-- Simplification of parsers

module TotalParserCombinators.Simplification where

open import Algebra
open import Codata.Musical.Notation
open import Data.List using (List; [])
import Data.List.Relation.Binary.BagAndSetEquality as BSEq
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe); open Data.Maybe.Maybe
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Vec.Recursive hiding ([])
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P
  using (_≡_; refl)
open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality
  using (refl) renaming (_≅_ to _≅H_)

  module BSMonoid {k} {A : Set} =
    CommutativeMonoid (BSEq.commutativeMonoid k A)

open import TotalParserCombinators.Congruence
  hiding (return; fail; token) renaming (_∣_ to _∣′_)
import TotalParserCombinators.Congruence.Sound as C
import TotalParserCombinators.InitialBag as I
open import TotalParserCombinators.Laws
open import TotalParserCombinators.Parser

-- Simplification of a single "layer"

-- The result type used for single-layer simplification.

record Simplify₁ {Tok R xs} (p : Parser Tok R xs) : Set₁ where
  constructor result
    {bag}   : List R
    parser  : Parser Tok R bag
    correct : p ≅P parser

-- The function simplify₁ simplifies the first "layer" of a parser,
-- down to the first occurrences of ♯_. The following simplifications
-- are applied in a bottom-up manner (in relevant cases also for
-- delayed arguments):
-- f <$> fail                  → fail
-- f <$> return x              → return (f x)
-- fail         ∣ p            → p
-- p            ∣ fail         → p
-- token >>= p₁ ∣ token >>= p₂ → token >>= λ t →
--                                 ♯ (♭? (p₁ t) ∣ ♭? (p₂ t))
-- fail     ⊛ p                → fail
-- p        ⊛ fail             → fail
-- return f ⊛ return x         → return (f x)
-- fail     >>= p              → fail
-- return x >>= p              → p x
-- nonempty fail               → fail
-- nonempty (return x)         → fail
-- cast eq p                   → p
-- Some ♯_'s may be removed, but care is taken to ensure that
-- non-simplified parsers in the result are delayed.


  simplify₁ :  {Tok R xs} (p : Parser Tok R xs)  Simplify₁ p

  -- • return:

  simplify₁ (return x) = result _ (return x )

  -- • fail:

  simplify₁ fail       = result _ (fail )

  -- • token:

  simplify₁ token      = result _ (token )

  -- • _<$>_:

  simplify₁ (f <$> p) with simplify₁ p
  ... | result fail       p≅∅  = result _ (
                                 f <$> p     ≅⟨  _  refl) <$> p≅∅ 
                                 f <$> fail  ≅⟨ <$>.zero 
                                 fail        )
  ... | result (return x) p≅ε  = result _ (
                                 f <$> p         ≅⟨  x  refl {x = f x}) <$> p≅ε 
                                 f <$> return x  ≅⟨ <$>.homomorphism 
                                 return (f x)    )
  ... | result p′         p≅p′ = result _ (
                                 f <$> p   ≅⟨  _  refl) <$> p≅p′ 
                                 f <$> p′  )

  -- • _∣_:

  simplify₁ (p₁  p₂) with simplify₁ p₁ | simplify₁ p₂
  ... | result fail          p₁≅∅
      | result p₂′           p₂≅p₂′ = result _ (
                                      p₁    p₂   ≅⟨ p₁≅∅ ∣′ p₂≅p₂′ 
                                      fail  p₂′  ≅⟨ AdditiveMonoid.left-identity p₂′ 
                                      p₂′         )
  ... | result p₁′           p₁≅p₁′
      | result fail          p₂≅∅   = result _ (
                                      p₁   p₂    ≅⟨ p₁≅p₁′ ∣′ p₂≅∅ 
                                      p₁′  fail  ≅⟨ AdditiveMonoid.right-identity p₁′ 
                                      p₁′         )
  ... | result (p₁₁ >>= p₁₂) p₁≅…
      | result (p₂₁ >>= p₂₂) p₂≅…   = let h = helper p₁₁ refl p₁₂ p₂₁ refl p₂₂ in
                                      result _ (
                                      p₁           p₂           ≅⟨ p₁≅… ∣′ p₂≅… 
                                      p₁₁ >>= p₁₂  p₂₁ >>= p₂₂  ≅⟨ Simplify₁.correct h 
                                      Simplify₁.parser h         )
    helper :  {Tok R₁ R₂ R xs₁ xs₁′ xs₂ xs₂′ f₁ f₂}
             (p₁₁ : ∞⟨ f₁ ⟩Parser Tok R₁ xs₁′)
             (eq₁ : xs₁′  flatten xs₁)
             (p₁₂ : (x : R₁)  ∞⟨ xs₁ ⟩Parser Tok R (apply f₁ x))
             (p₂₁ : ∞⟨ f₂ ⟩Parser Tok R₂ xs₂′)
             (eq₂ : xs₂′  flatten xs₂)
             (p₂₂ : (x : R₂)  ∞⟨ xs₂ ⟩Parser Tok R (apply f₂ x)) 
             Simplify₁ (P.subst (∞⟨ f₁ ⟩Parser Tok R₁) eq₁ p₁₁ >>= p₁₂ 
                        P.subst (∞⟨ f₂ ⟩Parser Tok R₂) eq₂ p₂₁ >>= p₂₂)
    helper p₁₁ eq₁ p₁₂ p₂₁ eq₂ p₂₂
      with ♭? p₁₁ in eq₁′ | ♭? p₂₁ in eq₂′
    helper {Tok} {f₁ = f₁} {f₂} p₁₁ eq₁ p₁₂ p₂₁ eq₂ p₂₂
      | token | token = result _ (
      cast₁ p₁₁ >>= p₁₂  cast₂ p₂₁ >>= p₂₂          ≅⟨ [ forced? p₁₁ -  - forced?′ p₁₂ -  ] Subst.correct∞ eq₁ p₁₁ >>=
                                                                                                t  ♭? (p₁₂ t) ) ∣′
                                                        [ forced? p₂₁ -  - forced?′ p₂₂ -  ] Subst.correct∞ eq₂ p₂₁ >>=
                                                                                                t  ♭? (p₂₂ t) ) 
      ♭? p₁₁ >>= (♭?  p₁₂)  ♭? p₂₁ >>= (♭?  p₂₂)  ≅⟨ [  -  -  -  ]
                                                          P.subst  p  p ≅P token) (P.sym eq₁′) (token ) >>=  t  ♭? (p₁₂ t) ) ∣′
                                                        [  -  -  -  ]
                                                          P.subst  p  p ≅P token) (P.sym eq₂′) (token ) >>=  t  ♭? (p₂₂ t) ) 
      token >>= (♭?  p₁₂)  token >>= (♭?  p₂₂)    ≅⟨ sym $ Monad.left-distributive token (♭?  p₁₂) (♭?  p₂₂) 
      token >>=  t  ♭? (p₁₂ t)  ♭? (p₂₂ t))      ≅⟨ [  -  -  -  ] token  >>=  t  ♭? (p₁₂ t)  ♭? (p₂₂ t) ) 
      token >>=  t   (♭? (p₁₂ t)  ♭? (p₂₂ t)))  )
      cast₁ = P.subst (∞⟨ f₁ ⟩Parser Tok Tok) eq₁
      cast₂ = P.subst (∞⟨ f₂ ⟩Parser Tok Tok) eq₂
    helper _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ | _ = result _ (_ )

  simplify₁ (p₁  p₂) | result p₁′ p₁≅p₁′ | result p₂′ p₂≅p₂′ =
    result _ (
    p₁   p₂   ≅⟨ p₁≅p₁′ ∣′ p₂≅p₂′ 
    p₁′  p₂′  )

  -- • _⊛_:

  simplify₁ (p₁  p₂) =
    helper _ _ p₁ p₂ (simplify₁∞ p₁) (simplify₁∞ p₂) refl refl
    -- token ⊛ token is never type correct, but Agda's case-splitting
    -- machinery cannot see this, so instead of a with clause the
    -- following ugly machinery is used.

    cast₁ :  {Tok R R₁ R₁′ xs xs′} {ys : Maybe (List R)} 
            (R≡  : R₁  R₁′)  xs ≅H xs′ 
            ∞⟨ ys ⟩Parser Tok R₁′ (flatten xs′) 
            ∞⟨ ys ⟩Parser Tok R₁  (flatten xs)
    cast₁ refl refl p = p

    helper :  {Tok R₁ R₁′ R₂} fs xs {xs′}
               (p₁ : ∞⟨ xs ⟩Parser Tok (R₁  R₂) (flatten fs))
               (p₂ : ∞⟨ fs ⟩Parser Tok  R₁′      (flatten xs′)) 
             Simplify₁ (♭? p₁)  Simplify₁ (♭? p₂) 
             (R≡ : R₁  R₁′) (xs≅ : xs ≅H xs′) 
             Simplify₁ (p₁  cast₁ R≡ xs≅ p₂)
    helper fs xs p₁ p₂ (result fail p₁≅∅) _ refl refl = result _ (
      p₁    p₂     ≅⟨ [ xs -  - fs -  ] p₁≅∅  (♭? p₂ ) 
      fail  ♭? p₂  ≅⟨ ApplicativeFunctor.left-zero (♭? p₂) 
      fail          )
    helper fs xs p₁ p₂ _ (result fail p₂≅∅) refl refl = result _ (
      p₁     p₂    ≅⟨ [ xs -  - fs -  ] ♭? p₁   p₂≅∅ 
      ♭? p₁  fail  ≅⟨ ApplicativeFunctor.right-zero (♭? p₁) 
      fail          )
    helper fs xs p₁ p₂ (result (return f) p₁≅ε) (result (return x) p₂≅ε)
           refl refl = result _ (
      p₁        p₂        ≅⟨ [ xs -  - fs -  ] p₁≅ε  p₂≅ε 
      return f  return x  ≅⟨ ApplicativeFunctor.homomorphism f x 
      return (f x)         )
    helper fs xs p₁ p₂ p₁′ p₂′ R≡ xs≅ =
      helper′ fs xs p₁ p₂ p₁′ p₂′ R≡ xs≅
      helper′ :
         {Tok R₁ R₁′ R₂} fs xs {xs′}
          (p₁ : ∞⟨ xs ⟩Parser Tok (R₁  R₂) (flatten fs))
          (p₂ : ∞⟨ fs ⟩Parser Tok  R₁′      (flatten xs′)) 
        Simplify₁ (♭? p₁)  Simplify₁ (♭? p₂) 
        (R≡ : R₁  R₁′) (xs≅ : xs ≅H xs′) 
        Simplify₁ (p₁  cast₁ R≡ xs≅ p₂)
      helper′ nothing nothing p₁ p₂ _ _ refl refl = result _ (
        p₁  p₂  )
      helper′ (just fs) nothing p₁ p₂ _ (result p₂′ p₂≅p₂′) refl refl
        with BSEq.empty-unique $ I.cong $ C.sound $ sym p₂≅p₂′
      helper′ (just fs) nothing p₁ p₂ _ (result p₂′ p₂≅p₂′) refl refl
        | refl = result _ (
                 p₁  p₂   ≅⟨ [  -  -  -  ]  p₁   p₂≅p₂′ 
                 p₁  p₂′  )
      helper′ nothing (just xs) p₁ p₂ (result p₁′ p₁≅p₁′) _ refl refl
        with BSEq.empty-unique $ I.cong $ C.sound $ sym p₁≅p₁′
      helper′ nothing (just xs) p₁ p₂ (result p₁′ p₁≅p₁′) _ refl refl
        | refl = result _ (
                 p₁   p₂  ≅⟨ [  -  -  -  ] p₁≅p₁′  ( p₂ ) 
                 p₁′  p₂  )
      helper′ (just fs) (just xs)
              p₁ p₂ (result p₁′ p₁≅p₁′) (result p₂′ p₂≅p₂′) refl refl =
        result _ (
        p₁   p₂   ≅⟨ [  -  -  -  ] p₁≅p₁′  p₂≅p₂′ 
        p₁′  p₂′  )

  -- • _>>=_:

  simplify₁ (_>>=_ {xs = xs} {f = f} p₁ p₂) with simplify₁∞ p₁
  ... | result fail       p₁≅∅ = result _ (
                                 p₁   >>= p₂         ≅⟨ [ f -  - xs -  ] p₁≅∅ >>=  x  ♭? (p₂ x) ) 
                                 fail >>= (♭?  p₂)  ≅⟨ Monad.left-zero (♭?  p₂) 
                                 fail                )
  ... | result (return x) p₁≅ε with simplify₁∞ (p₂ x)
  ...   | result p₂x′ p₂x≅p₂x′ = result _ (
                                 p₁       >>= p₂         ≅⟨ [ f -  - xs -  ] p₁≅ε >>=  x  ♭? (p₂ x) ) 
                                 return x >>= (♭?  p₂)  ≅⟨ Monad.left-identity x (♭?  p₂) 
                                 ♭? (p₂ x)               ≅⟨ p₂x≅p₂x′ 
                                 p₂x′                    )
  simplify₁ (p₁ >>= p₂) | result p₁′ p₁≅p₁′
    with forced? p₁ | forced?′ p₂
  ... | nothing | just xs = result _ (
                            p₁ >>= p₂                           ≅⟨ [  -  -  -  ]  p₁  >>=  x  simplify₁-[]-correct (p₂ x)) 
                            p₁ >>=  x  simplify₁-[] (p₂ x))  )
  ... | just f  | just xs = result _ (
                            p₁  >>= p₂                          ≅⟨ [  -  -  -  ] p₁≅p₁′ >>=
                                                                                      x  Simplify₁.correct (simplify₁ (p₂ x))) 
                            p₁′ >>=  x  Simplify₁.parser $
                                             simplify₁ (p₂ x))  )
  ... | nothing | nothing = result _ (
                            p₁ >>= p₂ )
  ... | just f  | nothing = result _ (
                            p₁          >>= p₂        ≅⟨ [  -  -  -  ] p₁≅p₁′ >>=  x   (p₂ x) ) 
                            p₁′         >>= (  p₂)  ≅⟨ [  -  -  -  ] sym (Subst.correct lemma) >>=  x   (p₂ x) ) 
                            cast-[] p₁′ >>= p₂        )
    lemma   = BSEq.empty-unique $ I.cong $ C.sound $ sym p₁≅p₁′
    cast-[] = P.subst (Parser _ _) lemma

  -- • nonempty:

  simplify₁ (nonempty p) with simplify₁ p
  ... | result fail       p≅∅  = result _ (
                                 nonempty p     ≅⟨ nonempty p≅∅ 
                                 nonempty fail  ≅⟨ Nonempty.zero 
                                 fail           )
  ... | result (return x) p≅ε  = result _ (
                                 nonempty p           ≅⟨ nonempty p≅ε 
                                 nonempty (return x)  ≅⟨ Nonempty.nonempty-return 
                                 fail                 )
  ... | result p′         p≅p′ = result _ (
                                 nonempty p   ≅⟨ nonempty p≅p′ 
                                 nonempty p′  )

  -- • cast:

  simplify₁ (cast xs₁≈xs₂ p) with simplify₁ p
  ... | result p′ p≅p′ = result _ (
                         cast xs₁≈xs₂ p  ≅⟨ Cast.correct 
                         p               ≅⟨ p≅p′ 
                         p′              )


    -- Note that if an argument parser is delayed, then simplification
    -- is not applied recursively (because this could lead to
    -- non-termination).

    simplify₁∞ :  {Tok R R′ xs} {m : Maybe R′}
                 (p : ∞⟨ m ⟩Parser Tok R xs)  Simplify₁ (♭? p)
    simplify₁∞ {m = nothing} p = result _ ( p )
    simplify₁∞ {m = just _}  p = simplify₁ p

    simplify₁-[] :  {Tok R}  Parser Tok R []  Parser Tok R []
    simplify₁-[] p = P.subst (Parser _ _) ([]-lemma p) $
                       Simplify₁.parser $ simplify₁ p

    simplify₁-[]-correct :  {Tok R} (p : Parser Tok R []) 
                           p ≅P simplify₁-[] p
    simplify₁-[]-correct p =
      p                               ≅⟨ Simplify₁.correct (simplify₁ p) 
      Simplify₁.parser (simplify₁ p)  ≅⟨ sym $ Subst.correct ([]-lemma p) 
      simplify₁-[] p                  

    []-lemma :  {Tok R} (p : Parser Tok R []) 
               Simplify₁.bag (simplify₁ p)  []
    []-lemma p = BSEq.empty-unique $ I.cong $ C.sound $
                   sym $ Simplify₁.correct $ simplify₁ p

-- Deep simplification

-- The function simplify simplifies the first layer, then it traverses
-- the result and simplifies the following layers, and so on. The
-- extra traversals have been implemented to satisfy Agda's
-- termination checker; they could perhaps be avoided.
-- Note that simplifications in an upper layer do not get to take
-- advantage of simplifications performed in lower layers. Consider
-- ♯ p ⊛ token, for instance. If p can be simplified to fail, then one
-- might believe that ♯ p ⊛ token is simplified to fail as well.
-- However, this is only the case if p actually /computes/ to fail.
-- If simplification of the upper layer were dependent on complete
-- simplification of lower layers, then simplification could fail to
-- terminate. This does not mean that one cannot propagate /any/
-- information from lower layers to upper layers, though: one could
-- for instance perform partial simplification of lower layers, up to
-- a certain depth, before an upper layer is simplified.


  simplify :  {Tok R xs} (p : Parser Tok R xs) 
             Parser Tok R (Simplify₁.bag $ simplify₁ p)
  simplify p = simplify↓ (Simplify₁.parser (simplify₁ p))


    simplify↓ :  {Tok R xs}  Parser Tok R xs  Parser Tok R xs
    simplify↓ (return x)       = return x
    simplify↓ fail             = fail
    simplify↓ token            = token
    simplify↓ (p₁  p₂)        = simplify↓ p₁  simplify↓ p₂
    simplify↓ (f <$> p)        = f <$> simplify↓ p
    simplify↓ (nonempty p)     = nonempty (simplify↓ p)
    simplify↓ (cast xs₁≈xs₂ p) = cast xs₁≈xs₂ (simplify↓ p)
    simplify↓ (p₁  p₂)        with forced? p₁ | forced? p₂
    ... | just xs | just fs =   simplify↓      p₁     simplify↓      p₂
    ... | just xs | nothing =   simplify↓      p₁    simplify    ( p₂)
    ... | nothing | just fs =  simplify    ( p₁)    simplify↓      p₂
    ... | nothing | nothing =  simplify-[] ( p₁)   simplify-[] ( p₂)
    simplify↓ (p₁ >>= p₂)      with forced? p₁ | forced?′ p₂
    ... | just f  | just xs =   simplify↓      p₁  >>= λ x    simplify↓      (p₂ x)
    ... | just f  | nothing =   simplify↓      p₁  >>= λ x   simplify    ( (p₂ x))
    ... | nothing | just xs =  simplify    ( p₁) >>= λ x    simplify↓      (p₂ x)
    ... | nothing | nothing =  simplify-[] ( p₁) >>= λ x   simplify-[] ( (p₂ x))

    simplify-[] :  {Tok R}  Parser Tok R []  Parser Tok R []
    simplify-[] p = simplify↓ (simplify₁-[] p)

-- The simplifier is correct.


  correct :  {Tok R xs} (p : Parser Tok R xs)  simplify p ≅P p
  correct p =
    simplify↓ (Simplify₁.parser $ simplify₁ p)  ≅⟨ correct↓ (Simplify₁.parser $ simplify₁ p) 
    Simplify₁.parser (simplify₁ p)              ≅⟨ sym $ Simplify₁.correct $ simplify₁ p 


    correct↓ :  {Tok R xs} (p : Parser Tok R xs)  simplify↓ p ≅P p
    correct↓ (return x)       = return x 
    correct↓ fail             = fail 
    correct↓ token            = token 
    correct↓ (p₁  p₂)        = correct↓ p₁ ∣′ correct↓ p₂
    correct↓ (f <$> p)        =  _  refl) <$> correct↓ p
    correct↓ (nonempty p)     = nonempty (correct↓ p)
    correct↓ (cast xs₁≈xs₂ p) = cast (correct↓ p)
    correct↓ (p₁  p₂)        with forced? p₁ | forced? p₂
    ... | just xs | just fs = [ just ( , ) - just ( , ) ]   correct↓      p₁     correct↓      p₂
    ... | just xs | nothing = [ just ( , ) - nothing      ]   correct↓      p₁    correct    ( p₂)
    ... | nothing | just fs = [ nothing      - just ( , ) ]  correct    ( p₁)    correct↓      p₂
    ... | nothing | nothing = [ nothing      - nothing      ]  correct-[] ( p₁)   correct-[] ( p₂)
    correct↓ (p₁ >>= p₂)      with forced? p₁ | forced?′ p₂
    ... | just f  | just xs = [ just ( , ) - just ( , ) ]   correct↓      p₁  >>= λ x    correct↓      (p₂ x)
    ... | just f  | nothing = [ just ( , ) - nothing      ]   correct↓      p₁  >>= λ x   correct    ( (p₂ x))
    ... | nothing | just xs = [ nothing      - just ( , ) ]  correct    ( p₁) >>= λ x    correct↓      (p₂ x)
    ... | nothing | nothing = [ nothing      - nothing      ]  correct-[] ( p₁) >>= λ x   correct-[] ( (p₂ x))

    correct-[] :  {Tok R} (p : Parser Tok R [])  simplify-[] p ≅P p
    correct-[] p =
      simplify-[] p   ≅⟨ correct↓ (simplify₁-[] p) 
      simplify₁-[] p  ≅⟨ sym $ simplify₁-[]-correct p 