-- A membership relation for listed finite subsets (defined using
-- non-erased univalence)

-- Based on Frumin, Geuvers, Gondelman and van der Weide's "Finite
-- Sets in Homotopy Type Theory".

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

import Equality.Path as P

module Finite-subset.Listed.Membership
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq hiding (elim)

open import Dec
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude as P hiding (swap)

open import Bag-equivalence equality-with-J as BE using (_∼[_]_; set)
open import Bijection equality-with-J as Bijection using (_↔_)
open import Equality.Decision-procedures equality-with-J
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms.Univalence eq
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Erased.Cubical eq as EC
  using (Erased; [_]; Dec-Erased; Dec→Dec-Erased)
open import Finite-subset.Listed eq
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J as H-level
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional eq as Trunc
  using (∥_∥; ∣_∣; _∥⊎∥_)
open import Injection equality-with-J using (Injective)
open import Maybe equality-with-J using (maybe)
open import Nat equality-with-J as Nat using (_<_)
open import Quotient eq as Q using (_/_)
import Univalence-axiom equality-with-J as Univ

    a                                 : Level
    A B                               : Type a
    H ms p q x x₁ x₂ y y₁ y₂ ys z _≟_ : A
    P                                 : A  Type p
    f                                 : (x : A)  P x
    m n                               : 

-- Membership


  -- Membership is used to define _∈_ and ∈-propositional below.

  Membership : {A : Type a}  A  Finite-subset-of A  Proposition a
  Membership x = rec r
    r : Rec _ _
    r .[]ʳ =  , ⊥-propositional

    r .∷ʳ y z (x∈z , _) =
      (x  y ∥⊎∥ x∈z) , Trunc.truncation-is-proposition

    r .dropʳ y z (P , P-prop) =
      _↔_.to (ignore-propositional-component
                (H-level-propositional ext 1)) $
      Univ.≃⇒≡ univ
        (x  y ∥⊎∥ x  y ∥⊎∥ P    ↔⟨ Trunc.∥⊎∥-assoc 
         (x  y ∥⊎∥ x  y) ∥⊎∥ P  ↔⟨ Trunc.idempotent Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong F.id 
          x  y  ∥⊎∥ P          ↔⟨ inverse Trunc.truncate-left-∥⊎∥ ⟩□
         x  y ∥⊎∥ P              )

    r .swapʳ y z u (P , P-prop) =
      _↔_.to (ignore-propositional-component
                (H-level-propositional ext 1)) $
      Univ.≃⇒≡ univ
        (x  y ∥⊎∥ x  z ∥⊎∥ P    ↔⟨ Trunc.∥⊎∥-assoc 
         (x  y ∥⊎∥ x  z) ∥⊎∥ P  ↔⟨ (Trunc.∥⊎∥-comm Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong F.id) 
         (x  z ∥⊎∥ x  y) ∥⊎∥ P  ↔⟨ inverse Trunc.∥⊎∥-assoc ⟩□
         x  z ∥⊎∥ x  y ∥⊎∥ P    )

    r .is-setʳ =
      Univ.∃-H-level-H-level-1+ ext univ 1

-- Membership.
-- The type is wrapped to make it easier for Agda to infer the subset
-- argument.

private module Dummy where

  infix 4 _∈_

  record _∈_
    {A : Type a} (x : A) (y : Finite-subset-of A) : Type a where
    constructor box
      unbox : proj₁ (Membership x y)

open Dummy public using (_∈_) hiding (module _∈_)

-- The negation of membership.

infix 4 _∉_

_∉_ : {A : Type a}  A  Finite-subset-of A  Type a
x  y = ¬ x  y


  -- An unfolding lemma.

  ∈≃ : (x  y)  proj₁ (Membership x y)
  ∈≃ = Eq.↔⇒≃ (record
    { surjection = record
      { logical-equivalence = record
        { to   = Dummy._∈_.unbox
        ; from = Dummy.box
      ; right-inverse-of = refl
    ; left-inverse-of = refl

-- Membership is propositional.

∈-propositional : Is-proposition (x  y)
∈-propositional {x} {y} =                  $⟨ proj₂ (Membership x y) 
  Is-proposition (proj₁ (Membership x y))  →⟨ H-level-cong _ 1 (inverse ∈≃) ⟩□
  Is-proposition (x  y)                   

-- A lemma characterising [].

∈[]≃ : (x  [])  ⊥₀
∈[]≃ {x} =
  x  []  ↝⟨ ∈≃ 
         ↔⟨ ⊥↔⊥ ⟩□

-- A lemma characterising _∷_.

∈∷≃ : (x  y  z)  (x  y ∥⊎∥ x  z)
∈∷≃ {x} {y} {z} =
  x  y  z                         ↝⟨ ∈≃ 
  x  y ∥⊎∥ proj₁ (Membership x z)  ↝⟨ F.id Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong inverse ∈≃ ⟩□
  x  y ∥⊎∥ x  z                   

-- A variant.

∈≢∷≃ : x  y  (x  y  z)  (x  z)
∈≢∷≃ {x} {y} {z} x≢y =
  x  y  z        ↝⟨ ∈∷≃ 
  x  y ∥⊎∥ x  z  ↔⟨ Trunc.drop-⊥-left-∥⊎∥ ∈-propositional x≢y ⟩□
  x  z            

-- A lemma characterising singleton.

∈singleton≃ :
  (x  singleton y)   x  y 
∈singleton≃ {x} {y} =
  x  singleton y   ↝⟨ ∈∷≃ 
  x  y ∥⊎∥ x  []  ↔⟨ Trunc.∥∥-cong $ drop-⊥-right ∈[]≃ ⟩□
   x  y          

-- Some "introduction rules" for _∈_.

∈→∈∷ : x  z  x  y  z
∈→∈∷ {x} {z} {y} =
  x  z            →⟨ ∣_∣  inj₂ 
  x  y ∥⊎∥ x  z  ↔⟨ inverse ∈∷≃ ⟩□
  x  y  z        

∥≡∥→∈∷ :  x  y   x  y  z
∥≡∥→∈∷ {x} {y} {z} =
   x  y         →⟨ Trunc.∥∥-map inj₁ 
  x  y ∥⊎∥ x  z  ↔⟨ inverse ∈∷≃ ⟩□
  x  y  z        

≡→∈∷ : x  y  x  y  z
≡→∈∷ = ∥≡∥→∈∷  ∣_∣

∥≡∥→∈singleton :  x  y   x  singleton y
∥≡∥→∈singleton = ∥≡∥→∈∷

≡→∈singleton : x  y  x  singleton y
≡→∈singleton = ≡→∈∷

-- Membership of a union of two subsets can be expressed in terms of
-- membership of the subsets.

∈∪≃ : (x  y  z)  (x  y ∥⊎∥ x  z)
∈∪≃ {x} {y} {z} = elim-prop e y
  e : Elim-prop  y  (x  y  z)  (x  y ∥⊎∥ x  z))
  e .[]ʳ =
    x  z             ↔⟨ inverse $ Trunc.∥∥↔ ∈-propositional 
     x  z          ↔⟨ Trunc.∥∥-cong (inverse $ drop-⊥-left ∈[]≃) ⟩□
    x  [] ∥⊎∥ x  z  

  e .∷ʳ {y = u} y hyp =
    x  y  u  z                ↝⟨ ∈∷≃ 
    x  y ∥⊎∥ x  u  z          ↝⟨ F.id Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong hyp 
    x  y ∥⊎∥ x  u ∥⊎∥ x  z    ↔⟨ Trunc.∥⊎∥-assoc 
    (x  y ∥⊎∥ x  u) ∥⊎∥ x  z  ↝⟨ Trunc.∥∥-cong (inverse ∈∷≃ ⊎-cong F.id) ⟩□
    x  y  u ∥⊎∥ x  z          

  e .is-propositionʳ _ =
    Eq.left-closure ext 0 ∈-propositional

-- More "introduction rules".

∈→∈∪ˡ : x  y  x  y  z
∈→∈∪ˡ {x} {y} {z} =
  x  y            →⟨ ∣_∣  inj₁ 
  x  y ∥⊎∥ x  z  ↔⟨ inverse ∈∪≃ ⟩□
  x  y  z        

∈→∈∪ʳ :  y  x  z  x  y  z
∈→∈∪ʳ {x} {z} y =
  x  z      →⟨ ∈→∈∪ˡ 
  x  z  y  →⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ (cong (_ ∈_) (comm z)) ⟩□
  x  y  z  

-- A lemma characterising join.

∈join≃ : (x  join z)   ( λ y  x  y × y  z) 
∈join≃ {x} = elim-prop e _
  e : Elim-prop  z  (x  join z)   ( λ y  x  y × y  z) )
  e .[]ʳ =
    x  join []                   ↔⟨⟩
    x  []                        ↝⟨ ∈[]≃ 
                                 ↔⟨ inverse $ Trunc.∥∥↔ ⊥-propositional 
                               ↔⟨ Trunc.∥∥-cong (inverse (×-right-zero {ℓ₁ = lzero} F.∘
                                                             ∃-cong  _  ×-right-zero))) 
     ( λ y  x  y × )        ↝⟨ Trunc.∥∥-cong (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  inverse ∈[]≃) ⟩□
     ( λ y  x  y × y  [])   
  e .∷ʳ {y = z} u hyp =
    x  join (u  z)                                     ↔⟨⟩
    x  u  join z                                       ↝⟨ ∈∪≃ 
    x  u ∥⊎∥ x  join z                                 ↝⟨ F.id Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong hyp 
    x  u ∥⊎∥  ( λ y  x  y × y  z)                 ↔⟨ inverse Trunc.truncate-right-∥⊎∥ 
    x  u ∥⊎∥ ( λ y  x  y × y  z)                    ↔⟨ ∃-intro _ _ Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong F.id 
    ( λ y  x  y × y  u) ∥⊎∥ ( λ y  x  y × y  z)  ↔⟨ Trunc.∥∥-cong $ inverse $
                                                            ∃-⊎-distrib-left F.∘
                                                            (∃-cong λ _  ∃-⊎-distrib-left) 
     ( λ y  x  y × (y  u  y  z))                 ↔⟨ inverse $
                                                               F   λ y  x  y × F (y  u  y  z))
                                                               f  Σ-map id (Σ-map id f))
                                                               (y , p , q)  Trunc.∥∥-map  q  y , p , q) q) 
     ( λ y  x  y × (y  u ∥⊎∥ y  z))               ↝⟨ (Trunc.∥∥-cong $ ∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  inverse ∈∷≃) ⟩□
     ( λ y  x  y × y  u  z)                       
  e .is-propositionʳ _ =
    Eq.left-closure ext 0 ∈-propositional

-- If truncated equality is decidable, then membership is also
-- decidable.

member? :
  ((x y : A)  Dec  x  y ) 
  (x : A) (y : Finite-subset-of A)  Dec (x  y)
member? equal? x = elim-prop e
  e : Elim-prop _
  e .[]ʳ          = no λ ()
  e .∷ʳ {y = z} y = case equal? x y of λ where
    (yes ∥x≡y∥) _  yes (∥≡∥→∈∷ ∥x≡y∥)
    (no ¬∥x≡y∥)   
      P.[  x∈z  yes (∈→∈∷ x∈z))
        ,  x∉z  no (
             x  y  z        ↔⟨ ∈∷≃ 
             x  y ∥⊎∥ x  z  →⟨ Trunc.∥∥-map P.[ ¬∥x≡y∥  ∣_∣ , x∉z ] 
                           ↔⟨ Trunc.not-inhabited⇒∥∥↔⊥ id ⟩□
  e .is-propositionʳ y =
    Dec-closure-propositional ext ∈-propositional

-- A variant of member? that uses Dec-Erased instead of Dec.

member?ᴱ :
  ((x y : A)  Dec-Erased  x  y ) 
  (x : A) (y : Finite-subset-of A)  Dec-Erased (x  y)
member?ᴱ equal? x = elim-prop e
  e : Elim-prop _
  e .[]ʳ          = no [  ()) ]
  e .∷ʳ {y = z} y = case equal? x y of λ where
    (yes [ ∥x≡y∥ ]) _  yes [ ∥≡∥→∈∷ ∥x≡y∥ ]
    (no [ ¬∥x≡y∥ ])   
      P.[  ([ x∈z ])  yes [ ∈→∈∷ x∈z ])
        ,  ([ x∉z ])  no [
             x  y  z        ↔⟨ ∈∷≃ 
             x  y ∥⊎∥ x  z  →⟨ Trunc.∥∥-map P.[ ¬∥x≡y∥  ∣_∣ , x∉z ] 
                           ↔⟨ Trunc.not-inhabited⇒∥∥↔⊥ id ⟩□
  e .is-propositionʳ y =
    EC.Is-proposition-Dec-Erased ext ∈-propositional

-- If x is a member of y, then x ∷ y is equal to y.

∈→∷≡ : x  y  x  y  y
∈→∷≡ {x} = elim-prop e _
  e : Elim-prop  y  x  y  x  y  y)
  e .∷ʳ {y} z hyp =
    x  z  y            ↔⟨ ∈∷≃ 
    x  z ∥⊎∥ x  y      →⟨ id Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong hyp 
    x  z ∥⊎∥ x  y  y  →⟨ Trunc.rec is-set
                              P.[  x≡z 
      x  z  y                    ≡⟨ cong  x  x  _) x≡z 
      z  z  y                    ≡⟨ drop ⟩∎
      z  y                        )
                                ,  x∷y≡y 
      x  z  y                    ≡⟨ swap 
      z  x  y                    ≡⟨ cong (_ ∷_) x∷y≡y ⟩∎
      z  y                        )
                                ] ⟩□
    x  z  y  z  y    

  e .is-propositionʳ _ =
    Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

-- Subsets of subsets

-- Subsets.

infix 4 _⊆_

_⊆_ : {A : Type a}  Finite-subset-of A  Finite-subset-of A  Type a
x  y =  z  z  x  z  y

-- _⊆_ is pointwise propositional.

⊆-propositional : Is-proposition (x  y)
⊆-propositional =
  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

-- The subset property can be expressed using _∪_ and _≡_.

⊆≃∪≡ :  x  (x  y)  (x  y  y)
⊆≃∪≡ {y} x =
    (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
     Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
    (elim-prop e x)
     p z 
       z  x      →⟨ ∈→∈∪ˡ 
       z  x  y  →⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ (cong (z ∈_) p) ⟩□
       z  y      )
  e : Elim-prop  x  x  y  x  y  y)
  e .[]ʳ _ =
    []  y  ≡⟨⟩

  e .∷ʳ {y = z} x hyp x∷z⊆y =
    x  z  y  ≡⟨ cong (x ∷_) (hyp  _  x∷z⊆y _  ∈→∈∷)) 
    x  y      ≡⟨ ∈→∷≡ (x∷z⊆y x (≡→∈∷ (refl _))) ⟩∎

  e .is-propositionʳ _ =
    Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

-- Extensionality.

extensionality : (x  y)  (∀ z  z  x  z  y)
extensionality {x} {y} =
    (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
     ⇔-closure ext 1
     x≡y z  ≡⇒↝ _ (cong (z ∈_) x≡y))
    ((∀ z  z  x  z  y)  →⟨  p  _⇔_.to  p , _⇔_.from  p) 
     x  y × y  x          ↔⟨ ⊆≃∪≡ x ×-cong ⊆≃∪≡ y 
     x  y  y × y  x  x  →⟨  (p , q)  trans (sym q) (trans (comm y) p)) ⟩□
     x  y                  )

-- Another way to characterise equality.

≡≃⊆×⊇ : (x  y)  (x  y × y  x)
≡≃⊆×⊇ {x} {y} =
  x  y                  ↝⟨ extensionality 
  (∀ z  z  x  z  y)  ↝⟨ Eq.⇔→≃
                              (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                               ⇔-closure ext 1
                              (×-closure 1 ⊆-propositional ⊆-propositional)
                               hyp  _⇔_.to  hyp , _⇔_.from  hyp)
                               (x⊆y , y⊆x) z  record { to = x⊆y z ; from = y⊆x z }) ⟩□
  x  y × y  x          

-- The empty set is not equal to a set constructed using _∷_.

[]≢∷ : Finite-subset-of.[]  x  y
[]≢∷ {x} {y} =
  []  x  y                  ↔⟨ extensionality 
  (∀ z  z  []  z  x  y)  →⟨  hyp  _⇔_.from (hyp x) (≡→∈∷ (refl _))) 
  x  []                      ↔⟨ ∈[]≃ ⟩□

-- _⊆_ is a partial order.

⊆-refl : x  x
⊆-refl _ = id

⊆-trans : x  y  y  z  x  z
⊆-trans x⊆y y⊆z _ = y⊆z _  x⊆y _

⊆-antisymmetric : x  y  y  x  x  y
⊆-antisymmetric = curry (_≃_.from ≡≃⊆×⊇)

-- If truncated equality is decidable, then _⊆_ is also decidable.

subset? :
  ((x y : A)  Dec  x  y ) 
  (x y : Finite-subset-of A)  Dec (x  y)
subset? equal? x y = elim-prop r x
  r : Elim-prop  x  Dec (x  y))
  r .[]ʳ = yes λ z 
    z  []  ↔⟨ ∈[]≃ 
           →⟨ ⊥-elim ⟩□
    z  y   

  r .∷ʳ {y = x} z =
    Dec (x  y)                          →⟨ member? equal? z y ,_ 
    Dec (z  y) × Dec (x  y)            →⟨ uncurry
                                              P.[  z∈y  Dec-map (
        x  y                                        ↝⟨ record
                                                          { to = λ x⊆y u 
                                                                   P.[  u≡z  subst (_∈ y) (sym u≡z) z∈y)
                                                                     , x⊆y u
                                                          ; from = λ hyp u  hyp u  inj₂
        (∀ u  u  z  u  x  u  y)                ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  inverse $
                                                         Trunc.universal-property ∈-propositional) 
        (∀ u  u  z ∥⊎∥ u  x  u  y)              ↝⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  →-cong₁ _ (inverse ∈∷≃)) 
        (∀ u  u  z  x  u  y)                    ↔⟨⟩
        z  x  y                                    ))
                                                ,  z∉y _  no (
        z  x  y                                    →⟨  z∷x⊆y  z∷x⊆y z (≡→∈∷ (refl _))) 
        z  y                                        →⟨ z∉y ⟩□
                                                ] ⟩□
    Dec (z  x  y)                      

  r .is-propositionʳ _ =
    Dec-closure-propositional ext ⊆-propositional

-- A variant of subset? that uses Dec-Erased.

subset?ᴱ :
  ((x y : A)  Dec-Erased  x  y ) 
  (x y : Finite-subset-of A)  Dec-Erased (x  y)
subset?ᴱ equal? x y = elim-prop r x
  r : Elim-prop  x  Dec-Erased (x  y))
  r .[]ʳ = yes [  z 
    z  []  ↔⟨ ∈[]≃ 
           →⟨ ⊥-elim ⟩□
    z  y    )]

  r .∷ʳ {y = x} z =
    Dec-Erased (x  y)                       →⟨ member?ᴱ equal? z y ,_ 
    Dec-Erased (z  y) × Dec-Erased (x  y)  →⟨ uncurry
                                                P.[  ([ z∈y ])  EC.Dec-Erased-map (
        x  y                                          ↝⟨ record
                                                            { to = λ x⊆y u 
                                                                     P.[  u≡z  subst (_∈ y) (sym u≡z) z∈y)
                                                                       , x⊆y u
                                                            ; from = λ hyp u  hyp u  inj₂
        (∀ u  u  z  u  x  u  y)                  ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  inverse $
                                                           Trunc.universal-property ∈-propositional) 
        (∀ u  u  z ∥⊎∥ u  x  u  y)                ↝⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  →-cong₁ _ (inverse ∈∷≃)) 
        (∀ u  u  z  x  u  y)                      ↔⟨⟩
        z  x  y                                      ))
                                                  ,  ([ z∉y ]) _  no [
        z  x  y                                      →⟨  z∷x⊆y  z∷x⊆y z (≡→∈∷ (refl _))) 
        z  y                                          →⟨ z∉y ⟩□
                                                  ] ⟩□
    Dec-Erased (z  x  y)                   

  r .is-propositionʳ _ =
    EC.Is-proposition-Dec-Erased ext ⊆-propositional

-- If truncated equality is decidable, then _≡_ is also decidable.

equal? :
  ((x y : A)  Dec  x  y ) 
  (x y : Finite-subset-of A)  Dec (x  y)
equal? eq? x y =             $⟨ subset? eq? x y , subset? eq? y x 
  Dec (x  y) × Dec (y  x)  →⟨ uncurry Dec-× 
  Dec (x  y × y  x)        →⟨ Dec-map (from-equivalence $ inverse ≡≃⊆×⊇) ⟩□
  Dec (x  y)                

-- A variant of equal? that uses Dec-Erased.

equal?ᴱ :
  ((x y : A)  Dec-Erased  x  y ) 
  (x y : Finite-subset-of A)  Dec-Erased (x  y)
equal?ᴱ eq? x y =                              $⟨ subset?ᴱ eq? x y , subset?ᴱ eq? y x 
  Dec-Erased (x  y) × Dec-Erased (y  x)      →⟨ EC.Dec-Erased↔Dec-Erased _ ×-cong EC.Dec-Erased↔Dec-Erased _ 
  Dec (Erased (x  y)) × Dec (Erased (y  x))  →⟨ uncurry Dec-× 
  Dec (Erased (x  y) × Erased (y  x))        →⟨ Dec-map (from-isomorphism $ inverse EC.Erased-Σ↔Σ) 
  Dec (Erased (x  y × y  x))                 →⟨ _⇔_.from $ EC.Dec-Erased↔Dec-Erased _ 
  Dec-Erased (x  y × y  x)                   →⟨ EC.Dec-Erased-map (from-equivalence $ inverse ≡≃⊆×⊇) ⟩□
  Dec-Erased (x  y)                           

-- Some properties related to map-Maybe and filter

-- A lemma characterising map-Maybe.

∈map-Maybe≃ :
  (x  map-Maybe f y)   ( λ z  z  y × f z  just x) 
∈map-Maybe≃ {x} {f} = elim-prop e _
  e : Elim-prop  y  (x  map-Maybe f y) 
                        ( λ z  z  y × f z  just x) )
  e .[]ʳ =
    x  map-Maybe f []                   ↝⟨ ∈[]≃ 
                                        ↔⟨ inverse $ Trunc.∥∥↔ ⊥-propositional 
                                      ↔⟨ Trunc.∥∥-cong (inverse (×-right-zero {ℓ₁ = lzero} F.∘
                                                                    ∃-cong  _  ×-left-zero))) 
     ( λ z   × f z  just x)        ↝⟨ Trunc.∥∥-cong (∃-cong λ _  inverse ∈[]≃ ×-cong F.id) ⟩□
     ( λ z  z  [] × f z  just x)   

  e .∷ʳ {y} z hyp =
    (x  map-Maybe f (z  y))                                          ↝⟨ lemma _ _ 
    f z  just x ∥⊎∥ (x  map-Maybe f y)                               ↝⟨ from-isomorphism (inverse Trunc.truncate-right-∥⊎∥) F.∘
                                                                          (F.id Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong hyp) 
    f z  just x ∥⊎∥ ( λ u  u  y × f u  just x)                    ↔⟨ inverse $
                                                                          drop-⊤-left-Σ (_⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $ singleton-contractible _) F.∘
                                                                          Σ-assoc Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong F.id 
    ( λ u  u  z × f u  just x) ∥⊎∥ ( λ u  u  y × f u  just x)  ↔⟨ Trunc.∥∥-cong $ inverse ∃-⊎-distrib-left 
     ( λ u  u  z × f u  just x  u  y × f u  just x)           ↔⟨ Trunc.∥∥-cong (∃-cong λ _  inverse ∃-⊎-distrib-right) 
     ( λ u  (u  z  u  y) × f u  just x)                        ↔⟨ inverse $
                                                                             F  ( λ u  F (u  z  u  y) × f u  just x))
                                                                             f  Σ-map id (Σ-map f id))
                                                                             (u , p , q)  Trunc.∥∥-map  p  u , p , q) p) 
     ( λ u  (u  z ∥⊎∥ u  y) × f u  just x)                      ↝⟨ Trunc.∥∥-cong (∃-cong λ _  ×-cong₁ λ _  inverse ∈∷≃) ⟩□
     ( λ u  u  z  y × f u  just x)                              
    lemma :
       m y 
      (x  maybe {B = const _} _∷_ id m y)  (m  just x ∥⊎∥ x  y)
    lemma nothing y =
      x  y                         ↔⟨ inverse $ Trunc.drop-⊥-left-∥⊎∥ ∈-propositional ⊎.inj₁≢inj₂ ⟩□
      (nothing  just x ∥⊎∥ x  y)  
    lemma (just z) y =
      x  z  y                  ↝⟨ ∈∷≃ 
      x  z ∥⊎∥ x  y            ↔⟨ (Bijection.≡↔inj₂≡inj₂ F.∘ ≡-comm) Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong F.id ⟩□
      just z  just x ∥⊎∥ x  y  

  e .is-propositionʳ y =
    Eq.left-closure ext 0 ∈-propositional

-- A lemma characterising map.

∈map≃ : (x  map f y)   ( λ z  z  y × f z  x) 
∈map≃ {x} {f} {y} =
  x  map f y                                ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_ ∈_) $ map≡map-Maybe-just y 
  x  map-Maybe (just  f) y                 ↝⟨ ∈map-Maybe≃ 
   ( λ z  z  y × just (f z)  just x)   ↔⟨ Trunc.∥∥-cong (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  inverse Bijection.≡↔inj₂≡inj₂) ⟩□
   ( λ z  z  y × f z  x)               

-- Some consequences of the characterisation of map.

∈→∈map :
  {f : A  B} 
  x  y  f x  map f y
∈→∈map {x} {y} {f} =
  x  y                            →⟨  x∈y   x , x∈y , refl _ ) 
   ( λ z  z  y × f z  f x)   ↔⟨ inverse ∈map≃ ⟩□
  f x  map f y                    

Injective→∈map≃ :
  {f : A  B} 
  Injective f 
  (f x  map f y)  (x  y)
Injective→∈map≃ {x} {y} {f} inj =
  f x  map f y                    ↝⟨ ∈map≃ 
   ( λ z  z  y × f z  f x)   ↝⟨ (Trunc.∥∥-cong-⇔ $ ∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                       record { to = inj; from = cong f }) 
   ( λ z  z  y × z  x)       ↔⟨ Trunc.∥∥-cong $ inverse $ ∃-intro _ _ 
   x  y                         ↔⟨ Trunc.∥∥↔ ∈-propositional ⟩□
  x  y                            

-- A lemma characterising filter.

∈filter≃ :
   p  (x  filter p y)  (T (p x) × x  y)
∈filter≃ {x} {y} p =
  x  map-Maybe  x  if p x then just x else nothing) y         ↝⟨ ∈map-Maybe≃ 
   ( λ z  z  y × if p z then just z else nothing  just x)   ↝⟨ (Trunc.∥∥-cong $ ∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  lemma _ (refl _)) 
   ( λ z  z  y × T (p z) × z  x)                            ↔⟨ (Trunc.∥∥-cong $ ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                      (×-cong₁ λ z≡x  ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong  z  z  y × T (p z)) z≡x) F.∘
   ( λ z  (x  y × T (p x)) × z  x)                          ↔⟨ inverse Σ-assoc F.∘
                                                                     (×-cong₁ λ _ 
                                                                      ×-comm F.∘
                                                                      Trunc.∥∥↔ (×-closure 1 ∈-propositional (T-propositional (p x)))) F.∘
                                                                     inverse Trunc.∥∥×∥∥↔∥×∥ F.∘
                                                                     Trunc.∥∥-cong ∃-comm 
  T (p x) × x  y ×  ( λ z  z  x)                            ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  drop-⊤-right λ _ 
                                                                      _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ (singleton-contractible _) F.∘
                                                                      Trunc.∥∥↔ (H-level.mono₁ 0 $ singleton-contractible _)) ⟩□
  T (p x) × x  y                                                 
  lemma :
     b  p z  b 
    (if b then just z else nothing  just x) 
    (T b × z  x)
  lemma {z} true eq =
    just z  just x  ↔⟨ inverse Bijection.≡↔inj₂≡inj₂ 
    z  x            ↔⟨ inverse ×-left-identity ⟩□
     × z  x        
  lemma {z} false eq =
    nothing  just x  ↔⟨ Bijection.≡↔⊎ 
                     ↔⟨ inverse ×-left-zero ⟩□
     × z  x         

-- The result of filtering is a subset of the original subset.

filter⊆ :  p  filter p x  x
filter⊆ {x} p z =
  z  filter p x   ↔⟨ ∈filter≃ p 
  T (p z) × z  x  →⟨ proj₂ ⟩□
  z  x            

-- The functions minus and delete

-- If erased truncated equality is decidable, then one subset can be
-- removed from another.

minus :
  ((x y : A)  Dec-Erased  x  y ) 
  Finite-subset-of A  Finite-subset-of A  Finite-subset-of A
minus _≟_ x y =
  filter  z  if member?ᴱ _≟_ z y then false else true) x

-- A lemma characterising minus.

∈minus≃ : (x  minus _≟_ y z)  (x  y × x  z)
∈minus≃ {x} {_≟_} {y} {z} =
  x  minus _≟_ y z                                     ↝⟨ ∈filter≃  _  if member?ᴱ _ _ z then _ else _) 
  T (if member?ᴱ _≟_ x z then false else true) × x  y  ↔⟨ lemma (member?ᴱ _≟_ x z) ×-cong F.id 
  x  z × x  y                                         ↔⟨ ×-comm ⟩□
  x  y × x  z                                         
  lemma :
    (d : Dec-Erased A) 
    T (if d then false else true)  ¬ A
  lemma {A} d@(yes a) =
    T (if d then false else true)  ↔⟨⟩
                                  ↝⟨ Bijection.⊥↔uninhabited (_$ a) 
    ¬ EC.Erased A                  ↝⟨ EC.¬-Erased↔¬ ext ⟩□
    ¬ A                            
  lemma {A} d@(no ¬a) =
    T (if d then false else true) ↔⟨⟩
                                 ↝⟨ inverse $
                                     _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                       (¬-propositional ext)
                                       (EC.Stable-¬ ¬a) ⟩□
    ¬ A                           

-- The result of minus is a subset of the original subset.

minus⊆ :  y  minus _≟_ x y  x
minus⊆ y =
  filter⊆  _  if member?ᴱ _ _ y then _ else _)

-- Minus commutes with itself (in a certain sense).

minus-comm :
   x y z 
  minus _≟_ (minus _≟_ x y) z  minus _≟_ (minus _≟_ x z) y
minus-comm x y z =
     _  if member?ᴱ _ _ z then _ else _)
     _  if member?ᴱ _ _ y then _ else _)

-- Minus commutes with union (in a certain sense).

minus-∪ :
   x z 
  minus _≟_ (x  y) z  minus _≟_ x z  minus _≟_ y z
minus-∪ x z = filter-∪  _  if member?ᴱ _ _ z then _ else _) x

-- A lemma relating minus, _⊆_ and _∪_.

minus⊆≃ :
  {_≟_ : (x y : A)  Dec  x  y } 
  (minus  x y  Dec→Dec-Erased (x  y)) x y  z) 
  (x  y  z)
minus⊆≃ {x} {z} {_≟_} y =
     x-y⊆z u 
       u  x                         →⟨  u∈x 
                                           case member? _≟_ u y of
                                             P.[ Trunc.∣inj₁∣ , Trunc.∣inj₂∣  (u∈x ,_) ]) 
       u  y ∥⊎∥ (u  x × u  y)     ↔⟨ F.id Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong inverse ∈minus≃ 
       u  y ∥⊎∥ u  minus _≟′_ x y  →⟨ id Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong x-y⊆z u 
       u  y ∥⊎∥ u  z               ↔⟨ inverse ∈∪≃ ⟩□
       u  y  z                     )
     x⊆y∪z u 
       u  minus _≟′_ x y         ↔⟨ ∈minus≃ 
       u  x × u  y              →⟨ Σ-map (x⊆y∪z _) id 
       u  y  z × u  y          ↔⟨ ∈∪≃ ×-cong F.id 
       (u  y ∥⊎∥ u  z) × u  y  ↔⟨ (×-cong₁ λ u∉y  Trunc.drop-⊥-left-∥⊎∥ ∈-propositional u∉y) 
       u  z × u  y              →⟨ proj₁ ⟩□
       u  z                      )
  _≟′_ = λ x y  Dec→Dec-Erased (x  y)

-- If erased truncated equality is decidable, then elements can be
-- removed from a subset.

delete :
  ((x y : A)  Dec-Erased  x  y ) 
  A  Finite-subset-of A  Finite-subset-of A
delete _≟_ x y = minus _≟_ y (singleton x)

-- A lemma characterising delete.

∈delete≃ :  _≟_  (x  delete _≟_ y z)  (x  y × x  z)
∈delete≃ {x} {y} {z} _≟_ =
  x  delete _≟_ y z       ↝⟨ ∈minus≃ {_≟_ = _≟_} 
  x  z × x  singleton y  ↝⟨ F.id ×-cong →-cong₁ ext ∈singleton≃ 
  x  z × ¬  x  y       ↔⟨ F.id ×-cong Trunc.¬∥∥↔¬ 
  x  z × x  y            ↔⟨ ×-comm ⟩□
  x  y × x  z            

-- A deleted element is no longer a member of the set.

∉delete :  _≟_ y  x  delete _≟_ x y
∉delete {x} _≟_ y =
  x  delete _≟_ x y  ↔⟨ ∈delete≃ _≟_ 
  x  x × x  y       →⟨ (_$ refl _)  proj₁ ⟩□

-- Deletion commutes with itself (in a certain sense).

delete-comm :
   _≟_ z 
  delete _≟_ x (delete _≟_ y z)  delete _≟_ y (delete _≟_ x z)
delete-comm _≟_ z =
  minus-comm {_≟_ = _≟_} z (singleton _) (singleton _)

-- Deletion commutes with union.

delete-∪ :
   _≟_ y 
  delete _≟_ x (y  z)  delete _≟_ x y  delete _≟_ x z
delete-∪ _≟_ y = minus-∪ {_≟_ = _≟_} y (singleton _)

-- A lemma relating delete, _⊆_ and _∷_.

delete⊆≃ :
  (_≟_ : (x y : A)  Dec  x  y ) 
  (delete  x y  Dec→Dec-Erased (x  y)) x y  z)  (y  x  z)
delete⊆≃ _≟_ = minus⊆≃ {_≟_ = _≟_} (singleton _)

-- Some preservation lemmas for _⊆_

-- Various operations preserve _⊆_.

∷-cong-⊆ : y  z  x  y  x  z
∷-cong-⊆ {y} {z} {x} y⊆z u =
  u  x  y        ↔⟨ ∈∷≃ 
  u  x ∥⊎∥ u  y  →⟨ id Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong y⊆z _ 
  u  x ∥⊎∥ u  z  ↔⟨ inverse ∈∷≃ ⟩□
  u  x  z        

∪-cong-⊆ : x₁  x₂  y₁  y₂  x₁  y₁  x₂  y₂
∪-cong-⊆ {x₁} {x₂} {y₁} {y₂} x₁⊆x₂ y₁⊆y₂ z =
  z  x₁  y₁        ↔⟨ ∈∪≃ 
  z  x₁ ∥⊎∥ z  y₁  →⟨ x₁⊆x₂ _ Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong y₁⊆y₂ _ 
  z  x₂ ∥⊎∥ z  y₂  ↔⟨ inverse ∈∪≃ ⟩□
  z  x₂  y₂        

filter-cong-⊆ :
   p q 
  (∀ z  T (p z)  T (q z)) 
  x  y  filter p x  filter q y
filter-cong-⊆ {x} {y} p q p⇒q x⊆y z =
  z  filter p x   ↔⟨ ∈filter≃ p 
  T (p z) × z  x  →⟨ Σ-map (p⇒q _) (x⊆y _) 
  T (q z) × z  y  ↔⟨ inverse $ ∈filter≃ q ⟩□
  z  filter q y   

minus-cong-⊆ : x₁  x₂  y₂  y₁  minus _≟_ x₁ y₁  minus _≟_ x₂ y₂
minus-cong-⊆ {x₁} {x₂} {y₂} {y₁} {_≟_} x₁⊆x₂ y₂⊆y₁ z =
  z  minus _≟_ x₁ y₁  ↔⟨ ∈minus≃ 
  z  x₁ × z  y₁      →⟨ Σ-map (x₁⊆x₂ _) (_∘ y₂⊆y₁ _) 
  z  x₂ × z  y₂      ↔⟨ inverse ∈minus≃ ⟩□
  z  minus _≟_ x₂ y₂  

delete-cong-⊆ :  _≟_  y  z  delete _≟_ x y  delete _≟_ x z
delete-cong-⊆ _≟_ y⊆z =
  minus-cong-⊆ {_≟_ = _≟_} y⊆z (⊆-refl {x = singleton _})

-- Size


  -- This definition is used to define ∣_∣≡ and ∣∣≡-propositional
  -- below.
  -- This definition is not taken from "Finite Sets in Homotopy Type
  -- Theory", but it is based on the size function in that paper.

  Size : {A : Type a}  Finite-subset-of A    Proposition a
  Size {a} {A} = rec r


      -- The size of x ∷ y is equal to the size of y if x is a member
      -- of y, and otherwise it is equal to the successor of the size
      -- of y.

      Cons′ :
        A  Finite-subset-of A 
        (  Proposition a)  (  Type a)
      Cons′ x y ∣y∣≡ n =
        x  y × proj₁ (∣y∣≡ n)
        Cons″ x y ∣y∣≡ n

      Cons″ :
        A  Finite-subset-of A 
        (  Proposition a)  (  Type a)
      Cons″ x y ∣y∣≡ zero    = 
      Cons″ x y ∣y∣≡ (suc n) = x  y × proj₁ (∣y∣≡ n)

    Cons′-propositional :
       Hyp n  Is-proposition (Cons′ x y Hyp n)
    Cons′-propositional Hyp zero =
         _ ())
        (×-closure 1 ∈-propositional (proj₂ (Hyp 0)))
    Cons′-propositional Hyp (suc n) =
         (x∈y , _) (x∉y , _)  x∉y x∈y)
        (×-closure 1 ∈-propositional (proj₂ (Hyp (suc n))))
        (×-closure 1 (¬-propositional ext) (proj₂ (Hyp n)))

    Cons :
      A  Finite-subset-of A 
      (  Proposition a)  (  Proposition a)
    Cons x y Hyp n =
        Cons′ x y Hyp n
      , Cons′-propositional _ _

    drop-lemma :
      Cons′ x (x  y) (Cons x y H) n  Cons′ x y H n
    drop-lemma {x} {y} {H} {n} =
      Cons′ x (x  y) (Cons x y H) n   ↔⟨⟩
      x  x  y × Cons′ x y H n  C n  ↔⟨ drop-⊥-right (C↔⊥ n) 
      x  x  y × Cons′ x y H n        ↔⟨ drop-⊤-left-×  _  x∈x∷y↔⊤) 
      Cons′ x y H n                    
      C = Cons″ x (x  y) (Cons x y H)

      x∈x∷y↔⊤ : x  x  y  
      x∈x∷y↔⊤ =
        x  x  y        ↔⟨ ∈∷≃ 
        x  x ∥⊎∥ x  y  ↝⟨ Trunc.inhabited⇒∥∥↔⊤  inj₁ (refl _)  ⟩□

      C↔⊥ :  n  C n  
      C↔⊥ zero    = ⊥↔⊥
      C↔⊥ (suc n) =
        x  x  y × Cons′ x y H n  ↝⟨ →-cong ext x∈x∷y↔⊤ F.id ×-cong F.id 
        ¬  × Cons′ x y H n        ↝⟨ inverse (Bijection.⊥↔uninhabited (_$ _)) ×-cong F.id 
        ⊥₀ × Cons′ x y H n         ↝⟨ ×-left-zero ⟩□

    swap-lemma′ :
      x  y  z × Cons′ y z H n  Cons″ x (y  z) (Cons y z H) n 
      y  x  z × Cons′ x z H n  Cons″ y (x  z) (Cons x z H) n
    swap-lemma′ {x} {y} {z} {H} = λ where
      n (inj₁ (x∈y∷z , inj₁ (y∈z , p))) 
        inj₁ ( ∈→∈∷ y∈z
             , inj₁
                 ( (                 $⟨ x∈y∷z 
                    x  y  z        ↔⟨ ∈∷≃ 
                    x  y ∥⊎∥ x  z  →⟨ Trunc.∥∥-map P.[ (flip (subst (_∈ z)) y∈z  sym) , id ] 
                     x  z         ↔⟨ Trunc.∥∥↔ ∈-propositional ⟩□
                    x  z            )
                 , p

      (suc n) (inj₁ (x∈y∷z , inj₂ (y∉z , p))) 
        Trunc.rec (Cons′-propositional (Cons x z H) _)
          P.[  x≡y 
                inj₁ ( ≡→∈∷ (sym x≡y)
                     , inj₂ ( (x  z  →⟨ subst (_∈ z) x≡y 
                               y  z  →⟨ y∉z ⟩□
                            , p
            ,  x∈z 
                 inj₂ ( (y  x  z        ↔⟨ ∈∷≃ 
                         y  x ∥⊎∥ y  z  →⟨ Trunc.∥∥-map P.[ flip (subst (_∈ z)) x∈z  sym , id ] 
                          y  z         →⟨ Trunc.∥∥-map y∉z 
                                       ↔⟨ Trunc.∥∥↔ ⊥-propositional ⟩□
                      , inj₁ (x∈z , p)
          (_≃_.to ∈∷≃ x∈y∷z)

      (suc n) (inj₂ (x∉y∷z , inj₁ (y∈z , p))) 
        inj₁ ( ∈→∈∷ y∈z
             , inj₂ ( (x  z      →⟨ ∈→∈∷ 
                       x  y  z  →⟨ x∉y∷z ⟩□
                    , p

      (suc (suc n)) (inj₂ (x∉y∷z , inj₂ (y∉z , p))) 
        inj₂ ( (y  x  z            ↔⟨ ∈∷≃ 
                y  x ∥⊎∥ y  z      →⟨ ≡→∈∷  sym Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong id 
                x  y  z ∥⊎∥ y  z  →⟨ Trunc.∥∥-map P.[ x∉y∷z , y∉z ] 
                                  ↔⟨ Trunc.∥∥↔ ⊥-propositional ⟩□
             , inj₂ ( (x  z      →⟨ ∈→∈∷ 
                       x  y  z  →⟨ x∉y∷z ⟩□
                    , p

    swap-lemma :
      Cons′ x (y  z) (Cons y z H) n 
      Cons′ y (x  z) (Cons x z H) n
    swap-lemma {x} {y} {z} {H} {n} =
        (Cons′-propositional _ _)
        (Cons′-propositional _ _)
        (swap-lemma′ _)
        (swap-lemma′ _)

    r : Rec A (  Proposition a)
    r .[]ʳ n =  _ (n  0) , ↑-closure 1 ℕ-set

    r .∷ʳ = Cons

    r .dropʳ x y Hyp = ⟨ext⟩ λ _ 
      _↔_.to (ignore-propositional-component
             (H-level-propositional ext 1)) $
      Univ.≃⇒≡ univ drop-lemma

    r .swapʳ x y z Hyp = ⟨ext⟩ λ _ 
      _↔_.to (ignore-propositional-component
             (H-level-propositional ext 1)) $
      Univ.≃⇒≡ univ swap-lemma

    r .is-setʳ =
      Π-closure ext 2 λ _ 
      Univ.∃-H-level-H-level-1+ ext univ 1

-- Size.

infix 4 ∣_∣≡_

∣_∣≡_ : {A : Type a}  Finite-subset-of A    Type a
 x ∣≡ n = proj₁ (Size x n)

-- The size predicate is propositional.

∣∣≡-propositional :
  (x : Finite-subset-of A)  Is-proposition ( x ∣≡ n)
∣∣≡-propositional x = proj₂ (Size x _)

-- Unit tests documenting the computational behaviour of ∣_∣≡_.

_ : ( [] {A = A} ∣≡ n)   _ (n  0)
_ = refl _

_ :  {A : Type a} {x : A} {y} 
    ( x  y ∣≡ zero)  (x  y ×  y ∣≡ zero  )
_ = refl _

_ : ( x  y ∣≡ suc n)  (x  y ×  y ∣≡ suc n  x  y ×  y ∣≡ n)
_ = refl _

-- The size predicate is functional.

∣∣≡-functional :
  (x : Finite-subset-of A)   x ∣≡ m   x ∣≡ n  m  n
∣∣≡-functional x = elim-prop e x _ _
  e : Elim-prop  x   m n   x ∣≡ m   x ∣≡ n  m  n)
  e .[]ʳ m n (lift m≡0) (lift n≡0) =
    m  ≡⟨ m≡0 
    0  ≡⟨ sym n≡0 ⟩∎

  e .∷ʳ {y} x hyp = λ where
    m n (inj₁ (x∈y , ∣y∣≡m)) (inj₁ (x∈y′ , ∣y∣≡n)) 
      hyp m n ∣y∣≡m ∣y∣≡n

    (suc m) (suc n) (inj₂ (x∉y , ∣y∣≡m)) (inj₂ (x∉y′ , ∣y∣≡n)) 
      cong suc (hyp m n ∣y∣≡m ∣y∣≡n)

    _ (suc _) (inj₁ (x∈y , _)) (inj₂ (x∉y , _))  ⊥-elim (x∉y x∈y)
    (suc _) _ (inj₂ (x∉y , _)) (inj₁ (x∈y , _))  ⊥-elim (x∉y x∈y)

  e .is-propositionʳ _ =
    Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
    Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
    Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
    Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

-- If truncated equality is decidable, then one can compute the size
-- of a finite subset.

size :
  ((x y : A)  Dec  x  y ) 
  (x : Finite-subset-of A)   λ n   x ∣≡ n
size equal? = elim-prop e
  e : Elim-prop _
  e .[]ʳ = 0 , lift (refl _)

  e .∷ʳ {y} x (n , ∣y∣≡n) =
    case member? equal? x y of λ x∈?y 
        if x∈?y then n else suc n
      , lemma ∣y∣≡n x∈?y
    lemma :
       y ∣≡ n 
      (x∈?y : Dec (x  y)) 
       x  y ∣≡ if x∈?y then n else suc n
    lemma ∣y∣≡n (yes x∈y) = inj₁ (x∈y , ∣y∣≡n)
    lemma ∣y∣≡n (no  x∉y) = inj₂ (x∉y , ∣y∣≡n)

  e .is-propositionʳ x (m , ∣x∣≡m) (n , ∣x∣≡n) =
    Σ-≡,≡→≡ (m  ≡⟨ ∣∣≡-functional x ∣x∣≡m ∣x∣≡n ⟩∎
             n  )
            (∣∣≡-propositional x _ _)

-- A variant of size that uses Erased.

sizeᴱ :
  ((x y : A)  Dec-Erased  x  y ) 
  (x : Finite-subset-of A)   λ n  Erased ( x ∣≡ n)
sizeᴱ equal? = elim-prop e
  e : Elim-prop _
  e .[]ʳ = 0 , [ lift (refl _) ]

  e .∷ʳ {y} x (n , [ ∣y∣≡n ]) =
    case member?ᴱ equal? x y of λ x∈?y 
        if x∈?y then n else suc n
      , [ lemma ∣y∣≡n x∈?y ]
    @0 lemma :
       y ∣≡ n 
      (x∈?y : Dec-Erased (x  y)) 
       x  y ∣≡ if x∈?y then n else suc n
    lemma ∣y∣≡n (yes [ x∈y ]) = inj₁ (x∈y , ∣y∣≡n)
    lemma ∣y∣≡n (no  [ x∉y ]) = inj₂ (x∉y , ∣y∣≡n)

  e .is-propositionʳ x (m , [ ∣x∣≡m ]) (n , [ ∣x∣≡n ]) =
    Σ-≡,≡→≡ (m  ≡⟨ EC.Very-stable→Stable 1
                     (EC.Decidable-equality→Very-stable-≡ Nat._≟_)
                     _ _
                     [ ∣∣≡-functional x ∣x∣≡m ∣x∣≡n ] ⟩∎
             n  )
            (EC.H-level-Erased 1 (∣∣≡-propositional x) _ _)

-- Finite types

-- A type is finite if there is some finite subset of the type for
-- which every element of the type is a member of the subset.

Is-finite : Type a  Type a
Is-finite A =  λ (s : Finite-subset-of A)   x  x  s

-- The Is-finite predicate is propositional.

Is-finite-propositional : Is-proposition (Is-finite A)
Is-finite-propositional (x , p) (y , q) =
                         $⟨  z  record { to = λ _  q z; from = λ _  p z }) 
  (∀ z  z  x  z  y)  ↝⟨ inverse extensionality 
  x  y                  ↔⟨ ignore-propositional-component (Π-closure ext 1  _  ∈-propositional)) ⟩□
  (x , p)  (y , q)      

-- Some definitions related to the definitions in Bag-equivalence

-- A lemma characterising from-List.

∥∈∥≃∈-from-List :  x BE.∈ ys   (x  from-List ys)
∥∈∥≃∈-from-List {x} {ys} =
    (to _)
    (from _)
  to :  ys   x BE.∈ ys   x  from-List ys
  to []       = Trunc.rec ∈-propositional  ())
  to (y  ys) = Trunc.rec ∈-propositional
                  P.[ ≡→∈∷ , ∈→∈∷  to ys  ∣_∣ ]

  from :  ys  x  from-List ys   x BE.∈ ys 
  from [] ()
  from (y  ys) =
      P.[ ∣_∣  inj₁ , Trunc.∥∥-map inj₂  from ys ] 
    _≃_.to ∈∷≃

-- Finite subsets can be expressed as lists quotiented by set
-- equivalence.

≃List/∼ : Finite-subset-of A  List A / _∼[ set ]_
≃List/∼ = from-bijection (record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = to
      ; from = from
    ; right-inverse-of = to∘from
  ; left-inverse-of = from∘to
  cons : A  List A / _∼[ set ]_  List A / _∼[ set ]_
  cons x = (x ∷_) Q./-map λ _ _  refl _ BE.∷-cong_

  to : Finite-subset-of A  List A / _∼[ set ]_
  to = rec r
    r : Rec _ _
    r .[]ʳ       = Q.[ [] ]
    r .∷ʳ x _ y  = cons x y
    r .is-setʳ   = Q./-is-set
    r .dropʳ x _ = Q.elim-prop λ where
      .Q.[]ʳ xs  Q.[]-respects-relation λ z 
        z BE.∈ x  x  xs      ↝⟨ record { to = P.[ inj₁ , id ]; from = inj₂ } ⟩□
        z BE.∈ x  xs          
      .Q.is-propositionʳ _  Q./-is-set

    r .swapʳ x y _ = Q.elim-prop λ where
      .Q.[]ʳ xs  Q.[]-respects-relation λ z 
        z BE.∈ x  y  xs  ↔⟨ BE.swap-first-two z ⟩□
        z BE.∈ y  x  xs  
      .Q.is-propositionʳ _  Q./-is-set

  from : List A / _∼[ set ]_  Finite-subset-of A
  from {A} = Q.rec λ where
    .Q.[]ʳ  from-List

    .Q.[]-respects-relationʳ {x = xs} {y = ys} xs∼ys 
      _≃_.from extensionality λ z 
        z  from-List xs  ↔⟨ inverse ∥∈∥≃∈-from-List 
         z BE.∈ xs      ↔⟨ Trunc.∥∥-cong-⇔ {k = bijection} (xs∼ys z) 
         z BE.∈ ys      ↔⟨ ∥∈∥≃∈-from-List ⟩□
        z  from-List ys  

    .Q.is-setʳ  is-set

  to∘from :  x  to (from x)  x
  to∘from = Q.elim-prop λ where
      .Q.[]ʳ                lemma
      .Q.is-propositionʳ _  Q./-is-set
    lemma :  xs  to (from-List xs)  Q.[ xs ]
    lemma []       = refl _
    lemma (x  xs) =
      to (from-List (x  xs))                              ≡⟨⟩
      ((x ∷_) Q./-map _) (to (from-List xs))               ≡⟨ cong ((x ∷_) Q./-map _) (lemma xs) 
      ((x ∷_) Q./-map λ _ _  refl _ BE.∷-cong_) Q.[ xs ]  ≡⟨⟩
      Q.[ x  xs ]                                         

  from∘to :  x  from (to x)  x
  from∘to = elim-prop e
    e : Elim-prop _
    e .[]ʳ = refl _

    e .∷ʳ {y} x hyp =
      from (to (x  y))     ≡⟨⟩
      from (cons x (to y))  ≡⟨ Q.elim-prop
                                 {P = λ y  from (cons x y)  x  from y}
                                    .Q.[]ʳ _              refl _
                                    .Q.is-propositionʳ _  is-set)
                                 (to y) 
      x  from (to y)       ≡⟨ cong (x ∷_) hyp ⟩∎
      x  y                 

    e .is-propositionʳ _ = is-set

-- A truncated variant of the proof-relevant membership relation from
-- Bag-equivalence can be expressed in terms of _∈_.

∥∈∥≃∈ :  x BE.∈ ys   (x  _≃_.from ≃List/∼ Q.[ ys ])
∥∈∥≃∈ = ∥∈∥≃∈-from-List

-- Fresh numbers

-- One can always find a natural number that is distinct from those in
-- a given finite set of natural numbers.

fresh :
  (ns : Finite-subset-of ) 
   λ (n : )  n  ns
fresh = λ ns 
  Σ-map id
       Erased (∀ n  n  ns  n < m)  →⟨ EC.map (_$ m) 
       Erased (m  ns  m < m)        →⟨ EC.map (∀-cong _ λ _  Nat.+≮ 0) 
       Erased (m  ns)                →⟨ EC.Stable-¬ ⟩□
       m  ns                         )
    (elim e ns)
  OK : @0 Finite-subset-of   @0   Type
  OK ms m = Erased (∀ n  n  ms  n < m)

  prop : Is-proposition (OK ms m)
  prop =
    EC.H-level-Erased 1 (
    Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
    Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

  ∷-max-suc :
     {ms n m} 
    OK ms n 
    OK (m  ms) (Nat.max (suc m) n)
  ∷-max-suc {ms} {n} {m} [ ub ] =
    [  o 
         o  m  ms                   ↔⟨ ∈∷≃ 
         o  m ∥⊎∥ o  ms             →⟨ Nat.≤-refl′  cong suc  id Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong ub o 
         o Nat.< suc m ∥⊎∥ o Nat.< n  →⟨ Trunc.rec ≤-propositional
                                           P.[ flip Nat.≤-trans (Nat.ˡ≤max _ n)
                                             , flip Nat.≤-trans (Nat.ʳ≤max (suc m) _)
                                             ] ⟩□
         o Nat.< Nat.max (suc m) n    )

  e : Elim  ms   λ m  OK ms m)
  e .[]ʳ =
    0 , [  _ ()) ]

  e .∷ʳ m (n , ub) =
    Nat.max (suc m) n , ∷-max-suc ub

  e .dropʳ {y = ns} m (n , ub) =
    _↔_.to (ignore-propositional-component prop)
      (proj₁ (subst  ms   λ m  OK ms m)
                    (drop {x = m} {y = ns})
                    ( Nat.max (suc m) (Nat.max (suc m) n)
                    , ∷-max-suc (∷-max-suc ub)
                    ))                                     ≡⟨ cong proj₁ $
                                                              push-subst-pair-× {y≡z = drop {x = m} {y = ns}} _
                                                                 (ms , m)  OK ms m)
                                                                {p = _ , ∷-max-suc (∷-max-suc ub)} 

       Nat.max (suc m) (Nat.max (suc m) n)                 ≡⟨ Nat.max-assoc (suc m) {n = suc m} {o = n} 

       Nat.max (Nat.max (suc m) (suc m)) n                 ≡⟨ cong  m  Nat.max m n) $ Nat.max-idempotent (suc m) ⟩∎

       Nat.max (suc m) n                                   )

  e .swapʳ {z = ns} m n (o , ub) =
    _↔_.to (ignore-propositional-component prop)
      (proj₁ (subst  xs   λ m  OK xs m)
                    (swap {x = m} {y = n} {z = ns})
                    ( Nat.max (suc m) (Nat.max (suc n) o)
                    , ∷-max-suc (∷-max-suc ub)
                    ))                                     ≡⟨ cong proj₁ $
                                                              push-subst-pair-× {y≡z = swap {x = m} {y = n} {z = ns}} _
                                                                 (ms , m)  OK ms m)
                                                                {p = _ , ∷-max-suc (∷-max-suc ub)} 

       Nat.max (suc m) (Nat.max (suc n) o)                 ≡⟨ Nat.max-assoc (suc m) {n = suc n} {o = o} 

       Nat.max (Nat.max (suc m) (suc n)) o                 ≡⟨ cong  m  Nat.max m o) $ Nat.max-comm (suc m) (suc n) 

       Nat.max (Nat.max (suc n) (suc m)) o                 ≡⟨ sym $ Nat.max-assoc (suc n) {n = suc m} {o = o} ⟩∎

       Nat.max (suc n) (Nat.max (suc m) o)                 )

  e .is-setʳ _ =
    Σ-closure 2 ℕ-set λ _ 
    H-level.mono₁ 1 prop