            = crash
return f ⊛ᵖ return x     = return (f x)
return f ⊛ᵖ crash        = crash
return f ⊛ᵖ later x      = later λ { .force  return f ⊛ᵖ x .force }
later f  ⊛ᵖ later x      = later λ { .force  f .force ⊛ᵖ x .force }
later f  ⊛ᵖ x            = later λ { .force  f .force ⊛ᵖ x }

-- Some properties

-- Bind preserves strong and weak bisimilarity and the expansion
-- relation.

infixl 5 _>>=-cong_

_>>=-cong_ :
  [ i ] x  k  y 
  (∀ z  [ i ] f z  k  g z) 
  [ i ] x DC.>>= f  k  y DC.>>= g
p >>=-cong q = p DM.>>=-cong [  _  run fail ) , q ]

-- Sequential composition preserves strong and weak bisimilarity and
-- the expansion relation.

infixl 6 _⊛ˢ-cong_

_⊛ˢ-cong_ :
  [ i ] f  k  g 
  [ i ] x  k  y 
  [ i ] f ⊛ˢ x  k  g ⊛ˢ y
p ⊛ˢ-cong q = p >>=-cong λ _  q >>=-cong λ _  now

-- Parallel composition preserves strong and weak bisimilarity and the
-- expansion relation.

infixl 6 _⊛ᵖ-cong_

_⊛ᵖ-cong_ :
  [ i ] f  k  g 
  [ i ] x  k  y 
  [ i ] f ⊛ᵖ x  k  g ⊛ᵖ y
_⊛ᵖ-cong_ = λ p q  ⊛ᵖ-cong-helper _ _ p _ _ q
  crash-lemma :
    [ i ] f  other k  crash   x  [ i ] f ⊛ᵖ x  other k  crash
  crash-lemma now        x         = now
  crash-lemma (laterˡ p) (now x)   = laterˡ (crash-lemma p _)
  crash-lemma (laterˡ p) (later x) = laterˡ (crash-lemma p _)

  ⊛ᵖ-cong-helper :
    (f g : Delay-crash (A  B) )  [ i ] f  k  g 
    (x y : Delay-crash A )        [ i ] x  k  y 
    [ i ] f ⊛ᵖ x  k  g ⊛ᵖ y
  ⊛ᵖ-cong-helper crash crash now = λ _ _ _  now

  ⊛ᵖ-cong-helper (return f) .(return f) now = λ where
    (later x)  (later y)   q           later λ { .force  now ⊛ᵖ-cong later⁻¹ q }
    crash      crash       now         now
    (return x) .(return x) now         now
    _          _           (laterˡ q)  laterˡ (now ⊛ᵖ-cong q)
    _          _           (laterʳ q)  laterʳ (now ⊛ᵖ-cong q)

  ⊛ᵖ-cong-helper (later f) (later g) p = λ where
    crash      crash       now         later λ { .force  later⁻¹ p ⊛ᵖ-cong now }
    (return x) .(return x) now         later λ { .force  later⁻¹ p ⊛ᵖ-cong now }
    (later x)  (later y)   q           later λ { .force  later⁻¹ p ⊛ᵖ-cong later⁻¹ q }
    _          crash       (laterˡ q)  later λ { .force  later⁻¹ p ⊛ᵖ-cong q }
    _          (return y)  (laterˡ q)  later λ { .force  later⁻¹ p ⊛ᵖ-cong q }
    crash      _           (laterʳ q)  later λ { .force  later⁻¹ p ⊛ᵖ-cong q }
    (return x) _           (laterʳ q)  later λ { .force  later⁻¹ p ⊛ᵖ-cong q }

  ⊛ᵖ-cong-helper _ (return g) (laterˡ p) = λ where
    crash      crash       now         laterˡ (p ⊛ᵖ-cong now)
    (return x) .(return x) now         laterˡ (p ⊛ᵖ-cong now)
    (later x)  (later y)   q           later λ { .force  p ⊛ᵖ-cong later⁻¹ q }
    _          crash       (laterˡ q)  laterˡ (p ⊛ᵖ-cong q)
    _          (return y)  (laterˡ q)  laterˡ (p ⊛ᵖ-cong q)
    crash      _           (laterʳ q)  later λ { .force  p ⊛ᵖ-cong q }
    (return x) _           (laterʳ q)  later λ { .force  p ⊛ᵖ-cong q }

  ⊛ᵖ-cong-helper (return f) _ (laterʳ p) = λ where
    crash      crash       now         laterʳ (p ⊛ᵖ-cong now)
    (return x) .(return x) now         laterʳ (p ⊛ᵖ-cong now)
    (later x)  (later y)   q           later λ { .force  p ⊛ᵖ-cong later⁻¹ q }
    _          crash       (laterˡ q)  later λ { .force  p ⊛ᵖ-cong q }
    _          (return y)  (laterˡ q)  later λ { .force  p ⊛ᵖ-cong q }
    crash      _           (laterʳ q)  laterʳ (p ⊛ᵖ-cong q)
    (return x) _           (laterʳ q)  laterʳ (p ⊛ᵖ-cong q)

  ⊛ᵖ-cong-helper _ crash p@(laterˡ _) = λ _ _ _  crash-lemma p _

  ⊛ᵖ-cong-helper crash _ p@(laterʳ _) =
    λ _ _ _  symmetric (crash-lemma (symmetric p) _)

-- The monad laws.

left-identity :
   x (f : A  Delay-crash B ) 
  [  ] DC.return x DC.>>= f  f x
left-identity x f =
  f x  

right-identity :
  (x : Delay-crash A ) 
  [  ] x DC.>>= DC.return  x
right-identity x =
  x DC.>>= DC.return        ∼⟨⟩
  x >>= maybe return crash  ∼⟨ (x ) DM.>>=-cong [  _  run fail ) ,  x  run (M.return x) ) ] 
  x >>= M.return            ∼⟨ DM.right-identity′ _ 

associativity :
  (x : Delay-crash A )
  (f : A  Delay-crash B ) (g : B  Delay-crash C ) 
  x DC.>>=  x  f x DC.>>= g)  x DC.>>= f DC.>>= g
associativity x f g =
  x DC.>>=  x  f x DC.>>= g)                      ∼⟨⟩
  x >>= maybe  x  f x DC.>>= g) crash             ∼⟨ (x ) DM.>>=-cong [  _  run fail ) ,  x  f x DC.>>= g ) ] 
  x >>=  x  maybe f crash x >>= maybe g crash)    ∼⟨ DM.associativity′ x _ _ 
  x >>= maybe f crash >>= maybe g crash              ∼⟨⟩
  x DC.>>= f DC.>>= g                                

-- Use of _⟨$⟩_ does not affect the number of steps in the
-- computation.

steps-⟨$⟩ : Conat.[ i ] steps (f DC.⟨$⟩ x)  steps x
steps-⟨$⟩ {f = f} {x = x} =
  steps (f DC.⟨$⟩ x)                                 Conat.≡⟨⟩∼
  steps (x DC.>>= DC.return  f)                     Conat.≡⟨⟩∼
  steps (x >>= maybe (return  f) crash)             Conat.∼⟨ steps-cong ((x ) DM.>>=-cong [  _  run fail )
                                                                                            ,  x  return (f x) )
  steps (x >>= M.return  maybe (just  f) nothing)  Conat.∼⟨ DM.steps-⟨$⟩ _ 
  steps x                                            Conat.∎∼

-- Sequential composition is an expansion of parallel composition.

⊛ˢ≳⊛ᵖ : [ i ] f ⊛ˢ x  f ⊛ᵖ x
⊛ˢ≳⊛ᵖ {f = return f} {x = return x} = now
⊛ˢ≳⊛ᵖ {f = return f} {x = crash}    = now
⊛ˢ≳⊛ᵖ {f = return f} {x = later x}  = later λ { .force  ⊛ˢ≳⊛ᵖ }
⊛ˢ≳⊛ᵖ {f = crash}                   = now
⊛ˢ≳⊛ᵖ {f = later f}  {x = now x}    = later λ { .force  ⊛ˢ≳⊛ᵖ }
⊛ˢ≳⊛ᵖ {f = later f}  {x = later x}  = later λ { .force 
  (f .force DC.>>= λ f  later x DC.>>= λ x  DC.return (f x))  ≳⟨ ((f .force ) >>=-cong λ _  laterˡ (_ )) 
  f .force ⊛ˢ x .force                                          ≳⟨ ⊛ˢ≳⊛ᵖ ⟩∼
  f .force ⊛ᵖ x .force                                           }

-- The computation crash is a left zero for _⊛ˢ_ and _⊛ᵖ_.

crash-⊛ˢ : [ i ] crash ⊛ˢ x  (crash  Delay-crash B )
crash-⊛ˢ = reflexive _

crash-⊛ᵖ : [ i ] crash ⊛ᵖ x  (crash  Delay-crash B )
crash-⊛ᵖ = reflexive _

-- The computation never is a left zero for _⊛ˢ_ and _⊛ᵖ_.

never-⊛ˢ :
  (x : Delay-crash A ) 
  [ i ] never ⊛ˢ x  (never  Delay-crash B )
never-⊛ˢ x = later λ { .force  never-⊛ˢ x }

never-⊛ᵖ :
  (x : Delay-crash A ) 
  [ i ] never ⊛ᵖ x  (never  Delay-crash B )
never-⊛ᵖ (now x)   = later λ { .force  never-⊛ᵖ (now x) }
never-⊛ᵖ (later x) = later λ { .force  never-⊛ᵖ _ }

-- The computation never is a right zero for _⊛ˢ_ and _⊛ᵖ_ if the left
-- computation does not crash.

⊛ˢ-never : ¬ f  crash  [ i ] f ⊛ˢ never  never
⊛ˢ-never {f = return _} p = later λ { .force  ⊛ˢ-never p }
⊛ˢ-never {f = later _}  p = later λ { .force  ⊛ˢ-never (p  laterˡ) }
⊛ˢ-never {f = crash}    p = ⊥-elim (p (_ ))

⊛ᵖ-never : ¬ f  crash  [ i ] f ⊛ᵖ never  never
⊛ᵖ-never {f = return _} p = later λ { .force  ⊛ᵖ-never p }
⊛ᵖ-never {f = later _}  p = later λ { .force  ⊛ᵖ-never (p  laterˡ) }
⊛ᵖ-never {f = crash}    p = ⊥-elim (p (_ ))

-- The computation crash is a right zero for _⊛ˢ_ and _⊛ᵖ_ (up to
-- expansion) if the left computation terminates.

⊛ˢ-crash : f  g  [ i ] f ⊛ˢ crash  crash
⊛ˢ-crash (now {x = nothing}) = now
⊛ˢ-crash (now {x = just _})  = now
⊛ˢ-crash (laterʳ p)          = laterˡ (⊛ˢ-crash p)

⊛ᵖ-crash : f  g  [ i ] f ⊛ᵖ crash  crash
⊛ᵖ-crash (now {x = nothing}) = now
⊛ᵖ-crash (now {x = just _})  = now
⊛ᵖ-crash (laterʳ p)          = laterˡ (⊛ᵖ-crash p)

-- The _⊛ᵖ_ and _⊛ˢ_ operators are not (kind of) commutative.

¬-⊛ᵖ-comm :
  ¬ (∀ {f : Delay-crash (A  B) } {x} 
     f ⊛ᵖ x  flip _$_ DC.⟨$⟩ x ⊛ᵖ f)
¬-⊛ᵖ-comm {A = A} {B = B} =
  (∀ {f : Delay-crash (A  B) } {x}  f ⊛ᵖ x  flip _$_ DC.⟨$⟩ x ⊛ᵖ f)  ↝⟨  hyp  hyp {f = crash} {x = never}) 
  crash  flip _$_ DC.⟨$⟩ never ⊛ᵖ crash                                 ↝⟨ flip transitive-∞∼ʳ lemma 
  crash  never                                                          ↝⟨ now≉never ⟩□
  lemma : [ i ] flip _$_ DC.⟨$⟩ never ⊛ᵖ crash  never
  lemma = later λ { .force  lemma }

¬-⊛ˢ-comm :
  ¬ (∀ {f : Delay-crash (A  B) } {x} 
     f ⊛ˢ x  flip _$_ DC.⟨$⟩ x ⊛ˢ f)
¬-⊛ˢ-comm {A = A} {B = B} =
  (∀ {f : Delay-crash (A  B) } {x}  f ⊛ˢ x  flip _$_ DC.⟨$⟩ x ⊛ˢ f)  ↝⟨  hyp {f x} 

      f ⊛ᵖ x                                                                   ≈⟨ symmetric (≳→ ⊛ˢ≳⊛ᵖ) 
      f ⊛ˢ x                                                                   ≈⟨ hyp {f = f} {x = x} 
      flip _$_ DC.⟨$⟩ x ⊛ˢ f                                                   ≳⟨ ⊛ˢ≳⊛ᵖ 
      flip _$_ DC.⟨$⟩ x ⊛ᵖ f                                                   ) 

  (∀ {f : Delay-crash (A  B) } {x}  f ⊛ᵖ x  flip _$_ DC.⟨$⟩ x ⊛ᵖ f)  ↝⟨ ¬-⊛ᵖ-comm ⟩□

-- The instance declaration

-- A raw-monad instance.


  raw-monad : Raw-monad  A  Delay-crash A i)
  raw-monad = raw-monad′