-- Pointed and non-pointed ω-cpos

{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

module Omega-cpo where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Interval using (ext)
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
open import H-level equality-with-J hiding (Type)
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J

open import Partiality-algebra as PA hiding (_∘_)
import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Monad.Adjunction as PA

-- Possibly non-pointed ω-cpos (with propositional ordering
-- relations).

record ω-cpo p q : Set (lsuc (p  q)) where

  infix 4 _⊑_

  -- Partial order axioms.

    Carrier            : Set p
    _⊑_                : Carrier  Carrier  Set q
    reflexivity        :  {x}  x  x
    antisymmetry       :  {x y}  x  y  y  x  x  y
    transitivity       :  {x y z}  x  y  y  z  x  z
    ⊑-proof-irrelevant :  {x y}  Proof-irrelevant (x  y)

  -- Increasing sequences.

  Increasing-sequence : Set (p  q)
  Increasing-sequence =  λ (f :   Carrier)   n  f n  f (suc n)

  -- Projection functions for Increasing-sequence.

  infix 30 _[_]

  _[_] : Increasing-sequence    Carrier
  _[_] = proj₁

  increasing : (s : Increasing-sequence) 
                n  (s [ n ])  (s [ suc n ])
  increasing = proj₂

  -- Upper bounds.

  Is-upper-bound : Increasing-sequence  Carrier  Set q
  Is-upper-bound s x =  n  (s [ n ])  x

  -- Upper bound axioms.

                     : Increasing-sequence  Carrier
    upper-bound       :  s  Is-upper-bound s ( s)
    least-upper-bound :  {s ub}  Is-upper-bound s ub   s  ub

  -- _⊑_ is propositional.

  ⊑-propositional :  {x y}  Is-proposition (x  y)
  ⊑-propositional =
    _⇔_.from propositional⇔irrelevant ⊑-proof-irrelevant

  -- The carrier type is a set. (This lemma is analogous to
  -- Theorem 11.3.9 in "Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of
  -- Mathematics" (first edition).)

  Carrier-is-set : Is-set Carrier
  Carrier-is-set = proj₁ $ Eq.propositional-identity≃≡
     x y  x  y × y  x)
     _ _  ×-closure 1 ⊑-propositional ⊑-propositional)
     _  reflexivity , reflexivity)
     x y  uncurry {B = λ _  y  x} antisymmetry)

-- Every set can be turned into an ω-cpo.

Set→ω-cpo :  {}  SET   ω-cpo  
Set→ω-cpo (A , A-set) = record
  { Carrier            = A
  ; _⊑_                = _≡_
  ; reflexivity        = refl
  ; antisymmetry       = const
  ; transitivity       = trans
  ; ⊑-proof-irrelevant = _⇔_.to set⇔UIP A-set
  ;                   = (_$ 0)  proj₁
  ; upper-bound        = uncurry upper-bound
  ; least-upper-bound  = _$ 0
  upper-bound : (f :   A)  (∀ n  f n  f (suc n)) 
                 n  f n  f 0
  upper-bound f inc zero    = refl
  upper-bound f inc (suc n) =
    f (suc n)  ≡⟨ sym (inc n) 
    f n        ≡⟨ upper-bound f inc n ⟩∎
    f 0        

-- Pointed ω-cpos.

record ω-cppo p q : Set (lsuc (p  q)) where
    cpo : ω-cpo p q

  open ω-cpo cpo public

    least  : Carrier
    least⊑ :  {x}  least  x

-- A pointed ω-CPO is equivalent to a partiality algebra over the
-- empty type.

ω-cppo≃ω-cppo :  {p q}  ω-cppo p q  PA.ω-cppo p q
ω-cppo≃ω-cppo = Eq.↔⇒≃ record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = λ X  let open ω-cppo X in record
                 { Type                    = Carrier
                 ; partiality-algebra-with = record
                   { _⊑_                = _⊑_
                   ; never              = least
                   ; now                = λ ()
                   ;                   = 
                   ; antisymmetry       = antisymmetry
                   ; Type-UIP-unused    = _⇔_.to set⇔UIP Carrier-is-set
                   ; ⊑-refl             = λ _  reflexivity
                   ; ⊑-trans            = transitivity
                   ; never⊑             = λ _  least⊑
                   ; upper-bound        = upper-bound
                   ; least-upper-bound  = λ _ _  least-upper-bound
                   ; ⊑-proof-irrelevant = ⊑-proof-irrelevant
      ; from = λ P  let open Partiality-algebra P in record
                 { cpo = record
                   { Carrier            = Type
                   ; _⊑_                = _⊑_
                   ; reflexivity        = ⊑-refl _
                   ; antisymmetry       = antisymmetry
                   ; transitivity       = ⊑-trans
                   ; ⊑-proof-irrelevant = ⊑-proof-irrelevant
                   ;                   = 
                   ; upper-bound        = upper-bound
                   ; least-upper-bound  = least-upper-bound _ _
                 ; least  = never
                 ; least⊑ = never⊑ _
    ; right-inverse-of = λ P 
        let open Partiality-algebra P in
        cong₂  now (uip : Uniqueness-of-identity-proofs Type)  record
                 { Type                    = Type
                 ; partiality-algebra-with = record
                   { _⊑_                = _⊑_
                   ; never              = never
                   ; now                = now
                   ;                   = 
                   ; antisymmetry       = antisymmetry
                   ; Type-UIP-unused    = uip
                   ; ⊑-refl             = ⊑-refl
                   ; ⊑-trans            = ⊑-trans
                   ; never⊑             = never⊑
                   ; upper-bound        = upper-bound
                   ; least-upper-bound  = least-upper-bound
                   ; ⊑-proof-irrelevant = ⊑-proof-irrelevant
              (ext λ ())
              (_⇔_.to propositional⇔irrelevant
                 (UIP-propositional ext)
                 _ _)
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _  refl