-- Sequential colimits

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

-- The definition of sequential colimits and the statement of the
-- non-dependent universal property are based on those in van Doorn's
-- "Constructing the Propositional Truncation using Non-recursive
-- HITs".

-- The module is parametrised by a notion of equality. The higher
-- constructor of the HIT defining sequential colimits uses path
-- equality, but the supplied notion of equality is used for many
-- other things.

import Equality.Path as P

module Colimit.Sequential
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq hiding (elim)

open import Prelude

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
import Equivalence P.equality-with-J as PEq
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (_∘_)

    a b p q : Level
    A B     : Type a
    P       : A  Type p
    n       : 
    e x     : A

-- The type

-- Sequential colimits.

data Colimit (P :   Type p) (step :  {n}  P n  P (suc n)) :
             Type p where
  ∣_∣    : P n  Colimit P step
  ∣∣≡∣∣ᴾ : (x : P n)   step x  P.≡  x 

-- A variant of ∣∣≡∣∣ᴾ.

∣∣≡∣∣ : {step :  {n}  P n  P (suc n)} (x : P n) 
        _≡_ {A = Colimit P step}  step x   x 
∣∣≡∣∣ x = _↔_.from ≡↔≡ (∣∣≡∣∣ᴾ x)

-- Eliminators

-- A dependent eliminator, expressed using paths.

record Elimᴾ
         {P :   Type p} {step :  {n}  P n  P (suc n)}
         (Q : Colimit P step  Type q) : Type (p  q) where
    ∣∣ʳ    : (x : P n)  Q  x 
    ∣∣≡∣∣ʳ :
      (x : P n) 
      P.[  i  Q (∣∣≡∣∣ᴾ x i)) ] ∣∣ʳ (step x)  ∣∣ʳ x

open Elimᴾ public

elimᴾ :
  {step :  {n}  P n  P (suc n)} {Q : Colimit P step  Type q} 
  Elimᴾ Q  (x : Colimit P step)  Q x
elimᴾ {P = P} {step = step} {Q = Q} e = helper
  module E = Elimᴾ e

  helper : (x : Colimit P step)  Q x
  helper  x         = E.∣∣ʳ x
  helper (∣∣≡∣∣ᴾ x i) = E.∣∣≡∣∣ʳ x i

-- A non-dependent eliminator, expressed using paths.

record Recᴾ
         (P :   Type p) (step :  {n}  P n  P (suc n))
         (B : Type b) : Type (p  b) where
    ∣∣ʳ    : P n  B
    ∣∣≡∣∣ʳ : (x : P n)  ∣∣ʳ (step x) P.≡ ∣∣ʳ x

open Recᴾ public

recᴾ :
  {step :  {n}  P n  P (suc n)} 
  Recᴾ P step B  Colimit P step  B
recᴾ r = elimᴾ λ where
    .∣∣ʳ     R.∣∣ʳ
    .∣∣≡∣∣ʳ  R.∣∣≡∣∣ʳ
  module R = Recᴾ r

-- A dependent eliminator.

record Elim
         {P :   Type p} {step :  {n}  P n  P (suc n)}
         (Q : Colimit P step  Type q) : Type (p  q) where
    ∣∣ʳ    : (x : P n)  Q  x 
    ∣∣≡∣∣ʳ : (x : P n)  subst Q (∣∣≡∣∣ x) (∣∣ʳ (step x))  ∣∣ʳ x

open Elim public

elim :
  {step :  {n}  P n  P (suc n)} {Q : Colimit P step  Type q} 
  Elim Q  (x : Colimit P step)  Q x
elim e = elimᴾ λ where
    .∣∣ʳ       E.∣∣ʳ
    .∣∣≡∣∣ʳ x  subst≡→[]≡ (E.∣∣≡∣∣ʳ x)
  module E = Elim e

-- A "computation" rule.

elim-∣∣≡∣∣ : dcong (elim e) (∣∣≡∣∣ x)  Elim.∣∣≡∣∣ʳ e x
elim-∣∣≡∣∣ = dcong-subst≡→[]≡ (refl _)

-- A non-dependent eliminator.

record Rec
         (P :   Type p) (step :  {n}  P n  P (suc n))
         (B : Type b) : Type (p  b) where
    ∣∣ʳ    : P n  B
    ∣∣≡∣∣ʳ : (x : P n)  ∣∣ʳ (step x)  ∣∣ʳ x

open Rec public

rec :
  {step :  {n}  P n  P (suc n)} 
  Rec P step B  Colimit P step  B
rec r = recᴾ λ where
    .∣∣ʳ       R.∣∣ʳ
    .∣∣≡∣∣ʳ x  _↔_.to ≡↔≡ (R.∣∣≡∣∣ʳ x)
  module R = Rec r

-- A "computation" rule.

rec-∣∣≡∣∣ :
  {step :  {n}  P n  P (suc n)} {r : Rec P step B} {x : P n} 
  cong (rec r) (∣∣≡∣∣ x)  Rec.∣∣≡∣∣ʳ r x
rec-∣∣≡∣∣ = cong-≡↔≡ (refl _)

-- The universal property

-- The universal property of the sequential colimit.

universal-property :
  {step :  {n}  P n  P (suc n)} 
  (Colimit P step  B) 
  ( λ (f :  n  P n  B)   n x  f (suc n) (step x)  f n x)
universal-property {P = P} {B = B} {step = step} =
  Eq.↔→≃ to from to∘from from∘to
  to :
    (Colimit P step  B) 
     λ (f :  n  P n  B)   n x  f (suc n) (step x)  f n x
  to h =  _  h  ∣_∣)
       ,  _ x 
            h  step x   ≡⟨ cong h (∣∣≡∣∣ x) ⟩∎
            h  x        )

  from :
    ( λ (f :  n  P n  B)   n x  f (suc n) (step x)  f n x) 
    Colimit P step  B
  from (f , g) = rec λ where
    .∣∣ʳ     f _
    .∣∣≡∣∣ʳ  g _

  to∘from :  p  to (from p)  p
  to∘from (f , g) = cong (f ,_) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ n  ⟨ext⟩ λ x 
    cong (rec _) (∣∣≡∣∣ x)  ≡⟨ rec-∣∣≡∣∣ ⟩∎
    g n x                   

  from∘to :  h  from (to h)  h
  from∘to h = ⟨ext⟩ $ elim λ where
    .∣∣ʳ    _  refl _
    .∣∣≡∣∣ʳ x 
      subst  z  from (to h) z  h z) (∣∣≡∣∣ x) (refl _)  ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

      trans (sym (cong (from (to h)) (∣∣≡∣∣ x)))
        (trans (refl _) (cong h (∣∣≡∣∣ x)))                 ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  trans (sym p) q)
                                                                 (trans-reflˡ _) 

      trans (sym (cong h (∣∣≡∣∣ x))) (cong h (∣∣≡∣∣ x))     ≡⟨ trans-symˡ _ ⟩∎

      refl _                                                

-- A dependently typed variant of the sequential colimit's universal
-- property.

universal-property-Π :
  {step :  {n}  P n  P (suc n)} 
  {Q : Colimit P step  Type q} 
  ((x : Colimit P step)  Q x) 
  ( λ (f :  n (x : P n)  Q  x ) 
      n x  subst Q (∣∣≡∣∣ x) (f (suc n) (step x))  f n x)
universal-property-Π {P = P} {step = step} {Q = Q} =
  Eq.↔→≃ to from to∘from from∘to
  to :
    ((x : Colimit P step)  Q x) 
     λ (f :  n (x : P n)  Q  x ) 
       n x  subst Q (∣∣≡∣∣ x) (f (suc n) (step x))  f n x
  to h =  _  h  ∣_∣)
       ,  _ x 
            subst Q (∣∣≡∣∣ x) (h  step x )  ≡⟨ dcong h (∣∣≡∣∣ x) ⟩∎
            h  x                            )

  from :
    ( λ (f :  n (x : P n)  Q  x ) 
        n x  subst Q (∣∣≡∣∣ x) (f (suc n) (step x))  f n x) 
    (x : Colimit P step)  Q x
  from (f , g) = elim λ where
    .∣∣ʳ     f _
    .∣∣≡∣∣ʳ  g _

  to∘from :  p  to (from p)  p
  to∘from (f , g) = cong (f ,_) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ n  ⟨ext⟩ λ x 
    dcong (elim _) (∣∣≡∣∣ x)  ≡⟨ elim-∣∣≡∣∣ ⟩∎
    g n x                     

  from∘to :  h  from (to h)  h
  from∘to h = ⟨ext⟩ $ elim λ where
    .∣∣ʳ    _  refl _
    .∣∣≡∣∣ʳ x 
      subst  z  from (to h) z  h z) (∣∣≡∣∣ x) (refl _)  ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-dcong 

      trans (sym (dcong (from (to h)) (∣∣≡∣∣ x)))
        (trans (cong (subst Q (∣∣≡∣∣ x)) (refl _))
           (dcong h (∣∣≡∣∣ x)))                             ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  trans (sym p) q)
                                                                 (trans (cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                         cong-refl _) $
                                                                  trans-reflˡ _) 

      trans (sym (dcong h (∣∣≡∣∣ x))) (dcong h (∣∣≡∣∣ x))   ≡⟨ trans-symˡ _ ⟩∎

      refl _