To pass the course, you need to pass the following labs:

Lab First deadline Final deadline
Binary Search Nov. 12th Nov. 28th
Stock Market Nov. 27th Dec. 8th
Travel Planning Dec. 18th Jan. 7th

Labs account for 1.5 HEC out of the course's total of 7.5 HEC. Note, however, that you are expected to spend significantly more than a single week on lab work.

Lab work should be carried out in groups of two. Exceptions to this rule are granted sparsely and only in exceptional circumstances. The labs must be completed by each group on its own. Copying all or parts of another group's solution or allowing another group to copy yours is considered cheating, and will be dealt with accordingly, so take care to protect your code from prying eyes.

If you are having trouble with a lab, make sure to attend one of the lab supervision sessions. There are (usually) three such sessions per week; see the course timetable for details. To attend a lab session, you will need to book a slot for that particular session. Booking sheets are posted at the bottom floor of Linsen, below the cafeteria. Bookings may be made no more than one week in advance, and each lab group may have at most one simultaneous booking. If you book a slot more than one week in advance or have more than one booked slot at any given time, your booking is considered forfeit and your slot will be given to another group.

Lab submissions are made through the Fire system.


To pass a lab, you must submit your first attempt at a solution before the first deadline given above. If your first attempt is not accepted, you may submit your lab again before the final deadline. Your initial submission must be a serious attempt at solving the problem at hand, and resubmissions must show genuine improvement over your previous submission.

We use the following system to structure feedback better:

Labs should be graded within three working days. If your submission takes longer to grade, you may in some cases, upon request, get your final deadline for the lab in question postponed.

At the end of the course, if you have one lab left without a passing grade, you may make a final resubmission no later than 7/1. If you would like to make this resubmission, contact Anton at least one day before the deadline.

Remember, you need to pass all labs in order to get a passing grade for the lab part of the course.

Submission guidelines

Code submissions must be clean, documented and well tested. If you are not sure about what "clean" means, consult any Java style guide; for instance, this one. In particular, clean and documented code:

Do not include junk files (*.class, *.hi, *.o, *~, etc.) in your submissions. Also, do not submit code which does not compile. In addition to your code, your submission should contain the following documentation: Any submission which does not fulfill the above criteria may be summarily rejected at the grader's discretion.