Uses of Interface

Packages that use ModelListener Overview Model Coverage Metrics   

Uses of ModelListener in

Classes in that implement ModelListener
 class AbstractListener
          An implementation of ModelListener that ignores all events.
 class GraphListener
          This ModelListener builds a graph of the observed parts of the model.
 class StopOnFailureListener
          An implementation of ModelListener that throws an exception when the first test failure is detected.
 class VerboseListener
          An implementation of ModelListener that prints event messages to the Model's getOutput() stream.

Methods in that return ModelListener
 ModelListener Model.addListener(ModelListener listen)
          Add a listener.
 ModelListener Tester.addListener(ModelListener listener)
          A convenience method that adds a listener object.
 ModelListener Model.addListener(java.lang.String name)
          Add one of the predefined model listeners or coverage metrics.
 ModelListener Tester.addListener(java.lang.String name)
          A convenience method for adding known listeners and coverage metrics.
 ModelListener Model.getListener(java.lang.String name)
          Get a listener by name, or null if that name is unused.
 ModelListener ListenerFactory.getListener(java.lang.String name)
          Gets a pre-defined listener, or null if one is not known.
 ModelListener Model.removeListener(java.lang.String name)
          Remove a coverage listener by name.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ModelListener
 java.lang.Class<? extends ModelListener> ListenerFactory.getListenerClass(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the class that will be used to create the given kind of listeners, or null if unknown.
 java.lang.Class<? extends ModelListener> ListenerFactory.putListener(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class<? extends ModelListener> clazz)
          Defines a new kind of pre-defined listener.
 java.lang.Class<? extends ModelListener> ListenerFactory.removeListener(java.lang.String name)
          Remove the listener class associated with name.

Methods in with parameters of type ModelListener
 ModelListener Model.addListener(ModelListener listen)
          Add a listener.
 ModelListener Tester.addListener(ModelListener listener)
          A convenience method that adds a listener object.
 void Tester.addListener(java.lang.String name, ModelListener listen)
          Deprecated. Use addListener(listener) instead.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ModelListener
 java.lang.Class<? extends ModelListener> ListenerFactory.putListener(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class<? extends ModelListener> clazz)
          Defines a new kind of pre-defined listener.

Uses of ModelListener in

Subinterfaces of ModelListener in
 interface CoverageMetric
          An interface to a test coverage metric.

Classes in that implement ModelListener
 class AbstractCoverage
          A partial implementation of CoverageMetric.
 class ActionCoverage
          Measures the number of distinct Actions that have been tested.
 class CoverageHistory
          A wrapper class that adds history recording to any CoverageMetric.
 class StateCoverage
          Counts the number of times each state has been entered.
 class TransitionCoverage
          Measures the number of Transitions that have been tested.
 class TransitionPairCoverage
          Measures the number of distinct Actions that have been tested.

Uses of ModelListener in

Classes in that implement ModelListener
 class VisualisationListener
          An implementation of ModelListener that passes information about the model to the JUNGHelper class.

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