Class Model

  extended by
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Model
extends java.lang.Object

This class is a wrapper around a user-supplied EFSM model. It uses reflection to find all the actions and guards of the model. It allows a tester class (see Tester and its subclasses) to check the guards, call the actions and keep track of the current state. It also provides a general listener facility that can be used to print progress messages, record model coverage metrics etc.

To use this wrapper, you write a special EFSM class (see FsmModel) that models part of the behaviour of your SUT, then pass an instance of that class to the constructor of this class. Then you can pass an instance of this class to one of the Tester subclasses, such as RandomTester, in order to generate/execute test sequences. However, many of those classes provide a convenience constructor that creates this Model wrapper for you.

TODO: cache the guard evaluations? This would give a small efficiency gain and would avoid calling the listeners several times for the same guard.

Field Summary
protected  java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.reflect.Method> fsmActions_
          All the @Action methods of fsmClass_.
protected  FsmModel fsmModel_
          The implementation under test (null means none yet).
protected  java.util.ArrayList<Transition> fsmSequence_
          Current test sequence TODO: decide whether this needs to be builtin or a listener.
protected  java.lang.Object fsmState_
          The current state of the implementation under test.
protected output_
          Output device used for messages and warnings.
protected static java.lang.Object[] VOID_ARGS
          An empty array of objects.
Constructor Summary
Model(FsmModel model)
          Constructs an EFSM model from the given FsmModel object.
Method Summary
 ModelListener addListener(ModelListener listen)
          Add a listener.
 ModelListener addListener(java.lang.String name)
          Add one of the predefined model listeners or coverage metrics.
 boolean doAction(int index)
          Try to take the given Action from the current state.
 void doReset()
          Reset the FSM to its initial state.
 void doReset(java.lang.String reason)
          Reset the FSM to its initial state.
 int enabled(int index)
          Is Action number 'index' enabled? Returns 0 if Action number 'index' is disabled, or a positive number if it is enabled.
 java.util.BitSet enabledGuards()
          Return a fresh BitSet of all actions that are enabled in the current state.
 java.lang.String getActionName(int index)
          Returns the name of the given Action.
 int getActionNumber(java.lang.String name)
          Looks up an Action by name and returns its number.
 java.lang.Object getCurrentState()
          Returns the current state of the implementation under test.
 GraphListener getGraphListener()
          Get the GraphListener for this model.
 ModelListener getListener(java.lang.String name)
          Get a listener by name, or null if that name is unused.
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getListenerNames()
          The set of names of all the current coverage metrics and listeners
 java.lang.Object getModel()
          Returns the model object that is begin tested.
 java.lang.Class getModelClass()
          Returns the FSM class that is the test model.
 java.lang.String getModelName()
          Returns the name of the FSM class that is the test model.
 int getNumActions()
          The total number of Actions. getOutput()
          The current output stream, which is used for messages and warnings.
 boolean getTesting()
          True means we are generating real tests.
static java.lang.String getVersion()
          The version of ModelJUnit
 boolean isEnabled(int index)
          Is Action number 'index' enabled? Returns true if Action number 'index' is enabled.
 boolean isInitialState()
          True iff the current state is the initial state.
 boolean isTerminal()
          True iff the current state is a terminal state.
protected  void loadModelClass(java.lang.Class fsm)
          Loads the given class and finds its @Action methods.
 void notifyDoneGuard(java.lang.Object state, int action, boolean enabled, int value)
          Sends a doneGuard event to all listeners
 void notifyDoneReset(java.lang.String reason, boolean testing)
          Sends a doneReset event to all listeners
 void notifyDoneTransition(int action, Transition tr)
          Sends a doneTransition event to all listeners
 void notifyFailure(TestFailureException ex)
          Sends a failure event to all listeners.
 void notifyStartAction(java.lang.Object state, int action, java.lang.String name)
          Sends a startAction event to all listeners
 void printMessage(java.lang.String msg)
          Print a message to the current output writer (see getOutput()).
 void printWarning(java.lang.String msg)
          Prints a warning message to the current output writer.
 void removeAllListeners()
          Remove all coverage listeners.
 ModelListener removeListener(java.lang.String name)
          Remove a coverage listener by name. setOutput( output)
          Sets the current output stream.
 boolean setTesting(boolean testing)
          Sets the testing flag.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected FsmModel fsmModel_
The implementation under test (null means none yet).


protected java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.reflect.Method> fsmActions_
All the @Action methods of fsmClass_.


protected java.lang.Object fsmState_
The current state of the implementation under test.


protected java.util.ArrayList<Transition> fsmSequence_
Current test sequence TODO: decide whether this needs to be builtin or a listener.


protected static final java.lang.Object[] VOID_ARGS
An empty array of objects.


protected output_
Output device used for messages and warnings.

Constructor Detail


public Model(FsmModel model)
Constructs an EFSM model from the given FsmModel object.

model -
Method Detail


public static final java.lang.String getVersion()
The version of ModelJUnit


public int getActionNumber(java.lang.String name)
Looks up an Action by name and returns its number. The resulting number can be used to execute an action (see doAction(int)) or to check the guard of the action (see isEnabled(int)).

name - The name of an Action.
The number of the action (>= 0), else -1.


public java.lang.Class getModelClass()
Returns the FSM class that is the test model.


public java.lang.String getModelName()
Returns the name of the FSM class that is the test model.


public java.lang.Object getModel()
Returns the model object that is begin tested.


public java.lang.Object getCurrentState()
Returns the current state of the implementation under test.


public java.lang.String getActionName(int index)
Returns the name of the given Action.


public int getNumActions()
The total number of Actions.


public boolean getTesting()
True means we are generating real tests. False means we are just exploring the model, so the FsmModel does not really need to connect to the SUT. This flag is passed to each reset of the FsmModel.


public boolean setTesting(boolean testing)
Sets the testing flag. Returns its previous value.


public getOutput()
The current output stream, which is used for messages and warnings.


public setOutput( output)
Sets the current output stream.

output -
the old output stream


protected void loadModelClass(java.lang.Class fsm)
Loads the given class and finds its @Action methods. This method must be called before any fsm traversals are done.


public void doReset()
Reset the FSM to its initial state. This is equivalent to doReset("User",testing), because it corresponds to a user-requested reset.


public void doReset(java.lang.String reason)
Reset the FSM to its initial state. This also calls the doneReset(reason, testing) method of all the listeners. TODO: enhance it so that it gives no-guards-enabled and guards-not-deterministic warnings in the initial state.

reason - Why the reset was performed (an adjective).


public boolean isInitialState()
True iff the current state is the initial state. (Note that the result is false before the first reset, since the initial and current state are unknown until then).

true if current state is the initial state.


public boolean isEnabled(int index)
Is Action number 'index' enabled? Returns true if Action number 'index' is enabled. That is, if enabled(index) > 0.


public int enabled(int index)
Is Action number 'index' enabled? Returns 0 if Action number 'index' is disabled, or a positive number if it is enabled. Missing guard methods return 1, while boolean guard methods return 1 when true and 0 when false.

index - Index into the fsmActions_ array.
The `enabledness' of this Action.


public java.util.BitSet enabledGuards()
Return a fresh BitSet of all actions that are enabled in the current state. Callers are free to mutate the result.


public boolean isTerminal()
True iff the current state is a terminal state. That is, if there are no transitions out of it. Note that the terminal status of a given state may depend upon the path taken to reach that state, so on one run a state may be terminal, whereas on another run it may not be.

true iff getCurrentState() is a terminal state.


public boolean doAction(int index)
Try to take the given Action from the current state. Returns true if the Action was taken, false if it was disabled.

index - Index into the fsmTransitions array.
True if taken, false if it is disabled.


public ModelListener addListener(ModelListener listen)
Add a listener. The listener name is used to identify it and retrieve it. If a listener by the same name is already present, then this new listener will be ignored. This means that if you add the same listener multiple times, the first instance is the one that will continue to be used. (So you get more of the graph or coverage statistics recorded).

The listener that will be used.


public ModelListener addListener(java.lang.String name)
Add one of the predefined model listeners or coverage metrics. For example, if name is "transition coverage", then a TransitionCoverage metric will be added to this model, and returned. However, if this model already has a listener by this name, then that listener will be returned and no new listener will be added.

name - The informal lowercase name of a Listener object.
The listener that will actually be used.
java.lang.RuntimeException - if name is not a known kind of listener.


public ModelListener removeListener(java.lang.String name)
Remove a coverage listener by name.

the ModelListener that was removed (null if it was not present).


public void removeAllListeners()
Remove all coverage listeners.


public GraphListener getGraphListener()
Get the GraphListener for this model. This is equivalent to getListener("graph"), with a cast of the resulting listener to a GraphListener.

null if this model has no graph listener.


public ModelListener getListener(java.lang.String name)
Get a listener by name, or null if that name is unused.

name - The name of a listener.
null if name is not mapped to any listener.


public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getListenerNames()
The set of names of all the current coverage metrics and listeners


public void notifyDoneReset(java.lang.String reason,
                            boolean testing)
Sends a doneReset event to all listeners


public void notifyDoneGuard(java.lang.Object state,
                            int action,
                            boolean enabled,
                            int value)
Sends a doneGuard event to all listeners


public void notifyStartAction(java.lang.Object state,
                              int action,
                              java.lang.String name)
Sends a startAction event to all listeners


public void notifyDoneTransition(int action,
                                 Transition tr)
Sends a doneTransition event to all listeners


public void notifyFailure(TestFailureException ex)
Sends a failure event to all listeners. If one or more listeners throw a TestFailureException, then this method throws that exception, after all listeners have been informed of the failure.

TestFailureException - if a listener throws it.


public void printWarning(java.lang.String msg)
Prints a warning message to the current output writer.


public void printMessage(java.lang.String msg)
Print a message to the current output writer (see getOutput()). This automatically adds a newline on the end of msg. It does a flush after each call, so that messages appear promptly.

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